HomeMy WebLinkAbout02. Public Hearing on the proposed FY 2023-24 District Budget Page 1 of 9
Item 2.
Roger S. Bailey
General Manager
Pursuant to Central San's Budget Policy (BP 048), prior to adoption of the budget, a public hearing must
be held to receive public comment for the following funds: Operations and Maintenance (O&M), Capital
Improvement, Self-I nsurance, and Debt Service.
Central San's draft FY 2023-24 Budget book (Attachment 1)was distributed to Board Members on May 4,
2023, at a regularly scheduled public meeting. The following is a timeline of meetings where the proposed
FY 2023-24 Budget has been reviewed by the Board and its Committees and made available to the public
for review and feedback:
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May 8 Engineering & Operations Committee review of Capital Improvement
Budget(CI B)
May 9 Finance Committee review of overall Budget with a focus on O&M, Self-
Insurance, and Debt Service
May 18 Presentation of Budget by staff at Board Meeting
June 1 1st Public Hearing on Budget Adoption
June 21 2nd / Final Public Hearing on Budget Adoption
Commencing on page 47 of the FY 2023-24 draft Budget book, the Financial Summary section provides a
summary of the core elements of Central San's entire budget including analysis of specific funds, revenues,
expenses, and reserves. A presentation providing an overview of the proposed FY 2023-24 budget was
provided to the Board at the May 18, 2023 public meeting. Additionally, a presentation providing an overview of
the FY 2023-24 CIB as well as the long-term (ten-year) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)was provided to the
Board that same day.
At the May 18, 2023 meeting, the Board was asked to review and provide feedback on the proposed FY
2023-24 Budget following presentations by staff. I ncorporating feedback from Board Members as well as
various District staff, several revisions were made to the draft budget book provided to the Board on May
4, 2023, which are summarized in the attached Change Log (Attachment 2).
An initial public hearing on the FY 2023-24 budget was scheduled and held on June 1, 2023. However, to
align the budget's adoption with the approval of Central San's FY 2023-24 sewer service charge rates, the
public hearing was adjourned until June 21, 2023.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Staff has evaluated the FY 2023-24 O&M, Sewer Construction, Self-I nsurance, and Debt Service Fund
budgets and concludes the adoption of these budgets are not projects, are ministerial in nature, and are
exempt from CEQA. They are exempt under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, since each
funds the ongoing operations of Central San and the Cl B funds the operation, repair, maintenance,
permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities,
mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that
existing at the present time.Approval of the FY 2023-24 Budgets will establish the Board of Directors'
independent finding that these budget documents are exempt from CEQA.
The Board further finds that, although the Cl P Budget will authorize amounts of individual capital
improvement project spending, the adoption of the Budget does not authorize construction of any project
requiring CEQA compliance documentation. Central San either has or will produce appropriate CEQA
compliance documentation prior to undertaking any"project" identified in these documents.
The Board has considered numerous financial planning alternatives and assumptions, including at the
January 12, 2023 publicly held financial workshop. This budget reflects the policy direction provided in
areas including the composition and level of the Capital Improvement Budget in the context of the
Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), responsibly managing unfunded liabilities, and
overall guidance regarding the need for fiscal discipline and cost control. The budget also includes
funding for four new full-time equivalent (FTE) positions to address ongoing service level needs, a number
of term-limited and temporary positions for shorter-term needs.
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Adoption of the proposed FY 2023-24 budget will provide Central San the resources necessary to
accomplish Strategic Plan Objectives directed by the Board for that year. The FY 2023-24 budget was
prepared using the sewer service charge revenue assumptions per the proposed two-year rate plan.
Sewer service charge revenues in FY 2023-24 are proportioned as follows: O&M 56.0%; Capital 42.6%;
Self-Insurance 1.4%.
The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed the Capital Improvement budget on May 8,
2023. The Finance Committee received a staff presentation of the FY 2023-24 O&M, Self-Insurance, and
Debt Service fund budgets on May 9, 2023. Both Board Committees provided feedback to staff, which
has been considered in the final version of the budget book recommended for adoption by the Board.A
log of revisions made subsequent to the distribution of the initial draft of the budget book on May 4, 2023,
has been attached hereto (Attachment 2). A revised version of the budget book has been posted to the
Central San website, under"Financial Information".
Continue the public hearing adjourned at the June 1, 2023 Board Meeting on the proposed budget and
hear any public comment received. Close the public hearing, then take the following actions:
A. Find that the FY 2023-24 District Budget is exempt from CEQA; and
B.Adopt the FY 2023-24 District Budget for the Operations and Maintenance; Capital Improvement; Self-
Insurance; and Debt Service funds, as presented.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL ONE: Customer and Community
Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2- Promote initiatives to advance affordable and equitable
access to services, Strategy 3- Build neighborhood and industry relations
GOAL TWO:Environmental Stewardship
Strategy 1 -Achieve compliance in all regulations, Strategy 2- Educate on pollution prevention and environmental
protection, Strategy 3- Be a partner in regional development of local water supply, Strategy 4- Identify and advance
sustainability initiatives, including reducing energy usage and emissions
GOAL THREE: Workforce Diversity and Development
Strategy 1 - Recruit from a diverse pool of qualified applicants, Strategy 2- Engage employees and conduct labor
relations in a transparent, effective and collaborative environment, Strategy 3- Retain skilled workers by investing in
resources and opportunities for all employees to grow and thrive, Strategy 4- Foster a culture of diversity, equity, and
GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 2- Encourage and facilitate
public participation, Strategy 3- Maintain financial stability and sustainability
GOAL FIVE: Safety and Security
Strategy 1 - Reduce and eliminate risks of injury or illness, Strategy 2- Protect personnel and assets from threats and
emergencies, Strategy 3- Understand and reduce impacts of cybersecurity attacks
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GOAL SIX: Infrastructure Reliability
Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally, Strategy 2- Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program
GOAL SEVEN: Innovation and Agility
Strategy 1 - Leverage data analytics to become a more efficient utility, Strategy 2- Implement organization-wide
optimization, Strategy 3- Be adaptable, resilient, and responsive
1. Replacement Sheet- Draft Budget 2023-24
2. Log of Budget Book Changes (FY 23-24)
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Attachment 1
Final Draft Central San
FY 2023-24 Budget
See separate Budget Binder distributed May 4, 2023.
The final draft Budget (as of June 1 , 2023) is also available on the
District's website as part of the Public Hearing Board agenda item
and in Public Notices section: www.centralsan.org
Please contact Katie Young, Secretary of the District, with any questions:
Telephone: (925) 229-7303
Email: kyoung@centralsan.org
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Attachment 2
FY 2023-24 Budget Revision Log
As of June 1,2023
This log includes substantive edits made to the FY 2023-24 Budget Book distributed to the Board on May 4,2023.
Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
Introduction 12 2nd paragraph Updated language regarding sequencing of rate proposal
Introduction 18 3rd paragraph Changed language regarding population"boomed"
Introduction 23 Sewer Service Charge GM wants discussion or table to also reflect accounts,and discussion of EDUs. Table
Billings by Type table also had*that was not footnoted. Added EDUs in anew column to table
Introduction 27 3rd paragraph Outdated language regarding rate increases was left from the prior budget book for
FY 22-23. This has now been removed.
Introduction 28 1st paragraph Added sentence indicating diagram reflected typical process.This time,218 process
took place in May-June
Introduction 28 1st paragraph Added SSC rate adoption to June row.
Introduction 46 5th paragraph Corrected 10 year CIP amount to$980.2 rather than$980.
Financial Summary 47 Table lb Increase FY 23-24 CIB total spend by$300,000 to$71,202,000 and update total
appropriations and budget to budget variances($and%)accordingly.
The Sewer Construction fund budget is$70 Q 71.2 million,a decrease of$2119.8
Financial Summary 47 2nd paragraph,2nd bullet million(24-4-21.7%)from the prior year budget of$91.0 million. Lastly,decrease
Contribution to Reserves accordingly by same amount and update variances column.
Financial Summary 47 3rd paragraph Added reference to table 8a showing summary of changes to O&M budget
Financial Summary 48 Figure 1 Replace figure 1 with new chart reflecting$300,000 increase to sewer construction
sources and decrease to contribution to reserves.
Financial Summary 49 1st bullet(SSC) Added"ADUs"in listing or rates in addition to single family and multi-family
Due to increase in treatment plant program spend by$300,000,reduce FY 23-24 CIB
contribution to reserve to$21,924,163 and total funding sources to$71,202,000.
Financial Summary 51 Table 2a Update total column to reflect these changes,decreasing grand total contribution to
reserves to$20,557,487 and total funding sources to$173,468,813. Lastly,update
footnote below table to reflect new total contribution to reserves.
Financial Summary 54 Table 2c Added footnote to acknowledge potential increase in capacity fees due to RHNA.
Financial Summary 56 1st paragraph and table 3 Add ADU rate to table and acknowledge in text
Financial Summary 58 Figure 3 Updated pie chart to reflect$300,000 increase in sewer construction spend and
corres oncling decrease in contribution to reserves.
The uses of funds(expenditures and contributions to reserves)for FY 2023-24 are
Financial Summary 58 2nd paragraph shown in Figure 3.Two expenditure categories,0&M and Sewer Construction,
account for 8r4A 83.6%of the total uses.In FY 2023-24,contribution to reserves
comprises 4472410.6%of the total use of funds.
Financial Summary 61 Figure 5 Change pie chart from 3-dimensional to 2-dimensional formatting.
Financial Summary 66 Table 8a Added new table(8a)showing summary of changes to O&M budget
Financial Summary 66 Training discussion Added text describing increase in Admin travel
Financial Summary 71 Staffing Changes Paragraph 1-Fix the paragraph formatting to match other formatting
Financial Summary 71 Table 11 added a row for GM Specials headcount for 5 and prior years.Updated Total
Temporary Employees headcount.
Staffing Changes,1st A sentence added at the end of the paragraph stating"The parameters for these
Financial Summary 71 paragraph workers are under discussion with bargaining units and may have durations beyond
one year."
Financial Summary 71 Staffing Changes,2nd Include new sentences and verbiage clarifying how newly proposed FTE positions
paragraph add value to Central San's operations.
Financial Summary 72 Staffing Changes Under Administration-add a bullet point to reflect the reclassification of"Director of
Administration and Finance"to"Deputy General Manager"
Ad missing"as"and describe limited duration workers(The parameters for these
Financial Summary 72 workers are under discussion with bargaining units and may have durations beyond
one ear.
Financial Summary 73 2nd paragraph Delete second sentence
The $71.2 million capital improvement budget does not include anticipated
carryforward from FY 2022-23,which will be communicated to the Board after the
Financial Summary 73 3rd paragraph close of the current fiscal year.The FY 2023-24 capital budget,excluding
carryforward,is decreasing by$244-$19.8 million(2.1%)(21.7%)from the prior
year bud et of$91.0 million.
Financial Summary 73 4th paragraph Central San is projected to contribute$244-$21.9 million to capital reserves in FY
2023-24 with revenues and debt proceeds exceeding expenditures by that amount.
Financial Summary 73 Staffing Changes Under Operations Department-add a bullet point to reflect the reclassification of
"Director of Operations to"Deputy General Manager of Engineering and Operations"
Financial Summary 73 Table 11 Changed headcount under Temporary-Employee Limited Duration from 5 to 6.
Financial Summary 73 Staff Changes 1st paragraph Changed 2nd to last sentence from five limited duration to six limited duration
1 of
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Attachment 2
Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
FY 23-24 budgeted treatment plant program expenditures increase by$300,000 to a
revised total of$31,300,000 to reflect change done in CIP section of budget after
finalization of Financial Summary section. Updated$and%variances for treatment
Financial Summary 74 Table 13 plant program accordingly. Other impacted areas of this table that are updated
accordingly include FY 2023-24 CIB spend(increased to$71,202,000),updating total
$and%variances accordingly,reducing Contribution to Reserves to$21,924,163,
and increasing Cash Funded expenditures to$57,202,000.
Staff Changes-Engineering Changed Capital Division bullet from three limited duration to four limited duration
Financial Summary 74 &Technical Services bullet
employees.Add One Project Safety Officer limited duration employee
Financial Summary 74 Table 11 Changed temporary headcount and summer students,Interns
Revise sentences 3-5 to state the following:
The project most likely to have significant impacts on future O&M costs is the Solids
Financial Summary 75 1st paragraph Handling Facilities Improvement Project as that project now contemplates
transitioning. The technology to be utilized in phase II of this project is tentatively
proposed to be fluidized bed incineration,a more modern and efficient approach to
the existing multiple hearth furnaces. The lifecycle cost of the project,including O&M
impacts,is expected to be lower than continuing with the existing technology.
The Sewer Construction fund is projected to close FY 2023-24 with a working capital
Financial Summary 76 2nd bullet reserve of$9&-.5-$85.2 million,exceeding minimum working capital reserves by
$37.4 million.
Added comment about grant funding,"To the extent that grant funding for capital
Financial Summary 76 2nd bullet projects is received during FY 2023-24,this would result in an increase in the Sewer
Construction Fund reserve balance,providing the ability to reduce future borrowing
and reduce future rate adjustments."
Reduce Sewer Construction Fund reserves as of 6/30/24 by$300,000 and update
Financial Summary 78 Table 14 change year over year$and%accordingly. Also reduce Amount Over/(Under)
Minimum Reserve Target at 6/30/24 b $300,000.
A sentence was added to clarify absence of interest earnings for Rate Stabilization
Financial Summary 79 Table 14-Reserve Fund Account stating:"This fund is a book entry to the 0&M and Sewer Construction
Projections funds. Interest earnings from those funds are not separately assigned to the Rate
Stabilization Account"
Financial Summary 79 Table 14 Added comment about interest earnings on rate stabilization fund.
Financial Summary 83 4th paragraph Cost of service completion date corrected to 2023.
Financial Summary 84 3rd bullet(Other Revenues) Added comment about grant funding.
Financial Summary 87 Table 15-Ten Year Financial Column added for the Total 10 Years.
Plan Summary
Operating Departments 89 3rd paragraph Remove Director of Operations from Central San's Executive Team.Should be two
Deputy General Managers and one Director for Engineering and Technical Services.
Operating Departments 90 Divisions Bullet Point Change bullet point"Office of the Director of Finance and Administration"to"Office
of the Deputy General Manager of Finance and Administration"
Budget Modifications, One GM special was budgeted accordingly in Operations and four GM specials were
Operating Departments 95 paragraph 1 budgeted in the Office of the General Manager.
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 98 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 104 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 112 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 119 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 122 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 127 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 131 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Em to ees
Operating Departments 134 3rd paragraph Updated description of office's responsibilities related to capital project work
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Attachment 2
Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
Operating Departments 137 Personnel Requirements Change"Deputy General Manager(Director of Engineering&Technical Services)"to
table "Director of Engineering&Technical Services"
Capital 139 Infrastructure Reliability remove the highlighted yellow from a bullet point to make it not highlighted
Operating Departments 140 FY 2021 Performance Updated to actual year performance
Personnel Requirements Operating Departments 142 Table Limited Duration Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Employees to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Added limited duration employee for project safety officer and rebalanced
Operating Departments 142 lTemporary Employees temporary classifications.
Added 1 limited duration employee and rebalanced temporary classifications.
Updated Capital Division headcount from 3 limited duration employees to 4 limited
Operating Departments Personnel Requirements duration employees(added Project Safety Officer)and changed Intern headcount
Table Limited Duration from 4 to 2.Changed Temporary Utility Systems Engineer from 1 to 2.Added 1
142 Employees Temporary Engineering Assistant.
Updated paragraph to include a limited duration project safety officer(for capital
Operating Departments 143 Budget Modifications projects)
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 148 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Table shows loss of six staff and explanation accounts for S.The word document
Operating Departments 154 Personnel Requirements table should have reflected five transfers from Planning and Development to Operations
Optimizations division
Personnel Requirements Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Operating Departments 155 Table Limited Duration to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Operating Departments 157 Divisions Bullet Point Change bullet point from"Director of Operations"to"Office of the Deputy General
Manager of Engineering and Operations"
Operating Departments 158 Title of Page Change title from"Director of Operations"to"Office of the Deputy General Manager
of Engineering and Operations"
Operating Departments 158 Overview Change from"Director of Operations"to"Office of the Deputy General Manager of
Engine rin and Operations'
Operations Department 159 Personnel Requirements Change from"Director of Operations"to"Office of the Deputy General Manager of
table Engineering and Operations"
Operations Department 159 Budget Modifications Change from"Director of Operations"to"Office of the Deputy General Manager of
En inee ing and Operations"
Personnel Requirements Operations Department 159 Table Limited Duration Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Employees to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Operations Department 169 Table Limited Duration Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Employees to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Operations Department 180 Table Limited Duration Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Employees to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Personnel Requirements Operations Department 185 Table Limited Duration Changed table name for Personnel Requirements from"Limited Duration Employees"
Employees to"Temporary Employees to be consistent with the Financial Summary
Operations Department 186 Recycled water financial Replaced tables with new format providing sub-totals for 0&M versus capital
summary tables expenses and revenues.
Operations Department 186 1st and 2nd paragraphs Revised two paragraphs following the table,describing new table.
Capital Improvement 196 New bullet Added potential grant funding to list of revenues
Capital Improvement
Program 198 Priority List Revised list order to reflect deletion of project 8466
Capital Improvement Last bullet(Projects
Program 203 Completed) Added project#8466 to those being closed.
Capital Improvement
Program 204 Table 1 Updated table to reflect project changes.
Capital Improvement 205 1st paragraph Removed highlight
Capital Improvement 206 Phasing of projects Added Pleasant Hill Phase 2 to sewer renovation paragraph.
Capital Improvement 207 2nd table on page Update order of projects to in table to be sequential.
Capital Improvement
Program 207 Budget Modifications Table Added PH phase 2,names to list,budget clarity
Capital Improvement
Program 214 Table 2 Project changes to Danville and PH2,which impacts overall totals
Capital Improvement
,Program 215 Description Changed replacement to 8,700 and increased budget as awarded
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Attachment 2
Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
Capital Improvement
Program 222 Project page Deleted DP8466,revised priority
Capital Improvement
Program 246 Sustainability paragraph Added to paragraph about how all CP evaluates or improves this subject
Capital Improvement 248 Table 3 Corrected RAS budget
Capital Improvement 284 Bullet points Removed highlight
Capital Improvement
284 Project 8516 Description Updated equipment list
Capital Improvement 285 Bullet points Removed highlight
Capital Improvement
285 Project 8517 Description Updated vehicle list
Capital Improvement 298 Budget modifications table 5 Increase Filter plant 7361 by 1.8 M as approved by board
Capital Improvement 299 Budget modifications table Increase Filter plant 7361 by 1.8 M as approved by board
Capital Improvement 301 Priority ranking table Changed Water Exchange priority TBD,as it is being evaluated
Capital Improvement
307 n/a Added new paragraph for unfunded CIP projects
Capital Improvement
n/a n/a Added new"NetZero"project
4 of
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