Item 6.A.2
Pending Recycled Water
Report to CCCSD Board
May 6, 2010
Current REW Legislation
• AB 1774 Saldana -Local agency can require
state agency to use recycled water -suspense
file due to > $150,000 in State costs. Already
covered by other state laws.
• SB 918 Pavley - A derivation of last year's bill
to require recycling 50% of wastewater effluent
by 2030 ,
• SB 1173 Wolk -Defines use of "raw" water
when recycled is available as a
waste.....definition previously limited to "potable"
Barriers to REW
• Used to be public acceptance.....
• Now public is accepting of recycled water for
irrigation and industrial use but the economics
often do not support.......
Existing State law states "the use of potable
domestic water for non potable uses, including
landscaping, industrial and irrigation uses is an
unreasonable use of water if recycled water is
available which meets specified quality, COST,
and health requirements".
Water purveyors implement new water supply
alternatives based on comparative cost per acre
foot and recycled water often does not compete.
SB 918 - Pavley
Began as bill to require that 50% of wastewater
effluent in the State which is discharged to the
ocean be recycled by the year 2030.
CASA and others lobbied that this was not
possible without indirect potable reuse because
the cost of duplicate piping systems for recycled
water is cost prohibitive.
Bill has been changed to require State
Department of Public Health to develop uniform
standards for indirect potable reuse for
groundwater recharge by December 31, 2013
and for reservoir augmentation by December 31,
The Bill also requires a report on the feasibility of
direct potable reuse by December 31, 2016.
... -~...
SB 1173 - Wolk
• Existing law declares that use of potable
domestic eater for nonpotable uses is a waste or
an unreasonable use of water if recycled water
is available, and other requirements are met.
• This bill would change wording to say the use of
RAW or potable domestic water for nonpotable
uses is a waste or unreasonable use of water ...
• This applies to CCWD raw water users, however
the other requirements include....
"The recycled water may be furnished for these
uses at a reasonable cost to the user. In
determining reasonable cost, the state board
....shall find that the cost of supplying the
treated recycled water is comparable to , or
less than, the cost of supplying raw or
potable water."
State Legislature Continues to Look
for Ways to Encourage Recycling
• Recycling must compete on a cost basis
according to current State law
• The cost of construction of duplicate distribution
systems for recycling is prohibitive
• Focusing on developing appropriate regulatory
framework for indirect and direct potable reuse
may be best long term solution...... SB 918
Pavley is trying to pave the way..........
• Is the public ready for this next step in recycling?