HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Receive update and impact analysis on the most recent acturial valuations for Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA), and the anticpated savings from the 2021 unfunded actuarial accrued liability paydown transcationPage 1 of 9 Item 4.a. F__1_448�411C_S0 October 29, 2024 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER REVIEWED BY: PHILIPLEIBER, DEPUTYGM -ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE AND IMPACTANALYSIS ON THE MOST RECENT ACTUARIAL VALUATIONS FOR CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENTASSOCIATION (CCCERA), AND THE ANTICIPATED SAVINGS FROM THE 2021 UNFUNDED ACTUARIAL ACCRUED LIABILITY PAYDOWN TRANSACTION On September 11, 2024, Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) received the system's actuarial valuation as of December 31, 2023. The valuation, commonly referred to as the "funding valuation," analyzes that year's actual experience and then uses that data to establish required contribution rates for the upcoming fiscal year, which in this case is Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25. That day, the CCCERA Board also received the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 68 (GASB 68) Valuation report as of June 30, 2024, commonly referred to as the "GASB 68" or "financial reporting valuation". The financial reporting valuation will be used for reporting Central San's net pension liability in the Annual Comprehensive Financial report (ACFR) for the year ended June 30, 2024, expected to be delivered to the Board in December 2024. These actuarial reports are lengthy, and while not included in this memo, they are publicly available on CCCERA's website at www.cccera.org/actuarial- reports CCCERA Plan Highlights CCCERA's overall investment yield for calendar year 2023 was 8.69 percent on a market value basis, and 5.31 percent on a valuation value basis, compared to -11.25 percent and 5.25 percent in calendar year 2022 respectively. The valuation value basis return results in a small actuarial loss when measured against the assumed long-term rate of return of 6.75 percent, which increased the average employer contribution rate by 1.03 percent of pay. The system's overall funded status decreased from 91.2 percent to 91.0 percent on a "valuation value" basis (with application of the actuarial assumptions such as smoothing, etc.), and the funded status increased from 84.3 percent to 86.8 percent on a "market value" basis. I n terms of dollars, the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of the total plan increased from $1.05 billion to $1.12 billion on a valuation value basis. The average employer contribution rate decreases from 30.01 percent (FY 2024-25) of payroll to 28.55 percent (FY 2025-26). The average employee contributed rate decreased from 12.18 percent (FY 2024-25) to 12.13 percent (FY 2025-26). Funding Valuation Basis Impact to Central San Ultimately, the actuarial smoothed funding valuation is more relevant than the financial reporting valuation as it has direct and immediate budgetary implications. CCCERA's actuarial valuations do not publish a funded percentage that is specific to Central San, or any participating employer for that matter. However, October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 148 of 211 Page 2 of 9 the funded percentage can be derived based on the Central San specific Actuarial Value of Assets (AVA) and UAAL figures which are included in the report. Using information available in CCCERA's report, Central San staff has internally calculated a funded rate of 97.41 percent as of December 31, 2023, compared to a funded rate of 99.01 percent on December 31, 2022. CCCERA's actuarial valuations also do not take into account restricted assets held by participating employers in Section 115 trusts as employers have discretion over when and how to use the trust assets for pension plan contributions, impacting actuarial assumptions. However, contributions can be directed to the pension pre -funding trust by Central San's Board which can, and have, helped address any growth in the UAAL. While the pension prefunding trust was largely liquidated to facilitate the payoff of the pension UAAL in June 2021, the Board directed an additional $1 million to be contributed to the trust during FY 2023-24 on a dollar cost average basis commencing November 2024. When including $174,702 of assets in its pension prefunding trust as of December 31, 2023, the derived funded position of Central San's pension plan increases slightly to 97.45%. As described previously, Central San made a large prepayment in the amount of $70.76 million toward its UAAL related to the issuance of $50.57 million in low -interest rate Certificates of Participation (COPs) used for capital projects in June 2021. This effectively eliminated Central San's UAAL at that time, which was reflected in the actuarial report ending December 31, 2021. Following this payoff, Central San's UAAL contribution was essentially eliminated in FY 2021-22 through FY 2023-24, with a minor 0.15 percent contribution requirement for administrative cost recovery purposes. Given investment losses reported calendar year 2022, Central San's UAAL did resurface slightly, resulting in a UAAL contribution rate of 1.06 percent effective in FY 2024-25. This trend continued in calendar year 2023, resulting in Central San's UAAL contribution rate increasing to 2.60% for FY 2025-26. Central San's normal cost contribution rates, in contrast to the UAAL rate, remain largely unchanged for the Legacy and PEP RA tiers which are 17.37 percent and 11.52 percent respectively in FY 2025-26, compared to 17.45 percent and 11.60 percent in FY 2024-25. Financial Reporting Valuation Basis Impact to Central San The financial reporting valuation (GASB 68) publishes Central San's Net Pension Liability (NPL) necessary for financial reporting in Central San's FY 2023-24 ACFR. This report uses data from the preceding valuations and projects it forward using the plan's economic and demographic assumptions. Importantly, it also removes the five-year smoothing method used in the funding valuation. The elimination of this "smoothing effect" makes the reporting valuation similar to stating Central San's UAAL on a market value basis thereby exposing the year-to-year funded position to significantly increased market volatility risk. To demonstrate this volatility, the following are the past seven year's NPLs on a market value reporting basis: • FY 2017-18: $63.8 million • FY 2018-19: $90.4 million • FY 2019-20: $64.1 million • FY 2020-21: $48.9 million • FY 2021-22: ($53.5 million) • FY 2022-23: $37.8 million • FY 2023-24: $36.6 million As a consequence of the GASB 68 reporting valuation purposefully excluding actuarial smoothing, the extraordinary investment return reported in calendar year 2021 disproportionately impacted the plan's net pension liability, so much so that the liabilities for most CCCERA participating agencies (including Central San's) converted into net pension "assets" in FY 2021-22. Following market losses reported by the plan in calendar year 2022, the plan's net pension position reverted back to a net pension liability in FY 2022-23 of $37.8 million. This has remained relatively steady, decreasing slightly to a net pension liability of $36.6 million in FY 2023-24 following more favorable investment returns in 2023. Given the volatility involved with this figure, while it is informative to see the immediate impact market returns have on a governmental October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 149 of 211 Page 3 of 9 agency's pension obligation, it is not entirely relevant as it does not have immediate budgetary ramifications (i.e., pension contribution rates/amounts). The amounts Central San is required to contribute to CCCERA for its pension obligations are based on the actuarial funding valuations, which apply a more long-term outlook involving actuarial smoothing, and for good reason. The reporting valuation is necessary for compliance with GAS B accounting pronouncements and ACFR reporting purposes only, and this has no direct impact on Central San's required contribution rate for the upcoming fiscal year. Update on Status of Pension UAAL Payoff As noted previously, in June 2021 Central San issued COPs to fund a portion of the capital program for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22. Sewer Service charges revenue that would have otherwise funded the capital program, in addition to funds in the pension pre -funding trust, were then used to pay off the $70.76 million UAAL that existed as of June 30, 2021. Leading up to this transaction, staff presented an analysis on the likelihood of success of the transaction; specifically, whether the transaction would save Central San money in the long run. This analysis looked at whether the savings on interest assessed by CCCERA on the UAAL (at an assumed rate of return of 7 percent) would exceed the carrying costs of the COPs (0.38 percent annual true interest cost), taking into account actual future returns that the funds would earn while invested at CCCERA. While the first two components are known, the last component is not, and accordingly, there will not be certainty about the success of the transaction until FY 2028-29 (which is when the UAAL was originally scheduled to be paid off). To assess the potential outcomes of this uncertainty, Central San's financial advisor PFM Financial Advisors LLC developed a financial model that models thousands of investment outcomes through FY 2028-29, randomly drawing on CCCERA's annual historical returns since the year 2000. This "Monte Carlo" simulation as of June 3, 2021, found that there was an 87 percent chance of overall cost savings ("a positive outcome"), with most likely (modal) savings of $15 million, and a 90 percent range of potential savings from -$8 million to $42 million. These results are shown in the June 3, 2021, column in the table below. 12/31 /2023 6/3/2021 (Latest 6/30/2024 Position Bond Closing Actuarial (Preliminary Paper July 2021 Results) Returns) Expected Value/ $15 million $16 million $2 million $3 million Most Likely Outcome Probability of Positive Outcome 87 percent 89 percent 68 percent 78 percent —90 percent of Range -$8 million to -$9 million to -$8 million to -$5 million to of Outcomes +$42 million +$41 million +$11 million +$8 million New CCCERA 8.63 percent Investment Return n/a n/a 8.69 percent (FY 2023-24 for Period Used in (2023 Return) Preliminary Model Return) As of July 2021, the model was updated to include the actual interest rate on the completed COPs transaction, rather than the forecasted interest rate used in planning the COPs transaction, which increased the expected savings and likelihood of success. The last two columns in the table reflect the availability of the latest CCCERA investment performance results since the transaction closing. October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 150 of 211 Page 4 of 9 Following a very favorable CCCERA investment return in calendar 2021 of +13.9 percent, increases in borrowing rates and an inflationary environment led to a significant investment loss in calendar year 2022 of -10.6 percent (or -11.25 percent when measured as a rate of return on the Market Value of Assets). This reduced the probability of success to 70 percent and altered the 90 percent range of outcomes to between -$9 million of loss, and +$12 million in savings. This significant swing relates to the larger impact of returns (significantly positive or negative) early in the transaction's eight -year maturity, when investment returns have an outsized influence on the success of the transaction. With this sizable negative return, the most likely (modal) savings dropped to $3 million at that time. On April 13, 2022, CCCERA lowered their assumed return from 7 percent to 6.75 percent for future years. This 6.75 percent rate is now used in the preparation of the actuarial valuation reports, beginning with the December 31, 2021, report. Because this CCCERA assumption change does not affect the range of future returns used by the model (which are drawn from actual historical returns), it does not have a significant effect on the model's probability of success results. For calendar 2023, CCCERA produced a favorable investment return of +8.69 percent, decently above the 6.75 percent assumed discount rate. This marginally increased the probability of success to 68 percent. The 90 percent range of outcomes were between -$8 million and +$11 million in savings, with the most likely savings outcome at +$2 million. As of June 30, 2024, CCCERA's preliminary investment return for the fiscal year then ended was favorable at +8.63 percent, compared to the assumed return of 6.75 percent. This increased the probability of success to 78 percent, while the 90 percent range of outcomes narrowed to between - $5 million and +$8 million in savings. The most likely savings outcome increased to +$3 million. Attachment 1 contains histogram charts providing more detail on each of the four points in time noted covered in the previous table. Some important considerations from this are as follows: CCCERA recalculates and publishes impacts to the pension UAAL and employer contribution rates on an annual basis using calendar year data that is actuarially smoothed. While year-to-date market losses as of June 2024 have no direct impact on future obligations owed to CCCERA, in an attempt to provide more timely/useful information to the Board, Central San staff have performed this "interim calculation" using the latest information available. • As was known prior to the transaction, a significant negative return early in the transaction has a substantial impact on the potential savings. However, future period returns still have the ability to change the results until the bonds' final maturity on September 1, 2028, when the final results will be "locked in". This is only a "check -in"; actual savings will not be known with certainty until 2028, once the debt has been fully repaid. The savings estimates will fluctuate until then, but will begin to center on a particular number, while the 90 percent range of outcomes will narrow until that point estimate (final savings number) is reached. Per Attachment 1, the histogram data will be less spread out as time elapses. • Even with an early negative return following the UAAL payoff, the transaction still has a 78 percent likelihood of producing at least some savings (>$0). Staff will continue to report back at least annually as investment returns become available, and in conjunction with PFM, produce updated savings analyses for presentation and discussion with the Board and/or Finance Committee as needed. October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 151 of 211 Page 5 of 9 Strategic Plan re -In GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. UAAL Paydown Analysis Supporting I nfo-Charts October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 152 of 211 Attachment 1 UAAL Paydown Analysis Supporting Info -Charts The following provides additional context about each of the 4 columns presented in Table 1 of the Position Paper. 1. 6/3/21 Position Paper Column - Prior to the COPS transaction execution in June 2021, the expected value of savings was about $15 million, with a probability of saving at least $1 or more at 87%. However, there is a wide range of possible outcomes, with approximately 90% of the possible outcomes falling between -$8 million and $42 million, reflecting the range of potential outcomes based on future actual returns. This was based on expected interest rates and transaction costs of the 2021 COPs. Bonds Benefit 874b Probabilit► of Success 60U Probability of Achieving at Least 7% Average Return 51.i,650,991 86% Probability of Achieving at Least S1,000.000 !% Probability of Being Overfunded vs. Status Quo at End of Mensurement Period 15% Probabiilii • of Overfunding vs. Status no in Any Year 010 25% w 20% or 6 15% i3 v 10% 8.6% 5% 2.6% 0.3% - 0% i-531, -$21] (•521, •511] [-511, -51] 24.0% 23.6% 0A% 0,0% (59, 5191 ($19, 529] ($29, 539] (539, 5491 {S49, 5591 {559, 569] (569, 5791 (579, 5891 Range of Benefits (5 MiIIiores) 11Page October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 153 of 211 2. Bond Closing July 2021 Column -As of July 2021, plugging the actual COPS rates into the model, the expected value of savings was about $16 million, with a probability of saving at least $1 or more at 89%. Approximately 90% of the outcomes fell between -$9 million and $41 million. Bonds Benefit 89% Probability of Success 61% Probability of?lchiei-ing at Least 7% Average Return SI6y674,683 87% Probability of?lchieiing at Least S1.000.000 2% Probability of Being Overfunded vs. Status Quo at End of Measurement Period 15% Probability of Overfunding vs. Status uo in Any Year 30% 25% 596 096 24.4% [-528,-$181 (-S18,-S81 (-58, 521 (S2, $121 (S12, S221 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% (S22, 5321 (532, 5421 (S42, $52] (552, 5621 (S62, 5721 (572, 5821 (582, 5921 Range of Benefits IS Millions) 2 1 P a g e October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 154 of 211 3. 12/31/23 (Latest Actuarial Results) Column - Using available CCCERA investment returns for the period through 12/31/2023 of +8.69%, the expected value of savings was about $2 million, with a probability of producing at least some savings (>$0) at 67%. Approximately 90% of the outcomes fell between -$8 and +$11 million. Bonds Benefit 68% Probability of Success 379,b Probability of Achieving at Least 6.75" Average Return S1,924,628 621D/u Probability of Achieving at Least S1,000,000 0% Probability of Being Overfunded vs. Status Quo at End of Measurement period 3010 I ProbabWt_y of Overfunding vs. Status Quo in Any Year 30% 25% 9G — 27.1% [-$20, -$16) (-$16, -$12] (-S12, -$s) i-$s. -Sal (-$4. Sol ($0. S4) Range of Benefits ($ Millions) (S4, S81 (S8, S12] ($12, $16) i$16, $21) 3 1 P a g e October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 155 of 211 4. 6/30/24 (Preliminary Returns) Column - Using available CCCERA preliminary investment returns for the fiscal year ending 6/30/2024 of +8.63%, the expected value of savings was approximately $3 million, with a probability of producing at least some savings (>$0) at 78%. Approximately 90% of the outcomes narrowed to between -$5 million and +$8 million; this range will continue to narrow as we move forward in time and closer to the final actual result. Bonds Benefit 78% Probability of Success 38% Probability of Achieving at Least 6.75% Average Return 52,604,193 71% Probability of Achieving at Least S1,000,000 011/6 Probability of Being Overfunded vs. Status Quo at End of Measurement Period 1% Probability of Overfunding vs. Status Quo in Any Year 309F 25% m 20% a 0 Z' IS% m a 0 a 10% 5% 0% 28.59- [-$12, 4101 ($10, -$71 I-ST -541 (-$4, -521 (-$2, $11 ($1, $41 ($4, $61 c56, $91 ($9. 5121 (512, $1a1 Range of Benefits (5 Millions) 41Page October 29, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 156 of 211