HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. Review draft Position Paper to adopt change to Board Policy No. BP 008-Travel Expense Reimbursement PolicyPage 1 of 5
Item 3.c.
Board Policy 008 addresses various elements of Board and District staff travel, with a focus on
reimbursement for travel expenditures. The issue of prohibiting multiple Board or Executive team
members from traveling on the same flight is not currently addressed, but is raised in this Position Paper
as a possible addition to the policy.
A 2009 survey of 101 global companies found that 84 percent have a policy restricting the number of
executives that may travel on the same corporate or commercial plane (Association of Corporate Travel
Executives ("ACTE") survey referenced in a February 10, 2009 Society of Human Resource
Management article). The potential need for such restrictions is illustrated by situations where one
company experiences multiple fatalities arising from a single plane crash, despite the overall favorable
safety record that air travel provides.
Key issues in the development of a such policy include (1) how much concentration is allowable; (2) which
company officials and staff are covered by the restrictions and (3) whether modes of travel beyond flights
are also covered. Discussion around each of these elements follows. How much concentration is
permissible? The ACTE survey above noted that 40 percent of companies limit the number to three or
four; 33 percent allow more than 10 employees to travel together; 13 percent limit the number to five or
six; 8 percent limit the number to one or two, and an equal percentage say seven or eight is acceptable.
The ACTE survey focused on large global companies; smaller limits would likely be appropriate for
smaller entities such as Central San. As an example of such a restriction, Brown University's policy
provides: 3.9.6 Senior Officers Traveling Together Under no circumstances will more than two Senior
Officers be permitted to travel together, regardless of the mode of transportation. Vice Presidents and
Deans with overlapping responsibilities should avoid group travel. The President, Provost, and Executive
Vice President for Finance and Administration are discouraged from traveling together at all, regardless of
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the mode of transportation. The level of agency personnel to which the restrictions would apply. According
to the ACTE survey, for the firms that have travel restrictions, 61 percent apply the policy only to executive -
level employees, 28 percent include all employees in the policy and 11 percent apply it only to corporate
officers and directors. For Central San, the concentration limits could apply to both (a) Board of Directors;
and (b) Executive team members (General Manager, Deputy General Managers, Human Resources &
Organizational Development Manager, Secretary of the District, and District Counsel). Modes of
transportation covered. Most policies focus on flights given the potential for catastrophic losses that can
occur in the event of malfunctions or accidents. I n considering whether to propose a policy to address
travel concentration risk, Staff conducted a survey of whether such restrictions are in place at peer
agencies. Agencies contracted included East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), Santa Clara Valley
Water, Contra Costa Water District, and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; none of them current
have such restrictions in place at this time, though representatives did express interest in such policies.
Such policies are not limited to for -profit entities; research to review the structuring of these policies
showed that many universities have adopted and posted these policies including Indiana University, Brown
University, and Drexel University.
If adopted, the policy would require some internal coordination to implement on an ongoing basis. Flights
are not presently booked by just one Administrative Assistant, but by the support person of each group,
and for the Board Members, by the Secretary of the District. There is typically knowledge of which Central
San representatives will be attending scheduled conferences, so the employees booking such travel can
coordinate to ensure the concentration levels specified in the policy are not breached. However this would
be done on a "best efforts" basis, as it is possible without a fully centralized travel calendar more than the
specified number of individuals could in some circumstances end up on the same flights.
As discussed above, the key issues to address in a policy to limit travel concentration of key agency staff
are the degree of concentration, which agency personnel are covered, and which modes of transportation
are covered. Alternatives in these areas include:
1. Setting a restriction at a level higher than two or three such individuals
2. Extending the restrictions to a level beyond the Board of Directors and Executive team, such as to
the Managers group, or for other concentrations of staff, such as a majority of staff (regardless of
position) within a workgroup
3. The restrictions could go beyond just travel by flight, to travel by car or bus.
I t is recommended that the travel concentration restrictions be specified at this time to prohibiting more
than two or three Board of Directors and Executive Team members from travelling together on the same
The costs associated with adopting a travel concentration restriction for Board members and Executive
team members is likely to be minor, given the availability of alternative flights, and generally differing travel
No community outreach has been conducted given the internally focused nature of this proposed addition
to the Travel Reimbursement policy.
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The Administration Committee reviewed the proposed changes to the attached Board Policy at its
February 4, 2025 meeting and recommend
Adopt addition to Board Policy No. BP 008—Travel Expenditure Reimbursement
Strategic Plan Tie -In
GOAL FIVE: Safety and Security
Strategy 1 - Reduce and eliminate risks of injury or illness
BP 008 - Travel Policy
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Number: BP 008
Related Admin. Procedure AP 008
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: December 20, 2012
Revised: July 11, 2023
Reviewed: Ju'y20, 2023February 4, 2025
Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration
All District staff travel including but not limited to attend conferences, training,
seminars, meetings, and while conducting other official District Business must be
approved in advance, with the exception of urgent or emergency travel benefiting the
District. District travel is authorized by Board majority through budget approval,
report, or position paper. Arrangements must be made in compliance with
Administrative Procedures executed and enforced by the General Manager.
2. Board Members' attendance at conferences will be approved by the Board in
advance for the calendar year on a Board agenda.
3. Board Members, District Counsel and the General Manager are authorized to travel
without prior approval for compelling reasons, provided reasonable effort has been
made to obtain prior approval. Review of such travel will be consistent with the
approval process identified in item 6 of this policy.
4. To limit risk to the District. leadership team member concentration while travellina on
the same flight shall not exceed the levels specified:
1. Not more than two Board Members on the same flight.
2. Not more than two Executive Team members (defined as management direct
reports to the General Manager, and Board -evaluated staff positions) on the
same flight.
3. Not more than any combination of three members of the above (Board
Members or Executive Team members) on any flight.
54. Travelers are responsible for the timely preparation and submission of post -travel
expense reports, summarizing all costs of the travel incurred separately by the
employee and District, to the Finance Division for audit and reimbursement
processing purposes.
65. While traveling on District business, it is the responsibility of elected officials,
appointed officials, and employees to use sound judgment to ensure reasonable
expenditure of District funds.
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Number: BP 008
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Board Members whose expenses do not fall within this policy may be submitted to
the Board of Directors for approval, in a public meeting, before the expense is
76. The General Manager, or their designee, shall approve travel reimbursement
documents for the Board, General Counsel, and the Secretary of the District; and the
Board President, President Pro-Tem, or the Secretary of the District shall approve
travel reimbursement documents for the General Manager. The General Manager
or their designee shall approve all travel approval/reimbursement documents for
his/her direct reports, and in certain instances, other staff. Staff travel costs must be
authorized in advance by the appropriate supervisorial body as specified in this
policy's underlying Administrative Procedures prior to reimbursement.
87. Per Diem is an allowance paid to a traveler for meals and incidental expenses
incurred when traveling. This allowance is in lieu of paying their actual travel
expenses and is based on the IRS approved rate for the area where they travel.
Staff will follow per diem procedures while Board Members will be reimbursed up to
the Per Diem rate, with receipts, for the city where their travel occurs.
98. Board expenses not related to this policy; refer to resolution adopted by the Board
on setting forth procedures for appointment to and establishment of Board
committees and meeting compensation and expense reimbursement for Board
Members. In addition, AB 1234 requires Board members to provide a report, written
or verbal, to the Board in open session on the event, conference, seminar or training
attended, to be agendized within 30 days of the event, and this will also be adhered
[Original Retained by the Secretary of the District]
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