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August 13, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF MR. TED HASELOW TO THE POSITION OF EQUIPMENT MECHANIC ($914.00, RANGE 49-A) 1. PROBLEM: This position has been authorized in the 1973-1974 Budget. 2. BACKGROUND: Mr. Haselow finished No. 1 in the recent test for this position. I wish to make his appointment effective September 1, 1973. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, 4 Y f R. H. Hinkson Manager Maintenance Department Recommendation Reviewed: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: G. A Horstkotte, Jr Gene al Manager -Chief; Engineer l RHH:sf VI OLD BUSINESS 1. August 13, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Comments received directed to the District's Environ- mental Impact Report covering Local Improvement District 54 Schedule 2. 1. PROBLEM: Board action on 6-14-73 established a review period of 40 days for the draft EIR. The review period expired July 30, 1973. All letters of comment received within the review period have been included as a part of the final EIR. One letter of comment, which is attached to this memo, was received after the review period. Since all of the significant comments by this letter have been covered in the final report, the staff feels that this letter need not be included in the report as the others have. 2. RECOMMENDATION: File letter with others for required period. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager, Engineering Dept. Recommendation Approved: G'. A Horstkotte, Jr General Manager-Chie ngineer TLB:sf ic 1!�N izW C A L= CZ) 0 i Di.rectois 11.fin traj Contra Costa anitar7T Di g trict 125C Snringbrook Road ' "; -1 lnut C-nek, Cal'if'o'-fl-la Q'45.�C' -entlemenl -To Luc_--y � 1 We are pro-pert-Ir o%---mers on ix -, -'7 oBd no,,,n.; being cor- S id; er--d for sewer cons traction. We have -read the '-Environmental Impact Report' Local Lr-_-O__'CVe_ n,ent District 754 and, feel the report n7ot only mini.nizes the •de �J' Structiv,e efIL'ects of sewers i-n- this areas ut is MOS'17 co -posed of blatant lies. The report states sev1p '-'iun- , - U r.s m=61'e the prospects for a more rapid develo.pr-ent, of the distri c T" az-- sure this pleases the sz the peculator. the (feveloper and tn_- realtucr, who in m. v experiences find the? care very little 2ive a darm-abo-t- the, de�struction of 'Llne don iu, UV U natural b--Aaut-- of a f' - na. e'Jv ac-"92 01" land in the area. N"ot once Oid the report rtl c n t h P, t r eT e n d o u s f ire '_a a z a J. n a d', -- q u a, t - 7 !;�-h44ng of a na-rrow U _L dange--rous --oad. Once the r9port r",ent'l-on the -1 1. n a � eq t V pr,�ssure t-7-at C; tn' area . 1-Trorr. t111-- e, U is too 11 0,T t 0 'C w, e c a're o.- a ri:-a-ror. i one ,;',IOU in this sp9a, 7a start 713 on a 1 nc'a. "_e Ciordell .I believe the rimary concern In the nind.s 01- U___ o'n 7T411 Ro'q' the hme mrjnera L d is the natural beaut.-7 of area. land in t'le a In rr v view -gel'jer CO-rstruct-Jon livIould have a t—i—e-d-us inpact ltCOn t�-e ur-s-00fled re�711ons n-,iver to :DereEtcored _Sgain. "ants Llr,-�at7,ent of his envirom_nt 'Lc 91armin7 a - MV-11. _Ur n-- --e has achievad zlnd used it to -,rill Df.-P -"�Ciz�s of Pr i d a _Irtile s!' t'--)R'U- should be c- '-his earth to,_3a77. u 3 F 'taken from �Ve Sbuc�'edl and d�-st-rmr-,� "LqVe le ry no e c a t n d t h,� ��A U "f. "e Of -..eture Th 9 1 r L _11v si- a t- v9n- to re2r e,nd raise th_ir -7o11,n,,r. S a77' th-77 'kisve -1-5 1;0 S'.-"rvive hizrerls C, ur �!n t t C 2. j .OAT 1 -1 4 a t a t in 1 �rsr'--hand has (KnOnRa3) Pale 2 wildlifq disappears it pir2 lands aijacent to W Ft!7 areas, ...w §a7plbg@3 x g®a, \ The Z,I,R.«is apparently I7norant or indifferent : f t\ase facts and does npt treat the °subject truthfully. incerely, MY Y. Mi tyre (, s, H j 528 Clipper Sill Ro6d Denville, California 94526 r►�E C"_ PO -'-- Filed: August 9, 1973 MEMORAINMUM FOR: TEE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF VIA: G. A. t'iorstkotr_e. Jr., Cuneral Manar- er-Chief faigineer SUBJECT: TO AGOUIRE AN IM TYPEWRITER FOR $175.00 1. PROBI.EMI: The Survey Department has a Royal electric typeurrit;:r tbat was purchased for office use in 1960. The ser-viceman. indicat��:.] .:..at the machine was beyond repair and should be r - aced. 2. BACKOROUND: under the ftcountim, Budget for 1973-74, the Board authorized the purchase. c: :.,.,w IBM sel.ectric typewriters at $621.00 each, less three trade-ins of their 1964 t _:7�.�.its at $175.1-' V.e propose to keep one of the trade-ins i:c+- the use in th. _: . ,, yr_-y ].:epartment. 3. t.}sE?L}':ST Apy•.ti._r.: �i ,ri�r:_ e one typewri.tF�r for $175.00. R.esriectfully submitted, Jack L. Best alanager, Engineering Dept. JLB:sf Recommendation Approved: G. ,orstkotte., Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. New Busin( 4. August 9, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $125.00 FOR SHORING SAFETY TRAINING SCHOOL 1. PROBLEM: The Sacramento Valley Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers is holding a weekly training course in Sacramento for shoring safety. 2. BACKGROUND: The training will include all types of systems and methods for basic shoring in conformance with the guide lines set up by the Division of Industrial Safety, State of California. We propose to send 5 employees, Mr. Coe, Engineering Associate, and 4 Construction Inspector Assistants at a rate of one or two a week. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager, Engineering Dept. JLB:jv Recommendation approved: G. A Horstkotte, Jlrl Gen al Manager -Chief Engineer VIII. Reports 2 August 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM TO: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer FOR: ENGINEERS REPORT - BOARD MEETING AUGUST 9, 1973 1. LID 54-4 - MUIR OAKS Jerry Laster requests that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. , A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MARTINEZ - LID 54-4. 2. LID 54 Jerry Laster proposes to hold the hearing and receive bids on LID 54, on September 20, 1973. He also suggests that we withhold award for 30 days after the hearing to allow any further comment on the E.I.R. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best tanager, Engineering Dept. JLB: jv Reronme-dation APnroved: W. C- Dalton Deputv General M;inapex_Gtil of Fnai neer August 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PERSONNEL ITEMS ON AGENDA FOR MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 1973 In accordance with the Personnel Committee's instructions, we have placed the personnel matters on the Agenda for the August 9, 1973, meeting. We suggest a meeting of staff with the Personnel Committee be held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on August 9 to discuss these matters. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:kr JLB cc: Members Rustigian, Allan and Gibbs ,a ECOPY i'fied: August 8, 1973 :1 4URtj! YU11 FOR: THL PN?tSowwj:;L C0L0IITTLr OF 11ItL' �"UAs.l) or 3111I.leiC'1 Oi1..7 't.1y ¢:. A. ilorstkott,Y, .Jr. , Gauaral l�,ixta� ;e:r-.;.'iiie{ Engineer St,'t,. Ei;T 11PPOiINTMENT OIL IURS. PAT O)LICA TU 'rIlL POSI'tI(): i)F ENGIi'URING AID t 1. PROBLEM: In September of 1)7i, file .)istrict purchased a Varityper type composing; Mzctaine at a cost of �Irs. lieidenreich were. trained. in its use:Ob.tlthe Van. typerba.11 aiicl Since that Lime, firs- lleidenreich ilus retir;.dleavingIr. lug;erasol] as the Only District employee capable of operating the equipment alld no other employees are available for training. :)ur. to ,is worst load ill tit€ print shoir, only a very minimum of Vvritypint, work Is possible and much District work has been postponed or clone by a 'lass s4tisfartory metiicr.l. - is opehin„ fur an Eng.ineeerial, Aiet I exists at this time due to the prowotion of W. Dale Ohda to Construction Iurpe:ctor .Assi.: j;:�At, 't ",could be highly desi.rabl,e to hire a draftsman t,1110 is a.l.*o a IX41nod and experienced Varityplat to fill this positior-.. :Arai. Pat Danna has these capabilities and. is ;14,141p sk.i Llud ill graphic ?.a. ut "n(f c0n1p0sit1.0k1 of forma, frocl,iires, and relat.L.j work. Her skill woul1 be an asset to the x'-n,ineer.ing Department. 2' tic 'UEST: Since this is a unique. combinaitiol: or skills, I feet 13"It competitive examinations would ue fruitless aly) request thc.t 3p ►ay3tet went o �1ra. :)astna to tysi.. g7o8ition effective .Anpus,t 15, 1971. kesFuctisllly surimitted, ..tack L. Best: _*,tanager, Engineering Dept. ,'��X-Ommendation Ap Ykj,v►sj . eT,. (:. aaltltn ? aeputY General ik3aa_,z ar...C:)u_t Vawtinaer tkrcomendatioir Approved: G. A. %1or8t1otte.. Jr. G(Ineral iLjjja€,er-tsir.,F '°',Yniii€er L FE COP L i ied: MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. HorstUtte, Jr. -, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRON14ENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR DSP 2259, GREEN VALLEY CREEK (WATERSHED 35 NO.) 1. PROBLEM: The project has been evaluated pursuant to District Ordinance 89, and it has been determined that the District is the lead agency. An environmental assessment must be made. The Environmental Impact Assessment is submitted on the accompanying form. 2. RECO11MENDATION: Find that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, a negative declaration should be prepared. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager, Engineering Dept. Recommendation Approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB:rm OP August 7, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. -- General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CLAIM OF VERN S. RYAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. 1. PROBLEM: The Cost to install sewer main extension, Permit F45975, Job #545, was based on information received by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Permit Department, which indicated the end of an existing line being 25' from a manhole. 2. BACKGROUND: The actual end of the line was 45' frori the manhole causing the Oontractor to have to remove fencing and shrubs to complete the job. The Contractor submitted a bill for $500.00 to cover the additional expense. According to the job inspector, a backhoe and labor for d hours at $27.50 per hour is justified as maximum and a charge of $160.00 for fencing and shrubs as billed is adequate. 3. RECOMMENDATION: The claim is for $500.00 and we would recommend that only $380.00 be paid based on the information received. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager, Engineering Dept. JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. New Business 5. August 7, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $118.00 PLUS TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICAN CONGRESS OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING CONFERENCE, SEPTEMBER 20-22, 1973, IN SANTA CRUZ Attending: Wendle Whipple Allowance: @ $36.00 per day for 3 days . . . $108.00 Registration . . . 10.00 $118.00 plus transportation Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager, Engineering Dept. JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: G. A Horstkotte, ilk-) Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 6:00 to 8:00 PM Registration 8:00 to 10:00 PH Vendor Sponsored Cocktail Hour Registration continues FRJDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 0:00 to 10:00 AM Exhibits G Registration 10:00 to 10:30 AM Conference Opening I Welcoming Remarks Introduction of Exhibitors 10:30 to 12:00 Noon Re -certification of Surveyors - Panel Moderator - Leo Ruth Panelists - John -Kemper, UC Davis -Don Nance, State Board of Registration C. A. Noolridge, CLSA W. L. Meikle, Langenour and Heikle 12:00 to 1:45 PH ,Luncheon - Redwood Room 1:45 to 2;30 PH surveyor'and the Law -.Speaker - Curtis Brown, Brown and Hall 2:30 to 3:00 PH Photogrammetry and Evidence in Court Speaker - Francis Moffitt - UC Berkeley 3:00 to 3:30 PM Coffee Break with Exhibitors 3:30 to 5i00 PH Computation for the Surveyor - Panel; moderator - George I(atibah, State of California Panelists_- Richard Stephans, Passarino Surveys John McMillan, County of Los Angeles 7:00 to 8:00 PH Cocktails - He Host - Sierra Roan 8:00 PH Banquet - Redwood Room I ' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 8:30 to 9:00 AM Registration . 9:00 to 10:00 AM RetracementSurveys - Panel Moderator - Ira Alexander, County of Los Angeles Panelists U.S. Bureau of Land.Management U.S. Forest Service 10:00 to 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:30 to 11:30 AM Speaker - James Robinson, Title Insurance and Trust Company 11:30 to 12:00 Noon Latest Developments Distance Measuring Equipment 12:00 to 1:30 PH Luncheon - Members and Guests - Redwood Room Guest Speaker - 1.10 to-2:00 PH Remote Sensing 2:00 to 2:30 PH ACSM in International Professional Activity 1974 F.I.G. Convention in Washington O.C.' Speaker - George Bestor, Bestor and Associates 2:30 to 3:00 PM Coffee Break 3:00 to 3:30 PH Radar Level and Applications 3:30 to 4:30 PH Surveyor Legislation Speakers - William Nothomb, CC of CE E LS , CLSA 4:10 PM Closing Remarks ADVANCE REGISTRATION 1973 ACSIi CALIFOR41A CONFERENCE Septembcr 20 - 22, 1973 Detach and Hail To: :ohn W. Kr.icht- 1804 Clerwas Read Oakland, California 91+502 Please Print Name (Last) (First) (initial) Affiliation Company or Agency) Hail Address (Street) - (CityY State Zip Make checks payable to: 1973 ACSS California Conference No. REGISTRATION FEE: $10.00 STUDENTS: $1.00 FRIDAY LUNCHEON - $4.00 LADIES ACTIVITY (Fri) - $5.00 FRIDAY DINNER - $8.00 SATURDAY LUNCHEON - $4.00 SATURDAY NIGHT ROARING CAMP TRAIN RIDE AND BARBECUE - $8.00 Tota1 $ For Making Room Reservations, Contact: Holiday Inn fill Ocean Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone 40B-425-7100 Convention Rates (Plus 5% Room Tax). - 1 Person, Single Room -- S15.50 2 Persons, Double Roan $19.50 7?._ 149 ir....J�...� TTS- he 3is--a{Ct Board of dae:33 -3S fa v�r) N3r +�... 3A`L �i toi�a�d L. Aid I t•{:a03 P+e''i'ar'l%ins i adi _ated `a3L D'ffi�i ' �e3a relative Oi38imAID n n. I a a A. f. .. . ;0 i'xa Rv' k2384'ia F. ,19, E 19.4 John R. S ivev ldat this P"asclutIon she'1l:I be effective as �� �� �� 2 4372. .: i iia AND 00,313jED this 21st loll of April, V- District Board of Fha LPL-at-ral Contra Costa il!_Li.b4ry- District by.the f'.�'1-�0+%2:3°; -� il' p.YY S7z3 J -a2Ze, Gibbs '11 -kle=e .z a - tche'll l3at n.j � d 3 .i'a�'i.-SY.S'� 'rU.f. •?st tSV ii Y�+Y MC'mm -ebssA,21. 7 F.r1 I = '! Cn s �%3 ar A August 2, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ELIGIBLE LIST FOR POSITION OF EQUIPMENT MECHANIC The eligible list for Equipment Mechanic is as follows: 1. Ted Haselow 92 2. Myles Harrieth 91 3. Louis Mangini 89 1/2 4. Roy Underwood 89 5. John Tankovich 87 1/2 6. James Morris 86 If this list can be adopted tonight, August 2, 1973, an appointment can be made at the August 16th Board Meeting Respectfully submitted,( - Robert Hinkson Manager Maintenance Department Reviewed: Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: 1 G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer RHH:ph �� 7a VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. Meeting of Aug.23/ AUGUST 16, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General -Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization of additional $5000.00 for Slide Repairs, 27" Line E between South Lucille and Bollinger Canyon Road. 1. PROBLEM: Due to updated appraisal of work to be done, monies as authorized are deemed insufficient. (Refer to attached memo of May 31, 1973, approved June 7, 1973). 2. BACKGROUND: Field Reconnaissance made by Burton H. Marliave, Consulting Geologist in April 1973 and subsequent surveys by the District in July 1973 were turned over to Harding -Lawson Associates, Consulting Engineering and Geologists for recommendations. It has been suggested by the latter firm that the slides at Sta. 139+90+ will require, at a minimum, a reestablishment of surface and sub- surface drainage to curtail further sliding action in the near future. The slide at Sta. 110+60+ will require immediate attention to securing the existing exposed sections of pipeline now temporar- ily supported over the undermined area. It has been suggested that; a minimum of 8 reinforced concrete caisson pile supports 20 ft. deep and integral offset concrete saddle be utilized at the pipe joints, excess cover now existing be removed from over the pipe in that area, and that surface and subsurface drainage be reestablished. Con- struction cost of these repairs and precautionary measures has been estimated at $15,000.00. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Having been reviewed by the District's Engineering and Maintenance Staff, it is recommended that the suggested methods to secure the trunk sewer from further damage and failure be adopted and that an additional $5000.00 be authorized for this project. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: G A . Horstkotte, FJr. General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB:sf usi. DiLw BUST-N SS .June 7, 19 May 31, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Slide repairs, 27" Line E between South Lucille and Bollinger Canyon Road PROBLEM: We have two slides to repair at the above mentioned l©cd� It is our intention to support the endangered pipe on piling.. It wiu. ,--, take at least 14 wooden piles tom'do the job. In addition_ to pile driving equipnt, we will -need Bosedozer work to prepare and clean up the site We area regmsting $10,000.00 :Vy do this work. BACKGROUND:. East Bay Water will Soon ba letting a contract for -the stallation of a Gb" water line adj�t to our trunk line in this eras. It is your intention to -'secure our- slide areasbefore their" oantractor starts hi.s work. RECTM ATI N' Appravi& authorizatiou so that. corrective workmar he started promptly., Respectfully, swildttsdi Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Meld Operations. RHH:kr Recommendation Approved: G.A. Horstkotte, Ge ` e al Manager- Ch of Engineer