HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a.3) General Manger AnnouncementsAgenda Item 7.a.3) Board Meeting of September 2, 2010 Additional Written Announcements Board Member Appointment a) Board Member Hockett Appointment Board Member Hockett was elected the new President of the California Association of Sanitation Agencies for the next year. Staff Conference Attendance /Meetings b) District Annexation 175 Community Meeting A community meeting to discuss District Annexation 175 — Orinda and Lafayette was held in Orinda on Wednesday, August 25, 2010. Meeting notices were sent to owners of the 107 affected properties, as well as surrounding properties within 300 feet. This proposed annexation includes the El Toyonal hillside neighborhood. Only four people (representing three of the affected properties) attended the meeting. No objections to the proposed annexation or its Draft Negative Declaration were raised. Annexation has been controversial in the past. c) Staff to Attend WateReuse Symposium in Washington, D.C. In addition to the Acting Director of Plant Operations, Curt Swanson, Associate Engineer Don Berger will be attending the WateReuse Association's Annual Conference in Washington D.C. from September 12 through 15, 2010. Attendance at this conference was specifically budgeted in the 2010 -11 Technical Conferences Budget. While they are in Washington D.C., they will meet with federal legislative and agency staff regarding the District's request for funding for our recycled water projects. General Updates d) Natural Gas Purchase On August 24, 2010, the District purchased the final third of the Treatment Plant natural gas for January through December 2012 at Pacific Gas and Electric Citygate price of $5.40 per decatherm (dth). Natural gas prices have continued to remain depressed as the economy struggles to recover and gas demand for summer peak electrical demand never materialized. This purchase results in the average cost of $5.69 for 2012 and is lower than pre - purchased gas for both 2010 and 2011. Future natural gas purchases will require additional Board authorization. e) Best Management Practices Permit Program The District adopted Local Discharge Limits in 2007 that established tiered limits for four pollutant parameters: copper, lead, mercury and cyanide. The tiers were set for discharges of process wastewater from unpermitted and permitted businesses. This strategy allowed higher limits to be established for the permitted businesses for these particular parameters. Rather than issuing individualized permits to each business, the District's Source Control Section developed Best Management Practice (BMP) Permits as a means of permitting larger groups of businesses that discharge elevated concentrations of the four parameters with tiered limits; businesses that implemented the established BMPs are presumed to comply with the applicable limits. The dental amalgam permit was the first BMP Permit program implemented, and has successfully lowered the influent and effluent mercury. Starting in 2009, Source Control started implementing the new tiered limits by mailing BMP Permit applications to businesses conducting activities that could result in elevated levels of copper and lead in their process wastewater discharge (e.g. vehicle service, vehicle /equipment washing, machine shops). Applications were sent to more than 750 businesses with 698 being returned which resulted in 258 BMP Permits being issued to date. Fifty -two (52) businesses have been non- responsive despite repeated attempts to prompt these businesses to submit a completed application. Source Control recently sent Warning Notices notifying them that they did not submit a completed BMP Permit application and setting a new deadline for them to complete and return this document. We are hoping to obtain the cooperation of these remaining businesses by using the Warning Notice strategy.