HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011__ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District \ ' ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS - _ - POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 1, 2010 No.: 9 . a . Human fZe~:ources Type of Action: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN Subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 - 2011 submitted ey: Cathryn Freitas, Human Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration/Human Resources Manager Resources REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: i C. Freitas graves ~., James M. Kelly, General Manager ISSUE: The Human Resources Committee reviewed the staffing needs of the District for Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 at its March 24, 2010, meeting. However, due to a split vote on the Administration and Plant Operations Department's recommendations, the Committee requested that the Staffing Plan be referred to the full Board for consideration without a Committee recommendation for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed Staffing Plan would decrease annual salary costs by <522.783>. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Modify or reject the proposed Staffing Plan. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011. The Staffing Plan includes departmental overviews, personnel actions, and organizational charts reflecting current staff and proposed changes. To date, there have been 37 personnel actions taken during Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District and the cost of salaries and benefits. The number of authorized regular positions in the District will remain the same as last year. Eight Co-op student positions are requested which is one less position than last year. The salaries and wages in the 2010 - 2011 O & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year budget due to cost-of-living salary adjustments and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in 201 D - 2011. Staff is recommending the salaries for Co-ops remain at $24.00 an hour. H:IBUDGET1Approve Staffing Plan PP 2010.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Dafe: April 1, 2010 subject: APPROVE STAFFING PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2010 - 2011 Administration 1. Delete one Buyer (G-61, $4,957 - $5,997) position and add one Senior Buyer (G-67, $5,717 - $6,918) position, Collection System Operations None Engineering 2. Delete one Engineering Technician I/II (I: G-56, $4,405 - $5,324; II: G-64, $5,324 - $6,442). Add one Engineering Assistant I/II (I: G-60, $4,835 - $5,852; II: G-65, $5,444 - $6,597). Plant Operations 3. Modify the salary range for Buildings and Grounds Supervisor from S-71 ($6,314 - $7,639) to S-73 ($6,630 - $8,021). 4. Modify the salary range for the Laboratory Superintendent from S-82 ($8,218 - $9,932) to S-84 {$8,615 - $10,428). 5. Delete one Maintenance Planner (G-71, $6,283 - $7,608) position and add one Assistant Engineer (S-73, $6,630 - $8,021) position. Reclassify Maintenance Planner Mark Cavallero to Assistant Engineer. Secretary of the District None Co_Op 6. Authorize the hiring of students to fill eight Co-op positions in 2010 - 2011. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Approve the Staffing Plan for Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 herein identified by item 1 - 6. 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W `~ CO ~ Q J L R 3 ' ~ ~ ~ o~ c ° - ro a ~ ~' a~ o *~" ~ T O>C ~~ C C ~ ~ 7 C L 7 C ~ C (q N 0 m W ~ Ct] a ~ ~ _ J Q ' T T~ rt / T ~.,/ ^ / T LL ~' ^~ T V J ~~ Q7 C Q Q ~ c4 ~ C o C ~ `°, ,C .~ '~ ~ a O y c w ~ ~ ~ Q U w ~ F - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 19, 2010 TO: HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ' SUBJECT: STAFFING PLAN SUMMARY The following summarizes the proposed Staffing Plan Buyer to Senior Buyer: The key differentiation between a Buyer and a Senior Buyer is the ability to handle more complex and large requests for proposals, purchases, and contracts. There are many complex and large contracts that have been in place for multiple years that need to be competitively priced. This request would allow assignment of more complex Senior Buyer duties to the current Buyer's workload, which would allow the ability to obtain competitive pricing sooner and more frequently for commodities and contracts. The cost of the promotion will be more than offset by the savings obtained to the District from competitively pricing the contracts. Change Engineering Technician I/II position to a Engineering Assistant I/ll position: The Capital Projects Division has determined that, due to technology improvements, the mapping workload does not justify filling the Engineering Technician I/II position. At the same time, the Environmental Services Division needs additional staff to allow cross training in the sewer service charge, which was identified as weakness during last year's internal audit. Due to limited permit counter staff, cross training has not been accomplished. Other areas requiring cross training include setting up and tracking reimbursement accounts, preparing and tracking annexations, and assistance with right-of-way and plan review. This change would result in a 2.5% increase in salary range for the transferred position. Modify the Buildings and Grounds (68G) Supervisor salary range from (S-71, $6,314 - $7,639) to (S-73, $6,630 - $8,021). The range for the B8G Supervisor is currently two grades below other Supervisors. The B8~G Supervisor supervises as many full-time employees as the Mechanical Supervisors and in addition, a large number of summer hires. The B8~G Supervisor is responsible for the maintenance of the treatment plant grounds, plant buildings, and the Headquarters Office Building; trains many new hires that promote to other positions at the District; and administers many of the Plant Operations Department's maintenance contracts. This range change would make the B&G Supervisor salary equitable with the other Mechanical Supervisors. Reclassify Maintenance Planner Mark Cavallero (G-71, $6,283 - $7,608) to an Assistant Engineer (S-73, $6,630 - $8,021). The Maintenance Planner in the Electrical Shop has a B.A. in Business, more than 60 units of electrical engineering coursework, more than 15 years of electrical design and construction experience, and is currently the District's lead staff person for electrical shop drawing review and electrical design. He performs complex engineering calculations, analyzes electrical problems, and redesigns electrical system components. He participates in factory inspections of electrical equipment and performs the functions of an inspector on critical electrical construction projects, and is the lead person on the District's complex electrical system. He exceeds the experience requirements for the position of Assistant Engineer; if Mr. Cavallero did not perform these duties, the District would need to either use more consultants or to hire an electrical engineer. Both of these options are more expensive than having Mr. Cavallero perform these duties. Modify the Laboratory Superintendent Salary range from (S-82, $8,218 - $9,932) to (S-84, $8,615 - $10,428). This request is based on the research performed and directed by the Laboratory Superintendent on pesticides, dioxin, PCB, mercury, and Selenium. This research has been vital to ensuring that good science is used by regulators to establish new water quality standards. This research also has resulted in District NPDES permits that protect the receiving waters while not requiring excessive, expensive additional treatment processes. Because of Mr. Dhaliwal's effort, the District is recognized as a leader in the industry for research related to water quality issues. Mr. Dhaliwal is currently leading the District's effort to ensure the Regional Water Quality Control Board uses sound science in the development standards for Selenium, Enterococcus bacteria (disinfection requirement), and ammonia and other nutrients. Without Mr. Dhaliwal's efforts, the District would have to hire consultants to ensure that sound science is used to establish future discharge requirements, at a considerable additional cost to the District. JMK:sIc