HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.b. Approve a $1,200,000 Contingency Project for the Cedar Lane Sewer Modifications; Transfer $600,000 from the Collection System Sewer Renovation - Phase 2, DP 100039; and Find the Project Exempt from CEQAPage 1 of 6 Item 3.b. CDr EENI RAL SAN BOARD OF •' �J POSITION PAPER CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT � � • MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2023 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO APPROVE A $1,200,000 CONTINGENCY PROJECT FOR THE CEDAR LANE SEWER MODIFICATIONS; TRANSFER $600,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM SEWER RENOVATION - PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 100039; AND FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT (CEQA) SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: JASON FITCH, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES - CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER GREG NORBY, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER - OPERATIONS ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER ISSUE The Board of Directors (Board) approval is required for any new project in an amount over $200,000 which is not identified in the Capital Improvement Budget and budget transfers in an amount over $500,000. BACKGROUND The San Francisco Bay Area experienced record storm events from late December through January of 2023, causing major damage and flooding within the Central San service area. California declared a state of emergency in response to the extreme weather in early January. On January 19, 2023, several properties in the Cedar Lane subdivision in Orinda were damaged due to a landslide from the storm events. Central San owns and operates a 6-inch public sewer within sewer easements on 6, 10, 14, and 18 Cedar Lane and 59 Cedar Terrace, which were granted by the subdivision developer in 1962, as shown in Attachment 1-Project Location Map. Central San discovered that the public sewer was severely damaged during the landslide event. Staff installed temporary sewer pumps and piping for 40 Cedar Terrace and 6 Cedar Lane, which are residences upstream of the landslide. The properties of 10 and 14 Cedar Lane, also damaged during the landslide, are currently unoccupied. The property of 18 Cedar Lane is connected downstream of the landslide and currently in service with the existing public sewer. December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 13 of 27 Page 2 of 6 Central San staff has been coordinating with FEMA, the City of Orinda, and individual property owners to continue to provide sewer service, where feasible, and working to find a permanent sewer solution for the residences and customers. I n October 2023, the property owner of 14 Cedar Lane removed the damaged residence for safety reasons; however, the landslide still remains and nothing has been performed to address it. To date, staff is unaware of any plans from the property owner to stabilize and/or to repair the landslide. Central San staff has explored several options for providing permanent sewer service to the properties impacted by the landslide. Central San has been able to televise the public sewer, and it appears that the damaged section of the sewer is localized at the sewer lateral connection for 14 Cedar Lane. Repairs to the public sewer is not recommended due to the unsafe conditions caused by the landslide, as the easement on the hillside property is covered up to 10-feet of debris and soil. Due to the severity of the landslide, it does not appear that a private resolution will be completed soon. Staff is recommending that the properties of 6, 10, 18 Cedar Lane, and 40 Cedar Terrace be serviced by the existing public sewer on Cedar Lane and to abandon the public sewers in the easements. This will require a public sewer extension into a utility easement on Cedar Terrace and installation of privately owned and operated sewer pumping systems. Since individual pumping systems and laterals belong to the property owners, staff plans on educating and working with the owners to arrange agreements that would be paid for by the project. CEQA Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 because it involves replacement of existing facilities at substantially the same locations and with the same purpose and level of activity as the facilities being replaced. Any capacity increases are for non - growth inducing, wet weather purposes. The project also is exempt under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. This certainty is based on Central San's experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this nature, the relatively short distance involved, and Central San's mitigating construction specifications. These specifications are standardized general and special conditions that are made part of the project bid documents to address environmental considerations, such as protecting trees and riparian areas, as well as compliance with applicable federal, state, county, district, municipal and local laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations. Approval of this project will establish the Board's independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS Staff considered and evaluated several alternatives, including the following: Continue to serve the properties with temporary sewage pumps and wait for more information on the landslide and potential repair from 14 Cedar Lane. This is not recommended as staff has received complaints on the temporary systems and a project is needed to find a more timely permanent solution. Repair the damaged public sewer or install a new sewer, but due to the complications and risks involved with the landslide or construction methods involved, this alternative is not recommended as is considered by staff as impractical and unsafe. • Staff is recommending to fund the project through the Collection System Sewer Renovation - Phase 2 as detailed in the Financial Impacts section below; alternatively, this project could be funded by either self-insurance or the Capital Program contingency account. However, staff is recommending the Sewer Renovation Program as there is adequate funding available. December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 14 of 27 Page 3 of 6 FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated project cost is $1,200,000 which includes planning, design, construction costs, property owner agreements, contingency, construction management, and any consultant costs as detailed in Attachment 2. This project was not included in Central San's Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Budget. However, staff plans to fund this project through the Collection System Sewer Renovation — Phase 2 project, which to date has over $21,000,000 remaining and adequate funding for the new project. The Sewer Renovation Program is used to fund individual design and construction projects to renovate or replace small diameter public sewers. Cedar Lane was unplanned, however, there is adequate funding this FY ($600,000) and next FY ($600,000) anticipated for the new project. Risk Management has applied for FEMA recovery funding for this project in the amount of $1,200,000 under the Public Assistance program. FEMA is awaiting our more detailed cost estimates before taking further action on our application. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Central San staff has coordinated with FEMA, the City of Orinda, and individual property owners during the landslide response and provided temporary sewer service. To date, all questions and concerns received have been answered. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this matter at its meeting on December 11, 2023 and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Approve a $1,200,000 contingency project for the Cedar Lane Sewer Modifications; 2. Transfer $600,000 from the Collection System Sewer Renovation - Phase 2, District Project 100039 account to fund the project this fiscal year; and 3. Find that the project is exempt from CEQA. Strategic Plan re -In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1— Deliver high -quality customer service, Strategy 3 - Build neighborhood and industry relations GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 - Achieve compliance in all regulations GOAL FIVE: Safety and Security Strategy 2 - Protect Personnel and assets from threats and emergencies December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 15 of 27 Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map 2. Preconstruction Estimate December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 16 of 27 Page 5 of 6 Ori Cedar Lane Sewer Modifications Map Date: 11/28/2023 0 Detail Area Lafayette Moraga i � I 6 Cedar Ln 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 Cedar Ter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 m 46 Cedar Ter CD \\ Q Manhole • Rodding Inlet — Gravity Main Access Easement Mains to be Modified F7 Tax Parcel Note: Central San data as of November, 2023. 10 Cedar Ln 3C1-RI29 Donald 11 Cedar Ln 1 17 Cedar Ln I 21 Cedar Ln r Ln 14 Cedar Ln /18 Cedar Ln 73C1-M28 59 Cedar Ter 25 Cedar Ln II 26 Cedar Ln 22 Cedar Ln 40 Ardor Dr A 0 100 I Map Displayed in North American Datum of 1983 I Attachment I I California State Plane, Zone III FIPS O403, US Feet Feet 1 December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 17 of 27 ATTACHMENT 2 CEDAR LANE SEWER MODIFICATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT TBD PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description AmountfPage 6 of 6 % Of Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Early Construction Estimate $800,000 b. 30% Contingency $230,000 c. Permits $10,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COST $1,040,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management (Engineering, Survey) $30,000 - Public Relations/Right-of-Way $10,000 - Operations (CSO) $5,000 b. Consultants - Inspection $30,000 - Material Testing/Geotech/Arborist/Others $10,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $85,000 8% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering (Design, Survey, Right -of -Way, Drafting) $75,000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $75,000 7% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $1,200,000 December 11, 2023 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 18 of 27