HomeMy WebLinkAbout02. Receive the 2023 Excellence in Information Technology Practices Award from Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC)Item 2. December 7, 2023 T O: HO NO R A B L E B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S F RO M :HE AT HE R R A MA MURT HY, MA NA G E ME NT A NA LYS T C HA R L E S MA L L O RY, I NF O R MAT I O N T E C HNO L O G Y MA NA G E R RE V IE WE D B Y:P HI L I P R. L E I B E R, D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R -A D MI NI S T R AT I O N R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E T HE 2023 E X C E L L E NC E I N I NF O R MAT I O N T E C HNO L O G Y (I T ) P R A C T I C E S AWA R D F R O M MUNI C I PA L I NF O R MAT I O N S YS T E MS A S S O C I AT I O N O F C A L I F O R NI A (MI S A C ) Staf f is pleased to report that Central S an has received a sixth Municipal I nformation Systems A ssociation of C alif ornia (MI S A C ) Excellence in I T Practices Award. Only 19 were awarded this year, with most going to California cities. C entral San is one of only six special districts to receive the award in 2023. MI S A C is comprised of public agency information technology prof essionals working throughout California. MI S A C promotes the understanding and strategic use of inf ormation technology within local government agencies through the sharing of best practices. T his organization is highly active through online mailing lists to discuss relevant topics, prof essional development opportunities presented throughout the year, site visits to technology industry locations in the private sector and sharing of collective wisdom of I T Managers throughout cities and special districts across C alif ornia. T he single largest event each year is the annual MI S A C conference, at which time the MI S A C Awards are presented. T he E xcellence in I T P ractices Award is intended to f oster and recognize outstanding governance and operational practices. T he program has two levels: A chievement and the higher level of E xcellence. T he submission and evaluation process requires the submission of a detailed questionnaire that examines practices across the f ollowing subject areas: Budget and S trategic Planning Purchasing Operations and S taffing C ustomer S atisfaction I nternet Project Management Prof essional D evelopment and Training D isaster Preparation and Recovery Security Base L evel Services December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 5 of 99 Page 1 of 7 Each subject area requires detailed descriptions of how agencies meet the requirements. A pplicants must develop and provide extensive documentation to back up responses to the questions. Under this B oard's direction and with the support of management, the I T Team continues to make improvements in every category listed above. Once applications are submitted to MI S A C, they are evaluated and rigorously scored by volunteer I T Managers f rom peer agencies. Not every agency that applies f or this award receives it. Many individual questions are mandatory, and missing even one of them will disqualify an agency. I n addition to scoring the application, the agencies are given f eedback on areas f or f uture growth. To qualify for this award in subsequent years, agencies need to demonstrate that they have addressed these areas. T his helps to keep the award meaningf ul as it motivates agencies to have continuous improvement year over year. C entral San has truly demonstrated excellence due to the vision of the Board of Directors, who have recognized how critical technology is to the success of this organization by supporting staff and providing funding and resources to accomplish these improvements. T his award is f urther recognition of the signif icant progress C entral San continues to make in building and maintaining a leading information technology f unction for the benefit of all stakeholders. None of this could have been accomplished without our competent and dedicated I T team, which is comprised of Tim Hiteshew, D ennis Chebotarev, I mran C haudhary, J ose Vega, Matt Hart, George Solivar, Damon D un, J oseph Smith, Dmitry Abramov, F rancisco S antos, B rad Carchidi, Heather Ramamurthy, and Charles Mallory. Also, Velisa Parks helped assemble the f inal packet and ensure that it met the submission standards and accuracy requirements. MI S A C P resident Ed Miranda will present the award. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L O N E: Customer and C ommunity Strategy 1 – Deliver high-quality customer service AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. P resentation December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 6 of 99 Page 2 of 7 Excellence in IT Practices Award Board Meeting 1 Charles Mallory Information Technology Manager December 7, 2023 Agenda •About MISAC •About the Award •Review Process •Central San’s Award History •Special Achievements •Acknowledgements 2 1 2 December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 7 of 99 Page 3 of 7 Attachment 1 Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC) Started in 1980 with chapters in Central, Northern, and Southern California. IT professionals from cities, towns, public safety, special districts, and other local government agencies. Purpose: •Advisory body to the League of California Cities.•Increased use of management information systems. •Cooperation among local government MIS professionals. Four pillars: •Education •Member Resources•Relationships •Advocacy 3 . 32 Total Applicants •19 received Excellence Award (top level) •Central San’s Sixth Award! •Foster and recognize outstanding governance and operation practices •A complete audit of the IT organization •Proposed areas for further development 4 3 4 December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 8 of 99 Page 4 of 7 Review Process The award selection process involves: •A comprehensive audit of IT operations to ensure they adhere to the highest standards. •An in-depth review of the department's strategic plan, policies, and standards. To ensure continuous improvement, applicants receive constructive feedback in various areas, such as: 5 Background •Project Management•Strategic Planning •Training•Purchasing •Disaster Recovery and Internet Access •Customer Satisfaction 2023 Excellence Recipients 6 City of Modesto City of Sacramento City of Riverside City of San Luis Obispo City of Sunnyvale City of Moreno Valley City of Foster City City of Temecula South Tahoe Public Utilities District City of Fresno City of Coronado Alameda County Water District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Sweetwater Authority Western Water Orange County Sanitation District City of Diamond Bar City of Santa Clara City of Roseville Central San History: Six Years In A Row •2023 - Excellence •2022 – Excellence •2021 – Achievement & Innovation •2020 – Excellence & President’s Award •2019 - Excellence •2018 - Excellence 5 6 December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 9 of 99 Page 5 of 7 Special Achievements •Completed Process and Technology Optimization Strategic Plan: Developed roadmaps to foster a robust environment for data-driven decision-making. •Strategic Evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):Enhanced ERP software to cater to comprehensive reporting needs, ensuring accurate data-driven decision-making. •Robust Cybersecurity Framework:Central San IT has consistently prioritized security.With strategic planning, third-party assessments, and continuous staff education, the team effectively combats phishing and otherprevalent cyber threats. •Network & Equipment Upgrades:We understand the importance of uninterrupted service. Hence, the development of redundant network paths stands as a testament to our commitment to operational excellence. 7 Thank You! •Tim •Charles •Damon •Joseph •Heather •Imran •Matt •Jose •Brad •Dmitry •Dennis •George •Francisco •Velisa 8 7 8 December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 10 of 99 Page 6 of 7 Questions & Discussion 9 9 December 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 11 of 99 Page 7 of 7