HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.f. Review draft PP to adopt proposed resolution establishing independent treasury function separation frmo CCC treasury, and adopt BP 051 banking and cash managementPage 1 of 17 Item 31 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: APRIL 16, 2024 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO ADOPT PROPOSED RESOLUTION 2024-XXX ESTABLISHING CENTRAL SAN'S INDEPENDENT TREASURY FUNCTION AND SEPARATION FROM THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TREASURY POOL AND ADOPT BP 051 BANKI NG AND CASH MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER ADMINISTRATION -FINANCE REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DEPUTYGENERAL MANAGER -ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER ISSUE Central San's Board previously directed staff to pursue an in-house treasury function to improve the efficiency of operations, be better positioned to nimbly respond to unforeseen operational and environmental events and be more aligned with the treasury structure of similarly sized agencies. Following the selection of US Bank to provide banking, custodial safekeeping, and merchant card services on March 21, 2024, the next step towards the implementation of an in-house treasury structure is the approval of a Resolution to withdrawal from the County Pool and the adoption of policies and procedures appointing a District Treasurer amongst other matters. BACKGROUND Central San is a voluntary participant in the Contra Costa County (the County) Treasury Pool and has the option to depart and implement an in-house treasury function with proper Board authorization. California Government Code section 61053 outlines the process in which an independent special district such as Central San can separate from the respective county and "establish an alternative depository." The attached Resolution (Attachment 1) addresses the various requirements spelled out in California Government Code section to withdrawal from the County Pool and implement an in-house treasury function. Once approved by Central San's Board of Directors (the Board), the Resolution must be presented to the County Board of Supervisors allowing Central San to move forward with implementing full banking services with US Bank, the bank selected by Central San following a formal request for proposal solicitation process. As a requirement of the County, the Resolution specifies a "not to exceed" implementation timeframe of fifteen (15) months from the approval date of the Resolution, even though it is the goal of staff to implement an in-house treasury structure in September 2024. With the support of a third -party consultant (Eide Bailly), staff developed a draft Banking & Cash Management board policy (BP 051) establishing key policies over the prudent management of its treasury April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 130 of 150 Page 2 of 17 function, including the appointment of the Deputy General Manager of Administration as the District's Treasurer (Attachment 2). 1 n conjunction with the approval of the attached Resolution, the Board is also being asked to adopt BP 051 at this time. To supplement to this a thorough process -level Banking & Cash Management Administrative Procedures (AP 051) document was also developed to serve as a General Manager directive to staff regarding key treasury processes (Attachment 3). While it is Central San's policy that Administrative Procedures are within the authority of the General Manager and do not require Board authorization, AP 051 is being presented to the Board to enhance the transparency of forthcoming internal treasury protocols once an in-house treasury structure is implemented. A major objective of AP 051 is to establish clear roles, responsibilities, expectations as well as limitations for key staff involved in the treasury management function. Following the Board's approval of the attached Resolution as well as BP 051, staff will coordinate with County officials to obtain the necessary authorization by the County Board of Supervisors to proceed with the County Treasury Pool withdrawal process. While the attached draft resolution currently anticipates presentation to the Board for approval on May 2, 2024, it is reasonably possible this date will be postponed until staff receives confirmation from Contra Costa County Legal Counsel that the language is acceptable for presentation to their Board of Supervisors. If delays do occur, staff is optimistic the final resolution can still be presented to the Board for approval no later than July 2024. Regardless, it is prudent to continue with Finance Committee review at this time in consideration of several upcoming in- house treasury implementation project milestones with final implementation still scheduled for September 2024. Any changes to the attached resolution will be highlighted out in the forthcoming Board position paper. Concurrently, staff will also be working to complete solicitation for investment advisory/management services and make a contract recommendation to the Board sometime in July or August 2024. Staff will also commence efforts with its enterprise resource planning (ERP) consultant and US Bank to implement banking system integration functionalities (i.e., bank reconciliations, payments, deposits, etc.) and appropriate system -based internal controls and security. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board may direct amendments to the attached Resolution or Banking & Cash Management Board Policy (BP 051), which can either be directed at this meeting or effectuated by requesting staff to return with revisions to either of the documents for consideration at a later date. Staff does not recommend deferring the adoption of the Resolution or BP 051 as it could adversely impact the in-house treasury implementation target of September 2024 and other contemporaneous project efforts (i.e., ERP modifications, solicitation and selection of and investment advisor/manager, etc.). FINANCIAL IMPACTS The recommended action to approve the attached Resolution and Banking & Cash Management Board Policy by itself will not have any immediate or direct financial impacts. As required by the County and/or state law, California Sanitary Districts that maintain their own treasury function are required to obtain and maintain both crime & fidelity Insurance as well as a surety bond, which must be deposited annually prior to October 1 st of each year at an amount determined by the Board. While Central San already possesses crime & fidelity Insurance, the coverage and amount will be re -assessed during insurance renewal process. It is also unclear what size of a surety bond will be appropriate, which is being assessed currently by Risk Management and Finance Division staff, as well as project implementation consultants, Eide Bailly. The additional cost for expanded insurance coverage and meeting the surety bond requirements is not expected to be significant and is expected to be covered by the FY 2024-25 Self Insurance fund budget. Any costs in excess of Board approved Self -Insurance fund budget will be brought back to the Board for approval as required by policy. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 131 of 150 Page 3 of 17 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Finance Committee reviewed this matter at its meeting on April 16, 2024 and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Approve the proposed Resolution 2024-xxx establishing Central San's own treasury function and separation from the Contra Costa County Treasury Pool and adopt a Banking & Cash Management Board Policy (BP 051) appointing the Deputy General Manager - Administration as the District's Treasurer. Strategic Plan re -In GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL SEVEN: Innovation and Agility Strategy 2 - Implement organization -wide optimization ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Banking & Cash Management Board Policy (BP 051) 3. Banking & Cash Management Administrative Procedures (AP 051) April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 132 of 150 Page 4 of 17 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF TREASURER AUTHORITY FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT APPOINTING A DISTRICT TREASURER AND AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSIT OF DISTRICT FUNDS WITH U.S. BANK WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) is a special district and a public entity established under the Sanitary District Act of 1923 and operating pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 6400 et seq; WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code sections 6405 and 6801 provide that the Contra Costa County Treasurer shall be Central San's Treasurer and depository, and maintain custody of all Central San funds, unless Central San establishes an alternative District Treasurer and depository pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 6801; WHEREAS, Central San intends to withdraw its money from the County treasury and appoint a District Treasurer; WHEREAS, Central San has a system to record its financial transactions under generally accepted accounting principles that is available upon request to reflect Central San's financial position as well provide sufficient records to be audited by an independent auditor; WHEREAS, Central San undergoes an annual financial statement audit as engaged by an independent auditor and the audit is conducted under generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; WHEREAS, Central San has a system of internal controls over its various transaction cycles and business operations, including having developed procedures for drawing and signing checks, for preventing fraud and ensuring accountability, and ensuring that bond principal and salaries shall be paid when due; WHEREAS, it is the policy of Central San to pay claims and demands before they are approved by the Board of Directors if the Treasurer determines that the claims and demands conform to Central San's approved budget; WHEREAS, to establish an alternative depository for Central San funds, Health and Safety Code section 6801 requires Central San's Board of Directors to fix the amount of the surety bond for Central San's District Treasurer; WHEREAS, Central San's Board of Directors approved the establishment of a bank account with US Bank as a depository for Central San's funds; WHEREAS, it is the desire of Central San's Board to appoint a District Treasurer and establish an alternative depository to the County Treasurer, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 6801. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 133 of 150 Page 5 of 17 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution No. 2024-XXX Page 2 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: Section 1. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into this Resolution by this reference. Section 2. Central San's Board hereby appoints the Deputy General Manager - Administration as its District Treasurer who will serve in the place of the County Treasurer. Section 3. Central San's Board wishes to withdraw its money from the County Treasury and hereby states its intention to withdraw its money from the County Treasury and have all revenues collected by the County on behalf of Central San sent to US Bank. Section 4. Central San's Board hereby states that Central San will establish its own relationship with the Local Agency Investment Fund ("LAIF"). Section 5. Central San's Board and the County Board of Supervisors shall determine a mutually acceptable date for the withdrawal of the district's money from the County Treasury to take place but no later than 15 months from the date of this Resolution. Section 6. Central San's Board hereby designates US Bank as the depository of Central San's money. Section 7. Central San's District Treasurer and all Central San employees responsible for handling Central San's finances shall be covered in the amount set forth in Central San's Employee Dishonesty (Crime & Fidelity) Insurance Policy with National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA. Section 8. Central San's District Treasurer shall make quarterly or more frequent written reports to Central San's Board, as the Central San Board shall determine, regarding the receipts and disbursements and balances in the accounts controlled by Central San's District Treasurer. Section 9. Central San's Board shall determine the amount of a surety bond that will be deposited by the District Treasurer annually prior to October 1 of each year. Section 10. Central San's management has developed a system of internal controls, policies, and procedures regarding Central San's system of accounting, the drawing of checks, the timing of payments such as bond principal, salaries, and other demands and claims. Section 11. The Board Secretary shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 134 of 150 Page 6 of 17 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution No. 2024-XXX Page 3 of 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of May 2024, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote. AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mariah N. Lauritzen President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Katie Young, CPMC, CIVIC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: J. Leah Castella, Esq. Counsel for the District April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 135 of 150 Attachment 2Page 7 of 17 Number: BP 051 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Authority: Board of Directors Effective: XX/XX/2024 Revised: Not applicable Reviewed: Not applicable Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration/Finance BOARD POLICY BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT PIJRPnSF To set forth policy direction for banking and cash management at Central San. POLICY 1. The Board recognizes the strategic value of maintaining an in-house treasury function as it relates to improved operational control, process efficiencies, and responsiveness to change (i.e., emergencies, disasters, laws/regulations, programs, etc.). 2. Management shall establish and enforce suitable internal controls over the banking and cash management function to safeguard Central San's liquid assets. A wide range of internal controls should be considered including those that are preventative, detective, as well as corrective. 3. The Deputy General Manager of Administration shall serve as Central San's Treasurer with specific authorities set forth in internal administrative procedures. 4. Banking and custodial safekeeping services must be authorized by the Board. AUTHORITY The General Manager has the authority to execute all banking and custodial safekeeping service agreements once the necessary Board authority to proceed is obtained. The General Manager shall establish, implement, and enforce administrative procedures to support this policy. PERIODIC REVIEW This policy shall be reviewed at least biennially to ensure alignment with current strategic priorities set by the Board. Any changes must be approved by the Board following initial review by the Administration Committee. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 136 of 150 Page 8 of 17 Attachment 3 Number: AP 051 Related Board Policy: N/A Authority: General Manager Effective: Revised: Reviewed: Initiating Dept/Div: Administration/Finance Date Signed: Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager, Administration Roger S. Bailey, General Manager ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT 1. PURPOSE To set forth administrative procedures over Central San's banking and cash management functions establishing requirements for opening, closing, updating, and managing bank accounts and cash balances. Beyond ensuring the security of Central San's monetary assets, this policy shall also outline protocols to ensure Central San maintains adequate liquidity for covering operations while minimizing idle cash for utilization in the investment portfolio. 2. SCOPE The policies in this document shall apply to all employees involved in the banking and cash management function. Excluded from the scope of this administrative procedure are many policy requirements associated with Central San's investments, accounts payable, payroll, and cash receipts processes as those are covered in separate related policies listed hereafter. 3. RELATED POLICIES This policy focuses on the administrative procedures associated with banking protocols. Other administrative procedures covering protocols associated with cash management include the following: a. Investments (BP 005) b. Petty Cash Reimbursements (AP 103) c. Cash Receipts Handling (AP 105) d. Bi-weekly Payroll Funding (AP 107) e. Accounts Payable (AP 108) April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 137 of 150 Number: AP 051 Page 9 of 17 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 2 of 10 C! 5 BACKGROUND Central San's Banking & Cash Management Administrative Procedures were developed in preparation for its transition from being a voluntary pooled participant with the Contra Costa County Treasurer Tax Collector's Office to taking the treasury function (i.e., banking and cash management) in-house. Following several months of deliberation and planning involving peer agency benchmarking, risk assessment analysis, best practice research, independent professional consultations, and public discussions with the Board, it was concluded that a transition to an in-house treasury function was in the strategic best interest of Central San. As a prerequisite to this move, the Board took action to appoint a Treasurer and adopt these Banking & Cash Management Administrative Procedures, with the purpose of establishing clear policy and process guidelines, roles, and responsibilities for staff, as well as establishing a framework for developing internal controls to protect those monetary assets. DEFINITIONS a. ACH Credit — Equivalent to a digital check "written" by the payer that instructs the ACH network to transfer funds from their account to a payee's account. An ACH credit transaction is completely electronic, eliminating the need for a written paper check and visit to the bank. The most common type of ACH credit transactions are payroll direct deposits. Often referred to as "push" transactions, ACH credits typically take 1-2 business days to process. b. ACH Debit — Initiated by the payment receiver, an ACH debit is the most common type of ACH transfer. Also known as a "pull" transaction, the receiver is "pulling" funds from the payer. Per National Automated Clearing House (NACHA) rules, ACH debits must be completed within one business day. c. Automated Clearing House (ACH) — The primary system that agencies use for electronic funds transfers. With ACH, funds are electronically deposited in financial institutions, and payments are made online. d. Bank Account— Any and all bank and investment accounts with financial institutions including but not limited to checking, savings, money market, certificates of deposits (CDs), mutual funds, and investment accounts. e. Cash — coins and currency and all negotiable instruments with monetary value (including but not limited to checks, money orders, ACH transactions, etc.), that can be deposited into a bank account. f. Check - A written, dated, and signed instrument that directs a bank to pay a specific sum of money to the bearer. The person or entity writing the check is known as the payor or drawer, while the person to whom the check is written is the payee. g. Collateralization of Deposits — Process by which a bank or financial institution pledges securities, or other deposits for the purpose of securing the repayment of deposited funds. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 138 of 150 Number: AP 051 Page 10 of 17 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 3 of 10 h. Custodial Agreement — An arrangement wherein one holds an asset or property on behalf of the actual owner (beneficiary). This may include cash, stock certificates, bonds, and other financial instruments. The custodian is responsible for safeguarding these types of assets, usually held at one of the custodian's premises, a sub -custodian facility, or an outside depository. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - This encompasses Automated Clearing House (ACH) debits, ACH credits (e.g., direct deposit) and wire transfers. j. Positive Pay - A common automated cash service that helps banks detect fraud by matching a company's issued check with the check presented for payment. The dollar amount, check number and account number must all match, or the check is flagged and sent back to the issuer for review. k. Wire Transfer— An electronic transfer of funds via a network that is administered by banks and transfer service agencies around the world. Wire transfers involve a sending and receiving institution and require information from the party initiating the transfer, such as the receiver's name and account number. 6. SEGREGATION OF DUTIES As an underlying principle, cash management processes should be developed such that no individual is able to complete a transaction from start to finish. This entails segregating the core transactional duties of recordkeeping (i.e., ability to record the transaction in the accounting system), custody (i.e., having access to blank check stock or ability to initiate an ACH credit or wire transfer), and authorization (i.e., signing a check or releasing a wire transfer) between different individuals (or work groups) when practical. Alternatively, compensating internal controls should be implemented where full segregation of duties is not feasible. Generally, the cost of implementing an internal control (i.e., number of employees, staff time, technology, etc.) should not exceed its benefit. Individuals with the authority to instruct a bank to make positive pay exceptions cannot have any responsibility for preparing the bank reconciliation of that bank account. Individuals assigned by the Finance Manager to reconcile the account shall not be the same individuals who are authorized to sign checks or approve EFTs on the account. 7. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The following are the core parties involved in the cash management and banking function and associated roles and responsibilities: a. Board of Directors Central San's elected Board of Directors (Board) are the governing body of Central San. While administrative matters are delegated to the General Manager, policy -level decisions and responsibilities are retained by the Board. Key banking and cash management responsibilities of the Board include the following: April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 139 of 150 Page 11 of 17 Number: AP 051 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 4 of 10 Attachment 3 i. Authorize master banking and investment services agreements. ii. Adopt and periodically review banking and cash management policies. iii. Appoint the position to serve as Central San's Treasurer, currently the Deputy General Manager of Administration. b. General Manager Central San's General Manager serves as the chief executive officer of Central San overseeing all operating departments through two Deputy General Managers, among other members of the executive team. Key banking and cash management responsibilities of the General Manager include the following: i. Execute banking and investment services agreements, following Board approval. ii. Authorize and ensure the enforcement of policies and administrative procedures. Adopt policy revisions as needed. iii. Check signer (backup to Treasurer and Secretary of the District) iv. Wire transfer approver (see Exhibit A for limits) v. Authorize investment actions in line with BP 005 (see Exhibit A for limits) vi. Authorize intra-banking transfers (backup to Treasurer) c. Deputy General Manager of Administration (Treasurer) Central San's Deputy General Manager of Administration oversees Central San's Administration Department and shall also serve as Treasurer. The Treasurer, not being involved in any recording or reconciliation function, shall serve as the primary signatory with the bank. Key banking and cash management responsibilities of the Treasurer include the following: i. Oversee compliance with banking custodial services agreement. Ensure timely renewals of master contract and solicitation for new banking services as needed. ii. Implement and enforce policies and administrative procedures as authorized by the General Manager. Recommend policy revisions for consideration of approval by the General Manager as needed. iii. Authorize banking services ancillary to master custodial agreement (i.e., lockbox, credit card acceptance, remote deposit, etc.). iv. Authorize creation or closure of operational accounts under master custodial bank agreement. v. Add/remove online banking users and specify authorization limits (secondary). vi. Check signer (in addition to the General Manager and Secretary of the District) vii. Wire transfer approver (see Exhibit A for limits) viii. ACH Filters/Blocks administration (secondary) ix. Approve positive pay file exceptions (secondary) x. Authorize investment actions in line with BP 005 (see Exhibit A for limits) xi. Authorize intra-banking transfers (secondary, see Exhibit A for limits) April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 140 of 150 Page 12 of 17 Number: AP 051 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 5 of 10 d. Finance Manager (Deputy Treasurer) Central San's Finance Manager oversees the Finance Division, within the Administration Department, and shall also serve as Deputy Treasurer. The Deputy Treasurer, not being directly involved in any recording or reconciliation functions, shall serve as a secondary signatory with the bank. Key banking and cash management responsibilities of the Deputy Treasurer include the following: i. Oversee Finance Division, including assigning banking and cash management responsibilities and tasks to staff as deemed appropriate. ii. Primary point of contact with bank on day-to-day administrative matters. iii. Assist with the implementation and enforcement of policies and administrative procedures. Recommend policy revisions as needed. iv. Serve as Treasurer in prolonged absence of Treasurer. v. Add/remove online banking users and specify authorization limits (primary). vi. Review and approve (but not prepare) bank reconciliations. vii. Prepare and deliver quarterly investment portfolios. viii. Wire transfer approver (see Exhibit A for limits). ix. Edits ACH Filters/Blocks (primary). x. Approve positive pay file exceptions (primary). A. Authorize investment actions in line with BP 005 (see Exhibit A for limits). xii. Authorize intra-banking transfers (primary, see Exhibit A for limits). xiii. Delegate submission/upload of ACH credit and positive pay files to bank to appropriate Finance Division staff. 8. AUTHORIZATION / SIGNATURIES There should be three or more signatories for each bank account. An authorized signatory who is separated from Central San, or otherwise has a change in employment or job responsibilities, must be removed from the list immediately and the bank notified in writing. Central San staff should monitor the list of signatories with the bank and at least annually verify and update as needed the bank's record of authorized signatories. No custodian or individual who reconciles the accounts can be a signatory. 9. BANKING STRUCTURE AND CONTROLS a. Check Signing Checks must be signed manually by an authorized signatory or by an authorized representative of the signatory using the appropriate mechanism (e.g., magnetic ink, printers, check signatory plates). Such mechanisms must be always secured. Additional procedures and internal control requirements over payments (and the underlying invoices/claims) are covered separately in AP 108. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 141 of 150 Page 13 of 17 Attachment 3 Number: AP 051 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 6 of 10 b. Operational Accounts i. General Account This account is considered the master bank account and is designated for non- credit card deposits. As a control, disbursements should not be issued from this account, but from other operational clearing accounts described below funded by authorized bank transfers from the General Account. ii. Disbursement Clearing Account All disbursements are generated through the accounting system via check, except for petty cash, ACH, and wire transfer payments which are generally initiated outside the system. To enhance security and assist in the tracking and reporting of general disbursements, all non -payroll related checks and ACH payments shall be made from a disbursement clearing account. This account shall be treated as a zero -balancing account, only being transferred funds from the General Account sufficient to meet known obligations. iii. Payroll Clearing Account To enhance security and assist in the tracking and reporting of general disbursements, all payroll related checks and ACH payments shall be made from a payroll clearing account. This account shall be treated as a zero - balancing account, only being transferred funds from the General Account sufficient to meet known payroll obligations (i.e., payroll direct deposits, payroll checks, payroll taxes and other payroll -related transactions). Refer to AP 107 for additional details on how this account shall be monitored and funded. iv. Other From time -to -time various accounts may be required by grantees or state statute. Accounts may also be established if Central San is the fiscal agent for another organization. c. Physical Security of Checks and Printer All check stock, manual or blank, and the check printer device must be kept in a secure location with limited and restricted and controlled access to select personnel only. Refer to AP 108 for additional details on payment processing security. d. ACH Controls To achieve more efficient processing, cost savings as well provide a more secure transaction as compared to utilizing paper transfers (i.e. checks), agencies are strongly encouraged to receive and send funds electronically via ACH (Automated Clearing House) whenever possible. Because ACH transfers are conducted by the bank using batch processing, ACH transfers are far less expensive than wire transfers. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 142 of 150 Number: AP 051 Page 14 of 17 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 7 of 10 Central San staff shall employ common ACH bank controls, coupled with controls outlined in AP 108, to safely utilize this efficient payment methodology: i. ACH Filters —This control is ideal for routine, recurring bank debit transactions, allowing an institution to establish a maximum dollar amount on ACH transactions with specific approved organizations. ii. ACH Blocks - A debit block prevents ACH debits received for processing at a bank from posting to the designated bank account. Unauthorized debits are automatically returned to the originating (sending) company. e. Use of Positive Pay Positive Pay is a service whereby an institution provides its bank with a file of all checks issued that day. If a check does not exactly match the issued item, the bank is required to notify the account holder. Unless the account holder instructs the bank to pay the item noted as not matching, the bank will return the check unpaid. Central San shall institute, whenever feasible and appropriate, the Positive Pay service provided by its bank to protect itself from check fraud. 10. POOLED CASH Consistent with common practices for other large and medium-sized multi -fund public agencies, Central San's unrestricted cash is accounted for in a pooled cash fund to allow for efficient cash flow analysis, reconciliation, and maximize investment returns. The allocation of cash to individual funds is accounted for through a pooled cash account, which shall balance with the pooled cash fund in the aggregate. Investment earnings (i.e., interest income, realized gains, etc.) of the pool shall be proportionately divided among the funds on a quarterly basis based on their weighted average balances. 11. BANK RECONCILATIONS a. Purpose Bank reconciliations are an essential internal control tool and are necessary in detecting fraud and correcting accounting errors. Bank reconciliations ensure that all transactions that have been processed by a bank have been reviewed and checked, thus reducing the probability of errors in the data used to record book balances. Bank reconciliations also assist in ensuring that all payments and receipts have been applied to a bank account and have also been recorded in the accounting records. Any differences shall be identified, explained, and rectified. b. Segregation of Duties The reconciliation function requires segregation of duties. In that regard, the person who performs the bank reconciliations shall also not have access to the independent recording of transactions in the accounting system or the processing of cash April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 143 of 150 Number: AP 051 Page 15 of 17 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 8 of 10 disbursements or receipts. Any differences identified between the accounting records and the bank statements shall be adjusted by a person other than the one performing the reconciliation. The bank reconciliation must be reviewed and approved by someone other than the preparer. Central San must maintain supporting documentation with all reconciliations in accordance with the record retention policies. c. Timeliness A comprehensive reconciliation of all bank accounts held by Central San must be performed, at a minimum, monthly, by the end of the subsequent month or sooner as practicable. Central San is encouraged to obtain bank statements electronically. d. Stale Checks Through the bank reconciliation process, staff may identify outstanding checks requiring action. Assigned staff shall contact suppliers for all checks that have been outstanding for six months that have been identified as "stale". At that point, checks shall either be cancelled or cancelled and reissued. i. Stop Payments - A designated staff member of the Finance Division shall be delegated the responsibility for approval of all orders to stop a check after it has been issued. If positive pay is utilized, stop payments are not necessary since designated Central San staff can remove the check in question from the positive pay record. Voided Checks - A voided check is a check written or partially written but then canceled or deleted by Central San prior to issuance. of "void" is used because checks are pre -numbered for control purposes and every check needs to be accounted for. Voided checks may require some adjustments when reconciling the bank statement. iii. Cancelled Checks - A canceled check is a check that has cleared the depositor's bank account and has been marked as "canceled" by the bank. Both voided and canceled checks must be retained in accordance with Central San's record retention policy. 12. LIQUIDITY The Finance Division monitors Central San's cash position weekly to ensure sufficient liquidity to meet Central San's weekly payment obligations and other cash flow needs. The weekly cash flow analysis incorporates anticipated cash receipts and disbursements based on historical information, projected financial activity and value of investment returns. Additional cash requirements are identified and drawn down from the Central San's balance in the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) managed by the State of California Treasurer's Office or other fund(s) as approved by the Treasurer. Temporary idle cash April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 144 of 150 Number: AP 051 Page 16 of 17 Attachment 3 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 9 of 10 identified in the cash flow analysis shall be invested in a manner consistent with Central San's Board Policy on Investments (BP 005). Central San's available cash balance is maintained at a flexible goal of at least $2 million in its primary cash account. The target cash balance may vary depending upon anticipated receipts and disbursements identified during the weekly cash flow analysis. 13. COLLATERALIZATION OF DEPOSITS An inherent risk to maintaining cash at a bank, as disclosed annually in Central San's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, is "custodial credit risk." Custodial credit risk for deposits is the risk that, in the event of the failure of a depository financial institution, the Central San will not be able to recover deposits or will not be able to recover collateral securities that are in possession of an outside party. This risk is mitigated in that, of Central San's total bank balance, $250,000 is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The remaining balances on deposit must be collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's agent. Pursuant to California Government Code section 53652, the depository (bank) is required to maintain a market value of at least 110% of the pledged collateral. The collateral ization agreement between the banking institution and Central San shall adhere to state and federal law. 14. EXCEPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURE Any exception to this Administrative Procedure shall be approved by the General Manager, documenting the justification for deviating from standard procedures. All exceptions will be deemed non -recurring and approved on a case -by -case basis. Repeated requests for exceptions should trigger management's review of policy for consideration of revisions. 15. PERIODIC REVIEW This Administrative Procedure shall be reviewed periodically and revised as needed to ensure protocols and internal controls over banking and cash management are revised, as necessary, to reflect changes in Central San operations, personnel, and objectives. Attached Supporting Documents: Exhibit A — Banking & Cash Management Authorization Limits [Original retained by the Secretary of the District] April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 145 of 150 Number: AP 051 BANKING & CASH MANAGEMENT Page 10 of 10 Exhibit A Banking & Cash Management Authorization Limits Attachment 3 Employee Position / Title Transaction Deputy General Finance Manager Type General Manager Secretary of the Manager of (Deputy Accounting District Administration Supervisor (Treasurer)Treasurer) Intra-Bank No limit (backup to None No limit (backup to Finance No limit No limit Account Transfers Treasurer) Manager) (secondary) (primary) Checks' No limit No limit No limit None None (backup) (secondary) (primary) Investment Invest set PurchPositive >$5 million None <_ $5 million <_ $1.5 million None Pay No limit None No limit No limit No limit Exceptions (backup) (backup) (secondary) (primary) Wire Transfers3 No limit No limit No limit No limit None (backup) (backup) (secondary) (primary) All manual checks must be signed by two authorized personnel, with the Treasurer being the primary signer. Checks generated through Central San's accounting system shall be signed via a properly secured signature plate and include both General Manager's and Treasurer's signatures. 2 Ordinarily, barring a short or long-term absence of an approving party, transactions must be approved by all involved parties. For instance, a $6 million investment purchase should be authorized by the Finance Manager, Treasurer, and General Manager. 3 Execution requires approval by two different authorized personnel. April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 146 of 150 Page 1 of 2 Item 4.a. F__1_448�411C_S0 April 16, 2024 TO: FINANCE COMMITTEE FROM: SHARI DEUTSCH, RISK MANAGEMENT ADMINSTRATOR REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DEPUTYGENERAL MANAGER -ADMINISTRATION ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW RISK MANAGEMENT LOSS CONTROL REPORTAS OF APRIL 2, 2024 The attached Loss Control Report shows information on current and prior open claims through April 2, 2024. This report is typically issued monthly and new claims occurring since the previous report are highlighted in blue (if any). Strategic Plan Tie -In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1 - Deliver high -quality customer service GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. Loss Control Report April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 147 of 150 CCCSD 2023-24 Loss Control Report I I New Incident Ongoing Incident Prior FY Litigated OVERFLOWS Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to 1 Ck # Type Paid * Paid ** Closed 1 2024002 SSO 9121/23 Ron Coleman 512 Moraga Way Moraga $ $ $ 397.00 Claimant/ 100140 Closed Louis & Susan Meunier 516 Moraga Way Moraga $ 4,944.38 $ - $ 5,341.38 ServiceMaster / 100153 Closed 2 2024003 SSO 9/29/23 Eding Horn 1029 Windsor Dr Lafayette $ $ 3,801.69 $ - $ 3,801.69 ServiceMaster 1100153 Closed 3 2024005 SSO 10/2/23 Roesbery Car Care 3099 N Main Walnut Creek $ $ 88,342.44 Business Loss I Various $ 28,688.29 ServiceMaster / 100151 $ 34,157.56 Claimant/100150 Closed Pool & Spa Supplies 3099A N Main Walnut Creek $ $ 329.18 $ 10,213.75 $ 161,731.22 Claimant / 100152 Closed 4 2024008 SSO 2/19/24 Dana Nadel 164 Lucinda Lane Pleasant Hill $ 7,500.00 $ 1,276.00 $ 8,776.00 Claimant/100165 Total - SSO 1 $ 7,500.00 I $ 37,763.54 I $ 134,386.75 1 $ 179,650.29 OTHER LIABILITY CLAIMS Status # ID# Loss Type DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Paid * Claim Paid ** Incident Total Paid to 1 Ck # Open A 2019014 GL 7/26/2018 Jane Kappel 25 Arlene Lane Walnut Creek $ 10,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ $ 16,000.00 Trial Mar 20241100110 Open B 2021015 GL 12/14/20 A R Johnson (GAL) M73, 205 Alamo View Walnut Creek $ 25,000.00 $ - $ $ 25,000.00 PI: In Discovery Open C 2021024 GL 2/1/17 EBMUD 17-29 Chapel Drive Lafayette $ 25,000.00 $ $ $ 25,000.00 2017+ slide, served 5125 Open E 2023002 GL 2/1/22 Weldon's Xcompl 644 Vallecito Ln Walnut Creek $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 Tendered to Contractor Open F 2023010 GL 9/30/22 Frederick Hagen Sycamore My Rd. Danville $ 25,000.00 $ $ $ 25,000.00 Bike Injury - Suit Filed Open 1 2024010 GL 4/1/24 Emily St. John 1527 Cypress Street Walnut Creek $ 912.60 $ $ $ 912.60 Business Loss Total • Liab 1 $ 95,912.60 I $ 6,000.00 1 $ - 1 $ 101,912.60 1 PLUMBING REIMBURSEMENTS Loss Status # ID# DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Claim Incident Total Paid to I Ck # Type Paid * Paid'* Closed 1 2024009 PL 3/15/2024 Shannon Gruber 55 Ocean Pines Ln Alamo I$ 249.00 1 $ 249.00 Total - PL I $ • I $ - I $ 249.00 1 $ 249.00 AUTO INCIDENTS Status # ID# Loss Type DOL Other Party Location Veh# Reserve Expenses Paid * Loss Paid ** Incident Total Paid to 1 Ck # Closed 1 2024001 AL 7/5123 Kemal Gunel 1273 Locust Street, W, 288 $ $ $ 3,222.20 $ 3,222.20 Claimant/ 100132 Closed 2 2024006 APO 12/5/23 Mohamed Radwan Akky 94 Muth Dr. 290 $ $ 4,229.89 $ - $ 4,229.89 Laf Auto Body / 100160 $ (4,299.89) $ (4,299.89) Subro. State Fund Open 3 2024007 AL 12/20/23 Elodia Urbina Olympic Blvd, WC 314/M232 $ $ 8,075.91 $ $ 8,075.91 Total -Auto 1 $ - I $ 8,005.91 I $ 3,222.20 1 $ 11,228.11 CENTRAL SAN'S PROPERTY LOSSES Status # ID# Loss DOL Other Party Address City Reserve Expenses Loss Cost Incident Total Paid to I Ck # Type Paid Closed 1 2024004 PD 9/26/23 HOB3 Boiler Leak 5019 Imhoff Martinez Is $ 28,916.76 $ - $ 28,916.76 ServiceMaster/ 100153 Total -Prop I $ $ 28,916.76 I $ 1 $ 28,916.761 Notes: rnor year ciosea claims nave peen removea rrom report. Prior year active claims show a letter in the # column to distinguish them from current year claims. 412124 April 16, 2024 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 148 of 150