HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.b. Annual Contracts and Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOS) Older than Five Years with Annual Spend Greater Than $25,000Page 1 of 16
Item 4.b.
May 23, 2023
THAN $25,000
Consistent with past practice, although not required by law or policy, on an annual basis staff provides the
Finance Committee with a listing of contracts and blanket purchase orders (BPOs) that have not been
competitively bid in over five years. This was initially requested by the Finance Committee several years
ago as part of an effort to improve transparency over longstanding contracts and determine whether it was
appropriate to bid them out. Accordingly, attached is a report that lists all contracts and BPOs that are
older than five years and have an annual spend (calendar year 2022) greater than $25,000. This
information is being provided to the Finance Committee for awareness (including review and discussion,
as appropriate) purposes only and no action is required by the Board.
GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility
1. Contracts and BPOs Report
2. PacWest Sole Source-1-2022
3. PacWest Sole Source-1-2023
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Contracts and Blanket Purchase Orders
Older than Five Years and > $25,000 Annual Spend ATTACHMENT 1
*Excludes Sole Source or Exempt BPO's and Contracts
Annual Spend
Contract #
Contract Description
in Calendar
Year 2022
Pacwest Security
Security Guard Services
$ 449,498.48
See attached temporary exemptions (Jan 2022
and Jan 2023).
PFM Financial
Bond Issuance and Financial
$ 29,300.00
This will need to be a non competitive
Advisors, LLC
procurement through 2029 as they maintain a
proprietary model they used to calculate
savings from the UAAL pay down. Department
will document a justification for this exemption.
*Exemptions to the competitive process are outlined in the Purchasing procedures. Exemptions require documentation and approval. Examples include,
cooperative contracts where the District can "piggyback" on another agency's contracted pricing, sole source contracts and standardization of products that are
only available from one company.
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
(Products & Services)
REQUISITION #::R1794 ESTIMATE: $712,500.00
Page 3 of 16
This form must accompany the requisition whenever a request is made for a non-competitive purchase. When the requesting
department is requesting a particular vendor, brand, product, or service provider, this fact must be made clear on their requisition.
Best practice procurement for a public agency, as is Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, provides that we engage in soliciting
competitive pricing for the products and services we acquire unless a determination of non -competition is made. It is the policy of the
District that competitive pricing is obtained for all purchases of products and non-professional services greater than $3,500 unless there
is a validated exemption to the competitive process.
When a requisition is made for a non-competitive acquisition of goods or services that contain specifications and/or other
operational/technical requirements which limits the ability for the District to seek more than one bid or quotes in the marketplace, the
requesting department representative must complete the information below with factual statements, attach any and all supporting
documentation of their effort to review comparable products or services, and obtain approval to waive the competitive process.
Please check ONE of the following that applies to your request. Provide the information requested for the
category you checked.
1. ❑ SOLE SOURCE: Products or services are available from one source only (i.e. one manufacturer,
service provider of proprietary service, etc). What are the unique features, design, qualifications, rights,
licenses, etc. of the product/brand/service/service provider that are not available in any other
brand/service/service provider?
Have you contacted other suppliers/service providers to evaluate items/services with similar features
and capabilities? If no, explain why not. If yes, list suppliers/service providers and explain why their
products/services do not meet the department's requirements.
2. 0 SOLE BRAND OR SERVICE: Multiple sources may be able to supply the specified model and brand
or service. In these cases, competitive bids or quotes will be solicited for the requested brand or
service only. If only one source of supply of the brand exists (i.e. a dealer is the only one in a protected
territory) the purchase will be made upon confirmation without further solicitation of bids or quotes.
Why is the specified brand or service required (not just preferred) and how would your requirements for
this specific brand or service be inhibited or burdened without purchase of the particular brand or
service requested?
Have you contacted other suppliers/service providers to evaluate items/services with similar features
and capabilities? If no, explain why not. If yes, list suppliers/service providers and explain why their
products/services do not meet the department's requirements.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Sole Source Request (Products & Services)
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Page 1 of 3
Page 4 of 16
an integral repair part or accessory compatible with existing equipment. The District requires this
replacement part from an original manufacturer. This replacement part is not interchangeable with
other similar parts from other manufacturers. Please explain.
Existing Equipment:
Equipment Manufacturer Name / Model #:
Part Name and #:
Multiple sources may be able to supply the specified model and brand. In these cases, competitive
bids or quotes will be solicited for the requested brand only. If only one source of supply of the brand
exists (i.e. a dealer is the only one in a protected territory) the purchase will be made upon confirmation
without further solicitation of bids or quotes.
4. ❑ STANDARDIZATION REQUEST: The District requires the item(s) or service(s) in order to standardize
on parts, design, quality, adherence to form, fit and/or function, and/or to maintain warranty or a
maintenance contract on an existing product or system. Please specify.
If justification is based on the need to match the new item or service with existing equipment, parts,
etc., list the quantity, manufacturer/brand and model of the existing equipment pertaining to this request
and why the matching is required (i.e. compatibility, repair and maintenance, training, productivity,
minimization of supplies or spare parts, eliminates need to modify existing equipment, volume price
discounts or savings, safety, etc).
Existing Equipment:
Existing Equipment Manufacturer Name / Model #-
Part Name and # (if applicable):
Why is matching required? Please explain.
❑ Compatibility:
❑ Repair and maintenance:
❑ Training:
❑ Productivity:
❑ Minimization of supplies or spare parts:
❑ Eliminates need to modify existing equipment:
❑ Volume price discounts or savings:
Fj Safety:
5. ;Z OTHER NON-COMPETITIVE RECOMMENDATION: Examples include time constraints (emergency
situations), pre -qualified suppliers (suppliers awarded contracts from cooperative bidding, where price
and other factors have already been assessed), or quality/reliability and performance history indicates
an award of contract to a particular supplier/service provider would not be in the best interest of the
District. See Purchasing Policy 4.8 Exemptions to Competitive Pricing for definitions and examples.
Indicate which situation exists for this request along with applicable information to support this
exemption. Best Interest of the District!1-
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 2 of 3
Sole Source Request (Products & Services)
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Department / Division Name: Administration/Risk Managemenyt
Department / Division Representative: Shari Deutsch, Risk Mgr
Department Director: Phil Leiber
*General Manager: Roger S. Bailey
*Requests over $50,000 require General Mana
require General Manager or Board approval.
it and signature.
Date: 1 /13/22
Date: 111317,
Best Interest of the District and pilottestlexemptions
Buyer: C�� Date: 1/20/2022
Purchasing & Materials Manager: -Qrr;- Date: 1/21/2022
Comments (if necessary):
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 3 of 3
Sole Source Request (Products & Services)
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The District currently contracts with PacWest to provide on -site security guard services
for the treatment plant and surrounding properties at the Martinez campus. This contract
will expire on January 31, 2022.
In spring 2021 the District went out to bid for this contract and received over 20
responses, many of which provided insufficient information to evaluate the proposals.
We realized that the RFP required more detailed minimum qualifications and more
specific performance metrics. Staff rejected all proposals and planned to reissue the
RFP in Fall 2021, hoping that economic and public health conditions would be more
Staff began that process in Fall 2021 and discovered that the current service -
contracting environment is still unpredictable, and in some ways, presents greater
challenges than those of early 2021. Therefore, staff believes the District should extend
its relationship with PacWest. This would allow the District to maintain its current level
of security provided by the experienced and diligent personnel of PacWest rather than
assume the risks associated with changing service providers. Staff wishes to extend
the current contract for 18 months (through June 30, 2023) and then reconsider
conducting an RFP in a (hopefully) more stable operating environment.
Considerations include:
Increased uncertainty - The ongoing effects of COVID-19 and its variants has
changed our definition of normal operations. The main campus has not yet returned to
pre -pandemic occupation levels and many workplace restrictions are still in effect.
Current guard personnel are familiar with both prior and interim practices we've
implemented to ensure compliance with these requirements. They have already
demonstrated their ability to modify their duties and adapt their practices as these
requirements have changed often over the last two years. With a smaller contingent of
on -site staff, the guards have expanded their access control and observational
Increased risk from the arealenvironment - Incidents of theft, vandalism and illegal
dumping have increased notably over the last two years and the guards have been
instrumental in reporting such events to staff. Their familiarity with the campus has
provided us with early notice of new or expanding homeless encampments on District
property and other incidents that may not be recognized by a newer workforce. Current
guard personnel are sufficiently familiar with the treatment plant and its personnel to
respond to operations staff requests for assistance that may extend beyond the limited
role of a security guard (they do go above and beyond for us).
Tight Labor Market - The current labor market is such that a new provider may not be
able to properly staff the service. PacWest already pays its guards more than minimum
wage and provides benefits and incentives to reduce turnover and to maintain a diligent
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Page 7 of 16
workforce. The PacWest team has negotiated rate increases with the District throughout
the contract term to increase the guards' hourly wages over time. In a tight labor market,
a new provider may not be able to hire competent, experienced, and diligent staff at
even higher costs.
Familiarity with current security systems, practices and tools — PacWest staff
already has the skills and experience with the District's access control systems, its
practices for controlling, monitoring and tracking the various types of visitors allowed
through the main gate, and directing approved traffic into and out of the plant, reporting
and responding to events, and integrating the company's proprietary software with the
needs of District staff. Should the District contract with a different provider, a great deal
of time will be required to integrate systems, train staff and test operations before
reaching a comparable level of responsiveness and seamless communications.
Invariably, there would be a learning curve during which time gate management may be
less efficient and responses to unusual circumstances may be delayed or avoided until
the new personnel receive further direction. As noted above, staff wishes to avoid the
need to absorb these effects of novelty during a pandemic.
A history of exceptional performance —PacWest has had very little turnover among
guard personnel over the last few years. This is a result of considerable staff time spent
with PacWest personnel to modify their own procedures to align with ours, to develop
incentive programs, improve communications, expand guard training and to implement
other methods to reduce turnover and to maintain a diligent and engaged group of
guards. We have accomplished that goal and continue to work with PacWest and their
guard staff to maintain this high level of stability and performance. This could not be
immediately replicated with a new provider.
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Page 8 of 16
Suzette Crayton
Philip Leiber
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 1:54 PM
Suzette Crayton
Michele Barajas; Shari Deutsch
RE: PacWest Sole Source Request and Discussion
Hi Suzette,
Here is what I understand:
The current firm has been responsive and is presently performing well, in Risk's opinion.
The current contracting environment with COVID, low -unemployment, inflation, is not viewed as conducive to
obtaining a "better deal".
This is not a good time to make a transition to a new firm given some heightened risks at the Central San
campus, with increased homeless encampments, thefts, and few people on site.
Phil Leiber
From: Suzette Crayton
Sent: 0118, 2022 01:02 PM
To: Shari Deutsch <SDeutsch@centralsan.org>
Cc: Michele Barajas <MBarajas@centralsan.org>; Philip Leiber <pleiber@centralsan.org>
Subject: RE: PacWest Sole Source Request and Discussion
Importance: High
Shari, I put this on Roger's desk and the Best Interest of the District is indicated with no explanation of why the
extension is in the best interest of the District or am Roger and I missing something. Please let me know. Thanks.
From: Shari Deutsch <J e .r < air n.or >
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 11:07 AM
To: Suzette Crayton <:=: ;:._: ` `T'_.:,:.` '_,r_ :>
Cc: Michele Barajas <`_._i�._('_>
Subject: FW: PacWest Sole Source Request and Discussion
Hi Suzette,
When you get the sole source form back from Roger, would you scan and send it to Michele so she can set up Docusign
as Chris requests below? You can send me back the hard copy via IOM.
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
(Products & Services)
REQUISITION #: R2035 I ESTIMATE: $632,000 1
This form must accompany the requisition whenever a request is made for a non-competitive purchase. When the requesting
department is requesting a particular vendor, brand, product, or service provider, this fact must be made clear on their requisition.
Best practice procurement for a public agency, as is Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, provides that we engage in soliciting
competitive pricing for the products and services we acquire unless a determination of non -competition is made. It is the policy of the
District that competitive pricing is obtained for all purchases of products and non-professional services greater than $3,500 unless there
is a validated exemption to the competitive process.
When a requisition is made for a non-competitive acquisition of goods or services that contain specifications and/or other
operational/technical requirements which limits the ability for the District to seek more than one bid or quotes in the marketplace, the
requesting department representative must complete the information below with factual statements, attach any and all supporting
documentation of their effort to review comparable products or services, and obtain approval to waive the competitive process.
Please check ONE of the following that applies to your request. Provide the information requested for the
category you checked.
1. ❑ SOLE SOURCE: Products or services are available from one source only (i.e. one manufacturer,
service provider of proprietary service, etc). What are the unique features, design, qualifications, rights,
licenses, etc. of the product/brand/service/service provider that are not available in any other
brand/service/service provider?
Have you contacted other suppliers/service providers to evaluate items/services with similar features
and capabilities? If no, explain why not. If yes, list suppliers/service providers and explain why their
products/services do not meet the department's requirements.
2. ❑ SOLE BRAND OR SERVICE: Multiple sources may be able to supply the specified model and brand
or service. In these cases, competitive bids or quotes will be solicited for the requested brand or
service only. If only one source of supply of the brand exists (i.e. a dealer is the only one in a protected
territory) the purchase will be made upon confirmation without further solicitation of bids or quotes.
Why is the specified brand or service required (not just preferred) and how would your requirements for
this specific brand or service be inhibited or burdened without purchase of the particular brand or
service requested?
Have you contacted other suppliers/service providers to evaluate items/services with similar features
and capabilities? If no, explain why not. If yes, list suppliers/service providers and explain why their
products/services do not meet the department's requirements.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 1 of 3
Sole Source Re uest Products & Services
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Page 10 of 16
an integral repair part or accessory compatible with existing equipment. The District requires this
replacement part from an original manufacturer. This replacement part is not interchangeable with
other similar parts from other manufacturers. Please explain.
Existing Equipment:
Equipment Manufacturer Name / Model #:
Part Name and #:
Multiple sources may be able to supply the specified model and brand. In these cases, competitive
bids or quotes will be solicited for the requested brand only. If only one source of supply of the brand
exists (i.e. a dealer is the only one in a protected territory) the purchase will be made upon confirmation
without further solicitation of bids or quotes.
4. ❑ STANDARDIZATION REQUEST: The District requires the item(s) or service(s) in order to standardize
on parts, design, quality, adherence to form, fit and/or function, and/or to maintain warranty or a
maintenance contract on an existing product or system. Please specify.
If justification is based on the need to match the new item or service with existing equipment, parts,
etc., list the quantity, manufacturer/brand and model of the existing equipment pertaining to this request
and why the matching is required (i.e. compatibility, repair and maintenance, training, productivity,
minimization of supplies or spare parts, eliminates need to modify existing equipment, volume price
discounts or savings, safety, etc).
Existing Equipment:
Existing Equipment Manufacturer Name / Model #:
Part Name and # (if applicable):
Why is matching required? Please explain.
❑ Compatibility:
❑ Repair and maintenance:
❑ Training:
❑ Productivity:
❑ Minimization of supplies or spare parts:
❑ Eliminates need to modify existing equipment:
❑ Volume price discounts or savings:
❑ Safety:
❑ Other:
5. ® OTHER NON-COMPETITIVE RECOMMENDATION: Examples include time constraints (emergency
situations), pre -qualified suppliers (suppliers awarded contracts from cooperative bidding, where price
and other factors have already been assessed), or quality/reliability and performance history indicates
an award of contract to a particular supplier/service provider would not be in the best interest of the
District. See Purchasing Policy 4.8 Exemptions to Competitive Pricing for definitions and examples.
Indicate which situation exists for this request along with applicable information to support this
exemption. The District currently contracts with PacWest Security to provide on -site security
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 2 of 3
Sole Source Re uest Products & Services
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Page 11 of 16
and access control services for the Treatment Plant and surrounding properties at the Martinez
Currently, there are two security guards present 24/7 including holidays.
Staff is requesting to exend this agreemment for one year (through 1/30/2024) and to increase the
dollar amount of the contract by $632,000. This extension will allow Risk to work with the new
security consultant Guidepost to develop more specific the security guard requirements for the
District and time to conduct the RFP process.
Also, staff is requesting additional funding to increase the hourly wages paid to the security guards.
We recently lost guards to better pay offered by other security firms. Low turn over is very
important to Central San and without wage increases we will lose more of the well -trained
effective personnel currently in these positions.
This request also includes additional funds to cover the increased use and cost of gas. Since the last
contract amendment gas prices have increased and we have increased the frequency of vehicle
Department / Division Name: Administration/Risk Management
Department /Division Representative: S
Date: 1/4/2023
Department Director:
Date: 1/4/2023
*General Manager: ° �
Date. 1/4/2023
*Requests over $50,000 require General Manager's approval and signature. All Best Interest of the District and pilot test exemptions
require General Manager or Board approval.
Buyer: Qut1� �pa
Date: 1/24/202 3
Purchasing & Materials Manager: Sr _ Kill
Date: 1/24/202 3
Comments (if necessary):
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 3 of 3
Sole Source Re uest Products & Services
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Certificate Of Completion
Envelope Id: C41319431488F4180AA9D7573CFF1 FED4
Subject: DocuSign: PacWest sole —source —request 12.16.22.docx
Source Envelope:
Document Pages: 3 Signatures: 3
Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 0
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Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
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Status: Original
1/4/2023 10:54:22 AM
Security Appliance Status: Connected
Storage Appliance Status: Connected
Signer Events
Shari Deutsch
Risk Mgr
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 1/4/2023 1:48:58 PM
ID: b1187861-6a76-4571-ae5f-9bfdafb8cd74
Philip R. Leiber
Director of Finance & Adm
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 3/23/2020 3:23:09 PM
ID: 436328ff-5f57-4637-b 1 d7-c337ecb59e08
Roger Bailey
General Manager
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 9/28/2018 3:04:44 PM
In Person Signer Events
Editor Delivery Events
Agent Delivery Events
Holder: Suzette Crayton
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Pool: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
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Envelope Originator:
Suzette Crayton
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, CA 94553-4392
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Location: DocuSign
Location: DocuSign
Sent: 1/4/2023 10:56:12 AM
Viewed: 1/4/2023 1:48:58 PM
Signed: 1/4/2023 1:49:06 PM
Sent: 1/4/2023 1:49:08 PM
Viewed: 1/4/2023 2:44:25 PM
Signed: 1/4/2023 2:44:54 PM
Sent: 1/4/2023 2:44:57 PM
Viewed: 1/4/2023 3:28:33 PM
Signed: 1/4/2023 3:28:41 PM
Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp
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Certified Delivery Events
Carbon Copy Events
Shari Deutsch
Sent: 1/4/2023 3:28:43 PM
Risk Mgr
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 1/4/2023 1:48:58 PM
ID: b1187861-6a76-4571-ae5f-9bfdafb8cd74
Witness Events
Notary Events
Envelope Summary Events
Envelope Sent
1/4/2023 10:56:12 AM
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1/4/2023 3:28:33 PM
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1/4/2023 3:28:43 PM
Payment Events
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
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Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 5/23/2018 9:04:18 AM
Parties agreed to: Shari Deutsch, Philip R. Leber, Roger Bailey, Shari Deutsch
Page 14 of 16
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May 23, 2023 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 164 of 166