HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Operations MINUTES 11-06-24Page 2 of 7 LCENTRAL SAN REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday, November 6, 2024 8:30 a.m. ('3nmmittPP Chair Mike McGill Member Florence Wedington Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (left during Item 4.a.) Katie Young, Secretary of the District Joan Cox, Legal Counsel (joined during Item 3.a. left during Item 4.c.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: MARIAHN LAURITZEN President MICHAEL R. MCGILL President Pro Tem BARBARA D.HOCKETT TAD J PILECKI FLORENCE T WEDINGTON PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX.- (925) 372-0192 www.centralsan.org Greg Norby, Deputy GM — Engineering & Operations Philip Leiber, Deputy GM — Administration Danea Gemmell, Planning & Development Services Division Manager (left after Item 3.b.) Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Paul Seitz, Collection Systems Operations Division Manager Damasio Zepeda-Aragon (left after Item 3.b.) Nathan Hodges, Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Gregory St. John, Surveyor (left after Item 3.a.) Eileen Hansen, Deputy Secretary of the District Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant Call Meetina to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 161 of 166 Page 3 of 7 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 6, 2024 Page 2 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute two professional engineering services agreements with 1) Mark Thomas and Company, Inc. (Mark Thomas) in an amount of $650,000; and 2) LCC Engineering and Surveying, Inc. (LCC, Inc.) in an amount of $350,000 to provide as -needed land surveying services for District projects Mr. St. John provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the agenda materials. Staff is anticipating an increase in project needs therefore additional support will be required in the survey division. To meet this demand, the District issued a Request for Proposal for as -needed land surveying services for a minimum of three years, up to $1,000,000. Mark Thomas and LCC, Inc. were selected. Contracting with two firms offers more flexibility, less administrative time, and lowers costs. In response to Member Wedington's question regarding the need for additional survey support beyond the next three years, Mr. St. John stated that the need for support is likely perpetual. Member Wedington requested clarification regarding the request for the Limited Duration Position (LDP). Mr. Lopez stated that Capital is considering this as an option. Chair McGill asked if the LDP would be doing the survey work on an as -needed basis or assisting with coordination. Mr. St. John stated that the LDP would be doing the survey work and confirmed the work will be done on an as - needed basis. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding adding full-time employees (FTEs) to supplement the ongoing needs of the survey division as compared to using consultants on an as -needed basis. Mr. Bailey asked to have this conversation internally. Chair McGill stated that using consultants on an as -needed basis can be more cost effective for the District and it allows for more flexibility with the peaks and valleys of the workload. Mr. Norby summarized his perspective that three factors should be considered in future decisions on surveying resources: the needs of linear assets like the gravity sewer system vs the needs for the treatment plant facilities, rapidly evolving technology for surveying and modeling, and the variation in workload. Member Wedington asked staff to change the wording for the LDP to be less definitive. There were no public comments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 162 of 166 Page 4 of 7 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 6, 2024 Page 3 b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement in an amount not to exceed $330,000 with the Orinda Country Club (Club) to relocate a private sewer under Lake Cascade Sewer Relocation, District Project 100072 Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the agenda materials. He stated that the 8" replacement of the public sewer is complete. In a discussion regarding the original project scope and cost of the side sewer work, Mr. Lopez stated that additional Board authorization is needed due to the additional piping footage needed to reroute the side sewer, increasing the cost to approximately $330,000. After agreeing on a final price from bids obtained by the Country Club, the work will be completed by them and the District will reimburse the costs. The Club has a current construction project at the impacted facilities, and it's in the best interest to have the Club coordinate and include the work with their contractors to avoid any delays or conflicts. Mr. Lopez stated the final phase of this project will be to remove and abandon the existing aerial sewer line and structures. However, before the District can proceed, permits from the Division of Safety of Dams are required. Staff is currently in the process of obtaining the permits for this work. In response to Member Wedington's question if the District typically replaces private side sewers, Mr. Lopez said no, the District initiated the relocation and is paying for this work because the connection of the Clubs sewer service has to be moved in order for the District to abandon and remove the deteriorating public sewer from the lake. There were no public comments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. 4. Other Items a. Receive update on the Steam Renovations, Phase 1 B Project Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the presentation included in the agenda materials. Mr. Lopez stated that the Steam Renovations Phase 1 B work has to be built with the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A project and requires complex coordination with this project. There are very specialized areas of work to be done. Staff will be recommending a change order for the work in the future. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 163 of 166 Page 5 of 7 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 6, 2024 Page 4 In response to Mr. Bailey's question regarding legal counsel review, Ms. Cox stated Mr. Lopez has made a good argument regarding the complexity of the interrelated tasks that need to be done and how dependent they are on each other, and that a change order is supportable. Ms. Cox also stated that it is not a good idea to bring a different contractor on site for this work that doesn't know the circumstances and the possible impacts or safety issues involved. In response to Mr. Bailey's question regarding who will be included in the change order, Mr. Lopez stated C. Overaa, MWH and HDR contracts will be amended for construction, construction management, and design respectively. Member Wedington asked if the coordination effort will cause delays with the Solids Handling, Phase 1A project. Mr. Lopez stated including the steam work would not cause additional delays with Solids and would actually help by ensuring the contractor can utilize its resources during what may otherwise be slower periods in the Solids work schedule.. In response to Mr. Bailey's question regarding whether this change order will be aligned with ongoing electrical coordination or changes in the Solids Project, Mr. Lopez responded yes. Mr. Lopez stated that the coordination effort has started, and staff will revisit the item with the Committee in January 2025 for further discussion. Mr. Norby recommended that staff include the high-level figures for the Steam Project Phases 1A and 1B when the topic is brought back, so there is context relative to the total capital budget line item. There were no public comments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. b. Receive report on Fiscal Year 2023-24 Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the presentation included in the agenda materials. He stated that this report consists of projects from the Capital Program over $1 million in expenditures for the life of the projects. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 164 of 166 Page 6 of 7 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 6, 2024 Page 5 In response to Chair McGill's question regarding the influent pumps, Mr. Lopez stated the influent pumps were removed and replaced to undergo a major renovation. The pumps are back in place and will be evaluated regularly for vibration and oil analysis as part of the general maintenance routine. There were no public comments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. C. Receive quarterly update on the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program Mr. Norby introduced the agenda item. He stated that the goal of this report is to provide a comprehensive financial picture of the Capital program and that the data is now being managed within the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) system. He also mentioned that it is important that this report be responsive and give the Board what is needed to allow them to perform their due diligence and oversight of the Capital Program. He requested the Committees feedback and comments. Mr. Lopez provided an overview of Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program included in the agenda materials. He mentioned that the report is project focused, however, future updates are in progress to demonstrate program level reporting. Financial details are being supported by accounting staff and being sorted for accuracy. A discussion ensued regarding the importance of being able to get information out to constituents in a manner that makes sense and not overwhelming but informative while providing the background information that correlates to rate increases. Mr. Lopez suggested adding more charts and graphs to show the different types of spending either by program or type of work being done. Member Wedington asked staff to consider using color-blind friendly colors for the charts and graphs. Member Wedington suggested trimming the report down to major projects as well as standardizing the format. Chair McGill agreed. The Committee had no further questions or comments. There were no public comments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 165 of 166 Page 7 of 7 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 6, 2024 Page 6 5. Announcements None. 6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff. 7. Future Scheduled Meeti Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. 2025 Schedule TBD 8. Adjournment — at 10:43 a.m. November 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 166 of 166