HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-73 AGENDA BACKUPVII. NEW BUSINESS 8. April 27, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Claim for Mrs. Melina E. Wake in the amount of $44.25. PROBLEM: Overflow inside residence at 2401 Warren Road, Walnut Creek, Calif. 94595. BACKGROUND: On Sunday, March 25, 1963, the on -call crew received a call to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upon investigation it was determined that the overflow to the residence of Mrs. Wake was caused by a blockage in the main line. Corrective action was taken to relieve the stoppage and the District crew cleaned and disinfected the inside of the residence. RECOMMENDATION: The damage consisted of one sleeping bag, a 9 x 12 oval braided rug and 3 small area rugs. The total of this claim is $44.25 and since our main was plugged I recommend it be paid. Respectfully submitted, Ton Granzotto Supervising Maintenance Man Recommendation Approved: �' k"whI G. . Horstkotte, J . Ge er 1 Manager -Chi ngineer TG: jh.,Y,,,. VII. NEW BUSINESS 4. April 27, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Environmental Impact Assessment for LID 54 Schedules 1 - 4 Pursuant to CCCSD Ordinance No. 89 (Environmental Guidelines) submitted herewith is an environmental impact assessment for LID 54, Schedule 1 - Contra Costa Golf Club Schedule 2 - Kuss Road Schedule 3 - Monte Vista Schedule 4 - Muir Oaks RECOMMENDATION: The project will have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, request an order for the preparation and filing of an E.I.R. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: Horstkotte, Jr. en ral Manager -Chief Engineer JLB : j h VI. OLD BUSINESS 2. I L rp April 27, 1973 Filed MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Written protests on the proposed LID 54-2 (PSA 29) Kuss Road area, Danville. As noted in the attached letter from Mr. Stoddard of Tinning & Delap, Attorneys at Law, dated April 23, 1973, we have 19 written protests on this LID. Eight of the protestants have temporary septic tank permits as noted by the letter "T" next to their names. In my Engineer's Report for the April 5, 1973, Board meeting I pre- sented a memo advising that there may be some opposition to the construc- tion of this LID. As mentioned in said report Mr. Laster recommends that we go ahead with the LID and send out the required official notices so that all the property owners may have the opportunity to be present at the public hearing and the tentative cost of the assessment can be established. Copies of the protest letters have been sent to Mr. J. Laster and also to Mr. Green of the County Health Department. As requested by Mr. Stoddard we will acknowledge receipt of the written protests. Respectfully submitted, G. Horstkotte, J. General anager-Chief Engi eer GAH:jh JLB T. H. DeLAP (RETIRED) 'A. B. TINNING (1867- 1965) DAN.A MURDOCK P-36ERT T. ESHLEMAN CHARLES A. WOOD, JR. AUSTIN. R. GIBBONS JAY R, SANDERS MICHAEL T. STODDARD ,KEITH HOWARD THO MAS A. PALM ER 0 TINNING & DELAP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1615 BONANZA STREET WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94597 (415) 935-0700 April 23, 1973 K 7,, Mr. E. K. Davis Secretary of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distr-' 1250 Springbrook Road ,,s_ 4 Walnut Creek, California 94596 '= Re: Protest. Pursuant to Section 5220 of the California Streets & Highways Code Dear Sir: Enclosed find written protests Costa Sanitary District L.I.D. property owners: Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham Sullivan 799 Kirkcrest Road Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. and Mrs. Anthonv deBellis 231 Kuss Road Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. W. Dougherty 740 Clipper Hill Road Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Speder No. 4 Roberts Court Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. Al Busch 485 Clipper Hill Road Danville, Ca. 94526_ MAILING ADDRESS P. O. SOX 4713 OTHER OFFICES RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA All 25 All to the proposed Central Contra No, 54 from the following Mr. George Grube 500 Oak View Terrace Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. DeLong 755 Clipper Hill Road Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Romak 500 Clipper Hill Goad Danville, Ca. 94526 Mr. and Mrs. Harold McIntyre 528 Clipper Hill Road Danville, Ca, 94526 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Zan -"ten 100 Oak View Terrace Danville, Ca; 94526 Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sttansberry No. 1 Roberts Court 845 Kirkcrest Road - Danville, Ca. 94526 Danville, Ca. 94526 VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. April 27, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: District Annexation No. 39 PROBLEM: Annexation of properties in Muir Oaks Subdivision which have signed annexation and LID petitions since the previous annexation is necessary to extend the authority of the District for LID proceedings. BACKGROUND: All property owners involved in this annexation have given written consent to annexation. RECOMMENDATION: Approve properties for annexation and adopt a Resolution of Application to Local Agency Formation Commission. Respectfully submitted, •a/, Lokt, G. A. Horstkotte, Jr.� Genera nager-Chief Engin r GAR: jh VII. NEW BUSINESS 9. April 27, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Industrial Safety Conference BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa Area Industrial Safety Conference will be held at the Concord Inn, Wednesday, May 9, 1973. This particular conference is known for dealing in "Basic Safety1° and has been beneficial to our field supervisors in helping them to transmit good safety knowledge to field per- sonnel. The registration fee is $5.50 per individual. RECOMMENDATION: That authorization be given for five maintenance foremen to attend this conference, at a cost to the District of $27.50. Respectfully submitted, R. H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations Recommendation Approved: ./. k, 11, G A Horstkotte, r G ne al Manager -Chi Engineer RHH:jh April26, 1973 -w.•..--•._.<.»..........,,_,...�.._.�„a...a„_,,-, MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Watershed Trunk Charge - Martinez Basin PROBLEM: It is necessary to establish a watershed trunk charge for the area tributary to Line M and the Martinez sewer system. This charge will be applied to all future connections within the watershed but outside of Local Improvement District No. 50 (and zero assessment parcels within Local Improvement District No. 50). BACKGROUND: The assessees of Local Improvement District No. 50 paid 33% of the total project cost, and 48% of the total local cost. Equating to these bases would result in charges of $340+ or $240+. With the exception of two watersheds in Orinda at $520 and two in Pacheco at $150, all watershed charges are now $200. RECOMMENDATION: Establish the Martinez watershed at $250 per living unit and $500 per acre for non-residential uses for a five year period. Respectfully submitted, Lo-clovt W. C. Dalton Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:ms Recommendation approved: G . Horstkotte, Jr n ral Manager -Chief Engineer April 26, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to appoint Mr. Robert Rippee to Maintenance Man I at $683.00 per month (Range 37-A) 1. PROBLEM: The 1972-1973 Budget request authorized an appointment to Maintenance Man I at the appropriate time. With the delivery of the hydraulic cleaner, we need to fill the position now. 2. BACKGROUND: Mr. Rippee was one of the twelve applicants interviewed. He seems well suited for the position authorized. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of Mr. Rippee for the position authorized. Respectfully submitted, R. H. Hinkson, Superintendent of Field Operations RHH:ms Approved: G Horstkotte, Jr. n al Manager -Chief Engineer Reviewed: W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 7. April 26, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Claim of $28.00 from K & D Rexall Drug Store 1. PROBLEM: Overflow inside store at 600 Main Street, Martinez, California. 2. BACKGROUND: On Monday, April 16, 1973, the District received a call to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival the crew found the 8" existing sewer line on Castro Street plugged 77' upstream from existing M.H. at the intersection of Main Street to existing M.H. on Castro Street. The stoppage consisted of grease and paper and was cleared with no difficulty. The District crew cleaned and disinfected around inside store. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Eight wooden frame mirrors were damaged by the sewer water; the retail price was $3.50 each. The claim comes to a total of $28.00 and, since our main line was plugged, I feel the claimant is entitled to a settlement. Respectfully submitted, r R. H. Hinkson, Superintendent of Field Operations RHH:ms AG Recommendation approved: G�t • Irk "(I A t G. A Ho stkotte, Jr., Geneal, Manager -Chief Engineer �_', VII. NEW BUSINESS 3. April 23, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization for $10,000 for Slide Repair Work PROBLEM: We request authorization to set up a drawing account for slide repair work. Initially, we are requesting $10,000 from Sewer Construction Funds to cover hiring a consultant geologist, performing minor maintenance work and preparing necessary engineering design for repairs. BACKGROUND: During the past winter we had fifteen slides within our District ranging from small washouts to major repairs. It is anticipated that some of these slides may result in litigation. In March, 1973, we engaged Burton Marliave, Consulting Geologist, to recommend repair procedures and give us engineering data that can be used for any future litigation. RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, G.,zA. Horstkotte, J Genera M ager-Chief En eer GAH:jh WCD