HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-74 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD MARCH 7, 1974 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring-- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on March 7, 1974, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes of the meeting of February 21, 1974, be approved as presented. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES After query by Member Boneysteele and clarification by staff regarding Vouchers Numbers 17868 and 17884, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the expenditures, as reviewed by the Expenditure Committee, and as submitted by the General Manager -Chief Engineer be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 2066 to 2100, inclusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 17805 to 17952, inclusive, Local Improvement District No. 54 Construction Fund Voucher No. 4, and Payroll Vouchers Numbers 4298 to 4422, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None IV. HEARINGS None. V _ RTnS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. PRESENTATION OF FINAL REPORT BY -THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING At the request of Member Boneysteele, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling, Vice Chairman Robert R. Grinstead formally presented the Committee's final report to the Board of Directors. After comments by Vice Chairman Grinstead- regarding the scope of the report, Member Boneysteele, Chairman of the Committee, reviewed for the persons in the audience the formation and membership of the Advisory Committee. Member Boneysteele then presented mementos of appreciation -to: Vice Chairman Robert R. Grinstead Secretary E. K. Davis Mr. Fred Fagliano Mr. Lee B. Hertzberg Mrs. Kris Hiller Mr. William Treadwell Mr. Mark Maloney was not present President Mitchell, after presenting mementos of appreciation to Member Boneysteeele for his service as Chairman of the Advisory Committee, expressed the appreciation of the Board of Directors for the dedication and contributions made by the members of the Advisory Committee. President Mitchell then expressed his interest that District action to implement and expand the District's plans for solid waste management be expedited as soon as practical. After discussion wherein Member Boneysteele recommended that a public hearing be scheduled to review the Advisory Committee's report, President Mitchell requested that Secretary Davis, under guidance from Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, prepare an analysis of the Committee's report which could be implemented within the current budgetary allocations. Item continued. 2. RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD COMMITTEE ON CONSULTANT SELECTION FOR ENERGY STUDY President Mitchell explained to persons in the audience that the District was in the process of constructing an expanded Water Reclamation Facility and that this new facility imposed much higher energy requirements. Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported that proposals from six consultant firms had been solicited and that, after preliminary review, a Board Committee consisting of two Board Members, the Counsel for the District and the General Manager -Chief Engineer had been appointed to recommend selection of the consultant firm. After discussion and upon the recommendation of Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, that the selection of a consultant firm could involve matters of law, President Mitchell, at 8:37 o'clock P.M. declared an executive session. At 8:47 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell reconvened the regular meeting. K President Mitchell reported that the Selection Committee had recommended the engineering consultant firm of Brown and Caldwell in conjunction with Systems Control, Inc., to conduct the study on conversion of municpal solid waste to energy. Cost for the three to five month study is $45,000.00. After comments by Board Members regarding the r-.tionale for selecting Brown and Caldwell; Systems Control, Inc., it was mov--id by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the report of the Selection Committee recommending Brown and Caldwell/Systems Control, Inc., to conduct the energy study at a cost of $45,000.00 from Sewer Construction funds be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ' 3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, PSA NO. 49, CAMELLIA LANE, LAFAYETTE Board Members reviewed and discussed a staff memorandum dated February 27, 1974, which outlines the current status of FSA No. 49 and a proposed notice to be sent to affected property owners. After discussion, -wherein the notice to property owners was amended to reflect additional information as to whether individual properties were represented by a signed petition requesting .sewage service, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization for staff to proceed with posting the amended notices to property owners in PSA No. 49 be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3a. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. ROYCE BUFFI_NGTON DATED MARCH 5, 1974 President Mitchell reported receipt of correspondence dated March 5, 1974 from Mr. Royce Buffington, 154 La Espiral, Orinda, regarding a slide condition which exists on his property and adjacent District property. After discussion with staff reporting that corrective action cannot be undertaken until the end of the winter season, the correspondence was referred to staff for appropriate reply. 4. CLAIM OF MRS. X. C. SCOTT IN THE AMOUNT OF $157.50 After report by staff that Mrs. Scott had been informed that staff was recommending denial of her claim and that an invitation had been ex- tended to her to attend the present meeting, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the claim of Mrs. N. C. Scott in the amount of $157.50 be denied. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: Pone ABSENT: Members: None 5. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, LARWIN PUMP STATION Staff reported that the Larwin Pump Station Project, would have significant impact upon the environment. Mr. Charles Snyder, representative of Larwin Development Co., addressed the Board and requested that the District proceed with the project. After recommendation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Larwin Pump Station Project be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 6. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 55 SPRINGHILL LANE, LAFAYETTE RESOLUTION NO. 74-14, A RESOLUTION MAKING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 74 -14 authorizing a negative declaration and notice thereof for LID No. 55, Springhill Lane, Lafayette, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None VII. NEW BUSINESS I. CONSENT ITEMS: a. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT: from: It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that easements Grantor Orinda Properties and Great Western Savings and Loan Association Lockwood & Lockwood R. J. Stangel, et ux Job No. Parcel No. 2197 & 2426 1 thru 6 2306 2 2431 2 be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: 4 AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2. STATELENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BY JOHN A. BOHN Mr. Bolin, Counsel for the District, explained that the statement for $650.00 for professional services resulted from litigation involving the District vs.'Mr. Ferdinand Simon (Mr. Peter Meagher easement condemnation) and was recoverable. It was then moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that the statement for $650.00 for professional services by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, be approved for payment. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3. CLAIM OF WILBER E. KOEHLER IN THE AMOUNT OF $18.95 After Member Gibbs requested that future staff reports of claim damage be revised to include only pertinent information that is of significance to Board Members, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the claim of Wilber E. Koehler in the amount of $18.95 be paid follow- ing receipt of a signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. WILLIAM J. BUSH, HANSEN, BRIDGETT, MARCUS AND JENKINS DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1974 Board Members noted correspondence received from Mr. William J. Bush, dated February 26, 1974. After discussion, the correspondence was referred to Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, to review and report to the Board. Item continued. 5. REQUEST FOR GARBAGE RATE INCREASE BY ORINDA/MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. President Mitchell, for the benefit of persons in the audience, read correspondence dated February 5, 1974, received from Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., a District franchisee, requesting garbage rate increases for the years 1974 through 1976. A general discussion followed between Board Members, staff and Mr. John H. Blackburn, Jr., 27 Moraga Via, Orinda, and Mr. Geno F. Banducci, 30 Descanso Drive, Orinda, who were.present in the audience. Items discussed included: various alternate garbage rate structures; methods to increase operational efficiency by collecting agencies; and a summary of labor negotiations recently conducted between collecting agencies and Teamster Union Local 315. 5 After the discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule on March 28, 1974, a public hearing to consider a garbage rate increase for Orinda/ Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. Item continued. 6. AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT CALIFORNIA LAND SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. SAN DIEGO, APRIL 4-6, 1974 After explanation by staff, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization for registration fees, transportation and per diem for Wendle Whipple to attend the Surveyors Association Convention in San Diego, April 4-6, 1974, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 7. RESOLUTION NO. 74-15, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALARY INCREASE FOR PATRICIA DANNA, ENGINEERING AID I After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, that Patricia Danner had inadvertently been appointed to Range 39A whereas the appointment should have been 39C, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 74-15 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3. RESOLUTION NO. 74-16, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING GERALD WINTER TO THE POSITION OF ENGINEERING AID III After comment by Member Allan, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, it was moved by Ember Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 74-16 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 9. RESOLUTION NO. 74-17, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JIlklIE RAY STROUP TO THE POSITION OF ENGINEERING AID I After comment by Member Allan, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 74-17, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None C: 10. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA: None. 11. INEOFIIATICN: a. CORRESPONDENCE FROAi MR. ALAN TEBB Board Members noted correspondence dated February 22, 1974, received from Mr. Alain Tebb, 19 Springhill Lane, Lafayette, regarding PSA No. 51. VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL I�.ANAGER--CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Horstkotte presented a current status report on the construction of the Water Reclamation Facility. He stated that the estimated progress payment to the contractor for February is $1,300,000.00. b. Mr. Horstkotte reported that the emergency reestablishment of cathodic protection for line 11-2, LID 50 had been accomplished. However, the rectifier needs repair. Cathodic protection to the M-2 pressure line is expected to be accomplished by March 8, 1974. c. Mr. Horstkotte reported on the current status of construction for LID 54, SchedulEg 1 through 4. d. Mr. Horstkotte presented the Maintenance Department report for the month of February, 1974. The report included number of Sewer Service Calls, Sewer Cleaning Footage, Construction Repairs, Maintenance Engineering and Buildings and Grounds. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Bohn reported that he had been advised by the County Retirement Administrator that if the County Retirement Board approves the application of three District employees to have the option of extending their member- ship in the retirement system for service with Clyde C. Kennedy, the cost to the District would approximate $2,000.00. Previously Mr. Bohn had indicated that there would be no cost to the District. b. Mr. Bohn reported that his responsibilities as District representa- tive on several Solid Waste Management Committees, of which he serves as chairman, was presenting an administrative burden. He requested authorization to employ, at an hourly rate, secretarial assistance. After discussion by Board Members and comment by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, that the present workload of District personnel precluded their assistance being available, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization for Mr. Bohr_ to employ, at an hourly rate, appropriate secretarial assistance for Committees on which he represents the District be approved. Carried by the following vote: 7 AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3. SECRETARY None. 4. COMMITTEES a. BAY AREA SEWAGE SERVICES AGENCY Member Gibbs, member of the Executive and Operating Committees, BASSA, reported that Mr. James Calvin was rio longer eligible to serve as Trustee for BASSA. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR 1. President Mitchell reported that he, Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager - Chief Engineer, and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, had appeared before the Contra Costa County Grand Jury in order to clarify and provide pertinent additional information regarding the Grand Jury's preliminary report on activities of special districts. After a general discussion regarding the matters presented to the Grant Jury, staff was requested to provide additional information to the Board regarding number of properties and monies involved, including total payment, made under election provided in Chapter 11, Article 4, of the District Code, the optional fixture charge. The purpose of this information is to permit the Board to review and consider termination of present and future optional fixture charges. Item continued. 2. COUNTY WATER QUALITY CONTROL STUDY Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported that he and Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, had attended a recent meeting with representatives of the County and Cities regarding the County Water Quality Control Study. After Mr. Bohn and Mr. Horstkotte reported on the meeting, a general discussion followed. Item continued. 3. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITATION AGENCIES Member Allan noted that CASA had scheduled a meeting in Sacramento for March 12-13, 1974. Discussion followed regarding Board Member and.staff attend- ance. Mr. Horstkotte stated that he would attend on March 13, 1974. X. ADJOURNMENT At 10:51 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell adjourned the meeting. VI. Old Business 1 ; 3/21/74 i March 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STATE PERSONNEL BOARD PERSONNEL SURVEY PROBLEM: The State Personnel Board requests a Resolution from the Sanitary District authorizing execution of the contractual agreement between the District and the State Personnel Board. BACKGROUND: At the February 21, 1974 Board Meeting, the Board authorized execution of agreement with the State Personnel Board in the amount of $5,900 for said survey. RECOn.4ENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department JLB : s f Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer VI. Old Business 2 3/21/74 March 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR THE LARWTNI PUMP STATInN PROBLEM: Pursuant to District Ordinance 95 (emended Local Guidelines implementing the CEQA of 1970, as amended), I am submitting the draft EIR for the Larwin Pump Station. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 95 requires that the Board act or the following, I. Review the draft EIR and determine if it is in order. 2. If the draft EIR is in order, authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion with the Secretary of Resources Agency. 3. Establish a review time period. 4. Determine whether in the discretion of the Board it is desirable to conduct a public hearing on the Environmental Impact of the project and if so set a date for such hearing. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Find the draft EIR to be in order. 2. Authorize staff to file Notice of Completion. 3. Set review period of 30 days. 4. Set April 16, 1974, as the date for the public hearing on the Environmental report. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:sf Attachments: Larwin Pump Station EIR Report Staff Evaluation March 13, 1974 . f J CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT f f' .,i STAFF EVALUATION OF LARWIN PUMP STATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Page Comments 2 The total Larwin Development has been detached from Valley Community Services District for sewer and garbage services. Annexation of this area to the Central Sanitary District is being finalized. 3 The force mains will be located east of the creek only if the developer can provide proper easements. 6 The force ruins will be two parallel lines of approximately 12 to 14 inches in diameter. The inclusion of the force mains in the report is proper. 10 Immediately to the south of the site there are existing houses (Subdivision 3841) 14 The tax rate for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is $0.634. 15 The phrase "without adverse consequences" is a judgment and should be deleted. 18 Power consumption is estimated at 806,000 kFih/year. 19 The standby engines will be turbines which can be powered by any petroleum fuel. The first paragraph should be revised as follows: Economics. CCCSD has investigated the economic feasibility of extending service a) to the county line, and b) to the subject area. It is unlikely that residents of San Ramon Village would be willing to finance a new system, one pro- viding for a level of service equivalent to that which presently exists. 23 The area surrounding the security fencing will be landscaped to improve the appearance of the fencing. 24 No Project - The majority of the Larwin property has been approved for development by Contra Costa County. The inability of VCSD to provide sewer service has stopped the developer from building. In general, the report adequately depicts the project and the effects that it will have on surrounding environment. Jay McCoy Engineering Associate JM:sf Approved: Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department VII. nlw.q L A March 21, 1974 Ara LANDL74 FOR, HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer ;CT: AUTHORIZATION FOR G. A. HORSTROTTE, JR.,, TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION ON DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2340 CONSISTING OF THE INSTALLATION OF MAIN LINE AND SIDE SEWER AND APPURTENANT STRUCTURES IN HEATHER LANE, ORINDA. BEM: W. R. Thomason has completed the work on this project and we -eady to file Notice of Completion. 1MENDATION: Accept the job, authorize the Engineer to execute and Notice of Completion. Respectfully submitted, / Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department 3f mnendation Approved: 4. �� G. A. Horstkotte, �J . Gen5 1 Manager -Chi f Engineer New, Bus. 1a' 3/21/74 .Ak March 12, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VII. New Bus.. lc 3/21/74 VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PIPELINE CROSSING INDENTURE, FP01i.1 SO-!THERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COIViPANY - NORTH OF IMA SHE;`; ROAD IN PLEASANT HILL. JOB NO. 2413, PARCEL 2 PROBLEM: in'order to provide sewer service to a property lying east of the Railroad, owned by Warehouse Assoc., we must have a short right of way to permit a main line extension from our 66-inch Line A trunk sewer lying within the Railroad property. BACFGPC'JND: Before granting th i s indenture the Southern Paci f i c Trans- portation Company requires the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to executa it, thereby accepting the conditions of said indenture. This District has executed similar indentures :n past, briefly the conditions are: I. Installation shall be according to their specifications. 2. Subordinate to rights of the Railroad. 3. Subject to existing encumbrances. 4. If not constructed within one year the indenture is void. 5. ,We pay construction costs - we must give 5 days notice prior to construction, we will reimburse Railroad for any expense to them due to this indenture. Railroad can require us to relocate at our expense. 6. idle agree to pay any assessments levied against the construction 7. le have the r i grit to enter upon said property and agree to .maintain the property and structure in a good and safe condition. *8. Sub -contractor (if any) shall enter into a separate agreement with the railroad. 9. We assume all risk of damage to structure or property. We agree to hold Railroad harmless for any possible claims of loss, injury or death that may arise through our use of }his indenture. 10. If we abandon the use of this property we shall remove our structure and restore said property to the condition as existed prior to construction. 11. This indenture shall bind successors in interest of both parties. RECOMMENDATION: Execute indenture and authorize recording after it has been executed by Southern Pacific. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best anager-Engineering Dept. JLB:sf Recommendation Approved: G, J1. Horstkotte, J)r. , General Manager-Clkl of Engineer VII. New Eus. 2 3/21/74 March 21, 1974 ` MEMO?ANDUM FOR: HO'NNRABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 41 PROBLEM: Annexation of 25 separate areas which have all signed annexation petititions to the Sanitary District since the previous annexation, necessary to extend the boundary of authority of the Sanitary District. BACKGROUVD: The index map posted on the bulletin board shows the general location of the 25 areas to be annexed to the Sanitary District. RECOMMENDATION: Approve properties for annexation and adopt a Resolution o;: Application to Local Agency Formation Commission. go JLB:sf I a Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department New 'Bus. 3 3/21/74 Aiarch 21. 1974 MEMORANDUM FO.R: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Ca ief Engineer SUBJECT: DISTRICT ANNEXATION No. 42 PROBL E`ii: Annexation of two parcels in ti!;o areas which do not have 100% signed petitions to the Sanitary District. BACKGROUNID: We have posted on the Bulletin Board the two map3 indicating the areas we propose to annex plus the parcels that have signed petitions for ann.e.:a.tion. after approval of Application to the Local Agency Formation Commission, the Sanitary :District will set up a hearing on District Annexation No. 42. RECOMMENDATION: Approve properties for annexation and adopt a Resolution of Application to Local Agency Formation Commission. IFRespectfully submitted, JackIm L. Best Manager -Engineering Department JLB:sf Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer `>11. 1`Jew n.us. Lr 3/21/74 March 21, 1974 MEMORANDLZI FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: PROJECT APPROVAL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 55 SPRINGHILL LANE, LAFAYETTE, IN COMPLIA14CE WITH DISTRICT ORDINANCE 95 PROBLEM: District Ordinance 95 requires Board approval or disapproval of project following the filing of a Negative Declaration. BACKGROUND: All District Ordinance 95 requirements to date have been met and we are ready to proceed with this last step to complete Ordinance requirements for this project. We have filed the Negative Declaration for the required 10 day period and have not received any comments. RECOMMENDATION: Approve project. Respectfully submitted, i Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department .JLB : s.f Recommendation Approved: op t G,, A. Horstkotte, ' . , Ge ral Mana er-ChYef Engineer -III g VII. New Bus. 5 3/21/ 74 March 13, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. C. DALTON, Deputy General rianager-Chief Engineer AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION, APRIL 24-27, IN SAN JOSE - $720 PLUS TRANSPORTATION AND REGISTRATION Five (5) attending: Horstkotte, Dalton, Best, Niles and Hinkson Allowance: 5 @ $36.00 per day for 4 days plus transportation, etc. $720.00 Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer New Buu. ' 6 3/21/ 74 Harch_ 6, 1974 MEMORANDLTM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Or DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: DAMAGE CLAIM FROM MR. & MRS. MICHAEL Y-4LONE, 3738 RAAP AVENUE, MARTINEZ -- $218.00 FOR PLUMBER'S BILL AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. PROBLEM: On February 24, 1974, a Diatrtct crew relieved a atoppage in the. sewer -main serving the ]:Malone re-sidence.. An . overflow in the' garage damaged cabinets and garden supplies.. BACKGROUND: The Malone's.experienced'taro days of prohlems with -the sewer. It cost them a plumberzs.bill and damage.to-.their garden; in addition to the . overflow loss; as . the . plumber dug the' seuxer. up in the hack -yard. The &ever main was plugged with_ grease. RECOMMENDATION; Pay claim for $218.GO. Respectfully submitted, Robert R. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department mdation Approved: / � , brstkotte, Jr. Manager, Chief 'E�ineer March 15, 1974 ble Board of Directors ntra Costa Sanitary District 5266 ek, Cali-fornia 94596 Pinion that the applicants for the position of Accountant interviewed today did not meet the quali- fications that the District is seeking. Respectfully submitted, ------------- *_` CI. March 14, 1974 MEMORAVDIRI FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELIGIBLE LIST FOR ACCOUNTANT AND RESOLUTION APPOINTING ACCOUNTANT New Bus. 7 3/21/74 _PROBLEM: The appointment of Robert Elkins to the position of Administrative Accountant as the result of the retirement of Dorothea Cady on March 30, 1974, creates a vacancy in the Accounting Division. It is essential that we fill Mr. Elkins' former position of Accountant as soon as possible. BACKGROUND: The oral interviews for the nine applicants are scheduled for March 15. The interviews will be conducted by J. S. Plourde, CPA; H. E. Ehler, CPA; Dorothea Cady and Robert Elkins. By Friday afternoon we should be able to establish an Eligible List and select the person to fill the position of Accountant. By Monday, March 18, we should be able to hand -deliver, to the Personnel Committee and the balance of the Board Members, copies of the Eligible List and application of the person we wish to to appoint to this position. If the Personnel Committee has any questions concerning the Accountant ap- pointment they may wish to contact W. C. Dalton by telephone prior to the meeting or a meeting with the Staff can be held at 7:30 p.m. on March 21 to discuss the matter. RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, A. Horstotte, Jr. Ggnerfal Manager -Chi Engineer GAH : ms • • s • • SUPPLV_-�IENTAL AGENL_, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS BOARD MEETING - MARCH 21, 1974 I. NEW BUSINESS 9.- Statement for Professional Services in the amount of $1,118.20 by Mr. John Bohn (Condemnation: CCCSD vs. Roney, Labat and Ross) 9a• A"tharize Execution of Amendment to Agreement of January 3, 1974, with Brown and Caldwell for Engineering Services, Stage 5B, Water Reclamation Facility (Resource Recovery Study) 9b.4D� Resolution No. r, Resolution Authorizing Filing Application for Federal and State Grants for PubliclyC�Owned Wastewater Treatment Works and Providing Certain Assurances. I/ 9c:-P Authorize Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer to File 1sotice Of Completion, LID 54-4, John Muir Road, Martinez. 9d!�Authorize Termination of Services, J. B. Gilbert & Asso i at a cost of $6,679.28. c ates, 9e. Review of Elective Fixture Ch Code. arge, Chapter 11, Article 4, V II . New Bus 9 Job n A. Bolin Aitor•ney at LaW Clircmvrit Hotel-S:_ite 116 o au.i1,l.Jtli7 ". 94705 (415) 548-9001 i March 18, 1974 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California a CCCSD VS. ROSS Fai* East 0«ic�s P.Lc D, y Assam, Guatn 96910 Filing Fees $ 13.00 Service Fee 10.90 Professional Services 350.00 Order for Immediate Possession Summons Complaint in Eminent Domain Order Fixing Amount of Security Application for Order Determining Amount of Security TOTAL S T A T E MEN T_ 373.90 e 3/ 2I/ 74 Johi, A-1j obn -A+'i01'nc,,, - m Lai, Glareinont flok-1-Sinfe 115 0a1da.d.Ca.lifor ua 94' 70a 415? 548-9001 March 18, 1974 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California .� par act Ofrfices 1 acific D.!i ' New. 110111a, Guam. 9u910 --------_ _-__-_-_-----_r„----- CCCSD VS. LABAT Filing Fees Service Fee $ 13.00 7.40 Professional Services 350.00 Order for Immediate Possession Summons Complaint in Eminent Domain Order Fixing Amount of Security Application for Order Determining Amount of Security TOTAL $370.40 S T A T E M E N T �tn A. Bohn >r.aeY of L,, emon; fl.td-S.nle 116 larACAfornia 94705 5/1<8-9001 2 ly-!News ilallc�in� r: 95910 March 18, 1974 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California CCCSD VS. RONEY Filing Fees $ 13.00 Service Fee 10.90 Professional Services 350.00 Order for Immediate Possession Summons Complaint in Eminent Domain Order Fixing Amount of Security Application for Order Determining Amount of Security TOTAL $373.90 S T A T E M E N T VII . Nelq , Bus . 9e 3/21/74 March 19, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE; HONORABLE MEMBERS OF 'CHE BOARD OF' DIRECTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: ELECTIVE FIXTURE CHARGE INFORMATION At the March 7, 1974 Board Meeting, the staff was requested to provide additional information for Elective Fixture Charges as provided in Chapter 11, Article 4, of the District Code. As noted in the minutes, "The purpose of this information is to permit the Board to review and Consider termination of the present and future optional fixture charge". Attached are excerpts from the District Code, Article 4, Elective Fixture Charges and a summary sheet indicating status of the charges and the money collected as of December 31, 197/3. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB:sf Attachments: Exceprts from Code Summary Sheet CHAPTER 11 boo ARTICLE 4. ELECTIVE FIXTURE CHARGES. Sec. 11-401. Elective fixture charge option to fixture charge. Sec. 11-402. Lnmount of elective fixture charge. Sec. 11-403. Ma,1r_er of election.. Sec. 11-404. Subsequent election. Sec. 11-405. Billing. Sac 1-401. .Elective fixture charge option to fixture charge. V-there a fi..ture charge is payable under Article 3 of this chapter are the uso— is a use ocher- than (1) residential, or (2) federal, star2 or local government facility, the user may elect to pay the elective -fixture charge prescribed herein. The owner of the real property on which the use is situ- ated shall be considered to be the user. kAdopted by Ord. 50, Dac. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, as amended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11-402. Amount of elective fixture charge. (a) The elective fixture charge is an amount equal to 10% of the fixture charge or $250.00, whichever is greater, plus a monthly charge computed as follows: 1% of the fixture charge or $2.00, whichever is greater. The calculation shall be to the nearest $0.50 and the electi, fixture charge is graduated at $0.50 increments. (b) If the general manager -chief an;ineer finds that the charge puted under sub -paragraph (a) is disproportionate to the use, the dish: shall conduct a special study and the board shall fix the elective fix, charge in accordance with the study. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18 1971; as attended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11-403. Manner of election. A person who elects to pay the elective fixture charge shall be tl owner of the property and file with the district upon a form furnished it a w-ritten statement that he elects to pay the elective fixture char; instead of the total fixture charge. (Aeop'ed by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1963; as clarified by 0;-d. 64, Yov. 1965; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 13, 1971; as attended by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec. 11-404. Subsequent election. n person who elects to pay the elective fixture charge may later elect to pay the 90% balance of the fixture char ,:hared -on the eT?Cti. fixture charge s hail=erninace. (Adopted b; Ord, 50, n-:`. 5, 1963; _s 5;' C'd. 54'_;3R- 4, 1965; as amended by Ord. 84, Nov. 18, 1971; as amendev D, Or'. 36 as attended, June 1, 1972; readopted by Ord. 50A, June 21, 1973.) Sec ._ 11-405. Billing The regular billing for the elective fixture charge is quarterly. If a bill is not paid on or before the last day of the quarter in which it is due a penalty accrues a*tounting to 6% of the amount due plus 1 of the amount due for each month it is delinquent. At the option of the district this charge .may be collected at the same time a d Ir. tb2 Sa manner as any other charge collected by the County Ta:: Collector. (Adopted by Ord. 50, Dec. 5, 1 63; as attarded by tjrc. 34, Nov. 13' 1971: as amendad by Ord. 86 as amended, June 1, 1972, reaQJ=tee bv Ord.. 50A, June 21, 1973.) S UMMA R Y S HE E T ON SEWER SERVICE CHARGE ACCOUNTS (ELECTIVE FIXTURE CHARGE) Sec. 11-401 to 11-405 Total Quarter Total Account No. Use Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to Fee Started 12131173 ** 1-D ** 2-L Apartment Apartment $ 9,262.24 3131162 86 $19,084.63 ** 5-WC 5,600.00 3131162' / / 9,084_63 ** 6-WC Apartment 400.00 9130161 641.92 ** 7-L Apartment 400.00 9130161 631.54 ** 8-L Apartment 400.00 12131161 641.60 ** 11-L Apartment 810.00 12131161 1317.26 �692.59 ** 12-M Apartment 400.00 12131161 ** 13-WC Apartment 1,105.00 12131161 1727.50 ** 17-A Apartment 700.00 12131161 1,130.89 ** 19-WC Laundromat 2,820.00 9130161 4,219.64 ** 22-PH Apartment 2,460.76 6130161 4,001.80 ** 23-PH Rest Home 1,860.00 3131160 3,298.39 ** 27-L Apartment 6,160.00 3131162 10,436.95 ** 28-PH Laundromat 2,730.00 6130162 4,212.20 ** 29-PH Apartment 2,550.00 6130162 4353.48 ** 32-PH Apartment 8,856.00 6130162 13,512.25 ** 33-L Apartment 7,576.00 9130162 11,741.85 ** 36-WC Apartment 4,480.00 9130162 9,754.00 40-WC Laundromat 2,160.00 9130/62 3,192.04 46-0 Apartment Laundromat 9,255.00 1,515.00 12131162 14,478.58 ** 48-PH Apartment 6,176.00 3131163 3131163 2 080.85 ** ** 49-PH 50-WC Rest Home 2,110.00 3131163 9,587.37 3,030.73 ** 51-WC Apartment 1,509.00 3131163 2,130.90 ** 52-WC Apartment 13,182.50 31 3 63 / / 25,203.74 ** 54-R Apartment 13,876.50 6130163 20,209.34 ** 55-R Apartment 4,080.00 9130163 5,447.43 56-WC Apartment 4,140.00 6130163 5,620.19 57-0 Apartment Apartment 1,050.00 3131163 1,491.00 ** 58-PH Rest Home 5,642.00 3,560.00 6130163 9130163 7,811.72 ** ** 60-WC Apartment 4,349.66 9130163 4,846.41 6,814.13 ** 61-D 62-WC Apartment 3,587.50 9130163 4910.98 63-L Apartment 5,337.74 9130163 7,441.03 64-PH Apartment 5,682.00 9130163 9,351.00 ** 66-WC Laundromat 2,430.00 9130163 3,229.31 Apartment 2,017.50 12131163 2,578.80 Remarks Total Quarter Total Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 ** 67-L Apartment $ 4,200.00 12131163 $ 5,620.92 ** 68-P Water Soft. P1. 1,320.00 12131163 1,731.00 ** 69-WC Apartment 5,400.00 12131163 9,398.67 ** 70-A Apartment 2,760.00 12131163 3,733.25 ** 71-WC Conv. Hosp. 1,515.00 12131163 2,009.55 ** 73-WC Apartment 757.50 12131163 1,051.75 ** 74-WC Apartment 2,017.50 12131163 2,635.55 ** 75-WC ***Soft Water 1,200.00 3131164 1,476.00 ** 76-WC Apartment 2,025.00 3131164 2,671.74 ** 79-WC Apartment 810.00 6130164 1,019.65 ** 80-WC Apartment 810.00 6130164 1,023.39 ** 81-WC Apartment 810.00 6130164 1,046.34. ** 83-D Apartment 4,008.60 6130164 5,147.02 ** 90-PH Apartment 3,541.78 9130164 4,129.07 95-PH ***Car Wash 2,500.00 9130164 1,905.25 ** 96-P Apartment 4,780.00 12131164 6,090.33 ** 97-0 Prof. Bldg. 665.00 12131164 823.07 ** 98-D Rest Home 3,675.00 12131164 6,220.32 **100-R Apartment 3,879.50 12131164 5,103.66 **102-WC Conv. Hosp. 2,275.00 12131164 2,780.50 **103-M Apartment 5,420.24 12131164 6,439.36 **104-D Laundromat 3,750.00 12131164 4,537.50 **105-WC Camelback 2,341.00 6130165 2,701.50 Rec. Assn. **123-WC Apartment 4,922.00 9130165 5,800.49 **128-WC Apartment 3,407.00 9130165 3,740.70 129-P ***Car Wash 3,500.00 9130165 1,239.70 **131-L Apartment 6,142.00 9130165 6,929.65 **132-WC Apartment 4,782.00 12131165 5,240.28 **133-WC Apartment 5,806.00 12131165 6,277.63 **134-WC Motel 7,314.24 12131165 7,916.08 **135-M Apartment 8,960.00 12131165 10,491.68 **139-WC Apartment 6,255.00 12131165 8,639.13 **140-M Apartment 4,715.00 12131165 5,125.72 **141-WC Conv. Hosp. 9,000.00 12131165 9,849.09 **142-WC Apartment 3,105.00 12131165 3,245.34 **144-WC Apartment 17,125.00 3131166 17,981.44 **145-PH Conv. Hosp. 16,600.00 3131166 19,209.86 **147-WC Apartment 10,190.85 3131166 10,991.65 151-L ***Car Wash 2,500.00 3131166 2,374.10 **153-D . Off. Bldg. 900.00 3131166 1,002.86 **155-PH Motel, bar & 6,217.00 6130166 6,466.81 Restaurant 158-WC Apartment 5,848.00 12131166 5,639.21 160-WC Laundromat 5,240.00 3131167 4,839.53 162-L Apartment 1,645.00 3131167 1,555.89 **163-M Church 355.00 9130167 374.59 164-WC Car Wash 2,500.00 9130167 2,092.92 165-WC Apartment 3,890.00 12131167 3,255.00 166-WC Apartment 3,217.10 12131167 2,727.68 167-0 Conv. Hosp. 4,900.00 12131167 4,725.67 169-L Apartment 1,080.00 6130168 845.00 Remarks -2- Total Quarter Total Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 170-M Apartment $ 5,410.00 9130168 $ 4,302.05 172-L Duplex 750.00 9130168 570.00 173-WC Offices 1,500.00 9130168 1,143.15 174-L 4-Flex 1,020.00 9130168 742.00 175-WC Apartment 11,507.00 9130168 8,625.70 176-WC Apartment 9,398.00 12131168 .6,767.80 177-WC Camelback 617.00 3131/69 421.70 East Assn. 179-WC Laundromat 7,000.00 6130169 2,315.99 180-WC Apartment 9,154.00 3131170 5,307.40 I81-WC Apartment 4,530.00 12/31/69 2,657.49 182-WC Apartment 10,500.00 613017O 5,797.05 184-M Car Wash 2,500.00 9130169 1,550.00 185-C Car Wash, 2,500.00 12131169 1,475.00 186-WC Apartment 1,300.00 3131170 731.1.2 187-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131169 552.11 188-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131169 619.30 189-WC Car.Wash 2,500.00 12131169 1,489.48 191-R Apartment 1,600.00 9130170 832.00 192-L Apartment 2,400.00 3131170 1,285.43 1.93-M Apartment 8,030.00 3131170 4,483.00 194-PH Apartment 6,600.00 9130170 2,924.22 195-PH ***Car Wash 2,060.00 9130170 662.43 196-PH Apartment 4,347.50 9130170 2,154.75 199-WC Car Wash 3,000.00 9130170 990.00 202-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131170 493.30 203-PH 4-Plex 1,045.00 12131170 986.78 205-WC Apartment 36,555.56 12131170 17,910.06 206-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131170 514.30 207-R Apartment 3,740.00 12131170 3,264.50 209-PH Apartment 5,697.68 3131171 2,685.74 211-WC Apartment 1,225.00 6130171 529.55 212-WC Apartment 1,225.00 6130171 518.50 213-R Apartment 4,747.30 3131172 1,626.14 219-WC Duplex 510.00 6130171 221.24 220-WC Duplex 510.00 6130171 245.49 221-WC Apartment 3,897.00 6130171 1,643.94 222-WC Apartment 48,744.00 6130171 21,372.24 223-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 6130171 451.30 224-PH 4-P1ex 1,048.00 9130171 463.77 225-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 9130171 419.80 226-WC Duplex 600.00 9130171 240.00 227-WC Apartment 66,192.77 9130171 23,627.39 228-R Apartment 3,200.00 6130172 999.68 229-PH Apartment 850.00 12131171 304.00 230-PH Apartment 5,000.00 12131171 1,850.00 231-PH Apartment 1,076.00 12131171 399.52 233-PH Camelback 4,059.58 3130172 1,377.96 Rec. Assn. 235-PH Apartment 8,713.68 3130172 2,455.64 236-D Car Wash 2,200.00 3130172 748.00 237-R Apartment 1,510.00 3130172 511.00 Remarks MM Total Quarter Total Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 * Remarks 238-WC Duplex $ 600.00 3130172 $ 204.00 239-PH Apartment 16,920.00 6130173 3,248.49 240-WC Apartment 1,300.00 6130173 247.00 241-WC Apartment 2,585.00 6130/73 492.50 242-D Car Wash 2,000.00 6130173 380.00 243-WC Apartment 28,351.75 6130173 5,391.1.7 244-WC Apartment 6,917.00 6/30/73 1,312.70 245-WC 8-Plex 1,715.00 6130173 171.50 246-WC Apartment 52,102.00 6130173 8,336.20 247-PH Apartment 9,209.00 6130173 1,749.00 248-PH Apartment 18,681.00 9130173 3,221.00 **364-L Laundromat 2,295.00 3131160 4,099.24 **587-WC Laundromat 1,095.00 3131160 1,950.64 **588-WC 4-Plex • .400.00 12131160 696.80 **600-WC Apartment 2,400,.00 3131161. 3,994.08 **601-WC Apartment 500.00 3131161 881.05 **602-0 Safeway 1,255.00 6130160 2,086.54 **613-PH Laundromat 2,760.00 6130160 4,801.78 **643-WC Drive -In 455.00 6130160 866.11 **657-L Church 610.00 12131160 1,03.8.52 **659-WC Laundromat 2,340.00 6130161 3,754.91 **660-WC Apartment 810.00 9130160 1,417.11 **661-WC ***Laundromat 2,565.00 6130161 3,934.63 **663-WC Apartment 500.00 6130161 876.94 **664-WC 4-Plex 400.00 9130160 761.40 **666-WC Pet Hosp. 860.00 6130161 1,402.29 **667-L 4-flex 400.00 6130161 716.59 **670-WC Law Office 300.00 12131160 574.00 **675-WC Church 860.00 12131160 1,443.00 **676-L Motel 2,800.00 9130161 4,486.72 **678-L Drive -In •250.00 12131160 465.67 Total $831,901.53 $681,605.58 **Total $347,842.61 $481,393.06 Total Number of Accounts = 168 Total Number ** = 96 * Includes 10% initial payment and all subsequent payments of any type (penalties, interest, monies collected on the County tax roll, etc.) ** Those that have exceeded their original connection fees *** Have discontinued use MM VI I. New Bus_ 9d 3/ 2I/ 74 March 19, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AGREEMENT WITH J. B. GILBERT & ASSOCIATES - ACCOUNT CLOSURE At the Board Meeting held April 13, 1973, the Board accepted the proposal of J. B. Gilbert & Associates to provide consulting services to the District on area -wide planning and inter -agency arrangements. J. B. Gilbert has comapleted the work and we are -ready to close his account. The initial authorization was for .$5,000 and the total costs for sere ces ,wnounzs to $11,679..28. We need $6,679.28 from sewer construction funds to close the account. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer :sf VII_ New BusT 9c 3/21/74 March 19, 1974 IORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS : V. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager --Chief Engineer SJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR W. C. DALTON, TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 54, SCHEDULE 4, CONSISTING OF THE INSTALLATION OF MAIN LINE SEWERS AND APPURTENANT STRUCTURES IN JOHN MUIR ROAD IN THE MARTINEZ AREA. �BLEM: W. R. Thomason, due to favorable construction conditions, has Lpleted the work on this project earlier than anticipated and we are .dy to file Notice of Completion. OMMENDATION: Accept the job, authorize the Deputy Engineer to execute and e Notice of Completion. Respectfully submitted, � Jack L. Best Manager -Engineering Department I* ommendation Approved: C. Daltoon uty eral Manager -Chief Engineer V11 tc t llfi;Ci%., 1. C1LL_.- j'. i �i !_. �/ !; "� a .: y :., P, t,, '�.o _ L.:':='Iu C•l;.f._. ..1I:I:'.i: 1% 1✓�..i1 �. c:iiU I57•ii-`:11 and for engineol-in s;;rvices for d-siuii .larit: Stage Srj elalarcju�),IClli Of tiiS ','J::ter WHEREi-tS, thie District desires to un dc.•rtatke a study of thcl feasibility of c solicl wastes to obtaln energy to Operate the water reclamation plant; and New KM 9a 3/21 WHEREAS, District desires that engineering services for the' abo- e s+Lud- be included with the lire services for design and construction, of Stage SB enlargement of the.wate-_ reclamation plant, authorized by agreement bcitween District and Brown, and Cal -dwell dated January 3, 1974. NOV?'E � � + , �, TH"FLFO..E, District and Engir,E:er agree to amend said uer_-?elllent bar inserting the following paragraphs Fancier Articles I III and IV: ARTICLE I - Scope of Engil:e =ring Services J14. So-iJ kVastr Rec �r- , Study Land Re -Dort. t. Ot E:, t ^cry Ei. `z:. �'�ra 7 I``j 1CJ" �e_ Vi,. shall InC:IL.Ci>' is .PI6h)'ill ary ' _%s gii study of zinli rep�r� On a � `:':.. ''f ":i' (':•_ "I _ _. .. .:%A j �Y and Otllei' material:; fro -in 501;;1 S."::3;i.e. T hic, dc;sign study and repcft Shall include 1J- ut Shallnot neces`;--trily be i.1inited to, the fclioc:'ing: (1) Preview of availc_ble study reports, Oper--tIng repoi''Ls, te-c-haic:' litex ature and other data pertaining 4-.-7 various types Of resoul-Ce r eCOlrery anC'_ dispose l methods for solid waste. (2) ll:vestigatior, of alterriativo rescurce"recoVery systcn;S is,Cl t�'a::i for field observation of ope-ratingillst�111ittyCi":s i'c �?laireC: c1ld evalLy; Pe 6ia­ operating l operating procedures. Such travel shall be by specific authorization of the Gel:i-;-_-a Manager -Chief Engineer. (3) Estimation of the costs and availabilities of different fuel types as they relate to supplying the total energy re.luirements of the water reclamation plant. (4) Technical acid ecor.cm c arialysis of alternatilve energy source;, in terms Of the water reclar;iation plant requirements foi- both gas and ielactr;City. (5) De`lermini:i:ion Of reliability and maintenance considerations, the effects of raiidoln outages and the need for backup energ;- sources. (6) Of pot(,'ntjal mf_lrkets for recover;ihle IR;:teri?l,,-, such az ferrous rf-e-21S and alumillum . (7) It .atigation of funding so:irc:.s i prof. ,C;t including Feder;,_, State and local_ government and private institutions. (8) Determination of the necessary capacity and other design criteri, fir the proposed resource recovery system. (9) Preparation of estimates of construction costs and total annual costs for each feasible alternative system. In consultation with the Gene:?! _ki anager- Chief Engineer, select the 'best system to bring into account construction cost., operating costs, costs of conversion of the solids processing facilities at 'he reclamation plant to permit co -incineration or. sludge centrate -with solid waste, and other factors not reducible to cost comparison. (10) Preparation of a preliminary design and layout of the recommended system.. (11) Preparation of a preliminary design report setting forth all pertinent data developed during the study, a description of the recommended systa 1, pre- liminary drawings and estimate of cost. The report will be printed and a suitable numbe. of copies will be furnished to the District. ,ARTICLE III -_Progress and Comoletion The preliminary design study and report on the solid waste resource recovery system shall be deemed to be authorized and shall commence on the date of this amendment. The study shall be completed and a report submitted within fou months from the date of authorization. ARTICLE IV - Compensation For planning, preliminary design and report on the ,solid waste resource recovery system (Article I-J14) fees shall be as set forth in Article ILIA. The fee will not exceed Forty -Five Thousand Dollars ($45, 000.00) without prior authorization. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this amendment in quintuplicate this day of ` , 1974. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT By President By Secretary BROWN AND CALDWELL, a California Corporation By D. H. Caldwell, President MEMORANDTJM TO: FOR: March 20, 1974 W. C. Dalton., Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer ENGINEERS REPORT - DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MARCH 21, 1974 1. HOLDING BASTN AT TRF.ATMF.NT PT.ANT — -ncu ')n-�') TT The perimeter area of the Holding Basin is dry enough for the grading contractor to continue his work on the Santa Fe Railroad spur track grading and the access road. The basin has some water in it and he will attempt to pump this out, but it may be slow in drying thus preventing him from using his equipment to grade thq bottom. Leather permitting he expects to finish the project within two or three months. 2.. DISTRICT ANNF.XATTnN Lan — T.APT.TTTT A7TTTF4ATTAAT The District filed the annexation papers with the Secretary of State of California on March 14, 1974 and a Certificate of Filing and Description was recorded with the County Recorders Office on March 20, 1974, which finalizes this annexation.