HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Operations MINUTES 07-15-24 (Special)LCENTRAL SAN
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
MINUTES FAX.- (925) 372-0192
Monday, July 15, 2024
9:30 a.m.
Chair Mike McGill
Member Florence Wedington
Guest: Anthony Mitchell, EcoGreen Solutions (left after Item 3.g.)
Staff. -
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (joined during Item 3.a.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Greg Norby, Deputy GM — Engineering & Operations (joined during Item 3.a.)
Philip Leiber, Deputy GM — Administration
Alan Weer, Plant Operations Division Manager and Chief Plant Operator
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after Item V..)
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Neil Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager
Paul Seitz, Collection Systems Operations Division Manager (joined during Item 3.a.)
Clint Shima, Senior Engineer (/eft after Item 3.g.)
Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer
Nathan Hodges, Senior Engineer
Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.)
Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant
Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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As requested by staff in advance of the meeting, Chair McGill announced that
Item 3.f would be heard immediately following Item 3.a. as the first order of
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
Review draft Position Paper to hold a public hearing on July 25, 2024 to
consider approval of the Willow Drive Contractual Assessment District (CAD)
2022-2 in Danville, District Project 6747; and
1. Adopt proposed Resolution 2024-XXX confirming compliance with
California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4 (Proposition 218); and
2. Adopt proposed Resolution 2024-XXX approving the engineer's report,
assessments, financing period, and interest rate to be charged on
financed assessments and ordering the improvements; and
3. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Willow
Drive CAD 2022-2 participants
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.f.
Mr. Brightbill provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in
the agenda materials. He stated that the CAD for Willow Drive in Danville
will include approximately 397 linear feet of eight -inch sewer main. This
project includes seven parcels that could benefit from the improvements of
this CAD. The total estimated cost of this CAD is approximately $211,569
including the estimated construction costs of $173, 786 and will be
financed utilizing the Septic to Sewer (S2S) Financing Program for 10
In response to Member Wedington's question regarding how the CAD
would work if a property owner decided to join the CAD after 20 years, Mr.
Brightbill stated that the connecting property owner would not have to pay
the CAD fee.
Member Wedington asked if a property owner joined the CAD within 20
years, would they have 10 years to pay the fees. Mr. Brightbill stated that
normally they would not, however, the current Septic -to -Sewer (S2S)
program would allow the connecting property owners to finance the CAD
(and other related) fees.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended the Board hold the public
hearing for July 25, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. to consider adopting proposed
Resolution 2024-XXX, confirming compliance with California
Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4 (Proposition 218); and
proposed Resolution 2024-XXX approving the engineer's report,
assessments, financing period, interest rate to be changed on the
financed assessments and ordering the improvements; and
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authorizing the General Manager to execute an agreement with
Willow Drive CAD No. 2022-2 participants.
Immediately following this item, Item 3.f was heard as the next order of
b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to amend
an existing professional engineering services agreement in an amount not
to exceed $300,000 with MWH Constructors, Inc. (MWH), increasing the
agreement from $3,200,000 to $3,500,000 for construction management
services; amend an existing professional engineering services agreement
in an amount not to exceed $580,000 with Stantec, increasing the
agreement from $5,852,000 to $6,432,000; and authorize a budget
transfer in the amount of $2,320,000 from the Capital Improvement
Budget Contingency for the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements,
Phase 1 A, District Project 7361
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.d.
Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials. He stated that the contract amendments for the existing
professional engineering agreements with MHW Constructors, Inc. in the
amount of $300, 000 and with Stantec Services in the amount of $580, 000
were necessary due to project revisions and supply chain equipment and
schedule delays over the course of the project. He also stated that a
Budget transfer in the amount of $2, 320, 000 from the Capital
Improvement Budget Contingency was necessary to complete this project.
Mr. Lopez also stated that the project is ready to start up and commission
the systems. All necessary equipment and materials are on site and the
contractor has re-engaged as of this week. The project has been extended
over two years from its original anticipated completion. There have been
increases to the project budget, however Mr. Lopez reminded the
Committee of the significant bid savings the project received at award.
Overall, the project cost is projected to remain under the original estimate
prior to bidding and lower than the second low bidder.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
C. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
a professional engineering services agreement with Stantec in an amount
not to exceed $1,040,000 for final design services under the Wet Weather
Basin Improvements, District Project 100022 (Project)
Mr. Hodges provided an overview of the presentation included in the
agenda materials. He discussed the prolonged wet weather event from
December 2022 through January 2023 that strained plant processes and
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the basins that nearly reached capacity. He stated that the goal of this
project is to address critical storage needs, increase treatment plant
resiliency and improve function and safety as well as protecting the basins
from outside flooding.
Chair McGill asked how previous storm events differed from the 2022-23
storm. Mr. Mizutani stated that the main factors causing the issues relate
to the location, length and intensity of the storms. The 2022-23 storm was
of high intensity, focused on our service area watershed, and with little to
no pause between storms.
Chair McGill asked what kind of gate structure would be installed at
Basins B and C. Mr. Hodges stated that the gate structure has not been
finalized yet.
In response to Member Wedington's question regarding demolition of the
dechlorination building, Mr. Hodges stated that the building is no longer
needed since the District uses Ultraviolet light to disinfect and the space is
needed to provide safe vehicle turnaround and access.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was publicly advertised on April 30, 2024,
with one bid received on May 29, 2024 by Stantec. Other firms did not
respond to the RFP, likely due to a shortage of experienced project
managers and an abundance of work industry wide. Mr. Hodges stated
that engineering services during construction will be determined after the
design is complete. The total estimated cost for the planning and design
services is $1, 900, 000. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Budget for this
project is $10, 900, 000.
In response to Mr. Leiber's question regarding the possible use of the
basins during the summer months for the treatment of nutrients, Mr. Norby
stated that a concept level screening study has been done and can be
shared regarding conceptual wetlands treatment options. He stated that
over the next 18 months, the nutrients roadmap effort and long-term wet
weather strategies will be developed. The nutrient roadmap effort will
cover technical and conceptual issues for nutrient treatments, and the
long-term wet weather strategy will include improvements to the basins
and hydrologic forecasting.
Chair McGill recommended revising the map (Attachment 1) in the draft
Position Paper to accurately show the limits of Basin A South.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
Immediately following this item, Item 3.e. was heard as the next order of
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d. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
a construction contract change order in the amount not to exceed
$380,000 with C. Overaa & Co. to expand the treatment plant contractor
staging yard under the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A,
District Project 7348
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.g.
Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials. He stated that C. Overaa & Co. (Overaa) is the general
contractor for the Solids Project and major construction activities are
underway. Two other major subcontractors, Haskell (Mechanical) and Con
J. Franke Electric Inc., are expected to fully mobilize by the end of the
calendar year, which will further impact construction activities. Due to the
expanded scope and timeline adjustments of the Solids Project and the
Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement project (Diffuser Project), an
additional staging area is needed for equipment, working space, and
contractor parking.
Mr. Lopez stated that the proposed solution involves expanding the
contractor staging yard northward onto the surcharge pile, which is subject
to regulatory oversight by the Department of Toxic Substances Control
(DTSC). Communications with DTSC have been positive, and a plan has
been developed to enhance the surcharge pile to meet regulatory
requirements that focuses on dust control and soil cap integrity. This plan
includes minimal grading and overlaying with engineered rock base
materials for stability.
Member Wedington asked what would happen if this project was not done.
Mr. Lopez stated it would be more costly to find other alternatives. A
discussion on how an overburden staging area could become a safety
issue was discussed.
In response to Chair McGill's question regarding the staging area for this
project, Mr. Lopez stated it was previously part of Basin A South with a dirt
cap above it. Contaminated soils were consolidated to the west side of the
basin and built up into what staff refers to as the "Surcharge Pile". There
was a discussion regarding the actual location for this project. Chair McGill
recommended attaching a map to the draft Position Paper to identify the
location of the staging area expansion.
Mr. Lopez discussed the financial impacts stating that the contractor
payments are covered under the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for this
project and staff will submit these costs for SRF reimbursement. However,
there is a possibility that a portion or none of the costs will be reimbursed
by the SRF loan. Member Wedington asked whether there was enough
money in the project budget to cover the costs if this was not reimbursed.
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Mr. Lopez stated yes, the Solids Project has adequate contingency that
was approved by the Board in the amount of $13,000,000. Approximately
$248,000 in change orders have already been issued and with the
approval of this proposed change order the remaining contingency will be
approximately $12, 372, 000.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
Following this item, Item 3.b. was heard.
e. Review draft Position Paper to 1) award a construction contract in the
amount of $854,200 to Cato's General Engineering, Inc., the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder for the Plant Operations Building (POB)
Parking Lot Improvements, District Project 100067; 2) Authorize the
General Manager to execute the project contract documents subject to
submittal requirements; and 3) Find that the project is exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.c.
Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials. He stated that the project involves upgrades and
improvements due to aging infrastructure. This includes replacing the
automated gate equipment, lighting and security, paving and sidewalks,
and installing a new staff entrance based on the security
recommendations. Additional improvements also include an upgraded
security badging system with new camera locations. Overall, the project
will add approximately 21 new parking spaces to accommodate increased
Mr. Lopez discussed the contaminated soil in the POB and Laboratory
parking lot areas and stated that the project scope includes handling and
disposal of materials encountered during excavations in known areas.
The initial construction estimate is $750, 000. Bids ranging from $854, 200
to $1, 090, 000 were received and evaluated. Cato's General Engineering,
Inc. (Cato's) was identified as the lowest responsive and responsible
bidder. He noted that Cato's bid did not include the Certificate of Reported
Compliance for the In -Use Off -Road Diesel -Fueled Fleets Program,
however staff confirmed that the low bidder was properly registered, and
the discrepancy was minor and immaterial
The Committee had no further questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
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Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
an amendment to the professional engineering agreement with Carollo
Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $780,000 for an amended amount not to
exceed $1,880,000 for the design of the A -Line Sewer Relocation
for Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), District Project 100050
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.a.
Ms. Gemmell provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in
the agenda materials. She stated that the agreement amendment with
Carollo Engineers will extend the design to the Treatment Plant's influent
structure to address clearance issues under Grayson Creek and can be
permitted with Flood Control and Army Corp of Engineers. The revised
scope increases the agreement amount from $1,100,000 to $1,880,000.
Central San will coordinate with CCTA regarding the Utility Agreement
terms for reimbursement of the additional costs.
In response to Member Wedington's question regarding CCTA paying for
all design fees, Ms. Gemmell state that CCTA is paying Central San for
this work due to the District's superior right of way rights.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
g. Review draft Position Paper to consider adopting proposed Resolution
2024-XXX, making findings required by Government Code Section
4217.12, and authorize the General Manager to enter into an energy
services contract with EcoGreen Solutions (EcoGreen) using Pacific Gas
& Electric (PG&E) On -bill Financing (OBF) in an amount not to exceed
$984,000 for light emitting diode (LED) lighting upgrades at the Martinez
campus; and find that the project is exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Mr. Shima provided an overview of the draft Position Paper included in the
agenda materials. He explained to the Committee that since publishing
this item, District Counsel recommended the Board hold a public hearing
on this item. Ms. Young advised that the Committee would need to
recommend holding a public hearing at the end and it would be reflected
in the minutes.
Mr. Shima advised that EcoGreen conducted a thorough lighting audit for
the District in 2022. The audit indicated an approximate annual savings of
490,000 kilowatt hours. Central San's Wastewater Treatment Facility is
currently consuming an average of three megawatts (MW) of electricity,
and a portion of this load is attributed to over 4,100 fluorescent light
fixtures. Approximately 22 percent of the lighting has been transitioned to
LED technology, resulting in proven efficiency gains.
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Mr. Bailey asked what the rationale was for Central San to participate in
this program. Mr. Shima stated that there is a payback calculated and a
potential cost savings of $16,900 a month after five years. He also stated
that this project addresses upcoming regulations such as California
Assembly Bill (AB) 2208, which is phasing out fluorescent lights statewide.
This transition will prevent future operational disruptions and safety
hazards associated with outdated lighting, as well as costs associated with
recycling of the fluorescent bulbs which is included in this project.
Mr. Mitchell added that this program is fully turnkey and will offset any
future PG&E rate increases. The program is paid for through an On -Bill
Financing (OBF) loan with PG&E at zero percent interest. He explained
that Central San pays PG&E for normal electricity use, and through this
program PG&E pays EcoGreen once the project is complete.
In conclusion, the LED lighting upgrades at Central San's Martinez facility
will represent a strategic investment in sustainability, efficiency, and
compliance with regulatory standards, offering substantial long-term
benefits to the organization.
Chair McGill recommended that staff add more details about the program
to the draft Position Paper as well as any cost savings that will benefit the
District by participating in this program.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended the Board hold a public
hearing to consider adopting proposed Resolution 2024-XXX, making
findings required by Government Code Section 4217.12, and
authorize the General Manager to enter into an energy services
contract with EcoGreen Solutions (EcoGreen) using Pacific Gas &
Electric (PG&E) On -bill Financing (OBF) in an amount not to exceed
$984,000 for light emitting diode (LED) lighting upgrades at the
Martinez campus; and find that the project is exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Following this item, Item 3.d. was heard.
4. Announcements
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5. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
7. Adjournment — at 11:21 a.m.