HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-73 AGENDA BACKUPMarch 21, 1973 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: The Orinda Association and Garbage Service for Residents of Orinda 1. Attached is a newspaper article which appeared in the Orinda Sun on March 16, 1973, which contains certain statements regarding garbage service for residents of Orinda and comments by members of the Orinda Association. 2. Attached also is a copy of a letter from management of the Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service to the President of the Orinda Association commenting on some of the statements reported in the Orinda Sun. 3. Mr. John Blackburn, who is familiar to the District staff, has requested agendas for the next four meetings, and indicated that he plans to attend the meeting of March 22 to observe the procedures and conduct of the meeting. Mr. Blackburn was responsible for the preparation of the draft questionnaire on curbside garbage service for residents of Orinda. The Orinda Association has expressed some interest in this matter. 4. The above is provided for your information. Respectfully submitted, �I ai-u E. K. Davis Secretary EKD:ms Forwarded: G . Horstkotte, Jr.`,, General Manager -Chief Engineer Attachments is March 21, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: C. R. Johnson --in the amount of $49.50 1. PROBLEM: Clovis R. Johnson, 530 Flora St, Martinez Phone: 228-1377 2. BACKGROUND: On Monday, March 12, 1973, the District received a call about sewage coming out of the cleanout at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival, the crew found the 6" existing sewer line plugged 160` upstream from existing MR at Flora and Alhambra toward end of line. The stoppage consisted of roots and was cleared with no difficulty. 3. RECOMMENDATION• it be paid. Recommendation Approved: This claim comes to $49.50 and I recommend Respectfully submitted, Tony Granzlo Supervising Maintenance Man G. A. Horstkotte, Gee- 1 Manager -Chief Engineer TG: jh Date. f MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS, AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT Easements offered for acceptance are as follows: No. Grantor Job No. Parcel No. Area :�4: _ .._ - - 2. ��• —:._ _V�� A G—o�c W6 ! 53 2 A rNr;aNj ^., C, Go._o ry 'P' 4 . _ 'r�,�-�.� ., � ate. �1 X � S � 4 _ • •�. �- 5. AL` 6. 9. Cur ' -�4 ti /r 1101P Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB: jv Approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NEW BUS 3. March 20, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Annexation and Service Planning Management was directed to evaluate the consequences of annexation and service to the Western Electric (Bishop Ranch) property. We found it necessary to expand this evaluation to include other proposed develop- ments both within and outside present District boundaries. For general guidance and analysis, we have reviewed present and predicted population figures both within and outside of the District within its service area. The master plan of the District, as established in 1956, the County Planning Department projections, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board directives are also involved in this pro- blem. The potential population growth within the present District under present zoning is 230,000 people. In order to check the reality of the various projections of popu- lation made over the past few years, referred to in the text of this memorandum, we have researched our records and find that for the last ten years our average dry weather flow has increased at the rate of 1-1/2 mgd/year. This figure, converted to population, has been used in the ex- tensions tabulated herein which show good agreement.with prior population projections made by others. Present and Future Served Population Estimates Population served within District 240,000 Population served within Concord 30.000 Sub total 1973 270,000 Population equivalents CCCSD is obligated to serve as part of grant contract Concord 50,000 Mt. View 10,000 Development under way or committed in District now 10`"000 Total Present 340,000 Committment Additional development anticipated in District through 1976 including annexations 45,000 Sub total 1976 385,000 MEMO TO: Board Additional development anticipated in service area 1976 to 1980 March 20, 1973 Balance brought forward Sub total 1980 Estimated total population central County area 1970 B & C - 1972 Water Quality Study 284,400 Bechtel - 1970 Solid Waste Disposal 286,000 Bechtel - 1970 Solid Waste Disposal 320,000 County - 1972 Refuse Disposal Plan 297,700 1980 415,000 372,000 446,000 370,400 Page 2 385,000 45 000 430,000 1990 582,900 446,000 566,000 478,700 To keep such a study from becoming massive and detailed, we have res- tricted our assumptions of future events to the ,following: Case 1. We will proceed with the present approved grant contract for plant modification to completion, and will receive approval and federal - state funding for expansion of the plant to 45 mgd, and will serve all of the City of Concord after 1976. Case 2. We will proceed with the present approved contract for plant modification to completion, and will not receive funding approval for expansion, but will be required to serve all of Concord after 1976. Case 3. We will proceed with the present approved contract for plant modification to completion, and our plant will become the sub -regional plant under the jurisdiction and ownership of a joint powers agency with financing by an area -wide bond issue. Discussion - Case 1 represents the present planning and financing of the District and continuation of the service area policies of 1956. It does not contemplate any restriction on annexation or development other than those inherent in our trunk system. It provides, under watershed trunk plans, advancement of funds to reinforce the weakest trunk links. This does not preclude the District from demanding from large developers advancement of trunk funds where needed and this policy would be continued. Under Case 1, we see no need to put new restrictions on annexation or service. Case 2 is really two cases. One would involve delav of grant funds, with the District funding the entire construction and receiving the grants at a later date. This is the more probably Case 2. The projects for reclamation and expansion of the plant are both on the 1974-75 fiscal MEMO TO: Board March 20, 1973 Page 3 year Regional Board list, and if a delay in federal funding occurs, the reclamation plant would be subject to longer postponement, but with the Regional Board's directive to serve Concord, we believe only minimum delay for funding expansion would be imposed. In the event of such a delay, additional short-term financing would be necessary, but the pro- ject would proceed on schedule. Under this Case 2, we see no need for new restriction on annexation or service. Under Case 2, if federal fundin& is completely withdrawn, short-term borrowing combined with added revenue in form of a service charge can Provide the funding on a pay-as�you-go basis. The alternate method would be a revenue bond issue with the same service charge as its repayment base. In either event, the expansion of the plant to 45 mgd would occur and an entirely new financing plan and service policy would be necessary to deal with the post-1977 situation. The plant expansion would be com- plete in 1977 and would have a population capacity of over 500,000 and a connected population of less than 400,000 at that time. This available surplus would provide the Board of Directors adequate time to re -assess the future planning and adopt measures to deal with the state of affairs then existent. Under this Case 2, we feel that it is better to expand the service and tax base, and plant to reach a point where excess capacity will permit a new positioning of District planning and policy. Case 3 is a valid assumption but appears to be at least two years away, It is becoming more apparent that this District will have to carry the burden of financing and administration of a joint powers agreement district, and will have to fight to maintain sufficient power in such an arrangement to protect its taxpayers. Assuming such a joint powers agency is formed, it will not be in existence soon enough to perform the preliminary basic project work to expand the treatment plant, so this District will have to continue its present program and schedule. Relating specifically to the Bishop Ranch, this area has been included in the District Master Plan for service since 1956. We have sized the existing trunk for the property and installed two freeway crossings on the property in 1965 at a cost of $10,275.00. Management has followed the Master Plan and the special instructions given by the Board of Directors only two years ago in dealing with the owners and their agents. The pro- posed development is anticipated to take ten or more years to complete and to reach a flow of 3± mgd. We have previously annexed 61 acres of the Western Electric property and 200 acres of adjacent ownerships in 1972 in conformance with established policies and planning of this District. Conclusions and Recommendation - This District is already committed beyond the capacity of its 1976 plant and must provide for expansion of that plant as soon as possible. It is within the capability of the District to make that expansion. Land uses within the District are the responsibilities of the City and County governments, and the actions of this District may affect the time when approved -.uses may be affected; but as a utility, the decisions of the District will be a very limited determinant on types and densities of uses. MEMO TO: Board March 20, 1973 Page 4 Therefore, it is recommended that the service policies adopted in 1956 be continued without change and that no new restriction on annexa- tions or developments be adopted until ordered by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:kr Recommendation Approved: r t�� G,.fA+R Horstkotte, r. en ral Manager -Chief Engineer I March 20, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: E. J. Proskey - in the amount of $25.75 1. PROBLEM: E. J. Proskey, 1200 Walker Avenue, Walnut Creek Phone: 934-2279 2. BACKGROUND: On Thursday, March 15, 1973, the District received a call regarding a possible plugged sewer at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival, the crew found the 6'.' line A-6c plugged 21' upstream from ME. 58a toward MH. 58 on Walker Avenue The stoppage consisted of grease and was cleared with no difficulty. 3. RECOMMENDATION: This claim comes to $25.75 and I recommend it be paid. Respectfully.Submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RHH:jv TG Recommendation Approved: G.iA. Horstkotte, Jr. Ge er 1 Manager -Chief Engineer March 20, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT MR. CLAUDE ODOM TO MAINTENANCE MAN II, AT $870.00 PER MONTH (RANGE 43-C), EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1973. 1. PROBLEM: The 1972-1973 budget request authorized an appointment to Maintenance Man II, in the Maintenance Department, at the appropriate time. With the delivery of the Hydraulic Cleaner and the need to crew it, that time has arrived. 2. BACKGROUND: Mr. Odom has 5 years experience in the Department. He has worked in all the sections including the shop. The District is presently operating 7 2-ton trucks. Mr. Odom's experience and skill as a driver will be most useful on difficult hauling jobs. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Odom has the experience and has demonstrated the skills appropriate to this position. I recommend his appointment effective April 1, 1973, Range 43C, at $870.00 per month. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RHH:jv Reviewed: Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer Recommendation Approved: G.A. Horstkotte, J . G ' e al Manager -Chief Engineer VI. OLD BUSINESS 4. March 20, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the District Board VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Garbage Rate Request --Diablo Disposal Service, Inc. 1. Attached is data representing actual financial results for Diablo Disposal Service, Inc. for the years 1971 and 1972. In accordance with previous direction from the Board of Directors, staff has prepared projected costs for 1973 using current rates in addition to rates requested for 1973 by Diablo Disposal Service, Inc. and staff recommended rates. These rates are for the current type of service --namely, one can garbage service picked up at the rear. Staff has been contacted by numerous people requesting that garbage service for Diablo Disposal Service residents be increased to include one can garden trimmings picked up weekly and three major trash pickups per year --spring, summer and fall. Accordingly, company requested rates to per- form the garden trimming service and staff recommendations are therefore presented. 2. I have been informed that management is prepared to implement garden trimming service to residential customers effective April 1, 1973. In order to accomplish this management has initiated the necessary action to procure one additional truck and is prepared to hire two additional employees to pro- vide the service. 3. One additional factor the Board should consider is that revenue pro- jections for 1973 include three months at 1972 current rates and nine months of requested rate increases. Respectfully submitted, F% KCch� E. K. Davis Secretary Forwarded: L. �' �Sfkt��,: , G. A..Horstkotte, JrJ Generjal Manager -Chief Engineer i EKD:jh 0,Q1 1.OA 34'b' Ill .r",'l3 Association act on: school query,, garbage In other action by the Orinda Association board Monday night, it: *Passed a resolution by Director Phyllis Stambaugh to contribute $25 to the Ronald C. Ivy memorial fund at the Shepherd of the Valley Church. It will go toward an organ in memory of the 22-year-old son of Mr. aril Mrs. Charles Ivy. The senior Ivy is a past president of the O.A. Directors Geno Banducci and Phillip Slakey abstained from voting. *Authorized expenditure to get professional help in wording a questionnaire to be sent to all Orindans on the use of the Orinda School. Nita Gruen who did the Gruen and Gruen Attitude survey will be contacted by President Martin McNair who vv:ll also contact the Rec-6 and schoo� district repne_entaiivE:'. "I have my doubts grow W,e community feels•" :S19"k, E " cif worded ce. rt: questionnaire could provide a service. " Director William Gross asked that "total dollar figures" be included in the questions. *Treasurer Stambaugh made a financial report and outlined a $9000 budget with $7215 known expenses, including a $500 request from the crime prevention committee. Mrs. Stambaugh will give a quarterly review of the budget. W aOrinda's garbage rate is now the highest in the Bay Area, reported Vice President Geno Banducci. A sub- committee report from John Blackburn was requested to be submitted for the April meeting. Orindans are interested in a variable rate so those who want curb service may have it and save $2.25 a month and up. --We have excelient service i nvw, ' Gross said. ''Alternate (i'ontinued on Page 2, Cel.1► Associ tion action From Page One "the freeway era is over." Alternate means of service with an economic transportation were outlined. break should only be for those 1 Approved an office building who want it." , proposed on Altarinda Drive by - "Everything we have in architect Richard Dobell. Orinda costs more ... I don't Director Jack Kriebel, think it's fair," he said. Earlier co-chairman of the planning he called the profit to Orinda - committee with Judy Peak, Moraga Disposal "excessive." noted that it was a "beautiful The co companies lease garbage � building.,, back their own trucks and... McNair asked if there were collectively own the dump, any way to get it moved to the according to Banducci. Barron site. However, all that Central Recommended denial of a Sanitary District directors take I request by architect Marshall into account is the collection MacDonald for a variance to costs, he added. build two homes on Camino don "It smells! " he commented. Miguel. The hearing will be by *The Livingston - Blayney downtown final -pp rase report the county planning will be delayed for one month commission Tuesday. March 27, in Martinez. due to an accident by Lawrence Livingston. project consultant, Director Robert Armsby reported. Livingston suffered injuries in an accident while bicycling in Golden Gate Park. *J. Gordon Ainsworth, chairman of the Orindawoods liaison committee, said that its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, April 3, at 7:30 p.m. would be "a first" in "beautiful" Woodhall, the recreation - sales center for the planned unit development under way at the crossroads. Four model condominiums will be ready in June but not to be occupied, Ainsworth reported. He added there are 37 sales at Orindawoods and all of the public roads are paved. "It is now a legally accepted subdivision," Ainsworth said. The developers have bought out a Southern California nursery and materials will be stored in a small cedar building, he reported. • Will Lovitt, chairman of the crime prevention committee, said that the county drug abuse coordinator would speak to his group at its regular meeting the second' Tuesday of the month, April 12, in the Pine Grove Library at 8 p.m. *Membership chairman Philip Slakey said that the member list was being computerized. He had been out of town, and will now work on the drive. Membership is nearing 1200 and the goal is 2500. A new plea for members will go out in the mailing the end of this week. Dues are $5 per year per family. Checks may be sent to the Orinda Association, P.O. Box 97, Orinda. +Susan Watson reported on the transportation and roads committee meeting with representative Bert Crow) of the Metropolitan Transpor- tation Commission who claimed VII. NEW BUSINESS 13. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Claim of Mr. Warner Fieldhouse in the amount of $100.14 1. PROBLEM: Damage to automobile caused by loose pressure relief cover. 2. BACKGROUND: On Thursday, February 22, 1973, the District received a call from Mr. Fieldhouse regarding some damages done to his car by a pres- sure relief cover that flipped off the casting while driving down Encanto Place in Walnut Creek. Upon investigation at the location where the incident happened, we found that the cover was warped and could have flown out and struck the underside of the car. The cover was replaced immediately. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Since this kind of incident happens from time to time, I feel the District should take the lowest estimate and pay it. Respectfu ly:-submitted, R. H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RHH:ms TG Recommendation approved: G fA Horstkotte, :en al Manager-Ch Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. g. & h. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Job 2113 - Parcels 2 and 3 in Lafayette 1. PROBLEM: To correct an error made in 1972 the District should execute two "Quit Claim Deeds" and accept two new deeds from the present owners. Parcel 2. Gordon R. Curtis, et ux Parcel 3. George E. Carter, et ux 2. BACKGROUND: On September 22, 1972, the District recorded two deeds covering the above parcels but the grantors names were erroneously switched. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, 4 Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: rs t �,4 ;'j 'J en al Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS l.f. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Accept Quitclaim Deed from Allied Properties, etal, of a right-of-way across the Treatment Plant property in Martinez. 1. PROBLEM: At the present time Allied Properties, etal, owns a right-of-way over the eastern 50 feet of the Treatment Plant property.in Martinez. 2. BACKGROUND: Right-of-way is no longer necessary and we desire to remove this encumberance from the treatment plant property. We have contacted Allied Properties and received their concurrence. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: 4.ANSO)4, V1 G. A. Horstkotte, Jr Gee 1 Manager-Chie Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS l.e. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: "Permit to construct and maintain sanitary sewer across Ygnacio Canal right of way" near Marchbanks Road in the City of Walnut Creek. 1. PROBLEM: The sewer line is all ready installed and the paper work must now be completed under a right of entry. Conditions of the permit are. . . generally - 1. Subject to existing rights of the public. 2. Nontransferable. 3. Limited to 50 years. 4. Permit is revocable. 5. Construction shall be at our expense and meet acceptable standards. 6. Method of construction - Bore of jack under canal. 7. The District must take immediate action to eliminate any dangerous condition. 8. The District will hold the U. S. harmless from any liability 9. Failure to comply would be cause to terminate the Permit. 10. Environmental Requirements. a. District must minimize adverse environmental consequences. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance and Execution in triplicate. Respectfully submitted, 00 Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: 4' 1t410 G. Horstkotte, Jr Ge r 1 Manager-Chie ngineer VII. NEW BUSINESS l.d. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Execute letter of agreement with attorneys (Merrill, Thiessen, Vernon and Wagner) for Mr. J. W. Allen - L.I.D. 54-2 Parcel 2 1. PROBLEM: Mr. Allen won't sign Grant of Easement without our assurance that we will transplant shrubs and trees disturbed during sewer construction. 2. BACKGROUND: The District has changed the alignment of Parcel 2 at the request of Mr. Allen in order to minimize damage to his property. Even with this new alignment some plants are still on the line. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, 86-dpo� 4=700/ 04r Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:jv Recommendation Approved: 4"�( $„%i, G . A. Horstkotte, 0J . G ne al Manager -Chi Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS It. c . March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Accept and execute right-of-way agreement with Southern Pacific Transporation Company (railroad) Job 2214 and 2215 1. PROBLEM: To provide sanitary sewer service to Tract 4410 in the San Ramon area it is necessary to cross the railroad right of way. 2. BACKGROUND: The Developer obtained the agreement at our request. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB: jv Recommendation Approved: Ggne Horstkotte,� Gal Manager-Ch Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS l.b. March 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Accept and execute `{Construction and Maintenance Agreement" with Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Job No. 1830. I. PROBLEM: We have an existing line in this area and therefore we should have an agreement with the railroad. 2. BACKGROUND: Maintenance problems in this area have alerted us to the need for this agreement. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, 0001 /Or Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB : j v Recommendation Approved: / G A Horstkotte,r. G ne al Manager -Chief ngineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 11. March 14, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $5,000.00 FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 736 AND 859 BUCHANAN FIELD PUMP STATION MODIFICATION 1. PROBLEM: The Board of Directors at their February 8, 1973, Board meeting authorized $2,000.00 for a study of the Buchanan Field pumping station sites. As indicated in that position paper, there is presently under construction a 300 room motel and convention center scheduled to open in April, 1973, which will be discharging into these two pumping stations and has the potential of overloading the stations. 2. BACKGROUND: We have investigated this situation and have determined there are a number of possibilities if we can delay any major revisions for a year or so. These options are outlined below: a. When Concord connects its treatment plant to ours there may be a possibility to install a gravity line that could eliminate these two pumping stations. b. The existing pumping stations could be gutted and the metal container could be used as a wet well to install two submersible pumps. A sewage manhole would have to be constructed downstream and adjacent to the pump stations to handle the pump surge to avoid the possibility of separating the joints of the cast iron gravity sewer. The estimated cost of this would be between $50,000.00 and $60,000.00 for the two pumping stations. c. A temporary solution that could be accomplished in a short period of time would be to install the surge manholes mentioned above in Item 2 and install bypass pipes around the pump stations. The bypass lines would connect the existing upstream manhole to the new surge manhole and bypass any excess flow around the pump stations. We would also propose to install on this upstream by- pass manhole a signal alarm that would be enunciated at the treatment plant when the flow exceeds a pre-set limit. The estimated cost of this modification would be approximately $5,000.00. 3. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of option No. 3 in the amount of $5,000.00 to be accomplished in April, 1973 and authorization for the staff to negotiate with a number of sewer contractors to install the two surge man- holes and the bypass lines immediately by the issuance of a purchase order to 2 the lowest bidder (estimated cost under $3,500.00). Treatment plant per- sonnel will make the arrangements and do the necessary installation to in- stall the signal alarm system (estimated cost $1,500.00). Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:ms JLB Recommendation approved: a4 ASfi . A Horstkotte, r ., en al Manager -Chi f Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 8. March 14, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Claim of Thomas E. Carpenter in the amount of $833.34 1. PROBLEM: In December, 1971, during the construction of the 18-inch trunk sewer (District Sewering Project 1883), in Walnut Boulevard by our sewer contractor, Ebert Corporation, the 6-inch lateral serving the residence of Mr. Carpenter at 2324 Walnut Boulevard, Walnut Creek, was cut and was not reconnected to the existing sewer which resulted in a backup of sewage in his side sewer as noted in the attached claim. 2. BACKGROUND: When our sewer contractor was working on this 18-inch parallel sewer in Walnut Boulevard, it was specified that the contractor would not have to locate the side sewers in advance of trenching because of the depth and the type of pipe that was generally used (clay). The contractor was instructed to watch for side sewer material being excavated during his operation and after the trench was shored to in- spect the trench excavation to determine if there was any evidence of a side sewer being severed. There were numerous side sewers that were observed and were re -connected to the old sewer line. This particular line was not in service, and therefore, was not observed by the contractor or the inspector. 3. RECOMMENDATION: The claim is for $833.34 and we would recommend that only $551.84 be paid. It has not been the Board's policy to pay for the owner's loss of work which in this case amounts to $281.50. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB: jv Attachment Recommendation approved: .� A Hors4totye; ,_e e ral Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 10. March 13, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF $14,380.00 TO MCGUIRE AND HESTER FOR STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENT ON TREAT BOULEVARD, DISTRICT JOB Z-120 1. PROBLEM: On April 6, 1972, in our letter to Mr. Sauer, Public Works Director, Contra Costa County, we agreed to pay the contract cost of all permanent adjustments of sewer manholes as part of the County's construction project for Treat Boulevard relocation between Buskirk and Bancroft Road. 2. BACKGROUND: The County awarded the job to McGuire and Hester. There were 15 manholes that required major adjustments ($910.00 each) and 5 manholes that required minor adjustments ($146.00 each) totaling $14,380.00. During the project it was mutually agreed, between the County and the Sanitary District, that we take over the direct super- vision and inspection of all manhole adjustments. A change order was issued by the County deleting the reimbursement by the District to the County with the understanding that a direct payment would be made to McGuire and Hester for the work covered under the County contract. 3. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the $14,380.00 payment from Sewer Construction funds to McGuire and Hester. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: /1 G. A Horstkotte, Jr., Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 9. March 13, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION OF $3,500.00 FOR OFFICE SITE SURVEY AND PLAN 1. PROBLEM: On the northern property line of our office site, Scott Development, Inc., has filed a Record of Survey Map which appears to overlap our property by approximately three feet. We need to establish our property corners and file a Record of Survey Map to establish our property corners. We also need to make a composite map indicating all of our existing improve- ments on the property and indicate some of our proposed future use of the office site. 2. BACKGROUND: The Sanitary District acquired the office site under four separate documents. There has never been an actual boundary survey made that establishes the actual property corners and to determine whether the pro- perty traverse will close mathematically. With the potential value of this property in this business area and to explore the possible expansion of our office facilities, a complete boundary survey should be undertaken and a Record of Survey Map should be filed with the County to protect our interests. This should also reconcile the boundary with Scott Development, Inc., and provide the needed controls to accurately plot our existing facilities. Our existing facilities are indicated on numerous individual plot plans and we propose to combine these on one office site plot plan after the necessary boundary con- trols are established. The items we intend to consider under the proposed future use of the office site are indicated below: a. State Highway proposed acquisition of a portion of our southeastern property for freeway expansion. We propose to investigate the possibility of using the area under the proposed freeway bridge for District parking and hope to be able to acquire additional parking area from the State under the exist- ing freeway bridge. b. We are slowly reaching capacity of employee and customer parking on our office site, and we would like to explore the possibility of acquiring additional property or more efficient use of our existing property. C. A future consideration may be the expansion of the Board Room to handle a seven -man Board. To accomplish the above work, it is estimated it will cost approximately $3,500.00 as detailed following: VI. OLD BUSINESS 2. March 12, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: District Annexation No. 37 PROBLEM: The application to annex DA 37 has been approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission and the time schedule has started. BACKGROUND: DA No. 37 consists of two properties which were deleted from DA 21 by property owner protest at the LAFC hearing. These properties have recently been annexed to the City of Martinez and it is our intention to make the City and District boundaries co -terminus in this area. RECOMMENDATION: Adapt the "Resolution Initiating Annexation Proceedings for District Annexation No. 37" and set the hearing date for April 19, 1973. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:jv Recommendation Approved: G./A- Horstkotte, Jr Gener 1 Manager-Chie ngineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. March 9, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Muir Oaks Subdivision - Inclusion of portion within proposed L.I.D. 1. PROBLEM: Muir Oaks is a large lot (_ acre) subdivision on the border of Martinez with septic tank and building moratorium problems. A number of lots have annexed to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and a beginning has been made on the sewer system with private capital. The property owners within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District not served by the new sewer have requested inclusion with the 1973 Local Improvement District. We have pointed out the difficulties in achieving that goal which primarily relate to the locations of properties opposed to sewering, and the need for the District to obtain rights from the Board of Supervisors to conduct proceedings affecting properties outside of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The sewering proponents have requested Board consideration of their problem. 2. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Directors conduct an informal hearing on this subject on March 22, 1973 Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD : j v Recommendation Approved: fit' K q Icc& r G. A Horstkotte, r. Gene al Manager -Chief Engineer February 15, 1973 14DIORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. iiorstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Combination of Study Watershed IM with Watershed No. 23 1. PROBLEM: A watershed plan including a unit charge has never been adopted for Study Watershed XXX. A new trunk paralleling the old trunk sewer is needed and there are still undeveloped properties within the watershed area which only paid very nominal assessment charges as rural properties in early local improvement districts. The new trunk for watershed XXX lies mostly within Watershed 23. 2. BACKGROUND: Watershed Study area = was not previously established under a plan and charge set up because it had been blanketed with old local improvement districts in the early days of the Sanitary District and was considered sewered. Therefore, under the previous policy of not charging old local improvement districts new watershed trunk charges, there was no point in establishing a charge. With the policy change In this matter in 1972 and the densification occurring in Watershed XXX, accumulation of funds for paralleling the old trunk in segments (such as Rahn Court) is now feasible. However, since this area is adjacent to and outfalls through Watershed 23, a new detailed study does not seem necessary. 3. RECOMMENDATION: I. Expand the boundaries of Watershed 23 to include Watershed Study area XXX. 2. Apply the Watershed 23 watershed trunk charges ($200 per unit) to all new connections after giving credit for local improvement district assessments paid. 3. Include the needed trunk facilities in the Watershed 23 program. VC.1) a ms ittach. Appx: oar ed: Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer r; y7 ch. General Houagers-ClUlu-0' J.nSitAeLr