HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinance MINUTES 09-17-24110ENTRAL SAN
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
FAX.- (925) 372-0192
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 www.centralsan.org
2:30 p.m.
Chair Mariah Lauritzen
Member Tad Pilecki
Staff. -
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (joined during Item 3.b.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Deputy GM — Administration
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left during Item
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (arrived during Item 3.b.)
Emily Barnett, Communications and Government Relations Manager (left during Item 3.b.)
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Brennan Rogers, Accounting Supervisor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator
Eileen Hansen, Deputy Secretary of the District
Karen DeLong, Administrative Services Assistant
1. Call Meetina to Order
Chair Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
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September 17, 2024
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a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred, August 16, 2024
through September 5, 2024
Staff responded to questions posed in advance of the meeting by Member
Pilecki. All staff responses were to his satisfaction.
Check #313429, Air Systems Inc. in the amount of $8, 777.05
Mr. Mizuno explained that this expenditure pertained to water heater
repairs in the laboratory's industrial hot water system. Additional issues
surfaced during the investigation and work was required beyond what
was originally anticipated, including the replacement of two pumps.
Check #313521, KP Doors and Access LLC, in the amount of $32,967.77
• Mr. Mizuno explained that the emergency fire rated rolling doors needed
replacement at Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) as parts were not
available for the prior doors, which are very old. Additional charges were
also incurred for the work to be performed after HHW's normal business
hours so as to not impact customers.
Check #203192, BE Workplace Design in the amount of $41, 785.68
Mr. Mizuno explained that this expenditure was for the full replacement of
three aged and ergonomically outdated cubicles, along with replacement
of the old desks, lighting and furniture in the Procurement workgroup
area. He emphasized this was the last workstation area of the third floor
in the headquarters office building (HOB) to be replaced. The amount
included labor, tax and materials, as well as conversions to sit -stand
desks for improved employee ergonomics.
Member Pilecki expressed concern over the spending on furniture at the
district in general and inquired about whether there are furniture items
stored the warehouse that could be used. Mr. Leiber stated that Central
San tries to get the balance right between controlling costs and providing
a reasonable standard of furniture. It was noted that the furniture could
possibly have been used longer but concurred that it was dated and not
up to the standard seen elsewhere in the building. Chair Lauritzen added
that recently manufactured furniture may not last as long, needing to be
replaced more frequently. Member Pilecki emphasized his position that
any spending on furniture should be closely monitored.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
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September 17, 2024
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b. Receive Budget -to -Actual Expenditure overview through the month of August
Mr. Mizuno provided an overview of the Budget -to -Actual Expenditures for
the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Sewer Construction Fund
(SCF) through August 31, 2024.
The total expenditures through August 2024 were $14.9 million, lower than
the annual Budget of $17.6 million. It was noted that the O&M Fund is
reporting a favorable budget variance of approximately $2.7 million or 15.3
percent. He then provided additional context comparing this year's spending
trend through August to that of the prior year, indicating this high variance is
normal at the onset of the fiscal year which is expected to tighten by the
close of the first quarter.
The total expenditures through August 2024 were $1.4 million, significantly
below the target of $19.1 million. Mr. Mizuno emphasized that the interim
budget allocations of the annual adopted budget have not yet been allocated
to months using project -specific projections, and thus it reflects a "straight
line" spending expectation which is too high for this time of year. The report
is expected to reflect a more realistic "s-curve" of project spending by the
close of the first quarter and will be updated at the next meeting.
Member Pilecki noted that there are capital work paid in the first months of
the new year charged to the prior Fiscal Year (FY), resulting in an under-
achieving of the target. Mr. Mizuno explained that applying charges for
capital projects to the month when costs were incurred is a requirement for
both O&M and SCF.
Chair Lauritzen requested clarification of the budget to actual graph. Mr.
Leiber explained that the first month of the FY is transitional, adding that the
projections in these months should be lower in future years. Mr. Lopez
stated that most contractors were delayed in their July billing, and most
accruals were for work done in the last FY.
A discussion of several concepts followed including accrual, carry forward,
and closing period practices. The Committee expressed a desire for a
document that shows the progress of work completed. Member Pilecki
asserted that the graph needs to reflect actual work completed. Mr. Mizuno
responded that this issue arises as only one month of the fiscal year truly
reflects expenditure accruals, and the remaining months of the fiscal year
are on a cash basis, which is common for public agencies. He indicated that
the other months of the fiscal year could reflect more complete expenditures
if the books were held open longer like in June, however that would cause a
delay in financial reporting.
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September 17, 2024
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Chair Lauritzen requested staff consider this matter further and strive to
provide supplemental information on capital spending and/or commitments
next meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Provided input to staff and recommended Board
C. Receive Quarterly Financial review for the fourth quarter ended June 30,
2024 of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 ending June 30, 2024 (Unaudited)
Mr. Mizuno provided an overview of the report included in the agenda
materials. He highlighted that the Quarterly Financial report includes
expenditure results at the line item and organizational unit level detail which
is not presented in the monthly overviews.
For the O&M budget, the total expenditures are $85.5 million which is six
percent below the budget. The variance was largely attributable to lower
than budgeted spending in Salaries & Wages and Other Purchased
Member Pilecki inquired about the vacancy factor and emphasized the
vacancy factor should be monitored regularly, and staff should consider
making modifications prospectively if it is consistently too low.
Total revenue for the SCF was $90.4 million, exceeding the budget by 13.6
percent. The three major drivers for this variance were Investment Income,
Secured Property Taxes, and capital reimbursements from the City of
Concord for its share of eligible capital program spending.
Member Pilecki stated that long-term investment return assumptions would
be discussed further at the December Financial workshop.
In response to Member Pilecki's inquiry about how the variance is
communicated to Concord in a way that it is not a surprise, Mr. Mizuno
responded that Ms. Gemmell is in communication with Concord periodically
who provides a projection of the annual amount due to assist the city with
budget planning.
Chair Lauritzen opined that the numbers show that Central San needs more
conservative planning, as does the City of Concord. Mr. Mizuno shared that
in recent years Concord financial staff initiated a conversation with Central
San to explore the merits of quarterly instead of annual payments. Member
Pilecki requested that a review of the billing options be presented in an
upcoming meeting.
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September 17, 2024
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt and requested
additional information on City of Concord's billing.
d. Review draft Position Paper and consider adopting proposed Resolution
2024-XXX which (1) elects to use a master bond in lieu of individual bonds,
and (2) authorizes Central San's General Manager to acquire crime
insurance in lieu of a master bond with a coverage amount of $5 million as
related to the In-house Treasury function
Mr. Leiber provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials, noting that the cost of the recommended $5 million in
coverage would be about $10,000 in total compared to the $5,500 for the
current $1 million in coverage
In response to Member Pilecki's question regarding right to recovery with a
bond, Ms. Deutsch explained that pursuing recovery against an individual is
a possibility, but with insurance, the provider takes the responsibility for
recovery and the process is less complicated for the District as the policy
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
4. Other Items
a. Receive PFM Asset Management (PFMAM) Other Post -Employment
Benefits (OPEB) and Pension Prefunding Sub -trust Reports for the second
Quarter of calendar year 2024
Mr. Mizuno provided an overview of the reports included in the agenda
materials. For the OPEB trust, while the quarterly returns were low at 1.18
percent, the annual return was 11.18 percent, well above the target of 5.75
percent. He also reported that the inception to date return was 6.14 percent.
The Pension Prefunding fund posted a quarterly return of 0.77 percent and a
one-year return of 8.12 percent, which exceeded the target of 5.14 percent.
He also reported that the inception to date return was 4.31 percent.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
b. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of September 3, 2024
Ms. Deutsch provided an overview of the report provided in the agenda
materials. She discussed prior open claims through September 3, 2024 as
well as new claims occurring since the previous report.
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September 17, 2024
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She stated that for Item C, in the handout, the reserve has gone up from
$25, 000 to $50, 000, with the expectation that the District will be dismissed
from the case for this amount.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
5. Announcements
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
1. Update the Budget to Actual graph in the Quarterly Financial review
2. A progress report on the City of Concord billing schedule.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.
8. Adjournment — 3:42 p.m.