HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.a. A CONSTR CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AMENDMENT FOR THE SLEEPY UPGRADES, DISTRICT PROJECT 5960Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 1, 2010 No.: 6.a. Bids and Awards Type of Action: AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT/AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS/AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AMENDMENT Subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AMENDMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION UPGRADES, DISTRICT PROJECT 5960 Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Nathan Hodges, Assistant Engineer Engineering /Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: N. odg A. Antkowiak i ecki A. F well James M. elly, General Manager ISSUE: On March 11, 2010, five (5) sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades, District Project 5960. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject all bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. Authorize an amendment to an existing professional engineering services agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), award a construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation; authorize the Geheral Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Contractor license, and any other required submittals (SUBMITTALS); and authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Psomas. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $820,860, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station is located in Orinda and is over 50-years old (see Attachment 1). In 1989, the Pumping Station Master Plan identified that this station has antiquated electrical systems that are difficult to maintain. This project will replace corroding conduits and electrical cabinets. The wet well will also be N:\PESUP\Cbradley\POSITION PAPERS\HOdges\5960 - PP Award -Pacific Mech Corp_NH.doc Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 1, 2010 Subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AMENDMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION UPGRADES, DISTRICT PROJECT 5960 coated to preserve the concrete. The station is located in East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Drinking Watersheds, and reliable operation is critical. The existing emergency discharge bypass connection will be replaced. To enhance the station's reliability, this project will install new electric and water services. To save design and bid costs, two other pumping station projects are included in the Sleepy Hollow project. The first is the installation of a new standby generator at Concord Industrial Pumping Station. The existing generator does not meet Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) emission requirements. The Sleepy Hollow project will install a new standby generator that complies with all BAAQMD requirements. The other is the abandonment of Bates Avenue Pumping Station. Bates Avenue was constructed in 1968. In the late 1980's, flow was diverted from Bates Avenue to the Concord Industrial Pumping Station. The abandonment of Bates Avenue will free Operation staffs time and preclude maintaining the station. Also, electrical and mechanical equipment will be salvaged for future District use. Psomas and District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades is $425,000. This project was advertised on February 16 and 21, 2010. Five (5) sealed bids ranging from $391,000 to $495,500 were received and publicly opened on March 11, 2010. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Pacific Mechanical Corporation is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $391,000. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The District will perform construction management and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. Staff recommends retaining Psomas to provide support services during construction for this project because Psomas helped prepare the plans and specifications and, therefore, has a solid understanding of the project design. The construction support services include reviewing shop drawings and submittals to ensure they comply with design intent, responding to design questions, performing site visits to verify compliance with the design intent, and other related activities. A construction support services amendment, for $25,000, has been negotiated with Psomas. This will bring the total professional service agreement with Psomas to $99,891. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $575,860. The total cost of Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades, DP 5960, is anticipated to be $820,860. N:\PESUP\Cbradley\POSITION PAPERS\Hodges\5960 - PP Award - Pacifc Mech Corp_NH.doc Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: April 1, 2010 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION; AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS; AND AUTHORIZE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AMENDMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION UPGRADES. DISTRICT PROJECT 5960 This project is included in the fiscal year (FY) 2009-10 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS-85 and CS-86. Staff has conducted acash-flow analysis of the Collection System Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that the Sleepy Hollow and Concord Iridustrial Pumping Stations upgrades are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since they involve minor alterations to existing public facilities with no increase ih capacity. Staff has also concluded that the Bates Avenue Pumping Station abandonment is exempt under CCCSD CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be "seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment." This certainty is based on the limited size and commercial/industrial nature of the project site environment, limited deconstruction activity, and CCCSD's past experience with similar projects. Approval of this project will establish the Board 'of Directors' independent finding that all the elements of this project are exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: Find that the project is exempt from CEQA, Award a construction contract in the amount of $391,000 for the construction of the Sleepy Hollow Pumping Station Upgrades, District Project 5960, to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, the lowest responsive bidder, 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements, and 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment in the amount of $25,000 to an existing professional service agreement, bringing the total cost ceiling not to exceed $99,891 with Psomas. N:\PESUP\Cbradley\POSITION PAPERS\HOdges\5960 - PP Award -Pacific Mech Corp_NH.doc Page 3 of 6 T -N- 0 400 800 FEET CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMPING STATION C1 O 3 CI 1~ r BATES AVENUE PUMPING STATION BATES SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION WASHING L 0 400 ~~ FEET AVENUE Central Contra Costa SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION attachment Sanitary District UPGRADES ' District Project 5960 1 Project Locations Pa na 4 of A ATTACHMENT2 SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION UPGRADES DISTRICT PROJECT 5960 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 5960 DATE: MARCH 11, 2010 PROJECT NAME: SLEEPY HOLLOW PUMPING STATION UPGRADES PROJECT MANAGER: NATHAN HODGES PROJECT LOCATION: VARIOUS LOCATIONS, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NO. OF ADDENDA: 2 ENGINEER EST.: $425,000 BIDDER BID PRICE Pacific Mechanical Corporation. $391,000 P.O. Box 4041 2501 Annalisa Drive Concord, CA 94524 Pacific Infrastructure Corporation $396,000 2134 Rheem Drive, Suite C Pleasanton, CA 94588 Lister Construction, Inc. $399,200 896 Aldridge Road, Suite B Vacaville, CA 95688 Aztec Consultants $477,900 2021 Omega Road, Suite 200 San Ramon, CA 94583-1652 Rodan Builders, Inc. $495,500 859 Cowan Road Burlingame, CA 94010 BIDS OPENED BY/s/ Elaine Boehme DATE March 11, 2010 N:\PESUP\Cbradley\POSITION PAPERS\Hodges\5960 - PP Award -Pacific Mech Corp_NH.doc Page 5 of 6 W Q a z O H Q H Z a a 0 J J O 2 ^~ LL W W J M r Z W 2 U Q r r a W r Q ~_ r N W Z O H U r y z O U W a 0 m rn H U W a F- U m r v/ Q a .. 0 U c 0 a o 0 0 ~ •~- ~ N N r M N C O v 0 ° ° o c o o c o ao o ao N ~ I~ ~ 69 fA O O O w OJ O O c ~ ~ ~ ~ O M O I~ _ _ a ~' `fl ~' 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ O) N ~ to N N Efl O M fA EA EA ffl ffl r» ~ fA ~ ~ H Z W c G W ~ C7 w cA Z ~ u~ c O Q ~ o ° U ~ H ~ ~ c m _ ~ Z Z ~ ~ J a m ~ ~ ~ 0 W D a U r U e H ~ ~ w ~ X ~ W N U ~ ~ ~ ~ m C ~ W Q Z J O ~ o _N +O„ Q' w c0 O Q' O Z E `" ~ ~ ~ `° ~ r y ~ O Q o E U .. U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ F ~ ~ ~ w U Q o ~ c ~ a ., U c C ~3 ~ r U .~+ y C C y N r " C ~ Q r Q J 7 0 0 C~ CO Q 7 N C 0 O Q K N O Q ~ O Z U U a w m o - v U a U m W o U m a a O d ~ F o ~ m ca ~ ci -o ~ m m ~ ~ m m .n ~ Q p r O z rn z rn w cn r z c v U a ~ a Q ~ U O r N M a} N 10 Z 0 m m a a Z 0 U U a O 3 a a a ~a.~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 1, 2010 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ~~ FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ~ 0 ""~ ~I~y SUBJECT: PROPOSED FILLING OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VACANCIES This matter was discussed at the March 24, 2010 Human Resources Committee meeting (see attached memo). The Committee was split on its recommendation. Chair Lucey suggested that the head of CSO be a Manager, rather than a Department Director, and that they report directly to the General Manager. Member Menesini concurred with the General Manager's recommendation to retain the current structure and appoint two separate Department Directors. The Committee referred the matter to the full Board for its consideration. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 19, 2010 TO: HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE ,~ ~~;~ FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER y,~~ ,J SUBJECT: PROPOSED FILLING DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR VACANCIES Introduction/Summary With Bill Brennan's retirement and Doug Craig's impending retirement, the District will have two Department Director vacancies. This will be the first time in over 25 years that the District will have the two top operations management positions vacant at one time, so it is appropriate to assess if the current organizational structure. This memo presents the background of the current organizational structure, challenges facing Plant Operations Department (POD) and Collection System Operations Department (CSO), presents and evaluates alternative organization structures, and recommends an organization structure and an approach to filling the vacancies. Because it should provide the best focus on CSO and POD goals, motivation and communication for employees, and staff development; continuing the current organizational structure is recommended. Moreover, CSO's remote location accentuates the need to have a strong leader for CSO, and to have an individual who would be recognized as part of the District's senior management team. Also, an open recruitment for the POD and CSO management positions and review of the job descriptions is recommended to encourage well qualified candidates to apply. Background From the early 1980's until January 1998, the District had four departments: Administration, Engineering, CSO, and POD. Administration and Engineering were managed by a Deputy General Manager and Deputy Chief Engineer, respectively. CSO and POD were managed by Operations Department Managers; the Deputy General Managers and Deputy Chief Engineer were paid 5% more than the POD Manager, who was paid 5% more than the CSO Manager. In January 1998, all Department Manager positions were changed to Department Director positions receiving the same pay. This change was made because each manager served as an equal member of the senior management team, and acted as General Manager in the General Manager's absence or as delegated. This structure remained in place until November 2001. When John Larson, former Director of Collection System Operations, retired in 2001, CSO and POD were consolidated into one department and I was appointed Director of Operations. The role of the Plant Operations Division Manager was expanded to manage operations and maintenance at POD, and the role of the Maintenance Division Manager was changed to manage CSO. This resulted in one fewer manager. This structure remained in place until October 2006. After General Manager Charles W. Batts retired in August 2006, I was appointed General Manager creating a Department Director vacancy. In October 2006, the District restructured back to the four Department Director structure, appointing the CSO and POD Division Managers to Department Directors. The four Department Director structure remains in place; the number of managers was not increased. Challenge Facing CSO and POD The role of the CSO and POD in the District's mission is clear. They collect and treat wastewater and deliver recycled water. Through Board support, with support from Administration and Engineering Departments, CSO and POD have performed their roles very well. CSO has reduced sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's) per year from 160 in 2003 to 63 in 2009; POD just completed its 12th year of full water quality compliance. While these are significant achievements, the Departments face some significant challenges. One challenge common to both CSO and POD is the number of retirements expected over the next two years. Staff has anticipated a larger than normal number of retirement over the next 5 years; it appears that the attention the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) received in recent months has resulted in and will continue to result in employees retiring earlier than anticipated. It appears that 5 years of expected retirements will occur in two years. Thus, the District will have a large number of skilled employees retiring over the next two years, and the District will need to recruit/promote and train a large number of employees. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the projected retirements for CSO and POD. Overseeing the recruitment/promotion of new employees, and training and capturing the know-how before employees retire will be a major part of the new managers' jobs. Another common challenge is both Departments are expected to face more stringent regulations. CSO is expected to continue reducing the number of SSO's and to continue working with stormwater agencies to reduce pollution from non-point sources. The POD faces continued pressure to reduce odors, and faces new or anticipated regulations on GHG, nutrients, and emerging contaminants. One of the CSO and POD managers' key responsibilities will be to develop our compliance strategies and to shape upcoming regulations. Between the unprecedented number of retirements and tightened regulations, I expect the District will be very challenged to meet our past regulatory compliance performance as new employees and/or current employees in new positions become established in their new positions. Alternative Organizational Structure CSO and POD perform three essential functions: CSO operates the collection system and the pumping stations. POD operates the Plant. CSO Collection System relies mainly on the Engineering Department for support services on projects, map support, CCTV, and data analysis. CSO Pumping Station Section relies mainly on POD for SCADA, electrical, instrumentation, and mechanical support. POD relies upon Engineering for projects, mapping, and regulatory analysis support. The pumping station section was part of the POD until 2001, when it was transferred to CSO. Once the new CSO Building is complete, CSO staff will move back to Walnut Creek, while the Pumping Station Section will remain at the annex across from the HOB. The Pumping Station Section could be assigned to either the POD or CSO in any of the three models. Based on these facts, three organizational models are considered herein: "Current" -Current CSO and POD Department Directors and one Division Manager in POD "Ops Department" -One Director of Operations with two Division Managers, one at POD and one at CSO • "Engineering/CSO" -Attach CSO to Engineering, have CSO be a Division under Engineering and POD continue to be a stand alone Department The current model has fostered close coordination between the Operating Departments and Engineering, clear focus on the objectives, improved organization of the work, good measurement of the results, good motivation and communication via the Department Director, and good staff development. The Ops Department model provided reduced SSO's between 2001-2006 and continued regulatory compliance at POD; during this time frame the Ops Department was managed by three managers were experience assisted with well established working relationships before the reorganization. Anew Ops Department manager would be more challenged to provide clear focus on the goals of the two departments, to provide the motivation and communication and to meet the staff development needs that will be required in the next 5 years. The District has no experience with the Engineering/CSO model. It should ensure close coordination between Engineering and CSO Collection Systems. However, the Engineering/CSO model would also be challenged to provide clear focus on the goals of the two departments, to provide motivation and communication, and to meet the staff development needs that will be required over the next 5 years. Recommended Structure Because it should provide the best focus on CSO and POD goals, motivation and communication, and staff development, I recommend continuing the current organizational structure. CSO's remote location accentuates the need to have a strong leader for CSO, and to have an individual who would be recognized as part of the District's senior management team. Other Approach to Filling Vacancies I recommend the District conduct an open recruitment for the POD and CSO management positions. The job descriptions should be reviewed and modified as appropriate to encourage well qualified candidates to apply. Draft revisions of the job descriptions are attached. I recommend the current salary structure remain in place to emphasize that both positions are equal members of the Senior Management team. A salary comparison for the Operations Director positions shows that their salaries are comparable to other water and wastewater operations managers in our area. JMK:sIc Attachments ~~ LL ^~^~ ^Y W U ~ ~ d ~ Q ~ N ~ ~ ~ O ~ //~~,~ Q W O U ~ y Z ~ O N U J 0 !w!, Z V W d U U i c w O o ~ v m 0 U as N ~ ~ ~ cEi GI ~ OVi~ ~ o Z ~ m , r. o. 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SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general direction from the General Manager. Exercise direct and general supervision over division heads, professional, and technical personnel in the Plant Operations Department. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES -Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Manage the Plant Operations Department of the District, making independent decisions Figure 2 Deleted: G9i22/OG Deleted: operation and maintenance of the Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant as necessary,, Set objectives such as ~Jevelop and maintain a regulatory compliance i Deleted: in the management of the strategy, organize the department to implement the strategy, motivate and depa"men' _ _ - J communicate objectives measure res_ultsJ develop staff skills, and keep the department Dented: ~ focused on the District's goals. Attend administrative/management meetings reporting on department activities, Raking Deleted: making personnel an active part in the establishment of District policies, standards, and procedures and recommendations, assist in long-range planning. _ Formatted: Tabs: 0.7", Left anac ~ departmental,Lluman Resources matters, including training programs, Deleted: Attend to evaluations. promotions, selections, dismissals, transfers, and disciplinary actions. Detetea: personnel menagem®nt Take an active part in the establishment of District policies, standards, and procedures and assist in long range~lanninq• Hold departmental staff meetings, delegating responsibilities and authorities to various personnel and divisions of the department. Coordinate work of the department with that of other departments; promote teamwork CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Plant Operations (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Review and critique designs, plans, and specifications ~ls they affect department. Review department-related correspondence and prepare responses. Confer with the public and representatives of other agencies;«~aintain punitive colru»unity relations, Represent the District at public and professional meetings and conferences in regard to present and future projects and District matters. Prepare.-review/appraise reports and position papers and submit appropriate materials to administration or the Board of Directors for necessary action/nr regulatory agancies. Research and implementZechnological developments. Administer the fiscal affairs of the department, including preparation of annual budget and control of expenditures. Arrange for all public services as required of the department. Coordinate and direct through subordinate supervisors all investigation, studies, research, analyses, programs, projects, operations, and maintenance assigned to or being a responsibility of the department. Responsible for maintaining an effective safety program. Responsible for meeting regulatory standards in accordance with all permits. Act on behalf of the General Manager as required. Demonstrate a commitment to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce. Perform related duties as required. Deleted: Review and appraise 1 division, project, and work reports. ¶ J Deleted: . Deleted: and/ Deleted: use of CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Plant Operations (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and techniques of organization, management, personnel administration, budgeting, cost control, and staff development including and understanding the importance of authority, responsibility, accountability, motivation, and delegation. Engineering principles, methods, and practices as applied to the operation of a wide variety of wastewater treatment processes. Principles, methods, and techniques of implementing comprehensive maintenance programs. Principles of financial management, budgeting, and cost control. Principles of operation and maintenance of equipment and instruments common to a modern wastewater treatment/reclamation facility. Principles, practices, and methods of problem identification and data analyzing techniques including critical path scheduling techniques. Principles and practices of industrial safety regulations and guidelines. Ability to: On a continuous basis analyze legal requirements, operational data, budgets and user reports, identify results, interpret evaluations and disciplinary actions, know projects, observe blueprints and drawings, problem solve compliance reports, remember and understand technical manuals, and explain to others. Sit at desk and in meetings for long periods of time on a continuous basis; intermittently walk and climb stairs to tour plant, perform simple grasping, and lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less; and for confined space entry, lift or carry weight of,~ pounds or less. _ ~eiecea: so Manage the work activities of a large and diversified group of professional, technical, and nontechnical employees. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Plant Operations (Continued) Ability to Establish and maintain cooperative working_relationship in the department and with other departments and divisions of the District and with persons and organizations dealing with the Distr'ila. Prepare correspondence and technical reports, which are complete, clear, and concise. Prepare budgets and control expenditures. Make effective and professional presentations to the Board of Directors, regulatory officials, members of the public, and other groups as required. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the department with other departments and divisions of the District and with persons and organizations dealing with the District. Experience and Education: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. Atypical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience At least ten years of increasingly responsible professional process experience, six years of which were in a management position within a wastewater treatment plant or similar process industry. Education Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university~rl^ closely rel;-r-:1 i i : ri/u_~ir~-~~. A master's degree in engineering, business administration ~:blic adrninlstraiioll is desirable. Deleted: with major work in civil, chemical. or mechanical engineering Deleted: or CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Plant Operations (Continued) Licenses and Certificates: Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Possession of a professional en~inrer license is desirable. Possession of a California Grade V Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator's Certificate is desirable. P,~- ~~ Figure 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective:_U `U ~i ~' ~.~ , Deleted: 09/22/06 Range: M-20 Respirator Class: 3 DIRECTOR OF COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEFINITION Manage the Collection System Operations Department of the District; assist the General Manager in the overall formulation and administration of District programs and activities in close cooperation with the Board of Directors; perform special managerial duties as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general direction from the General Manager. Exercise direct and general supervision over professional and technical personnel in the Collection System Operations Department. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES -Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Manage the Collection System Operations Department of the District, making independent decisions as necessary. Set obLctr~~i::- sucr~ ~;sdevelop and maintain a Deleted: o regulatory compliance strategy_Arganize the department to implement the strategy_ neietea: and motivate and communicate, measure results. dev~:loC, staff skills, and Jceep the oeieted:;~nd department focused on the District's goals Manage departmental Human Resourc~..,,matters including t,ziinu,u programs, Deleted: personnel evaluations, promotions, :,~~~.iections, dismissals. transfer:,, and disciplinary actions Take an active part in the establishment of District policies, standards, and procedures and assist in long range planning. Prepare/reviewlaoorai:,r- reports and position papers and submit appropriate materials to ,~drninistration or the Board of Directors for necessary action u~ nu~,i_,I~~icny ~:J~_~,_:i~_~,. ne~etea: cr,ece~era~nna~agera~arl Administer the fiscal affairs of the department including preparation of the annual budget and control of expenditures. Responsible for maintaining an effective safety program CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Collection System Operations (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Assist the District's Safety and Risk Management Division with negotiations to resolve claims arising from collection system operations, stoppages and overflows, and vehicle incidents. Coordinate work of the department with that of other departments; promote teamwork and consensus building. Rr=VIPW dr-:LrtrnFn? rr ~-tt~~ci r:c~rrespondence and ~~rEpare_ responses Coordinate and direct, through subordinate supervisors, all investigations, studies, research, analyses, programs, projects, and operations and maintenance assigned to or being a responsibility of the department. Confer with the public and representatives of other agencies; maintain positive community relations. Represent the District at public and professional meetings in regard to present and future projects and various District matters. Hold departmental staff meetings delegating responsibilities and authority to various personnel and divisions of the department. Arrange for the services of consultants and oversee their work. Arrange for public services as required of the department. Act on behalf of the General Manager as required. Demonstrate a commitment to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce. Perform related duties as required i Deleted: EXAMPLES OF NON- ~iesearch and implement technological developments. [ssENTIAI_DUTIES-ouriesmay include. but are not limited to, the tullowm911 Review and critique designs, plans, and specifications ss they aiieci department, Deleted: RepresenllheDistrictat ronlerences.¶ 11 Responsible for rnaintainint~ an effective safety program. Deleted: . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Collection System Operations (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and techniques of organization, management, labor relations, personnel administration, budgeting, cost control, and staff development including and understanding the importance of authority, responsibility, accountability, and delegation. Engineering principles and practices as related and applied to the design, construction, and operation of wastewater collection ~ nd pumping facilities.. Materials, procedures, and equipment used in construction, operations, and maintenance of wastewater collection and pumpincj facilities. Principles of financial management, budget, and cost,Af operations and n1a111tenan~e of wastewater collection systems. Local, regional, state, and federal collection system related programs and regulations. Principles and practices of industrial safety regulations and guidelines. Ability to: Deleted: Deleted: treatment, and disposal systems, and facilities.¶ Deleted: ,treatment, and disposal facilities.¶ Deleted: Principles o1 project management and construction admimstration,¶ Deleted: control On a continuous basis analyze ie~al regulrements,. operating data, identify key issues, interpret detailed reports and contracts, know practical aspects of work, observe work practices and methods/operating facilities, problem solve interpersonal and technical problems, remember facts on operations and budget, understand complex problems/issues, and explaln<IO Otl"lets. Deleted: presentation Sit at a desk and in meetings for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk, and perform simple grasping and fine manipulation; use telephone, and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; lift or carry weight of 25 pounds or less. Plan, organize, and direct the work of a comprehensive and complex department. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Director of Collection System Operations (Continued) Ability to: Apply engineering principles and techniques to the solution of design, operation, and maintenance problems of substantial technical difficulty. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the department and with other departments and divisions of the District and with persons and organizations dealing with the District. Prepare clear and concise reports and specifications. Perceive and analyze problems correctly and take effective action. Prepare budgets and control expenditures. Experience and Education: Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. Atypical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience At least ten years of progressively responsible ~~i~era~~cti_r or engineering ~ Deleted: professional experience including at least six years of which were in a management position with a publicly owned water or wastewater utility, construction firm, environmental related industry, or similar organization. Education ,closelylrelated f eadchelorls degr A master's degeee endeng nee ng, business ~l Deleted: ,with major work in administration, or public administration is desirable. .engineering,-°`a Licenses and Certificates: Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Possession of aprofessional engineer lic~~ntit•,is desirable. Deleted: varidcertifioateof Registration as a _- -, - i Deleted: issued by the State of California in the aroa of civil, chemical, or mechanical engineering Agenda Item 7.a.2) Board Meeting of April 1, 2010 Written Announcements: Awards/Commendations a) Ba Than to Receive Award at Conference On March 18, 2010, Senior Engineer Ba Than was notified that he was selected as California Water Environment Association's (CWEA) 2009 recipient of the statewide "Supervisor of the Year Award". Earlier this year, he received the Supervisor of the Year Award for the CWEA Bay Section. The award will be presented to Mr. Than at CWEA's 82nd Annual Conference to be held at the Sacramento Convention Center from April 20-23, 2010. b) Tim Potter to Attend National Clean Water Aaencies' Workshop Environmental Compliance Superintendent Tim Potter will be attending the National Clean Water Agencies' 2010 National Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention Workshop in Phoenix, Arizona from May 19-21, 2010. Mr. Potter has been asked to give a presentation on pretreatment issues associated with stormwater diversions; a subject about which he has significant knowledge as a result of his efforts to track and comment on the recently adopted stormwater Municipal Regional Permit. The conference will cover significant pretreatment and pollution prevention issues that the District needs to address (e.g. fats, oils and grease; contaminants of emerging concern; and hauled waste). This conference is included in the Source Control training budget for fiscal year 2009-10. General c) John Muir Hospital Capacity Fees John Muir Hospital is nearing the completion of their main hospital remodel and the new buildings have been connected to the District's system which has added a capacity of 126 Residential Unit Equivalents (RUEs). John Muir has indicated that they will be paying their Capacity Fees in June of this fiscal year. This will mean that the District will see an additional $670,000 in capacity fee revenue this fiscal year instead of next fiscal year as anticipated. As a result, the capacity fee revenue is projected to be approximately $250,000 over budget this fiscal year. l Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Meeting April 1, 2010 Board Member McGill Item 7.d.1) FUTURE MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES WITH PAID EXPENSES AND/OR STIPEND Mayors' Conference in Antioch April 1, 2010 Contra Costa Council Breakfast Congressman John Garamendi Apri17, 2010 CCCSD Board Workshop April 8, 2010 MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES THAT EXPENSES AND/OR STIPEND WAS PAID Capital Projects Committee Meeting March 25, 2010 See "Action Summary" Item 7.d.3 Announcements Attended: Contra Costa Council Board Meeting March 19, 2010 Supervisor Uilkema' s Breakfast meeting Regarding transportation March 25, 2010 Pleasant Hill Rotary Club meeting March 25, 2010 Supervisor Bonilla's Budget Town Hall March 25, 2010 Bay Nature/Save Mt. Diablo Tour of the Concord Naval Weapons Station Site March 27, 2010 Retirement Reception Doug Craig and Bill Brennan March 30, 2010 Contra Costa Council Executive Board Meeting with Sunne McPeak regarding California Forward March 31, 2010 Will attend: Presentation to Transpac regarding Recycled Water and Pollution Prevention Apri18, 2010 HBANC Chairmen's' Council April 13, 2010 Contra Costa Council Land Use Task Force April 14, 2010 Concord Chamber of Commerce Mixer April 15, 2010