HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Contract re Elevator Modernization5.a. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 4, 2010 Subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ELEVATOR TECHNOLOGY; AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TREATMENT PLANT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 72 Submitted By: Initiating Dept. /Div,: Dana Lawson, Associate Engineer Engineering / Capital Projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ETT f"110) b.Lawson B. Than tWsrcki A. Farrell James NIKelly, General Manager ISSUE: On October 14, four sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization, District Project 7281. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); award a construction contract to Elevator Technology; and authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to favorable review of insurance certificates, bond submittals, appropriate Elevator Technology license, and any other required submittals (SUBMITTALS). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Approximately $600,000, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. ALTERNATIVES /CONSIDERATIONS: Reject all bids, which is not recommended. BACKGROUND: The existing elevators on the treatment plant site were installed in 1975. The elevator maintenance company, National Elevator, is frequently called out for unscheduled maintenance. For example, the SCB passenger elevator has 16 unscheduled call -outs in 2009, whereas in 2004 it only had 2 unscheduled call -outs. This is in addition to the regular monthly maintenance visits. These elevators are critical for operation and maintenance activities within the building. In December 2009, Edgett - Williams Consulting Group was hired to assess the condition of the SCB freight and passenger elevators and provide a qualification -based bid package. This project will upgrade the electronics and controls and replace drives for NAPESUP \Position Papers \Lawson \7281_Award_verX.doc Page 1 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 4, 2010 subject: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ELEVATOR TECHNOLOGY; AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TREATMENT PLANT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 7281 both the passenger and freight elevators in the Solids Control Building, and will bring the electrical and fire systems up to code. The door sensor on the HOB passenger elevator will also be replaced. The project work areas are shown in Attachment 1. Edgett- Williams Consulting Group and District staff prepared the plans and specifications for the project. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the TP Elevator Modernization, District Project 7281 is $600,000. This project was advertised on August 26 and September 1, 2010. Four sealed bids ranging from $387,431 to $699,760 were received and publicly opened on October 14, 2010. Engineering Department staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Elevator Technology is the lowest responsive bidder with a bid amount of $387,431. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The District continues to experience favorable bids in the current economic environment. The District will perform construction management and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. Staff recommends retaining Edgett - Williams Consulting Group to provide support services during construction for this project because Edgett - Williams Consulting Group helped prepare the plans and specifications and, therefore, has a solid understanding of the project design. The construction support services include reviewing shop drawings and submittals, responding to design questions, evaluating change order requests, performing site visits to verify compliance with the design intent, and other related activities. Additionally, an outside inspection with experience in mechanical, electrical, and controls will be contracted for daily inspection services. A construction support services contract with a cost ceiling of $10,000 has been negotiated with Edgett - Williams Consulting Group. This will bring the total professional service contract with Edgett - Williams Consulting Group to $27,000. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $550,000. The total cost of TP Elevator Modernization, District Project 7281, is anticipated to be $600,000. This project is included in the fiscal year 2010 -11 Capital Improvement Budget on pages TP -63 and 64. Staff has conducted a cash -flow analysis of the Treatment Plant Program budget and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves minor alterations to an existing public facility involving negligible or no expansion of use. NAPESMPosition Papers \Lawson \7281_Award_verX.doc Page 2 of 6 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: November 4, 2010 Subject. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ELEVATOR TECHNOLOGY; AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TREATMENT PLANT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 7281 Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA, 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $387,431 for the construction of the Treatment Plant Elevator Modernization, District Project 7281, to Elevator Technology, the lowest responsive bidder, 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to SUBMITTAL requirements. NAPESUP \Position Pape rs \Lawson \7281_Award_verkdoc Page 3 of 6 NAPESUP\Position Papers \Lawson \7281_Award_verK.doc Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 TREATMENT PLANT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION DISTRICT PROJECT 7281 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7281 DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2010 PROJECT NAME: TREATMENT PLANT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT LOCATION: MARTINEZ CA NO. OF ADDENDA: 4 ENGINEER EST.: $600,000 BIDDER BID PRICE Elevator Technology, Inc. $387,417 2050 Arroyo Vista El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 800 - 832 -8455 Ascent Elevator Services, Inc. $431,000 1555 Yosemite Ave, Suite 13 San Francisco, CA 94124 415- 671 -4900 Kone, Inc. $501,300 15021 Wicks Boulevard San Leandro, CA 94577 510- 351 -5141 Rodan Builders, Inc. $699,760 859 Cowan Road Burlingame, California 94010 650 - 508 -1700 BIDS OPENED BY / s/ Tina McVay DATE 10/14/10 NAPESUP \Position Pape rs \Lawson \7281_Award_verX.doc Page 5 of 6 z 0 F- N_ z W 0 00 G O H w J w H z J a H z w 5 w w M H z w a H Q W Q H N w z O F- D H z O U w a m a T" 00 N ti F- w a H U N N O U c 0 U ° 0 0 :3 O 0 N C O U ol 0 0 O 0 0 0 ° o ° O A LO ° o D o 0 0 0 0 0 E 00 LO X000 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 00 'T LO 00 0 00 t� l� oO f— O LO UO N O — CM I� cM Cf) ell Efl 60 6 69 69 H U w O a. w (D w w (D C J c O Z w O c a� C: N w U 0 0 Y a az o cn O 06 cQ w o o z Z w a) "� w Q z w E Qp u) z �. a� F-- t= �o Q ca a 0 O w U 0 U) . 5; U) P m U N 0 O c �0U 0 N c� pU z w O Q�n I H - °` = , a O m J o i c� N = =� w a Q ZO J w U o D C Fa- H PO H F - SU (n m N U) H m00 N 00 - J Q U) 0 p� Z U 0 m 0 0 Z p U O , m 0 w w m 0 H 0 Z 0 0 � 0-C U co w 06 w a cA H w Q F Z6 N M Cfl O N rn ca CL