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09.b.(Handout) Nutrients Update
Item 9.11b. (Handout) Overview for Today San Francisco (SF) Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issuing the single most impactful regulation since the 1972 enactment of the Clean Water Act Bay area wide investments of $12 billion (B) or more are required with 10 years to achieve compliance Science not yet able to show the intended ecosystem benefits will be achieved for public's investment Central San asking for changes to Draft Order Progress of 1st and 2nd Nutrient Watershed Permits Impacts to Central San under Draft Order terms Nutrients Compliance Roadmap Near Term Actions Outreach and Advocacy Central San's Record of Commitment to Environmental Stewardship Our Mission is to Protect Public Health and the Environment Our Vision and Values support that Mission Central San has indisputable record of commitment to our Mission 26 Years of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Compliance, one of 13 agencies nationwide Lowest rate of sewer overflows in the state Invested over $500 million (M) in the past 10 years Investing $113 over the next 10 years for clean air, clean water, energy efficiency, and optimizing nutrient removal efficacy Achieving this record while maintaining affordable cost of service to our community Stakeholders for Nutrient Regulations 37 Publicly Owned Wastewater/Water Resource Recovery Utilities Customers and Community Members of these Utilities RWQCB U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) f Non -Governmental Organization (NGO) such as San Francisco Baykeeper Water Supply Agencies Watershed Permit Overview 1st Nutrient Watershed Permit 2014 — 2019 Collaboration with dischargers, San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), and state Evaluation of treatment optimization and upgrade opportunities Annual Monitoring Reports 2018 "Nutrient Treatment by Optimization and Upgrade Study" 2nd Nutrients Watershed Permit 2019 — 2024 Nutrient monitoring Annual reporting Scientific studies to develop Nutrient Management Strategy Special studies to evaluate Nutrient Reduction Impacts of Natural Systems and Water Recycling State signaled a regulatory framework based on "Planning Level Targets", credit for Early Actors 3rd Nutrient Watershed Permit Draft Courtesy Draft shared with Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Members in February 2024 Intensive discussions by RWQCB, BACWA, NGOs, and EPA Focus on state of science, timelines, and alternative regulatory frameworks to support maximum public benefits for investment Central San meetings with senior RWQCB staff and separately with water agencies Public Draft Tentative Order issued April 5, 2024, retained challenging terms f i 3rd Nutrient Watershed Permit Draft 40% reduction from 2022 baseline for nutrient loads bay -wide 10-Year Compliance Timeline of July 2035 I $12B (minimum) in capital costs to dischargers and Central San customers Biggest regulatory move since Clean Water Act of 1972 No significant state or federal funding assistance $665M in capital costs for Central San State will issue enforcement orders after 10 years Data from single 2022 event coupled with in -progress model of massively complex systems to arrive at new limits Public Investment vs. Intended - Current BACWA scenario 40% Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen reduction 40% 8% 4% 92% 85% 3% 90% 11% 9% 2% < 1% < 1% (Source: RWQCB April 2, 2024; Memo to File by Richard Looker Numeric Translation of Narrative Objective). Permit based on an acute dissolved oxygen (DO) threshold of 4 milligrams per liter (mg/L) Less than one percent of Suisun Bay experiences a DO concentration less than 4 mg/L under 2022 event conditions 40% reduction scenario "benefit" is nearly indiscernible Central San rate payers to invest $665M for no measurable benefit to the bay ecosystems ■I Bay Wide Change in DO Levels: Dischargers Approach vs. Draft Order 2022 Antecedent Conditions BACWA Approach Draft State Order / •" A I 1 .1. 11 14 11 Y 11 Lbis&! 11 4 11 11 11 t1 11 so J 00 (Source: R WQCB April 2, 2024; Memo to File by Richard Looker: Numeric Translation of Narrative Objective). 9 Scale is from 0.0 mg/1 DO (red) to 7.5 mg/1 DO (dark blue). Tentative Order Stringent Final Effluent Limits 10-Year Timeline to Comply Enforcement as Mechanism for Longer Compliance Schedule Negates Ability to Move Forward with Multi -Benefit Projects Reliance on Science Premature Proposed Adaptive Path Best Management Practices 20-Year Timeline to Comply Load Targets Allow for Multi -Benefit Projects to be Developed Further Develop Science to Ensure Reductions Achieve Intended Ecosystem Benefits Impact to Current 10-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is Approximately $665M $65,775,000 $84,425,000 $123,324,000 $123,675,000 $148,911,667 $143,816,667 $137,316,667 $132,366,667 $129,166,667 $130,666,6E $23,327,000 $34,002:000 $31,333,000 $31,62S,000 $32:675,000 $29,875,000 $29,875,000 $30,030,000 $30:530,000 $30,530,0( - $5,235,000 $5,075,000 $4,525,000 $2,725,000 $2,725,000 $2,475,000 $2,475:000 $2,475,000 $2,475,000 $2,475,0( $250,000 $2,318'000 $3,318,000 $3,318,000 $3,068,000 $2,918,000 :2,718'000 :1,318"000 $6,825,000 $6,825,0( ntingency $5,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total CIP $99,587,000 $125,820,000 $162,500,000 $161,343,000 $187,379,667 $179,084,667 $172,384,667 $166,189,667 $168,996,667 $170,496,6( Percent of Baseline 123.4% 117.4% 152.2% 148.8% 176.8% 177.0% 178.7% 168.3% 164.7% 170., 10-Year Compliance $200,000,000 $200,000,000 $180,000,000 $ I80,000,000 _ $665M increase $160.000.000 — $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $140,000,000 over current $120,000,000 - $120,000,000 baseline $100,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $80.000,000 $60,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $20.000,000 $0 $0 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 FY 2032 FY 2033 FY 2034 — Treaamena Plana Collection 5y— � General lmprovemen¢ —Recycled Waaer — C—urgency —FY 2024-25 (Current Proposal) i Impact on Projected Rates Over 20 Years Nutrients Project Effects on Projected Annual Sewer Service Charges sz� $2,187 .2. s2,]Do 170 sz,DOD $2, s 469D $1,806 ` � - s43oD $41DD f s4aoo — $758M in new debt for 10-year 't r s� ----_- - compliance sroo - • 25% higher rates in 10 years • $603M in new debt for 20-year tf" s9DD compliance _ 5300 sow yr . FY311]5 FY ]DM FY ]D3) fV 3018 FY 3029 FY 2030 FY2031 FY N]33 FY]D3 FY I034 FY 31f35 FY ]D's6 IY fJ31 FY 3038 fY1039 FY awa FY 3091 FY M93 FY 1D93 FY I094 C --- Most Recently Adopted CIP —10-Year Compliance —20-Year Compliance R 12 Near Term Pending Actions Response letter to RWQCB submitted May 8, 2024 RWQCB Hearing for adoption June 12, 2024 r. Petition for abeyance; preserves legal and, administrative options Updated financial modeling for rates Nutrients treatment roadmap development Advocacy and outreach to seek alternative path Legal Counsel consultation on litigation options E Nutrients Management Road Map Objectives of Nutrient Management Road Map Project: F -' I Identify optimal nutrient removal alternatives for Central San that incorporate future water recycling to augment the region's water supply Reducing nutrient discharge Integrate with other ongoing capital projects to a ' maximizing the lifecycle value of existing assets _ Inform the development of a Board Nutrient Management Policy `=°' Step 01 Water Reuse Partnerships New Treatment Facilities 02 Intensification Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) & Densification Road Map Objectives Nature Based Solutions (Multipurpose Basins) A, Optimization of Treatment Systems Performance Spilt Stream F Treatment EAlk Define Project Goals, Identify Narrow alternatives, Issue Request for optimization opport- conduct workshops, Proposal, Select unities and ways to include peer review Consultant and Peer maximize the value of comments, and advance Review Team existing assets the best scoring alternative Step 04 Refine best scoring alternatives and consider phasing, design, and construction Step 05 Develop Pre -Design Report and Board Nutrient Management Policy Outreach to Central San Communities Developed Central San Foundational Elements: Detailed talking points for all messaging Calculations made for all financial impacts to communities served Website created to host messaging, letters, graphics, and collateral for all external audiences Central San homepage urging call to action Infographics to share the Central San story of proposed nutrient regulation impacts Concord costs and messaging to support partner outreach for city residents Outreach to Central San Communities Engagement: Public comments made at May 2024 Mayor's Conference Discussions with city Councilmembers/Managers Detailed Concord financial update regarding partnership costswpm „ East Bay Leadership Council Central San Academy Alumni Requests for Public Comment Letters specifically drafted with: Financial impacts for each city/town Financial impacts for each chambers Communities/individuals inside and outside Central San's service area Outreach to Central San Communities Media: Helped support placement of a nutrient story in East Bay Times with BACWA Sit down interview with Lamorinda Weekly Request call to action story in Rossmoor News Social Media: Multiple posts with graphics, engagement, and calls to action on Nextdoor, X (formally Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedln Outreach to Central San Communities Social media posts Nutrients in the Bay What You Need to Know The Regional Water Quality Control Board recently issued a tentative order on nutrients in treated wastewater that would have significant financial impacts for Central San's customers. Learn more at cent ra Lsan.org/nutrients Nutrients in the Bay Financial Impact To meet the Water Board's proposed requirements and timeline, Central San customers alone would he on the hook for $665 million —or nearly $5,500 per household —with no assurance that these costs will have the intended benefit for San Francisco Bay. Learn more at eentralsan.orglnutrients Nutrients in the Bay Let Your Voice Be Heard! The Water Board is accepting public comments on the proposed order until 5:00 pm, Wednesday, May 8, and will hold a public hearing on June 12, 2024_ View our sample letterat centratsan.orglnutrients Walnut Creek Unincorporated $109 Million in Central County Nutrients $74 Million Outreach to in the Bay Clayton S15 Million Central San San Ramon Communities $73 Million Central Contra Costa County Cost Share by Cost share infographic Households Pleasant Hill $46 Million Total Cost $665 Million' Orinda $21 Million Moraga $18 Million Concord $203 Million Martinez $26 Million Lafayette Danville $31 Million $49 Million =Ilia not menlinned wtFl also have a snare osihe County. Learn more at eentralsan.orglnutrients a tlmateds�s IYiMon In costs Outreach to Central het Your Voice #fie Heard! San Communities fiew�napwak�m�� w�Reroer m�taoo�n aert..aa. f�...a w.ene,g.aetK Inemg m �e. a 2aaa Ptwre nr �. warrr �we re {� Grave a go -day eatenslen re the A—tlme M, the necessary e Bay =.r^mentperlodloallpwthe cnt'ficre—lih,tobelt" Nutrients in ril puallo avequMe lime 1p ➢rowi"' underuand n .ieM redyClionl Input an this Important antl brat will benent the Day. 2—page flyer ^F finanea,tyimpaeepldcelsan lyevclap a finan=IaI anatytis tp ..w....r... .�....no-r....r. Conduct a h—mg of community determine how the proposed order y � ms before considering will impact bay Area residents, as adopilcm of the order. wm,t as how we can mi ligate this �� significant burden —which ra mas Issue_... on Wp m numerous of her essential inlraslne[twre neetli—tor our Submit Comments tw cemmvnitlas. Len arao Corte Co�n[a Ml SehYpL RL Cost Share by Watt•P—rte Centro[ Engi wa• [e vx San m Wv ommittee ro qo tiq r ,Households r. RaharCalirorga Rryional Wxee Oueliry n.pnn eruy aay n.f •.,p sn ire. Control BoaN rerfrnertM nnrrenn mtemp Ina Bmr. Yre f.allwswa Total Cos! sae Lraiv.iva bar Fevign ary area waste.w•er.,triut an y� $69D Mi lean" s5s5 Cray $areal Suite IIOa wen aOl�e'o Ww rndol�inl re Gakland. 17A 9461a nO10 rwry.omre r•¢eeretoP r�� wry twKr0. m.ti�.y�iwm rpwyn tw "--- ��ERm.IL mMgemcu n Ina IMrerw .�e W neap wvniv oroK nrcrsmem vary nn gYnsclN�W®warn Wards ca ggv rvreOMn m �Ylen W rF� W wti nx umew wen ar canwxuner'rwwrYra Outreach to Central San Communities Website banner and web page N u1, n 1, Let your vdm 6, h—di - b�, Go© �MlbNe16�_h..o r.�uW M1x�rY�e..�.se M4aw wxwwn�..�nnwwnmwYer�iww��w�inr�m�i wMhtl+nKw-nE �:� SERVICES & PR03FCI5