HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-74 AGENDA BACKUPVIT. New Efts. 3 1/3/74 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: C. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADJUSTMENTS OF SECONDARY WATERSHED TRUNK SEWER CHARGES AND INCLUSION IN DISTRICT CODE Immediately following the review of the watersheds south of the City of Walnut Creek (LID 30), we studied the balance of the watershed plans adopted by the Board of Directors. Increasing sewer construction costs, changes in land uses, an earlier return of funds invested by the District (with an increase in District reserve funds) motivated this review. We have been making an annual review of the status of each watershed and have recommended previous increases, but spiralling construction costs of the past two years indicate the need for new adjustments. Many of the watersheds were estimated some time ago and are affected by longer term increases. For example, the ENR index for 1966 construction was 1200 for the San Francisco area and that index is now at 2236 (November 1973). Our plans had a built-in average increase of 6% and last year the actual increase was 11.5%. Attached is a chart summarizing our review and recommended increases. The effective date could be as early as March 1, 1974, or as late as July 1, 1974. It is also recommended that secondary watershed plans and charges be included in the District Code. In this manner they will have more official and legal status. They have been related to and considered part of the Rebate Facilities section and we would propose to incorporate them therein, as follows: CHAPTER 9. REBATE FACILITIES. Sec. 9-101. Definitions. Add - (10) Watershed trunk plan means the engineering and financing plan adopted by the Board upon the Engineer's recommendation for each secondary watershed area of the District setting forth therein the proposed facilities and unit charges established therefor. Renumber Article 6 to Article 7 and insert the following: ARTICLE 6. SECONDARY WATERSHED TRUNK SEWERS Sec. 9-601. Adopted Watershed plans and payment of charges. Sec. 9-602. List of adopted secondary watershed trunk sewer plans. Sec. 9-601. Adopted watershed plans and payment of charges. The Board of Directors has adopted the secondary watershed trunk sewer plans a::id charges listed in Sec. 9-602 and no person may connect to the District sewer system within any secondary watershed service area listed unless he pays the watershed trunk sewer charge. Sec. 9-602. List of adopted secondary watershed trunk sewer plans. Charge Approved Watershed Per Unit Per W.S. No. Location of Use Acre 2 Sleepy Hollow 520 520 3 N. W. Orinda 520 520 8 S. E. Orinda 500 500 10 Moraga Valley 300 500 11 South Lafayette 300 500 11A South Lafayette 300 500 13 Rossmoor Rebate 15 Rel.iez Valley 300 500 22 Happy Valley 300 500 23 & 30 S. W. Pleasant Hill 300 800 24N West Pacheco 300 500 24C C. C. Golf Course 300 500 24S N. W. Pleasant Hill 300 500 27 Ygnacio Valley (Upper) 300 500 27W W. Ygnacio Valley 300 500 29N Walnut Heights 300 600 29S S. E. Walnut Creek 300 600 33N Lower San Ramon Valley 300 600 33S Upper San Ramon Valley & 300 600 Amador. Valley 34N N. Stone Valley 300 600 34S S. Stone Valley (Job 746) 300 600 35N E. Danville 300 600 35S Sycamore Valley 300 600 Charge Approved Watershed Per Unit Per W.S. No. Location of Use Acre 35W N. Danville 300 600 C-1 Concord -Clyde 300 600 M Martinez -Mt. View 300 600 CHAPTER 11. FEES AND CHARGES. Article 6 - change to ARTICLE 6. REBATE CHARGES AND WATERSHED TRUNK SEWER CHARGES. Substitute Sec. 11-602 - Charge for connection_ to sewer line within water- shed trunk sewer planning area. J A person who connects to a District sewer line within a secondary watershed trunk sewer planning area shall pay to the District the watershed trunk sewer charge fixed in accordance with Sec. 9-601 and Sec. 9-602. Revised Sec. 11-602 to read: Sec. 11-603. Rebate and watershed trunk_ char;es under Chapter 9 are in addition to all other charges. The charges fixed under Chapter 9 for the connection to a rebate sewer line or to a sewer within a watershed trunk sewer planning area_are. in :addition to all other charges prescribed by this code. These charges shall be levied and. collected in accordance with Chapter 9. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved, A. Horstkotte, Jr. ene al Manager -Chief Engineer v �4 U Q) Q O O D O O O O O O O O O O O O O b0 N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �4 S4 Cfl if1 u1 U'1 Lr) Cf1 Lf) Cf1 00 In V) Lr) v1 U1 ni N —rl Pa U .b v M 4-J O •r1 N 0 �D O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O P-1 Lr) Lr) L1) M M M crl M M Cl) Cl)M M M M M M N OI a I` m ro 0 0 a3) S4 i4 U U 04 a +� 4-3 �+ p O 0 0 0 v o 4-4 44 vi a a rq 4-1av i a 4-1H U n n O O a U a) rn N O O —1 U H U 14 N w � o a a d v v o p v .Q v s4 z 0. b m w b a� a, 04 v Cd v +-) v -d v v U v a) l- U 1J �4 1 a) G G ri rI c0 I I ''d v cn v v a 124 Cd v U I~ w h-1 O 1 �4 a) O N •ri "i fp 5 +J (W K ?C >C 5C 5C a) O U) � O G U •r1 0 F=a O v A H a) I 'iy •rl (1) 4-J I a) U G7 Cd O d-l' I v S4 Cn' �4 1J 0 i U CA U' f~ t~ H 0 U 4-1 —1 O Lr) O O O O O O O 00 V) O O O Cfl O O O cJ O v1 O Cf1 O M a, O m n O O O1 m 0 v � 4-1 Cd �4 r-1 M \.O 1- O1 01 00 � H N to O —4 d M Lr) cn 0 Cd %D r- � 1�0 1.0 %.0 � � �-o %-D 1.0 � r` •ri v Cl 01% 01 (0", ON 01 O`. 01 41 01 01 Ol 01 Ol O1 d1 dl 1.J ">4 r-1 r- I r- i r-i r-I r—I r-I r-i r-I r-1 co W 4-1 LH O N U U O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p lw w N N O O O O O O O O U1 Lr) O O O O O Ul a) Cd •rl `� U) lf) N N N N N N N H r I N N CV +N N N U ' P-i OM p U z z �° z v m U] N M 00 O r-1 H M tf1 N M -t �' n n d1 •ri •rq ri r-1 r-1 r-I r-1 N N N N N N N N i—1 P4 3 VII. New Bus. 10 1/3/74 December 28, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $8,500.00 FOR INFILTRATION/INFLOW STUDY - LAMPMAN & ASSOCIATES PROBLEM: In order to get further grant approval for the Treatment Plant, E.P.A. will require generalized field monitoring of dry and wet weather flows of all subbasins of District and analysis of their results. Due to our workload we do not have the technical personnel available at this time to conduct a study of this magnitude within the time frame. BACKGROUND: Lampman & Associates are consultant engineers for only governmental agencies. They do have background and experience in setting up this type of study. As indicated by their letter, this would be a joint effort between their firm and the District. They would establish the infiltration -inflow monitoring system, select the monitoring stations, review data. collection. procedure, develop preliminary analysis of data and all other necessary office work. The District personnel would perform all of the field duties such as establishing the monitoring station, collecting flow data, etc. It is my suggestion that we authorize Lampman and Associates to proceed only with Phase I at a cost not to exceed $8,500.00 as indicated in their proposal. We have been advised by E.P.A. and the State that 87.5% of the total cost of this study by Lampman and Associates and District personnel is eligible for recovery under the grant. RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, L ' d. h, (I u, . - G. Horstkotte, J . , General Manager -Chief gineer e JLB:sf Attachment VII. New Bus 11 1/3/ 74 December 27, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT ED ABEL SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR PROBLEM: Workload in the Inspection Division requires more coordination. We are now heading into the 1974 construction season and I would like to make this appointment now, prior to the beginning of that construction period. BACKGROUND: The Inspection Division was reorganized under the Engineering Department on July 1, 1971. At that time Mr. Abel's (Civil Engineering Assistant I Range 56 $1083-$1317) duties were expanded to handle the office work for the Inspection Division. Much of his activity involves checking Job Engineer's plans to see they are in conformance with the District's code and specifications. He is in close contact with the Engineers, Developers, Contractors and Inspectors involved in these projects. In the past two years his workload and duties have expanded to the point where his entire time is devoted to Inspection related work. Also, at times his workload is such that we temporarily assign a Construction Inspector Assistant to assist him in this work. It is requested that Mr. Abel be reassigned to the Inspection Division where he will be working directly under Mr. Ramsay, Supervisor of Inspection, to assist in the overall coordination of inspection operations. His position as Senior Construction Inspector (Office) will permit him to work closely with the other members of Inspection Department (now eleven) and more effectively coordinate the functions of the Division. This adjustment would result in a salary change from Range 56E $1317 to Range 59D $1349 which is within my authorized 1973-1974 budget. RECOMMENDATION: We request the following Resolution be adopted: Resolution No. A Resolution transferring Ed Abel's appointment as Civil Engineering Assistant I (Range 56 $1083-$1317) to Senior Construction Inspector (Office) - (Range 59 $1165-$1417). Respe fully submitted, Jack L. es Oanagaer-Engineering Dept. Reviewed: Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: Horstkot te, J . (Ge eral Manager-Ch' f Engineer Fropy "sled: .:.:ceutber 18, 1973 F0'1:: 110110,BLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PARTICIPATE IN THE APWA COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT 73-8 PROBLEM: This project is to improve and find better methods to control root growth in sewer mains with chemicals. BACKGROUND: This State and Sacramento County Utility District in parti- cular, have been in the fore front of chemical root treatment. This District has worked extensively with chemicals over the last 3 years. We have been particularly concerned with application. We know roots can be controlled by chemicals using the soak method, but our District does not lend itself readily to soaking so we have worked on spray applications a great deal. I feel it would be very beneficial to participate in this program. APWA anticipates an expense of $3,000 to $10,000 per partici- pant. I would anticipate expending around $5,000 in this work anyway. It may be possible to have some of the costs reimbursed through a grant. RECOMMENDATION: That we advise the APWA Research Foundation of our will- ingness to participate in Project 73-8. We still have the opportunity to withdraw if we do not like the roll we would play in the project. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department RHH:yb Attachment Recommendation Approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer *' RESEARCH FOUNDATION 1313 EAST 60TH STREET - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637 - PHONE. 324-3400 AREA 312 December 7, 1973 Mr. Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road P. O. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, California 94596 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN Dear Mr. Hinkson : Samuel S. Baxter Commissioner (retired) Water Department Philadelphia, Pa. Thank you for your letter concerning the APWA Cooperative VICE-CHAIRMAN Research Project 73-8. Our investigations to date confirms Milton s Commisssioner Commissioner your experience that soaking roots on small lines does work, Departmen[of Public Works Chicago, III. but,. that it is an impractical method for larger lines or where MEMBERS there is much of a grade. Some work has been done in this area Fred J. Benson Dean of Engineering with high pressure sprays and, as I recall, with foam. Texas A & M College Station, Tex. John F.CollinsPProfessor offPublic Affairs Massachusetts Institute The purpose of the research project will be to draw together of Technology Cambridge, Mass. those who have had experience in the various methods of application, Rosa L.Clark Commissioner Works and to develop a program for experimentation and field testing. The of Municipality of Fletro. Toronto Toronto, Out., Canada experimentation will indicate the various modes of application which W. D. Hurst seem most appropriate and the field testing will determine their Consultant Board of Commissioners relative effectiveness in order to establish the most effective Metropolitan Winnipeg Winnipeg, Man., Canada methods. It is important that many agencies join in this project F. Pierce Linaweaver Director Department Public to gain a wide variety of experience and so that each agency does of Works Baltimore, Md. not have to conduct the entire testing program itself. D. Grant Mickle President High�y Users D.Cderatlon Washington, A copyof the research proposal is attached. I hope that the Milton Offner Secretary (retired) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District might join this research Board of Public Works Los Angeles, Calif. project. We anticipate that each agency will be asked to provide LyaR A. Pardee gine City Enec (retired) in -kind services . The extent and nature of the services however, Depart,of LAngeles, Calif.Works os will be determined after the project is formed. At that time each SECRETARY -TREASURER agency Will .be free to acc.e.pt. or..reject their in -kind service role. Robert D. Bugher Executive Director We anticipate that the bulk of the out -of- ocket costs will be P APWA, Chicago, Ill. GENERAL MANAGER payable from a USEPA demonstration grant. If you have additional Richard H. Sullivan A"t. Executive Director questions, please let me know. APWA, Chicago, III. Yours truly, : < ac and H. Sullivanr,' General Man�ger r u, a RHS/ces i C I M Enclosure �r y o � i9 _ D VII. New Bus. 9 1/3/ 74 December 26, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM FROM MR. THEODORE KELLER IN THE AMOUNT OF $125.01. 1. PROBLEM: Overflow inside residence at 1620 San Luis Road, Walnut Creek. 2. BACKGROUND: On Monday, November 26, 1973, the District received a call to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival, the crew found the 6" line H-10 plugged 170' upstream from MH-100 toward MH-101 on San Luis Road. The stoppage consisted of loose roots and was cleared with no difficulty. The District crew cleaned and disinfected throughout and an overflow device will be installed. 3. RECOMMENDATION: The total claim comes to $125.01 and it seems to be reasonable for this type of damage. I recommend this claim be paid. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Dept. Recommendation approved, G.6er Horstkotte, 7r. G,1 Manager -Chief gineer M 6 kt L) V i,- lop ar is e, rainYZ- P L 0 IZ csn- o S/,� Yj L o in, LI (�,P- V-- e�- r, --r'4 L 0 c.,v (2- 1 JU E D F Rtz V- to c- -C I ),a L7 Pik r-> c 1% Ing. 4;0 co4nwl OL-0 t4tvr 1�01-)TreA ParMit CAL)5:cz-0 OY 14 t 5 Q LF� T A, S AMU -Tt4�� C-'AUS:ff):� '1 (4 E PIZ 4 rS L VA VII. New Bus. 6 1/3/74 December 19, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PROPOSED PURCHASE OF THREE M-2A EXPLOSIMETERS AT A COST OF $421.68 PROBLEM: Due to an increase in maintenance personnel and to implement standard safety requirements, additional gas detection equipment should be purchased at this time. BACKGROUND: The maintenance department has four M-2A explosimeters currently in use. In order to maintain a high degree of safety aware- ness, seven additional detection units will be needed, three to be pur- chased now and the balance at the start of the new fiscal year. The cost of each explosimeter is $140.56 or a total cost of $421.68 for three. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase three explosimeters. Respectfully submitted, c Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department RHH:yb Recommendation Approved: .6 G. orst otte, r Ge er Manager -Chief ngineer VII. New Bus. 7 1/ 3/ 74 December 18, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PARTICIPATE IN THE APWA COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT 73-8 PROBLEM: This project is to improve and find better methods to control root growth in sewer mains with chemicals. BACKGROUND: This State and Sacramento County Utility District in parti- cular, have been in the fore front of chemical root treatment. This District has worked extensively with chemicals over the last 3 years. We have been particularly concerned with application. We know roots can be controlled by chemicals using the soak method, but our District does not lend itself readily to soaking so we have worked on spray applications a great deal. I feel it would be very beneficial to participate in this program. APWA anticipates an expense of $3,000 to $10,000 per partici- pant. I would anticipate expending around $5,000 in this work anyway. It may be possible to have some of the costs reimbursed through a grant. RECOMMENDATION: That we advise the APWA Research Foundation of our will- ingness to participate in Project 73-8. We still have the opportunity to withdraw if we do not Like the roll we would play in the project. Respectfully submitted, fJ. Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department RHH:yb Attachment Recommendation Approved: I(*kot`,y1 XL1 G. Hors Jr. Ge er 1 Manager -Chief En eer VII. New Bus. 2 1/3/ 74 December 18, 1973 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADJUSTMENT OF UNIFORM REBATE FEES The establishment of uniform rebate fees has been based historically on the cost of area installations which are, in general, determined by terrain, soils, street improvements, density of land use, time of construction, and competition among contractors. A major determinant for many years, where comparable, has been the cost of local sewering under the District LID program, since it has been considered a fair measure of unit costs of sewers applicable to rebate areas. Construction costs based on the ENR index have doubled since 1965 and our last adjustment of uniform rebate fees was in 1967. In reviewing the present code provisions which classify according to terrain and density, it would seem most appropriate not to change the classifi- cations but to insert ranges of fees reflecting increases in costs since 1967 and a reasonable allowance for the future. Retaining the present classifications would result in a minimum of changes in present rebate jobs, and by expanding the fee schedules within each classifi- cation the recognition of cost appreciation can be accomplished. The changes would apply primarily to new installations, and the review of existing classifications would be minimized. The updating of related cost areas would be confined to comparisons with LID proceedings. Suggested changes: (1) Class I $650 Change to (a) $650, (b) $1,000, (c) $1,400 (2) Class II $1,000 Change to (a) $1,000, (b) $1,400, (c) $1,700 (3) Class III $1,400 Change to (a) $1,400, (b) $1,700, (c) $2,000 (4) Class IV $1,700 Change to (a) $1,700, (b) $2,000, (c) $3,000 (5) Class V Change to (a) $2,000, (b) $3,000, (c)-$4:,000 (6) Class VI $12.00 per front foot or $0.06 per square foot of served property Change to $15,00 per front foot or $0.10 per square foot of served property Charges included in the above for District administration would remain unchanged. The adoption of revised class -if icat:ionsis not critical and an effective date of July 1, 1974 is recommended. Respectfully submitted, UIJVC���� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr G,­nerll Manager-Chie gineer VII.. New Bus, 8 1/ 3/ 74 December 17, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE $3,000 TO PREPARE E.I.R. FOR PSA 51, SPRINGHILL LANE, LAFAYETTE AND RELEVANT PRELIMINARY INFORMATION PROBLEM: The property owners within PSA 51 are requesting the Sanitary District to proceed with the formation of a Local Improvement District to sewer their area. In order to recover the District Expenses through the Local Improvement District proceedings, it is necessary that we have Board approval and set up a drawing account for PSA 51. BACKGROUND: Five residents living within the tentative boundaries of PSA 51 attended the December 6, 1973 Board Meeting, requesting Board take affirma- tive action on PSA 51. Staff was instructed to review PSA 51 and report back to the Board. The Engineering Staff had requested the property owners within the PSA have their petitions and letters in order by December 6, 1973 so an evaluation could be made by the District Staff and Attorney as indicated below. Referring to the sketch on PSA 51, posted on the bulletin board within the Board Room, the tentative boundary of PSA 51 is outlined in yellow. Within the PSA there are 11 properties, all developed. They have signatures repre- senting 72.7 of area and 87% of the assessed valuation, and five supplemental letters requesting sewers be installed from petitioners. The three properties on Springhill Court, colored in red, have presented letters requesting they not be included within PSA 51 and since they are outside of the Sanitary Dis- trict we do not intend to include them. Our staff has advised all of the property owners contacted that the estimated cost of a Local Improvement District for this area would be approximately $5,000 per building site. The staff_ advised the five residents who attended the December 6, 1973 Board Meeting that this item was going to appear on the January 3, 1973 agenda and it would not be necessary for them to attend. We have a letter from the Health Department of Contra Costa County dated November 26, 1973, attached, urging the District to proceed with the forma- tion of a Local Improvement District. In view of the foregoing the Staff is recommending the following procedures be followed in formation of future PSA's: [11 District costs for informing property owners in seeking sewering is charged to a "general account" until the Board officially establishes the PSA on basis of legal signature requirements for L.I.D. formation. [21 Request Board approval to proceed with the PSA and establish a drawing account. December 17, 1973 Page Two [31 Prepare an Environmental Impact Report with necessary maps and estimates to present to the Board for their approval prior to survey crew work and preparation of engineering plans and specifications. [41 Submit E.I.R. to Board for determination on E.I.R. hearing. [51 Conduct E.I.R. hearing after full notice to all involved parties [61 Board determination on formation of L.I.D. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, NI Hor � f*" Gene al anager-Chief En er GAH: sf Attachment VII. New Bus. 4 1/3/ 74 December 17, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ACT ON NOTICE OF DETERMINATION FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2259 - Green Valley Creek and Diablo Road, WS .35N PROBLEM_: Pursuant to C.C.C.S.D. Ordinance No. 89, Environmental Guidelines, we are requesting Board action on Notice of Determination.. BACKGROUND: On September 27, 1973 the Board adopted Resolution No. 73-109, a Resolution making a negative declaration and providing for notice thereof. The negative declaration was sent to the County Clerk on September 28, 1973 for filing. Under Ordinance 89 for action on Notice of Determination, the Board has the following options: (1) approve or disapprove the project, (2) following approval or disapproval of the project the Board shall cause to be prepared said Notice of Determination. RECOMMENDATION: Approve District Sewering Project 2259 and determine that the project will not have significant effect on the Environment. Respectfully submitted, -` s . t�.1��Sq lei G. A. Horstkotte, �gineer General Manager -Chief GAH:sf