HomeMy WebLinkAbout15.a. Committee Minutes-Engineering and Operations 06-12-2023Page 1 of 6 Item 15.a. LICENTRAL SAN July 20, 2023 FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: JUNE 12, 2023 - ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE - CHAIR PILECKI AND MEMBER MCGILL Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 06-12-2023 Engineering & Operations minutes July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 89 of 112 Page 2 of 6 LCENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS: REGULAR MEETING OF THE BARBARA D.HOCKETT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA President SANITARY DISTRICT MARlAHNLPresident Pro em ProTem ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MICHAEL R.MCGIEE TAD J.NGTOI COMMITTEE FLORENCE T WEDINGTON MINUTES PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX- (925) 372-0192 Monday, June 12, 2023 www.centralsan.org 9:00 a.m. Cnmmittee Chair Tad Pilecki Member Mike McGill Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel (joined during Item 3.a.) Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager—Administration Greg Norby, Deputy General Manager - Operations Edgar Lopez, Provisional Director of Engineering and Technical Services Neil Meyer, Provisional Director of Operations Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Paul Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.) Nathan Hodges, Senior Engineer (left after Item 4.b.) Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer Stacey Durocher, Admimistrative Services Assistant Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order 9:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 90 of 112 Page 3 of 6 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Page 2 a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a Utility Agreement with Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCTA) for reimbursement of costs associated with the CCTA A-line Relocation, District Project 100050; authorize a budget transfer in the amount of $1,707,382 from the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Budget contingency account; and find the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Based on a question posed by Chair Pilecki regarding easement rights, Ms. Lawson provided a brief history of the project and confirmed Central San has superior rights from a Grant of Easement so that CCTA is funding the sewer relocation. Chair Pilecki pointed out some grammatical corrections needed and asked staff to use language that is familiar to the Board and the public can understand. Chair Pilecki expressed concern that Central San will have to pay project costs upfront that could total over $40 Million. Ms. Lawson stated that at this time, Central San would only be entering a Design Reimbursement Agreement, which is a much smaller number, to minimize the burden on Accounting as there are strict banking requirements for the upfront funding. However, there will be a second agreement for construction after a Probable Estimate of Construction Cost is developed during the design and Central San will opt for CCTA to fund upfront. In response to other questions posed by Chair Pilecki regarding the use of Federal Highway Funds and depreciation, Ms. Gemmell confirmed that Cal Trans is getting Federal Highway Funds, and Ms. Lawson stated depreciation was initially in the reimbursement agreement, but after citing the code relative to sewer facilities provided by District Counsel, it was removed by CCTA. Ms. Gemmell stated that CCTA has already received approval from their Board for the reimbursement agreement as presented by Central San. Chair Pilecki asked staff to add this information to the Position Paper. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with the proposed changes to the Position Paper mentioned above. July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 91 of 112 Page 4 of 6 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Page 3 b. Review draft Position Paper to approve a $650,000 contingency project for the Tappan Terrace Sewer Replacement; find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); authorize the General Manager to execute a construction contract in the amount of $498,000 with Engineered Soil Repairs, Inc.; and transfer $650,000 from the Capital Improvement Budget Contingency account to fund the project Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the presentation in the agenda materials. Engineered Soil Repair (ESR) is the firm named in the settlement agreement to perform the landslide and street repairs. In response to Member McGill's question regarding releases from future litigation and reimbursement of costs incurred by Central San, Mr. Alm stated that Central San was not involved in the lawsuit, or the settlement agreement signed over a year ago, therefore will not be getting reimbursed for the repairs. Based on the options presented to Central San at the time, the safest course of action was to stay out of the lawsuit and not file a cross-complaint. Chair Pilecki inquired about not having a formal bidding process and whether Central San has the authority to proceed without publicly bidding the work. Mr. Bailey asked Mr. Alm to explain what authority Central San has to circumvent the mandatory bidding process. In response to Mr. Bailey and Chair Pilecki, Mr. Alm stated there is an exception to the mandatory bidding process that exists when the normal process would not benefit the public or could potentially have a negative impact. Chair Pilecki suggested adding a finding to the Position Paper under the exceptions to the mandatory bidding process. Chair Pilecki then asked staff to include the Board finding under Recommended Board Action and tie it into the body of the Position Paper. Member McGill inquired about the community outreach that Central San has done. Mr. Lopez stated that staff has communicated with the agency involved as they have been the lead coordinators for the repairs and for the utility involved, however once the project is approved staff will provide additional outreach and will notify the residents concerning the District's work and for private side sewers. Mr. Bailey stated this item would be brought back to the Special Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting on June 20, 2023 with the recommended changes. July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 92 of 112 Page 5 of 6 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Page 4 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Committee reviewed the Position Paper and provided suggestions to staff, requesting the item be returned for further discussion and recommendation at the June 20, 2023 Special Engineering & Operations Committee meeting. 4. Other Items a. Receive Capital Projects Division Quarterly Report (January — March) on capital projects, active consultant contracts, change order log, and schedule of bids and awards Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the quarterly report provided in the agenda materials. The Committee expressed concern over the ability to evaluate the report accurately and would like Central San's Internal Auditor and Mr. Norby to do an assessment and present a more comprehensive report that is useful to the public. Mr. Bailey stated that Central San has received complaints regarding invoices not being paid on the Solids Handling Project so the numbers in the report may not reflect the accurate costs. Mr. Bailey would like to respond to those accusations. Mr. Lopez stated that this report is an internal document showing the status of contracts and agreements during the time identified on a quarterly basis. It is not used to demonstrate the state of a project or future projections. Mr. Norby addressed the committee's concerns and stated the necessary adjustments to make the report more useful will be evaluated and any improvements will be made COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. b. * Receive verbal update on the Solids Handling Phase 1A Project Mr. Lopez discussed the project details and provided a presentation for further discussion (attached). Members of the Committee expressed concern over discrepancies with money owed to consultants versus what is being presented in the current report. Member McGill does not want to be perceived as an organization that is not fair and equitable with consultants. July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 93 of 112 Page 6 of 6 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 12, 2023 Page 5 Mr. Bailey acknowledged there may be some discrepancies that need to be resolved and will look at internal controls to make sure the actual budget amount versus what is spent is reconciled. In response to Member McGill's comment regarding the Consultants responsibility to notify the project manager prior to proceeding, Mr. Bailey responded stating that there is a need to have a more formal change order process in the agreements and both parties need to sign off before proceeding. Mr. Lopez stated that Central San's contract does have language stating that Consultants are to notify the project manager if their scope or cost changes prior to proceeding. A more detailed process would be an improvement similar to the construction contracts issued by the District with more description on how to handle cost or scope issues. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 5. Announcements None. 6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items Member McGill asked staff to provide dates on the following items included in the Future Agenda Items: o Wet Weather Hydraulics; o Bypass Channel; and o Solids Project Phase 2 analysis. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff. 7. Future Scheduled Meeti Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. (Special) Monday, July 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. 8. Adjournment — at 10:44 a.m. *Attachments July 20, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 94 of 112