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Tuesday, November 19, 2024
8:30 a.m.
Chair Florence Wedington
Member Barbara Hockett
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (left during Item 4.b.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Greg Norby, Deputy GM - Operations
Philip Leiber, Deputy GM - Administration
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left and returned during
Item 4.b.)
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (arrived during Item 3.a., left after Item 4.a.)
Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Blake Brown, Laboratory Program Administrator
Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer
David Wyatt, Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program Administrator (left after Item 4.a.)
Winston Ingram, Senior HHW Technician (left after Item 4.a.)
Karen DeLong, Administrative Services Assistant
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Wedington called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review Draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution Nos. 2024-xxx, 2024-xxx,
2024-xxx, and 2024-xxx Accepting Grants of Easements at 2101 San Miguel
Drive, 2115 San Miguel Drive, 0 San Miguel Drive, and 1229 Oakland
Boulevard in Walnut Creek, as Related to District Project 100023, and
Authorizing Staff to Record Documents with the Contra Costa County
Ms. Lawson provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials. She explained that the zero address is because the County
does not regularly assign address numbers to properties with no buildings,
therefore zero was used as an identifier.
In response to an inquiry from Chair Wedington regarding the cost breakdown,
Ms. Lawson stated that the difference in cost per property is related to the
width of the easement, the length of the easement on the property, and any
credit from the prior easement.
There were no public comments.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2024-XXX authorizing (1)
execution of a Real Property Agreement for Property located at 8 Valley Vista
Lane, Lafayette, and (2) staff to record documents with the Contra Costa
County Clerk -Recorder's Office
Ms. Lawson provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials.
There were no public comments.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
4. Other Aaenda Items
a. Receive Fiscal Year 2023-24 Household Hazardous Waste Program Annual
Report and Supporting Presentation
Mr. Ingram reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
In response to Chair Wedington's inquiry regarding the origin of the four
percent minimum participation goal, Mr. Wyatt responded that the goal had
been established when the program began in 1997. It is believed that the goal
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was based on the experience of other permanent Household Hazardous
Waste (HHW) collection facilities throughout California at the time.
Mr. Ingram explained that the HHW cost measurement of Cost per Household
would continue to be used instead of the historical Cost per Car to more
accurately reflect cost and benefit to all rate payers. Mr. Wyatt explained that
the Cost per Household measures the HHW program portion of the sewer
service charge paid by every rate payer rather than on a per -visit basis, as
with Cost per Car, which does not account for the cost to rate payers that do
not use the program during the year.
Member Hockett opined that Central San's HHW services are available to
customers at a very reasonable rate.
Chair Wedington inquired whether HHW accepts pharmaceuticals. Ms.
Schectel replied that the HHW facility does not, but Central San does sponsor
four remaining collection sites where a third -party contractor collects the
pharmaceuticals for disposal. Mr. Wyatt explained that because there is a
statewide manufacturer -funded program available, the remaining Central San
collection sites are being asked to convert to the manufacturer funded
program. Ms. Schectel shared that the statewide program for collection of
pharmaceuticals paid for by the pharmaceutical companies is the motivation
for these conversions from Central San's program.
Chair Wedington shared appreciation for the HHW program and particularly for
the reuse room.
There were no public comments.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and recommended Board
b. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel shared that the last BACWA Board meeting was held on October
18, 2024 at Central San, followed by a very successful Membrane Aerated
Biofilm Reactor (MABR) tour. Over 35 BACWA members attended, as well as
members of the Regional Water Board staff. The next Board meeting will be
held on December 6, 2024.
On Friday, November 22, 2024 there will be a joint meeting with the Regional
Water Board.
The BACWA Board received an update from San Francisco Estuary Institute
(SFEI) staff on the Regional Monitoring Program (RMP), which is in its 31 st
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year and is made up of a steering committee and technical review committee,
including BACWA members. They hosted their multi -year planning workshop
to develop priorities for study focus areas for 2026 on November 4. The
program will receive approximately $4 Million per year over the next five years
through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s new San Francisco Bay
Program Office funding, effectively doubling RMP annual funding. BACWA
agencies fund approximately 46 percent of the current funding levels for the
RMP. Funding will be used for water quality science, program management,
quality assurance, and other related items. Ms. Brown shared that a program
manager and a communications role will be hired.
Ms. Schectel stated that BACWA is working with the EPA to create a non-
competitive grant rationale to get new EPA Program Office funding for required
reports under the Third Nutrient Permit and to be able to set up its own
selection process for additional EPA program funding for individual BACWA
members. A proposed selection committee, if approved, would be able to
directly allocate funds to BACWA members' efforts such as nutrient
management planning, and pilots, among other things, but not necessarily
Ms. Schectel noted that BACWA published a request for proposals (RFP) on
October 9 for nutrient annual reports and regional planning efforts under the
3rd Nutrient Watershed Permit. A contract will be presented to the BACWA
Board at the December 6 meeting.
Ms. Schectel shared regarding the Third Nutrient Watershed Permit, that the
Regional Nutrient Management Science Program Steering Committee and
Planning Sub -Committee met two weeks ago and will have additional
meetings over the next few months to determine priority science work for the
next five years. Some of the areas of additional scientific focus over the next
five years could include better understanding of episodic conditions adding to
harmful algal bloom and spread, reducing uncertainty in the current model,
refining dissolved oxygen assumptions included in the current permit, greater
understanding of the Delta, impact of refineries, the biology of the 2022 bloom,
and near -term results from nutrient reduction efforts already underway.
Science priorities will also be discussed with the Regional Water Board on
November 22, 2024. Ms. Schectel noted that BACWA is working with the
Regional Water Board to develop alignment on what management questions
need to be answered and science priorities that correspond to those
questions. BACWA has emphasized that its members do not want to chase
moving targets, that is, continually changing nutrient limits.
Member Hockett opined that the nutrients issue is a dynamic process based
on multiple variables, and that outcomes will continue to change. She
expressed hope that the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) project
could make a positive, cost-effective impact.
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Mr. Norby emphasized that in addition to the capital projects underway and
anticipated success with MABR, scientific research into nutrients is also a high
priority for the next five year permit term. The conditions are shifting even as
efforts are underway to understand the underlying concerns. The Bay is a
complex system being driven by climate change, temperatures, wind patterns,
and variations in clarity and sedimentation loads. It is important for the
Regional Water Board to understand the nutrient issue as a holistic and long-
term risk mitigation process across several factors, most of which are beyond
control. The rate of nutrient loading into the Bay is important but is only one
factor. The pragmatic issue for dischargers is the current target that will take a
decade or more to reach, while the larger issue is long-term risk mitigation.
Ms. Schectel added that there are staffing changes at the Water Board and the
EPA and that BACWA wants to work with the staff to ensure collaboration. The
Nutrient Management Science Program has also been without a crucial
program manager. All parties are aware that this position needs to be filled
and are working on staffing to move things along in an efficient way.
Ms. Schectel stated that the Air District/BACWA collaborative group will meet
regarding the need for efficiency in processing air permit requests for
construction. The Water Board staff might attend to discuss the need for
efficient air permitting for nutrient mitigation projects.
Ms. Schectel shared that at the November 22, 2024 joint meeting with the
Water Board, the topics will include collaborative regulatory strategies, the
regional monitoring program, pollution prevention and source control
coordination, the third nutrient watershed permit implementation including the
funding opportunities mentioned above, and management questions over the
next five years.
Chair Wedington expressed appreciation for Ms. Schectel's thorough updates.
There were no public comments.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Status report on Mt View Sanitary District - Central San Consolidation Study
Mr. Leiber gave a verbal update on the status of the study. The kickoff
meeting with the consulting team, led by Raftelis, was held on November 5,
2024, to outline the issues to be studied and the approach to be taken. Mr.
Leiber added that the nutrients permit requirements have added additional
complexities that will need to be assessed for each agency.
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Ms. Lawson shared that topics at the kickoff meeting included project charter,
deliverables and expectations, concerns and opportunities, and defining legal
definitions around any possible reorganization. She estimated an update for
the Committee in the middle of 2025, and a recommendation of feasibility by
mid-2026. There will be a communications planning meeting later this week to
coordinate a unified communications plan within the two districts.
Mr. Leiber added that there could be a positive outcome for both District's
customers, but variables have changed over the past year and a half.
There were no public comments.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
5. Announcements
Ms. Gemmell announced that the Permit Department is experiencing an issue
with Oracle Permitting and Licensing (OPAL) software indicating incorrect
payment status. Currently only emergency permits are being issued. The
problem is being addressed with Oracle.
• Ms. Gemmell announced that the Planning Group is working with Collection
System Operations (CSO) to install 35 Smart Covers for data retrieval
beginning on December 3, 2024.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
6. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future scheduled meetings
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
2025 Meeting Schedule -TBD
8. Adjournment —at 9:41 a.m.
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