HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministration MINUTES 12-5-23 (Special)Page 2 of 7
President Pr°Tern
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
8:30 a.m.
FAX.- (925) 372-0192
Chair Mariah Lauritzen
Member Mike McGill
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager - Operations
Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager —Administration
Charles Mallory, Information Technology Manager
Lori Schectel, Enviromental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Nitin Goel, Operations Optimization Manager
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager
Emily Barnett, Communications and Governmental Relations Manager
Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer
Colleen Henry, Environmental Compliance Program Administrator
Michael Cunningham, Associate Engineer
Ann Vallee, Community Affairs Representative
Heather Ramamurthy, Management Analyst - IT
Kelsey Lansang, Graphics Specialist
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to Conduct a public hearing to receive
comment and consider adopting codified Ordinance No. amending
District Code Titles 6, 7, and 10
Ms. Lawson reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials. As part of a periodic review of the District Code, staff has
identified various changes required in order to conform with external
requirements, internal practices, and to otherwise enable the more
efficient management of Central San' s operations.
• Capacity Fee Credits to align current practices with District
• Procedures to quitclaim or vacate real property interests. Staff is
recommending revisions to procedures to quitclaim or vacate
real property interests. This would allow delegation of authority
to the General Manager, or their designees, to execute and
record quitclaims.
• Reporting Requirements- Changes to allow submittal of
electronic documents using a system compliant with 40 CFR
Part 3--Cross-Media Electronic Reporting. The proposed
changes to this Section requires notification to the Regional
Water Quality Control Board, which was made on October 6,
2023. They had 45 days to review (until November 20, 2023);
and no comments were received, therefore it is approved.
• Interceptor/Trap Maintenance Standards - Addition of `grease
traps' to part of Central San's Interceptor/Trap Maintenance
Standards. The proposed change to this Section requires
notification to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, which
was made on October 6, 2023. They had 45 days to review
(until November 20, 2023); and no comments were received,
therefore it is approved.
Ms. Lawson advised that the public hearing will be held on December 21.
The Committee had no questions and recommended Board approval.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to Adopt (1) a Resolution No. 2023-
XXX delegating authority to the General Manager to execute quitclaims
and authorizing staff to record the documents with the Contra Costa
County Clerk -Recorder's Office, and (2) corresponding revisions to Board
Policy No. 037 — Delegation of Authority to General Manager
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Ms. Lawson reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials advising that this item is in relation to the District Code updates
discussed in the previous item.
There was a discussion regarding adding the language to the District
Code update regarding an irrevocable offer of dedication and going
through the quitclaim process.
The Committee recommended Board approval with the caveat to discuss
adding language regarding irrevocable trust with District Counsel.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
C. Review draft Position Paper to update Board Policy (BP) No. 009 - Cell
Phone Reimbursement
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials. She advised that the following changes are being proposed:
A clear distinction between a reimbursement and a stipend as one
is non-taxable and other is taxable.
Updates to reflect current procedures to begin the reimbursement
and the stipend as those are now handled by two different
divisions, Finance and Human Resources respectively.
Updated terms throughout the document to reflect current
technology and ease of reading.
In response to a question posed by Chair Lauritzen on securing the
cellular phone, Ms. O'Malley stated that all phones must have passwords
and cannot be easily accessed.
Mr. Mallory noted that the Information Technology (IT) staff has a program
where all items associated with Central San can be removed should a
phone be compromised.
Member McGill stated that the $150 allowance seems low considering the
cost of most new phones. Ms. O'Malley responded that the issue is a
negotiated benefit.
Member McGill inquired about the need for a Board Policy if the
information is included in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Mr.
Bailey advised that staff would check with District Counsel.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval and requested
researching the need for the Board Policy with District Counsel.
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d. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
an amendment to an existing professional consulting services
agreement with Bernardo M. Ferdman, DBA Ferdman Consulting in an
amount not to exceed $74,000 increasing the total cost ceiling to $417,356
to continue Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consulting and facilitation
services through April 30, 2024
Ms. O'Malley reviewed draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials. She reviewed and highlighted the scope of work which include:
• Finalizing the DEI Assessment Report.
• Supporting the DEI task force to develop and finalize the draft DEI
strategic plan.
• Holding workshops with the leadership team to solicit input on the
draft strategic plan and plan for implementation.
• Holding workshops with District staff to roll out the final DEI
strategic plan.
It was noted that Mr. Ferdman would be using two associates whose costs
are included on the attachments in the agenda materials.
Member McGill stated that he is happy with the process so far and that
Central San needs to complete this. He noted that since starting the effort,
some of the District's constituents are less enamored by DEI and he
believes it's time to move forward. He stated that it will take a champion
at the leadership level to keep moving forward and complete the
Chair Lauritzen stated that she wants to see DEI through until the end and
will be supporting this effort. She reiterated that she sees this as an
investment and finalizing the DEI strategic plan needs to happen soon.
Mr. Leiber advised that the updated strategic plan for FY 2024-26 is being
completed and will integrate strategies and goals from the DEI effort. It
was noted that components of the draft Strategic Plan will be brought to
the December 21 Board meeting for review and approval.
The Committee had no further comments and recommended Board
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
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e. Review draft Position Paper and adopt Resolution No. 2023-XXX outlining
the employment salary and benefits of the unrepresented at -will
employees' group and rescind Resolution No. 2022-020
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials. She advised that this item is essentially a clean-up item to add
the following information into the unrepresented at -will employees
1. The addition of Juneteenth as a District observed holiday.
2. The replacement of one of the two District "core" Ca/PERS medical
plans with Anthem Blue Cross Traditional HMO now that Health Net
SmartCare is no longer being offered by Ca1PERS effective January 1,
3. The deletion of Section N that provides for a registration differential for
those unrepresented employees that hold a Certified Public
Accountant (CPA), Professional Engineer (PE) and Land Surveyor
(LS) license as long as their job classification does not require such
license. This provision is no longer applicable to the unrepresented
Mr. Bailey advised that the following people are included in this
Resolution: Deputy General Managers, Human Resources and
Organizational Development Manager and the Internal Auditor.
Member McGill believes it is a mistake to drop the professional registration
license and that Central San should be encouraging them. Mr. Bailey
advised that the conversation would be better held in closed session as
that topic is a negotiation issue.
The Committee agreed with the proposed changes but requested the
issue regarding professional registration be added to a closed session in a
future meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
4. Other Items
a. Discussion on how to incorporate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at
the District
Mr. Mallory reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
Ms. Lansang explained how Al and communications are used to benefit in
communicating with customers and how staff has become early adopters
in these tools. Central San staff is beta testing a program for Adobe
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products. Ms. Lansang showed the Committee successfully generated
photos included in the agenda materials and explained the process. It was
noted that the process by hand would take hours and Al would save time.
Chair Lauritzen expressed concerns about some potential use of Al
(including changing photos) and requested a policy that addresses ethics
issues in the use of Al.
Mr. Goel reviewed slide 8 in the presentation providing the Committee
more detailed information regarding the pilot testing occurring on the
treatment plant influent pumping and solids dewatering centrifuge polymer
dose through Aquasight's Apollo process advisor tool using Al.
Mr. Mallory stated that there is a lot of potential in all departments in
regard to Al, but there are still issues regarding potential ethical issues,
security, and the need for continued human involvement in reviewing
outputs and in decision making. Staff has started putting together a draft
policy and will bring it back to the Committee at a future meeting.
The Committee requested this item come back for an annual update.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
5. Announcements
6. Suaaestions for Future Aaenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
As mentioned above, the Committee requested the following future items:
1. More information on the legal need for BP 009.
2. A Closed Session regarding professional registration differentials.
3. Annual updates on Al implementation at Central San.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future Scheduled Meeti
2024 Committee schedule to be determined.
8. Adjournment — at 9:57 a.m.
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