HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-74 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETITNG OF THE DISTRICT BO?,-RD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD MARCH 21, 1974 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on March 21, 1974, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. I ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After comment by Member Rustigian, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that the Minutes of the Meeting of March 7, 1974, be approved after making the following correction: Under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, 2. RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD COMMITTEE ON CONSULTANT SELECTION FOR ENERGY STUDY," delete the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph and insert the following: "The Selection Committee recommended the engineering consultant firm of Brown and Caldwell in conjunction with Systems Control, Inc., to conduct the study on conversion of municipal solid waste to energy." Motion correcting the Minutes of the meeting of March 7, 1974, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. U RTn.q h •olmw VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 74-18, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION, OF AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE PERSONNEL BOARD After explanation by staff, it was roved by Member Boneysteele, seconded. by Member Allan, that Resolution No. 74-18 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2. ENVIRONT14ENTAL IMPACT REPORT, IdkRWIN PUMP STATION; PROJECT Poard Members re-�Tiewe3 are, discussed a draft Fr--_-onmental Impact p9j%,'t and staff's evaluation of that report for the Larwin Pump Station Project. In the discussion in which staff, Counsel for the District, and Mr, Charles Snyder, (representing Larwin Development Co.), participated, Member Boneysteele stated that he was in accord with staff's evaluation of the draft EIR but that he objected to the statement on the cover page of the report whereby the author of the report stated that no reproduction of the report could be made without expressed permission. In addition, Member Boneysteele stated that a statement should be included in the EIR which indicated that, because of political considerations, a duplication of pumping stations may result due to the District's annexation of the Bishop Ranch Development and the Larwin Development. President Mitchell commented that the EIR should indicate that treatment of effluent from the Larwin Development would impose additional power require- ments upon the District. Further, the report does not explore the alternative of treatment by Valley Community Services District. President Mitchell further stated that the EIR implies that the District does not need to expand its present treatment plant capacity in order to service. the Larwin Development. Discussion followed regarding the comments expressed by President Mitchell and various sections of the draft EIR. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the draft EIR be amended to incorporate staff's evaluations and comments. Further, that reference to all economic considerations be deleted from the report, and that formal authorization by the author of the report to reproduce the EIR be required and obtained. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, and after discussion, staff was requested to reschedule the EIR, Larwin Pump Station Project, for the meeting of March 28, 1974, and to re- schedule the public hearing on the final EIR for the meeting of May 2, 1974, vice April 18, 1974. Item continued. "ra VII` NEW BUSINESS 1 • CONSENT I :"E'!S : a. -`CCrP A7-E OF EASEMa7. S AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT: It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian, that easements from: Grantor Job No. Parcel No. Clayco Corp. 2361 W. H. Pipko & M. J. P,_, 4 P. T. Meagher, et ux 2.170 IA & B Bedford Associates 2370 3 2441 1 & 2 be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None b. CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM(S)" AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM(S) It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian that authorization of confirmation of the below amended assessment diagram(s) and their recording be approved: Ori final Assessment No. 44-7-5-3 Amended Assessment No. Carried by the following vote: 44- 7-5-5 44-7-5-6 44-7-5-7 44-7-5-8 Apportioned Amt. $1,579.26 1,287.95 990.66 996.66 AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None c. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF INDENTURE FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO. JOB NO. 2413, PARCEL 2, PLEASANT HILL It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Indenture from Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Job No. 2413, Parcel 2, Pleasant Hill. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3 d. AUTHORIZE GENERAL 1WNAGER--CHIEF ENGINEER. TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DSP 2340, HEATHER LANE, ORINDA ir ss moved by Member Allan, second_�d by Member Rustigian, that the Dep3ity General Manager -Chief Engineer, in the absence of the General Manager -Chief Engineer, be authorized to file Notice of Completion, DSP 2340, Heather Lane, Orinda. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2. DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 41 RESOLUTION NO. 74-19, A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTIES TO CEWRAL ^0"TTRA COSTA SNNITARY DISTRIC"' Utilizing a map of the properties to be annexed, fir. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained that all owners of the properties within the 25 parcels had signed petitions for annexation to the District. It was then moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that Resolution No. 74-19, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3. DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 42 RESOLUTION NO. 74-20, A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTIES TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, utilizing a map, noted the areas to be annexed. After explanation and discussion, wherein it was noted that signed petitions for annexation had not been received from all affected property owners, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution No. 74-20, be adopted: Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4. AUTHORIZE PROJECT APPROVAL OF LID NO. 55, SPRINGHILL LANE, LAFAYETTE President Mitchell, for the benefit of persons in the audience, reviewed the current status of LID No. 55 and explained that in accordance with Ordinance 95, the Board of Directors must formally give project approval or project disapproval for LID No. 55, Springhill Lane, Lafayette. Mrs. Lois Maderious, 12 Springhill Lane, Lafayette, addressed the Board and urged project approval. LA There being no other persons in the audience wishing to address the Board on this item, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian that project arprovil for LID No. 55, Springhill Lane, Lafayette; be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None In response to query, Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Best, Manager, Engineering Department, reported that engineering and administration procedures, including determination of estimated assessment, receipt of bids and date of the public hearing for LID No. 55, should be completed in approximately three months. 5. AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION CONVENTION SAN JOSE APRIL 24-27 1974 After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization of registration fees, transportation and per diem for four days be approved for attendance at the California Water Pollution Control Association Convention by the General Manager - Chief Engineer, the Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, the Managers of the Engineering and Maintenance Departments and the Manager of Plant Operations. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 6. CLAIM OF MR. AND MRS. MICIkEL MALONE IN THE AMOUNT OF $218.00 After explanation and upon the recommendation of staff, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the claim of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malone be paid following receipt of a signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Eoneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 7. RESOLUTION NO. , A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR POSITION OF ACCOUNTANT At the request of Member Allan, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, item was deferred to Committee Reports. 8. RESOLUTION NO. , A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ACCOUNTANT Item deferred to Committee Reports. 5 9. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA STATEMU T FOR PROFESS100AL SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,118, ?0 BY MR. JGRN B011N (CONDEMNATION; CCCSD VS. RONEY, LABA1 AND OSS) After explanation by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, it was moved 'by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the statement of Mr. Bohn for professional services involving District Condemnation proceedings: Ci,CSD vs. Roney in the amount of $373.90; CCCSD vs. Labat in the amount of $370.40; and CCCSD vs. Ross in the amount of $373.90, be paid. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 9a. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT OF JANUARY 3, 1974, WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, STAGE 5B, WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY (RESOURCE RECOVERY STUDY) RESOLUTION NO. 74-21 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING -EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT OF JANUARY 3, 1974, WITH BRO:dN AND CALDWELL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, STAGE 5B, WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY Board Members reviewed and discussed the scope of engineering services proposed by Brown and Caldwell for the Resource Recovery Study. During the discussion, Board Members commented that the primary purpose is to study the conversion of municipal solid waste into energy for use by the District's Water Reclamation Facility. After assurances by staff that Board guidance would be conveyed to representatives of Brown and Caldwell, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that Resolution No. 74-21 be adopted, authorizing the President and Secretary to execute Amendment to Agreement dated January 3, 1974, with Brown. and Caldwell for engineering services, Stage 5B, Water Reclamation Facility. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 9b. RESOLUTION NO. 74-22, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL AND STATE GRANTS FOR PUBLICLY OWNED WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS AND PROVIDING CERTAIN ASSURANCES After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 74-22, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None R 9c. AUTHORIZE DEPP ' GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEEP TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION. LIs, 54-4. JOHN MUIR ROAD, MARTINEZ After explantion by Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by 'Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the General Manager -Chief Engineer, or his Deputy, be authorized to file certificate of completion, LID 54-4, John Muir Road, Martinez. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and='Litche ll NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOUTTION NO. 74-23, A RESnLUTI0N ACCEPTING COMPLETION AIM DIR.ECTITG ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND COMPLETION T It was moved by Medoer Rustigian, seconded. by Member Gibbs, that Resolution No. 74-23, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ASSENT: Members: None 9d . _A_t1TH_ORIZE TERMINATION OF SERVICES J. B. GILBERT A!, D ASSOCIATES, AT A COST OF $6,579.23 In response to comment by Member Boneysteele, Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Bolin, Counsel for the District, presented as overall evaluation of the consultant services as provided to the District by J. B. Gilbert and Associates. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization to terminate the consultant services of J. B. Gilbert and Associates at a cost of $6,679.28 from the Sewer Construction Fund, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 9e. REVIS4 OF ELECTIVE FIXTURE CHARGE, CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE 4, DISTRICT CODE Board Members, rir. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District reviewed and discussed data presented by staff regarding number of sewer service charge accounts that had chosen the elective fixture charge and the individual account monies involved. During the discussion, Mr. Bohn stated that any action adopted by the Board should be equitable to all affected sewer service charge accounts. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Bohn, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that staff prepare an Ordinance amending Chapter 11, Article 4, of the District Code, for presentation to the Board. Such Ordinance amending Chapter 11, Article 4, will reflect the decision of the. Board to terminate immediately the option of elective fixture charges. Further, Mr. Bohn was requested to prepare for presentation to the Board a formula, including interest per annum of 7%, but whereby monies paid would be credited to individual existing sewer service charge accounts in a uniform manner so as to reflect the decision of the Board to terminate and delete the elective fixture charge from the District Code. Further, the Secretary of the District was requested to forward a copy of the Minutes of this Board Meeting to the Contra Costa County Grand Jury. Item continued. N 10. INFORMATrnN Secretary Davis noted that Board Members had received copies of correspondence received from the following: a. California Association of Sanitation Agencies dated March 12, 1974. b. Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., dated March 20, 1974, and addressed to the President, Orinda Association. C. Linda A. Moody, dated March 20, 1974, with two enclosures. d. Schedule of Subcommittee Meetings, Contra Costa County Solid Waste Management Policy Committee. Board Ilambers, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed and discussed the correspondence received from Linda A. Moody. mrs- Moody, representing Amigos de Diablo, indicated opposition to the District's previous action of annexing, in principal, the Bryan and Blackhawk Ranches. Mrs. Moody expressed concern because of the "negative impacts upon Mount Diablo," if the District were to proceed with annexation. " After discussion, wherein Board policy on annexation of areas designated green belt" by the County were reviewed, Mr. Bohn was requested to prepare an appropriate response to Mrs. Moody's correspondence for presentation to the Board. Item continued. Board Members and Mr. Bohn noted that the report by the District's Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling was the meeting topic for the Subcommittee Meetings of the Contra Costa County Solid Waste Management Policy Committee. A general discussion followed regarding the District's plans for solid waste management, the activities of the Coanty's policy committee, and the recommendations presented by the District's Citizens Advisory Committee. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a public hearing for April 11, 1974, to consider the report by the Citizens Advisory Committee. Staff was requested to notify affected cities, members of the County's Solid Waste Management Policy Committe, collecting agencies, and members of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Item continued. VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, provided Board Members with a written report on the current status on the construction of the Holding Basin at the Treatment Plant, DSP 2032 II. He further reported that District Annexation No. 40 (Larwin Development) had been finalized. E:3 b. Mr. Dalton reported that the District had billed the State and EPA $4,369,000.00 for grant funds for the construction of the District's Water Reclamation Facility. In addition_, the City of Concord had been billed for an $85,000.00 sewer service charge. c. Mr. Dalton presented a current status report on the construction of the Water Reclamation Facility. He indicated that approximately 12% of the work had been completed. d. At the request of Mr. Dalton, Mr. Hinkson, Manager, Maintenance Department, utilizing maps, explained the current status of the slide condition existing at 154 La Espiral, Orinda. Discussion followed wherein staff was requested to establish liaison with Contra Costa County Flood Control District concerning the La Espiral slide. Staff information and the results of liaison with the Flood Control District were to be made avaiJable to Mr. Royce Buffington, 154 La Espiral, Orinda. e. Mr. Dalton reported that additional claims against the District had been received which reported slide conditions. After discussion, Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, was requested to prepare a report defining the District's responsibility regarding slide conditions and specifically for the La Espiral situation. Item continued. f. Mr. Dalton stated that because of budgetary considerations, staff required guidance from the Board regarding the District's program on temporary summer employees. After discussion, staff was requested to place the matter on the agenda for the meeting of March 28, 1974. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Bohn reported that an Agreement with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co., had been finalized. This Agreement provides for private road access to the District's outfall line and to Industrial Tank Company. After explanation of the terms of the Agreement by Mr. Bohn, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by ?Member Rustigian, that authorization for the President and Secretary to execute the Agreement, at a cost to the District of $10,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Rustigian, Allan and Mitchell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None b. Mr. Bohn reported on negotiations held with representatives of Midland Pump Company regarding installation of pumps at the District's Water Reclamation Facility. Discussion followed with Mr. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations, providing additional technical information. regarding tha District's requirements and specifications for pumps. 3. SECRETARY a. Mr. Davis reported that staff recommendations for garbage rate increases for Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., would cover the period April 1, 1974, to April 1, 19.75. 9 b. Mr. Davis reported that copies of the report by the District's Citiee s :dv_Lsory Cornl.iittae on Solid Waste :Recyclipmy had 31een distribztel to eighteen different agencies or persons, including news media. c. Mr. Davis reported, that at the request of Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, liaison had been established with the Cities of Lafayette and Walnut Creek to arrange for the appearance of President Mitchell to discuss the County Water Quality Control Study with the respective City Councils. After discussion, Mr. Davis was requested to attempt to schedule the appearances of President Mitchell on a weekly basis before City Councils of Cities located within the Sanitary District. 4. COMMITTEES a.. PEASO11NEL Member Allan, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, reported that after examination of applicants, the Examining Committee reported no candidate qualified for the position of Accountant. After discussion, the Personnel Committee agreed to meet with Staff to review the internal functioning of the Accounting Division. b. BAY AREA SE14AGE SERVICES AGENCY Member Gibbs, Member of the Executive and Operating Committees, BASSA, reported that BASSA had been requested to hold a public hearing to consider the designation of "208" agencies. TX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR 1. Member Boneysteele commented on the strike by employees of the City of San Francisco. Discussion followed. 2. In response to query, Mr. Niles, Manager, Plant Operations, stated that the report by Brown and Caldwell on power requirements for the ?dater Reclamation Facility would be forthcoming. X. ADJObMTMENT At 11:25 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell adjourned the meeting to March 28, 1974. 10 VIII. Reports ENGINEERS REPORT - DISTRTCT BOARD MEETING, MARCH 28, 1.974 SUBJECT: ELECTIVE FIXTURE CRARGE INFORMATION Pursuant to our discussion with the .District Board at the March 21, 1.974 Board Meeting, we have expanded our summary sheet to indicate the total connection fees due the District, assuming a 7% interest payment on the unpaid balance and crediting the service charges paid against file unpaid balance. By addin& the letter "R" we have indicated those accounts that have exceeded the payment due under the form -Lila. 3:f this procedure is adopted as a revision to the District Code, it would be necessary to review each account for penalty and interest payment to get a precise refund or balance due. It would also be necessary to establish the legal owner in case of a refund and to notify each account with a balance due cif the new procedure and the new balance due. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy ;eneral. Manager -Chief Engineer SUMMARY SHEET ON SEWER SERVICE CHARGE ACCOUNTS (ELECTIVE FIXTURE CHARGE) See. 11-401 to 11-405 Formula Pay Off Amount (132 x 1% Total Quarter Total of Conn.Fee) Refunds - R Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to T 10% of or Balance Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 * Conn. Fee Due * 1-D Apartment $ 9,262.24 3131162 $13,567.86 $13,152.06 $ 415.80 R ** 2-L Apartment 5,600.00 3131162 9,084.63 7,952.00 1,132.63 R ** 5-WC Apartment 400.00 9130161 641.92 628.00 13.92 R ** 6-WC Apartment 400.00 9130161 631.54 628.00 3.54 R ** 7-L Apartment 400.00 12131161 641.60 628.00 13.60 R 8-L Apartment 810.00 12131161 1,317.26 1,169.20 148.06 R ** 11-L Apartment 400.00 12131161 692.59 628.00 64.59 R *" 7.2-,W Apartment 1,105.00 12131161 1,727.50 1,569.10 158.40 R * 3-WC Apartment 700.00 12131161 1,130.89 1,024.00 106.89 R *' 17-A Laundromat 2,820.00, 9130161 4,219.64 4,004.40 215.24 R ** 19-WC Apartment 2,460.76 6130161 4,001.80 3,494.59 507.20 R 22-PH Rest Home 1,860.00 3131160 3,298.39 2,641.20 657.19 R ** 23-PH Apartment 6,160.00 3131162 10,436.95 8,747.20 1,689.75 R ** 27-L Laundromat 2,730.00 6130162 4,212.20 3,876.60 325.60 R ** 28-PH Apartment 2,550.00 6130162 4,353.48 3,621.00 732.48 R ** 29-PH Apartment 8,856.00 6130162 13,512.25 12,575.52 936.73 R ** 32-PH Apartment 7,576.00 9130162 11,741.85 10,757.92 983.93 R. ** 33-L Apartment 4,480.00 9130162 9,754.00 6,361.60 3,392.40 R ** 36-WC Laundromat 2,160.00 9130162 3,192.04 3,067.20 124.84 R ** 40-WC Apartment 9,255.00 12131162 14,478.58 13,142.10 1,336.48 R ** 46-0 Laundromat 1,515.00 3131163 2,080.85 2,150.50 69.65 ** 48-PH Apartment 6,176.00 3131163 9,587.37 8,769.92 817.45 R ** 49-PH Rest Home 2,110.00 3131163 3,030.73 2,996.20 34.53 R ** 50-WC Apartment 1,509.00 3131163 2,130.90 2,142.78 11.83 ** 51-WC Apartment 18,537.50 3131163 25,203.74 26,323.25 1,119.51 **.52-WC Apartment 13,876.50 6130163 20,209.34 19,704.63 504.71 R ** 54-R Apartment 4,080.00 9130163 5,447.43 5,793.60 346.17 ** 55-R Apartment 4,140.00 6130163 5,620.19 5,878.80 258.61 ** 56-WC Apartment 1,050.00 3131163 1,491.00 1,491.00 0.00 ** 57-0 Apartment 5,642.00 6130163 7,811.72 8,011.60 199.88 ** 58-PH Rest Home 3,560.00 9130163 4,846.41 5,055.20 208.79 ** 60-WC Apartment 4,349.66 9130163 6,814.13 6,176.52 637.61 R ** 61-D Apartment 3,587.50 9130163 4,910.98 5,094.25 183.27 ** `2-WC Apartment 5,337.74 9130163 7,441.03 7,579.58 138.55 *� >-L Apartment 5,682.00 9130163 9,351.00 8,068.44 I,282.56 .R ** e4-PH Laundromat 2,430.00 9130163 3,229.31 3,450.60 221.29 �* 66-WC Apartment 2,017.50 12/31/63 2,578.80 2,864.85 286.05 Formula Pay Off Amount (132 x 1 o Total Quarter Total of Conn.Fee) Refunc R Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to + 100 of Or Balance Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 x Conn. Fee Due ** 67-L Apartment $ 4,200.00 12131163 $ 5,620.92 $ 5,964.00 $ 343.08 ** 68-P Water Soft. P1. 1,320.00 12131163 1,731.00 1,874.40 143.40 ** 69-WC Apartment 5,400.00 12131163 9,398.67 7,666.00 1,730.67 R ** 70-A Apartment. 2,760.00 12131163 3,733.25 3,919.20 185.95 ** 71-WC Conv. Hosp. 1,515.00 12131163 2,009.55 2,151.30 141.75 ** 73-WC Apartment 757.50 12131163 1,051.75 1,099.90 48.15 ** 74-WC Apartment 2,017.50 12131163 2,635.55 2,864.80 229.25 ** 75-WC ***Soft Water 1,200.00 3131164 1,476.00 ** 76-WC Apartment 2,025.00 3131164 2,671.74 2,875..50 203.76 ** 79-WC Apartment 810.00 6130164 1,019.65 1,169.20 149.55 ** 80-WC Apartment 810.,00 6130164 1,023.39 1,169.20 145.81 ** 81-WC Apartment 810.00 6130164 1,046.34 1,169.20 122.86 ** 83-D Apartment 4,008.60 6130164 5,147.02 5,692.21 545.19 ** 90-PH Apartment 3,541.78 9130164 4,129.07 5,029.31 900.24 95-PH ***Car Wash 2,500.00 9130164 1,905.25 ** 96-P Apartment 4,780.00 12131164 6,090.33 6,787.60 697.27 ** 97-0 Prof. Bldg. 665.00 12131164 823.07 977.80 154.73 ** 98-D Rest Home 3,675.00 12131164 6,220.32 5,218-50 1,001.82 R **100-R Apartment 3,879.50 12131164 5,103.66 5,200.15 9,6-49 **102-WC Conv. Hosp. 2,275.00 12131164 2,780.00 3,230.50 450_00- **103-�1 Apartment 5,420.24 12131164 6,439.36 7,696..i3 1,257 **104-D Laundromat 3,750.00 12131164 4,537.50 5,325.100 78i J **105-WC Camalback 2,341.00 6130165 2,701.50 3,324.22 622.12 Rec. Assn. **123-WC Apartment 4,922.00 9130165 5,800.49 6,989.24 1,188.75 **128-WC Apartment 3,407.00 9130165 3,740.70 4,837.94 1,097.24 129-P ***Car Wash 3,500.00 9130165 1,239.70 **131-L Apartment 6,142.00 9130165 6,929.65 8,721.54 1,791.99 **132-WC Apartment 4,782.00 12131165 5,240.28 6,790.44 1,550.16 **133-WC Apartment 5,806.00 12131165 6,277.63 8,244.52 1,966.89 **134-WC Motel 7,314.24 12131165 7,916.08 10,386.21 2,470.13 **135-M Apartment 8,960.00 12131165 10,491..68 12,723..20 2,231.52 **139-WC Apartment 6,255.00 12131165 8,689.13 8,832.10 1.92.97 **140-M Apartment 4,715.00 12131165 5,125.72 61695.3:0 1,559.58 **141-WC Conv. Hosp. 9,000.00 12131165 9,849.09 12,780.00 2,930.91 **142-WC Apartment 3,105.00 12131165 3,245.34 4,409.10 1,163.76 **144-WC Apartment 17,125.00 3131166 17,981.44 24,317.50 6,336.06 **145-PH Conv. Hosp. 16,600.00 3131166 19,209.86 23,572.00 4,362.14 **147-WC Apartment 10,190.85 3131166 10,991.65 14,471.00 3,479.35 151-L ***Car Wash 2,500.00 3131166 2,374.10 **153-D Off. Bldg. 900.00 3131166 1,002.86 1,288.00 285.14 **155-PH Motel, bar & 6,217.00 6130166 6,466.81. 8,828.14 2,361.33 Restaurant 158-WC Apartment 5,848.00 12131166 5,639.21 8,293.60 2,654.39 160-WC Laundromat 5,240.00 3131167 4,839.53 7,440.80 2,601.27 162-L Apartment 1,645.00 3131167 1,555.89 2,335.90 780.01 **163-M Church 355.00 9130167 374.59 568.60 19Z 111 164-WC Car Wash 2,500.00 9130167 2,092.92 3,550.00 1,45 8 -2- Formula Pay Off Amount _ (132 x 1% Total Quarter Total of Conn.Fee) Refunds - R Connection Serv. Chg. Paid to + 10% of or Balance Account No. Use Fee Started 12131173 * Conn. Fee Due 165-WC Apartment $ 3,890.00 12131167 $ 3,255.00 $ 5,523.80 $2,268.80 166-WC Apartment 3,217.10 12131167 2,727.68 4,568.28 1,840.60 167-0 Conv. Hosp. 4,900.00 12131167 4,725.67 61958.00 2,232.33 169-L Apartment 1,080.00 6130168 845.00 1,533.60 688.60 170-M Apartment. 5,410.00 9130168 4,302.65 7,682.20 3,380.15 172-L Duplex 750.00 9130168 570.00 1,090..00 520.00 173-WC Offices 1,500.00 9130168 1,143.15 2,130.00 986.85 174-L 4-P1ex 1,020.00 9130168 742.00 1,448.40 706.40 175-WC Apartment 11,507.00 9130168 8,625.70 16,339.94 7,714.24 176-WC Apartment 9,398.00 12131168 6,767.80 13,345.16 6,577.36 177-WC Camelback 617.00 3131169 421.70 914.44 492.74 East Assn. 179-WC Laundromat 7,000.00 6130169 2,315.99 9,940.00 7,624.01 180-WC Apartment 9,154.00 3131170 5,307.40 12,998.68 7,691.28 181-WC Apartment 4,530.00 12131169 2,657.49 6,432.60 3,775.11 182-WC Apartment 10,500.00 6130170 5,797.05 14,910.00 9,112.95 184-M Car Wash 2,500.00 9130169 11550.00 3,550.00 2,000.00 185-C Car Wash 2,500.00 12131169 1,475.00 3,550.00 2,075.00 186-WC Apartment 1,300.00 3131170 731.12 1,846.00 1,114.88 187-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131169 552.11 1,488.16 936.05 188-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131169 619.30 1,488.16 868.86 89-WC Car Wash 2,500.00 12131169 1,489.48 3,550.00 2,060.52 91-R Apartment 1,600.00 9130170 832.00 2,272.00 1,440.00 192-L Apartment 2,400.00 3131170 1,285.43 3,408.00 2,122.57 193-M Apartment 8,030.00 3131170 4,483.00 11,402.60 6,919.60 194-PH Apartment 6,600.00 9130170 2,924.22 9,372.00 6,447.78 195-PH ***Car Wash 2,060.00 9130170 662.43 196-PH Apartment 4,347.50 9130170 2,154.75 6,173.45 4,018.70 199-WC Car Wash 3,000.00 9130170 990.00 4,260.00 3f270.00 202-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 12131170 493.30 1,488.16 994.86 203-PH 4-Plex 1,045.00 12131170 986.78 1,483.90 497.12 205-WC Apartment 36,555.56 12131170 17,910.06 51;908.89 .33,995.82 206-PH 4-Flex 1,048.00 12131170 574.30 1,.4.88.16 ...973.86 207-R Apartment 3,740.00 12131170 3-,264.50 5,310.80 2;046.30 209-PH Apartment 5 697.68- -3111171 21685.74 8,090,70 5;404.96 211-FTC Apartment 1,225.00 6130171 '!529.55 1,739..50 1,209-95 212-WC Apartment 1,225.00 6130171 518.50 1,739.50 1,221-00 213-R Apartment 4,747.30 3/31/72 1,626.14 -6,741.16 5,115.02 219-WC 17up1ex 510._00 6130171- 221.24 773.20 '551.96 220-1vC Duplex .510.00 6130171 245.49 773_20 527.71 221-WC Apartment 3,897.00 6130/71 1,643.94 5,533.74 3,889.80 222-WC Apartment 48,744.00 6130171 21,372.24 69,216.48 47,844.24 223-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 6130171 451.30 1,488._16 1,036.86 224-PH 4-P1ex 1,048.00 9130171 463.77 1,488.16 1,024.39 225-PH 4-Plex 1,048.00 9130171 419.80 1,488.16 1,068.36 226-WC Duplex 600.00 9130171 240.00 892.00 652.00 227-WC Apartment 66,192.77 9130171 23,627.39 93,993.73 76,366.34 ?8-R Apartment 3,200.00 6130172 999.68 4,544.00 3,544.32 9-PH Apartment 850.00 12131171 304.00 1,222.00 918.00 --3- Account No. Use 230-PH Apartment 231-PH Apartment 233-PH Camelback Rec. Assn. 235-PH Apartment 236-D Car Wash 237-R Apartment 238-WC Duplex 239-PH Apartment 240-WC Apartment 241-WC Apartment 242-D Car Wash 243-FVC Apartment 244-WC Apartment 245-WC 8-Plex 246-WC Apartment 247-PH Apartment 248-PH Apartment 249-PH Apartment **364-L Laundromat **587-WC Laundromat **588-WC 4-Plex **600-WC Apartment **601-WC Apartment **602.0 Safeway **613-PH Laundromat **643-WC Drive -In **657-L Church **659-WC Laundromat **660-WC Apartment **661-WC ***Laundromat **663-WC Apartment **664-WC 4-Plex **666-WC Pet Hosp. **667-L 4-Plex **670-WC Law Office **675-WC Church **676-L Motel **678-L Drive-in Total Total Connection PPP $ 5,000.00 1,076.00 4,059.58 8,713.68 2,200.00 1,510.00 600.00 16,920.00 1,300.00 2,585.00 2,000.00 28,351.75 6,917.00 1,715.00 52,102.00 9,209.00 18,681.00 47,025.00 2,295.00 1,095.00 400.00 2,400.00 500.00 1,255.00 2,760.00 455.00 610.00 2,340.00 810.00 2,565.00 500.00 400.00 860.00 400.00 300.00 860.06 2,800.00 250.00 $884,281.53 Total Number of Accounts = 169 Total Number ** = 96 Quarter Serv. Chg. Started 12131171 12131171 3130172 3130172 3130172 3130172 3130172 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 6130173 9130173 12131173 3131160 3131160 12131160 3131161 3131161 6130160 6130160 6130160 12131160 6130161 9130160 6130161 6130161 9130160 6130161 6130161 12131160 12131160 9130161 12131160 Total Paid to 12131173 $ 1,850.00 399.52 1,377.96 2,455.64 748.00 511.00 204.00 3,246.49 247.00 492.50 380.00 5,391.17 1,312.70 171.50 8,336.20 1,749.00 3,221.00 4,702.50 4,099.24 1,950.64 696.80 3,994.08 881.05 2,086.54 4,801.78 866.11 1,038.52 3,754.91 1,417.11 3,934.63 876.94 761.40 1,402.29 716.59 574.00 1,443.00 4,486.72 465.67 Formula Pay. Off Amount (132x1% of Conn.Fee) + 10% of Conn. Fee $ 7,?00.00 1,527.92 5,764.60 12,373.42 3,124.00 2,144.20 892.00 24,026.40 1,846.00 3,676.70 2,840.00 40,259.48 9,826.10 2,435.30 73,984.84 13,076.78 26,527.02 66,775.50 3,258.90 1,554.90 658.00 3,408.00 760.00 1,782..10 3,919.20 700..60 905.20 3,322.80 1,169.20 3,642.30 760.00 628.00 1,235.20 628.00 496.00 1,235.20 3,976.00 430.On $686,308.08 $1,239,994.29 * includes 10% initial payment and all subsequent payments.of any type (penalties, interest, monies collected on the County tax roll, etc.) ** Those that have exceeded their original connection fees *** Have discontinued use R - Refund under formula (7% interest on unpaid balance and credit for service charges paid against unpaid balance) Total of Refunds (47 accounts) ='.$ 24,747.04 Total of Balances Due (116 accounts) = $586,100.73 Refunds - R or Balance Due $5,25G_ J 1,128.40 4,386.64 9,917.78 2,376.00 1,613.20 668.00 20,777.91 1,599.00 3.,173.20 2,460.00. 34,868.3j. 8,513.4a 2,263.8C 65,648.64 11,327.78 23,306.92 62,073.00 840.34 395.74 3a.80 98-6 08 .. 121. '15 682,�8 .. 165.5.E -' 13 3 ..; . c? 432.1: _ 247.9 . 292.33 116.94 Z 13.40 R 167.09 R 83.59 R 73.00 R 207.80 R 570-.72 .9 35. 67 P. $610,847.77 VI. Old Bus.. I 3/9a!7LL, March 28, 1974 MEMOPANDl"i FOR: HONORARI.E M VRERS OF THE BOARD CF DIRECT-DRS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General "Manager -Chief Engineer SUUJECT: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR THE LARWIN PUMP STATION PROBLEM: The revised Staff evaluation has been prepared as directed by the Board and is herewith submitted. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 95 requires that the Board act on the following 1. Review the draft EIR and determine if it is in order. 2. If the draft EIR is in order, authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion with the Secretary of Resources Agency. 3. Establish a review time period. 4. Determine whether in the discretion of the Board it is desirable to conduct a public hearing on the Environmental Impact of the project and if so set a date for such hearing. The preliminary review as made at the March 21, 1974 meeting RECOMMENDATION: I. Find the draft EIR to be in order. 2. Authorize staff to file Notice of Completion. 3. Set review period of 40 days. 4. Set May 2, 1974, as the date for the public hearing on the Environmental report. Respectfully submitted, uiezw-�`� W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB: sf J M Attachments: Staff Evaluation - revised Applied Science and Resource Planning Letter March 28, 1974 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF EVALUgTION OF LARIW I N PUMIP STATION DRAFT ENVIROWMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (Revised) General -'All references to economics or economic hardships placed on the developer are improperly included in this draft and shall be deleted as follows: Pie Delete 14 Third and fourth paragraphs. 19 First, second and third paragraphs. 21 Second sentence of the first paragraph. Z4 Third sentence of the second paragraph. 25 Second sentence of the third paragraph including the four examples; second sentence of the fourth paragraph; and the footnote. The following comments relate to changes required to make the draft factual or to add new information that will update the draft. Pa qe Comments The statement that the report cannot be reproduced without permission is inappropriate and shall be deleted. 2 The total Larwin Development has been deiachad from Valley Community Services District for sewer and garbage services. Annexation of this area to the Central Sanitary District was finalized on March 20, 1974. 3 The .force mains will be Iocated east of the creek only if the developer can provide proper easements. It's not clear from the last sentence on pags 3 that the Bishop pumping installation will be duplicated once the Larwin pump station is built. The following sentence should therefore be added: The Larwin station will essentially eliminate the need for the Bishop station and will also serve additional areas. Page Comments March 28, 1974 Page 2 6 The force mains will be two parallel lines of approximately 12 to 14 inches in diameter. The inclusion of the force mains in the report is proper. The second sentence of the third paragraph implies that the sewage would gravity flow to its discharge in Suisun Bay. However, it (and for that matter all sewage) must be pumped through the treatment plant to the outfall. 10 It should be stated in the first paragraph that immediately to the south of the site there are existing houses (Subdivision 3841). 15 In the last sentence the phrase "without adverse consequences" is a judgment and should be deleted. 18 Power consumption is estimated at 806,000 kwh/year. 19 The standby engines will be turbines which can be powered by any petroleum fuel. 23 Add the following sentence to the end of the f 1 :-- t paragraph: The area surrounding the security fencing will be landscaped to improve the appear- ance of the fencing. After the above comments are included, the report will adequately depict the project and the effects that it will have on surrounding environment. 4p_ V Jay McCoy Engineering Associate JM: sf Approved: /Best Manager -Engineering Department APPLIED SCIENCE AND FRE'..,r=OU'q:C= PLANI1JIA7G, 13NC. K STPEET, SU•TE 123, SACc-�AMENTO, CALIFOPN"A 95914 PHONE 9'S-444-(520a March 22, 1974 8000821 Central,Contra Costa Sanitary District Atten: Jay McCoy 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 RE: LARWIN - BISHOP LIFT STATION, EIR Dear Mr. McCoy: It has come to our attention that the Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District wishes to utilize the drat text of the Larwin - Bishop Lift Station in preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Report. Please consider this letter as an authorization of release of the draft Environmental Impact Report, 1/3/74, prepared by Applied Science and Resource Planning, Inc. for this purpose. Applied Science is, of course, prepared to stand behind the draft EIR text. Any changes or alterations of the draft text in preparation of the Final EIR become the responsibility of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Sincerely, APPLIED SCIENCE AND RESOU$CE PLANNING, INC. C F-IV Q eYR Z� s7' Larry Lea -- We !n :' L;t;on i+Ja Into Read if Office Manager G:n. App.-Ch. Erg- 5cntp tAanagar ��'%•� J LL : j h T �iSL t: :011i!:e1 CC.- Charles Schneider LID Caansm Agenda Larwin - No. Calif. lV unttag Erg,neer!rg i VaWin; me r:artt operation! Permit CONSULTANTS IN THE PHYSICAL,, BIOLOGICAL., AND SOCIAL SCIENCM 7 V1. Old Bus.. 1 3i28j74 March 28, 1974 P &!� 1ORANDL FOR: H0'I0RA9!_F l`4E1•'BER.S OF THE BOARD CF C? i RrCTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-C;'Iief Engineer SUBJECT: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT FOR THE LAR':'? I N PUMP STAT I U-N PROBLEM: The revised Staff evaluation has been prepared as directed by the Board and is herewith submitted. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 95 requires that the Board act on the following I. Review the draft EIR and determine if it is in order. 2. If the draft EIR is in order, authorize staff to file the Notice of Completion with the Secretary of Resources Agency. 3. Establish a review time period. 4. Determine whether in the discretion of the Board it is desirable to conduct a public hearing on the Environmental 'mpact of the project and if so set a date for such hearing. The preliminary review as made at the March 21, !974 meeting RECOMMENDATION: I. Find the draft EIR to be in order. 2. Authorize staff to file Notice of Completion. 3. Set review period of 40 days. 4. Set May 2, 1974, as the date for the public hearing on the Environmental report. Respectfully submitted, J A Lo W. C. Da I ton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB: sf JH Attachments: Staff Evaluation - revised Applied Science and Resource Planning Letter March 28, 1974 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF EVALUtiTION OF LARW I N PUMP STATION DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (Revised) General -All references to economics or economic hardships placed on the developer are improperly included in this draft and shall be deleted as follows: Page Delete 14 Third and fourth paragraphs. 19 First, second and third paragraphs. 21 Second sentence of the first paragraph. 24 Third sentence of the second paragraph. 25 Second sentence of the third paragraph including the four examples; second sentence or the fourth paragraph; and the footnote. The following comments relate to changes required to make the draft factual or to add new information that will update the draft. Page Comments The statement that the report cannot be reproduced without permission is inappropriate and shall be deleted. 2 The total Larwin Development has been detached from Valley Corrmun i ty Services District for sewer and garbage services_ Annexation of this area to the Central Sanitary District was finalized on March 20, 1974. 3 The -.force mains will be located east of the creek only if the developer can provide proper easements. It's not clear from the last sentence on page 3 that the Bishop pumping installation wiil be duplicated once the Larwin pump station is built. The following sentence should therefore be added: The Larwin station will essentially eliminate the need for the Bishop station and will also serve additional areas. Paqe Comments March 28, 1974 Page 2 6 The force mains will be two parallel lines of approximately 12 to 14 inches in diameter. The inclusion of the force mains in the report is proper. The second sentence of the third paragraph implies that the sewage would gravity flow to its discharge in Suisun Bay. However, it (and for that matter all sewage) must be pumped through the treatment plant to the outfall. 10 It should be stated in the first paragraph that immediately to the south of the site there are existing houses (Subdivision 3841). 15 In the last sentence the phrase "without adverse consequences" is a judgment and should be deleted. 18 Power consumption is estimated at 806,000 kwh/year. 19 The standby engines will be turbines which can bu powered by any petroleum fuel. 23 Add the following sentence to The end of the first paragraph: The area surrounding the security fencing will be landscaped to improve the appear- ance of the fencing. After the above comments are included, the report will adequately depict the project and the effects that it will have on surroundina environment. Jay McCoy Engineering Associate JM:sf Approved: Jack L. Best Vanager-Engineering Department APPL'a,EC S OIENCE AND RESOURCE PLANNING, INC. PcrT• Su,TE 103. SACgAMENT3• CALIFOPNIA 95614 PHONE 9"S-444-6034 March 22, 1974 8000821 Central•Contra Costa Sanitary District Atten: Jay McCoy 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 RE: LARWIN - BISHOP LIFT STATION, EIR Dear Mr. McCoy: It has come to our attention that the Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District wishes to utilize the draft text of the Larwin - Bishop Lift Station in preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Report. Please consider this letter as an authorization of release of the draft Environmental Impact Report, 1/3/74, prepared by Applied Science and Resource Planning, Inc. for this purpose. Applied Science is, of course, prepared to stand behind the draft EIR text. Any changes or alterations of the draft text in preparation of the Final EIR become the responsibility of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Sincerely, APPLIED SCIENCE AND RESOURCE PLANNING, INC. J/Larry Lea Office Manager LL:jh cc: Charles Schneider Larwin - No Calif -`er Ev o KYR 2 ' te to ':; Attion (t!, Info Read Ay Gen- Mgt: Cn- Eng_ tltaub Rirnad�x�.I'. s ur..f,rr f DW-iC Cwiner� l ~ LID Counsel --,•__ Agenda Accourring Engineering Etaintan_nca Plant OpataWona Permit !M) 7 3"E F$;�J°fSl�^ �t ➢ 73n � AL, ANO SOCIAL SGISIVCE r z 3/28/74 I, J March 25, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO H I RF 23 TE"t"POP.ARY SUMMER EMPLOYEES FOR 1974 Summary of Request Department Summer Employees Accounting -Clerical 0 Engineering 10 f 1a i ntenance 9 Plant Operations 4 Total Request 23 Hourly rate for temporary summer employment is $2.94 per hour. In 1973 we requested 23 temporary summer employees. We request Board approval to hire 23 temporary summer employees for 1974. Your consideration of this request will be appreciated so that we can conduct simple drafting tests for engineering summer employees. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer I WCD:sf J LB Attached are summaries of Departmental requests for temporary summer employees. . . .OVER DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS FOR TEMPORARY SUMMER. EMPLOYEES FOR 1974 ENGINEERING DEPART'%;ENT: The Engineering Department requires 10 temporary summer em,,p I ogees w i tn drafting background for work on the District gapping system and general engineering duties. One temporary employee will be assigned to the Printing Section to update our microfilm security section. One will Ce assigned to the Permit Section -to post the permit numbers on our 100' scale system maps. The balance will be assigned to office and field, working on permanent record maps. Vacation fill-ins for Inspection, Survey and other Divisions will be from the Engineering pool group.. M.AINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: Requests nine (9) temporary summer employees. These people mill be ussd as vacation fill-in on maintenance crews. Summer workers aiill be used in repair division to augment our present force and increase repair production. We will use 4 of the summer workers in our smoke test program. This has been a good program. Last summer we tested I D1 ,477 feat of sa•aer mains. 'Ile located enough sources of infi ltration/inflo:i in the nor 3-heast section of Martinez that with their elimination, the Pine St.-Esco� �r sewer system did not overflow this winter. This system has overflowed faithfully at the slightest rainfall for years. Summer help in the Maintenance Department must have the physical capability to perform heavy manual labor. In addition, those people working in the smoke test program must make a favorable public.impression. TREA TIMENT PLANT: A total of four summar employees are requested for 1974; two of these employees wiII be assigned to the pump station, north and south. Theca employees will be used for building and yard maintenance at the varlous pump stations. The remaining two employees will be assigned to work at the Treatment Plant performing general building and maintenance and dismantling and removal of the Advance Treatment Test Facility plant and equipment. 1,111. New Bus ►'� 3 3/28/74 i�iarch 20, 1974 +MEMORANDUM TO: WILLIAvi C. DALTON - DEPUTY, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF &NIGINEER SUBJECT: CLAIM OF BENTON P. AND 5HIRv.LY BERG FOR $75,000.00 IN DAMAGES. PROBLEM: Mr. and Mrs. Berg are making this claim against the District for earth movement that resulted in the demolition of their residence at 515 Frumenti Court, Martinez. BACKGROUND: The earth movement is a massive slide, the crown is behind 623 and 625 Laird Lane and the toe extends into the Berg Property. The construction activities referred to could only be the original instal- lation of the sewer mains in Tract 3543. This work was performed by S. Rigisich, Inc. for Lockwood Construction Company. The work was com- pleted July 19, 1967. The District lost about 50' of sewer main in the slide. We have installed and are still maintaining a temporary system to provide service for two homes. Burton H. Marliave, Consulting Geologist, made a report to the District regarding this slide, a copy is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Deny claim and refer it to our insurance carrier. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Manager, Maintenance Department RHH: yb Attachment C BOLD AND POLISNIER k.OL0. ;P.. ,ATTORNEYS AT LAN �OLI5NHr. SIXTH FLO•D ,T 1990 hOPT,- CALIFORNIA t: 7ULF-VARD VIALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 9A395 March 15, 1974 Secretary of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 94596 Subject: Claim_of Denton P. and Shirley Berg Gentlemen: AR_A -.1, _ T_LcP.iONE 933- Kindly present the enclosed Claim of Damages to no the Board of Directors for consideration_ Yours very t-*naly, �J L Jeffrey D. Polisner JDP : mw Enclosure Cns..sr>c �it.. i i t'. i i ! t1Lto C" evs ait Law 2 1990 1_4orth California Boulevard ; i Walnut Creek, Cali �crnia 94596 3 ;,! (^ 15) 933-7 777 5 i� iM W! BENTON P. BERG and SHIRLEY BERG, t 7 Claimants, E; S 1` VS. CL.AIN FOR DAMAGES 9;EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY } DISTRICT, a public body and ) 0 :; CE TF'L CONTRA COSTA SANITARY ) ;i DISTRICT, a public body. ) li ) Defendants. ) 12 } 9 13 A. VAME AND ADDRESS OF CLAIMANTS : Benton P . Berg and iF 14;i Shirley Berg, 2055 Morello Avenue, Pleasant Hill, California. ld�F B. NOTICES: All notices regarding this claim should be ;E 16'` s nt to Bold and Polisner 1990 North California Boulevard, 37 j};alnut Creek, Cali- C. lg C. DATE AND PLACE OF OCCURENCE: This occurrence happened E 19 during -the. 1at•ter part of March,. 197"), aid is continuing to -the 20 ,, resent time_ Claimants real � ! p property, commonly known. as 515 l 2111 Frumenti Court, Martinez, California, was subjected to serious E 22�i earth movement which resulted in the demolition of- their single 2-' family lily residence and other improver.ents located thereon on or about April 1, 1973. T t is believed that the earth movement ;was 25 caused due to Co[Zst_l..Ctiofl aCtl"v.LtlE'S tvh:LC.it s..00li p._.- L-- w_.t:73.i'1 ANO �I ; -fA?:I?Y3 n LA'., ° PLAZA. t Subdivision _35413 , on Laird Lane; Martinez,, tricinit4T of 625 Laird Lane. Said construction activit .es 'were conducted in part by East BaMunicipal Utility and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. D. AMOUNT Cam" CLAIM,- Claimant 5-_have :beezr -damaged in .the sure of $75,O00.00, which sum includes the value of their lot, ij-1, prove - ::ants, moving costs, demolition casts and incidental expenses. f $ E. The names of the public employees or employees causing Ott the damage are unkno,Mr at this title. 10; Dated: March 15, 1975 11 12;. BOLD a. e ,.D POLISL3u�. _ 151 36 �At evs 'for Claimants i7 1 38` l 39 i� 20 i i 27 i 22 3 23 2A i1 OR I CJtRTIF 1CA'T ' OF i•tyL.L-J N-G {1 ; 2;:i a C_' 1i23', of 1he unitee States, C van th-, cC� Oi Is YEla 3 � employed inthe County of Contra Costa, and riot a part,? to -she wi thin action; -my husi ness address is 19! 0 NTorto-3 California I 5. BOLlevard, Wa? nut Crca?�, Cai? forma_ On March 15, 1974 1 served the withirL C+•Aii FOR 7 9 10 31 32 13 l� 15 lg 37 is 19i 20 21 22 23 ' 2rs 25 i DA?LAGES on the parties in said action, by placing true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States rr!ail at Walnut Creek, !California, addressed as follows: East Day Municipal Utility District 2130 Adeline Street Oakland, California Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dict_r-ic-- 1250 Springhrook Road Walnut Creek, California 94595 I declare, under penalty of p'rju - _, 1 ryr that the ;oregoirg is I trite and correct. I Emecuted on Ear ch 15; 1974 rGl •- t�.ct 1•flrit.2 t_ Creek i California �—�A, j -.N=Y:7 LA 5U; CA:.:= .'I IA n 7. ..37.777 B'JRTO'NT H. MARLIAVE CONSULTING, CEOLOCIST REGISTERED ENGiNEERUNG GEOLOLAEST Office i ;o. 3 1043 Stuart Street LaF:tyette, Ca'=arn:a b45-tg Tel: rh=;z:P 3$4-70 10 kT:Mi1 2 a �i' 1 J :' 1250 Sp ringbrook koad Ya al2ri- t Or eek; - Cali.-[' ornia 945W Siibjiaet: Slide Behind 623 and 625 Laird Lash Dear Sir: A iiel-4' r�CiJn?'_�15£3�3LOv' -was I..W"'.da ax 4_2—73 Oi' S.i'_.de C0'nditiJriS be-103.rd 523 - nd 625 'ryird Lane bet`,+le`sen Iiattinez :-d Lafayat te, A3 s zo m on tie aitt4cht-4 sad tl�h =p a. slide extends from the rear o-J." the level building- ppds thx -ugh tip -a 152 wide bench, in - e-Cili srlo -oe or 'ac lzazt I down- �nu hili1Jvlow tehb1,-h 10 -a -.ZiNh of 150 feet. rlge sewer line aci4 the concrete r���;e utveTon The ^ iy_wva been d z3Tu to,y the slide Cd LV t0 factv`--S l • '1oVv:ent alVmg L O az ezn edgi of the .�Iida has apoa nti-ly 'b'en J—ar it's.�tn O ih-- wt3st �n ei''f,�'�'. `k'�ta. .?Lt LI i3'1"1.�' '_s� v m—porar?.'L�i been lit1.?� fie': R :t ;ra t a �, fill was placed on toe rear slope o-- the t %0� i 3 >> Fri /7 1;T� for..; az- lrha road nCti t'�iher{ -, is no �lpedrote;�'��y +"�•"ip oze d even `in u�'T e i0, 31ida a�.l yt +l i. oin tijr -!a i •1 foix-nd in Vhei �1•l��;f�•_i -JCr'RrJ � V .i `.�. .1i J��J Qi =r LO j T.' w i, oo,'1ow L`3 'r4i1it!? B±e 3'i3Vif 72 fl l-ea r 3 e33ii3STC to ba i,'_�It; 3T=iZ t1''ivv a'-nd.s tone of zinc cens i-f-tic'h •`; t'+"iscc i nor'tinje:starly and :C o ms a, syncllinmi -fold in. "Ine slid--_ ;'U F`2-M. Tile SiZ.Ithi�tira.�L'=i��iCil'L't�f c"s_`i It t~}. .s�".`�. �:3 �'v' �. f the S.�?�P while it .�5-.? ��. l '+'' 3. �+ 1�rL �. �+ 000 fe *4?o v w � h•e x r__. rl n f nu_ u -VI:x s -rL, The slide is believrnd av h ac been er?i�!;ed, in t-- t by, ,hc .,--..r% , z ` }, 7 n - 1 mild + d i ?"t _L by lack '' o m } ; '1 s � fk -�+� � n ;�r 6� ben -lath , n -1 y t '1 rr 1.. l=ti1 re::.__- .�1� - prL is,tJ i t�ivC, s�...Z �_ .j.. t.:"%:i�.�-.=+1 tn��i fill _ ' .L' ' -i y.�I aZr.a�r+ t h �'� c b f f . A%f t' i °'.t�, i » •� z -s 1. .c i �, -3:. �i � aY%. 3.v v � G'+� F��� � =i �: ,�� 1:'i � a-,t �. ;J..� '�...',{.� a:�!.1' �� .a...on r� d I.r SIU-16 correction would re.,e v re rt.;--mn of ?? S - e � i �s rs,,%terialz e_xc rv- t1.s keys into the Or=?',3r,.al :-310170 ttrl ow the ;;lidep p+L3t: tlit`nt Ot dr.�_n mud p_ rio_. zed dr.edn _niipey reLu- id nf: the -n-:33th a t':3m_?ac—I.,ed -Cil1 wTIa =-'3ttori;2 the Concre—ce drsi Cost ?I2 e:tenss a3 20,000.(4) but will b,� nece:!�n r? to save the homes ir~:= bcing destroya,&3i?'3.22 the 31#'av rainy 3-e�izon. r'.. ''s :}�? r+t .3 fir' n� cantJt be i eesta'1�liz1hed trati-I the 3 i ide is re-zpair pe" ;—Imd th-C bench 151 r� VII. New Bus. 4 3/28/74 \ F•. '� �L i, �C' \._ �4, /'a! l iLL��L 1�-'ia>�-.`��L��'� +� �}� ,Y i � I I '� 02/ el L —'-f zj ,�i'?Zf` �••t C• 1.--Ll I � ,tC.G4�.•t rL!' �-�`jLCLi�•C-L�d��L>."C.C� LiKL 1•vL� � .�ti(� •� w / E— U/ ./J1 L. �`� -�L�it c �4_ �-'�'LC[.C.•,rr� {9- �• �<tiC1� _i;�iC.�r� ./l.�iL'~C-[���' �.����C./C+ .•,iL_�t CIL�'� (� rr"'l'�G�� �G•trCe,i i elli -�L�-�-C"a•l-C.-L.CiYYC/ (.,�1-i`� Z4 n /,�/ Wit_.. d" CGtL..:.�•� _�{:,�,�e, ,��� CSC t.LL i� I ft Iq tbL, d" --Lt4-eteelOIZ CZC e^-eccw.Lea� ze) 74, t7 ML44- 'a-t-1 2;�4 0RGA`� i ZAT I OiN CHART PROJECTING FUTURE-- lg0',gTH rTRAL COSTi? Sn';ITAPY L ?TCi ACCOUNTING & SECRETARIAL DIVIS104 S ORGANIZATION CHART ROf�EO Admin. Secretary (gen.mgr.-chief eng.) 1 R48 1 $891 � $1083 SECRETARIAL POOL senior secretary R43 $790 $959 VERNON dept. secretary 2 R39 1 $717 $$870 MERCHANT secretary 1 R34 1 $634 $771 1,-'O T E Positions authorised on left -total 8 Positions filled on right -total 6 Tcmnporary positions filled -total (0) ELKII-VS Ad^a?n. acct- 7 R64 1 $1317:1 $1602 ACCOUNTING acct. I R58 0 $11371 $1383 FROST SULLIVAN acct_ assist. 2 R43 2 $790' $959 junior acct. R39 $717 $870 ?7ri7 i�; r ,5/zxhl March 27, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Board of Directors VIA: Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Garbage Rates, Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. 1. Attached is a report depicting financial reports of Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. for.the years 1971-1973 along with company and staff projections for the year 1974. 2. Management of Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. requested a 16 per cent across the board increase for garbage rates. Below is staff recommenda- tions on rate increases: Staff Recommenda- Amount Per cent Type of Service Present Rate tions Increased Increase Residential One can 3.40 3.90 .50� 15% each add'l can-reg. 1.85 2.00 .15� 8% each add'l can -non reg. .95 1.00 .05� 5% Multi -Family 1st collection 2.85 3.25 .40(� 14% each add'l collection .45 .50 .05, 11% One can 4.25 4.90 .65� 15% each add'l can-reg. 1.85 2.10 , 25e, 14% each add'l can -non reg. .95 .1.10 .15� 16% Bulk Per Cu. Yd. pickup 3.00 3.50 .50� 17% 3. Staff analysis of the recent contract signed by management with Teamsters Union, Local 315, indicates an approximately 12% increase in labor costs for 1974. This also includes benefits and payroll taxes. 4. Due to the uncertainty of fuel costs, the current energy crisis and experi- ence to date by management, .staff, in its judgment, has projected a 50% increase in fuel, oil and license expense for 1974. Management projected a 57% increase. 5. Staff recommendations and projections are predicated on the period April 1, 1974 to April 1, 1975. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis Secretary Approved: W. C. Dalton Deputy General Mgr. -Chief Engr. - RINDAIMORAGA P. O. BOX 659 ORI,NDA, CALIFOI?,1iA 94563 PHO,,E 254-281: Feb _ ua ry S, 1 91j To the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, Ca. 94597 Gentlemen: Due to increased costs of the employment agreement effective January 1, 1974 and th^ sleep increaso in. fuel prices; we find it necessary to request a rate increase at this time. [de respectfully request authority to increase our various rates for resident- ial and commercial service by the following percentages: Effec ti,,ic. January 1, 1974 Jan_llary 1. 1975 January 1, 1976 Percent of Basic One-Cr Annual Increase Rate 16 % $ 3.95 6 4.20 4 3/4 % 4.40 [de are enclosing an analysis of such increases on f*iture income based on our current level of operations. If you need any further information in connection with this request please contact this office, or that of our C.P.A. and details will be immediately furnished. Sincerely yours, ORIN-7A -MIOP. GA !DISPOSAL SERVICE, i C. Joseph D. Navone, President JDN/ms Encl.