HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. Hold a public hearing to receive public comment on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Central San BudgetItem 8. BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER M E E T ING D AT E:J UNE 6, 2024 S UB J E C T: HO L D A P UB L I C HE A R I NG TO R E C E I V E P UB L I C C O MME NT O N T HE F I S C A L YE A R (F Y) 2024-25 C E NT R A L S A N B UD G E T F O R T HE F O L L O W I NG F UND S: O P E R AT I O NS A ND MA I NT E NA NC E, C A P I TA L I MP R O V E ME NT, S E L F -I NS UR A NC E, A ND D E B T S E RV I C E A ND F I ND T HE P R O P O S E D F Y 2024-25 D I S T R I C T B UD G E T I S E X E MP T F R O M T HE C A L I F O R NI A E NV I R O NME NTA L Q UA L I T Y A C T (C E Q A) S UB M I T T E D B Y: K E V I N MI Z UNO, F I NA NC E MA NA G E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: A D MI NI S T R AT I O N-F I NA NC E RE V IE WE D B Y:E D G A R J . L O P E Z , C A P I TA L P R O J E C T S D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R P HI L I P L E I B E R , D E P UT Y G M - A D MI NI S T R AT I O N R oger S . B ailey General Manager IS S UE Pursuant to Central S an's Budget P olicy (B P 048), prior to adoption of the budget, a public hearing must be held to receive public comment f or the following f unds: Operations and Maintenance (O&M), C apital I mprovement, S elf-I nsurance, and D ebt S ervice. B AC K G RO UND C entral San's draft F Y 2024-25 B udget book (A ttachment 1) was distributed to Board Members on May 2, 2024, at a regularly scheduled public meeting. T he following is a timeline of meetings where the proposed F Y 2024-25 B udget has been reviewed by the Board and its Committees and made available to the public for review and f eedback: May 8 E ngineering & Operations Committee review of Capital I mprovement B udget (C I B) May 14 F inance C ommittee review of overall Budget with a f ocus on O&M, Self - June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 79 of 231 Page 1 of 9 I nsurance, and Debt Service May 16 P resentation of B udget by staff at B oard Meeting J une 6 P ublic Hearing on Budget Adoption C ommencing on page 51 of the F Y 2024-25 draf t B udget book, the F inancial S ummary section provides a comprehensive synopsis of the core elements of C entral San's entire budget including analysis of specific funds, revenues, expenses, and reserves. A presentation providing an overview of the proposed F Y 2024- 25 budget was provided to the Board at the May 16, 2024 public meeting. A dditionally, a presentation providing an overview of the F Y 2024-25 C I B as well as the long-term (ten-year) Capital I mprovement Plan (C I P ) was provided to the B oard that same day. At the May 16, 2024 meeting, the B oard was asked to review and provide feedback on the proposed F Y 2024-25 B udget following presentations by staff. I ncorporating f eedback f rom B oard Members as well as various District staff, several revisions were made to the draft budget book provided to the Board on May 2, 2024, which are summarized in the attached C hange L og (A ttachment 2). California Environmental Quality Act (C EQ A) Staf f has evaluated the F Y 2024-25 O&M, Sewer C onstruction, S elf-I nsurance, and D ebt S ervice F und budgets and concludes the adoption of these budgets are not projects, are ministerial in nature, and are exempt from C E Q A . T hey are exempt under C entral San's C E Q A Guidelines Section 15301, since each funds the ongoing operations of C entral San and the C I B f unds the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the present time. Approval of the F Y 2024-25 B udgets will establish the B oard of D irectors’ independent finding that these budget documents are exempt f rom C E Q A. T he B oard further f inds that, although the C I P Budget will authorize amounts of individual capital improvement project spending, the adoption of the Budget does not authorize construction of any project requiring C E Q A compliance documentation. Central S an either has or will produce appropriate C E Q A compliance documentation prior to undertaking any "project" identif ied in these documents. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS T he B oard has considered numerous financial planning alternatives and assumptions, most recently at the April 4, 2024 publicly held f inancial workshop. T his budget reflects the policy direction provided in areas including the composition and level of the Capital I mprovement B udget in the context of the C omprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (C W MP), responsibly managing unf unded liabilities, including f or f our (4) new permanent f ull-time equivalent (F T E) positions to address new needs and overall guidance regarding the need for fiscal discipline and cost control. F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S Adoption of the proposed F Y 2024-25 budget will provide Central S an the resources necessary to accomplish S trategic Plan Objectives directed by the B oard for that year. T he F Y 2024-25 budget was prepared using the sewer service charge revenue assumptions per the proposed two-year rate plan. Sewer service charge revenues in F Y 2024-25 are proportioned as follows: O&M 60.6%; Capital 37.9%; Self -I nsurance 1.5%. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T he E ngineering and Operations Committee reviewed the C apital I mprovement budget on May 8, 2024. T he F inance C ommittee received a staf f presentation of the F Y 2024-25 O&M, Self -I nsurance, and June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 80 of 231 Page 2 of 9 D ebt S ervice f und budgets on May 14, 2024. B oth Board Committees provided f eedback to staf f , which has been considered in the f inal version of the budget book recommended f or adoption by the B oard. A log of revisions made subsequent to the distribution of the initial draft of the budget book on May 2, 2024, has been attached hereto (A ttachment 2). A revised version of the budget book will be posted to the C entral San website, under "F inancial I nf ormation". RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N Hold a public hearing on the proposed budget and hear any public comment received and take the following actions: A. F ind that the F Y 2024-25 D istrict Budget is exempt from C E Q A B. A dopt the F Y 2024-25 D istrict Budget f or the Operations and Maintenance; C apital I mprovement; S elf- I nsurance; and D ebt S ervice f unds, as presented. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L O N E: Customer and C ommunity Strategy 1 – Deliver high-quality customer service G O A L FO U R : G overnance and Fiscal R esponsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 2 - Encourage and facilitate public participation, Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. Replacement Sheet- D raf t B udget 2024-25 2. F Y 2024-25 Budget Revision L og June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 81 of 231 Page 3 of 9 Attachment 1 Final Draft Central San FY 2024-25 Budget See separate Budget Binder distributed May 2, 2024. The final draft Budget (as of May 31, 2024) is also available on the District’s website as part of the Public Hearing Board agenda item and in Public Notices section: www.centralsan.org Please contact Katie Young, Secretary of the District, with any questions: Telephone: (925) 229-7303 Email: kyoung@centralsan.org June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 82 of 231 Page 4 of 9 Attachment 2 FY 2024‐25 Budget Revision Log This log includes substantive edits made to the FY 2024‐25 Budget Book distributed to the Board on May 2, 2024. Section Page #  Table/Paragraph  Description of Change Introduction 13 Environmental  Stewardship discussion. Addition of:  "Continued to provide flows for use by the Dublin San Ramon Services  District (DSRSD) East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Recycled Water Authority  (DERWA)." Introduction 18 Community Profile Addition of:  "A short distance away, the Cities of Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill  and San Ramon boast revitalized shopping districts, drawing retailers and restaurants  from other parts of the state to open locations there. " Introduction 18 Environmental  Stewardship table Addition of: "Leadership in PFAS outreach and support of legislative efforts to address  PFAS." Intro 27 1st paragraph missing a period in first sentence Key Budget Priorities:  Responding to  Challenges 35 Environmental Stewardship under FY 2024‐25 Budgeted Project(s) added "Leadership in  PFAS outreach and support of legislative efforts to address PFAS." Financial Summary 53 City of Concord Addition of: "The cities are responsible for paying their flow‐proportional share of the  operating and maintenance costs and capital spending costs or associated debt service  for Central San’s treatment plant." Operating Budget‐ GM 99 Below Personnel  Requirements Table added: "* The GM Transitional positions for FY 2024‐25 are not currently allocated to  individual work groups, and would be assigned as needed with the approval of the GM  and Human Resources division ." Operating Budget‐  Human Resources &  Organizational  Development 111 2nd paragraph, last  sentence Budgeted Salaries & Wages reflect a slight increase noteworthy decrease of $0.2 million  or ‐10.1% due to agency wide cost of living adjustment and step increases for eligible  employees to a reduction in the amount of in‐service accrued compensated absence  payouts and expense accruals expected next fiscal year. Operating Budget‐  Finance 120 Customer and  Community discussion added: space before bullet.  "Issued 64 non‐construction contracts totaling $15.6  million." Operating Budget‐  Finance 121 Governance and Fiscal  Responsibility Revised first bullet to "Formed a joint powers authority (JPA) with Regional San allowing  Central San to issue revenue bonds (lower interest than certificates of participation  (COPs)) without the need for the additional cost and time constraints associated with an  election to approve said bonds. " Operating Budget‐  Finance 121 Governance and Fiscal  Responsibility Added discussion regarding move from County Treasury. "•Took steps towards the  formation of an in‐house treasury function including appointment of a bank, resolution  for leaving county treasury and appointment of treasurer." Operating Budget‐  Finance 123 Metrics Corrected year column headings by incrementing one year Operating Budget‐  Finance 123 Metrics Noted in a footnote that goal for insurance compliance will be increased from 70% in FY  2024‐26 strategic plan;   Added clarification to measure: "Contractors (excluding  construction contractors)/ consultants in Compliance with Insurance Requirements" Operating Departments 124 1st paragraph heading Should be FY 2024‐25 Strategic Objectives Title (says 2023‐24) Operating Departments 138 Goal 5: Objectives Add new row:  "Perform assessments after key legal case resolutions for process  updates" Operating Departments 143 FY 2023‐24  Accomplishments Add new row: "•ConƟnued diversions of wastewater to DERWA (a partnership between  DSRSD and EBMUD) for use in their recycled water program; commenced discussions on  extension of the pilot program." Operating Departments 146 1st paragraph, 2nd  sentence The decrease is primarily attributable to an Administrative Services Supervisor and  Engineering Assistant position transferring to the Office of the Deputy General Manager  of Engineering & Operations and Financial Planning & Development Services  DivisionDepartment, respectively.  Page 1 of 5 June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 83 of 231 Page 5 of 9 Attachment 2 Section Page #  Table/Paragraph Description of Change Operating Departments 148 FY 2023‐24  Accomplishments Corrected "perfect" to "percent" half way down page. Operating Departments 149 FY 2022‐24 Strategic  Targets and  Performance Added footnote to explain 74% satisfaction figure.   As of Q4, additional surveys have  been sent for two additional projects, Walnut Creek 16 and Martinez 7 projects. Operating Departments 152 2nd paragraph, 2nd  sentence The Capital Projects Division budget for FY 2024‐25 is ($0.4) million, reflecting a 5.0%  increase decrease from the prior year.  Operating Departments 155 FY 2024‐25 Strategic  Targets and  Performance Considered potential for PFAS related goal.   "We could include a separate goal that we  comply with all studies required by EPA or the State (we anticipate the possibility of  having to do more study work for EPA in the next couple years).   (Currently, we don’t have any PFAS permit requirements so it wouldn’t fit with the below  permit goal/strategy and the new reporting thresholds under CERCLA for disposal will not  impact us).   We also have separate goals in the Strategic Plan for pollution prevention – related to  “Educate on Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection” and PFAS is part of the  overall pollution prevention portfolio.   Will give this issue further consideration before including goal in budget book. Operating Departments 160 FY 2022‐24 Strategic  Targets and  Performance Removed "*" from 92.3% Operating Departments 160 Table heading Should say FY 2022‐2024 (currently says 2023‐2024) Operating Departments 161 1st paragraph heading Should be FY 2024‐25 Strategic Objectives Title (says 2023‐24) Operating Departments 171 FY 2024‐25 Strategic  Objectives Add new row: "Review & update Sewer Emergency response plan/procedures as needed  to protect the District from litigation." Operating Departments 180 Budget Modifications  and Contributions to Key  Priorities Changed "Improvement" to "Improve" Operating Departments 188 FY 2022‐24 Strategic  Targets and  Performance Removed "*" from 45 Operating Departments 193 FY 2022‐24 Strategic  Targets and  Performance Removed footnote regarding recycled water usage Operating Departments 193 Table heading Should say FY 2022‐2024 (currently says 2024‐2026) Operating Departments 195 1st paragraph Several divisions support the Recycled Water Program. Personnel for the Recycled Water  Program are shown in their respective divisions and plus a total 2.03.6 full time  equivalents as shown below. A portion of their labor costs, as appropriate to their time  spent on the program, are included in the Recycled Water Budget. In addition, the  budget includes funding for two five temporary staff to operate the Residential Fill  Station and one intern to support recycled water planning. Operating Departments 197 Sub‐Fund A: Actuarially  Based Risks Question regarding coverage limits; will be discussed internally.   Added note "Along with  this review, consideration of coverage limits, adequacy and potential gaps will be  undertaken." CIP Intro 206 3rd paragraph deleted last sentence CIP Intro 210 Regulatory Paragraph changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Intro 210 2nd paragraph and some of the collection system facilities and piping were constructed as early as the  1940s and 1950s or prior. CIP Intro 212 3rd paragraph Nutrient Optimization and Management Roadmap Page 2 of 5 June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 84 of 231 Page 6 of 9 Attachment 2 Section Page #  Table/Paragraph Description of Change FY 2024‐25 Capital  Improvement Budget  214 The CIB budget to date is approximately $264.22 million. The budget needed for all  ongoing and new projects in FY 2024‐25 is $75.71 million, including carry forward at $49.20 million. The  estimated budget for these projects in future years totals $452.37 million. Combined, the total estimated budget for the identified projects is  $792.30 million. In comparison, the 2024 Ten‐Year Plan is projected to be $1,003.08 million as shown below  in Table 1:    Table 1 – FY 2024‐25 CIB per Program (For Active Projects Only) changed Budget‐to‐ Date value from $87,099,256 to $86,299,256 for Collection System and updates totals  accordingly. CIP Intro 215 Changed Collection System Sewer Renovation ‐ Phase 2 Estimated total project cost from  $61,553,000 to $60,753,000 CIP Intro 218 1st paragraph added new last sentence. "A new permanent engineer has been added to this fiscal year  to assist in delivery of the sewer renovation program" CIP Collection Systems 223 First bullet point in first  set of bullet points changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills" CIP Collection Systems 223 Fourth bullet point in  second set of bullets  points changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Collection Systems 223 1st bullet list added bullet #5 "Coordinate major relocation of large diameter sewers being impacted  by state agencies and their projects." CIP Collection Systems 224 Table 2 changed 100039 Budget to date from $10,153,000 to $9,353,000. Updated totals  accordingly CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 225 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 232 First paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "SSOs" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 234 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "SSOs" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 235 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "SSOs" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 236 Second and third  paragraphs under  "Drivers" 2nd paragraph ‐ changed "SSOs" to "spills"; 3rd paragraph ‐ changed "overflows" to  "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 239 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sewer service overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 243 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "SSOs" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 245 Second and third  paragraphs under  "Drivers" 2nd paragraph ‐ changed "SSOs" to "spills"; 3rd paragraph ‐ changed "overflows" to  "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 249 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 251 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" Page 3 of 5 June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 85 of 231 Page 7 of 9 Attachment 2 Section Page #  Table/Paragraph Description of Change CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 252 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIB CS Summary Sheets 252 Replaced most of the project description with provided text CIP Project Summary  Sheets Collection  Systems 253 Second paragraph under  "Drivers" changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills"; changed "overflows" to "spills" CIP Treatment Plant 269 2nd bullet Power new UV facility from a location that will allow for safe and reliable service  (coordinated with Sub 90 project) new location to allow simultaneous operation of the  UV system for consistency. CIP Treatment Plant 270 2nd paragraph Updated text description CIP Treatment Plant 273 2nd paragraph Updated text description CIP Treatment Plant 277 3rd & 4th paragraphs Updated text description CIP Treatment Plant 278 4th bullet added ...sprinkler alarm systems... CIP Treatment Plant 283 2nd & 4th paragraphs Capital Improvement Program (CIP) ‐  Future evaluations include secondary scum and foam control, nutrient reduction roadmap, PFAS, potential water exchange impacts,  and energy optimization roadmap. CIP Treatment Plant 285 1st & 2nd paragraphs,  new 5th bullet ...investigate new opportunities... ‐ (e.g., Suisun Bay nutrient modeling work PFAS and  NPDES required studies and reports). ‐ Evaluate forever chemicals concerns such as PFAS and others. CIP Treatment Plant 286 4th, 5th, & 7th  paragraphs ...This project will conduct update the Odor Control Facilities through condition  assessments,...  ‐ Any Then rehabilitation or replacement of existing odor control  facilities, including optimizations to improve safety and chemical dosing, will be completed. During design, proposed improvements  will include facility modifications to protect from any impacts due to the highway expansion. ‐ Removed  Treatment Plant from Location(s). CIB GI Summary Sheets 294 Description Corrected 2nd bullet from 4x2 Truck (6) to 4x4 Truck (6) CIP General  Improvements 300 5th bullet Evaluate the Imhoff Place campus and provide security recommendations. CIP Ten Year‐CIP Plan 317 First bullet point in  second set of bullet  points changed "sanitary sewer overflows" to "spills" CIP 10‐Year Plan 317 3rd paragraph The following Ten‐Year CIP section provides a general description of the plan and a  discussion of... CIP Ten Year‐CIP Plan 319 Last line in last  paragraph changed "sewer system overflows" to "spills" CIP 10‐Year Plan 319 New Subtitle Potential New and Unbudgeted Projects: CIP 10‐Year Plan 322 2nd paragraph potential nutrient removal regulations, PFAS, confirm the optimal long‐term solids CIP 10‐Year Plan 326 1st paragraph regulatory requirements, PFAS,address any capacity deficiencies CIP 10‐Year Plan 327 added image Debt 333 New paragraph after 1st  paragraph In January 2023, the Board approved the execution of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA)  agreement with Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, creating the Northern  California Sanitation Agencies Financing Authority.  Being a part of this newly formed JPA  could facilitate the issuance of revenue bonds as a form of financing, which are expected  to be a lower cost form of financing than certificates of participation, which can be issued  through Central San’s Financing Authority.   Supplemental  Information 340 1st paragraph Space after first sentence before table Glossary and Acronyms 352 Inserted line between  "Sinking Fund" and  "Staffing Plan" Inserted "Spills" as new term and "Sanitary Sewer Overflows" as definition Page 4 of 5 June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 86 of 231 Page 8 of 9 Attachment 2 Section Page #  Table/Paragraph Description of Change Glossary and Acronyms 354 SSO acronyms Added "spills" as part of definition of acronym Operating Departments 166, 169 ,  170 Text Changed "overflows" to "spills" and "SSOs" to "SSSs" Page 5 of 5 June 6, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 87 of 231 Page 9 of 9