HomeMy WebLinkAbout17.b. Consider Board Member Mike McGill's request to adopt Resolution No.2024-005 nominating him for re-election as a Special District Representative on the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)Item 17.b. BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER M E E T ING D AT E:F E B R UA RY 22, 2024 S UB J E C T: C O NS I D E R B O A R D ME MB E R MI K E MC G I L L 'S R E Q UE S T TO A D O P T R E S O L UT I O N NO. 2024-005 NO MI NAT I NG HI M F O R R E -E L E C T I O N A S A S P E C I A L D I S T R I C T R E P R E S E NTAT I V E O N T HE C O NT R A C O S TA L O C A L A G E NC Y F O R MAT I O N C O MMI S S I O N (L A F C O) S UB M I T T E D B Y: K AT I E YO UNG, S E C R E TA RY O F T HE D I S T R I C T I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: S E C R E TA RY O F T HE D I S T R I C T RE V IE WE D B Y:MI C HA E L R. MC G I L L , P R E S I D E NT P R O T E M O F T HE B O A R D R oger S . B ailey General Manager IS S UE T he Contra Costa L A F C O has put out a call f or nominations f or one special district seat on L A F C O f or a four-year term commencing May 7, 2024. A resolution of nomination is required f rom a special district Board f or a candidate to be considered f or a seat on the Board. B AC K G RO UND Nomination Process C orrespondence was recently received from L A F C O announcing the upcoming election and calling for nominations for one special district member seat on the C ontra C osta L A F C O. T hat seat is currently held by Central S an Board Member Mike McGill and will expire on May 6, 2024. He wishes to seek re- appointment on L A F C O for another four-year term ending May 2028 and asks that the C entral San B oard adopt a resolution of nomination f or him. A ll nomination resolutions must be received by L A F C O no later than March 11, 2024. Each independent special district is entitled to nominate a maximum of one board member, either from its own district or f rom another district, if so desired. I f at the end of the nomination period only one candidate is nominated f or the seat, that candidate will be deemed appointed and the election will be February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 117 of 128 Page 1 of 12 canceled. I f two or more candidates are nominated, the election process summarized below and more fully explained in Attachment 1 (material received from L A F C O E xecutive Of f icer L ou Ann Texeira) will ensue. A proposed resolution of nomination for Member McGill is set f orth in Attachment 2. Election Process I n March 2024, a list of candidates and official ballots will be sent to each special district via email and U.S. mail. P rior to the election deadline, eligible nominated candidates may circulate a statement of qualif ications to the 42 special districts eligible to vote. B allots will be accepted via email and U.S. mail and must be received by A pril 19, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Voting Delegates T he B oard has appointed Member L auritzen as the D istrict's 2024 representative to L A F C O and Member McGill as her alternate. As such, they will be considered C entral San's voting delegate and alternate voting delegate, respectively, f or the upcoming election. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS None. F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S None. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T his matter was not reviewed by a Board Committee. RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N C onsider B oard Member McGill's request to nominate him for re-election as a special district L A F C O representative. I f desired, adopt the proposed resolution nominating him as requested. AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. Nominations and E lection I nformation from L A F C O 2. Resolution 2024-005 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 118 of 128 Page 2 of 12 ATTACHMENT 1 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 119 of 128 Page 3 of 12 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 120 of 128 Page 4 of 12 Gov. Code 56332. (a) The independent special district selection committee shall consist of the presiding officer of the legislative body of each independent special district. However, if the presiding officer of an independent special district is unable to participate in a meeting or election of the independent special district selection committee, the legislative body of the district may appoint one of its members as an alternate to participate in the selection committee in the presiding officer's place. Those districts shall include districts located wholly within the county and those containing territory within the county representing SO percent or more of the assessed value of taxable property of the district, as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to one vote for each independent special district of which he or she is the presiding officer or his or her alternate as designated by the governing body. Members representing a majority of the eligi"ble districts shall constitute a quorum. (b) The executive officer shall call and give written notice of all meetings of the members of the selection committee. A meeting shall be called and held under one of the following circumstances: (1)Whenever the executive officer anticipates that a vacancy will occur within the next 90 days among the members or alternate member representing independent special districts on the commission. (2)Whenever a vacancy exists among the members or alternate member representing independent special districts upon the commission. (3)Upon receipt of a written request by one or more members. of the selection committee representing districts having 1_0 percent or more of the assessed value of taxable property within the county, as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll . . (4) Upon the adoption of a resolution of intention pursuant to Section S6332.S. (5)Upon �eceipt of a written request by one or more· members of the selection committee notifying the executive officer of the need to appoint a member representing independent special districts on an oversight board pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (j) of Section 34179 of the Health and ·Safety Code. ( c)The selection committee shall appoint two regular members ·and one alternate member to the commission. The members so appointed shall be. elected or appointed members of the legislative body of an independent special district �siding within the county but shall not be members of the legislative body of a city or county. If one of the regular district members is absent from a commission meeting or disqualifies himself or herself from participating in a meeting, the alternate district member may serve and vote in place of the regular district member for that meeting. Service on the commission by a regular district member shall not disqualify, or be cause for disqualification of, the member from acting on proposals affecting the special distri�t on whose legislative body the member serves. The special district selection committee may, at the time it appoints a member or alternate, provide that the member or alternate is disqualified from voting on proposals affecting the district on whose legislative body ·the member senres. (1)The executive ·officer may prepare and deliver a call for nominations to each eligible district. The presiding officer, or his or her alternate as designated by the governing body, may respond in writing by the date specified in the.call for nominations, which date shall be at least 30 days from the date on which the executive officer mailed the call for nominations to the eligible district. (2)At the end of the nominating period, if only one candidate is nominated for a vacant seat, that candidate shall be deem.eel' appointed. This paragraph shall be operative only if the written notice of the meeting provided pursuant to subdivision {b) discloses that, if nominations are received for only one candidate by the end of the nominating period, the candidate shall be deemed appointed and the ·meeting may be c�celled. February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 121 of 128 Page 5 of 12 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 122 of 128 Page 6 of 12 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SPECIAL DISTRICTS Procedures for the Special District Selection Committee The California Government Code, specifically Section 56332, sets forth requirements for the Independent Special Districts Selection Committee ("Selection Committee"). The procedures contained herein are intended to supplement the code and provide local rules relating to the selection of special district members to the Contra Costa Local Agericy Fonnation Commission (LAFCO). Selection Committee Purnose The .. purpo.se of ·the' Selection Committee is to appoint the regular and/or alternate special district members· to-the Contra Costa LAFCO whenever a tenn expires or a vacancy exists for the regular and/or alternate special district member seats. The tenn of office of each LAFCO member is four years and until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor (Gov. Code §56334). Selection Committee Membership The Selection Committee is comprised of the presiding officer of the legislative body of each independent special district. If the presiding officer is unable to parti�ipate in the Committee meeting, the district may appoint one of its other board members to attend the meeting (Gov. Code §56332). Selection Committee Meetings The LAFCO Executive Officer will notify all independent special districts of a vacancy or impending vacancy in the position of regular or alternate special district member and will schedule a meeting of the Selection Committee. To the extent possible, Selection Committee meetings will be scheduled in conjunction with meetings of the Contra Costa Special Districts Association as a convenience to members and for efficiency. The Executive Officer will provide a an election schedule to all independent special districts prior to the Selection Committee meeting. All meetings of the Selection Committee are open meetings and comply ·with all applicable provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act. Quorum Each presiding officer (or appointed alternate board member) attending the Selection Committee meeting are required to register their attendance. Members representing a majority of the eligible districts shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of the ·selection Committee business. No meeting will be convened prior to establishing _a quorum. The Committee shall act by majority vote of the quorum, or if more than a quorum is present at the meeting, by majority vote of those members in attendance. Nomination Procedures Members of governing boards of independent special districts may be nominated to serve as a regular or alternate special district member of the Contra Costa LAFCO (Gov. Code §56332). Each independent special district is entitled to nominate a maximum of one board member per vacancy (i.e., for each regular and each alternate seat) from any· district. Districts are required to make nominations by adoption of a Board resolution. February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 123 of 128 Page 7 of 12 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 124 of 128 Page 8 of 12 2024 SPECIAL DISTRICT SELECTION COMMITTEE ELECTION SCHEDULE Date/Deadline 1/16/24 2/12/24 3/11/24 Task LAFCO sends letter announcing upcoming election, election schedule, and calls for nominations and names of district voting delegates (must be a Board member) LAFCO sends reminder District deadline for submitting names of voting delegates and nominating resolutions IF AN ELECTION IS NEEDED, THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL APPLY: 3/18/24 4/8/24 4/19/24 4/26/24 LAFCO transmits list of candidates and ballots to voting delegates ( email and US mail) LAFCO sends reminder to return completed ballots to the LAFCO office by April 19, 2024. Election date/deadline for returning ballots LAFCO must make election results available within 7 days of election [Gov. Code §56332(±)(6)]February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 125 of 128 Page 9 of 12 INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICT SELECTION COMMITTEE DISTRICT NAME TITLE ALTERNATE ALAMO-LAFAYETTE CEMETERY DIST Mary Mccosker Chair Carolyn Thiessen, Trustee AMBROSE REC & PARK DIST Trina Hudson Chair Mae Torlakson, Vice Chair B-B-K-U CEMETERY DIST Patricia Bristow Chair BETHEL ISLAND MID Bruce Smith Board President BYRON SANITARY DISTRICT Danny Hamby Chair CASTLE ROCK COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Dan Moylan CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIST Mariah Lauritzen President CONTRA COSTA MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL Darryl Young President CONTRA COSTA RESOURCE CON DIST Walter Pease President CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT Ernesto Avila President CROCKETT COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Luigi Barassa President DIABLO CSD Kathy Urbelis President DIABLO WATER DISTRICT Marilyn Tiernan President TOWN OF DISCOVERY BAY CSD Michael Callahan President EAST CONTRA COSTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT Glenn Stonebarger President GREEN VALLEY REC & PARK DIST Adam Glimme Board Member IRONHOUSE SANITARY DIST Chris Lauritzen President KENSINGTON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Julie Stein President KENSINGTON POLICE PROT & CSD David Spath President MORAGA-ORINDA FIRE DIST Mike Roemer President MT. VIEW SANITARY DIST Julie Halsne President PLEASANT HILL REC & PARK DISTRICT Sandy Vinson Chair RECLAMATION DIST (RD) 799 Jim Price RD800 Robert Lyman RD830 Chad Davisson RD 2024 * Don Wagenet RD 2025 David Ferkel RD 2026* David A. Ferkel RD2059 Rob Davies RD 2065* Coleman Foley RD 2090* Jake Messerli Chair RD 2117* Joyce Speckman RD 2122 Katherine Wadsworth RD 2137* Randall Mager Board member RODEO-HERCULES FIRE PROTECTION DIST Marie Bowman Chair RODEO SANITARY DISTRICT Janet Callaghan President SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DIST H. Jay Kerr President STEGE SANITARY DISTRICT Paul Gilbert-Snyder President WEST COUNTY WASTEWATER DIST David Alvarado President PLEASE REVIEW AND UPDATE AS NEEDED Emil Geddes, Trustee Anthony Berzinas, VP Mike Nisen, Vice Chair Joe Atturio Mike McGill, Pres Pro Tern Peter Pay, Vice Pres Igor Skaredoff Antonio Martinez, Vice Pres Kent Peterson Matthew Cox, Vice Pres Scott R. Pastor, Vice Pres Carolyn Graham, Vice Pres Mark Dwelley, Vice Pres Gina Glimme, Board Member Susan Morgan, Vice Pres Daniel Levine, Vice Pres Alexandra Acquino-Fike, VP Greg Hasler, Vice Pres Gregory T. Pyka, Vice Pres Quy Tran, Vice Chair Richard Kent, Vice Pres David Harris, Secretary Domenic Cianfichi John Jackson, Thomas Robinson, Don Wagenet Russell Ryan, Randall Neudeck Russell Ryan, Randall Neudeck William Hall Thomas Baldocchi, Sr., Thomas Baldocchi, Jr. Paul Phillips Sandra Speckman Kiefer Shaun Rohrer, Emma Mendosa Pamela A. Forbus, Attorney Delano Doss, Vice Chair Maureen Brennan, Vice Pres Matthew J. Stamey, Vice Pres Beatrice O'Keefe, Vice Pres Arto Rinteela, Vice Pres February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 126 of 128 Page 10 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-005 A RESOLUTION NOMINATING BOARD MEMBER MICHAEL R. MCGILL AS THE SPECIAL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE ON THE CONTRA COSTA LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) WHEREAS, the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is a regulatory agency charged by the State legislature with “discouraging urban sprawl and encouraging the orderly formation and development of local agencies” based on “local circumstances and conditions;” and WHEREAS, the role of LAFCO is to review and approve or deny proposals to annex land to cities or special districts; detach land from cities or special districts; consolidate two or more cities or two or more special districts; form new special districts and incorporate new cities; dissolve special districts and disincorporate cities; merge cities and special districts; and allow cities or special districts to provide services outside of their boundaries; and WHEREAS, LAFCO is made up of two City members, two County members, two Special District members and one public member, and an alternate in each category, all of whom serve four-year terms; and WHEREAS, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Member Michael R. McGill was elected in May 2016 as a Special District member on LAFCO for a four-year term, reelected in 2020 and wishes to seek re-appointment for another four-year term ending May 2028; and WHEREAS, LAFCO has called for Special Districts to submit nominations by resolution no later than March 11, 2024 for the election scheduled for April 19, 2024. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) as follows: 1. THAT Central San Board Member Michael R. McGill is hereby nominated to fill the Special District member vacancy on LAFCO for a four-year term ending May 2028. 2. THAT this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Attachment 2 February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 127 of 128 Page 11 of 12 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution No. 2024-005 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of February 2024, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: ABSTAIN: Members: Michael R. McGill President Pro Tem of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Katie Young, CPMC, CMC Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Leah Castella, Esq. Counsel for the District February 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 128 of 128 Page 12 of 12