Board Meeting Date: JUne 17, 2010 No.:
3.1. Consent Calendar
Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.:
Earlene Millier, Engineering Asst. III Engineering/Environmental Services
E Millier I((v~l\\GJ. Chester ~ C. S ~ nson A. Farrell ames M. Kelly
eneral Manager
ISSUE: Work has been completed on twenty-six capital improvement projects. The
financial results are reported to the Board prior to closing the projects' accounts.
RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information
only. No action is necessary.
FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As a result of the closeout of these projects, $812,480 is being
returned to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled
Water Programs.
ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: No alternatives have been prepared. This is an
informational position paper.
BACKGROUND: Twenty-six capital improvement projects of less than $1 million in
expenditures have been completed and staff is closing out the project accounts effective
June 30, 2010. Below is a summary of the allocated budgets and expenditures for the
projects by program. These closed projects will return a total,of $812,480 to the Sewer
Construction Fund. Projects with expenditures greater than $1 million will have their own
position papers. Attachment 1 contains a brief summary for each project. Attachment 2
summarizes the allocated budgets and expenditures for each project.
Program Allocated
Budget Expenditures as of
May 31, 2010 Under spent =Amount
Returned to Program
Treatment Plant $2,471,500 $2,298,002 $173,498
Collection System $4,164,556 $3,699,549 $465,007
Generallmprovements $1,177,000 $1,009,733 $167,267
Recycled Water $ 500,000 $ 493,292 $ 6,708
Totals $8,313,056 $7,500,576 $812,480
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: No action is necessary.
N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Millier\2010\PP 2010 Closeouts -Final 6-17-10.DOC
Attachment 1
Project Descriptions
Proiect # Budget Proiect Title
DP 7211 $250,000 Headworks and Mechanical Shop Roof Replacement
This project rehabilitated the Mechanical Shop and Warehouse roof with a 15-year warranted
system and rehabilitated the facilities atop the Headworks Roof, including replacement of the
roof on Penthouse No. 3.
DP 7220 $25,000 Primary Effluent Pumps Refurbishment
The primary effluent pump refurbishment project is being closed out because the project has
been open beyond a 10 year period. The work to refurbish the primary effluent pumps, as
described in the current Capital Improvement Budget, will be performed under the Primary
Effluent Pump Refurbishment Phase 2 Project.
DP 7231 $692,000 Auxiliary Boilers Improvements
This project installed new controls that significantly improved the reliability and efficiency of
the steam boilers using multiple fuel sources located in the Solid Conditioning Building.
Other improvements included updating the thermal insulation, repairing the shell door sealing
faces, and installing an emissions metering system to help insure permit compliance. Benefits
from the work include reducing natural I landfill gas usage, electrical consumption, lowering
green house gases at the District and comply with Title V Air permit.
DP 7245 $260,000 Electrical Renovations
This project studied relay coordination for the treatment plant electrical power system through
two studies. The first report looked at just the cogeneration portion of the system. The
second report analyzed the entire treatment plant electrical system above 480-Volts, and
analyzed arc flash safety hazards around the plant. Safety Group and Plant Operations
Department staffs have reviewed the recommendations from the study and are responsible
for implementation.
DP 7249 $155,000 Treatment Plant Site Planning
This project developed a plan to logically situate multiple large projects expected to be
constructed over the next ten years in order to keep operation and maintenance of the
treatment plan practical and maintain hydraulic efficiency.
DP 7252 $50,000 Selector Channel Condition Assessment
A preliminary assessment was done of how the existing selector channel might be removed
from service in order to conduct an inspection. The design work to make the assessment will
be included in an upcoming secondary improvements project.
DP 7253 $732,000 Plant Control Rooms Modification
This project remodeled the Control Room in the Plant Operations and Solids Conditioning
Buildings. The remodel modernized the rooms and customized the working consoles to
match the District's new hardware and computer systems. Other improvements include a
new HVAC system and back up cooling system for the computer room, upgraded the fire
suppression system, replaced flooring, installed new ceilings, and provided new built in desks
and cabinets. The project also replaced a computer console in the Solids Conditioning
Building Control Room.
DP 7270 $250,000 Treatment Plant Hydraulic Profile
This project developed a hydraulic model of the treatment plant as a whole such that
hydraulic pinch points were identified so they could be addressed in future projects to
maximize the overall hydraulic capacity of the treatment plant. The model was also designed
so that plant operations can use for planning tank shutdowns and run wet weather flow
DP 7275 $57,500 Final Effluent Flow Meter
The District installed a Marsh Mulit-Mag flow meter in the final effluent pipe line located in the
ouffall structure in Basin C. The flow meter was installed to meet NPDES reporting
guidelines with regard to bay discharges.
Proiect # Budaet Proiect Title
DP 5922 $470,000 Pumping Station Corrosion Control
Several major pumping stations were analyzed with respect to corrosion control technology,
and analysis was conducted on hydrogen sulfide levels. Field work to assess the extent of
corrosion was conducted. Construction work, such as the CIPP project to line three major
interceptors, was identified and separate projects were created.
DP 5930 $665,000 Collection System Planning and Flow Monitoring
This project conducted two years of standard collection system planning tasks, such as local
capacity studies. In addition, flow monitoring of the District's sewer flows were performed
from 32 monitoring stations. This information served as the foundation of the revised flow
estimates in the Collection System Master Plan Update. DP 5930
DP 5935 $50,000 Lafayette/Moraga Storm Drain Risk Assessment
This project evaluated how storm drains in Lafayette may affect District facilities.
DP 5942 $50,000 Walnut Creek Downtown Pre-Design
This project was used to evaluate sewers in the downtown area of Walnut Creek that are
structurally deficient and require frequent maintenance. Some are maintained as frequently
as monthly. Renovation plans by the City of Walnut Creek were also considered. Data and
rankings from the CCTV project were included and several District databases were used in
the pre-design work for capital projects that will be designed and constructed within the
Capital Plan years.
DP 5943 $285,000 San Ramon Pump Station Upgrades
This project conducted preliminary work into the feasibility of installing a backup pumping
system at San Ramon Pumping Station. Further design work to install a backup system will
be continued in a future project.
DP 5951 $643,556 Miner Road Orinda, Tr 02-200
The project work included rehabilitation of approximately 3,870 feet of 15-inch diameter
sewer lines using acured-in-place pipe,. reinstatement of sewer laterals and open-cut pipe
replacement of approximately 105 feet to remove sags in the line. Work was coordinated
with an EBMUD waterline replacement to minimize impacts to residents.
DP 5954 $330,000 Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 2
District staff accelerated the scheduled design and construction for this project to coordinate
with Danville's paving plans last summer. The Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 2,
replaced 1,300 linear feet of 6-inch sewer lines and appurtenant manholes by open cut in the
public rights-of-way in the northwestern corner of Danville.
DP 5961 $607,000 Pleasant Hill Renovations, Phase 1
The project work included rehovation and/or replacement of approximately 2,500 feet of b-
and 8-inch sewers by open-cut, pipe-burstirig, and cured-in-place pipe, along with
reconnection of all laterals. Additional change orders included a 12-inch storm drain on the
treatment plant, and an 8-inch pipebursting in Martinez.
DP 5966 $75,000 Pumping Station Master Plan Update
This project served as the initial phase of a larger update that will be completed in the coming
fiscal year. The Pumping Station Inventory was updated to include photographs, and
informational graphics, calculated pump and loss curves and sewershed maps were added.
Stations that had been abandoned were so designated and specific data, such as pump
horsepower, etc. were confirmed and documented.
DP 5978 $460,000 Collection System Master Plan Update
This project has identified sewer system capacity deficiencies that may result from planned
growth within the District's service area. Meetings with municipal and county planners were
held and their understandings were used to evaluate pipelines that will be under-capacity if
the growth occurs as planned. A project verification phase will follow in another project to
ensure that projects called out in the Capital Plan for coming years are actually needed, that
they are assigned the proper priorities, and that no major needed projects are missing.
Design & construction projects will be funded from these recommendations.
DP 5981 $515,000 2006 Storm Damage Assessment
The work consisted of the coordination/support of soil repairs and stabilization by others as
well as creek crossing repairs/protection by CCCSD. The District completed one slope repair
and creek crossing repair in Orinda. Another slope repair and creek crossing repair were
made in Lafayette by CCCSD.
DP 5986 $14,000 Treat Boulevard Bridge Sewer Relocations
This project inspected the installation of a 200 foot long concrete cap over an existing 30-inch
concrete sewer and a 30-inch passive overflow from the 30-inch sewer to a parallel 60-inch
sewer to accommodate the construction by Contra Costa County of the Treat Pedestrian
Overcrossing on the Iron Horse Trail at Treat Boulevard. The County paid for the
construction of the concrete cap and passive overFlow.
Proiect # Budaet Proiect Title
DP 8192 $565,000 Capital Legal Services.
This project allowed capital legal service expenses to be charged to Treatment Plant,
Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Program projects as a
group, instead of individual capital projects. This procedure has relieved Engineering
Department's project managers from having to code the legal bill with project account
numbers each month. This project covers capital legal services for the ten years starting in
July 2000. Anew project will be started in 2010-11 to cover the next ten years of capital legal
services. This process also reduced the amount of time all parties must spend processing
the legal bill. Projects for which the District will receive reimbursement still have legal
expense charges coded directly to them.
DP 8211 $167,000 GDI Follow On Applications
Storm sewer data from cities and the County have been added to GDI as they become
available. Recorder's office parcel maps, subdivision maps, and Land Survey maps have
been added to GDI as well thus aiding Survey section records research time.
Field crews are demonstrating the benefits to access GDI on a laptop computer in their
vehicles. Inspection and Source Control are also demonstrating the application of GDI on
laptop computers. CSO crew use of GDI has been found to have the biggest return on
investment and the shortest payback time. The pilot project included identifying which data
would be useful to field crews, and programming to put GDI onto field laptops.
DP 8214 $405,000 ADA Improvements
This project designed improvements to ensure ADA-compliance for the exterior of the facility
and interior of the HOB. Construction for the exterior improvements was bid as part of
another project. Construction for the interior ADA-improvements, and some general
improvements to the facilities, were constructed under this project and included: remodel of
the HOB1 bathrooms, Permit Center, west stairwell, exterior weatherproofing, and Annex
DP 8218 $40,000 CSO Welding Shop Modifications
This project made improvements to the CSO Vehicle Shop to provide a safe and efficient
area for welding. Construction work was incorporated in the HHW Improvements Project, DP
Proiect # Budget Proiect Title
DP 7278 $500,000 Grayson Creek Recycled Water Emergency Repair
This was an emergency repair project to replace a section of the REW pipeline on the
northern side of the Grayson Creek Bridge on Imhoff Drive. The pipeline support system
located under the bridge deck had failed and the pipe had fallen into the creek's channel.
Attachment 2
Budget and Expenditure Summary
AS OF 5131110 * UNDERRUN
7211 Headworks & Mech. Shop Roof Repl. 250,000 248,374 1,626
7220 Primary Effluent Pumps Refurbishment 25,000 11,348 13,652
.7231 Auxiliary Boilers Improvements 692,000 674,548 17,452
7245 Electrical Renovations 260,000 177,527 82,473
7249 Treatment Plant Site Planning 155,000 143,248 11,752
7252 Selector Channel Condition Assessment 50,000 3,302 46,698
7253 Plant Control Rooms Modification 732,000 731,954 46
7270 Treatment Plant Hydraulic Profile 250,000 255,944 -5,944
7275 Final Effluent Flow Meter 57,500 51,757 5,743
Program Totals $2,471,500 $2,298,002 $173,498
AS OF 5131110 * UNDERRUN
5922 Pumping Station Corrosion 470,000 429,582 40,418
5930 CS Planning & Flow Monitoring 665,000 598,849 66,151
5935 Laf/Mor Storm Drain Risk Assessment 50,000 16,191 33,809
5942 Walnut Creek Downtown Pre-Design 50,000 40,433 9,567
5943 San Raman PS Upgrades 285,000 38,843 246,157
5951 Miner Road Orinda, Tr 02-200. 643,556 643,285 271
5954 Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 330,000 248,561 81,439
5961 Pleasant Hill Renovatiohs, Phase 1 607,000 607,465 -465
5966 Pumping Station Master Plan Update 75,000 71,342 3,658
5978 Collection System Master Plan Update 460,000 478,826 -18,826
5981 2006 Storm Damage Assessment 515,000 514,363 637
5986 Treat Blvd. Bridge Sewer Relocations 14,000 11,809 2,191
Program Totals $4,164,556 $3,699,549 $465,007
* Expenditures are estimated. While they include expenditures through May 31, some additional
charges will occur during June prior to the end of the fiscal year on June 30`h.
8192 Capital Legal Services 565,000 525,649 39,351
8211 GDI Follow On Applications 167,000 46,839 120,161
8214 ADA Improvements 405,000 397,364 7,636
8218 CSO Welding Shop Modifications 40,000 39,881 11
Program Totals $1,177,000 $1,009,733 $167,26
7278 Grayson Creek ReW Emergency Repair 500,000 493,292 6,70
Program Totals $500,000 $493,292 $6,70
' Expenditures are estimated. While they include expenditures through May 31, some additional
charges will occur during June prior to the end of the fiscal year on June 30`h