HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-73 AGENDA BACKUPVII. New Business 4. August 9, 1973 August 3, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO CANCEL ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR ENGINEERING AID I AND APPROVAL TO HOLD EXAMINATION TO ESTABLISH A NEW LIST FOR ENGINEERING AID I. 1. BACKGROUND: As noted by the attached Resolution No. 72-19, passed and adopted on April 21, 1972, of the eleven original names on the list there are only two remaining and this is considered to be too limiting to the appointing agent. We propose to cancel the list and call for an examination to establish a new list to replace Mr. Ohda who was appointed to the position of Construction Inspector Assistant on August 2, 1973 leaving a vacancy in the Engineering Aid I, Class Range 39 ($717.00 - $870.00). The list is needed for future vacancies where and if they occur. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the Resolution to cancel Resolution 72-19 and authorization to hold examination for Engineering Aid I. Respectfully submitted, &agger,Engineering Best Ma Dept. Recommendation Approved: wr W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: a4' 16%m& 6 G A. Horstkotte, Jr ene 1 Manager -Chief ngineer J :jv enc. 7?._ 149 ir....J�...� TTS- he 3is--a{Ct Board of dae:33 -3S fa v�r) N3r +�... 3A`L �i toi�a�d L. Aid I t•{:a03 P+e''i'ar'l%ins i adi _ated `a3L D'ffi�i ' �e3a relative Oi38imAID n n. I a a A. f. .. . ;0 i'xa Rv' k2384'ia F. ,19, E 19.4 John R. S ivev ldat this P"asclutIon she'1l:I be effective as �� �� �� 2 4372. .: i iia AND 00,313jED this 21st loll of April, V- District Board of Fha LPL-at-ral Contra Costa il!_Li.b4ry- District by.the f'.�'1-�0+%2:3°; -� il' p.YY S7z3 J -a2Ze, Gibbs '11 -kle=e .z a - tche'll l3at n.j � d 3 .i'a�'i.-SY.S'� 'rU.f. •?st tSV ii Y�+Y MC'mm -ebssA,21. 7 F.r1 I = '! Cn s �%3 ar A August 2, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ELIGIBLE LIST FOR POSITION OF EQUIPMENT MECHANIC The eligible list for Equipment Mechanic is as follows: 1. Ted Haselow 92 2. Myles Harrieth 91 3. Louis Mangini 89 1/2 4. Roy Underwood 89 5. John Tankovich 87 1/2 6. James Morris 86 If this list can be adopted tonight, August 2, 1973, an appointment can be made at the August 16th Board Meeting Respectfully submitted,( - Robert Hinkson Manager Maintenance Department Reviewed: Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: 1 G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer RHH:ph �� 7a VIII. Reports 2 August 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM TO: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer FOR: ENGINEERS REPORT - BOARD MEETING AUGUST 9, 1973 1. LID 54-4 - MUIR OAKS Jerry Laster requests that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. , A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MARTINEZ - LID 54-4. 2. LID 54 Jerry Laster proposes to hold the hearing and receive bids on LID 54, on September 20, 1973. He also suggests that we withhold award for 30 days after the hearing to allow any further comment on the E.I.R. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best tanager, Engineering Dept. JLB: jv Reronme-dation APnroved: W. C- Dalton Deputv General M;inapex_Gtil of Fnai neer August 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PERSONNEL ITEMS ON AGENDA FOR MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1973 In accordance with the Personnel Committee's instructions, we have placed the personnel matters on the Agenda for the August 9, 1973, meeting. We suggest a meeting of staff with the Personnel Committee be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on August 9 to discuss these matters. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:kr JLB cc: Members Rustigian, Allan and Gibbs ,a ECOPY i'fied: August 8, 1973 :1 4URtj! YU11 FOR: THL PN?tSowwj:;L C0L0IITTLr OF 11ItL' �"UAs.l) or 3111I.leiC'1 Oi1..7 't.1y ¢:. A. ilorstkott,Y, .Jr. , Gauaral l�,ixta� ;e:r-.;.'iiie{ Engineer St,'t,. Ei;T 11PPOiINTMENT OIL IURS. PAT O)LICA TU 'rIlL POSI'tI(): i)F ENGIi'URING AID t 1. PROBLEM: In September of 1)7i, file .)istrict purchased a Varityper type composing; Mzctaine at a cost of �Irs. lieidenreich were. trained. in its use:Ob.tlthe Van. typerba.11 aiicl Since that Lime, firs- lleidenreich ilus retir;.dleavingIr. lug;erasol] as the Only District employee capable of operating the equipment alld no other employees are available for training. :)ur. to ,is worst load ill tit€ print shoir, only a very minimum of Vvritypint, work Is possible and much District work has been postponed or clone by a 'lass s4tisfartory metiicr.l. - is opehin„ fur an Eng.ineeerial, Aiet I exists at this time due to the prowotion of W. Dale Ohda to Construction Iurpe:ctor .Assi.: j;:�At, 't ",could be highly desi.rabl,e to hire a draftsman t,1110 is a.l.*o a IX41nod and experienced Varityplat to fill this positior-.. :Arai. Pat Danna has these capabilities and. is ;14,141p sk.i Llud ill graphic ?.a. ut "n(f c0n1p0sit1.0k1 of forma, frocl,iires, and relat.L.j work. Her skill woul1 be an asset to the x'-n,ineer.ing Department. 2' tic 'UEST: Since this is a unique. combinaitiol: or skills, I feet 13"It competitive examinations would ue fruitless aly) request thc.t 3p ►ay3tet went o �1ra. :)astna to tysi.. g7o8ition effective .Anpus,t 15, 1971. kesFuctisllly surimitted, ..tack L. Best: _*,tanager, Engineering Dept. ,'��X-Ommendation Ap Ykj,v►sj . eT,. (:. aaltltn ? aeputY General ik3aa_,z ar...C:)u_t Vawtinaer tkrcomendatioir Approved: G. A. %1or8t1otte.. Jr. G(Ineral iLjjja€,er-tsir.,F '°',Yniii€er