HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.a. Review draft Position Paper setting a public hearing for March 27, 2025 to adopt changes to the following sections of the District Code: Title 11 Recycled Water Title 2 Admin - Chapter 2.36, 2.36.10 C - Remove "division" add services unitsPage 1 of 30 Item 3.a. DCENTRALSAN MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY4, 2025 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER DRAFT SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO CONSIDER SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 27, 2025 TO ADOPT CHANGES TO THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE DISTRICT CODE: TITLE 11 RECYCLED WATER TITLE 2 ADMIN - CHAPTER 2.36, 2.36.10 C - REMOVE "DIVISION" ADD SERVICES UNITS SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: GEOFF MICHALCZYK, MANAGEMENT ANALYST KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PDS-RATES AND FEES REVIEWED BY: THOMAS BRIGHTBILL, SENIOR ENGINEER GREG NORBY, DEPUTY GM - ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS PHIL LEIBER, DEPUTYGM -ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER ISSUE State Law and District Code require that a public hearing be held to receive public comment on ordinances which revise District Code. BACKGROUND Title 11 -Recycled Water Central San staff conducted a review of District Code Title 11 - Recycled Water and made substantial changes. Title 11 had not been reviewed since 2008 and updates were required to comply with State regulations and evolving industry standards. Additionally, updates were made to reflect staff's expertise and experience in administering the Recycled Water program. Attachments 1-3 contain a copy of the original language of Title 11, a copy of Title 11 with the proposed changes, and a redline version showing the changes. The following are the most significant changes: 1. Policy Statement Revision: The updated policy statement reflects a shift from a primarily economic and operational perspective to a broader sustainability and regulatory compliance perspective. It positions recycled February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 3 of 47 Page 2 of 30 water as critical for addressing California's water scarcity issues as well as limiting wastewater discharges to the bay. 2. Changes to Definitions: The updated definitions create consistency with current legal standards and ensure better alignment with State-wide policies. Definitions now include references to regulatory documents such as the California Water Code and the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria. Additionally, certain definitions such as "Point of Connection" have been expanded to reflect staffs experience in administering the program. 3. Expanded Customer Responsibilities: The updated language imposes stricter oversight and reporting requirements on customers, ensuring better system management and minimizing risks to public health, safety, and the environment. Currently, customers are required to designate a site supervisor for overseeing compliance and maintaining the system, perform a monthly inspection, and report any deficiencies arising from inspections. The proposed language requires the site supervisor role to include mandatory training, certifications, and reporting responsibilities for system changes, leaks, and cross -connection tests. Additionally, specific obligations for training onsite personnel and identifying equipment have been expanded. 4. Fee and Penalty Revisions: The updated fee and penalty provisions provide stronger enforcement mechanisms and incentivize compliance. They also demonstrate a shift toward ensuring equitable financial accountability among customers. The penalty for non-compliance or unauthorized use of water increased from $200 to $500. Additionally, a clear structure for billing adjustments has been introduced. Title 2 Admin An update to District Code section 2.36.10 is being proposed to reflect the organizational change implemented in 2022 regarding the purchasing function. At that time the District's Purchasing function was incorporated into the Finance Division, while the Materials Services (Warehouse) workgroup which was previously part of Purchasing, began reporting directly to the Deputy General Manager -Administration. The change to the District code reflects those organizational changes as seen in Attachment 3. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board of Directors (Board) could choose to give staff different direction on the proposed revisions to District Code. FINANCIAL IMPACTS No financial impacts are anticipated by this action. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed this matter at its February 4, 2025 meeting and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Consider setting a public hearing for March 27, 2025 to adopt changes to the following sections of the District Code: • Title 11 Recycled Water • Title 2 Admin - Chapter 2.36, 2.36.10 C - remove "division" add services unit February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 4 of 47 Page 3 of 30 Strategic Plan re -In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1— Deliver high -quality customer service GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 - Achieve compliance in all regulations, Strategy 3 - Be a partner in regional development of local water supply GOAL SIX: Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally ATTACHMENTS: 1. Title 11 Recycled Water Strikeout Version 2. Title 11 Recycled Water Clean Version 3. Proposed 2.36.10 Changes February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 5 of 47 Page 4 of 30 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, California, Code of Laws Title 11 RECYCLED WATER Attachment 1 Title 11 RECYCLED WATER Chapter 11.10 DEFINITIONS AND INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS* 11.10.010 Policy statement. A. It is the policy of this District to promote the use of recycled water to supplement ent existing „-facecomply with requirements and restrictions set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to limit wastewater discharges to the San Francisco Bay, and to augment the region's water supplies for the benefit of the peep:esupply with the District's water resources. The State of California n consistently experiences water shortages and recycled water is one of the major alternatives for an uninterruptible source of water S thp m and reel-.rnatien ^f;, astewater supply. Accordingly, it is appropriate for recycled water customers to pay their proportionate share of the District's costs to produce and supply recycled water. At the same ti.,.,, there is a need to price recycled water in a manner so as to provide a cost competitive alternative to local potable water sources. Therefore, the District shall take a nto account such faCtOFS when determining whether to PFOVide recycled water to a prospective customer and the terms by which such service shall be provided. B. The rates for recycled water service provided pursuant to a District permit shall be governed by the rate structure and procedures set forth in the recycled water provisions of Title 6. HeweveF the east of Feeyeled .,-,.,h sir, -aten.. -, ...J .v., +.,-.I agreement ..f +h., parties. C. Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 6512, the District may acquire, plan, construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, lay renew, replace, maintain and operate water recycling and distribution systems both inside and outside District boundaries, as the Board deems necessary. Any service outside of District boundaries may be subject to Local Agency Formation Commission, contractual and other applicable legal requirements. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.10.020 Planning, design and construction. ed water distribution facilities that are intended for dedication to the District as Dublic mains shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed, and repaired in accordance with this code, and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (referred to in this code as "standard specifications") and Recycled Water Requirements. The standard specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. The use of any recycled water facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the standard specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District recycled water facilities constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and Drivate Drooerty. and the environment. and shall be considered a oublic nuisance. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, California, Code of Laws Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Page 1 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 6 of 47 Page 5 of 30 (Proposed Changes January 2025) 11.10.025 Recvcled water distribution facilities to be built for ultimate service. All recycled water distribution facilities to be connected to the District system shall be designed and constructed in a manner consistent with service to the ultimate tributary service area. The District shall review plans submitted for the construction of new or modified recycled water facilities to evaluate the service requirements for the ultimate tributary service area. 11.10.030 Acceptance of recycled water facilities. Acceptance of recycled water distribution facilities shall be considered after the following are met: 1. Pass inspection by the District; and 2. Performance bond naming the District as owner with a one-year warranty: and 3. Appropriate land rigghts per Chapter 7.02 were recorded. The Board delegates to the General Manager the responsibility and authority to accept, or reject, any recycled water Delivery Facilities offered for contribution to the District. The facilities shall be deemed to be accepted by the District as of the date and to the extent stated in a "notice of acceptance of recycled water facilities," or a substantially similar, document issued to an installer. 11.10.040 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in this title, shall have the meanings designated in this section: A. "Cross-eonneWenConnection" means any physical connection between any part of athe recycled water system used OF iRtended to supplywith a non -recycled water SOUFee eF system eontaiRiRg t r th r _„hsA that is; t ed as etabl fee h GBRSUMPtien._ B. "Customer" means the property owner, tenant or tri irk hauler, or agents thereof, having authority to enter into a recycled water contract or use permit. A customer must have the authority to direct those using recycled water on the subject property. In cases where the District wholesales water to retail water purveyors, the customer is the retail water purveyor. C. "Customer seFVice meteFService Meter" means the meter owned by the District used to measure cycledwaterRecycled Water delivered to the custom Customer's facilities. D. "Delivery faeolitiesFacilities" means facilities used to deliver re^�•�=waterRecycled Water to individual properties, including pipelines, meters, valves, meter boxes or vaults and other appurtenances, from the District's recycled wateF main Distribution Facilities to the peintPoint of eenneetionConnection. E. "Distribution Facilities" means all District recycled water pipelines and fixed equipment, including but not limited to pipelines, pumping stations, Fnanholesmaintenance access holes, connections, reservoirs, hydrants, sampling points, meters, related appurtenances, and all modifications, repairs and replacements thereto, beginning at the wastewater treatment plant and ending at each customer point of connection or at each termination of District -owned recycled water pipeline. F. "District" means the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. G. "Incidental onef Runoff' means the release of small amounts of runoff from such sources as recycled water use areas, overspray of recycled water from sprinklers, or runoff of rainwater from areas (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 2 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 7 of 47 Page 6 of 30 irrigated with recycled water or from decorative or storage ponds filled with recycled water, particularly during storm events. H. service er."Point of Connection" means (a) for each Customer that receives Recycled Water from a Customer Service Meter, the downstream side of the Customer Service Meter from which the Customer receives Recycled Water; or (b) for each Customer that receives Recycled Water as a hauler or retail water purveyor, the location at which the Recycled Water leaves the District Distribution Facilities for use by the Customer. I. "Recycled erWater" means water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or controlled use that would not otherwise occur as defined in California Water Code Sections 13050(n) and 13500, et seq. J. "Recycled • •ate nt"^^+"actWater Contract" means written agreement, other than recycled water peFmit, entered into by the District and a customer which sets forth the conditions for provision of recycled water to a customer and may be used in place of ^ . el ed • •^t^" peFmit where speeial �,;t^^^ may ^*F^^* ^' PFevisiens in addition to or different from those typically provided for in a reeyeled water use peFFn*t.Recycled Water Use Permit. K. "Recycled water use perm#Water Use Permit" means the permittypically used by the District to authorize use of recycled water by a customer, which document shall set forth the basic terms for delivery and use of recycled water by customer. A Recycled Water Contract shall be deemed to be a Recycled Water Use Permit (as used in this Title) only if the Recycled Water Contract specifically documents that it serves as the Recycled Water Use Permit. L. "Recycled wateF FequiFementsWater Requirements" means those requirements for delivery and use of recycled water, as set forth in (1) the permit or contract; (2) the geneFa' wat^F ^.,,;.^^^^^tr ^F the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Contra) Board Order No oc r,,, State general Order including any amending or superseding requirements; (3) Department of Health Services reuse requirements contained ;n 22 California Code of Regulations the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria Sections 60301-60355, and amending or superseding provisions; and (4) such other laws, regulations, agreement, orders, guidelines and standards relative to the use of recycled water within the State of California during the entire time that recycled water is delivered to customer. M. "Recycled Water Site Supervisor" means a qualified person, designated by a recycled water customer and approvt certified by the District, who is knowledgeable in the construction and operation of applicable on -site recycled water facilities and/or irrigation systems, and in the application of the guidelines, criteria, standards, rules and regulations for recycled wate" N. "Treatm faci4+tiesRecycled Water. N. "Regulating Agencies" means any agency or entities with jurisdiction over Recycled Water or public health such as the District, the Contra Costa Water District or other potable water service provider, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Division of Drinking Water, the Department of Public Health, the Contra Costa Public Health, or other public entities legally constituted by Federal, State, and local statutes to protect public health and water quality. 0. "State General Order" means Order WQ 2016-0068-DDW of the State Water Resources Control Board titled, Water Reclamation Requirements for Recycled Water Use. P. 'Title 22 Engineering Report" is prepared to describe the manner by which a project will comply with the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 3 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 8 of 47 Page 7 of 30 Q. "Treatment Facilities" means those facilities located at the District's wastewater treatment plant which produce disinfected tertiary recycled water, including filter plant forebays, filter plant, chemical and coagulant systems, eleaF we-4recycled water storage, and distribution pumps. R. "Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria" means Title 22, California Code of Regulation (22 CCR) Sections 60301-60355. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.10.OW050 Ownership. The District is the sole owner of the d-i-st-;h-U+i^^ f,^i'i+i^sDistribution Facilities up to and including the .-+^,..,^.- seFyeee FneteFs. Customer ^+eff< Shall be ev.gn.ed by the DistFiet.Service Meters. All facilities ee the euste—rner side of the ^^;^+downstream of cennectionthe Customer Service Meter shall be owned, operated and maintained by the recycled water custemeFCUstomer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) (Ord. No. 322, § 22, 6-2-22) Chapter 11.20 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF RECYCLED WATER 11.20.010 Recycled ova eKWater guidelines. The General Manager may adopt written guidelines or standards setting forth specific criteria for use of ^•�=per Recycled Water by custemeFs.Customers. Any such guidelines or standards shall be effective upon the date published and available for public review. These guidelines and standards along with other F^^�•� water requirernentsRecycled Water Requirements must be satisfied before recycled erRecycled Water may be supplied to a custernerCustomer. A Customer shall demonstrate to the District that such requirements can be met prior to delivery of ^^� I ' Recycled Water to the c Sterne"Customer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) 11.20.020 Responsibilities of ^���SCustomers. It shall be the responsibility of the cwstemerCustomer to comply with all of the provisions of recycled _- -.. —mentrthe Recycled Water Requirements during the entire time that reeyeled wateFRecycled Water is delivered to the custemerCustomer. Any omissions or acts by the District or its agents shall not relieve the Customer of responsibility to comply with the recycled water Recycled Water Requirements. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 4 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 9 of 47 Page 8 of 30 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, eustemeFSCustomers shall comply with the following requirements: A. Customers must have at all times for in tier by the RWQCn the District er its agents, tale ^ county-hp-alitt.h. officials a copy of the current recycled water use permitRecycled Water Use Permit issued by the District.. available for inspection by the Regulating Agencies. B. Customers must comply with all requirements contained in reeyeled wale" s^ ^^Fme*sRecycled Water Use Permits issued to eustemeFSCustomers by the District. C. Customers must design and construct euste ,eeCustomer-owned Feeyeled Recycled Water facilities in accordance with District approved standards, must maintain such facilities in good working order and must operate such facilities in a manner as to achieve compliance with all _-,-.. ementsRecycled Water Requirements applicable to use of recycled erRecycled Water. D. Each recycled water custorner sha!!Recycled Water Customer must designate an on -site recycled er s+teRecycled Water Site Supervisor who shall then be responsible on behalf of the eustemeFCustomer for Feeyeled waterRecycled Water use, implementing and complying with requirements of Feeyeled wate-r-Recycled Water use permits and other permits, monitoring the Feeyeled wateFRecycled Water use area, operating and maintaining the eustemerCustomer-owned reeyeledRecycled Water facilities, preventing cress connect" Cross -Connections, submitting quarterly self -inspection reports, reporting system leaks, notifying the District of system changes, and performing all other functions relative to custornerCustomer use of Fecycled water. -Recycled Water. The Recycled Water Site Supervisor shall participate in all required testing of cress connec*i^^ Cross -Connections and backflow prevention devices. The Recycled Water Site Supervisor s4a4must be trained in the use of Feeyeled w-aterRecycled Water and be responsible for informing persons to whom eustemeFSCustomer have delegated the responsibility for applying F^^•�=w-aterRecycled Water of the requirements of the legal uses of cycle' wale -.Recycled Water. The customeF sha44Customer must immediately notify the District when there is a change in the custom Customer's Recycled Water Site Supervisor. The ,per s4 ACustomer must not transfer responsibility of the Recycled Water Site Supervisor until the new designee has received appropriate site supervisor training ewand certification by the prepeF use $f recycled aterDistrict. E. Customers Shak. Customer's Recycled Water Site Supervisor must provide eeRecycled Water training to onsite personnel in order to ass6iFeensure proper operation of wed eKRecycled Water facilities, worker protection, and compliance with applicable -eg irement`'Recycled Water Requirements for the use of Recycled Water. Customers ;hall ass-remust ensure that all above -ground equipment, including pumps, piping, storage reservoirs, valves, etc., which may at any time contain recycled wateF Recycled Water must be adequately and clearly identified with appropriate notification signs, tags and/or stickers and s4a- 4must make necessary provisions to inform the public that recycled erRecycled Water is being used for non -potable purposes. G. During periods of recycled water use, the Customer or Site Supervisor shall inspect the recycled wal-erRecycled Water site at'^ st once a menthroutinely and promptly record and correct any of the following types of deficiencies, if noted during any inspection: 1. Evidence of r-,RA Incidental Runoff of reeyeled wateFRecycled Water from the site that does not meet W.AJO IR ,—arlguidelines^^^' ^^ '^+ ^^ Recycled Water Requirements per 11.10.040; 2. Odor of wastewater origin from the recycled water site; 3. Evidence of ponding of recycled waterRecycled Water, and/or evidence of mosquitoes breeding within the usage area due to ponded water; (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 5 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 10 of 47 Page 9 of 30 4. Signage that is absent or inadequate to inform the public of the use of FeeYeled waterRecycled Water, which is not to be consumed by humans; 5. Evidence of leaks or breaks in the recycled water system pipelines or tubing; 6. Evidence of plugged, broken, or otherwise faulty drip irrigation system emitters, spray irrigation sprinklers or other parts of the recycled erCustomer's Recycled Water distribution system; and 7. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of ^'dikes, etc., of F^eyeled w=aterRecycled Water storage ponds or impoundments. Based on these inspections, customers may be required to submit regular written reports to the District. The content and frequency of such reports s#ai-Imust be determined and modified by District staff, at its discretion. H. Unauthorized discharges including leaks and spills must be reported to the District per section 11.40.050. Customers must comply with all regulatory requirements regarding the monitoring of their use site. The Customers' Recycled Water Site Supervisor or designees must also participate in quarterly self -inspections and the annual site inspections of Recycled Water use site(s) with the District. In the event any rule, provision or criteria set forth in this section conflicts with or is inconsistent with any Recycled Water Requirements, the more stringent rule, provision or criteria shall apply. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) 11.20.030 Failure to comply. Failure to comply with the District Code and at;eror any Recycled Water Requirements (including any laws, regulations, agreements, permits, orders, guidelines and/or standards relative to the use of reeyeled w,aterRecycled Water) may result in termination of recycled Recycled Water service and/or imposition of rerned;escharges, fines, or penalties as provided elsewhere in this code and/or as may be prescribed by FegulatGFY andd heal " atMie itie .the Regulating Agencies. In addition, the District may charge a fee of twefive hundred dollars to a customer that does not submit a timely report to the District as required by Section 11.20.020, or Section 11.40.050, or which uses FeeyeIed w=aterRecycled Water in any manner that is contrary to the District Code or any other laws, regulations, agreements, permits, orders, guidelines and/or standards relative to the use of ^yell ' watef.Recycled Water. The foregoing service termination and fee remedies shall not prevent the District from seeking such damages and/or other remedies as may be available to the District under applicable laws. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 6 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 11 of 47 Page 10 of 30 (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) Chapter 11.30 REQUIREMENT TO USE RECYCLED WATER 11.30.010 Advisement concerning state requirement of recycled water use. A. Attention is drawn to the provisions of California Water Code Section 13551, which requires that "[a] person or public agency, including a state agency, city, county, city and county, district, or any other political subdivision of the state, shall not use water from any source of quality suitable for potable domestic use for non -potable uses, including cemeteries, golf courses, parks, highway landscaped areas, and industrial and irrigation uses if suitable recycled water is available as provided in Section 13550..." B. Advisement is made that use of water suitable for potable domestic use for non -potable uses when suitable recycled water is available to an area for which the District has recycled water purveyorship authority may be violative of the provisions of California Water Code Section 13551, or other state laws or regulations. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) Chapter 11.40 PROVISIONS CONCERNING RECYCLED WATER SERVICE* 11.40.010 Pressure and flow. The District shall endeavor to provide continuous and adequate flows for all District recycled water custoFneFsRecycled Water Customers, and shall endeavor to deliver recycled water at a pressure of between sixtythirty psi and one hundred twenty psi, measured at the Fecycled water custemeF'S p0in+Customer's Point of eenneetienConnection. In accepting r eled water, reEyeled wateF Ew stamersRecycled Water, Customers are deemed to have accepted all conditions of pressure and flow. If the available service pressure is higher than the eustemeFCustomer can accept, the eustemerCustomer shall be responsible for providing a pressure -reducing valve downstream of the peiRtPoint of een„eetienConnection. If available pressure is lower than what the c���erCustomer needs, the e���erCustomer shall be responsible for providing a booster pump downstream of the peiRtPoint of connectionConnection. Any pumping of F^eyeled aterRecycled Water requires the prior written approval of the District. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.015 Allocation of recycled •••a}^"Recycled Water in the event of a shortage. A. If the General Manager determines that the quantity of reeyeled wateFRecVcled Water available at any time is, or is expected to be, less than the total demand, and such shortage is expected to be of a duration of less than thirty calendar days, the General Manager may prescribe and enforce rules governing allocation and use of Fecycled wateF.Recycled Water. The General Manager shall notify the Board of any shortages as soon as practical..-, and the notice shall be posted in a manner that is designed to promptly inform customers and the public. The Board may formalize restrictions and prohibitions on the use of Feeyeled wateFRecycled Water in times of shortage. B. The General Manager shall be guided by the following guidelines applicable to allocation of supply during shortages: 1. No service shall be extended to new customers until the shortage no longer exists; Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Page 7 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 12 of 47 Page 11 of 30 Service to eustemeFSCUStOmers within the District boundaries shall take precedence over service outside the District boundaries, - Service to industrial and non -irrigation custemersCustomers shall take precedence over service to irrigation customers. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.020 Recycled wateFWater quality. A. Recycled waterWateE supplied for any use s4a4must at all times satisfy the applicable water quality nts as defined by the Ga149FRia Dep -+.,,,,A+ F u @1*h Se.rviees-nd the Regional W-teF Quality Gentr 1 Board.Recycled Water Requirements. B. In accepting recycled wateF custo ref Recycled Water, Customers are deemed to have accepted the water quality conditions described herein. The District shall bear no responsibility for failure to supply water of a higher quality than described herein. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.025 Protection of Recycled Water system. A. No recycled water customeFRecycled Water Customer shall create conditions that result in damage to or reduced life of the District's Distribution Facilities, or impairment of water quality in the distriet''sDistrict's system. The District may require the customerCustomer to install reliable protective devices including, but not limited to, surge tanks, bypass or feeder tanks, pressure relief valves, and backflow preventers, at the expense of the i�,eFCustomer. B. Operation and inspection of all of the District's treatment and distrib Lien f^^ litiesDistribution Facilities, up to and including the customer's service rneteFCustomer's Service Meter, shall be under the management and control of the District. No persons except authorized employees, agents, or contractors of the District shall have the right to enter upon, inspect, operate, adjust, change, alter, move, or relocate any portion of the foregoing or any of the District's property. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.030 Liability. The District and its officers, agents, or employees shall not be liable for damages resulting from the control, transportation, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of recycled=wateFRecycled Water supplied by the District to acustornerCustomer, after such water has been delivered to the peiRtPoint of eonneetionConnection of such custerne or in the case of delivery toeustemeFsCustomers who are water purveyors or tFuek haulers, after such water has left the District's .Distribution Facilities. Customers shall reimburse the District for costs of repair to the District's diStFibWtieR facilitiesDistribution Facilities and other damages resulting from the operations of the eustemeFCustomer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 8 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 13 of 47 Page 12 of 30 11.40.035 Application for water service. Each potential custornerCustomer desiring recycled • aterRecycled Water service `hall make anapplication therefermust submit an application in a form and manner prescribed by the District. If the District determines • jswmerthe Customer has or can meet all regulatory requirements, recycled water p rmitRecycled Water Requirements, Recycled Water Use Permit or contract conditions, and r^^••^'ed waterRecycled Water can be delivered to site in a technical and financially feasible manner, a permit or contract for Feeyeled waterRecycled Water use may be issued to a eustemeF.Customer. If a Customer intends to use the recycled water service for uses other than landscape irrigation, the Customer will be responsible for all costs related to producing a Title 22 Engineering Report that is required to meet the Recycled wateF F^quiFen ^^*Water Requirements for State approval of the reeYeled • •^+^r ^^ ^ tefaefRec led Water use. use.A may only use Feeyeled w=aterRecycled Water service pursuant to a validly issued District recycled water peFrnit or centra^*Recycled Water Use Permit. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.040 Recycled water use permit. The Board determines and finds that the issuance of a Feeyeled wateF use peFrnitRecycled Water Use Permit and related activities pursuant to the provisions of this title are ministerial acts. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.045 Unauthorized use of water. A. No person shall use F^^�,e waterRecycled Water from any service, fill station, hydrant, blowoff valve, air relief valve, or any other District distrib Lien faefl *••Distribution Facility without first applying for service and receiving a FeEyeled water use peRni+Recycled Water Use Permit from the District. Unauthorized use of waterRecycled Water shall be subject to whatever penalties or charges may be imposed by the District pursuant to applicable ordinances, resolutions, or other laws, and to whatever additional recourse may be sought by health and/or regulatory authorities. Additionally, the District may seek recovery of damages, including loss of revenue, as prescribed by law. B. No person, other than the authorized agents, employees or contractors of the District shall turn on water or operate the shut-off valves at the ste-Me" ;^r• iee FneteFSCustomer Service Meters or any other distrib, tiem F^�+eTDistribution Facilities. A fee of ttwefive hundred dollars or actual cost of damage, whichever is greater, may be charged to any ^��erCustomer who causes or allows the eustemer servo FneterCustomer Service Meter shut-off valve or ri-h-Ame-A far -A 43 Distribution Facilities to be operated by unauthorized persons. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.050 Reporting requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the eustemerCustomer to notify the District ^< <^^^ ^S ^^«ill'^ b t ^^'^*^� than twenty fE)UF he Fs,immediately following corrective action to stop the spill/leak, on the same day of any unauthorized use or discharge of Feeyeled wateF.Recycled Water including leaks and spills. Additionally, the custernerCustomer shall report to the District and other appropriate entities, as required by law, violations of Feeyeled water ..^,.,,;,-^,.. ent- Recycled Water Requirements that impact or threaten to impact public health or (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 9 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 14 of 47 Page 13 of 30 water quality within twenty-four hours, followed by a written report describing corrective action taken within ten days. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.055 Obligation to pay for water delivered. It shall be the obligation of the eurtemereach Customer to pay for all FeeyeIed w=aterRecycled Water delivered to the Customer's Point of eenneetien, eF *^ the ^ ,r.+ ;n the ease of deli eFy +^ eustemeFs "^ are v0ater purveyeFS 9.461^1. haHl^.-S.Connection. The District shall bill the ewstemerCustomer for all water so delivered, and the custernerCustomer shall pay the District for all such water so delivered at the rate or rates and within the period established from time to tame by the District. for review If a customer disputes a District bill for Recycled Water service due to an excessive metered quantity, the District shall credit the customer by one-half of the charge for the quantity of water that exceeds the customer's typical use, subiected to the following conditions: A. The District after investigation shall find all of the following: 1. The Customer Service Meter was operating accurately. 2. There was no evidence that the excessive use was due to the intentional or negligent act of the Customer. 3. After receipt of a District bill showing excessive use of water, the Customer took prompt and reasonable action to ascertain the cause of the excessive use and to correct it. 4. The Customer promptly repaired all known or apparent water leaks downstream of the point of connection. 5. The Customer did not have excess use charges in the twenty -four -month period prior to the disputed bill. B. The amount of normal use shall be determined by the District. The average measured quantity delivered during the same billing period or periods in the preceding two years will be used when available and representative of normal use. C. If the District finds that a Customer meets all requirements of Section 11.40.055(A) with the sole exception of subsection 11.40.055(A)(5), and the Customer has incurred excess use charges in the prior twenty -four -month period, the District shall credit the Customer's account by one-half of the quantity charge applicable to the amount of water that exceeded the Customer's normal use, but only by one-half of the excess use charge for the disputed billing period. D. No adiustment shall be made for any charge or surcharge not based on the quantity of Recycled Water delivered. E. No adiustment shall be made for any period longer than six months or for water delivered after sixty days after the District notifies the Customer of the excessive use. F. No more than one adjustment shall be made in bills for water delivered in any twenty -four -month period beginning on the first day of the billing period for which an adjustment is made. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.060 Customer deli eFy farsi imespglivery Facilities and meters. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 10 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 15 of 47 Page 14 of 30 B. The District may install a main extension if a District recycled water distributien Fna"R is not reaSORably available to oF adjacent to the applicant's property, on the request of the applicant. The District will evaluate w M. dptPrMonp ;Alp d*rC-.rPtWAn whethe,r te in -stall �;; main eXtemn-sien _;# DistFiet expense The decisien the District s to 4.y etL...r a main r... emn-si.... iinstalled shall be fir. -.I G. Thp Pktriet rhall ^ -, uat^ the ; aet of eu-st ^r r estedeh ng of A.The Customer will pay all costs related to the new Delivery Facilities to connect to the District's Distribution Facilities including but not limited to: extension of recycled water mainline, lateral installation, meter box or vault, and meter. All new components will be designed and installed per District Standard Specifications. All components installed for the new connection up to and including the meter and meter box or vault will become District property at the time the connection is permitted to receive Recycled Water service. B. The District shall review and approve the Customer requested location and/or size of the requested deliveFy fac.e14*esDelivery Facilities. The District may determine in its sole discretion to change the location and/or size of the delivery facilities - indel shall c-..-.Fge the a st... e.r the -,eta al east thPr.,..f D.Delivery Facilities. The District may remove or abandon any deliver„ faciliti^Delivery Facilities through which no water has legally passed during the preceding twenty-four month period. The customerCustomer may request that delivery facihtiespelivery Facilities be left in place, and the District may impose a charge to cover the cost of continued meter reading and maintenance. If the deli,,..r„ faemliti^Delivery Facilities are removed and application is subsequently made for deli,..,., fae;l;t;^,Delivery Facilities of the same or different size, the procedures and charges theeefeetherefore shall be as established by the District. fae"ities shall -he the PU191*6 Fight ef way, eF in an easement __ _­ . C. By applying for or receiving recycled water service from the District that is measured by a meter on privately owned property, the customer thereby licenses the District and its employees and agents to enter the property to read, inspect, test, repair and replace the meter. The customer shall provide convenient access to the meter and shall not cause or permit any obstruction thereto. If a meter is obstructed, the District shall give notice thereof to the Site Supervisor and by mail to the customer's address for billing. Within ten days thereof, the customer shall cause the obstruction to be removed or shall enter into an agreement with the District whereby the District shall remove the obstruction or relocate the meter at the expense of the customer. Failure to comply with this section shall be grounds for disconnection of the recycled water service. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.070Obstruction of Fe,yeled wateftgycled Water facilities prohibited. No person or Customer shall place upon or about any valve box, manhole, blowoff, air relief valve, hydrant, meter, meter box or vault, or any distribution er deliver., fae"iti^Distribution or Delivery Facilities or appurtenances, any object, materials, debris, or structure of any kind so as to prevent free access to same at all times. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 11 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 16 of 47 Page 15 of 30 11.40.075 Meter reading. Customer servm " ""+""sService Meters shall be read by the District on a regular basis, usually monthly. Special meter readings may be taken because of change of custernerCustomer, changes of meter or meter size, or at other times as determined necessary by the District. The ^ +.; + shall qua" ntity of recycled water ^�' * h,t"�•"r rn r * ^ redprr most ^ iat" iflf a meter cannot be read or in the event that a meter has not registered or has registered incorrectly-, the District may estimate the amount of water used. Estimates will be based upon the customer's consumption durine the same season of the prior two vears. if conditions were unchanged. Customers obtaining Recycled Water from a hydrant shall submit a picture of their meter face within seven days following the end of each month. Failure to submit monthly readings may result in fees following Section 11.20.030. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.080 TestingErroneous meters. Q Thee.,Wsteme.r se.rviee "ter , be examined and test"^'The Customer Service Meter may be examined by the District for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is registering correctly, if the District believes the customer servmce rneterCustomer Service Meter is under -registering the amount of recycled waterRecycled Water being delivered. If on such examination , the customer service meter `ha" ""Customer Service Meter is found to under -or ever register recycled water by three percent "....."."Recycled Water an adjustment of the �•ed waterRec led Water bill sl+a4Day be made to the GustemerCustomer by the District. Estimated amount of water used will be based upon the customer's consumption durine the same season of the prior two vears. if conditions were unchanged. No adjustment shall be made for any period more than six months preceding the date of the meter testexamination. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.085 Billing and collection for water deliveries. A. The District shall bill custemerseach Customer for �"e•, Recycled Water deliveries to the ,per pe4A-5Customer's Point of eenneetien, r t" the st ". in the ease of d- eliv es t" steMers yih" af�ailinsConnection. Billings shall become delinquent if not paid within the thikieth day ^ft marling clue date identified on the bill. The District shall not be required to provide a separate notice of delinquency. B. If anycustemerCustomer directly served by the District shall be delinquent in the payment for Feeye4ed waterRecycled Water delivered by the District, the District may assess a penalty charge of one and one half percent f...- each +hiFty days of delinquency or -,.-++hereof per section 1.08.080 of District Code. C. If any custoFnerCustomer served directly by the District is delinquent for more than th�y-daYssix months, such delinquency may be reported by the General Manager to the DiStriet Board of DiTeEters. The General (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 12 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 17 of 47 Page 16 of 30 Manager, or his/her designee at his/her discretion and upon such conditions as it may be prescribed, after giving the custemerCustomer reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard, may order the termination of recycled erRecycled Water service per section 1.08.040 of District Code. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.090 Suspension or termination of deliveries. A. `"erNotwithstanding District Code Section 1.08.040, whenever the General Manager determines maintenance of the District's treatment and/or d-istributi^^ f ^' * ^Distribution Facilities requires temporary suspension of delivery of recycled erRecycled Water at any peintpoint or po4AsPoints of ��� ^^Connection or at any other location, such delivery in nonemergency situations may be suspended without liability on the part of the District upon provision of three 4a,�sdays, notice or as practicable. The District will attempt to schedule interruptions of service at such days and times as will provide the least inconvenience to the ��erCustomer. B. T4e-Notwithstanding District Code Section 1.08.040, whenever the General Manager determines a recycled water service creates an imminent danger or threat to the health or welfare of persons, the environment, or the District or its employees or Contractors, the General Manager may order the suspension or termination of recycled water Recycled Water deliveries to any custernerCustomer when any of the following conditions occur: 1. In the judgment of the General Manager, the ��erCustomer has failed to satisfy all requirements of the District Code or has in any way endangered the public health and safety or the safety and integrity of the distrib itien f^^ litiesDistribution Facilities, or has violated a Regienai Recycled Water Quality Cent. -el Reard r,. derReguirement, a Feeyeled , ,ateF , peFmit, , Calif. Mia D +. ent of Wpalth S^r.,;,. r^„-;^ rr*tPr* Water Use Permit, or any law, regulation, agreement, order, permit, guideline or standard relative to Feeyeled waterRecycled Water; or 2. When so ordered by health or regulatory authorities having jurisdiction; or 3. When the District is unable to deliver properly and adequately treated recycled waterRecycled Water; or 4. When the requirements of the C-alife—mia Department of Health se .;t^ and any -amending or ^thin ffeVisiens related to the quality of reeyeled wateF Recycled Water are not being met; or 5. If the Regional ecycled Water Regulating Agencies, or other authority changes the requirements for treating or delivering recycled waterRecycled Water to a level the District determines it cannot reasonably meet or cannot reasonably meet without costly additional treatment making continued delivery impractical. .Gal C. The District may charge a fee per section 11.20.030. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part) 2008) 11.40.095 Access to customer site. All Feeyeled wateF eustemeFsRecycled Water Customers shall permit or cause to be permitted the District or its agents, , the C--.A-.Rtr-;; Gesta WateF DistFiGt and ether entities with jurisdietien ever reeyeled wateF er public agents related to the Regulating Agencies, access to the site where F^^•, ed w=aterRecycled Water provided by the District (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 13 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 18 of 47 Page 17 of 30 is used or where records relative to " ^cycled aterRecycled Water use are kept for the purposes of: (A) inspection, testing and repair of facilities, equipment, practices or operations regulated pursuant to the RWQCB's genera' ter reuse reel ,irementsRecycled Water Requirements, and any amending or superseding provisions the District Code and other laws; and (B) sampling or monitoring to assareensure compliance with the general water reuse requarernentsRecycled Water Requirements, and any amending or superseding provisions, the District Code and other laws. In addition, eustemeFSCustomers shall supply access to or copies of records •related to Feeyeled wate -Recycled Water use to representatives of the above --named entities on request. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) Chapter 11.50 RECYCLED WATER PRICING 11.50.010 Recycled water rates. Retail and wholesale rates for F^eyeled aterRecycled Water service within the District provided pursuant to a Feeyeled wateF peHni*Recycled Water Use Permit shall be established, and may be amended or revised, from time to time, by ordinance and set forth in Title 6. Rates for Ferzycled wat S Ge Customers with a Recycled Water Contract shall be provided pursuant to a -the terms fixed within the contract Shall be fi.....J by its teffnS (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 14 of 14 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 19 of 47 Page 18 of 30 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, California, Code of Laws Title 11 RECYCLED WATER Attachment 2 Title 11 RECYCLED WATER Chapter 11.10 DEFINITIONS AND INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS* 11.10.010 Policy statement. A. It is the policy of this District to promote the use of recycled water to comply with requirements and restrictions set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to limit wastewater discharges to the San Francisco Bay, and to augment the region's water supply with the District's water resources. The State of California consistently experiences water shortages and recycled water is one of the major alternatives for an uninterruptible source of water supply. Accordingly, it is appropriate for recycled water customers to pay their proportionate share of the District's costs to produce and supply recycled water. B. The rates for recycled water service provided pursuant to a District permit shall be governed by the rate structure and procedures set forth in the recycled water provisions of Title 6. C. Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 6512, the District may acquire, plan, construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, lay renew, replace, maintain and operate water recycling and distribution systems both inside and outside District boundaries, as the Board deems necessary. Any service outside of District boundaries may be subject to Local Agency Formation Commission, contractual and other applicable legal requirements. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.10.020 Planning, design and construction. Recycled water distribution facilities that are intended for dedication to the District as public mains shall be planned, designed, constructed, installed, and repaired in accordance with this code, and the District's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction (referred to in this code as "standard specifications") and Recycled Water Requirements. The standard specifications shall be established and may be amended from time to time by ordinance and kept on file with the District Secretary in an uncodified manner. The use of any recycled water facility connected to the District system that fails to comply with the standard specifications applicable at the time of its connection to the District recycled water facilities constitutes a danger to human health and safety, public and private property, and the environment, and shall be considered a public nuisance. 11.10.025 Recycled water distribution facilities to be built for ultimate service. All recycled water distribution facilities to be connected to the District system shall be designed and constructed in a manner consistent with service to the ultimate tributary service area. The District shall review plans submitted for the construction of new or modified recycled water facilities to evaluate the service requirements for the ultimate tributary service area. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, California, Code of Laws Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Page 1 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 20 of 47 Page 19 of 30 (Proposed Changes January 2025) 11.10.030 Acceptance of recycled water facilities. Acceptance of recycled water distribution facilities shall be considered after the following are met: 1. Pass inspection by the District; and 2. Performance bond naming the District as owner with a one-year warranty; and 3. Appropriate land rights per Chapter 7.02 were recorded. The Board delegates to the General Manager the responsibility and authority to accept, or reject, any recycled water Delivery Facilities offered for contribution to the District. The facilities shall be deemed to be accepted by the District as of the date and to the extent stated in a "notice of acceptance of recycled water facilities," or a substantially similar, document issued to an installer. 11.10.040 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in this title, shall have the meanings designated in this section: A. "Cross -Connection" means any physical connection between any part of the recycled water system with a non -recycled water system. B. "Customer" means the property owner, tenant or hauler, or agents thereof, having authority to enter into a recycled water contract or use permit. A customer must have the authority to direct those using recycled water on the subject property. In cases where the District wholesales water to retail water purveyors, the customer is the retail water purveyor. C. "Customer Service Meter" means the meter owned by the District used to measure Recycled Water delivered to the Customer's facilities. D. "Delivery Facilities" means facilities used to deliver Recycled Water to individual properties, including pipelines, meters, valves, meter boxes or vaults and other appurtenances, from the District's Distribution Facilities to the Point of Connection. E. "Distribution Facilities" means all District recycled water pipelines and fixed equipment, including but not limited to pipelines, pumping stations, maintenance access holes, connections, reservoirs, hydrants, sampling points, meters, related appurtenances, and all modifications, repairs and replacements thereto, beginning at the wastewater treatment plant and ending at each customer point of connection or at each termination of District -owned recycled water pipeline. F. "District" means the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. G. "Incidental Runoff' means the release of small amounts of runoff from such sources as recycled water use areas, overspray of recycled water from sprinklers, or runoff of rainwater from areas irrigated with recycled water or from decorative or storage ponds filled with recycled water, particularly during storm events. H. "Point of Connection" means: (a) for each Customer that receives Recycled Water from a Customer Service Meter, the downstream side of the Customer Service Meter from which the Customer receives Recycled Water; or (b) for each Customer that receives Recycled Water as a hauler or retail water purveyor, the location at which the Recycled Water leaves the District Distribution Facilities for use by the Customer. I. "Recycled Water" means water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or controlled use that would not otherwise occur as defined in California Water Code Sections 13050(n) and 13500, et seq. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 2 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 21 of 47 Page 20 of 30 J. "Recycled Water Contract" means written agreement entered into by the District and a customer which sets forth the conditions for provision of recycled water to a customer in addition to or different from those typically provided for in a Recycled Water Use Permit. K. "Recycled Water Use Permit" means the permit used by the District to authorize use of recycled water by a customer, which document shall set forth the basic terms for delivery and use of recycled water by customer. A Recycled Water Contract shall be deemed to be a Recycled Water Use Permit (as used in this Title) only if the Recycled Water Contract specifically documents that it serves as the Recycled Water Use Permit. L. "Recycled Water Requirements" means those requirements for delivery and use of recycled water, as set forth in (1) the permit or contract; (2) the State general Order including any amending or superseding requirements; (3) Department of Health Services reuse requirements contained the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria Sections 60301-60355, and amending or superseding provisions; and (4) such other laws, regulations, agreement, orders, guidelines and standards relative to the use of recycled water within the State of California during the entire time that recycled water is delivered to customer. M. "Recycled Water Site Supervisor" means a qualified person, designated by a recycled water customer and certified by the District, who is knowledgeable in the construction and operation of applicable on - site recycled water facilities and/or irrigation systems, and in the application of the guidelines, criteria, standards, rules and regulations for Recycled Water. N. "Regulating Agencies" means any agency or entities with jurisdiction over Recycled Water or public health such as the District, the Contra Costa Water District or other potable water service provider, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Division of Drinking Water, the Department of Public Health, the Contra Costa Public Health, or other public entities legally constituted by Federal, State, and local statutes to protect public health and water quality. 0. "State General Order" means Order WQ 2016-0068-DDW of the State Water Resources Control Board titled, Water Reclamation Requirements for Recycled Water Use. "Title 22 Engineering Report" is prepared to describe the manner by which a project will comply with the Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria. Q. "Treatment Facilities" means those facilities located at the District's wastewater treatment plant which produce disinfected tertiary recycled water, including filter plant forebays, filter plant, chemical and coagulant systems, recycled water storage, and distribution pumps. R. "Uniform Statewide Recycling Criteria" means Title 22, California Code of Regulation (22 CCR) Sections 60301-60355. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.10.050 Ownership. The District is the sole owner of the Distribution Facilities up to and including the Customer Service Meters. All facilities downstream of the Customer Service Meter shall be owned, operated and maintained by the Customer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) (Ord. No. 322, § 22, 6-2-22) (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 3 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 22 of 47 Page 21 of 30 Title 11- RECYCLED WATER Chapter 11.20 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF RECYCLED WATER Chapter 11.20 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF RECYCLED WATER 11.20.010 Recycled Water guidelines. The General Manager may adopt written guidelines or standards setting forth specific criteria for use of Recycled Water by Customers. Any such guidelines or standards shall be effective upon the date published and available for public review. These guidelines and standards along with other Recycled Water Requirements must be satisfied before Recycled Water may be supplied to a Customer. A Customer shall demonstrate to the District that such requirements can be met prior to delivery of Recycled Water to the Customer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) 11.20.020 Responsibilities of Customers. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to comply with all of the provisions of the Recycled Water Requirements during the entire time that Recycled Water is delivered to the Customer. Any omissions or acts by the District or its agents shall not relieve the Customer of responsibility to comply with the Recycled Water Requirements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customers shall comply with the following requirements: A. Customers must have a copy of the current Recycled Water Use Permit issued by the District available for inspection by the Regulating Agencies. B. Customers must comply with all requirements contained in Recycled Water Use Permits issued to Customers by the District. C. Customers must design and construct Customer -owned Recycled Water facilities in accordance with District approved standards, must maintain such facilities in good working order and must operate such facilities in a manner as to achieve compliance with all Recycled Water Requirements applicable to use of Recycled Water. D. Each Recycled Water Customer must designate an on -site Recycled Water Site Supervisor who shall then be responsible on behalf of the Customer for Recycled Water use, implementing and complying with requirements of Recycled Water use permits and other permits, monitoring the Recycled Water use area, operating and maintaining the Customer -owned Recycled Water facilities, preventing Cross - Connections, submitting quarterly self -inspection reports, reporting system leaks, notifying the District of system changes, and performing all other functions relative to Customer use of Recycled Water. The Recycled Water Site Supervisor shall participate in all required testing of Cross -Connections and backflow prevention devices. The Recycled Water Site Supervisor must be trained in the use of Recycled Water and be responsible for informing persons to whom Customer have delegated the responsibility for applying Recycled Water of the requirements of the legal uses of Recycled Water. The Customer must immediately notify the District when there is a change in the Customer's Recycled Water Site Supervisor. The Customer must not transfer responsibility of the Recycled Water Site Supervisor until the new designee has received appropriate site supervisor training and certification by the District. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, California, Code of Laws Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Page 4 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 23 of 47 Page 22 of 30 E. Customer's Recycled Water Site Supervisor must provide Recycled Water training to onsite personnel in order to ensure proper operation of Recycled Water facilities, worker protection, and compliance with applicable Recycled Water Requirements for the use of Recycled Water. Customers must ensure that all above -ground equipment, including pumps, piping, storage reservoirs, valves, etc., which may at any time contain Recycled Water must be adequately and clearly identified with appropriate notification signs, tags and/or stickers and must make necessary provisions to inform the public that Recycled Water is being used for non -potable purposes. G. During periods of recycled water use, the Customer or Site Supervisor shall inspect the Recycled Water site routinely and promptly record and correct any of the following types of deficiencies, if noted during any inspection: 1. Evidence of Incidental Runoff of Recycled Water from the site that does not meet Recycled Water Requirements per 11.10.040; 2. Odor of wastewater origin from the recycled water site; 3. Evidence of ponding of Recycled Water, and/or evidence of mosquitoes breeding within the usage area due to ponded water; 4. Signage that is absent or inadequate to inform the public of the use of Recycled Water, which is not to be consumed by humans; 5. Evidence of leaks or breaks in the recycled water system pipelines or tubing; 6. Evidence of plugged, broken, or otherwise faulty drip irrigation system emitters, spray irrigation sprinklers or other parts of the Customer's Recycled Water distribution system; and 7. Evidence of overflows, leaks, erosion of dikes, etc., of Recycled Water storage ponds or impoundments. Based on these inspections, customers may be required to submit regular written reports to the District. The content and frequency of such reports must be determined and modified by District staff, at its discretion. H. Unauthorized discharges including leaks and spills must be reported to the District per section 11.40.050. Customers must comply with all regulatory requirements regarding the monitoring of their use site. The Customers' Recycled Water Site Supervisor or designees must also participate in quarterly self - inspections and the annual site inspections of Recycled Water use site(s) with the District. In the event any rule, provision or criteria set forth in this section conflicts with or is inconsistent with any Recycled Water Requirements, the more stringent rule, provision or criteria shall apply. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) 11.20.030 Failure to comply. Failure to comply with the District Code or any Recycled Water Requirements (including any laws, regulations, agreements, permits, orders, guidelines and/or standards relative to the use of Recycled Water) may result in termination of Recycled Water service and/or imposition of charges, fines, or penalties as provided elsewhere in this code and/or as may be prescribed by the Regulating Agencies. In addition, the District may charge a fee of five hundred dollars to a customer that does not submit a timely report to the District as required by Section 11.20.020, or Section 11.40.050, or which uses Recycled Water in any manner that is contrary to the District Code or any other laws, regulations, agreements, permits, orders, guidelines and/or standards relative to (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 5 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 24 of 47 Page 23 of 30 the use of Recycled Water. The foregoing service termination and fee remedies shall not prevent the District from seeking such damages and/or other remedies as may be available to the District under applicable laws. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) Chapter 11.30 REQUIREMENT TO USE RECYCLED WATER 11.30.010 Advisement concerning state requirement of recycled water use. A. Attention is drawn to the provisions of California Water Code Section 13551, which requires that "[a] person or public agency, including a state agency, city, county, city and county, district, or any other political subdivision of the state, shall not use water from any source of quality suitable for potable domestic use for non -potable uses, including cemeteries, golf courses, parks, highway landscaped areas, and industrial and irrigation uses if suitable recycled water is available as provided in Section 13550..." B. Advisement is made that use of water suitable for potable domestic use for non -potable uses when suitable recycled water is available to an area for which the District has recycled water purveyorship authority may be violative of the provisions of California Water Code Section 13551, or other state laws or regulations. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) Chapter 11.40 PROVISIONS CONCERNING RECYCLED WATER SERVICE* 11.40.010 Pressure and flow. The District shall endeavor to provide continuous and adequate flows for all District Recycled Water Customers, and shall endeavor to deliver recycled water at a pressure of between thirty psi and one hundred twenty psi, measured at the Customer's Point of Connection. In accepting Recycled Water, Customers are deemed to have accepted all conditions of pressure and flow. If the available service pressure is higher than the Customer can accept, the Customer shall be responsible for providing a pressure -reducing valve downstream of the Point of Connection. If available pressure is lower than what the Customer needs, the Customer shall be responsible for providing a booster pump downstream of the Point of Connection. Any pumping of Recycled Water requires the prior written approval of the District. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.015 Allocation of Recycled Water in the event of a shortage. A. If the General Manager determines that the quantity of Recycled Water available at any time is, or is expected to be, less than the total demand, and such shortage is expected to be of a duration of less than thirty calendar days, the General Manager may prescribe and enforce rules governing allocation and use of Recycled Water. The General Manager shall notify the Board of any shortages as soon as practical, and the notice shall be posted in a manner that is designed to promptly inform customers and the public. The Board may formalize restrictions and prohibitions on the use of Recycled Water in times of shortage. B. The General Manager shall be guided by the following guidelines applicable to allocation of supply during shortages: No service shall be extended to new customers until the shortage no longer exists; (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 6 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 25 of 47 Page 24 of 30 Service to Customers within the District boundaries shall take precedence over service outside the District boundaries; Service to industrial and non -irrigation Customers shall take precedence over service to irrigation customers. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.020 Recycled Water quality. A. Recycled Water supplied for any use must at all times satisfy the applicable water quality as defined by the Recycled Water Requirements. B. In accepting Recycled Water, Customers are deemed to have accepted the water quality conditions described herein. The District shall bear no responsibility for failure to supply water of a higher quality than described herein. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.025 Protection of Recycled Water system. A. No Recycled Water Customer shall create conditions that result in damage to or reduced life of the District's Distribution Facilities, or impairment of water quality in the District's system. The District may require the Customer to install reliable protective devices including, but not limited to, surge tanks, bypass or feeder tanks, pressure relief valves, and backflow preventers, at the expense of the Customer. B. Operation and inspection of all of the District's treatment and Distribution Facilities, up to and including the Customer's Service Meter, shall be under the management and control of the District. No persons except authorized employees, agents, or contractors of the District shall have the right to enter upon, inspect, operate, adjust, change, alter, move, or relocate any portion of the foregoing or any of the District's property. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.030 Liability. The District and its officers, agents, or employees shall not be liable for damages resulting from the control, transportation, handling, use, disposal, or distribution of Recycled Water supplied by the District to a Customer, after such water has been delivered to the Point of Connection of such Customer, or in the case of delivery to Customers who are water purveyors or haulers, after such water has left the District's Distribution Facilities. Customers shall reimburse the District for costs of repair to the District's Distribution Facilities and other damages resulting from the operations of the Customer. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.035 Application for water service. Each potential Customer desiring Recycled Water service must submit an application in a manner prescribed by the District. If the District determines the Customer has or can meet all Recycled Water Requirements, Recycled Water Use Permit or contract conditions, and Recycled Water can be delivered to site in a technical and financially (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 7 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 26 of 47 Page 25 of 30 feasible manner, a permit or contract for Recycled Water use may be issued to a Customer. If a Customer intends to use the recycled water service for uses other than landscape irrigation, the Customer will be responsible for all costs related to producing a Title 22 Engineering Report that is required to meet the Recycled Water Requirements for State approval of the Recycled Water use. A Customer may only use Recycled Water service pursuant to a validly issued District Recycled Water Use Permit. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.040 Recycled water use permit. The Board determines and finds that the issuance of a Recycled Water Use Permit and related activities pursuant to the provisions of this title are ministerial acts. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.045 Unauthorized use of water. A. No person shall use Recycled Water from any service, fill station, hydrant, blowoff valve, air relief valve, or any other District Distribution Facility without first applying for service and receiving a Recycled Water Use Permit from the District. Unauthorized use of Recycled Water shall be subject to whatever penalties or charges may be imposed by the District pursuant to applicable ordinances, resolutions, or other laws, and to whatever additional recourse may be sought by health and/or regulatory authorities. Additionally, the District may seek recovery of damages, including loss of revenue, as prescribed by law. B. No person, other than the authorized agents, employees or contractors of the District shall turn on water or operate the shut-off valves at the Customer Service Meters or any other Distribution Facilities. A fee of five hundred dollars or actual cost of damage, whichever is greater, may be charged to any Customer who causes or allows the Customer Service Meter shut-off valve or Distribution Facilities to be operated by unauthorized persons. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.050 Reporting requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to notify the District immediately following corrective action to stop the spill/leak, on the same day of any unauthorized use or discharge of Recycled Water including leaks and spills. Additionally, the Customer shall report to the District and other appropriate entities, as required by law, violations of Recycled Water Requirements that impact or threaten to impact public health or water quality within twenty-four hours, followed by a written report describing corrective action taken within ten days. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.055 Obligation to pay for water delivered. It shall be the obligation of each Customer to pay for all Recycled Water delivered to the Customer's Point of Connection. The District shall bill the Customer for all water so delivered, and the Customer shall pay the District for all such water so delivered at the rate or rates and within the period established by the District. If a customer disputes a District bill for Recycled Water service due to an excessive metered quantity, the District shall credit the customer by one-half of the charge for the quantity of water that exceeds the customer's typical use, subjected to the following conditions: (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 8 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 27 of 47 Page 26 of 30 A. The District after investigation shall find all of the following: 1. The Customer Service Meter was operating accurately. 2. There was no evidence that the excessive use was due to the intentional or negligent act of the Customer. 3. After receipt of a District bill showing excessive use of water, the Customer took prompt and reasonable action to ascertain the cause of the excessive use and to correct it. 4. The Customer promptly repaired all known or apparent water leaks downstream of the point of connection. 5. The Customer did not have excess use charges in the twenty -four -month period prior to the disputed bill. B. The amount of normal use shall be determined by the District. The average measured quantity delivered during the same billing period or periods in the preceding two years will be used when available and representative of normal use. C. If the District finds that a Customer meets all requirements of Section 11.40.055(A) with the sole exception of subsection 11.40.055(A)(5), and the Customer has incurred excess use charges in the prior twenty -four -month period, the District shall credit the Customer's account by one-half of the quantity charge applicable to the amount of water that exceeded the Customer's normal use, but only by one-half of the excess use charge for the disputed billing period. D. No adjustment shall be made for any charge or surcharge not based on the quantity of Recycled Water delivered. E. No adjustment shall be made for any period longer than six months or for water delivered after sixty days after the District notifies the Customer of the excessive use. F. No more than one adjustment shall be made in bills for water delivered in any twenty -four -month period beginning on the first day of the billing period for which an adjustment is made. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.060 Customer Delivery Facilities and meters. A. The Customer will pay all costs related to the new Delivery Facilities to connect to the District's Distribution Facilities including but not limited to: extension of recycled water mainline, lateral installation, meter box or vault, and meter. All new components will be designed and installed per District Standard Specifications. All components installed for the new connection up to and including the meter and meter box or vault will become District property at the time the connection is permitted to receive Recycled Water service. B. The District shall review and approve the Customer requested location and/or size of the requested Delivery Facilities. The District may determine in its sole discretion to change the location and/or size of the Delivery Facilities. The District may remove or abandon any Delivery Facilities through which no water has legally passed during the preceding twenty-four month period. The Customer may request that Delivery Facilities be left in place, and the District may impose a charge to cover the cost of continued meter reading and maintenance. If the Delivery Facilities are removed and application is subsequently made for Delivery Facilities of the same or different size, the procedures and charges therefore shall be as established by the District. C. By applying for or receiving recycled water service from the District that is measured by a meter on privately owned property, the customer thereby licenses the District and its employees and agents to enter the property to read, inspect, test, repair and replace the meter. The customer shall provide convenient access to the meter and shall not cause or permit any obstruction thereto. If a meter is obstructed, the District shall Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Page 9 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 28 of 47 Page 27 of 30 give notice thereof to the Site Supervisor and by mail to the customer's address for billing. Within ten days thereof, the customer shall cause the obstruction to be removed or shall enter into an agreement with the District whereby the District shall remove the obstruction or relocate the meter at the expense of the customer. Failure to comply with this section shall be grounds for disconnection of the recycled water service. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.070 Obstruction of Recycled Water facilities prohibited. No person or Customer shall place upon or about any valve box, manhole, blowoff, air relief valve, hydrant, meter, meter box or vault, or any Distribution or Delivery Facilities or appurtenances, any object, materials, debris, or structure of any kind so as to prevent free access to same at all times. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.075 Meter reading. Customer Service Meters shall be read by the District on a regular basis, usually monthly. Special meter readings may be taken because of change of Customer, changes of meter or meter size, or at other times as determined necessary by the District. If a meter cannot be read or in the event that a meter has not registered or has registered incorrectly, the District may estimate the amount of water used. Estimates will be based upon the customer's consumption during the same season of the prior two years, if conditions were unchanged. Customers obtaining Recycled Water from a hydrant shall submit a picture of their meter face within seven days following the end of each month. Failure to submit monthly readings may result in fees following Section 11.20.030. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.080 Erroneous meters. The Customer Service Meter may be examined by the District for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is registering correctly, if the District believes the Customer Service Meter is under -registering the amount of Recycled Water being delivered. If on such examination the Customer Service Meter is found to under -register Recycled Water an adjustment of the Recycled Water bill may be made to the Customer by the District. Estimated amount of water used will be based upon the customer's consumption during the same season of the prior two years, if conditions were unchanged. No adjustment shall be made for any period more than six months preceding the date of the meter examination. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.085 Billing and collection for water deliveries. A. The District shall bill each Customer for Recycled Water deliveries to the Customer's Point of Connection. Billings shall become delinquent if not paid within the due date identified on the bill. The District shall not be required to provide a separate notice of delinquency. B. If any Customer directly served by the District shall be delinquent in the payment for Recycled Water delivered by the District, the District may assess a penalty charge per section 1.08.080 of District Code. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 10 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 29 of 47 Page 28 of 30 C. If any Customer served directly by the District is delinquent for more than six months, such delinquency may be reported by the General Manager to the Board. The General Manager, or his/her designee at his/her discretion and upon such conditions as it may be prescribed, after giving the Customer reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard, may order the termination of Recycled Water service per section 1.08.040 of District Code. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.090 Suspension or termination of deliveries. A. Notwithstanding District Code Section 1.08.040, whenever the General Manager determines maintenance of the District's treatment and/or Distribution Facilities requires temporary suspension of delivery of Recycled Water at any Point or Points of Connection or at any other location, such delivery in nonemergency situations may be suspended without liability on the part of the District upon provision of three days' notice or as practicable. The District will attempt to schedule interruptions of service at such days and times as will provide the least inconvenience to the Customer. B. Notwithstanding District Code Section 1.08.040, whenever the General Manager determines a recycled water service creates an imminent danger or threat to the health or welfare of persons, the environment, or the District or its employees or Contractors, the General Manager may order the suspension or termination of Recycled Water deliveries to any Customer when any of the following conditions occur: 1. In the judgment of the General Manager, the Customer has failed to satisfy all requirements of the District Code or has in any way endangered the public health and safety or the safety and integrity of the Distribution Facilities, or has violated a Recycled Water Requirement, a Recycled Water Use Permit, or any law, regulation, agreement, order, permit, guideline or standard relative to Recycled Water; or 2. When so ordered by health or regulatory authorities having jurisdiction; or 3. When the District is unable to deliver properly and adequately treated Recycled Water; or 4. When the requirements related to the quality of Recycled Water are not being met; or 5. If the Recycled Water Regulating Agencies, or other authority changes the requirements for treating or delivering Recycled Water to a level the District determines it cannot reasonably meet or cannot reasonably meet without costly additional treatment making continued delivery impractical. C. The District may charge a fee per section 11.20.030. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) 11.40.095 Access to customer site. All Recycled Water Customers shall permit or cause to be permitted the District or its agents, agents related to the Regulating Agencies, access to the site where Recycled Water provided by the District is used or where records relative to Recycled Water use are kept for the purposes of: (A) inspection, testing and repair of facilities, equipment, practices or operations regulated pursuant to the Recycled Water Requirements, and any amending or superseding provisions the District Code and other laws; and (B) sampling or monitoring to ensure compliance with the Recycled Water Requirements, and any amending or superseding provisions, the District Code and other laws. In addition, Customers shall supply access to or copies of records related to Recycled Water use to representatives of the above -named entities on request. (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 11 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 30 of 47 Page 29 of 30 (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) Chapter 11.50 RECYCLED WATER PRICING 11.50.010 Recycled water rates. Retail and wholesale rates for Recycled Water service within the District provided pursuant to a Recycled Water Use Permit shall be established, and may be amended or revised, from time to time, by ordinance and set forth in Title 6. Rates for Customers with a Recycled Water Contract shall be provided pursuant to the terms fixed within the contract. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008: Ord. 202 Exh. A(part), 1997) (Supp. No. 26, Update 1) Created: 2024-03-05 13:23:30 [EST] Page 12 of 12 February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 31 of 47 Page 30 of 30 ATTACHMENT 3 Chapter 2.36 - PURCHASING AND MATERIALS POLICY 2.36.010 - Policy. A. It is the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's policy to perform procurement activities in conformance with all applicable laws and in a manner consistent with adopted purchasing policies. The authority of District employees to both procure goods and services and to bind the District in procurements shall be as authorized and limited in adopted purchasing policies and procedures. B. District policies and procedures shall include the option to undertake and procure contracts for District projects under specified dollar limits in a manner in conformance with the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (Public Contract Code Sections 22000-22045) and the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission's policies and procedures, when applicable and beneficial to the District. C. The District's administrative department's purchasing and materials division services units will contract for purchase, rent or lease of materials, supplies, and equipment, and secure services for the District's use with the objective that such goods and services will be available at the proper time, in the proper place, in quantity, quality, and price so as to receive maximum value; and to maintain inventories of goods at minimum levels consistent with the user department's needs while allowing the maximum conservation of the District's funds. (Ord. 253 § 1(Exh. A(part)), 2008) (Ord. No. 300, 5-3-18) February 4, 2025 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 32 of 47