HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a.1. Establish Public Hearing Date Regarding Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Schedule of Environmental and Development Rates and ChargesCentral Contra Costa Sanitary District ' .BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 18, 2010 No.: 9.a.1) Engineering Type of Action: ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE Subject: ESTABLISH APRIL 15, 2010 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT-RELATED RATES AND CHARGES Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Kurt Darner, Development Services Supervisor Engineering/Environmental Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~l Dar r C. Swanson well .Alm James M. elly, Gener ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' consideration of amendments to the Schedule of Environmental-and Development-Related Rates and Charges. RECOMMENDATION: Establish April 15, 2010 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend the Schedule of Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None by this action. If the staff-proposed revisions to the Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charge are adopted, 24 fees would remain unchanged, 49 fees would increase, and one fee would decrease. Staff estimates that increased revenue in the fee categories where fee increases are recommended will be modest. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of Directors may decline to establish the recommended public hearing date or may elect to choose a different date. However, a public hearing must be held if Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges are to be revised. If the hearing is held on April 15, 2010 as recommended, the fees would be effective on July 1, 2010. BACKGROUND: Staff has completed its annual review of the District's Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges, and has concluded that it would be appropriate to revise rates and charges. Staff also proposes to conduct a public hearing on a recommendation to revise Capacity Fees at the same Board meeting (April 15, 2010). Page 1 of 2 N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Darner\2010\PP-Set Public Hearing Date for Env. & Develop. Rates & Charges FINAL 3-18-10.doc POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: March 18, 2010 Subject ESTABLISH APRIL 15, 2010 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT-RELATED RATES AND CHARGES A coordinated outreach program to inform and solicit input from interested customers regarding both the proposed Capacity Fees and the proposed Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges will be conducted by staff before the public hearing date. A memo summarizing the outreach and presenting the proposed letter to interested parties is attached. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Establish April 15, 2010 as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on and consider adoption of a proposed ordinance to amend the Schedule of Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges. Page 2 of 2 N:\ENVRSEC\Position Papers\Darner\2010\PP-Set Public Hearing Date for Env. 8 Develop. Rates & Charges FINAL 3-18-10.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 11, 2010 TO: THE HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: JAMES M. KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ~'~~ SUBJECT: PROPOSED CAPACITY FEE INCREASE AND REVISED SCHEDULE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT-RELATED RATES AND CHARGES The agenda for the March 18, 2010 Board Meeting includes a staff presentation of recommended changes for Capacity Fees and Environmental and Development Related Rates and Charges, and two Position Papers recommending that the Board set April 15, 2010 as the date for public hearings to receive comments and to consider adopting the proposed changes. This year, staff proposes a 2.9% increase in the Capacity Fee in the Gravity Zone and a 2.1 % increase in the Pumped Zone. In addition, it is recommended that most environmental and development-related rates and charges be increased between 1.6 and 9.0 percent, that one fee be decreased by 18.8 percent, that several fees remain unchanged and that more significant increases in five fees affecting a small number of customers be phased in over three years. If the Board decides to consider the staff proposal and sets a hearing date, an outreach program will be conducted to contact and engage customers with an interest in the fees, rates and charges. Notices of the public hearing will be posted on the bulletin board in the Headquarters Office Building Lobby and published in the Contra Costa Times. In addition, about 380 letters with detailed information about each proposal will be mailed to those companies, organizations and individuals who have specifically requested notice of fee increases including the Home Builder's Association of Northern California, the Engineering and Underground Contractors' Association, the Associated Building Contractors Golden Gate Chapter, current permit applicants, and contractors, engineers and developers who regularly work in the District. Informal meetings to discuss the fee proposals will be held the week before the public hearing. Copies of the draft letter and the two reports comprising the proposed outreach mailing are attached for your information, review and comment. After incorporating any review comments you may have, we plan to mail out these letters if the Board sets the hearing date. If you have any questions or would like to make comments on the outreach materials, please bring them up during the March 18th staff presentation, or call Jarred Miyamoto-Mills at (925) 229-7335. JM2: Attachments DRAFT - 03/02/2010 - JM2 PHONE: (925) 228-9.100 FAX (925) 228-4624 www. centralsan. orp March 22, 2010 Dear Interested Customer: JAMES M. KL'/,LY General Manager KliN70N L. ALM Counsel for the District (J lO) 808-2000 F.LAlNE R. BOEHMIs Secremry of the District PROPOSED INCREASE FOR CAPACITY FEES, AND REVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEVELOPMENT-RELATED RATES AND CHARGES Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) staff has recommended to its Board of Directors that capacity fees be increased, and that development-related rates and charges be revised to be current with our present cost of doing business. These fees were last increased on July 6, 2009. Reports discussing the two proposals are enclosed for your information. If . approved, the new capacity fees, and development-related rates and charges will be effective on July 1, 2010. Capacity Fees: The proposed capacity fee increases are principally due to CCCSD's 2008- 2009 investment of over $44 million in additions, upgrades, renovation, and replacement of capital facilities. The fees have been calculated so that new customers "buy in" to the current value of all CCCSD assets. This approach was first adopted in 2001, and was used in 2009, when the fees were last increased. Using this approach, each new customer's share in the current value of CCCSD facilities, equipment, land and fund balances is "equalized" with existing CCCSD customers at the time of connection. This is done by dividing the current value of all CCCSD assets by the current number of "Residential Unit Equivalents" (RUE) and charging this amount for new connections. The current and proposed capacity fees for each new residential unit and RUE are: Current Proposed Fee (before July 1, 2010) (effective July 1, 2010) Increase Gravity Service $5,298 per RUE $5,451 per RUE 2.9% Pumped Service $6,949 per RUE ~ $7,092 per RUE 2.1 Capacity fees for nonresidential (commercial, industrial and institutional) projects are also based on "Residential Unit Equivalents," so they will also increase by the same percentages if the proposal is adopted. Capacity Fees, and Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges Page 2 March 22, 2010 Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges: Chapter 6.30 of the CCCSD Code establishes environmental rates and charges to recover the costs for permitting of industrial users and for regulating septage/grease hauling and disposal, and development-related rates and charges to recover costs to provide services including: • Permit Issuance • Plan and easement review for main sewer extension projects • Inspection of main sewer extensions and side sewers • Processing of quitclaims and real property agreements • Administering the reimbursement and capacity use charge programs • Surveying and review of geotechnicel engineering • Preparing development-related record drawings and adding new development information to CCCSD's maps After a review of the rates and charges in effect since July 6, 2009, CCCSD staff recommended to the Board of Directors that most environmental and development-related rates and charges be increased between 1.6 and 9.0 percent, that one fee be decreased by 18.8 percent, that several fees including those for industrial user permits and septage/grease disposal remain unchanged and that more significant increases in five fees affecting a small number of customers be phased in over three years. Outreach Program: CCCSD staff will hold two informal meetings to discuss the proposed increases in capacity fees, as well as revision of the rates and charges, with interested customers. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., and the second is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Both meetings will be held in CCCSD's Board of Directors Meeting Room at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. A public hearing to receive comments on the capacity fee and rates and charges proposals is scheduled for Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 2 p.m. in CCCSD's Board of Directors Meeting Room. The draft ordinances. to be considered by the Board, and the data and documents on which the fee proposal is based will be available for review ten (10) days prior to the public hearing, as.required. If you have questions or would like any additional information, please contact me at 925-229-7335 or Kurt Darner at 925-229-7338, or send an a-mail message to jm2@centralsan.org. Sincerely, ~+[ J~ lA~r Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Principal Engineer JM2:KD/nap Enclosures Draft - 02/26/2010 - jm2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding the Capacity Fee Proposal March 2010 INTRODUCTION In September 1998, the state enacted S61760 that requires sewer connection fees to be based on one of two methods: 1) a buy-in to existing assets, or 2) the cost of future facilities expansion. This bill was enthusiastically endorsed and supported by home builders' associations statewide. In 2001, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (CCCSD) method for determination of Capacity Fees was changed to a "buy-in-to-all assets" approach. This was done to provide a rational, practical, equitable and defensible method to calculate the financial burden of new connections. The buy-in-to-all-assets approach is preferred primarily due to the "facilities-mature" status of CCCSD. In this context, facilities-mature means that the value of existing assets (about $1.64 billion) is many times the value of future facilities expansion needed to accommodate future customers. Stated differently, most of the facilities needed to serve new customers have already been built and paid for by current customers. As a consequence, most of the work envisioned in CCCSD's Capital Improvement Plan is for renovation, replacement or upgrading of facilities to maintain capacity for both current and prospective customers. Charging a Capacity Fee based on abuy-in-to-all-assets at the time of connection to the public sewer system equalizes the unit investment of each customer as they move from being a "future" to "current" customer. The following sections present a discussion of CCCSD's Capacity Fee approach, staff- proposed increases, and a planned customer/public outreach program. CCCSD'S APPROACH TO CALCULATING CAPACITY FEES CCCSD's current method of calculation for Capacity Fees is based on a buy-in-to-all- assets approach. The calculation estimates the "current value" of real property (land), facilities, equipment and the balances in the Sewer Construction, Running Expense, Debt Service and Self Insurance Funds. In the calculation, the current value of each asset category is determined as follows: • Land: The "current value" of investments in real property is estimated based on the opportunity value of like cash investments deposited in CCCSD's temporary investments at the time of each purchase and held at interest to the present, rather than by attempting to determine actual market value. Capacity Fee Proposal March 2010 Page 2 of 3 • Facilities: The current value of investments in physical facilities is estimated by both, 1) escalating each year's facilities expenditures based on the change in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco Bay Area (ENR-CCI-SF), and 2) applying straight-line depreciation using the following life cycles with no salvage value. Please note that a category for "Mains (Renovation Program)" has been included again this year in the current value of facilities for determination of Capacity Fees. This.category accounts for CCCSD's significant investment since 1988 in life-cycle replacement and renovation of sewers 10-inches in diameter and smaller. This work renews capacity in these smaller sewers for the benefit of both existing and new connectors and reduces future maintenance costs. Average Useful Life: Gravity Sewers Interceptors Trunks Mains (Renovated by District) Treatment Plant & Pumping Station Facilities Tanks/Foundations Buildings Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment Recycled Water Facilities Pipelines Mechanical, Electrical & Control Equipment General Improvements 150 years 100 years 75 years 100 years 75 years 30 years 50 years 30 years Buildings 50 years Mechanical/Electrical Equipment and Furnishings 25 years Vehicles and other Equipment 10 years Major Repairs/Replacements 10 years Capacity Fee Proposal March 2010 Page 3 of 3 • Fund Balances: Prior fiscal year-end balances for the Sewer Construction, Running Expense, Debt Service and Self Insurance Funds are used. The Sewer Construction Fund Balance is reduced by the principal value of CCCSD's outstanding debt. After estimating the "current value" for an asset category, the component of the Capacity Fee attributable to that category is calculated by dividing current value by the current number of customers (number of Residential Unit Equivalents: "RUE"): Buy-in Fee = Value of Assets Number of Customers (RUE) RECOMMENDED CAPACITY FEE INCREASES Staff recommends that the Board consider adopting Capacity Fees for the 2010-11 fiscal year by applying the valuation approach and facilities life cycles described above. The proposed capacity fee increases are principally due to CCCSD's 2008-09 investment of approximately $44 million in additions, upgrades, renovation, and replacement of capital facilities. The proposed fees are: Fee Cateporv Current Proaosed % change Gravity Service $5,298 per RUE $5,451 per RUE 2.9% Pumping Service $6,949 per RUE $7,092 per RUE 2.1% The calculation of these proposed fees is shown in Table 1. If the recommended Capacity Fees are adopted by the Board of Directors, approximately $150,000 in additional annual revenue will be generated in fiscal year 2010-11, based on connection of 600 Residential Unit Equivalents (RUE) in the gravity zone and 400 RUE in the pumped zone. The fee calculation approach is a rational, practical, equitable and defensible method to determine the financial burden of new connections. A comparison of the proposed Capacity Fees to the fees charged by neighboring agencies is presented in Table 2. EM:JM2 0 '- a O M O 07 O O N O M r i0 O r = O Of r 3 O ~ N = } ~ LL m ~ ~ M y c l6 3 7 V U R H N ai °' a d LL - Q W ~= w J U m d T 3 I-Um •• m _ ~ d ~ L av d a+ 01 ~ d l6 O ~ L ~ 7 U U W ER ~~ a d U d W d _3 l4 C Q d U O rn w ea U d N N Q e a o o e o e o 0 0 0 ~. m ~ ~n o m ao v m m o r O N V M O N O. N OD r r r r i7 u~ eo .- a m ~c o f9 r di I~ A Qi N fR N <O O IA /A fA ~ d! M ~ ~ ~ a m a 0 r r f0 M C Of r O OD Of N 01 OD N t0 N OD ~ M ~O M N r N r /A P ~+ ~O 1D N ~ W N f9 f9 M ~j ~ O to r; f9 f9 ~~ ~ ' N h O N O OD < M {O P t0 M 00 OD r M ~ O IA M t0 r O r r O m o m room a ~n m ~n ~ v_ t0 7 r ~ N A O C7 r O f0 OD 1A Of t0 O ~ a 01 P M N ~ N r OD V V O ~O ~ ~ N r 10 N ~- r O t0 r r H O V t0 a0 Of Oi < ~ OD a ~ ~ ro~ ~ n M eA M w en M 1A M fq N fD r fA V! W fD di /A W fA ~ w fA T y O M ~ ~` V O M \° 0 M ~ o T ~ ~ O y M T T ~ C + O ~ Z ~ .. ~ A M y ~ o y n . V A /~~ ~ V +? T C O } + T T O / ~'~ E V ~ ~' o n + O. 'S o T T r ~ ~ ~ W O ~ ~ ~ C ~ h ^` v ~ \° ~ o o A + ~~ @~ e O O O Ud v ~ c ~` _ 0 lA v ~ /~~ ~ G ~ N . T 1() ` G 7 m aU ~ ~. h O O R~ "" ~' "" ~ .~ . N ° // ~~~~ r .. V t y y C M V \° 3 ~ ..+ C d O 0 IL E A 10 O t E O m ~ m m T ~ ° o a d u~ ,~ 3 ~ of a ~ ~' 3 c w a .. c E Ud c. d °~ ~ w ~ c `~' r o. ~ o K +.+ ~ -'° T ~` O y O -HUGd ~ c~ `o ~ H a' U C7 ~ d V _~ m C 7 ~ ~ ~ J 7 ~ h J c Q 0 0 m N N M M N V r r ~ ~ r N a O N h M OD a .n v_ N M M ta0 ~ W m° m ~ ~ d V d I^~ V/ w ~ •~ a R ~ C7 a d ~ LL LL Y y Q. O. U U W 7 H c m ,7 W .. C R «. c m v 'y W d 7 R' d' v n N OD A ~ N tD tD < r N m N i+ d ~' .V - W .V LL m rn LL C ~' 'a '~ E ` 3 ~ a m Table 2 COMPARISON OF CAPACITY FEES Agency Dublin San Ramon Services District Pittsburg (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) Antioch (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) Mountain View Sanitary District Bay Point (Delta Diablo Sanitation District for Treatment) Proposed CCCSD Pumped Zone Current CCCSD Pumped Zone Proposed CCCSD Gravity Zone Current CCCSD Gravity Zone Concord West County Wastewater District Capacity Fee $14,965 $9,391 $9,391 $8,597 $7, 880 $7,092 $6,949 $5,451 $5,298 $4, 705 $2,547 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding Environmental and Development-Related Rates and Charges Proposal March 2010 OVERVIEW The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Board of Directors will soon consider adopting an ordinance to revise Chapter 6.30, Schedule of Rates and Charges, for various environmental and development-related services. If the proposed 2010-11 fees are adopted, estimated revenue in the fee categories where increased fees are recommended will be modest. BACKGROUND Chapter 6.30 'of the CCCSD Code includes a schedule of rates and charges for environmental and development-related services provided to property owners, contractors, developers, septic and grease waste haulers, and permitted industrial users. These services include permitting, plan review, inspection of construction for side sewers and main line extensions, addition of new sewers, parcels, and permit information to CCCSD maps, source control permits and inspections, and septic and grease hauler sampling and treatment. These rates and charges are intended to recover CCCSD's direct and indirect labor costs, other operating expenses, and administrative overhead incurred in providing each service. These rates and charges were last revised in 2009. CCCSD staff annually reviews the rates and charges to assess whether changes are appropriate. This year, as in the past, CCCSD has re-evaluated the rates and charges for the categories of Development Plan Review, Construction Inspection, Collection System, Right-of-Way, and Miscellaneous services. The recommended rates and charges are explained in the following pages. CCCSD staff has proposed that environmental rates and charges for industrial user permits and septage/grease disposal remain unchanged. PROPOSED RATES AND CHARGES The State of California mandates that revenues from fees, rates and charges not exceed the cost of providing services. Following its review, CCCSD staff recommended that rates and charges be revised to include: 1) adjustment for increased salaries, benefits and overhead; and 2) adjustment of the mileage rate for those charges that include a mileage factor. Table 1 presents a comparison of the current and proposed rates and charges. In 2007 and 2008, most rates and charges were increased by a fixed percentage in order to account for higher salaries, benefits, and overhead. In 2009, CCCSD staff Proposal to Revise Development-Related Rates and Charges March 2010 Page 2 conducted a comprehensive review of all rates and charges and included factors for higher salaries, a lower benefit and overhead rate, a lower vehicle use rate, a decrease in CCCSD's credit card transaction costs, as well as changes to some of the staff time requirements applicable to several of the rates and charges. The tentative 2009-10 fees, if calculated considering these factors, would have increased most fees less than five percent (5%). Staff recommended and the Board adopted a fee schedule where most fees remained unchanged iri 2009-10. For 2010-11, staff is recommending changes to the Schedule of Rates and Charges based on a 2.5% cost of living adjustment to staff salaries. The administrative overhead percentage remains 178% of direct salary cost, the same as in 2009-10. (Since the actual COLA adjustment will be known prior to mailing the outreach materials, the Schedule of Rates and Charges will be recalculated using the actual percentage and this report will be revised to reflect the recalculated rates and charges for the outreach program) Proposed Changes Recalculation of rates and charges based on the factors discussed above results in increases between 1.6 and 9.0 percent for most fees, an 18.8 percent decrease for one fee, and no change for several fees. For six fees where more significant increases affecting a small number of customers were calculated, staff recommends that the increases be phased in over athree-year period. Phased increases for four of these fees were approved in 2009-10, and so this year's increase is the second of the three annual increases. Two additional fees are proposed for three-year phase-in beginning in 2010-11. More detailed explanations are presented below for those fees, rates and charges where increases or decreases are proposed. Application Fee for new parcel -new sewer service: Staff recommends athree- year increase of $13 (6.6%) per year. This increase will bring the fee in line with the actual cost of administrative work associated with setting up new parcels, generally subdivision parcels, in the land, mapping and the Sewer Service Charge file systems. Application Fee -Capacity Use Program: Staff recommends that the Capacity Use Program Application Fee increase by $34 (16.0%). This program addresses unique discharge requirements and can consume significant staff time. This is the second year of a three-year increase that was approved in 2009-10. This fee applies to three or four customers each year. Reimbursement Account Set-Up Fee: Staff recommends that the Reimbursement Account Set-up Fee increase by $70 (8.7%). This is the second year of athree-year increase that was approved in 2009-10 based on the significant level of effort required to set up such accounts. This fee applies to mainline extension projects. There were no new reimbursement accounts established in 2009-10 due to the lack of new mainline extension projects. N:IENVRSRVtFees & Charges -Capacity, Environmental & Develcpment12010 ReviewlEnv'I and Dev't-Related Rates and ChargeslFINAL 2010 Staff Report - Dev Rates and Charges - EM Feb 25 2010.doc ~l Proposal to Revise Development-Related Rates and Charges March 2010 Page 3 Source Control Review: Staff recommends athree-year increase of $30 (15.8%) per year. This increase will result in a fee that more closely reflects the labor cost of completing the typical Source Control review of a new business. Site Collector Plan Check: Staff recommends that the Site Collector Plan Check Fee increase by $32 (14.6%). This is the second year of a three-year increase that was approved in 2009-10 to phase-in a fee that reflects the actual cost of reviewing commercial site collector sewers. This fee applies to three to five commercial site- collectorsewer projects each year. ' Single Inspection Charge: Staff recommends that the Single Inspection Charge increase of $12 (8.8%). The Single Inspection Fee is the basis for several other Construction Inspection fees. Outside Pump Installation fee: Staff recommends that this fee decrease by $100 (18.3%) to more accurately reflect the actual inspection time spent on a typical outside pump installation. Efficiencies in the program have resulted in fewer inspection visits than previously assumed. New Manhole, Rodding Inlet (Private): Staff recommends that that this fee increase by $49 (9.0%) due to an adjustment of actual staff time required to review such installations. Grease /Sand /Oil Interceptor /Trap: Staff recommends that that this fee increase by $73 (8.9%) due to an adjustment of actual staff time required to review such installations. Right of Entry /Encroachment Permit Fee: Staff recommends that this fee increase by $23 (18.7%). This is the second year of athree-year increase that was approved in 2009-10 to reflect the cost of the actual level of effort. Summary If the staff-proposed revisions to the Environmental and Development-Related Fees, Rates and Charge are adopted by the CCCSD Board of Directors, 49 fees would increase, one fee would decrease, and 24 fees would remain unchanged. Staff estimates that increased revenue in the fee categories where fee increases are recommended will be modest. EM:KD:JM2:mbs Attachments N:IENVRSRV1Fees & Charges -Capacity, Environmental & Development12010 ReviewlEnv'I and Dev't-Related Rates and ChargeslFINAL 2010 Staff Report - Dev Rates and Charges - EM Feb 25 2010.doc ATTACHMENT1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED RATES 8~ CHARGES FOR 2010-11 March 2010 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (A) DEVELOPMENT AND PLAN REVIEW Review of new sewer plans and related documents; review of plans for and processing of residential and commercial permit applications; installer reimbursement of sewer construction costs from subsequent connectors, identification of right-of-way conflicts. (A-1) Development Review: Mainline Plan Review (actual cost): Base Fee (minimum charge) $2,074 $2,179 5.1% Each additional hour in excess of base fee $125 $132 5.6%, Special Cut Sheet Review $200 $208 4.0% Manhole only design & plan review $843 $886 5 1%, Right of Way Document Review - IOD /Sub Map (each): 5579 $594 2.6% Right of Way Document Review - No Changes Required 5376 5390 3.7% Right of Way document review -Appurtenance (initial): 5539 $539 no change Appurtenance (each additional) 5199 $206 3.5% (A-2) Application Fees Basic Application (side sewer work, easement staking, permit renewal) $89 $95 6.7% Existing parcel -new sewer service $121 $130 7.4% New parcel -new sewer service °_ _ _ __ -, _- - - $196 $209 6.6% Commercial Application $200 $200 no change Capacity Use Program ;- ~aase each year for three years - 2nc yae~r $212 $246 16.0% (A-3) Reimbursement Accounts: Set-up fee 5-~ ~. evs~ ~~~„ ,~:,-cr threw years - 2nd yaar, $806 $876 8.7% Transaction fee $139 $147 5.8% (A-4) Commercial Business Plan Review (change in RUE value) $123 $128 4.1% Special Studies Base fee (4 hours plus misc. costs) $504 $522 3.6% Each additional hour $108 $113 4.6% Source ControlReview, ~-. ~:~ ; -- .:; ~ ,::~ ~ ~ :ya::r, $190 $220 15.8% Grease Variance Review (includes site visit) $286 $296 3.5% Site Collector Plan Check -formerly "Commercial Development Plan Check" . - -,;reps: =_~~- .~_,~ ~ 7 =-- -- $219 5251 14.6% (A-5) Private pumping system plan check $355 $373 5.1% Additional Review $139 $147 5.8% Pre-approved Pump Systems $139 $147 5.8% Annexation Fee $392 $392 no change ~~A-?~ 'Soac'~c' =+oo~^val~ $206 $216 4.9% Revised: 3/10/2010 Proposed Fee Comparison - 2010.x1s Page 1 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT i3< PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES FOR 2010-11 March 2010 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (B) CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection of new sewer main construction and new connections and other sewer work on private property (includes TV inspection when appropriate). (B-1) Mainline Inspection (contributed assets): Base Fee $599 $626 4.5% Per Foot Charge (in street) $9.81 $9.98 1.7% Per Foot Charge (in undeveloped land) $6.76 $6.87 1.6% New Manhole, Rodding Inlet $596 $621 4.2% (B-2) Inspections by type: Side Sewer Installation /Repair per 100 feet: $137 $149 8.8% Single Inspection Charge (e.g. sewer connection; encroachment verification; side sewer cap on property; tap and lateral (new or replacement); air test; reinspection; homeowner preconstruction inspection) $137 $149 8.8% Manhole tap; lateral abandonment at main; pipe bursting; trash enclosure w/o trap; side sewer CIPP repair $274 $298 8.8% Manhole Alteration; trash enclosure with trap $411 $447 8.8% Outside pump installation $547 $447 -18.3% New Manhole or Rodding Inlet (private) $547 $596 9.0% Grease /Sand /Oil Interceptor /Trap $821 $894 8.9% (B-3) Overtime inspection: First Hour (if responding from off-site) $85 $91 7.1 Every hour thereafter , $58 $61 5.2% Weekend/Holiday (New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas) - 4 hr. minimum $262 $274 4.6% (B-4) Inspection of non-permitted work (+ avoided charge) $286 $298 4.2% Revised: 3/1 012 0 1 0 Proposed Fee Comparison - 2010.x1s Page 2 ATTACHMENT1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT 8~ PROPOSED RATES 8~ CHARGES FOR 2010-11 March 2010 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (C) COLLECTION SYSTEM SERVICES TV inspection of sewers conducted separate from a construction inspection activity; verification of sewer location and sewer service connection. (C-1) N Inspection: Weekday, hourly rate $187 $196 4.8% Minimum Charge (2 hr min) $376 $392 4.3% Overtime -First Hour $126 $134 6.3% Overtime -Each Additional Hour $105 5108 2.9% Overtime -Weekend /Holiday (4 hr min) $446 $458 2.7% (C-2) Dye test $257 5257 no change (C-3) Collection system repair Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (C-4) Cancelled N Inspection without prior notice 5331 $345 4.2% (C-5) Sewer locating and marking $213 $222 4.2% (D) RIGHT-OF-WAY Establishing right-of-way agreements and resolving conflicts. (D-1) Process Quitclaim Deeds S907 $945 4.2% Process Quitclaim Deed -plat and legal by others $551 $571 3.6% (D-2) Process Real Property Agreement. License, or Easement Base Fee (minimum charge) $746 $776 4.0% Each Additional Hour (after 2 hours) $116 $122 5 2% (D-3) Right-of-way Research /Encroachment Resolution Fee Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (D-4) Right of Entry /Encroachment Permit Fee . =; c-~ ~,-., , - _n.. ~ $123 5146 18.7% (E) MISCELLANEOUS District services provided for private sewer projects; interest rates for CCCSD programs; copying fees. (E-1) Engineering -private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (E-2) Soil evaluation -private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (E-3) Surveying Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (E-4) Minimum annual interest rate for CADS and Capacity Use Program 6.00% 6.00% no change (E-5) Monthly interest rate to be applied to Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts (AVADs) State of California Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) Average Monthly Effective Yields (E-6) Document /Plan Copying Fees 8 1/2" x 11"; 8 1/2" x 14". 11" x 17" (per sheet) $0.15 $0.15 no change 24" x 36" Plan (per sheet) 53.00 $3.00 no change CCCSD Standard Specifications S2D 00 $20.00 no change Revised: 3/10/2010 Proposed Fee Comparison - 2010.x1s Page 3 ATTACHMENT1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT 8~'PROPOSED RATES & CHARGES FOR 2010-11 March 2010 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (F) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES Permitting and inspection of industries and other commercial dischargers to ensure availability and use of pretreatment processes. Base permit fee of Base permit fee of (F-1) Class I Fees $3,256 + cost of ' $3,256 + cost of ' no change District s lab District s lab analysis analysis Base permit fee of Base permit fee of (F-2) Class II Fees $3,256 + cost of ' $3,256 + cost of ' no change District s lab District s lab analysis analysis (F-3) Class III Fees 0 $0 no change (F-4) Industrial user permit application fee 0 $0 no change (F-5) Special discharge permit application fee (*) No on-site inspection $65 each $65 each no change On-site inspection Base fee of $345 Base fee of $345 no change (G) SEPTAGE DISPOSAL (") Sampling and disposal of septic waste and grease. (G-1) Annual permit fee $1,650 $1,650 no change (G-2) Residential septic/toilet waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.14/gal $18 + $0.14/gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.14/gal $58 + $0.14/gal no change (G-3) Restaurant grease waste < 2,000 gallons $18 + $0.02/gal $18 + $0.02/gal no change > 2,000 gallons $58 + $0.02/gal $58 + $0.02/gal no change (*) Additional charges to be billed separately if staff time incurred is above that included in the base fee. (") Other approved waste will be charged at the residential septic and portable toilet waste rate unless actual strength characteristics are provided. Revised: 3/10/2010 Proposed Fee Comparison - 2010.x1s Page 4