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12. Award a contruction contract in the amount of $121,738,000 to C. Overaa & Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, District Project 7348
DCENTRALSAN MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Page 1 of 21 Item 12. SUBJECT: AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $121,738,000 TO C. OVERAA & CO., THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A, DISTRICT PROJECT 7348; INCLUDE AWARD OF ADDITIVE BID ITEMS TOTALING $4,550,000; AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING: SUBMITTED BY: 1. ANEW PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CDM SMITH, INC. (CDM) FOR $3.6M FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION (ESDC); 2. A$10.8M REVISION WITH MWH CONSTRUCTORS, INC. (MWH) FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES; 3. A$3.4M REVISION WITH ARCSINE ENGINEERING (ARCSINE) FOR ELECTRICAL FIELD SERVICES AND ESDC; AND 4. UPDATED NEW EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS WITH ANDRITZ SEPARATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FOR $3.1M, SCHWING BIOSET, INC. FOR $3M, AND ENVIROCARE INTERNATIONAL FOR $3.4M INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NATHAN HODGES, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES - CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER GREG NORBY, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER - OPERATIONS Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 79 of 160 Page 2 of 21 On July 13, 2023, three sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1 A, District Project 7348. The Board of Directors (Board) must consider award of the contract or reject bids within 120 calendar days of the bid opening. Authorization is also required to execute or revise a professional engineering services agreement and equipment contracts in the amount over $200,000. BACKGROUND Summaty of Phase 1A Project Need and Scope: The Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A (Project) is the highest ranking and most critical project in the Capital Improvement Program. The Project includes replacement and upgrading of key assets needed to ensure operational reliability, safe working conditions, and regulatory compliance. Central San's solids treatment and processing systems are in the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB). The SCB houses the two large furnaces used to incinerate solids produced by the upstream treatment processes, along with a range of related systems including air pollution controls, solids dewatering, the cogeneration unit, and steam generation systems. The final product of incineration is ash that is disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner as soil amendment. The existing furnaces have significant remaining useful life. However, several of the related system for solids processes require replacement and improvements. The scope of work and major project elements are as follows: • More efficient wet scrubbers and related air pollution control equipment needed to reliably comply with current and future air regulations for operating the furnaces, and to reduce or eliminate bypass events. • Replacement of the four existing centrifuges used for sludge dewatering and the four cake pumps feeding the furnaces. These units have been in service for over 40 years, a reflection of the exceptional maintenance, and are well beyond their normal useful service life. The new units will also have improved energy efficiency. • SCB seismic upgrades to address existing deficiencies relative to current building standards. The SCB is staffed 24 hours a day and contains a range of critical systems including the natural gas cogeneration system, furnaces, ash storage and handling, steam generation, and auxiliary boilers that provide energy and backup reliability for the entire plant. Seismic improvements include retrofitting the SCB exterior with concrete buttresses/pile foundations and interior steel bracing. • Replacement of furnace and burner controls systems with modern and code compliant systems. The existing controls for the furnaces and burners are deteriorated, obsolete and difficult to replace and troubleshoot. • Replacement of the furnace's burner control system, gas piping, blowers, center shaft drive, hearth burners, and after -burners. • All the above scope items include electrical, instrumentation, and controls (E&I C) assets to function with the new equipment and systems. E&I C related scope represents approximately 30 -percent of the construction cost of the Project and is a critical success factor for the schedule and overall project success. Solids Project Development History and Future Planning The original Solids Handling Facilities Plan included the following phases: • Phase 1 developed under the 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan consisted of the objectives identified under the Phase 1 A project and other scope elements such as a new ash hauling facility, sludge blending improvements, furnace seismic isolators, control room modifications, new electrical and control rooms, temporary dewatering facilities and sludge hauling, and a substantial amount of electrical replacement. Phase 1 had an original completion date in 2025 and September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 80 of 160 Page 3 of 21 was intended to improve the reliability of solids handling process for a minimum of 20 years. • Phase 2 was the long-term plan for upgrading the solids handling systems, driven by capacity concerns and air permit restrictions related to the furnaces. Future planning anticipated use of anaerobic digesters and fluidized bed incinerators, like the solids treatment and energy recovery model developed for the wastewater plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin. As part of the Solids Phase 1 preparation and planning, staff completed the following items to address urgent needs and facilitate the future construction, such as: • Pilot testing of the new air pollution control equipment. • Demolition of the abandoned digester tank near the SCB. • Construction of the emergency stairway for the SCB third -floor control room for safety egress. • Construction of the Emergency Sludge Loading Facility modifications to reliably operate and load sludge for extended durations. • A new contractor entrance from I mhoff Drive and improved staging area. Phase 1 was put out to bid in early 2021 and the Board rejected the three bids received due to the unexpected high costs received and overall budget concerns. The low bid submitted was approximately $180 million (M), and with all other project costs, resulted in a total estimated budget of $261.4 M. These costs were nearly $70 M over Central San's planned budget at the time. Central San decided to revisit the Solids Handling Facilities Plan and consider the alternative of moving directly to Phase 2. Planning for Phase 2 was then initiated to evaluate alternative solids treatment technologies and to determine if any of the Phase 1 elements should continue to be implemented. The Phase 1 improvements were further refined into the following approximate groupings for planning purposes: Phase 1 A- focus on the highest priority needs for reliability of aging critical assets, safety, and air regulatory compliance. Phase 1 B- seismic upgrades to the SCB to ensure safety and reliability of operations under a significant seismic event. Phase 1 C- all other appurtenance systems that will eventually need reinvestment but are not deemed as critical as Phase 1 A/B. Phase 1 C also needs to consider how to minimize stranded assets when the transition to Phase 2 is eventually implemented. I n general terms, Phases 1 A/B/C are anticipated to cover the next 15 to 20 years, during which time factors related to solids disposal regulations, air quality requirements (including the fate of incinerated PFAS and similar compounds), and the inter -play between the treatment plant's energy profile, incineration processes, and plant -wide carbon emissions would be clarified. Phase 2 would then reflect improvements beyond the 20 -year horizon and the outcomes for these key risk and uncertainty factors. Phase 1 A was developed through feedback from plant maintenance and operations, as well as regulatory compliance and engineering. Through further evaluation and engineering design throughout most of 2021 and 2022, it was determined that the initial Phase 1 B seismic upgrades could be incorporated effectively into Phase 1 A. It was also determined that anaerobic digestion as a treatment step ahead of incineration was not recommended, helping narrow the range of Phase 2 alternatives. Design changes from the 2021 Phase 1 to the 2023 Phase 1 A include the following: • Drawings and specifications were deleted or modified to reflect the elimination of the scope items not carried forward in Phase 1 A. • The dewatering design incorporated scope reductions by reusing the existing polymer systems and piping. The wet scrubber design was revised to eliminate drainage pumps and to seismically September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 81 of 160 Page 4 of 21 separate the wet scrubber platform from the wet scrubber units and associated ductwork. The furnace design was modified to reduce replacement of hearth burners and optimize blower sizing to operate more efficiently. The building seismic improvements were redesigned to reduce the interior retrofit scope and added two exterior seismic buttresses on the East and South sides of the SCB. The furnace seismic improvements were deleted except for installing flexible gas piping and duct connections. This new design will improve the ability to salvage the bellows used in the large metal ductwork during a major seismic event. The previous design identified these bellows as sacrificial. The revised electrical and instrumentation design deleted the new electrical room, reused the existing second floor electrical room, and improved the biddability and constructability of the plans by including more details on the following: • Emphasis on the construction sequencing; carefully showing the demolition of existing equipment and creation of space for new electrical equipment while keeping the SCB and solids processes operational. • Definition and detail for the verification requirements on the existing electrical and control systems, reusing or modifying the existing motor control centers and sequenced transition of the electrical loads. • Electrical equipment for the furnace induced draft fans was relocated and additional space in the existing first floor electrical room was committed for new electrical equipment. • Consolidating and locating the Dissolved Air Flotation Tank electrical outside the SCB and near the existing system. • Instrumentation and controls scope was reduced to maximize reuse of existing assets and wiring while upgrading components. The scope reduction required a substantial effort to ensure communication between the new and existing systems is maintained while keeping the existing systems operational. • 162 electrical and instrumentation drawings were added with additional drawing modifications completed, for a total of 423 electrical and instrumentation drawings. Equipment contracts (centrifuges, cake pumps, and wet scrubbers) were changed from assignment to the general contractor to be Central San supplied. Feedback received after the Phase 1 bid was that assigning those contracts added significant risk and costs. Phase 1 required an extensive shutdown of the solids processes and expensive hauling of sludge for an 18 -month duration. Phase 1 A was designed to keep the solids process operational except for one limited 21 -day shutdown. Staff will continue to evaluate options to minimize or eliminate process shutdowns during construction, in coordination with the contractor. General contractors and electrical subcontractors for Phase 1 A were not prequalified to create a more open and competitive bid environment. Phase 1 A is the largest single plant renovation project Central San has undertaken since the plant was expanded in the 1970's. As with all large or critical projects, staff has updated the Board at various committee and board meetings on the projects throughout the years. Since 2017, staff has received authorization from the Board on many occasions for items leading to today. A summary of prior Board actions is included as a reference in Attachment 2 — Historical Board Action Summary. Phase 1A Construction Bidding Results and Influencing Factors: The Project was advertised on April 26 and May 3, 2023. The original bid date of June 29, 2023 was extended two weeks due to E&I C complexity and bidder feedback. Four project addenda were issued. Staff facilitated 18 site visits by 101 prospective bidders and answered 237 technical questions. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $132,500,000. Three (3) bids ranging from $121,738,000 to $141,600,000 were received and publicly opened on July 13, 2023. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 3. Capital Projects conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that C. Overaa & Co. (Overaa) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a bid amount September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 82 of 160 Page 5 of 21 of $121,738,000. Two of the three bidders were under the Engineer's estimate. The bid for Overaa is approximately $10.8 M under (8.1 percent) while W.M. Lyles Co. is $9.2 M (6.9 percent under). W.M. Lyles Co. had a slightly different approach and was planning to self -perform items that Overaa is subcontracting. The two bids were within $1.6 M (1.2 percent) of each other and highly competitive, considering the work is valued at $132.5 M. The third bidder was only 6.9 percent over the estimate. The bid pricing demonstrates the effectiveness of the rescoping and design effort by staff and the consultant team. The focus on improving the electrical and instrumentation design eliminated much of the uncertainty that factored into the Phase 1 bids. In addition, several electrical subcontractors were engaged and participated in the bid process. Other factors that contributed to favorable bids and a more competitive bid environment, especially considering the expected four-year project duration, are the changing economic conditions: the softening of inflation pressures on materials, stabilizing labor conditions, and a slowdown in public works bidding. While improved market conditions are forecasted, staff will be monitoring delivery conditions, especially for electrical equipment. Electrical equipment delivery times continue to lag behind other deliveries and have recently impacted Central San projects in construction. The construction management team will work within the confines of the contract documents to ensure the contractor and suppliers meet their obligations and that changing conditions are planned and handled in a manner that minimizes impact to Central San and is fair to all parties. Two additive bid items were included in the bid documents: replacing the sludge blending tank (SBT) roof cover and replacing up to 20 furnace hearth burners. The Engineer's estimate for the cover is $2.0 M and $600,000 for the burners. The additive bid prices ranged from $1.7 M to $3.9 M and $600,000 to $825,000, respectively. Staff recommends inclusion of both additive bid items. Although the cover is more than anticipated, having the Phase 1 A contractor perform the work eliminates potential sequencing and staging area conflicts compared to bidding separately. Included in the project scope is the replacement of all burner controls and after -burners. Each furnace will be inspected and if any hearth burners are found deteriorated, this additive item will allow for their replacement. The bid documents included a supplemental bid item related to the furnace work. This item was included with the base bid for determining the lowest monetary value for award and allows Central San the ability to deduct furnace improvements and lower the costs for the item. The driver for the supplemental terms was to ensure that the furnace work stays below the EPA's MACT 50 rule for furnace upgrades and new technology. Based on the face value pricing provided by the bidders, it appears that the work is below the threshold that would trigger additional air permitting requirements and additional pollution control equipment. Staff will continue to monitor and evaluate the costs associated with MACT 50 during the construction project and work with the local air quality regulatory authority related to the furnace permits. Significant equipment (cake pumps, centrifuges, and wet scrubbers) were pre -selected very early in the project history. The original equipment contracts, executed in 2018, included an escalation clause in the event equipment could not be accepted by the original delivery dates. Escalation is tied to a manufacturer material cost price index, which has been highly volatile over the last 3 plus years due to covid-related market and supply chain disruptions. The following are the cost changes for the equipment contracts including change orders, escalation, and contingency: • Centrifuges: $2,180,000 to $3,100,000. • Cake Pumps: $2,123,000 to $3,000,000. • Wet Scrubbers: $2,200,000 to $3,400,000. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 83 of 160 Page 6 of 21 Engineering and Construction Management Services: Staff will administer and have overall control of the construction and oversee interaction with plant staff, consultants, and safety for Central San employees. MWH will be the construction manager (CM) providing front-line and day -to day management with the contractor, including general and specialty inspection, coordination of construction activities, startup and commissioning services, recommending payments, schedule and cost review, file management, State Revolving Fund (SRF) compliance, and various other support duties required to effectively manage the complexities of the Project. MWH was originally selected for the Phase 1 project through a formal public solicitation and the proposed project team has been updated to meet Central San's expectations and support needs. The fee for CM services is approximately $10.8 M. MWH's current agreement is valued at $1.1 M and including the proposed services will result in a new cost ceiling of $11.9 M. Staff contracted with several individual consultants for Phase 1A. HDR and Degenkolb Engineers were retained from the original design effort. CDM, GHD and ArcSine joined the Project when the Board authorized their design agreements in November of 2021. CDM is responsible for the dewatering scope of work and functioned as the lead consultant, while GHD is responsible for furnace and wet scrubbers, and ArcSine for the overall E&I C scope of work. Additionally, other specialty consultants assisted in the Phase 1 A design and will continue to support the construction effort. These consultants consist of Stanley Chilson, LLC (furnace expert), BSK Associates (geotechnical), Ewing Construction Services (contracts) and HP Squared, Inc. (arc -flash and power expert). All these firms will provide ESDC. Staff will continue to directly contract with ArcSine and CDM, as the lead design consultants. However, staff is reorganizing the consultant team to bring HDR, GHD, and Degenkolb Engineers as subconsultants under CDM. The specialty and other consultants are working current as -needed services agreements within the Capital Program. Hazardous materials consulting, testing, and related services are essential for a safe worksite and Project. Existing building materials have lead paint or primers, asbestos, and a significant amount of concrete demolition will take place inside the SCB and silica is of concern. Additionally, excavation for exterior buttresses and installation of drilled piles are expected to encounter some level of contaminated soil and groundwater. Staff will be soliciting for a consultant to provide hazardous material support for project duration. The agreement for these services is expected to be $500,000 and Board approval will be requested at a future time. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): At its December 6, 2018, meeting, the Central San Board of Directors independently found that this Project is exempt from the CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since it involves minor alterations to existing public facilities involving no expansion of use, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, since it involves replacement of existing public facilities at the same location and with the same purpose. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider the following alternatives or provide other direction: Alternative 1: Reject Bids: The Board may elect to reject all bids, this is not recommended as 1) The current scope has been reduced as far as practical and the work is needed as soon as possible; and 2) Bid pricing received is favorable and highly competitive. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 84 of 160 Page 7 of 21 Alternative 2: Adjust budget within Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Estimate: The FY 2023-24 Budget includes a total estimated project budget of $195.5 M as shown on page 250. As detailed in the financial section below, the updated project costs at award is approximately 4.4 M over the estimated budget. The Board could direct staff to stay within the budgeted total which would require an adjustment in the contingency amount and or deletion of the additive items or other adjustments. This is not recommended since the project is complex and has a four-year duration and should have sufficient contingency for unknowns and for potential changes. All items identified under the project are critical and needed to continue reliable operations to process solids at the plant. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated project cost for Phase 1 A is approximately $199.9 M which includes prebid expenditures with Phase 1 and 1 A, design, bidding, bid price, construction management, consultant costs, staff time, and contingency as fully detailed in Attachment 4. As noted above, the total estimate project budget is $195.5 M. The additional $4.4 M funding needed does not impact the FY 2023-24 Budget. However, the future treatment plant or other programs and its projects will need to be analyzed and may require minor adjustments to stay within the rates projected in the overall Central San budget. Other factors, such as project savings or lower project bids can lower or assist in funding Phase 1 A. With the next four years remaining, staff anticipates closing the forecasted budget gap. A large portion of the project will be financed by the SRF loan that was approved for $173.1 M. The remaining amount, $26.8 M is expected to be cash funded, however staff will request an update to potentially increase the SRF loan. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at the meeting on August 14, 2023, and recommended approval of the Project. Since then, staff has identified a gap in the projections relating to the services to be provided by MW H. An additional $800,000 will be required for sub -consultants that will provide specialty inspection and testing services. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: Award a construction contract in the amount of $121,738,000 to C. Overaa & Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Solids Handling Facility I mprovements, Phase 1 A, District Project 7348; • Include award of additive bid items totaling $4,550,000; and • Authorize the General Manager to execute the following: 1. A new professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, I nc. for $3.6M for engineering services during construction; 2. A $10.8M revision with MW H Constructors, I nc. for construction management and specialty inspection services; 3. A $3.4M revision with ArcSine Engineering for electrical field services and engineering services during construction; and September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 85 of 160 Page 8 of 21 4. Updated equipment contracts with Andritz Separation Technologies, I nc. for $3.1 M, Schwing Bioset, I nc. for $3.OM, and Envirocare I nternational for $3.4M Strategic Plan re -In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1— Deliver high-quality customer service GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 - Achieve compliance in all regulations, Strategy 4 - Identify and advance sustainability initiatives, including reducing energy usage and emissions GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FIVE: Safety and Security Strategy 2 - Protect personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX: Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally, Strategy 2 - Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program GOAL SEVEN: Innovation and Agility Strategy 1 - Leverage data analytics to become a more efficient utility ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map 2. Historical Board Action Summary 3. Summary of Bids 4. Post-Bid/P reconstruction Estimate 5. Presentation September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 86 of 160 p0 CPO 0 I*C: C: 'Ep.•'opq] U .'� N i 0 400 800 FEET a PROJECT AREA CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROUTING ,U 0 CLEARWELL BASIN FILTER p PLANT t �MNo CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SOUTH NORTH BASIN CLARIFIERS, � ° L-4��ARATION TANKS I NTRAL CO?MT? A CUA TA SINCAR'I'M TVIC mmmm SOUTH a o CLARIFIERS o �J o PRIMARY � U TANKS a� a SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A DISTRICT PROJECT 7348 Page 9 of 21 NORTH BASIN 02 Q 41 C? V 'HARED CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA 7/ — SOLIDS BUILDING Attachment 1 Page 10 of 21 Attachment 2 Historical Board Action Summary: December 2016- Board approved combining separate projects into a single project, predesign funding, and a $2 million (M) professional engineering services (PES) agreement with Black & Veatch (B&V) for predesign services. December 2016- Board approved wet scrubber piloting work and contracts. April 2017- Board approved air emissions testing consulting agreement to support wet scrubber piloting. April 2018- Board approved amending the B&V PES agreement to include final design services for an amount not to exceed $5.9M. December 2018- Board approved resolution regarding funding eligibility for SRF funding. December 2018- Board authorized the pre -selection and contracting for dewatering centrifuge equipment and cake pumping equipment. Additionally, the Board authorized the sole source pre -selection and contracting for the wet scrubber equipment. June 2019- Board authorized a construction contract for the Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility Upgrades, District Project 7348A, and amending the agreement with B&V by $220,000. December 2019- Board authorized a PES agreement with MWH Constructors, Inc. (MWH) for an amount not to exceed $400,000 for constructability review and pre- bid services. August 2020- Board authorized the General Manager to submit an updated SRF loan application for $173M and associated resolutions. August 2020- Board authorized increasing the B&V PES agreement to a ceiling of $9,654,636 and increasing the MWH PES agreement to a ceiling of $950,000. February 2021- Staff presented a project update and announced advertisement of project bidding. Additionally, the Board authorized the GM to amend the MWH PES agreement to a ceiling of $1.1 M and amend the blanket agreement with ArcSine Engineering to a ceiling of $975,000. August 2021- Staff held an informational workshop to provide a project status update and bid period activities, to consider proposed recommendation to award a construction contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West, Co., to consider alternatives, and held a questions and answers session. September 2021- Board rejected all bids for the Phase 1 project. October 2021- Board authorized staff to proceed with the execution of the SRF Loan Agreement documents and adopted resolution approving the financing agreement. November 2021- Board authorized PES agreements with CDM Smith, Inc. in an amount of $850,000; ArcSine Engineering in an amount of $600,000; and GHD, Inc. in an amount of $500,000 to rebid a rescoped Phase 1A project. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 88 of 160 Page 11 of 21 May 2022- Board authorized amending an existing agreement with Degenkolb Engineers, Inc., increasing the cost ceiling to $334,000. September 2022- Board authorized amending existing agreements with CDM Smith, Inc., increasing the cost ceiling to $1.4M; GHD, Inc., increasing the cost ceiling to $700,000; ArcSine Engineering, increasing the cost ceiling to $800,000; and HDR Engineering, Inc., increasing the cost ceiling $350,000. February 2023- Board received the bid announcement and granted an exception to Board Policy No. 037, Delegation of Authority to General Manager, to amend four existing agreements, as may be needed, up to a combined total not to exceed $750,000 for final design and bid phase activities. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 89 of 160 Page 12 of 21 ATTACHMENT 3 SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A DISTRICT PROJECT 7348 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7348 NO. OF ADDENDA: 4 DATE/TIME: JULY 13,2023,2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A PROJECT MANAGER: NATHAN HODGES PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S EST.: $130,000,000 - $135,000,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 C. Overaa & Co. $121,738,000 Richmond, California 2 W.M. Lyles Co. $123,329,000 Fresno, California 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $141,600,000 Fairfield, California BIDS OPENED BY: /s/Eileen Hansen September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 90 of 160 DATE: July 13, 2023 Page 13 of 21 ATTACHMENT 4 SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A DISTRICT PROJECT 7348 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description Amounts % Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $121,738,000 b. Additive Bid Item - Burner Replacement $600,000 c. Additive Bid Item - Replacement of Tank Cover $3,950,000 d. Project Contingency at 10% $13,000,000 e. Permits (Air Testing included) $1,000,000 f. Hazardous Compliance (Testing included) $700,000 g. Equipment Contract - Centrifuges $3,100,000 h. Equipment Contract - Cake Pumps $3,000,000 i. Equipment Contract - Wet Scrubbers $3,400,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION: $150,488,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Engineering staff (PM, RE, Safety, etc.) $6,000,000 - Operations Support, including Maintenance $1,600,000 b. Consultants - Construction Management Services $10,800,000 - ArcSine (ESDC)- $3,100,000 - CDM (ESDC, includes HDR, GHD, Degenkolb) $3,600,000 - As -needed Services (Furnace, Haz, Geotech, others) $400,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $25,500,000 16.9% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES - Phase 1 a. Engineering (Staff, Consultants, Scrubber Pilot, etc.) SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES Phase 1 $15,872,000 10.5% 4. PREBID EXPENDITURES - Phase 1A a. Engineering - District Staff Time (Engr. And Operations) $1,900,000 - CDM $2,297,000 - Aresi nem $1,400,000 - GHD $893,000 - HDR $500,000 - Degenkolb $364,000 - Other Consultants (Ewing, Furnace, SCA, Others) $550,000 - Equipment Selection Procurement (Design) $200,000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES Phase 1A $8,104,000 5.4% 5. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $199,964,000 * ArcSine total revision is $3.4 Million, includes prebid and postbid activities. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 91 of 160 Page 14 of 21 Attachment 5 Agenda Background Bids Additive Items Equipment Contracts Construction Support Financial Impacts Schedule Questions cry- ...��- September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 92 of 160 1 Phase 1A Ready to Award 4 �5 1 7 \�I ° 6 i -A WFA 1 K. Page 15 of 21 8r A/ Background Phase 1 bids rejected in September 2021. Total project estimated cost was $261.4 million (M). Low bid was $180 M and second low bid was $207 M. - New consultant team assembled: CDM Smith, Inc.}� Aresine Engineering (electrical) HDR Engineering, Inc. GHD, Inc. " Degenkolb Engineers (seismic)" Phase 1 scope modified to prioritize most urgent needs and minimize potential for stranded assets in event that the long-term solids plan (Phase 2) were to change. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 93 of 160 2 r O O 2r O O O5 O 6r O O 8r redesign COMPLETED PROJECTS SLUDGE BLENDING/ TANK COVER REPLACEMENT MULTIPLE HEARTH AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ASH HANDLING AND LOADOUT ELECTRICAL NEW ELECTRICAL RENOVATION CENTRIFUGE DEWATERING SCB SEISMIC RETROFIT- SCB SEISMIC RETROFIT - STORAGE FURNACES CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM SHEAR WALLS BUTTRESSES Background Phase 1 bids rejected in September 2021. Total project estimated cost was $261.4 million (M). Low bid was $180 M and second low bid was $207 M. - New consultant team assembled: CDM Smith, Inc.}� Aresine Engineering (electrical) HDR Engineering, Inc. GHD, Inc. " Degenkolb Engineers (seismic)" Phase 1 scope modified to prioritize most urgent needs and minimize potential for stranded assets in event that the long-term solids plan (Phase 2) were to change. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 93 of 160 2 Background - Redesign Phase 1A includes Solids Phase 1B Seismic of the Solids Conditioning Building to address vulnerabilities during a major seismic event. Significant electrical design effort to change approach to renovation work focused on new equipment and systems being replaced while building operations stay in service. Phase 1 had an 18 -month shutdown of furnaces and sludge disposal, while Phase 1A includes a shutdown of under one month. Lessons learned from the previous bid included to help bidders understand and to make easier to quantify the scope. Outreach for contractors, especially for electrical and specialty work, to increase competition. Page 16 of 21 IN - Background Lon Term Plan' g g 2017 2021-22 Phase 2 'Phase 2 Digestion & New Incineration Incineration Building September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 94 of 160 3 Active Bidding Process Advertised April 26 and May 3 Original bid date June 29, extended to July 13 4 Addenda issued Staff conducted 18 site tours 237 questions submitted and answered "In my 25 years in the water business, 1 have never gone through a bid cycle with such an actively engaged client ...an engaged client is the #1 variable influencing a successful project" - Bidder Successful Bid Results Engineer's Estimate $130 M - $135 M C. Overaa & Co. $10.8 M or 8.1% under Engineer's estimate 1.2% difference between lower bidders Highest bid 6.9% over Engineer's estimate Competitive bids C. Clveraa & Co. meets the bidding requirements ✓ Contractor and project manager experience ✓ Financial review ✓ SRF and DBE review ✓ Lowest responsive and responsible bidder 8 Page 17 of 21 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 C. Overaa & Co. $121,738,000 Richmond, California 2 W.M. Lyles Co. $123,329,000 Fresno, California 3 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. $141,600,000 Fairfield, California / ©_ CENTRALSAN September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 95 of 160 4 Page 18 of 21 Additive and Supplemental ^" - Bid Items - Additive bid items recommended: �N Replace sludge blending tank cover at $3,950,000 Replace up to 20 furnace burners at $600,000 q. y Supplemental bid item for furnace work: _ Allows staff to deduct furnace work to stay within EPA's_ ~' MACT 50 threshold - Bid pricing received lower than expected and should not trigger new permitting requirements and additional equipment V' Regulatory will continue to work with the construction, team to monitor final costs �. Equipment Contracts Centrifuges — Andritz Separation $2,180,000 $3,100,000 Electrical, instrumentation, and Technologies, Inc. controls (E&IC) revisions Cake Pumps —Schwing Bioset, Inc. $2,123,000 $3,000,000 E&IC revisions Air Pollution Control — Envirocare $2,200,000 $3,400,000 Redesign scrubber for easier International, Inc. installation, E&IC revisions Contract updated for Central San -supplied equipment Costs updated per design changes, vendor engineering, and escalation indices Approval to fabricate will be done soon after award September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 96 of 160 5 Construction Support Large, complex project over 4 years with varying levels of activity Staff (Engineering and Operations) _ $8.0 M Consultants: Construction Management, MWH Constructors, Inc. - $10.8 M ESDC, CDM Smith, Inc. - $3.6 M (Includes HDR Engineering, Inc., Degenkolb Engineers and GHD, Inc.) ESDC and Electrical Field Services, Aresine Engineering - $3.4 M Hazardous Waste Support, TBD - $500,000 Others As -needed Services - $400,000 ESDC = Engineering Services During Construction Project Schedule Page 19 of 21 / lk')1 CENTRAL SAN Phase IA ProjectAward Early Mobilization OctSept NovD" 2023 20231 1 I Phase IA NTP—Admin and Construction Investigations September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 97 of 160 6 Total Estimated Project Budget In llll UN State Revolving Fund of $173.1 M ($15.6 Received) Page 20 of 21 No. Ilam Description Amounts %CobalYetOon Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Cgfl M&_ Contract $171,738,000 b. AddilivB Bid Item- Burner Replewmenl $660.060 C Addrove Brd Item • Replacement ar Tank Cover $3,950,000 d. Project Contingency a[ 10% $13,000,060 e. Pe I sVvr Testing In Iudedl $,.No coo LHezardous Compliance(Tesling induded) $700,000 g. EqulpmentContract - Cenlnfuges $8,100,000 h. Equipment Contract - Cake Pumps $3,000,000 i. Equrpmant Cootrad • Wet S—Inters $a'40,0n0 SUBTOTAL -CON5TRUGTION: 15Di8B 06C '.00% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. lNsmct Forces -Engineanny s� (PM, RE, Sefaty, etc.) $8,000,000 - Ope.t— Suppgn, vdd,ng Whtenance $1,600,000 b. Go --tams - Construction Menagemenl Services $19,566,066 -Areslne (ESOC)' $5.100.000 -COM(ESDC, indudee HDR, G H D, Degenkolh) $3,600,000 -A—ded Sernces (Furnace, 4az, Geotech. others) SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION MANAOaEMENT $25.503000 16.9% 3. PREBIDFXPENQlTURES-Phesel a. Englnccring (Stale, C.—Atarrts, Smt6gr PMBL etc.) t $537z SUBTOTAL - PREBtU EXPENDITURES Ph— 1 10.5% 4. PREB16 E XF ENORURE5 - Pluree 1A a. Engl—Ing - District SteF Time(Fog, And Operations) $1,on0,coo -CDM $2,297,000 -Amsine• $1,400,606 -GRD $893,060 -HDR $590,000 -DeOenvnln $064.600 -Other C-SUU,le (Ewing, IF—, SCA, ptt ) $550,000 - Equlpmerrt 391Bctim Procurement (Design) SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES Phase 1A �4000310q.i;G4_00015 -0%E. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST *ArcSi ne total revision is 3.4 million, includes prebid and postbid activities Engineering and Operations Committee: The Committee met on August 14, 2023, and recommended approval of the project. Original award budget estimate has been successfully modified from $206.6 M. FY 2023-24 District Budget includes $195.5 M. Slightly over at $4.4 M New Update: MWH costs to a $10.8 M revision. Costs are to handle specialty subs for inspection, testing, and schedule. September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 98 of 160 7 Page 21 of 21 Recommended Board Actions Award a construction contract in the amount of $121,738,000 to C. Overaa & Co., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, District Project 7348; Include award of additive bid items totaling $4,550,000; and Authorize the General Manager to execute the following: A new professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. for $3.6 million for ESDC; A $10.8 million revision with MWH Constructors, Inc. for construction management services; A $3.4 million revision with ArcSine Engineering for electrical field services and ESDC; and Updated equipment contracts with Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. for $3.1 million, Schwing Bioset, Inc. for $3.0 million, and Envirocare International for $3.4 million September 7, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 99 of 160 $