HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.(Handout 2) Revised Staff ReportATTACHMENT 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Report Regarding Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges Update June 6, 2024 OVERVIEW The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) Board of Directors will soon consider adopting an ordinance to revise Central San District Code Chapter 6.30, Schedule of Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges (Schedule), for various environmental and development services. BACKGROUND Chapter 6.30 of the District Code includes a schedule of fees and charges for environmental and development -related services provided to property owners, contractors, developers, septic and grease waste haulers, and permitted industrial users. These services include: permitting; plan review; inspection of construction for side sewers and main line extensions; addition of new sewer, parcel, and permit information to Central San's maps and related systems; source control permits and inspections; and septic and grease hauler sampling and treatment. The fees and charges included on the Schedule are intended to recover Central San's labor costs, administrative overhead, and other operating expenses incurred in providing the related services. The extent to which these fees and charges can be adjusted is limited by California State Law which generally requires that fees and charges do not exceed the "reasonable costs" incurred in providing the services for which those fees or charges are levied. For example, following the passage of Proposition 26 in November 2010, language was included in the state Constitution (Article XIII.A, Section 3) requiring that the cost for any fee or charge "is no more than necessary to cover the reasonable costs of the governmental activity, and that the manner in which those costs are allocated to a payor bear a fair or reasonable relationship to the payor's burdens on, or benefits received from, the governmental activity." Central San staff reviews the costs required to provide the corresponding services on a regular basis in order to assess whether changes to the Schedule may be appropriate. The most recent update to these fees was approved by the Board on June 1, 2023 with an effective date of July 1, 2023. FEE COMPONENTS/STANDARD CALCULATION METHODOLOGY The majority of fees and charges included on the Schedule are based on salary and related benefit and overhead costs for staff time and effort. In some cases, additional Report Regarding Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges Page 2 June 6, 2024 costs for mileage and other service costs are also included. In a few cases, the fee or charge represents costs unrelated to labor (e.g., reproduction charges). In all cases, fees are designed to recover the costs that Central San incurs in providing the related service during the fiscal year (FY). As a result, fees are based on averages of projected labor, overhead, mileage, and other costs that are reasonably expected to be incurred. These component costs are primarily based on the following methodologies: Direct Labor: Applicable labor rates for FY 2024-25 are determined using a weighted average of projected hourly labor rates effective April 18, 2024 and projected hourly labor rates effective April 18, 2025. Because labor rates for a portion of FY 2024-25 are dependent on rates which not be available until at least March of 2025, this portion of costs is estimated based on future assumptions. Labor rates are assumed to increase 3.75% each April 18. Step D for each labor grade is used in calculations. • Benefits & Related/Overhead Costs: Employee benefit and related overhead costs for each transaction type are calculated by applying Central San's Board -approved administrative overhead rate to the total Direct Labor cost for that transaction as determined above. The Board -approved overhead rate for FY 2024-25 is 163%1, down from 164% during FY 2023-24. Vehicle & Equipment Costs: The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) periodically issues guidance on standard mileage rates applicable to transportation or travel - related expenses. The applicable rate for calendar year 2024 is $0.67 per mile. Since vehicle depreciation costs are already captured in Central San's administrative overhead rate noted above, this same IRS guidance sets a "Basis Reduction Amount" to reduce this rate by $0.30 per mile in order to prevent over - recovery of these costs. Applying this reduction decreases the applicable mileage rate to $0.370 per mile 2, down from $0.395 per mile in the previous year. o The IRS mileage rates above are applicable to calendar year 2024. For the purpose of calculating the fees in this Schedule, staff assumes no change for future years (dates after December 31, 2023). • Other Costs: o Outside Recording/Processing Fees: Certain fees (for example, quitclaim, annexation, property agreements) include a direct pass-through of any fees that the District is charged in order to record various documents with related county or other outside offices and agencies. FEES WITH ALTERNATIVE COST METHODOLOGIES Central San March 21, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Agenda Item 5. 2 IRS Notice 2024-08, "2024 Standard Mileage Rates", available at https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-issues-standard- mileage-rates-for-2024-mileage-rate-increases-to-67-cents-a-mile-up-1-point-5-cents-from-2023 Report Regarding Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges Page 3 June 6, 2024 The calculations for some fees do not follow the methodology described above. These alternative methodologies include the following: Interest Rate — Central San provides various financial assistance agreements to eligible customers for sewer -related projects, each of which includes an annual interest charge. The interest rate is determined by calculating the difference (or "spread") between U.S. Treasury rates for 3 -month and 20 -year Treasury bills at the end of the most recent calendar year, adding the quarterly rate determined by the California State Treasurer for Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) earnings at the end of the same period, plus an additional 0.50% intended to cover Central San's costs in administering these financing programs3. The calculated rate is applied to agreements executed during the effective period. "No Charge" — Consistent with previous Board direction, some services are provided at no charge, including: o Application Fee for Installation of an Overflow Protection Device o Inspection of an Overflow Protection Device installation o Industrial User Permit application fee o Industrial User Permit Class III Permit Fee "Actual Expense" — Some activities are so variable or unique to particular circumstances that a standardized cost estimate cannot be reasonably determined in advance. Since the overall cost can differ from project to project based on the actual level of effort required, the fees for these activities are stated as "Actual Expense". Examples include property annexations and activity related to research and surveying. PROPOSED FEES AND CHARGES For FY 2024-25, staff does not recommend additions or subtractions to the Schedule to account for changes in business processes. A comparison of the current and proposed fees and charges is included as Exhibit 1. There are 89 fees on the current schedule. Staff recommends increases to 45 items, decreases to 0 items, and no change to the remaining 44. The overall median adjustment is generally +1.3%. FINANCIAL IMPACT The fees and charges on this schedule are intended to recover Central San's labor costs, administrative overhead, and other operating expenses incurred in providing the related 3 Previously, this rate was calculated using values for U.S. Treasury and California State LAIF rates reported as of March 31. Due to the availability of data required to calculate this amount, effective with this year's review the basis period is being adjusted from March back to the previous December. Report Regarding Environmental and Development -Related Fees and Charges Page 4 June 6, 2024 services. The FY 2024-25 District budget projects approximately $2.2 million in Operating and Non -Operating Revenues for Schedule -related items, consistent with the $2.2 million budgeted for these items in the FY 2023-24 budget. Although several fee increases are requested, a lower level of development is anticipated due to uncertainty in the current economic climate (specifically related to inflation and interest rates) combined with the impact of other factors on future economic conditions. SUMMARY If the proposed revisions to the Schedule are adopted, 45 items will increase, 0 will decrease, and 44 items will remain the same. Attached Supporting Document: 1. Comparison of Current & Proposed Fees & Charges for FY 2024-25 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change DEVELOPMENT Review of new sewer and recycled water plans and related documents; review of plans for and processing of residential and commercial permit applications; installer reimbursement of sewer construction costs from subsequent connectors; identification of right-of-way conflicts. (A-1) Application Fees: Basic Application (side sewer work, easement $170 $170 0.0% staking, permit renewal) Application for new sewer service - new parcel $352 $353 0.3% Application for new sewer service - existing parcel $255 $255 0.0% Commercial Application (for review of plans for a change in use or expansion of a commercial facility; $363 $363 0.0% includes up to one hour of plan review) Commercial Application - Each additional hour $183 $183 0.0% Overflow Protection Device Installation (OPD only) no charge no charge no change Side Sewer Cleanout installation (to facilitate $25 $25 no change installation of OPD only; permit not upgradable) Non -Residential Capacity Fee Installment $533 $540 ° 1.3/° Payment Program Application Fee Residential Capacity Fee Installment Program and $533 $540 1.3% Promissory Note Program Application Fee (A-2) Mainline Extensions: Plan Review (Sewer Service): Sewer Service Review (Base fee - up to 3 $3,825 $3,859 ° 0.9/o submittals) Restart Application (where design concept previously approved & complies with current Std $1,844 $1,860 0.9% Specs, up to 3 submittals Each additional hour $206 $209 1.50 Manhole only (design & plan review) $1,182 $11185 0.3% Plan Review (Recycled Water): Recycled Water Review (Base fee - up to 8 hours) $3,457 $3,494 1.1% Each additional hour $206 $209 1.5% Recycled Water Connection only (design & plan $1,402 ° 1.4/o review)$1,382 Right of Way Document Review: Appurtenant Easements (Base fee - up to 3 $669 ° 2.0/° hours)$656 Subdivision Map (each) $605 $634 4.8% Separate Instrument (Base Fee) $779 $809 3.9% Each additional hour $219 $223 1.8% Page 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee IF % Change (A-3) Private Pumping System Plan Check: System Compatibility Review for Pump (up to 2 hours) $437 $446 ° 2.1/° Each additional hour $219 $223 1.8% (A-4) ISpecial Approvals $419 $419 0.0% (A-5) Annexation Fee (per District Code 6.08.030): New Annexations Actual Expense Actual Expense 1po change Annexation Recovery Fee $675 $676 1 0.1% (A-6) Reimbursement Accounts: Set-up fee $1,487 $1,492 0.3% Transaction fee $207 $207 0.0% (A-7) Special Studies: Base fee - up to hours; plus misc. costs $905 4 $921 1.8% -4 Each additional hour $185 $189 11 2.2% (A-8) Environmental Compliance Reviews: Environmental Compliance Business Review - base fee - up to 4 hours; includes plan review, site visit and inspection time $1,086 $1,086 0.0% Each additional hour $222 $222 0.0% Grease Variance Review (includes site visit) $469 $469 0.0% Environmental Compliance Enforcement Review and Inspection $587 $588 0.2% Page 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Inspection of new sewer main construction and new sewer and recycled water connections and other related work on private property (includes TV inspection when appropriate). Hours of operation, including premium and holiday schedules, are available at.- t.www. www.centralsan. orp/pod/hours-directions (B-1) Inspections by type: Mainline base fee $1,001 $1,021 2.0% Mainline per foot (includes in-line manholes or $15.73 $16.04 2.0% structures) New Manhole or structure (e.g. recycled water $1,144 $1,144 ° 0.0% meter) Overflow Protection Device installation (OPD only) no charge no charge no change Side Sewer Cleanout installation (to facilitate $50 $50 no change installation of OPD onl Side Sewer Installation / Repair per 100 feet: $265 $265 0.0% Single Inspection Charge (e.g. sewer connection; encroachment verification; side sewer cap on property; tap and lateral (new or replacement); air $265 $265 0.0% test; reinspection; homeowner preconstruction inspection) Recycled water connection cross-testing $692 $700 1.2% Manhole tap; lateral abandonment at main; pipe bursting; trash enclosure w/o trap; side sewer CIPP $530 $530 0.0% repair; outdoor grease trap only Manhole Alteration; trash enclosure with trap; $795 $795 0.0% grease interceptor abandonment Outside pump installation $1,060 $1,060 0.0% Grease / Sand / Oil Interceptor $1,590 $1,590 0.0% (B-2) Overtime inspection: First Hour (if responding from off-site) $152 $153 0.7% Weekend/Holiday - 4 hour minimum $449 $453 0.9% Each additional hour $99 $100 1.0% (B-3) Inspection of non-permitted work; plus avoided $1,192 $1,192 0.0% charge(s) Page 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Application of Fee (B-4) INSPECTION CHARGES FOR NEW CONNECTIONS (Informational Only) Current procedure at the Permit Counter is to collect all connection and inspection fees for new construction when a structure's roof is on and the rough plumbing is installed ("Roof and Rough"). Under the new procedure, a developer can choose to: 1. Connect at Roof and Rough, or 2. Connect at building foundation following the procedures outlined in the Standard Specifications. For either scenario, connection fees will be due and payable prior to permit issuance (consistent with District Code). The changes affect Category (B) Construction Inspection as shown below: Residential Connections (up to and including four units) at Roof and Rough: This fee is for inspection of new residential units connecting to CCCSD's mainline after the structure's roof is on and $530 per unit $530 per unit 0.0% the rough plumbing has been installed. This fee includes: one building connection inspection and one side sewer inspection (up to 100 feet). Additional insipections and related fees may be re uired. Residential Connections (up to and including four units) at building foundation: This fee is for inspection of new residential units connecting to CCCSD's mainline prior to structure being roofed and rough plumbing being installed. This fee includes: $1,060 per unit $1,060 per unit o 0.0% one building connection inspection, one side sewer inspection (up to 100 feet), and two additional inspections as required per CCCSD Standard Specifications. Additional inspections and related fees maV be required. Commercial/Multiple Residential Connections (more than four units) at Roof and Rough: This fee is for inspection of new commercial or multiple residential units connecting to CCCSD's mainline after structure's roof is on and the rough plumbing $530 per unit $530 per unit 0.0% has been installed. This fee includes: one building connection inspection and one side sewer inspection (up to 100 feet). Additional inspections and related fees may be required. Commercial/Multiple Residential Connections (more than four units) at building foundation: This fee is for inspection of new commercial or multiple residential units connecting to CCCSD's mainline prior to structure being roofed and rough plumbing being installed. This fee includes: one $1,325 per unit $1,325 per unit 0.0% building connection inspection, one side sewer inspection (up to 100 feet), one pre-construction meeting, and two additional inspections as required per CCCSD Standard Specifications. Additional ins ections and related fees may be required. Page 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change COLLECTION TV inspection of sewers conducted separate from a construction inspection activity; verification of sewer location and sewer service connection. (C-1) TV Inspection: Weekday, hourly rate $298 $302 1.3% Minimum Charge (2 hour minimum) $596 $604 1.3% Overtime - First Hour $213 $215 0.9% Overtime - Each Additional Hour $166 $169 1.8% Overtime - Weekend / Holiday (4 hour minimum) $711 $722 1.5% (C-2) Dye test $339 $342 0.9% (C-3) Collection system repair Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (C-4) Cancelled TV Inspection without prior notice $563 $567 0.7% (C-5) Sewer locating and marking $339 $342 0.9% • Establishing right-of-way agreements and resolving conflicts. (D-1) Process Quitclaim Deeds$1,267 $1,267 0.0% Process Quitclaim Deed - plat and legal by others $805 $807 0.2% (D-2) Process Real Property Agreement, License, or Easement: Base Fee - Up to 4 hours $1,251 $1,255 0.3% Each Additional Hour $168 $173 3.0% (D-3) Right-of-way hResearch / Encroachment Resolution Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (D-4) Right of Entry / Encroachment Permit Fee Base Fee - Up to 2 hours $457 $469 2.6% Each Additional Hour $168-4 $173 3.0% Page 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (E) MISCELLANEOUS District services provided for private sewer projects; interest rates for CCCSD programs; copying fees. (E-1) Engineering - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (E-2) Soil evaluation - private sewer projects Actual Expense Actual Expense no change (E-3) Surveying Actual Expense Actual Expense no change Annual interest rate for CADs, Septic to (E-4) Sewer,Lateral Replacement, Non-residential 3.84% 4.50% 17.1% Capacity Fee Programs Multiplier to be applied to Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) 2010-11 Parcel (E-5) Assessment Amount listed in Ordinance 262 -Exhibit 1.11496 1.13916 2.2% B to determine AVAD Reimbursement Fee amounts applicable to connections in FY 2024-25. Multiplier to be applied to St. Mary's Road (E-6) Contractual Assessment District (CAD) 2011-1 1.01511 1.03714 2.2% Reimbursement Fees listed in Ordinance 279 -Exhibit B. Applicable to connections in FY 2024-25. (E-7) Returned Check / Insufficient Funds Fee $40 plus $40 plus no change bank fees bank fees Up to 10% of Up to 10% of unpaid amount unpaid amount (E-8) Delinquent / Late Payment Fee due plus 1.5% per due plus 1.5% per no change month on unpaid month on unpaid balance balance (E-9) Document / Plan Copying Fees: 8 1/2" x 11"; 8 1/2" x 14"; 11" x 17" (per sheet) $0.20 $0.20 0.0% 24" x 36" Plan (per sheet) $4.00 $4.00 0.0% CCCSD Standard Specifications $25.00 $25.00 0.0% CCCSD Standard Specifications (Pocket Guide) $5.00 $5.00 0.0% Page 6 Page 7 10. (Handout 2) CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF CURRENT & PROPOSED FEES & CHARGES FOR FY 2024-25 Fee Category Current Fee Proposed Fee % Change (F) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT FEES Permitting and inspection of industries and other commercial dischargers to ensure availability and use of pretreatment processes. (F-1) Class I Fees (Base fee plus cost of District's lab Actual Expense Actual Expense no change analysis) (F-2) Class II Fees (Base fee plus cost of District's lab $4,168 $4,168 0.0% analysis) (F-3) Class III Fees (Base fee plus cost of District's lab no charge no charge no change analysis) (F-4) Industrial user permit application fee no charge no charge no change (F-5) Special discharge permit application fee (*): No on-site inspection, no capacity review $385 $385 0.0% On-site inspection $952 $953 0.1% Additional charge for capacity review (Required $261 $270 o 3.4 /o for discharges >50 m (G) SEPTAGE -• Sampling and disposal of septic waste and grease. (G-1) Annual permit fee $1,532 $1,536 0.3% (G-2) Residential septic/toilet waste: < 2,000 gallons $40 + $0.15/gal. $40 + $0.15/gal. no change > 2,000 gallons $80 + $0.15/gal. $80 + $0.15/gal. no change (G-3) Restaurant grease waste: < 2,000 gallons $40 + $0.03/gal. $40 + $0.03/gal. no change > 2,000 gallons $80 + $0.03/gal. $80 + $0.03/gal. I no change (*) Additional charges to be billed separately if staff time incurred is above that included in the base fee. (**) Other approved waste will be charged at the residential septic and portable toilet waste rate unless actual strength characteristics are provided. Page 7