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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. Receive 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit ReportItem 7.a. J anuary 18, 2024 T O: HO NO R A B L E B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S F RO M :B E NJ A MI N J O HNS O N, I NT E R NA L A UD I TO R RE V IE WE D B Y:P HI L I P L E I B E R , D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R-A D MI NI S T R AT I O N R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E 2023 C A P I TA L P R O J E C T S D E S I G N-O NLY A UD I T R E P O RT Enclosed is the 2023 Capital P rojects Design-only Audit F inal Report. I nternal A udit assessed the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements. Internal Audit partnered with the Capital Projects and Finance Divisions to review the financial and contracting processes involved in the management of capital projects. In summary, the District is generally well-positioned to manage this aspect of the capital project development process. However, as the District’s capital projects have continued to grow in scope, complexity, and monetary value from a baseline of a decade ago (approximately $30M per year) to recently over $100M per year, it is essential that the organization continues to embrace process effectiveness and continuous improvement to ensure nimbleness and efficiency when considering agreement origination processes and the project management of related efforts. T he Purchasing workgroup and Capital Projects Division team members display a high level of competency and take pride in carrying out their responsibilities to the best of their ability. Increased transparency and formality, where appropriate, as well as deployment of modern technology, may help to meet the operational goals of the organization more efficiently. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L FO U R : G overnance and Fiscal R esponsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability G O A L S I X: I nfrastructure Reliability Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally, Strategy 2 - Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. 2023 C apital Projects D esign-only A udit F I NA L R eport 2. P resentation January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 25 of 84 Page 1 of 16 INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT DATE: December 6, 2023 TO: Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Kevin Mizuno, Finance Division Manager Stephanie King, Contracts and Procurement Administrator FROM: Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor SUBJECT: 2023 CAPITAL PROJECTS DESIGN-ONLY AUDIT FINAL REPORT Enclosed is the 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report. Internal Audit assessed the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements. Internal Audit partnered with the Capital Projects and Finance Divisions to review the financial and contracting processes involved in the management of capital projects. In summary, the District is generally well-positioned to manage this aspect of the capital project development process. However, as the District’s capital projects have continued to grow in scope, complexity, and monetary value from a baseline of a decade ago (approximately $30M per year) to recently over $100M per year, it is essential that the organization continues to embrace process effectiveness and continuous improvement to ensure nimbleness and efficiency when considering agreement origination processes and the project management of related efforts. The Purchasing workgroup and Capital Projects Division team members display a high level of competency and take pride in carrying out their responsibilities to the best of their ability. Increased transparency and formality, where appropriate, as well as deployment of modern technology, may help to meet the operational goals of the organization more efficiently. The actions taken and/or planned are responsive to the observations in the report. There will be regular follow-up to discuss remediation efforts and send reminders, as needed. Internal Audit would like to thank management and staff for their partnership during the length of this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at (925) 229-7120. Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor Enclosure cc: Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 26 of 84 Page 2 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 2 2023 CAPITAL PROJECTS DESIGN-ONLY AUDIT FINAL REPORT DATE: December 6, 2023 INTRODUCTION Audit Objective The objective of this engagement was to assess the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements. Background The Capital Projects Division (Capital, or Capital Projects) partners with the Purchasing workgroup, which is a part of the Finance Division (effective October 2022), to process professional services agreements that facilitate capital projects across the District. Managing expectations around timing, accuracy, and efficiency of these processes continues to be a focus for both Divisions and there is a consensus that there are opportunities for process improvement. This audit attempts to shed light on these and similar opportunities. Capital works to address the infrastructure needs of the District and displays a sense of ownership and urgency. Team members are experienced, take pride in their work, and aim to nimbly respond to unexpected challenges while meeting the goals of the overall capital improvement program, including replacing aging infrastructure, in accordance with Board-approved policies/procedures and legal/regulatory expectations. Capital projects, both large and small, require close collaboration between project managers, Senior Engineers, Capital Projects Division management, and Purchasing to ensure District needs are met timely and efficiently. The Purchasing workgroup strives to be a strategic partner for Central San’s internal customer divisions, striving to balance the need for customer service (i.e., quality, timely, and cost-effective purchases) and compliance with procurement policies, laws, and best practices. Purchasing is committed to meeting processing time metrics for all requests that come through Purchasing to ensure that the District’s business needs are handled in a timely manner. Purchasing processes professional services agreements based on Capital’s input while Capital is solely responsible for the processing of construction contracts. Purchasing currently meets with Capital monthly to ensure communication lines and expectations are clear for current requests for professional services agreements. Purchasing and Capital staff are experts in their respective fields, which is evident in conversation. Audit Scope, Limitations, and Methodology Internal Audit reviewed the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements, with respect to the following: • Consultant selection • Professional services agreements origination, including inter-Divisional: o Timing expectations o Formal service-level agreements Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 27 of 84 Page 3 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 3 o Reporting • Agreement revisions (change orders) and related staff authority • Project management, including: o Billing processing o Customer satisfaction follow-up after completion • Maintenance versus public works projects The audit was performed using the following methods: 1. Reviewed available policies, guidelines, and procedures. 2. Interviewed team members and walked through the processes within the scope of the audit. 3. Analyzed the design of relevant controls and processes with respect to meeting established operational objectives. 4. Reported audit results and discussed recommendations, including the following: a. Audit Objective b. Background c. Audit scope, limitations, and methodology d. Summary of results e. Recommendations, if applicable, with management’s response INTERNAL AUDIT RESULTS Summary Based on Internal Audit’s assessment of the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements, there are opportunities to enhance transparency and communication between Divisions and to executive management, as well as efficiency. In addition to the formal findings noted in this report, there are a couple general recommendations we would like to share with the Finance Division: • Create a checklist template, to be completed by customers, for contract/agreement packets to ensure all required documents have been included • Craft a service-level agreement (SLA) that outlines the absolute minimum days required to craft/finalize emergency contract/agreement origination requests, as well as the proper approval requirements (i.e., Deputy General Manager and Contracts and Procurement Administrator) to substantiate an emergency request, to enhance transparency Findings and recommendations were made surrounding the following: • Capital's procedural documentation does not fully reflect current processes Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 28 of 84 Page 4 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 4 • There is a need to standardize Capital Projects’ reporting to key stakeholders • Agreement/contract drafts are edited and shared internally via email, which may lead to version control issues • Key stakeholders do not receive regular contract/agreement processing status updates The risk each finding presents to the organization is weighted with respect to meeting the operational needs of the District using the following system: • 1 – High Risk • 2 – Moderate Risk • 3 – Low Risk Finding 1: Capital's procedural documentation does not fully reflect current processes 1 – High Risk There is a need to update the procedural documentation surrounding Capital’s contract/agreement origination and project management processes. The most current draft of the Engineering Department Procedures Manual was crafted in 2005 and was last updated in 2014. Although guidance appears robust and applicable regulatory expectation was considered when written, some documented figures and processes no longer comport with current District practices and standards. Recommendation: We recommend the following for Capital leadership’s consideration: a. Craft or update flow charts for both construction contract and professional services divisional responsibilities to outline contract/agreement origination processes and project management approach in relation to issuance of new contracts, change orders to existing contracts, and close out of contracts. b. Craft a flow chart, with Finance’s input, identifying foundational criteria to determine how the District classifies maintenance versus capital projects, the related contract templates, and budget fund sources for each. c. Include guidance surrounding Capital’s consultant selection process in accordance with current best practices. d. Update guidance around staff, General Manager, and Board authority pertaining to change orders to accurately reflect the District’s current business practices. e. Create a new SLA to provide contract/agreement packets to Purchasing within “X” days after Board approval to enhance transparency and help manage timing expectations. f. Using the Engineering Department Procedures Manual as a point of reference, review, update, and document all current/key processes in standalone Administrative Procedure (AP) documents that are owned by appropriate staff to enhance detail, accountability, compliance efforts, and cover modern topics previously not included. Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 29 of 84 Page 5 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 5 g. Review/update each procedural document annually, log the reviewer/date moving forward, and create a spreadsheet to track procedure inventory and annual review details. Management’s Response / Action Plan: Management agrees with the recommendations above. The action plan to implement these recommendations is outlined below and will be completed during the current 2023-24 Fiscal Year. These actions will be reflected in the related metrics for the updated 2024-26 Strategic Plan, incorporated into the Capital Division senior staff individual work plans and annual performance reviews to ensure proper focus on this effort. This will include the following summary steps: 1. Capital will facilitate a review of processes, roles, and responsibilities for new contracts issuance, change orders to existing contracts, and closeout of contracts. 2. Capital will review examples from up to three peer agencies’ Project Management procedures, compare these to current District procedure topics, and finalize a “table of contents” for all actions that require a standard procedure (AP). This list will be reviewed and approved by the Deputy General Managers (DGMs) and shared with the Engineering and Operations (E&O) Committee. 3. Capital will develop a revised set of APs based on the list. These updated APs for project management activities will be reviewed (not approved) by the E&O Committee. 4. Capital will work with Finance to develop a written AP for use by staff in evaluating the proper assignment of a contract and its related budget resources to either Capital or Maintenance categories. 5. Capital will work with Finance to develop a joint SLA covering both divisions’ commitments for contract development, agreement, management, and closeout. Target Date: June 30, 2024 Responsible Owner: Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager Internal Audit’s Response: The action plan above, along with its target date, appears reasonable. Finding 2: There is a need to standardize Capital Projects’ reporting to key stakeholders 1 – High Risk There is an opportunity for Capital to formalize and enhance reporting of capital project activity so that there is a formal source of project-related reporting flowing through the Division to management and executive management. Capital management is consistently engaged in conversations with project managers and supervisors to ensure projects are completed in an efficient and timely manner and are performed in compliance with legal/regulatory expectations. Currently, the District does not have a formal, Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 30 of 84 Page 6 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 6 robust reporting mechanism to ensure that executive management, and various stakeholders across the District, are kept abreast of project status in relation to key project indicators. Recommendation: We recommend the following for Capital leadership’s consideration: a. Internal approval of a new project (i.e., Request for Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA) Project form) or change order approach should flow to the Deputy General Manager. If executive management determines that their signature is not required for each instance, at minimum, the completed forms should be routed to the DGM for informational purposes. b. Capital should partner with IT to develop a dashboard that includes critical information pertinent to each project, broken down further to consultant and contractor status details, including but not limited to: i. Overall progress of each project, including contractor and consultant effort tracking ii. Tracking billing approach, processing status, and timing in accordance with A/P policy guidelines iii. Budget-to-actual breakdowns iv. Any pertinent notes from staff or management describing approach, concerns, or other items to highlight v. New project approval and change orders related to existing projects c. The same reporting tools developed under (b) should be used for quarterly and annual reporting to the Board and committees, including E&O and Finance so there are not duplicative sources or reporting processes used for Board reporting on the capital projects’ status. d. The DGM needs to be formally informed of, and in agreement with, consultant selection committee members, scoring methodology, selection, and approach. In addition, the DGM should be formally notified of contractor awards. Regarding selection committee members, any conflicts of interest should continue to be formally vetted. e. To the extent possible, Capital may want to notify Purchasing of future projects, contracts, and agreements scheduled in the pipeline along with estimated start times and priority rankings. In addition, contract/agreement origination packet elements and approach may be shared and discussed with Purchasing early in the contract/agreement origination process to further smooth out the transfer of documents from Capital to Purchasing. Perhaps a bi- weekly email that communicates these details to Purchasing would be useful. This would provide the opportunity for Purchasing to anticipate and inquire about incoming work and potentially expedite overall workflows. Management’s Response / Action Plan: Management agrees with the recommendations regarding Finding No 2. The action plan to implement these recommendations is outlined here and the Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 31 of 84 Page 7 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 7 related work will span the current FY 23-24 and the next FY 24-25. These actions will be reflected in the related metrics for the updated 2024-26 Strategic Plan, incorporated into the Capital Division senior staff individual work plans and annual performance reviews to ensure proper focus on this effort. The response plan will consider the following stakeholders who require timely and appropriately focused project information and status reports: Project Managers, support staff with roles in contract initiation and project tracking, the Board (specifically, the E&O Committee), Purchasing, Legal Counsel, and Risk Management. The Action Plan will include the following general steps: 1. The workflow for initiating a new project, recommendation (a), will be modified to include sign off by, or monthly reporting, to the DGM and the E&O Committee. Workflow for change orders currently includes routing to the DGM but does not include narrative explanation for the change. Making this or similar changes to the current Oracle workflow will be the first option explored to avoid new or duplicative workflow. 2. Recommendations (b) and (c) will be implemented in a coordinated manner since the dashboard information elements, targeted users, and frequency of reviewing should be complimentary to the E&O Committee and Board quarterly and annual reports. The reports will ideally be composed of the “building blocks” that are already in place from a well mapped set of dashboards, and all data for both efforts should be coming from a unified source in the Oracle system. Input from the E&O Committee will be obtained in a regular E&O Committee meeting, which will be the forum for reviewing and finalizing draft reports intended for the Board. The process for developing the reporting dashboards will include an initial workshop with stakeholders to go through items of interest, map these at a summary level with key workflow, and confirm appropriate roles in supporting the workflow to input and review the new dashboards. 3. Recommendation (d), regarding selection of rating/review panels for award of design contract, will be met by adding this topic as a standard item for the DGM’s 1:1 meetings, where items will be reviewed in advance of interviews. 4. Recommendation (e) will be implemented as a standing item to be added to the monthly standing meeting with the Purchasing and Capital Projects teams. The Capital Projects team will share a quarterly lookahead for pending contracts so that any questions or issues of concern from either team can be resolved early. Target Date: The implementation actions will be completed by June 30th, 2024. Responsible Owner: Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager Internal Audit’s Response: The action plan above, along with its target date, appears reasonable. Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 32 of 84 Page 8 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 8 Finding 3: Agreement/contract drafts are edited and shared internally via email, which may lead to version control issues 2 – Moderate Risk Capital shares and edits contract/agreement drafts internally through email, which may cause version control issues. When Purchasing is finalizing language, there may be uncertainty whether the latest version is being used, causing delays in processing, and increasing the risk of inaccurate information being reflected in the final version. Recommendation: Contract/agreement draft documents should be housed in a singular location with access granted to appropriate Capital and Purchasing staff to ensure there is a single source of truth. In addition, there should be multiple draft templates available to address different project types, situations, and insurance profiles. This may be facilitated with the currently being developed Oracle Contract Management functionality, or through other means. Management’s Response / Action Plan: Management agrees with the recommendations regarding Finding No 3. One action in support of this recommendation is in progress, which is the review, updating, and storing of standard contract templates in Oracle. Users then access these templates for all new work, using only the vetted and approved forms stored in Oracle. The next phase of the “version control” solution will likely involve a combination of updated workflows and tools, including SharePoint to support version-controlled forms, digital sign off at key workflow stages, and an access-controlled library for final documents. Details of this will need to be worked out with IT, Legal, and Purchasing input and buy-in. The general steps anticipated to complete the work plan include: 1. Workshop to review current forms, storage locations and practices, and workflow for initiating, reviewing, and signoffs at key milestones. 2. Identify outcomes and features desired for the new workflow and document management approach. 3. IT assessment of options for technology tools such as SharePoint and Oracle. 4. Validation and scoping of the development effort. 5. Training for users and secondary stakeholders. 6. Implementation and go-live. Target Date: This work is anticipated to occur in tandem with the other recommendations and will have a target date for implementation of September 2024. Responsible Owner: Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager Internal Audit’s Response: The action plan above, along with its target date, appears reasonable. Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 33 of 84 Page 9 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 9 Finding 4: Key stakeholders do not receive regular contract/agreement processing status updates 2 – Moderate Risk Purchasing does not regularly report details surrounding the status of contract/agreement processing efforts to stakeholders across the District, which may impact projects that have more compressed timelines such as District emergencies and special needs. That said, Purchasing staff are available to field questions surrounding processing status, they meet with Capital Projects as well as other key groups monthly to discuss status and other issues, and Oracle sends out some automated notifications surrounding status updates, such as process completion or additional information requests. However, the District does not have a standard, routine reporting mechanism that proactively keeps stakeholders informed of timing expectations in relation to the needs of the District. A lack of transparency surrounding this process may result in inadequate communication between Divisions, foster unrealistic expectations, and cause processing delays. Recommendation: We recommend that Purchasing produces a single, weekly email, or other method of communication of workflow status, that is distributed to all stakeholders with open requests. Key metrics such as project priority, timeline expectations, processing status, and additional requests can thereby be addressed proactively, rather than in a reactive manner. Management’s Response / Action Plan: Management agrees that transparency regarding the status of open procurement requests is essential to building trust with our internal customers. However, the challenge of balancing limited resources with conflicting priorities necessitates a thoughtful and carefully crafted planned out approach. Since the Purchasing workgroup joined the Finance Division in October 2022, the leadership team has been working closely together to identify opportunities to enhance internal customers’ experiences with procurement following the implementation of Oracle Cloud Fusion in October 2020. Initiatives that have been taken over the past year, some still underway, include the following: • Training & Resources – The Finance team rolled out its first ever “Finance @ Your Service” training series in 2023, covering a different fiscal topic relevant to internal customer divisions. As part of this series, procurement policies and processes were covered in a live training in April 2023. Subsequently, a video recording of the training and copy of the presentation was posted to Central San’s intranet followed by an announcement to key stakeholders communicating the availability of the new training material. Going forward, this training will be held annually, with process updates being incorporated in each year’s new training. • Fill Procurement Workgroup Vacancy – The procurement workgroup currently has a vacant Contracts & Procurement Specialist position, which has led to existing staff (two staff and one supervisor) taking on much the workload. The individual currently responsible for most consulting Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 34 of 84 Page 10 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 10 services agreement procurements (a focus of this audit engagement), also handles many other unrelated responsibilities. Management intends to shift many of the duties unrelated to consulting agreement procurements (i.e., furniture, nameplates, p-card administration, etc.) to the new position once hired. Recruitment has been underway since October 2023 and management expects the vacancy to be filled by January 2024. • Reporting – Since the implementation of Oracle, Finance has spearheaded the design and implementation of many new reports after receiving feedback from internal customers. After several months of discovery, design, and validation, involving other internal stakeholders, Finance implemented a new Capital Project PO Commitments Report that allows customers to quickly see any purchase orders assigned to capital projects as of a specified point in time. This was designed to enhance the transparency of capital project commitments and improve decision making by allowing project managers or other concerned parties to quickly see the current balance of capital project-related purchase orders. To supplement this report, in August 2023, the Finance and Planning & Development Services Divisions embarked on a joint project to implement a similar report to enhance the transparency of on-call agreements, reporting on balances already committed to purchase orders as well as uncommitted and available amounts. Finance is hopeful to have this new report finalized and publicized by January 2024. Following the completion of this report, Finance agrees that a report on the status of in progress requisitions may be helpful to internal customers commits to exploring this as part of the Oracle process review currently underway (see next bullet). • Contracts Module Implementation – Finance is currently working to develop Oracle’s Contract Management Module so that the full contracting process will be completed within the system. This will bring more transparency and visibility to the live status of contract requests, streamline the contracts approval process, and ultimately improve the quality and accuracy of contract documents. Finance is hopeful for this functionality to go live, at least for non-construction contracts (handled by the Capital Projects division), by the close of the current fiscal year (FY 2023-24). • Process Review by 3rd Party Specialist – Finance is in the process of finalizing an agreement with a third-party that specializes in both Oracle and procurement practices (RGS) to review the current procure-to-pay processes and system design. The objective of this engagement is to obtain a written report with recommended changes necessary to optimize system functionalities in accordance with governmental procure-to-pay best practices, including having the ability to accommodate encumbrance accounting and reporting. Process and system changes recommended by this specialist may have significant Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 35 of 84 Page 11 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 11 impacts to status quo workflows across all departments and require significant change management efforts with customer divisions to ensure successful implementation. Accordingly, Finance requests that the Executive Team act as a project sponsor with this endeavor, which will entail periodic status reporting and their support for key changes. Finance respects and appreciates the recommendation of the Internal Auditor regarding the implementation of methods to improve the transparency of status on procurement requests. However, the Finance Division is concerned that the implementation of a system-generated requisition status report or targeted weekly emails by staff may not be feasible at this time given limited resources and other initiatives currently underway as described previously. Finance is confident that the optimizations in progress will yield enhanced transparency and efficiency to the procurement process, helping to address some of the concerns which may have inspired the recommendation. An extensive weekly reporting requirement to all divisions on all transactions would commit more resources than are available without adverse impacts to operations and optimizations currently underway. Three options seem most reasonable currently: 1) complete the currently underway initiatives, then explore the feasibility of a system-generated requisitions status report and/or recurring weekly reporting duties, 2) de-prioritize initiatives currently underway to make room for a new recurring reporting/status update responsibility, 3) consider amending the recommendation to target specific types of procurements (i.e., specific groups, longer duration procurements, etc.), which should be more attainable to implement. Target Dates: • System-generated on-call agreement status report: January 2024 • Fill vacant staff position, complete training, and begin to shift workload off staff handling consulting agreement procurements: March 2024 • Training on updated procurement practices highlighting all new reports and functionalities: April 2024 • Third-party Process Review Report with change recommendations delivered to Executive Team: June 2024 (recommended changes from consultant to have separate implementation dates) • Contract Module implementation: June 2024 (exploring partial rollout by January 2024) Responsible Owner: Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager Internal Audit’s Response: Internal Audit followed up with Finance management after receiving the response above and we agree that option 3 appears to be the most practical approach to addressing this finding. However, after Finance performed additional research into an implementation model, there were additional challenges noted and communicated to Internal Audit. As such, Finance has agreed to work with the Executive Team to develop a solution and Internal Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 36 of 84 Page 12 of 16 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit FINAL Report 12.06.23 12 Audit will follow up by June 30, 2024. Finance management would like to communicate the following: “We plan to expand how we brief key customers on the status of their procurements, and we are currently narrowing down the who, what, and when.” Attachment 1 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 37 of 84 Page 13 of 16 12/12/23 1 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit Report Board Meeting Benjamin Johnson Internal Auditor January 18, 2024 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit Final report issued on 12.06.23 •Background •The Capital Projects Division is solely responsible for processing construction contracts and partners with the Purchasing workgroup to process professional services agreements related to the Capital Improvement Program •The District’s current capital projects are valued over $100M •Capital works to address the infrastructure needs of the District and displays a sense of ownership and urgency •The Purchasing workgroup strives to be a strategic partner for Central San’s internal customer divisions •Staff in both Divisions appear to be subject-matter experts 1 2 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 38 of 84 Page 14 of 16 12/12/23 2 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit Final report issued on 12.06.23 •Audit Objective •The objective of this engagement was to assess the design of internal controls surrounding the management of capital projects, including related professional services agreements. •Audit Scope •Internal Audit reviewed the design of internal controls with respect to the following: •Consultant selection •Professional services agreements origination, including inter-Divisional: •Timing expectations •Formal service-level agreements •Reporting •Agreement revisions (change orders) and related staff authority •Project management, including: •Billing processing •Customer satisfaction follow-up after completion •Maintenance versus public works projects 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit Final report issued on 12.06.23 •Focus Areas •Phase I: Topline approach – 2023 •Capital’s coordination efforts with Purchasing •Transparency •Formality •Phase II: In-depth review – 2024 •Project-based review •Compliance with internal procedures and regulatory expectations 3 4 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 39 of 84 Page 15 of 16 12/12/23 3 2023 Capital Projects Design-only Audit Final report issued on 12.06.23 •Audit Results •Capital Projects Division - Three Findings •Capital's procedural documentation does not fully reflect current processes (High Risk) •There is a need to standardize Capital Projects’ reporting to key stakeholders (High Risk) •Agreement/contract drafts are edited and shared internally via email, which may lead to version control issues (Moderate Risk) •Finance Division – One Finding •Key stakeholders do not receive regular contract/agreement processing status updates (Moderate Risk) Questions, Comments, or Suggestions 5 6 January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 40 of 84 Page 16 of 16