HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-29-07
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a special
meeting at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 29, 2007.
President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Director of Engineering Ann Farrell stated that staff met at length with the Capital Projects
Committee prior to today’s workshop. They had some good suggestions, including
presenting the projects first and the financial information later in the presentation.
She stated that 2008-09 expenditure recommendations fall into two categories: baseline
expenditures, and extra expenditures for capacity and regulatory needs. Baseline for
renovation runs at about 1 percent of total estimated assets, or $27 million. $11.2 million
has been budgeted for capacity and regulatory expenses, for a total expenditure of $38.2
The Treatment Plant Program consumes a large portion of the budget, and includes
several large projects, including the Aeration Air Renovation project, the Sludge Truck
Loading Facility project, and some demolition work on the plant site.
The Aeration Air Renovation project is necessary because of increasing aeration loss,
which is taxing the capacity of the steam turbines and electric blower. Air loss has
increased significantly over the last six years. Three contractors tested innovative repair
techniques each of which would correct the problem, one using expanding grout injection
and two applying coatings under positive air pressure. Staff proposes to bid the three
approaches against each other to obtain the best price. The repair should have a ten-
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Board Minutes of November 29, 2007
year life, and is recommended rather that installing a new diffused air system, which
would be considerably more expensive.
The Sludge Truck Loading Facility project addresses disposal of sludge, should one of
the incinerators need to be taken down unexpectedly. It would take several weeks to
activate the second incinerator, and sludge would need to be disposed of in the interim.
Twenty to thirty truck loads per day would need to be removed if the incinerators were not
available. Sludge would be hauled to a landfill. The landfills will only accept sludge
during the day and sludge would have to be stored at night, as well as over the weekend
and holidays. The proposal is to install a cake hopper for overnight storage, retrofit the
existing tank for liquid storage, and install an observation platform and wash down facility.
President Nejedly asked about storage capacity and expressed concern that the storage
capacity is insufficient.
Ms. Farrell described the demolition project, stating that the old primary tanks need to be
demolished to make room for future primaries, and the abandoned lime storage silos
demolished to make room for the Primary Odor Control.
She described innovations in the Treatment Plant Program, including developing
innovative approaches to sealing leaks in the aeration basins, piloting testing processes
for mercury removal, conducting green house gas inventories, and presenting papers at
Member Hockett asked to be provided with the titles of the papers and the conferences at
which they will be presented.
With regard to the Collection System Program, the largest program, money will be spent
in four areas: renovation, capacity, pumping station/force mains, and regulatory
compliance/planning. The majority of funding will be spent on renovations and the A-Line
Phase 2A project, a large part of which will be reimbursed by the City of Concord. She
described the Camino Pablo Trunk Sewer Improvement project, from Flush Kleen
Pumping Station to short of Miner Road. The Miner Road Trunk Sewer Improvements
have been deferred for one fiscal year.
The Sewer Renovation TV Program will TV 1447 miles of public gravity lines. Nine
hundred miles have been TV’d to date, which is approximately 60 per cent of the total.
The initial TV program will be completed in 2-3 years. She described how pipe defect
scores are calculated and addressed. Ninety-two per cent of the pipes that have been
TV’d to date are in relatively good condition, but there are still many miles of pipe that
need renovation. She stated that it would take about 26 years to renovate all 6, 8 and 10
inch pipes with rating greater than 5,000, indicating poor condition, at current production
rates. Staff will continue to look for improved efficiency and process improvements.
Innovations in the Collection System Program include use of trenchless technology,
development of geographical data integration platform for the collection system, and use
of in-house design, construction management and right-of-way staff.
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The General Improvements Program funds basic programs such as the equipment
budget, the information technology plan, and miscellaneous building improvements. The
new Collection System Operations building will also fall under this program.
Recycled Water Program highlights include deferring the A-line project and focusing on
developing a strategic approach to maximize year-round recycling for industrial and other
The total proposed Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Budget is $38.2 million.
Total proposed Capital Revenue is $39.8 million, of which the City of Concord will pay
$11.2 million for their portion of the A-line project. The Sewer Construction Fund balance
will be about $52 million at the end of the fiscal year, based on these preliminary budget
Ms. Farrell stated that last year the Board and staff talked about an $11 raise in the
Sewer Service Charge, which staff feels will be adequate. Future rate increases should
be similar in nature and will fund the program as described, including $15 million for
mercury removal and $13 million for the CSO building. Bond financing has been included
in outlying years for construction of the primary sedimentation tank expansion.
She stated that the Board’s role in the Capital Program is ongoing. Board approval is
also needed for award of construction projects over $15,000, construction change orders
over $50,000, and consultant contracts over $50,000. She concluded that Board
concurrence is requested that the proposed preliminary expenditure figures for 2008-09
and subsequent 9 years are acceptable, and concurrence that relative emphasis and
allocation of expenditures between the four programs is acceptable for development of
the 2008-09 Capital Improvement Budget and Ten-Year Plan.
Member Menesini asked how priorities are established. Ms. Farrell explained how
priorities are developed.
President Nejedly stressed the importance of repairing pipes and his desire to avoid
overflows whenever possible.
Member Lucey requested that staff provide copies of technical papers District staff
presents at conferences.
Member Menesini requested that staff try to obtain additional publicity for the District.
Member McGill asked whether the District could be more aggressive with regard to the
renovation program.
Ms. Farrell responded that good progress is being made, and the estimated 26 years it
will take to complete the program is an extrapolation of the information obtained so far.
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Member Lucey requested that staff develop information comparing the District's program
and rate of pipe renovation to other wastewater agencies.
In response to a question from Member Menesini regarding monitoring upcoming
regulatory requirements, Ms. Farrell stated that Director of Plant Operations Doug Craig
monitors that and also attends regulatory committee meetings. She stated that one issue
the District may face in the future is the requirement to remove nutrients.
General Manager James Kelly stated that staff will come back to the Board with
information regarding potentially expediting the renovation program, and comparisons
with other Districts as requested by Member Lucey. Staff recommends the renovation
program as outlined on November 29, 2007 and that this information will be considered in
the development of the Capital Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-09.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned
the meeting at 2:43 p.m.
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Barbara D. Hockett
President Pro Tem of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
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