HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a.1-37.a.1) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 30, 2009 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: BOARD STRATEGIC PLAN (AGENDA ITEM 7.a.1) Per President Michael McGill's request, please note the attached minutes from the October 2007 Board Retreat where six areas of principal concern for the Board were identified. Also attached is a synopsis of the Goals, Objectives, and Results to date for each of the ~~ six strategic areas. Staff will provide a brief summary at the January 7, 2010 Board Meeting and will request Board direction. attachments MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON OCTOBER 31, 2007 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a special meeting at the Contra Costa Country Club, 801 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 12:25 p.m. on Wednesday, October 31, 2007. President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly ABSENT: Members: None General Manager James Kelly and Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme were also present, together with Stephen Hayashi and Lauren Kell of Red Oak Consulting. 2. BOARD STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP A Strategic Planning Workshop facilitated by Stephen Hayashi of Red Oak Consulting was conducted, focusing on recycled water services; community outreach ; cultural diversity; rates; the District as an industry leader; and the cost of retirement and employee benefits. These topics were identified by Board Members as the most important issues facing the District. A detailed record of the Strategic Planning Workshop is included in the October 31, 2007 Position Paper file and is hereby incorporated by reference. 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business #o come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m. l _. /, ~ _ G mil iii ,taffies A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ~~~P~.N-~Q~ - Elaine R. Boehme Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California ~, Book 57 -Page 21 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: STEPHEN T. HAYASHI SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF STRATEGIC PLANNING FACILITATION DAT& ' NOVEMBER 2 6, 2 0 0 7 INTRODUCTION This memorandum summarizes. Red Oak Consulting's strategic planning facilitation services to the Board of Directors (Board) of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District). The purpose of the effort was to align the District staff's strategic planning activities with the vision of .the Board Members. METSODOLOQrY In order to gauge the position of the Board with respect to the existing strategic plan, information was gathered from the Board in two steps: first, each Board Member was asked to complete a written survey, and then each Board member was individually interviewed. Based on the findings from the surveys and interviews (as summarized in Part 1, below), a four-hour workshop was held on October 31St 2007, during which Board Members discussed the strategic issues that the Members felt were the most critical to clarify in the District's strategic plan. The findings from this workshop are presented in Part 2 of this report. PART I: SUMMARY OF INITIAL FINDINGS Written Questionnaires Strategy Development Roles - Responses to the survey suggested that there is general acceptance amongst the Board Members of the District's current Mission, Vision, and Values. There was a less unified view on the appropriate, respective roles for staff and the Board in creating the District's Mission, Vision, Values, Goals, and Objectives. Some Board Members believe that staff should develop the Goals and Objectives after receiving the Mission, Vision, and Values from the Board. Other Board Members believe that the Board should devel"op all policies, including Goals and Objectives. . Industry Leadership - All Board Members agree that the District should strive to be an industry leader; most Board Members believe that the District is already an industry leader, and at least one Board Member believes that the District has become too "comfortable" in assuming that the District is an industry Red Oak Consulting - 1 leader. Board Members have a variety of views on the strategies that should be used to remain an industry leader. Technology - Some Board Members believe that the District should make large investments in order. to keep up with emerging technologies, and others believe that the technology investments should be more conservative. Customer Service - Board Members generally agree that the District currently provides excellent customer service and full regulatory compliance. The issues of reclaimed water, cultural diversity, retirement/benefit costs, education, outreach, service rates, and the Board's current committee system stood out as potential topics for further discussion. The complete written responses to the surveys are available and can be provided under separate cover. Interviews After analyzing the written responses from the individual Board Members,- Red Oak developed a series of follow-up questions for the in-person interviews. The purpose of the :interviews was to allow Board Members to elaborate. on their questionnaire responses, indicate their priorities regarding the issues facing the District, and propose the best way to. spend the 1•imited time allocated for the workshop. The interviews confirmed the survey findings and allowed the Board Members to elaborate on a variety of topics. Short summaries of the interview findings are provided below, organized by strategic topic. A more detailed summary. of responses given during the interviews has been previously provided under a separate cover and is available upon request. Workshop Objectives: The overall objective of the workshop, as expressed by Board Members, was to increase communication regarding strategic planning and to focus on the issues that they commonly hold to be, important, such as recycled water and . leadership. Recycled Water:- Recycled/reclaimed water is the single issue that all Board Members feel should be included in the .strategic plan. There is general agreement on the need for the District to augment its recycled water services. Diversity: It is clear that all Board Members agree that workforce diversity. is desirable. It is not clear how the Board Members wish to go about increasing diversity at .the District. Namely, there is no agreement on whether diversity should be considered during the hiring process, or whether the District Red Oak Consulting 2 should make hiring decisions solely based on qualifications. The idea of how to go about increasing diversity within the applicant pool was also brought up in the interviews. Outreach: Two distinct perspectives were expressed during the interviews; some Board Members feel that the current outreach programs are adequate and that sometimes less news is better, and other Board Members feel that outreach should be enhanced, particularly with the District's educational programs. Employee Benefits: Board Members expressed varying opinions regarding the cost of employee benefits, particularly retirement costs, but the general consensus was to ensure that the District is providing proper benefits at a reasonable cost to rate payers. Service Rates: Some Board Members feel that some of the District rates are too high, while others feel that they are average as compared to other sanitary districts. While there is general agreement that the District provides a valuable service to its customers, some members feel that the District should be charging for services that currently do not have a fee, and other members feel that certain services should be provided at no additional cost. Strategic Plan Document: Most• Board Members believe that the current staff-developed strategic plan should be considered a draft that will be revised to reflect the outcome of the issues addressed above. Preliminary Conclusions .The written surveys and individual interviews revealed that the Board members are in general agreement on the District's Mission, Vision, and Values. Therefore, rather than spending time at the workshop on refining these strategic plan elements, the focus of the workshop became a strategic issues workshop to address select operational issues that were deemed important, yet unresolved, elements of the strategic plan. As such, the following list of topics was developed: • Recycled water services • Cultural diversity • Public outreach • Costs of retirement and benefits • Rates • The District as an industry leader Red Oak Consulting 3 PART 2: WORKSHOP Due to the limited amount of time, Red Oak asked each Board Member to select four issues from the above list that they felt were the most important to discuss during the workshop. The total vote tally was as follows: Issue Number of Votes Recycled Water Services 5 Community outreach 4 Cultural diversity 3 Rates 3 The District as an industry leader 3 Costs of retirement and employee 2 benefits Based on -these results, recycled water, community outreach, cultural diversity, rates, and the District as a leader were given priority to be discussed during the workshop. Ultimately, all of the topics were discussed during the workshop. Workshop Findines The following summarizes the discussions held during the Board's October 31S` workshop with Red Oak. Recycled Water Services There is consensus among Board Members that the District should pursue increased recycled water services and that it will be one: of the most important issues facing the District in the future. The following topics were discussed: • The relationship between the District and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) is an important consideration. There is an apparent misconception or miscommunication on the part of the CCWD Board Members with respect to the status of water recycling within the Water District. There was an active discussion on how to approach the CCWD Board, although no consensus was reached. • The District should approach recycled water from "the bigger picture" in terms of statewide water supply issues, especially considering the vulnerability of the Delta (i.e. 'potential for major catastrophe if .there were a large seismic event) and other environmental issues. • With the augmentation of recycled water services, there may be an additional need for storing the recycled water. Red Oak Consulting 4 • If the District is serious about providing recycled water services, a more comprehensive financial plan will need to be developed. Currently the budget has .a line item for recycled water, but there is a need to better understand the costs associated with the service. • It may be appropriate to develop- a Recycled Water Master Plan. The majority of Board Members agree on the following:. • Currently, approximately 20 MGD of fresh water is used at the refineries; this is an opportunity to provide recycled water. The District should pursue large recycled water projects, such as providing recycled water to. refineries and other large-volume users. • The District should also dedicate resources to influence legislation that will allow the District and other sanitary and sanitation districts to provide recycled water without the interference of the water purveyor. Community Outreach The topics addressed during the workshop with respect to public outreach included: • Creating partnerships with other special districts • Collaborating with environmental groups such as the Sierra Club or Bay Keeper to. inform the public about issues such as triclosan soaps, etc. • Perhaps -operational issues, such as recycled water services, should be prioritized rather than using resources to increase public outreach • Better informing the public of the annual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) report Although there was good discussion, there was not agreement among Board Members regarding if, and how, the District should approach community and public outreach. There were, two distinctive perspectives, the first is that current outreach efforts should be increased and more proactive, and the second is to continue with the current outreach program employed at the District. A more proactive approach to community outreach may include the following elements: • As an environmental agency, the responsibilities of the District should change as related environmental challenges change. Responsibilities may include educating the public on emerging environmental issues, such as endocrine disrupters, as well as self-regulating the District's carbon footprint through efficient use of energy and sustainable practices. Red Oak Consulting 5 • Constituents, including both children and adults, should know about the District's services and they should be informed about how those services may affect the environment. • The District should be proactive in obtaining positive publicity in local news publications. • The District should have a system for reaching out to service clubs and other organizations. The more traditional (or business-as-usual] approach includes the following concepts: • Continuously improve the current educational offerings. • Continue to ensure that the public is informed about the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility and pollution prevention. • The District should not be seeking publicity; rather, it should focus on doing .what it .does well without worrying about recognition. This means that the District should continue to be on the leading edge of understanding sanitary issues 'and providing quality services to the public The majority of the Board Members generally agree on the following: • At a minimum, the current approach outlined above should be continued. • The District should get positive value from the resources it spends on public outreach. • The new Public Information Officer is performing well and should be given time to implement the community outreach plan. Cultural Diversity The current District Values include "all aspects of diversity." \ Some Board Members feel that "cultural" diversity should be more. clearly specified as a District Value. Other Board Members were less clear on what should be included in the definition of diversity, e.g. should. cultural, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation all be included. Other Board Members believe that diversity should not influence the hiring process at all, and that jobs should be offered to those who are the most highly qualified, regardless of ethnicity. With respect to this topic, the Board discussed, but did not reach conclusion on, the following issues: Red Oak Consulting 6 • The extent to which staff should pursue candidates to ensure there is a high level of diversity within the candidate pool, as well as the actual level of diversity within the hiring pool. • The extent to which staff should pursue hiring the best qualified candidate or consider hiring a qualified candidate that would increase the diversity of the organization. • What would be the impact of .hiring a qualified candidate at the District versus hiring the best-qualified candidate? The majority of the Board Members generally agree on the following: • Diversity at the District is a confirmed goal of the Board. Staff will need more guidance on defining the scope of diversity. • The District should pursue diversity while continuing to emphasize recruiting and hiring highly qualified employees. • The District's recruiting and outreach efforts should be audited by a third party to assess whether there are any internal or external barriers to diversity, or other ways to improve recruitment. Rates The District's current rates are $300 per year per household, plus an ad valorem assessment as part of the property tax, of approximately $80 per household. The issues that were discussed in relation to the District's rates include: • The effect of the economy on the revenues received from the ad valorem taxes; the District may see a decrease in ad valorem revenues because of the real estate slow down in the recent past a • Setting rates based on the current and .future cost of providing services to customers, as opposed to setting rates based on the rates that other Districts charge for their services. • The appropriate management of the District's current reserves. • The appropriate reserve amount for the District. • Increasing recycled water services will probably impact District finances. There may be a need to increase rates and there also may be a need to reallocate the overall District budget. • There is a concern that the gates paid by small businesses are prohibitively high, particularly connection fees for restaurants. Red Oak Consulting ~ • Whether the District should have a financial planning horizon longer than 10 years to ensure our programs are sustainable. The majority of the Board generally agrees on the following: • Rates are currently adequate to cover the services that the District provides to its customers. • The District needs to continuously ensure that ratepayers are getting a good value through quality services. • Rates should reflect what the District plans to accomplish and provide, i.e., ten-year capital and financial plans should continue to be developed. The District as a Leader Board members agree that the District should strive to maintain a leadership position within the wastewater industry. The following issues were discussed during the workshop: • Being an industry leader should include showing leadership as an environmental agency. • There are many organizational facets that the District can measure and strive to improve in its quest to remain a , leader. The District should identify which facets it wants to focus on, such as technology, sustainability, politics, ' fiscal organization, academic involvement, and research to name a few. The majority of the Board members agree that: • The District can consider itself an industry leader based on the fact that it continuously meets or exceeds state and federal regulations, it receives outside recognition -for its work, and it has a state-of-the-art laboratory. • The Board wants the District to continue to be an industry leader. • Staff should continue to stay involved in professional and technical organizations in order to maintain a leadership position in the industry: • Staff should inform the Board what areas staff believes the District could/should pursue to continue to be an industry leader. Red Oak Consulting 8 Cost of Retirement Benefits The topic of retirement costs was discussed. The majority of the Board Members agreed that staff should bring a request to the Board to conduct a study of the costs associated with switching their retirement benefits administrator from Contra Costa County to Ca1PER5. Conclusions Following the workshop discussion of key strategic issues, Board Members expressed general satisfaction on the success of the workshop. The approach of providing a summary of the group's responses from the questionnaires and interviews prior to meeting was appreciated. Some Board Members felt that the group ,could have used more time to more fully discuss all of the topics. The workshop provided a forum for discussing key strategic issues, al•1 of which should be included in .the District's strategic plan. The consensus among Board Members on the key strategic issues outlined above provides a basis for staff to revise the existing strategic plan. Staff should use the information in this document to assist in reporting back to the Board on the strategic issues work progress. Red Oak Consulting 9 BOARD STRATEGIES -SYNOPSIS 12/30/09 On October 31, 2007, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District met with the General Manager to address areas of strategic importance to the Board and the District. Based on the findings from a written survey and subsequent interview with each Board, six issues were identified for discussion. Those areas were Recycled Water; Public Outreach; Cultural Diversity; Rates; the District as an Industry Leader; and the Costs of Retirement and Benefits. What follows is a series of strategies to address each of these issues in the order of importance determined by the Board. Each issued is addressed in the following manner: Goal -the targeted end result for each issue; Primary Objective -Strategies to meet Goal Result -the outcome of staff efforts to date RECYCLED WATER Goal: Increase sales of recycled water Primary Objectives 1. Identify potential significant users of recycled water in the service area a. Determine realistic number of potential new users in a significant user class. b. Identify potential sales volume of recycled water to each potential customer. c.. Determine probable costs for large volume users of recycled water d. Determine infrastructure needs and costs as a result of increased sales of recycled water. 2. Develop Marketing Plan for sales to new customers. a. Identify possible cost-sharing projects with potential new customers (e.g., new infrastructure to deliver recycled water). b. Identify revenue neutral proposals for water transfers ***** 3. Increase awareness and support for increased production and use of recycled water. a. Increase legislative support for use of recycled water b Implement outreach to US Bureau of Reclamation and other partners to generate support for large scale recycled water project to serve refineries. c. Participate in Bay area Coalition to pursue Title XVI funding for Concord Recycled Water Project d. Implement an educational outreach for customer base of the District. e. Include recycled water as topic in all public events/environmental fairs f. Include basic details of recycled water in Sewer Science presentations to high school students Results Efforts are underway to expand the Recycled Water Program to encompass most if not all our effluent. This includes industrial usage especially by nearby refineries; piping to the Diamond Boulevard area, paralleling the existing A-Line; early plans for the use of recycled water at-the decommissioned Naval Weapons Station; and positive lobbying efforts to State and Federal officials on the importance of recycled water, especially in light of the problems faced by the Delta and all who take water from it. Additionally, recycled water has been the focus of several Pipeline articles over the past year. Received USBR letter stating that recycling our water would contribute to waters of the state. EDUCATIONAL & COMMUNITY OUTREACH Goal: Continue implementation of existing Marketing/Communications Plan with additional emphasis on educational outreach. Primary Objective 1. Review and update ,Marketing/Communication Plan, evaluating cost- effectiveness of individual programs, with an emphasis on the District's role as a protector of public health and the environment. a. Focus education outreach efforts on the changing environmental landscape and the District's role as an advocate for and a steward to the environment. b. Develop educational outreach program for the general public on challenges facing the District (mercury, endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals, carbon footprint, air quality, etc.). c. Develop series of articles on the "Big Picture," emphasizing the broader impacts of District efforts to fight pollution. d. Use survey instruments during FY 2008-2009 to gauge changing awareness of issues faced by the District. e. Reinvigorate the District's Speakers Bureau. Results: Public Education and Outreach has been a key element in the District's NPDES permit since 1996. In the past 18 months, the Pipeline Newsletter has expanded its publishing schedule from two to three times per year and has addressed larger issues impacting the region; the District's redesigned website launched and is notable for the professionally produced informational videos on the site; educational outreach continues through a variety of media to cover FOG issues, Overflow Prevention Device installation; the impact of "green" on the District and its customers; and a successful Pharmaceutical Drop-off Program. A Pipeline mail-in survey was completed in early 2009 with a highly positive response, and few negative comments. In the past year, Communication Services has given 20 Speakers Bureau presentations and 15 plant tours. City of Concord use of Pipeline articles in City newsletter. CULTURAL DIVERSITY Goal: Pursue Cultural Diversity in the District's workforce. Primary Objective 1.Pursue cultural diversity in all recruitment and hiring practices while continuing to emphasize the recruitment of highly qualified employees. a. Develop a Board statement acknowledging the value of Cultural Diversity within the District's workforce. b. Conduct comprehensive review of District recruitment and hiring practices that may or may not impact the development of a culturally diverse workforce. c. Contract with a consultant to perform a third party. audit of District recruitment and hiring practices: d. Examine how open positions are presently advertised e. Develop new methods to expand the existing pool. of culturally diverse job candidates. f. Conduct survey of other wastewater agencies to compare recruitment and hiring practices. RESULT: The Board adopted a statement acknowledging the importance of Cultural Diversity. A review of District hiring practices conducted internally and by an independent consultant confirmed that the District was making the proper efforts for a culturally diverse workplace. An on-line job application process was adopted by the District. And New Employee Orientations now have a dedicated section given over to the reality of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace as a reflection of the District's Values. RESPONSIBLE RATES Goal: Ensure that District rates continue to be fair and reasonable for all customers. Primary Objectives 1. Continue annual review of District rates as potentially impacted by District needs, regulatory compliance, and legislative actions. a. Determine fiscal impact of an expanded recycled water program. b. Develop financial plan for recycled water program. 2. Help defeat Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) proposal to shift property taxes from wastewater and water districts to a Public Safety Realignment Account (PSRA). 3. Ensure that small businesses pay their fair share of sewer fees and no more. Result: While opting not to increase sewer rates in 2009, primarily due to the lingering effects of the national recession especially as seen in the East Bay, the District continues to reduce costs without loss of service. Financial plans for expanded Recycled Water projects were completed. While initial attempts by the LAO to shift property taxes from special districts were initially thwarted, the State Budget crisis led to a 8% reduction in propertytaxes. The impact of the recession on small businesses was acknowledged by the Board, and collection of connection fees for developers were postponed until time of occupancy or one year delay on sale of property... CCCSD AS INDUSTRY LEADER Goal: District should make a concerted effort to remain a leader in the wastewater field. Primary Objective 1. Position District as industry leadership in environmental issues and regulatory compliance. a. Adopt new technologies and pioneering/cutting edge approaches to industry challenges b. Continued compliance that exceeds State and Federal requirements. c. Apply for all relevant industry-based awards and promote District on achievement of same. d. Increase involvement of District staff in professional and technological organizations Result: The District will soon receive its 12th consecutive Platinum Award for Total Annual Compliance with its.NPDES Permit; won a number of engineering, education and operations-related awards; has been recognized for its Operator training program that has provided the District with 12 new plant operators; has begun development of a Green House Gas reduction plan well in advance of the State of California mandated timetable; adopted a Green Purchasing Policy; expanded service at its Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility; continues its televising program with a resulting record of less than 4.5 SSOs per 100 miles; and awarded a contract for the construction of a new CSO facility. COST OF RETIREMENT & EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Goal: Determine whether CCCSD should move from the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) to the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS). Primary Objective 1. Contract Actuarial to evaluate retirement costs and effectiveness of CCCERA versus CaIPERS a. Understand why CCCERA contribution rates are higher than other retirement systems. Result: An actuarial determined that CCERA was inherently more stable than CaIPERS and that District contributions to CCERA were within reasonable amounts. Also, within the past year, the District established a GASB 45 Trust; signed three labor agreements which allow for the creation of a Third Tier for new hires. ~:% Aya~a t+c~, Board Strategic Plan Update 1-7-2010 l Board Strategic Plan 10-31-2007 • Recycled Water • Education and Community Outreach • Cultural Diversity • Responsible Rates • CCCSD as an Industry Leader • Cost of Retirement and Employee Benefits ~.4•// 1 5` ~4,~1 Recycled Water .~ • Pursuing United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Grant for Diamond Boulevard Area • Working with Concord on Naval Weapons Station • Refinery Project - "New Water" -Pursue Partners and Grant(s) Education & Outreach • Pipeline 2 ~ 3 x's/yr • Redesigned Website • New Informational Videos • Pharmaceutical Drop-Off • Speakers Bureau/Plant Tours • Concord Now Using Pipeline Articles ~~ 2 f ~f Cultural Diversity • Board Policy Recognizing Importance of Diversity • Consultant Review of Hiring Practices: -Proper Efforts -Areas to Increase Outreach Identified -Reinforce Importance District Places on .Diversity • Cultural Diversity Importance Included in New Employee Orientation Responsible Rates • Provide Excellent Customer Service and Full Regulatory Compliance • Full-Recovery of Cost for Services Provided • Small Business Fee and Connection Fee • Improve Processes/Efficiency • Take Advantage of Favorable Bid Climate • Bond Finance/Refinance 3 CCCSD As An ,I~'ndustry Leader • 12 Consecutive Platinum Awards • 63 Sewer Service Overflows • Engineering Awards: A-Line, Control System, Aeration Basin Repair • Collaborative Operator Training Program • Pharmaceutical Drop-Off Program • Household Hazardous Waste Expanded Service • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Consecutive Awards • Plant and CSO Awards ' • Staff and Board Participation in Professional Organizations Cost of Retirement and Employee Benefits • Compared Contra Costa, County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) to Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) \ • Tier 3 • Formed GASB 45 Trust • Ongoing ~~".' 4 7.a.2) Central Contra, Costa Sanitary District December 30, 2009 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ~~~,~~'/ SUBJECT: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (CCCERA) UPDATE (AGENDA ITEM 7.a.2) Information in regards to CCCERA will be provided to the Board as part of the January 6, 2010 Special Board Meeting packet. This agenda item is provided for additional discussion, if needed. , Agenda Item 7.a.3) Board Meeting of January 7,2010 Written Announcements: Conferences/Events a) CASA Washington D.C. Conference Travel Board Member Barbara Hockett and General Manager Jim Kelly will travel to Washington D.C. to participate in the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Federal Legislative Conference from Sunday, March 7 to Wednesday, March 10, 2010. They will hear from members of Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency on issues relevant to CASH, and proposed legislation and regulations that could affect the District. Source Control Enforcement Action b) Caffe Classico Foods Enforcement Travel Caffe Classico Foods is located in the light industrial area of North Concord and is a food manufacturer of gelato ice cream. They have been operating under a Class III Industrial User Permit since 2005. During this time, Caffe Classico has experienced a variety of ordinance and permit condition violations, and continue to exceed the District's Local Discharge Limits for certain pollutants. Staff has worked with this company to educate them on the requirements and to make the structural and operational changes to achieve and maintain compliance. Unfortunately, the continued pattern of non-compliance, including a significant number of violations documented in the most recent compliance report, prompted the need to escalate the enforcement response to ensure they make the necessary commitment to achieving compliance. Staff initiated a formal enforcement action against them that proposes a penalty and specifies corrective actions that need to be taken to ensure future compliance with the District's standards. A settlement ~, conference is scheduled in January 2010 to work towards resolving this enforcement action. Project Updates/Advertisements c) Advertisement of the Solids Conditioning Building Mechanical Room Improvements, DP 7277 The mechanical room located on the first floor of the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) contains pumps, a chiller, steam and water piping, and an air-handling unit used to provide conditioned air to the MCC Room on the second floor and to various areas within the Furnace Control Room on the third floor. The original air-handling unit that was installed during the treatment plant expansion in the mid-1970s is still in service and is in need of replacement. Other SCB roof exhaust fans, still in service after thirty- five years, will also be replaced during this renovation project. This project will be advertised on January 22 and 27, 2010. The bids will be opened on February 16, 2010. The construction cost is currently estimated at $260,000. More information will be provided when the Board is asked to approve the construction contract on March 4, 2010. f . _ ~--- - - ~ Agenda Item 7.a.3) Board Meeting of January 7, 2010:- Additional-Written Announcements: -. Conferences/Events - ~. , .. r . _ _. _ .. ~ . , d)Cornell Pump TrainingF School Employee' Attendance On January l2 and 13, 2010; Pumping.Station Operator Anthony MacArthur will be attending Cornell Pump School at their Portland, Oregon manufacturing.facility~ Cornell has waived'the class" registration fee' of $150. The cost for'~travel is~estimated to be x$620. - ,,., . ,, ,. t . ,. Cornell ` um s are used as b p p in the~Onnda p p ypass,. um s for stations Crossroads`and Moraga The sam_ ~e pump has been used for= bypass pumping tests at the San Ramon Pumping Station. Typical subjects for the class include basic and advanced hydraulics, pump design, installation and troubleshooting, motors and VFDs, factory training, and a tour of the facility. e) 2010 Health and Wellness Expo The 2010. Health and; Wellness Expo will be held in the .Multi-Purpose... ; . Room at the Headquarters Office Building (flyer, attached) at-the following times:.. . Thursday, January 21 - 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Friday, January 22.- 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a~.m: Tuesday, January 26 - 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ~. .Wednesday, January 27 = 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Events`include health risk appraisals, cholesterol screening, stress- . relieving massages, body composition analysis, blood pressure checks, . glucose~testing, and strength and flexibility testing. Light refreshments will be served. If you would like to participate, contact Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme: For more information on the Expo, you can contact Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson at 925-229-7336. GroupWise E-mail System Update f) GroupWise E-mail Server Stilf Out of Service The GroupWise a-mail server has beeri'out:of`service since Tuesday; January- 5, 2010. Email accounts are intact and will not be affected because the outage is due; toahe GroupWise server's operating system and not the GroupWise database. Incoming email to the District during server downtime may not ,be delivered once the email system is operational. ~ ln~some cases; senders are receiving abounce-back message stating that the email-address. is undeliverable. , ,. ,,. At,this time, there, is„rio.estimated time. to,when the repair will be completed and the email system operational Staff, recognizes the importance,for the District to conduct business utilizing email and~will provide,the Board an update daily until GroupWise is operationa(: Staff will.also, report both the cause, of the failure and.recomme.ndation for how to improve.the email system at a future. Board meeting.-; .; , _. ;., .. .r i. art s u..~ / ~ / ~ 1 CC. please call Terese O'Malley at 941-4094 or terese.o'malley@johnmuirhealth.com For more information, please contact curt Swanson at ext. 336