HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a.3) Sacramento Regional Permit% eritral Contra Costa
October 8, 2010
PHONE (925) 228-9500
FAX (925) 228-4624
Generat Manager
Central Valley Region
AtIlientilow. Ms. Kathleen Harde:r
1102:0 Sun Center Drive #200
Randho Gordo* CA 95:670-61 14
SENT VIA EMAIL: kh a rdeiCa wa terboards. ca, go v
Counsel tor the owfid
(510) 808-2000
secrelaty of the Daftid
Subject: Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements Renewal (NPDES No,
CA0077682) for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District and
Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Sacramento County
Dear Ms, Harder:
CCCSD views this tentative permit as raising both complicated technical issues and
extremely difficult Statewide policy issues, CC CSD understands that Regional Boards
typically reject legal arguments that their NPDES related decisions require either
evaluation of econornic considerations or CEQA review. However, the looming mega
public policy issue which this Regional Board and other regulators face is how can our
society successfully address both the requirements of specific existing environmental
regulations and the daunting challenges of meeting requirements of AB 32? Moreover,
h ow can these d u a I obj a cti ve s lie met without a fund amenta I mod ificatio n of the manner
in which our State agencies evaluate the cost benefit of regulatory actions during this
depressed economic cycle? Thf, issue is not whether the Regional Board may be able
to lawfully avoid a thorough and ;s, th,�Z
ound public policy deinands a fully integrated approach to these competing issues_
brief listing of our concerns is attached jr) 'Table format as requested,
We ask that the Regional Water Board reconsider the proposed requirements arid
release a revised permit for review and comment that is consistent with applicable law
regulations, and accepted permitting p ractices,
/ James M. Kelly
General Inee r
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
Tentative NPDES Permit Renewal and Time Schedule Order
Commenter: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553
James M. Kelly, General Manager 925/229 -7386 jkelly@centralsan.org
October 8, 2010
Topic (i.e., ammonia, Title
22 tertiary, dilution, etc.
Summarized Comment
Compliance with Title
The requirement for full Title 22 treatment for contact
22 Standards for
recreation to meet a 2.2 total coliform standard far
Total Coliform
exceeds the fecal coliform water quality objective
specifically adopted by the Basin Plan to protect this
beneficial use. While the RWQCB may choose, on a
case -by -case basis, to develop a more stringent water
quality objective, it must consider the economic
impacts of doing so, in accordance with Water Code
Sections 13241. Given the significant cost of providing
the additional level of treatment required above the
water quality objective, it does not appear that there
was a consideration of cost versus benefit in applying
this re uirement.
Ammonia Limits —
The body of work on this topic is growing, as evidenced
Requirement for
by many of the citations in the permit renewal package.
There is ongoing work and analysis that will continue to
inform the ammonia /nitrate /nitrite permitting process.
As such, the studies cited do not provide a complete
understanding of the impact of ammonia /nitrate and
nitrite discharges on the aquatic system. We support
the ongoing efforts to develop a more comprehensive
understanding of these impacts, taken in context with
all of the other stressors in the Delta and the Suisun
Bay. These other stressors include, but are not limited
to, variations in salinity caused by seasonal flow
fluctuations and water exports, and seasonal changes
in turbidity and clarity. We request the Water Board to
look at this issue holistically and be convinced that the
significant resources required for nitrification to the
level proposed are justified in light of the expected
water qua lit improvements.
Nitrate Limits —
SRCSD effluent currently has a low concentration of
Requirement for
nitrates which will increase substantially if the plant is
required to fully nitrify in order to comply with the
proposed ammonia limits. As a result of this increase,
the draft permit concludes that reasonable potential
exists for the discharge to cause or contribute to an
exceedance of applicable water quality standards, and
a numeric effluent limit is required. The basis for the
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
Tentative NPDES Permit Renewal and Time Schedule Order
Commenter: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553
James M. Kelly, General Manager 925/229 -7386 jkelly(M-centralsan.org
October 8, 2010
Topic (i.e., ammonia, Title
22 tertiary, dilution, etc.)
Summarized Comment
nitrate effluent limits, however, are questionable,
consisting solely of preserving the current effluent ratio
of nitrogen to phosphorous. We remind the Water
Board to recognize that achieving these very low nitrate
concentrations reliably is beyond the limits of current
technology and will require the addition of substantial
amounts of carbon, such as methanol, and significantly
increase the greenhouse gas footprint of the SRCSD
p lant with no demonstrated water quality benefits.
Denial of Mixing
The basis for denying a dilution credit based on mixing
Zone /Dilution Credit
zone studies for ammonia is not well documented.
for Ammonia and
While regional water boards have discretion in
Toxic Constituents
determining the amount of dilution credit to be allowed,
a permit can only limit or deny dilution credit if there is
a defensible technical basis for the limitation. The
State Water Board has affirmed that regional boards
"must explain the denial of a mixing zone based on the
facts of the discharge" (in the Matter of Yuba City,
Order WQ 2005 -013 at p 10). It does not appear that
this standard has been met.
Development of WET
The tentative permit requires multiple special studies,
testing using Hyalella
including one intended to "develop procedures for
azteca as Test
conducting whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing using
Hyalella azteca as the test species" (Tentative Permit
at p. 28). The development of test procedures requires
significant resources and expertise and is a role
appropriately undertaken by large governmental
agencies, e.g. USEPA. We are concerned that the
Regional Water Board is requiring a permittee to
single- handedly develop a test procedure that could
have consequences for the entire POTW community.
Requiring SRCSD to develop test procedures as
described in the tentative permit is not practical nor is it
justified. We are concerned that this sets a precedent
and we request that this requirement be removed from
the Tentative Permit.