HomeMy WebLinkAbout14.c. Committee Minutes - Finance 05-09-2023 Page 1 of 30
Item 14.c.
jdf A- hom
May 18, 2023
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. 05-09-23 Finance Committee Minutes
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President Pro Tent
Tuesday, M 9, 2023 PHONE:(925)228-9500
a y FAX.-(925)372-0192
9:30 a.m. www.centralyan.org
Chair Barbara Hockett
Member Mariah Lauritzen
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager
Edgar Lopez, Provisional Director of Engineering and Technical Services (arrived during
Item 3.b.)
Neil Meyer, Provisional Director of Operations
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Olivia Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Hockett called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Chair Hockett advised that Items 3.b. and 3.c. would be heard first.
2. Public Comments
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a.* Review proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Central San Operations and
Maintenance, Self-Insurance, and Debt Service Budgets
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May 9, 2023
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Mr. Leiber and Mr. Mizuno provided an in-depth review of the agenda
materials, including updated presentation (attached) information that was
also provided immediately afterwards to the agenda materials available on
the District's website. Staff responded to several questions posed during the
discussion of the various budgetary sections.
Strategic Plan:
As it pertained to the slides regarding Strategic Plan priorities that reflect on
the budgetary aspects to achieve the goals, Mr. Leiber explained that one of
the updates to the presentation was the addition of a column on the right
side to reflect what elements are new compared to the prior fiscal year.
Budget Summary:
Mr. Leiber advised that the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) is up $5.9
million from the current year and the Capital Budget is down $19.7 due to a
higher carry-forward from the current and prior years that is to be spent
Regarding a question posed by Member Lauritzen about the decrease in
self-insurance, Mr. Mizuno advised that the District saw a large increase in
last year's budget, while this year the insurance markets have become more
stable in contrast.
Mr. Mizuno provided the Committee with a Budget change log (Attached)
and advised that one of the items on the log was a $300,000 difference. The
Financial Summary (in the front of the book) is lower than the Capital
Improvement Project (CIB) portion in the back of the book due to a project
added to CIB later in the budget development process.
Member Lauritzen expressed her dissatisfaction with the use of the 3-D pie
charts as the areas shown can appear visually different than the true
proportions reflected by the data.
Source of Funds:
Mr. Leiber stated that the large source of funds is contributed from the 2.9
percent increase proposed for the Sewer Service Charge (SSC), 2.2 percent
is from the rate increase and the remaining amount balance from natural
growth in residential equivalent units, and the fact that current year
collections were higher than budgeted.
Mr. Leiber highlighted that an anticipated$43 million was budgeted to be
drawn from the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan this year, which was
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May 9, 2023
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acquired for the original Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project. Staff
anticipates and additional $14 million to be drawn from that source during FY
The Property Tax revenue contributes to the source of funds seeing a 9
percent increase, or$2 million, with continued growth in property values.
Sewer Service Charge (SSC) Overview:
Mr. Leiber advised that the pending SSC rate increase for a single-family
resident is $7 (from $690 to $697) and for multi-family a decrease of$24 a
year. The overall increase in revenue from all customer classes would be 2.9
percent, with 2.2 percent from the proposed rate increase.
Mr. Leiber stated that prevailing wages for services provided to Central San
by contractors have begun to be reflected as per a recent court case and
contributed to some of the cost pressure seen in the O&M budget.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the possibility of cross training
plant operators to fill in and be utilized at the pumping stations. Chair Hockett
expressed full support of providing the opportunity for staff to cross train to
elevate them and become more versatile.
Mr. Leiber advised that Optimization Manager Nitin Goel will be pursuing the
idea of more cross training and more versatility in use of staff for the benefit
of the employees as well as the agency.
Member Lauritzen requested that the definitions for all acronyms be included
at the bottom of the slides of the presentation.
Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL)
Mr. Mizuno advised that there is no material net change in aggregated UAAL
costs, which has been substantially reduced for OPEB due to the large cost
savings the District received transferring to CalPERS for healthcare, and the
additional discretionary payments made over the past decade.
Regarding the discussion of taking District's treasury function in-house,
Member Lauritzen inquired if the County will still collect the sewer service
charges on the property taxes. Ms. Gemmell confirmed that answer.
Member Lauritzen inquired about switching to a two-year budget. Discussion
ensued, resulting in a future agenda item request. Member Lauritzen
emphasized that there is no immediate urgency to transition from a one-year
to a two-year budget cycle, but that she would be interested in getting the
discussion agendized sooner rather than later given the planning efforts that
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May 9, 2023
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would be required by staff should it be approved by the Board. Beyond
budget system configuration changes and associated testing efforts, Mr.
Mizuno also emphasized that Finance has some other priority projects such
as the in-house treasury transition project and the Enterprise Performance
Management (EPM) capital budgeting system implementation underway
currently and into next fiscal year. Lastly, Mr. Leiber emphasized that should
a two-year budget be implemented, that it should coincide with Central San's
two-year Strategic Plan.
The Committee was satisfied with the responses provided by staff to their
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to
Upon conclusion of this item, the agenda moved to Item 4.
b.* Review draft Position Paper to conduct a public hearing on June 1, 2023 at
2:30 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting uncodified
Ordinance No. _ amending the Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and
Charges replacing Ordinance No. 324 in accordance with District Code,
Chapter 6.12
This item was heard as the first order of business.
Mr. Brightbill reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
In reviewing Slide 7 of the presentation, Mr. Brightbill provided the
Committee with the key issues including the inconsistency between one
Sewer Service Charge (SSC) for the whole district and having a separate
Capacity Fee for the pumped zones. Increased capital spending on pump
stations projects recovered through SSC and other charges paid by all
Central San customers was making this a more significant issue in recent
years. For these reasons, staff believes reviewing the fee methodologies is
Chair Hockett expressed her concerns regarding equity issues. In response
to that concern, Mr. Brightbill and Ms. Gemmell advised that staff, District
legal counsel and District consultant Raftelis believe this is a practical
solution to eliminate separate pumped zone and gravity Capacity Fees
purposes, to charge a single capacity rate. Mr. Brightbill further explained
that new customers must pay for their "fair share"with the equity buy-in
approach used for capacity fees, and a concern that Central San is
effectively charging all customers in the district for pump zone costs. Hence
for consistently, it makes sense to move to a single capacity fee approach.
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May 9, 2023
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There was a discussion regarding discouraging the use of pumping zones. It
was mentioned that Central San prefers the use of gravity to move the flow,
but ultimately Central San cannot control where projects are built.
Mr. Brightbill provided a picture (Attached) and explanation of a development
with neighbors who are in a pumping zone verses gravity usage right next to
each other. Member Lauritzen inquired about whether the cost differentials
were impacting developers'decisions, which she believed should be the
Mr. Leiber stated that there is no impact to the existing SSC customers to the
change in capacity fee approach. The capacity fees would be the same for
gravity and pumped zone areas, which is how the sewer service charge is
At the conclusion of the questions and discussion, the Committee concurred
to conduct the public hearing to consider the proposed Ordinance to amend
the capacity fees as presented.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended to conduct the public hearing.
C. Review draft Position Paper to conduct a public hearing on June 1, 2023 at
2:30 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting uncodified
Ordinance No. _ amending the Schedule of Environmental and
Development-Related Fees and Charges replacing Ordinance No. 321 in
accordance with District Code, Chapter 6.30
Mr. Brightbill reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda
materials. It was noted that the changes in cost are a result of the need to
recoup changes in labor, mileage, and other costs including administrative
overhead. A public hearing has been scheduled for June 1, 2023 to discuss
these proposed changes.
Ms. Gemmell advised that there are two new fees related to work being
performed that need to be charged for including: 1) a fee to restart an
application after it has expired; and 2) expansion of recycled water charge
for cross connection testing.
Member Lauritzen inquired about the expiration date of an application. Ms.
Gemmell responded that applications expire after a year with no movement
and customers can extend one to two times upon request.
At the conclusion of the questions and discussion, the Committee concurred
to conduct the public hearing to consider the proposed Ordinance to amend
the fees as presented.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended to conduct the public hearing.
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Finance Committee Minutes
May 9, 2023
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At the conclusion of Item 3.c., the agenda reverted back to the original order,
beginning with Item 3.a.
4. Announcements
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.a.
There were no announcements.
5. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
Member Lauritzen requested a future agenda item regarding the
consideration of a two-year budget in the future.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
7. Adjournment— at 11:41 a.m.
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ITEM 3.a.
May 9,2023
Proposed _
Central San
Fiscal Year 2023-24
Philip Leiber
� I
Deputy General Manager,Administration
T.Kevin Mizuno
Finance Manager
Table of Contents
Budget Timeline _
Nexus to Strategic Priorities
Budget and Economic �=
Fund-Level Budget -
Highlights j; r
Reserves Analysis
Next Steps and Conclusion
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Budget Timeline
January 12: Board Financial Workshop f
January-March: Budget data collection, f
calculations, analysis, and internal
March-April:Budget book development
May 4: Draft budget released
May 8: E&O Committee review of capital
May 9: Finance Committee review of O&M
May 18: Budget Presentation
June 1: Scheduled Budget Approval
June 21: SSC Rate Public Hearing and
Special Board Meeting Vi
_ •i
Received 94%customer satisfaction rating for the North Orinda Sewer Renovations,
Phase 8 construction project.
Received a 4.0 out of 4.0 average customer service rating for collection system emergency
calls(as of Q2).
Opened a new Recreational Vehicle(RV)Wastewater Receiving Station at no-charge for
customers as part of a three-year pilot program.
Won the 2022 Uptime Award for Best Work Execution Program-third in five years
received by the Plant Maintenance Division.
Maintained eligibility for the NACWA Peak Performance Award Platinum status for the
25th consecutive year,recognizing 100%compliance with discharge permit.
Responded to 12 sanitary sewer overflows(as of Q2)-the 2nd lowest ever recorded -
Launched Central San's Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion(DEI)initiative.
Achieved five consecutive years of receiving the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation
Award,for the FY 2022-23 Budget. i`; - _
Achieved 22 consecutive years of receiving the Government Finance Officers Association
(GFOA)Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
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Accomplishments (continued) �-
Co-hosted a Recycled Water Townhall in Lafayette.
Hosted the fifth session of citizens'academy,Central San Academy. mot"
Completed a wastewater cost of service study and recommended a new rate class
for accessory dwelling units for Board consideration.
Administration Department,Engineering Department,and Plant Operations Division z'
achieved zero lost workdays.
Replaced or rehabilitated over six miles of pipes in Alamo,Walnut Creek,Lafayette,
Pleasant Hill,and Orinda. ■
Completed the updated Asset Management Plan.
Created the Operations Optimizations Division to improve efficiencies and
effectiveness in all dimensions of performance at Central San.
Continued ongoing optimization and improvement of the new enterprise resource '.
planning(ERP)software,including commencing planning,design,and test phases for
Enterprise Performance Management(EPM)capital project management.
3. Nexus to Strategic Priorities
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Addressing 9 Strategic Priorities
Provide exceptional service
Continue commitment to educating customers about Public outreach,including the highly successful Central San Academy, Unchanged
required revenue and resources needed to replace aging student education programs,facilities tours,Pipeline community from FY
infrastructure and meet regulatory requirements newsletter,and social media engagement
Meet regulatory requirements,promote sustainability,and Identify and reduce contributions to climate change
1 E,r or vir=-rp I Anticipate changing regulations and plan for a@ernatives to Develop a Fleet Electrification Strategic Plan to meet new state
r rquircmcnp maintain reliability and meet requirements requirements for zero-emission vehicles
Achieve new Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program(ELAP)
accreditation standard to maintain self-monitoring and reporting
3.freirnmaivirI ss�r:I-:i+rr Partnerwith agencies to find creative water solutions Continue exploring partnerships with Contra Costa Water District
w srer eup,:rr benefiting the region and state,and identify ways to (CCWD),Santa Clara Valley Water District(Valley Water)and San Updated to
maximize cost-effective resource recovery and sustainability Francisco Public Utilities Commission(SFPUC)to advance the Refinery mention
Recycled Water Exchange Project to utilize recycled water at nearby focus
refineries in place of raw Delta water to increase the amount of drinking beyond
water available to the community,and collaborate with East Bay Refinery
Municipal Utility District(EBMUD)on a potable reuse study Exchange
Addressing 9 Strategic Priorities
FY 2023-24 Budgeted Project(s)
Recruit,educate,empower,and retain a workforce from diverse backgrounds
-. = •�:rrg e+rrptpyee Develop,retain,and equip high quality Employee recognition,training and development programs, Unchanged
I, -fununcr And rewaidlttC employees with the tools needed to succeed,so Central outside conferences,and professional association memberships to from FY
.:;ptlrnr r San may become a preferred employer inspire continuous education and improvement 2022-23
r v- :ure at 4!ve.1.1 v, Continue investing in the development of Central San's Retention of the services of a DEI consulting firm to help guide the
a.•d-0i,trn•'lDSrr DEI initiative efforts of Central San's Task Force,Including Implementing findings
of the DEI assessment conducted in FY 2022-23 New
Uphold integrity,transparency,and wise financial management in an effective governing model
Msustarningrespvrmhie Balance capital spending with affordability and rate Financial planning to forecast needs and sensible spending,as well Unchanged
me"an.afkmbb*;IerN impact concerns,and offset infrastructure replacement, as the continued push to become a more cost-effective and efficient from FY
regulatory responses,and other expenses with cost-saving operation 2022-23
efforts,efficiencies,optimizations,and innovations
Operations Optimization Division established Now
Provide a safe,secure,and healthful workplace that foresees and addresses threats
Increase security at the treatment plant to address Projects to construct and provide safety upgrades and to Unchanged
._cur,ty of twin peop!e aric increased contractor and construction activity,and contract with a consultant to help develop and implement the ft.FY
:rssa:ts implement an Process and Technology Optimization(PTO) Process and Technology Optimization(PTO)Strategic Plan 2022-23
Strategic Plan with cy6ersecurity in mind
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Addressing 9 Strategic Priorities
Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable,resilient,and long lasting
1rlfr:rtnY:LIM and Make investments In capital improvements and internal Major projects include the Solids Handling Facilities Improvements and Unchanged
resources to deliver on increased levels of capital spending Filter Plant and Uearwell Improvements from FY
Optimize operations for continuous improvement,and remain flexible and adaptable
9.�fLIR '1 of Crntrai Continue to champion and initiate projects through the PTO Identify and implement process,chemical and energy efficiency Refined
sonwide brasirrrsi and Strategic Plan. improvements. language
Advance overall business and decision support processes to Continue to work with internal stakeholders to optimize Infrastructure
nralett wordflier ana improve efficiencies and effectiveness in all dimensions of (e.g.,retrofitting the existing aeration basins to address nutrient Relined
del.+rry through. tong-age
performance at Central San. mitigation,developing a new electrical substation to address redundancy
t*•hNA"y and reliability concerns,and evaluating the feasibility of the steam
Focused effort on the Operations Department to improve turbine generator as a means to convert steam surplus to electricity).
existing operations and develop new and innovative
programs,projects,and training activities. Continue to work with Internal stakeholders to develop the long-term Newly
plan for the Solids Phase 2 project. added
PTO Strategic Plan,including SMART'utility initiatives and technology Newly
(e.g.,geographic information systems(GIS)and SCADA)roadmaps. added
4. Budget and Economic Overview
- f
.` - -���• _ rli_+'ei - -rat e -
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Budget Main Points
Continued commitment to Excellence and High Level
of Service
Continued higher inflation impacts several expenditure
categories (contributing to overall O&M increase of 7%) w '
Capital Budget reduced in FY 2023-24 due to re- A
prioritization of projects recognition of carryforward
Following slides show funding uses and sources at the
fund level
r 's
- µ�
Budget Summary
Operations& $90,666,338 $79,520,131 $85,019,046 $90,946,671 $5,927,625 7.0%
Sewer Construction
(Capital Budget) $88,024,000 $107,955,000 $90,976,000 71,202,000 (19,774,000) -21.7%
Debt Service $2,517,605 $12,891,059 $13,251,922 9,160,142 (4,091,780) -30.9%
Self-Insurance $1,153,500 $1,285,000 $2,170,000 2,160,000 (10,000) -0.5%
Total Budget" $182,361,443 $201,651,190 $191,416,968 $173,468,813 $(17,948,155) -9.4%
*As amended
"a cluding contributions to reserves
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Inflation Trends and Forecast
Percent Year-Over-Year inflation Year-Over-Year Inflation, CPI
t0% 10%
0 0
b a
Oo s 7
e -
B IMLnO t 6
S -
t 2M3-20100"CP1 AVV0 2
r 2020 2021 2022
cPtsO�POWL7- 2021 2022 2C73 ,
District-Wide: Use of Funds
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
$201,651,190 $213,536,900 $194,026,300
$I0,000,000 -�
Operations&Maintenance Sewer Construction Debt Service Self-Insurance Contribution to Reserves
w FY 21-22 m FY 22-23 r FY 23-24
Budget Budget Budget
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District-Wide: Sources of Funds
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-2�}
$201,651,190 $213,536,900 $194,026,300
$20,000,000 11■ I I I SolIb
Sewer Service Debt Proceeds City of Concord Tax Revenue Capacity Fees Use of Reserves All Other Revenue
Charges Sources
■FY 2021-22 ■FY 2022-23 ■FY 2023-24
Sewer Service Charge Rates and Revenues
SSC Rates 21-22 22-23 23-24 Change($) Change(%)-
Single Family $660 $690 $697 $7 1.0%
Multi Family $625 $654 $622 -$32 -4.9%
Other Classes -----Charges Vary—See Ordinance No. 304-----
Budget Budget Budget
FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 Change Change
SSC Revenues
($Thousands) $107,944 $114,657 $117,980 $3,323 2.9%'
*Higher than rate increase due to dwelling unit growth,commercial water volume growth
and baseline budget estimate in FY 2022-23 lower than actual.
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5. Fund-Level Budgetary
0&M Fund Expenditures
Other Expenses,1.9%
Other Purchased
Purchased Property
Additional UAAL 15.0%
0.2% Pension UAAL UAAL,
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0&M Fund Expenditure Trend
$ ,000,000
Salaries&Wages Employee Pension UAAL OPEB UAAL Additional UAAL Purchased Other Purchased Supplies& Other Expenses
Benefits Contributions Property Services Services Materials
0 FY 21-22 Budget M FY 21-22 Actual ■FY 22-23 Budget ■FY 22-23 Projection ■FY 23-24 Budget
0&M Fund Spending by Department
$15,000,000 _
$0 Executive
� Engineering& Collection System Recycled Water
Governance Administration Technical Services Operations* Plant Operations** Program*
21-22 Budget $2,454,169 $19,901,049 $14,880,026 $12,865,365 $27,808,771 $1,610,750
22-23 Budget $2,778,212 $20,283,342 $15,208,366 $13,480,048 $31,571,861 $1,697,217
_. _•:Budget $3,169,121 $21,906,201 $15,257,107 $14,391,917 $34,297,520 $1,924,804
`Function shown separately given significance of service and for comparability with PY budgets
"•Includes Office of the Director of Operations,Plant Operations,Plant Maintenance,and Operations
Optimization Functions
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Budgeted Staffing
Staffing of 298 proposed full-time equivalent positions
Conducted exhaustive search to assess feasibility of moving
positions from other divisions
Four new FTE additions included:
HHW Technician(Environmental&Regulatory Compliance)
Pumping Stations Operator(Plant Maintenance)
System Administrator(Information Technology)
Management Analyst(Finance)
Creation of separate Operations Optimizations Division and
accompanying staffing transfers
Reclassification of two Department Directors to create two Deputy ,r
General Manager positions
0&M Labor-Related Budget
Overall increase of$2.4 million(5.6%)
COLA is 3.75%(at ceiling)for all bargaining units based on February 2023 SF-Oakland-
Hayward annual CPI of 5.3% ]
Assumed vacancy factor of 3.0%.
Increase in total headcount by 4 positions to a total of 298
- T
Benefits (Current Employee Costs):
Overall increase of$1.3 million(10.9%) �{
CCCERA(Normal Cost)contributions(as%of payroll)increasing 0.63%for legacy
employees to 17.51%and increasing 0.21%for PEPRA employees to 11.67%(per ;
December 2021 actuarial valuation)
Base plan medical premium increase of 6.5%(based on 2022 to 2023 rates)
Capitalized administrative overhead increasing by$0.1 million(1.9%)to$5.7 million
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O&M Labor-Related Budget '
• 1
Highlights (Continued)
UAAL Costs �a'V
Overall decrease of$0.2 million(13.0%) ,
Significant decrease in UAAL component of ADC by$1.2 million(89.3%) r F a .•
Retiree healthcare premiums estimated at$4.2 million,reflecting a 8.7%decrease
from the prior year. `
Retiree healthcare costs in excess of ADC budgeted to be reimbursed from OPEB f
trust consistent with the prior years
Near elimination of UAAL payments to CCCERA following issuance of 2021 COPs in �r
June 2021 and payoff of pension UAAL
UAAL contribution rate of only 0.15%for admin charges to CCCERA
Debt service of COPs reported in Debt Service fund
Budget includes$1.0 million for"additional UAAL trust contribution"in
consideration of market turmoil in 2022 J6.
Additional UAAL Trust Contribution History
Fiscal CCCERA Prefunding
Year Trust Trust OPEB Trust Total Source of Funds
2013-14 5.0 5.0 Budgeted
2014-15 5.0 5.0 Budgeted
2015-16 2.5 - 2.5 Budgeted
2016-17 - 2.5 2.5 Budgeted,subsequent Board direction
2017-18 3.4 - 3.4 Board direction on fav variances
2017-18 2.0 2.0 Board direction on fav variances
2017-18 - 2.5 2.5 Budgeted,subsequent Board direction
2018-19 2.5 - 2.5 Budgeted,subsequent Board direction
Budgeted,subsequent Board direction;Board direction on
2019-20 1.3 1.3 2.5 favorable variances
Budgeted,subsequent Board direction;Board action on UAAL
2020-21 70.8 1.3 - 72.1 payoff
2021-22 - - 1.3 1.3 Budgeted,subsequent Board direction
2022-23 _ - - 1.0 _ 1.0 -Budgeted,subsequent Board direction
83.3 10.4' 8.5 102.2
'Balance of approximately$12.8 million(including investment gains)
utilized to help finance payoff of pension UAAL balance June 2021 ma
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Pension t OPEB Funding Status
Pension Actuarial Results OPEB Actuarial Results
$160 100% $90 100%
$140 90% $80 90%
80% c$70 80%
$120 70% $60 70%
_$100 60% 60%
E $80 50% E$50 50%
ao% $40 40%
a $60 30% ¢$30 30%
j $40 20% ,$20 20%
$20 10% $10 ' - 10%
$0 0% $0 0%
ti ti ti64, ti', I'll "I" e P _Op tip ti O0 01U o'y°j 01b oy`� 010 01q O'1O O`11 o'I`�' O`1`6
ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti
Year ended 12/31 Year ended 6/30
�UAAL Funded% ii=UAAL —Funded%
0&M Funding Permits&Inspection Fees
$1.8 2%
Sources Other Income $2.9 �HHW$1.0 1%
Total FY 2023-24 revenue of$89.7 )llllllllliillllllllllli""City of
million Concord
Largest source of revenue is sewer
service charges Sewer Service Charge
City of Concord proportion to flow
to plant and changes in non-
collection O&M expenditures
Investment income captured in
"other" reflecting growth in Fed (Cha"nmiliions)
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Concord Reimbursement Revenue
Analysis (O&M)
$20 `% •/
0)'1 F1��8 �,Lpt4 c+,$p'L� �,Lp11 �,Lp11 4+10'1� S+,Lp1p S+,Lp1y f+10'l�
Actual Projected•No UAAL Payoff P.Jected•With UAAL Payoff
Capital Budget Highlights
Infrastructure Investment Over Past 10 Years:$465.6 Million
$100.0 '$lo8.0-�--�
$90.0 Hsu
$80.0 E11
$70.0 $66.2
$E0,0 $45.3
E41.2 $42,8 � V1.0
$40.0 ~ $Ib
E30.0 19.6 E25! F30 i $3.6 E0,6
$20.0 $io L`9WOP:3 §0.6 -
$10.0 ..SIYf 6d1 $t•nn
�1p11.1A Fv 10\A.15 FY 10ty\6 ��,6.\1 FY 10`7.\e �y0\8.19 fY 10ty.10 P�1p10.1\ �101\.11 l��e,,asdl
C.Ileaion Syscem Program aar Treatment Plan[Program F(101
Recycled Water Program iGeneral Improvements Program
—Budget("Estimated Expenditures"prior[.FY 2017-18)
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Sewer Construction Recycled water
General Improvements $0.8 1%
Fund Expenditures $3.4 5%
Total FY 2023-24 expenditures of
$71.2 million
Reduction in capital spending from
Collection System
prior year budget of$19.8 million
Lower capital spending next year will
allow for catch-up on unexpected
budgetary carryforward Ogg
Capital spending ramping back up in
FY 2024-25,and remaining higher (Chart in millions)
than this for duration of 10-year plan
r �
Sewer Construction
Capacity Fees Other
Fund Sources City of Concord Capital $4.2 5% $2.6 3%
Reimbursement $7.6
Total FY 2023-24 funding sources of
$93.1 million, including debt proceeds
Decrease in total sources by$35.7 F I Sewer Service
million from the prior year due to '
lower debt proceeds expected
Net contribution to reserves of$21.9
million necessary for future capital
6,program spending increases and rate
(Chart In millions)
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Self Insurance Budget
Operating Revenues: $2.0 million Operating Expenses: $2.2 million
Investment Income HHW Contribution
$316,300 $24,
/ Legal Services,
Technical&Other $375,000
Services, $60,000
Expected Losses,
$175,000 T Insurance
Debt Service Trustee&Other
Costs $6,000
Expenditures —
Total FY 2023-24 expenditures of$9.2
Principal Payments
Incorporates debt service on 2018 $7,090,000
Revenue Refunding Bonds and 2021
Debt service entirely secured and
funded by ad valorem property taxes
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6. Reserves Assessment
Reserve Balance Projections
as of June 30, 'i0'2'3
Reserve Policy Target $37,626,114 $43,235,552 $9,000,000 $89,861,666
Projected Balance $41,300,064 $121,355,886 $9,142,948 $171,798,899
Projected Balance Minus $3,673,950 $78,120,334 $142,948 $81,937,233
Reserve Policy Target
Reserves comply with policy specified minimums to ensure adequate resources
Impacts allocation of SSC to various sub-funds
Affects rate setting, in conjunction with drivers from 10-year financial plan
- 1
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Reserve Balance Projections
as of June 30, 2024
lmmmm'' ,. -mm . i
Beginning Projected Reserve $41,300,064 $121,355,886 $9,142,948 $171,798,899
Increase/(Decrease) ($1,223,728) ($36,148,837) ($142,948) ($37,515,513)
Ending Projected Reserve $40,076,336 $85,207,049 $9,000,000 $134,283,386
Reserve Policy Target $40,076,336 $47,791,500 $9,000,000 $96,867,836
Over/(Under)Target $37,415,549 $37,415,549
7. Next Steps and Conclusion
MEN nlk--
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Public Hearing on r
June 1, 2023 t -
Staff recommendation for Board to
approve and adopt the following
budgets: r
Capital Improvement
Debt Service
Coinciding with budget, Board also
asked to delegate authority to General
Manager to renew insurance
FY 2023-24 budget is balanced,
consistent with reserve policies
Financial health of Central San remains f � �•
Staff will continue to monitor impact of # !
inflation and financial markets on ,
"Thank you"to all dedicated staff
involved in budget development
process, as well as ongoing monitoring
during the year
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Page 27 of 30
Questions Discussion
.61 j Oft
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ITEM 3.a.
As of May 9,2023
This log includes substantive edits made to the FY 2023-24 Budget Book distributed to the Board on May 4,2023 and summarized in the 5/9/23 Finance Committee Presentation.
it Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
1 Financial Summary 47 Table 1b
Increase FY 23-24 CIB total spend by$300,000 to$71,202,000 and update total appropriations and budget
to budget variances($and%)accordingly.
2nd paragraph,2nd The Sewer Construction fund budget is$-7� 71.2 million,a decrease of$24-4-19.8 million(221-4-21.7%)
2 Financial Summary 47 bullet from the prior year budget of$91.0 million. Lastly,decrease Contribution to Reserves accordingly by same
amount and update variances column.
3 Financial Summary 48 Figure 1 Replace figure 1 with new chart reflecting$300,000 increase to sewer construction sources and decrease
to contribution to reserves.
Due to increase in treatment plant program spend by$300,000,reduce FY 23-24 CIB contribution to
4 Financial Summary 51 Table 2a reserve to$21,924,163 and total funding sources to$71,202,000. Update total column to reflect these
changes,decreasing grand total contribution to reserves to$20,557,487 and total funding sources to
$173,468,813. Lastly,update footnote below table to reflect new total contribution to reserves.
5 Financial Summary 58 Figure 3 Updated pie chart to reflect$300,000 increase in sewer construction spend and corresponding decrease in
contribution to reserves.
The uses of funds(expenditures and contributions to reserves)for FY 2023-24 are shown in Figure 3.Two
6 Financial Summary 58 2nd paragraph expenditure categories,O&M and Sewer Construction,account for 83-4%-83.6%of the total uses.In FY
2023-24,contribution to reserves comprises 39.7%10.6%of the total use of funds.
7 Financial Summary 73 2nd paragraph Delete second sentence
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As of May 9,2023
This log includes substantive edits made to the FY 2023-24 Budget Book distributed to the Board on May 4,2023 and summarized in the 5/9/23 Finance Committee Presentation.
# Section Page# Table/Paragraph Description of Change
The$7"$71.2 million capital improvement budget does not include anticipated carryforward from FY
8 Financial Summary 73 3rd paragraph 2022-23,which will be communicated to the Board after the close of the current fiscal year.The FY
2023-24 capital budget,excluding carryforward,is decreasing by$24.4-$19.8 million r''�(21.7%)from
the prior year budget of$91.0 million.
Central San is projected to contribute r,�$21.9 million to capital reserves in FY 2023-24 with revenues
9 Financial Summary 73 4th paragraph and debt proceeds exceeding expenditures by that amount.
FY 23-24 budgeted treatment plant program expenditures increase by$300,000 to a revised total of
$31,300,000 to reflect change done in CIP section of budget after finalization of Financial Summary section.
10 Financial Summary 74 Table 13 Updated$and%variances for treatment plant program accordingly. Other impacted areas of this table
that are updated accordingly include FY 2023-24 CIB spend(increased to$71,202,000),updating total$
and%variances accordingly,reducing Contribution to Reserves to$21,924,163,and increasing Cash
Funded expenditures to$57,202,000.
11 Financial Summary 76 2nd bullet The Sewer Construction fund is projected to close FY 2023-24 with a working capital reserve of$95-.5-$85.2
million,exceeding minimum working capital reserves by$3-74$37.4 million.
12 Financial Summary 78 Table 14 Reduce Sewer Construction Fund reserves as of 6/30/24 by$300,000 and update change year over year$
and%accordingly. Also reduce Amount Over/(Under)Minimum Reserve Target at 6/30/24 by$300,000.
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ITEM 3.b.
Backup slide (image) from May 9, 2023
Finance Committee Meeting
` r
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