HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Operations MINUTES 08-14-23Page 2 of 22 LCENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS: REGULAR MEETING OF THE BARBARA D. HOCKETT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA President SANITARY DISTRICT MARIAHNLPresident Pro Pro EN Teen ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MICHAELR.MCGILL COMMITTEE TAD'. NGTO I FLORENCE T. WEDINGTON MINUTES PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX.- (925) 372-0192 Monday, August 14, 2023 www.centralsan.org 9:00 a.m. Committee: Chair Tad Pilecki Member Mike McGill Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager — Operations Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager — Administration Alan Weer, Plant Operations Division Manager Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer (left after item 4.a.) Nathan Hodges, Senior Engineer Nitin Goel, Operations Optimization Manager Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer (left during Item 4.d.) Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer (left during Item 4.d.) Michael Cunningham, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments No public comments. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 124 of 160 Page 3 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 2 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,150,000 for design of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) A -Line Sewer Relocation, District Project 100050 Ms. Lawson reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda materials. Chair Pilecki requested changing the project title since the general public may not understand the A -Line is a sewer. Ms. Lawson agreed that she would have the project title adjusted for clarity. Chair Pilecki asked by what amount the General Manager has the authority to increase a District Project's contingency without seeking Board approval. Mr. Bailey responded that he would need to confirm the amount but believes it is $100,000. Chair Pilecki suggested to address the $150,000 request for contingency stating that there are other solutions to handle changes like optional tasks or use of General Manager delegated authority to increase agreements and does not require Board authorization. Mr. Bailey suggested meeting with the consultant to review possible deficiencies in the proposal price and recommended that staff wait to increase the contract amount if additional items have already been identified that were not included in the original scope. Staff should prepare an updated scope to the contract. Staff stated that a meeting was held with the Consultant the previous Friday where an additional utility conflict of a large storm drain was identified, which would become an additional task in the scope of work. Committee members were comfortable approving the position paper with a cost ceiling of $1.1 million. Chair Pilecki requested that staff better identify the start and end of the relocation of the 84-inch pipe and the 12-inch sewer that crosses the freeway on Attachment 1. Chair Pilecki expressed concern regarding the mobile homes in the area near the proposed area for the new pipeline. Ms. Lawson stated that Associated Right -of -Way Services (ARWS) will be contracted by CCTA to prepare the right-of-way acquisition and relocation. Chair Pilecki stated that on the previous project, half of the mobile homes had to be releveled due to the construction impacts, and asked staff to September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 125 of 160 Page 4 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 3 inform Carollo Engineers of this past experience to try and avoid the same situation with the current project, which is closer to the homes. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. b. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $246,800 to SDM Construction, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Laboratory Floor Replacement, District Project 100008; and that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the draft Position Paper and presentation included in the agenda materials. Mr. Lopez stated that the laboratory flooring replacement was originally part of the roof replacement and seismic upgrade project but was postponed because it would have greatly impacted staff, so it was bid separately. As part of this project, staff identified some equipment that would need to be purchase as well as a modification from a current designated copy area to add additional workspaces. The replacement equipment is being purchased by the District directly and does help facilitate some of the coordination efforts under the flooring plan. Chair Pilecki asked what the proposed equipment was for. Mr. Cunningham stated that it was for replacement of laboratory equipment that was at the end of its useful life. Mr. Lopez stated the project is approximately $235, 000 over budget and will need to use some contingency funds. Chair Pilecki expressed some concern since equipment is usually budgeted separately and this appears to be a deviation in the normal process and stated that Central San has an equipment budget for these purchases to allow for better asset management. He suggested either adding contingency to the equipment budget or identify it as a deviation of the District's normal process and state why it is being done that way. Mr. Lopez discussed the options for replacing the floor versus making repairs. Chair Pilecki expressed concern about the moisture in the concrete. Mr. Lopez stated that the issue is more related to the environmental controls and the adhesive used for the flooring. The building is continuously taking in outside air which can at times create a lot of moisture. The concrete is not the problem as there is a drainage system under the concrete. Chair Pilecki asked what the anticipated life of the flooring will be, and Mr. Lopez responded 15 years guaranteed and should go more. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 126 of 160 Page 5 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 4 c.* Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $4,112,000 to Precision Engineering, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Downtown Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation — Locust, District Project 100049; find that it is in the best interest of the Project to waive District Code 9.10.040 relating to the lower lateral and include additional replacement in the public street; and find that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Mr. Lopez reviewed the updated presentation included in the agenda materials. Mr. Lopez advised that the project includes the replacement of approximately 4,400 feet of small diameter sewers to 10-inch sewers done by open -trench construction methods and is being coordinated with the City of Walnut Creek's Paving and Infrastructure Improvement Project and East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EMBUD) Water Main Improvement project. Mr. Bailey asked if any of the restaurants have grease interceptors. Staff replied that some do, but most have grease traps. Mr. Bailey asked which part of downtown would be impacted. Mr. Mestetsky stated the work area is on Locust from Olympic/Mt. Diablo Boulevard to Civic/Giammona. Mr. Bailey asked Ms. Young to reach out to the City Manager's office to schedule a meeting to continue our outreach under the project. Chair Pilecki recommended increasing the contingency to 20 percent and asked Mr. Bailey if he was comfortable with that change. Mr. Bailey suggested increasing to a 25 percent contingency and stated that staff will need flexibility to address any issues quickly and closely monitor the project to stay ahead of any conflicts. Chair Pilecki asked a general question concerning project or budget overruns and how they are handled. Mr. Lopez stated past practice was that the budget could be exceeded by 15 percent but was changed to match the delegated authority of the General Manager with a transfer limit of $500, 000. Mr. Bailey stated moving funds is not problematic but in terms of amending a construction contract or agreement, the General Manager is further limited and does have the authority to sign or amend up to $200, 000, or staff will have to come back to the Board. Staff informed the Committee that the contractor is eager to begin work and will start the project soon after the contract is approved by the Board at the September 7 meeting. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 127 of 160 Page 6 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 5 Chair Pilecki discussed the code concerns with authorizing staff to replace additional laterals and suggested ideas to focus on why the project would benefit to replace lower laterals up to 30 feet in the public street and by award of the project indicates that the Board concurs; a discussion occurred with several justification provided by Mr. Lopez to minimize expensive maintenance of the District's sewers. It was mentioned to the Committee that this project includes replacement of the lower laterals, as needed, but staff stated that the scope of the project needs to be very clear and explained that Central San limits is at the edge of the public right-of-way and includes two-way cleanouts. Chair Pilecki highly recommended that staff make sure that property owners are aware they are only getting a one-year warranty, and after that they are responsible for the lateral, including the lower lateral. Staff has similar experiences from past projects and will continue the outreach to all impacted parties. Mr. Lopez stated that everyone will greatly benefit from this project as the City will not have their paving or improvements impacted due to sewer work in the near future, the properties will have up to code lower laterals, while the District will have a new public sewer designed for commercial and restaurant applications with minimized maintenance. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. V Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $121,738,000 to C. Overaa & Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, District Project 7348; include award of additive bid items totaling $4,550,000; and authorize the General Manager to execute the following: 1. A new professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM) for $3.6 million for engineering services during construction; 2. A $12.0 million revision with MWH Constructors, Inc. (MWH) for construction management services; 3. A $3.4 million revision with Aresine Engineering (Aresine) for electrical field services and engineering services during construction; and 4. Update new equipment contracts with Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. for $3.1 million, Schwing Bioset, Inc. for $3.0 million, and Envirocare International, Inc. for $3.4 million. Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the updated presentation included in the agenda materials. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 128 of 160 Page 7 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 6 Chair Pilecki asked for confirmation that the project did not include the seismic isolators. Mr. Lopez confirmed there is no need to include the seismic isolators now, but the project will include some improvements on the gas piping and adding bellows on the large furnace ducts. In response to Chair Pilecki's question about the seismic life -extension included in this project, Mr. Lopez stated that the life -expectancy is a minimum of 15 years as long as the other projects identified in the 10-year plan are also initiated as planned. Mr. Bailey mentioned that in order to reach 15 years, additional improvements will need to be made in the building. Mr. Goel responded saying that while staff continues to do condition assessments, the Solids Handling Phase 1A project is addressing some of the components that are aged, but more detail is needed before the remaining useful life can be asserted for other components. In response to Chair Pilecki as to how many burners the District has in total, staff responded that there are 80. Mr. Weer added that not all burners are used at the same time. Member McGill inquired about the financing for the project. Ms. Gemmell said the agreement was already in place ahead of the changes so the District is exempt. Once the project is awarded, staff will prepare a resubmittal to the state which will amend the District's agreement. Further discussion continued. Mr. Bailey inquired about the budget and the consolidation of services to the CDM contract for the construction of Phase 1A, questioning whether CDM has reviewed the terms of the agreement. Mr. Lopez responded that CDM has discussed the consolidation with their legal and all indication is that CDM is ok proceeding with a new agreement. Mr. Norby also confirmed that CDM's legal team has reviewed the project liability adding that they agree in general to support the administration of the other services, but they will not take on the legal liabilities for deficiencies in the design as Central San has direct design agreements with the designer of record. Mr. Norby also mentioned that a new contract with CDM which creates a new baseline for the contract services is preferred. However, the final details are being worked out. Mr. Lopez added that the most complicated area of the project is the electrical and was designed by Aresine, and those services will remain contracted separately. Chair Pilecki recommended some minor corrections be made on the draft Position Paper. Mr. Lopez provided an updated budget at the meeting and provided explanations for staff time projections, project contingency, construction services and more. Although Chair Pilecki indicated that the September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 129 of 160 Page 8 of 22 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes August 14, 2023 Page 7 construction management costs were higher than what he would have expected, he did agree that the percentages are higher due to the low bid costs received. Both Chair Pilecki and Member McGill recommended approval. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. 4. Other Items a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the of $ to (contractor), the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the Martinez Urgent Force Main Replacement, District Project 100066; include bid alternates for temporary repairs; authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for $300,000 to include engineering services; transfer $3,500,000 from the Collection System Sewer Renovation, Phase 2 to fund the Project and find the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) This Item was not heard due to time constraints. The Committee agreed to move the item to a Special Meeting on August 21, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. 5. Announcements None. 6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff. 7. Future Scheduled Meetings Monday, August 21, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. (Special) Monday, September 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, October 23, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. 8. Adjournment — at 11:35 a.m. *Attachments: - Item 3c Presentation - Item 3d Presentation September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 130 of 160 August 14, 2023 DOWNTOWN WALNUT CREEK SEWER RENOVATIONS - LOCUST DISTRICT PROJECT 100049 Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting Sasha Mestetsky, P.E. Senior Engineer Project Background and Drivers Renovate approximately 4,400 feet of small diameter sewers by open -trench construction methods Public sewers being maintained on a monthly schedule since 2000's and requires cleaning to be performed outside of standard business hours Project Coordination City of Walnut Creek's Paving and Infrastructure Improvements Project East Bay Municipal Utility District's Improvement Project Detail Area 4. Page 9 of 22 Item 3.c. (Handout) Attachment 4 3 s September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 131 of 160 1 Page 10 of 22 Project Complexities High -density commercial setting at the heart of Downtown Walnut Creek along Locust Street including cross streets Existing sewers are flat, and have fats, oil, and grease issues and structural defects Highly congested utility corridor in the street including sewer, gas, water, electric, storm, telecommunication, etc. Contract work is in a dense commercial area with various restaurants and businesses frontage to the project limits Public outreach has been extensive, targeted and was coordinated with other utilities and city staff Private Side Sewers (Laterals): Sewe QNQO���o Clean- I Public buf Ri06fo/•Way No September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 132 of 160 2 Page 11 of 22 Alternatives with Lower Lateral 1. Standard approach in Sewer Renovation Program Replace connection and up to 6 feet transition Advise property owners of condition of lateral when known and encourage/educate/or coordinate replacement at owner's expense 2. Pending Lateral Financial Assistance Program with Standard approach. 3. Project specific approach to best resolve the issues (Recommended): Reduce grease maintenance by Collection System Operations Minimize future construction impacts and efforts for all Offer the pending assistance program for the remaining lateral and other private sewer facilities (grease trap improvements, interceptors, etc.) Special Circumstances and Project Needs Project proposes to replace the lower lateral as needed: Lower laterals up to approximately 30 feet to edge of public right-of- way New public sewers will be installed deeper and adjustments on laterals are needed. Lower laterals will be installed to code (6-inch for commercial) Several lateral connections are inactive and will be abandoned after confirmation Staff recommends to include the lower lateral replacement in the public right-of-way to best design and remediate the sewer issues September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 133 of 160 3 Page 12 of 22 Summary of Bids Engineer's Estimate: $5,000,000 No. BIDDER BID PRICE .I Pregsion Engineering, Inc. $4,112,000 San Francisco, California 2 K.J. Wands Construction, Inc. $4,138,000 South San Francisco, California 3 Ranger �pelines, Inc_ $4.777,480 San Francisco, California 4 JMB Construction, Inc. $4.897.950 South San Francisco, California Cratus, Inc. $5.464.680 San Francisco, California 6 Basset Engineering $5,631,414 San Francisco, California 7 GIcsage Engineering, Inc. $6,437,632 Richmond, Callromia $ Mitchell Engineering $6,640,620 San Francisco, California 9 A&8 Construction, Inc. $7.373,000 Oakland, Califomia Financial Impact of Additional Lower Laterals Approximately up to $300,000 and includes: Additional lower lateral replacement New clean outs at the end of the lower lateral Inspection by Central San and contingency for conflicts Bids received were highly competitive and below the engineer's estimate of $500,000. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 134 of 160 4 Page 13 of 22 Total Estimated Project Cost No. Item Description Amounts of Construction Cost 1_ CONSTRUCTION a_ Construction Contract $4,112,000 L. 15%Contingency $617,000 c Permits $190,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COST $4,789,000 100 % 2_ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a_ District Farces -Construction Management (Engineering, Survey) $220,000 - Public Relati onsfRi ght-of-Way $70,000 -Lateral Inspection $50,000 -Operations (CSO) $25.000 It Consultants -General Inspection $200.000 -Material TestinglArboristfOthers $60,000 SUBTOTAL- CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $625,000 13% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a_ Engineering (Design, Survey, Right -of -Way, Drafting) $500 000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $500 000 10 4. TOTAL E STIMATED PROJECT COST $5,914,000 Recommended Board Action: Staff recommends the following: Find the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; Award a construction contract in the amount of $4,112,000 to Precision Engineering, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the construction of Downtown Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations — Locust, District Project 100049; and 3. Authorize staff to replace additional lower lateral on the Public right away to improve the public sewer system and minimize maintenance. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 135 of 160 5 Page 14 of 22 Questions? September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 136 of 160 6 Item 3P ge 15 of 22 c�. (Handout) Attachment 5 Agenda 1/q I . Background lu II Bids Additive Items t.A �- Equipment Contracts _� c Construction Support • Financial Impacts Schedule Recommended Board Action Questions September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 137 of 160 1 Page 16 of 22 Phase 1A Ready to Award 1T O COMPLETED 3 PROJECTS tT� O 2r O SLUDGE TANK COVER MULTIPLE BLENDING/ REPLACEMENT HEARTH STORAGE FURNACES 4 �5O/1 8r O O O 6r O O 8r redesign AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ASH HANDLING AND LOADOUT ELECTRICAL NEW ELECTRICAL RENOVATION CENTRIFUGE DEWATERING SCB SEISMIC RETROFIT- SCB SEISMIC RETROFIT - CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM SHEAR WALLS BUTTRESSES Background Phase 1 bids rejected in September 2021. Total project estimated cost was $261.4 million (M). Low bid was $180 M and second low bid was $207 M. New consultant team assembled: CDM Smith, Inc. Aresine Engineering (electrical) HDR Engineering, Inc. GHD, Inc. Degenkolb Engineers (seismic) Phase 1 scope modified to prioritize most urgent needs and minimize potential for stranded assets in event that the long-term solids plan (Phase 2) were to change. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 138 of 160 2 Page 17 of 22 Background - Redesign Phase 1A includes Solids Phase 1B Seismic of the Solids Conditioning Building to address vulnerabilities during a major seismic event. Significant electrical design effort to change approach to renovation work focused on new equipment and systems being replaced while building operations stay in service. Phase 1 had an 18-month shutdown of furnaces and sludge disposal, while Phase 1A includes a shutdown of under one month. Lessons learned from the previous bid included to help bidders understand and to make easier to quantify the scope. Outreach for contractors, especially for electrical and specialty work, to increase competition. IN - Background Lon Term Plan' g g 2017 2021-22 Phase 2 'Phase 2 Digestion & New Incineration Incineration Building September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 139 of 160 3 Page 18 of 22 Active Bidding Process Advertised April 26 and May 3 Original bid date June 29, extended to July 13 4 Addenda issued Staff conducted 18 site tours 237 questions submitted and answered "In my 25 years in the water business, 1 have never gone through a bid cycle with such an actively engaged client ...an engaged client is the #1 variable influencing a successful project" - Bidder Successful Bid Results Engineer's Estimate $130 M - $135 M C. Overaa & Co. $10.8 M or 8.1% under Engineer's estimate 1.2% difference between lower bidders Highest bid 6.9% over Engineer's estimate Competitive bids C. Clveraa & Co. meets the bidding requirements ✓ Contractor and project manager experience ✓ Financial review ✓ SRF and DBE review ✓ Lowest responsive and responsible bidder 8 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 C. Overaa & Co. $121,738,000 Richmond, California 2 W.M. Lyles Co. $123,329,000 Fresno, California 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $141,600,000 Fairfield, California / ©_ CENTRALSAN September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 140 of 160 4 Page 19 of 22 Additive and Supplemental ^" - Bid Items - Additive bid items recommended: �N Replace sludge blending tank cover at $3,950,000� Replace up to 20 furnace burners at $600,000 q. y Supplemental bid item for furnace work: _ Allows staff to deduct furnace work to stay within EPA's_ ~' MACT 50 threshold - Bid pricing received lower than expected and should not trigger new permitting requirements and additional equipment V' Regulatory will continue to work with the construction, team to monitor final costs. �. Equipment Contracts Centrifuges — Andritz Separation $2,180,000 $3,100,000 Electrical, instrumentation, and Technologies, Inc. controls (EI&C) revisions Cake Pumps —Schwing Bioset, Inc. $2,123,000 $3,000,000 EI&C revisions Air Pollution Control — Envirocare $2,200,000 $3,400,000 Redesign scrubber for easier International, Inc. installation, EI&C revisions Contract updated for Central San -supplied equipment Costs updated per design changes, vendor engineering, and escalation indices Approval to fabricate will be done soon after award September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 141 of 160 5 Page 20 of 22 Construction Support Large, complex project over 4 years with varying levels of activity Staff (Engineering and Operations) _ $10.0 M Consultants: Construction Management, MWH Constructors, Inc. - $12.0 M ESDC, CDM Smith, Inc. - $3.6 M (Includes HDR Engineering, Inc., Degenkolb Engineers and GHD, Inc.) ESDC and Electrical Field Services, Aresine Engineering - $3.4 M Hazardous Waste Support, TBD - $500,000 Others As -needed Services - $600,000 ESDC = Engineering Services During Construction Total Estimated Project Budget -+Y s!:lll�llllraqNN dPI19lt1t '1 i j 1♦, I� Rom' J State Revolving Fund of $173.1 M ($13.1 Received) ©_�CENTRALSAN No. (lam Description Amounts %COnEtYtltliOn Coat 1- CONSTRUCTION a COns1WUti0n Contract $121.738.000 b. Addillve Bid Item -Burner Replacement 5600,000 c Add, Bid Item Replacement a! Tank Cower $3.950.000 d. Project Contingency at I A 513,000,coo e. Psrmlts [W 7esting Inclutletl] $1'NO,000 L Hazardous Compliance (Testing induded] $650,000 g. Equlpmem Cbinrac[ • CelnMuges $3,1gO,000 h. Equipment Contract - Cake Pumps $3,000,000 �. Equpment Contra. •wet 8a bt, rs $3.4CO,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRICTION $150,439,030 100% 2- CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 8. OmiV�CI ForCeS - Engineering staff [PM. RE. Selety, elc.] $8.000.000 -Operations i3wpon, �nclud, ng Maintenance $2.X0.000 b. Consi 1ta is - MWH: Construction Management Services $10.010.000 - ANslns (ESDC( $3.00O,000 - [DM ]ESDC, indudes HDR, GHD, Dsgenkolb) $3 200,000 - As needed Sern [Furnace_ Mal, Geolech_ others) SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S24 000.030 16.4% 3- PREBI❑ EXPENDITURES -Phase 1 a. Enginccring (Staff, Consultants, 6iaubhcr P,01. eic.) SUBT3TAL- PREBID EXPENDITURES Phase 1 $15972.000 10.E% 4_ PREBID EXPENDITURES -Phase 1A a. Englnccring -District StaFTime (Eni And Operations) $2,000,000 - CDM $2.257.000 -Am ne $1,600,000 - GHD 5893,000 - HDR 5500.000 - Degenknlb $M4.000 - Other Cmsullanls (Ewing, Funace. SCA, Dlhers) 5550.000 - Equipment Seleetlm Pwcuremenl (Stage 1) SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES Phase 1A 300 000 5.5% 5- TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECTCQ$T SIa9 I4 tl00 September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 142 of 160 6 Page 21 of 22 Project Schedule Phase IA ProjectAward Early Mobilization OctNov, 1 1 1 1 1All LF , Phase I A NTP—Admin and Construction Investigations Recommended Board Action Award a construction contract in the amount of $121,738,000 to C. Overaa & Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, District Project 7348; Include award of additive bid items totaling $4,550,000; and Authorize the General Manager to execute the following: A new professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. for $3.4 million for ESDC; A $10.0 million revision with MWH Constructors, Inc. for construction management services; A $3.4 million revision with Aresine Engineering for electrical field services and ESDC; and Update new equipment contracts with Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. for $3.1 million, Schwing Bioset, Inc. for $3.0 million, and Envirocare International, Inc. for $3.4 million J September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 143 of 160 7 Page 22 of 22 September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 144 of 160