HomeMy WebLinkAbout14.b. Committee Minutes - Engineering & Opearations 05-08-2023 Page 1 of 7
Item 14.b.
May 18, 2023
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. 05-08-23 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes
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President Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
Monday, May 8, 2023 www.centralsan.org
9:00 a.m.
Chair Tad Pilecki
Member Mike McGill
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Deputy General Manager
Edgar Lopez, Provisional Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Neil Meyers, Provisional Director of Operations
Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.c.)
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer (joined during Item 3.a.)
Jason Fitch, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.c.)
Stacey Durocher, Admimistrative Services Assistant
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 9.00 a.m.
Prior to the start of the meeting, staff requested to hear Items 3.b. and 3.c. out of
order. The Committee agreed to the request.
2. Public Comments
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB)
and Ten-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
This item was heard immediately following Item 3.c.
Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the presentation included with the
agenda materials and responded to various Committee questions.
In response to a question posed by Mr. Leiber regarding the scoring, Mr.
Lopez stated that the scoring criteria was based on feedback from key
stakeholder groups like Operations, Maintenance, Capital, Regulatory,
Planning and others; and is intended to be used as a marker to show what
projects are considered higher priority as all are needed.
Chair Pilecki expressed concern with projects that were considered
important to the Board but are being scored as lower priority such as the
Water Exchange project. Mr. Leiber added that there is often a two-step
approach to developing prioritizations which include established criteria
resulting in a preliminary list, with changes either made manually or
through re-scoring. Mr. Lopez also discussed that some projects do not
get ranked as they are needed for other purposes, such as capital legal,
development capitalization of labor, etc. as these are not your typical
capital projects.
A discussion ensued.
Mr. Lopez provided more detail on the Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24
Capital Improvement Budget, Collection System, Treatment Plant,
General Improvements, and Recycled Water and a summary of major
In response to a question posed by Member McGill regarding the $5
million contingency, Mr. Lopez stated that the contingency is being fully
funded upfront from projects closing out from FY 2022-23 instead of being
funded each through the budget process each year. Unused contingency
will carryover year to year up to $5 million.
Chair Pilecki expressed concern about the reduced level of expenditures
for the Water Exchange in the Budget. Mr. Lopez stated the budget for
that particular project has an existing budget available for spending.
However, Mr. Lopez will circle back to check if additional budget is needed
or if there's been a change for more budget in the future.
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May 8, 2023
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Mr. Lopez discussed in more detail the estimated project budgets that
have been modified for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Those changes included:
• Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 2 total estimated budget was revised
to $38 million for Phase 2A and $10,531,000 for Phase 2B
• UV Disinfection Replacement and Hydraulic Improvements total
estimate budget was revised to $70 million
• Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement and Seismic Upgrades was
revised to add $4,480,000 Seismic Upgrades
• Steam Renovations, Phase 1 was revised to $16 million
• Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A and Phase 1B to
In response to a question posed by Member McGill regarding the Budget
for the Phase 1 Solids Handling Facility Improvements project, Mr. Lopez
stated the increased Budget now included Phase 1 B, as well as other
costs associated with the updated scope of work inflation, and an overall
updated cost estimate.
Mr. Lopez discussed in detail the modifications to the estimated project
budgets carried forward from FY 2022-23 to FY 2023-24. It was noted that
the total carry-forward amount was decreased by$18.5 million, not
including closed project savings.
Mr. Lopez discussed the proposed Ten-Year Capital Improvement Project
(CIP) FY 2023-33 in more detail. Chair Pilecki asked staff to use project
names instead of project numbers in the Budget.
Chair Pilecki expressed concern with the large carry-forward amounts not
included in the Budget and cautioned staff about being overly optimistic.
A discussion ensued.
Mr. Leiber commented on the uncertainty surrounding the carry-forward as
being one of the reasons for the proposed two-year rate proposal term
instead of a four-year term.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
Upon completion of this Item, the agenda moved to Item 5.
b. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of$5,888,730 to Devaney Engineering, Inc., the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder for the Pleasant Hill Sewer
Renovations, Phase 2, District Project 5991; and find that the project is
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
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This item was heard as the first order of business.
Mr. Fitch reviewed the presentation provided with the agenda materials.
Mr. Leiber inquired about the types of pipes initially installed and whether
these were failing or were being replaced as a preventive measure.
Mr. Fitch responded that most are six-to-eight-inch clay pipes and were
installed in many areas as shallow as feet three feet underground.
Mr. Lopez stated that shallow pipes have more structural issues especially
with activity around it. Chair Pilecki asked how far the side-sewers will be
modified, since the new sewers are going deeper. Mr. Lopez stated it
varies and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. A discussion
ensued about the challenges with modifying side sewers and benefits to
the residents as the project and other work on the street can have a
significant impact. The goal is to have the sewers, waterlines (done by
others), and street (done by City) meet industry standards. Staff will
protect and modify the side sewers to avoid having the homeowners or
District return to dig up new pavement.
Member McGill urged staff to notify the Board Member who is the liaison
for the jurisdiction of the project.
Chair Pilecki requested that Board Members be invited to Public
Workshops in the future.
A discussion ensued.
Chair Pilecki asked if there were other pipeline projects that staff have bid
recently that have shown the inflation change. Mr. Lopez stated that this
was the first project bid this year showing this type of increase.
Mr. Leiber asked staff what type of inflation estimates were being used to
help determine the engineer's estimate. Mr. Lopez stated that staff
reviews various indexes for projects, and for pipelines have created an in-
house index that uses historical and current information for sewer
Member McGill asked staff if they are anticipating any ground water issues
in Pleasant Hill. Mr. Fitch stated they are anticipating some issues with
ground water based on the recent rains and information obtained from the
Water District, but it seems very manageable.
Chair Pilecki asked staff to include more information in the Position Paper
on the variation between the engineers estimate and the actual bids, and
to reconcile the financial impact and the difference between the estimated
project cost and the cost that was referenced in the Capital Budget Plan.
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Additionally, he requested to include the option for the Board to reject all
bids under Alternatives/Considerations in the Position Paper.
Chair Pilecki strongly recommended a preconstruction survey of the
homes in this area due to vibration issues resulting in legal claims filed in
the past. Mr. Lopez stated vibration monitors have been installed in those
deeper areas that will notify the construction crews similar to the work
done in the past for the Grayson Creek project.
Chair Pilecki suggested increasing the contingency from 10-percent to 15-
With the recommended changes above, the Committee recommended
Board approval.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
C. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to amend
an existing professional engineering services agreement with MWH
Constructors, Inc., increasing the agreement cost ceiling from $2.6 million
to $3.0 million for construction management services for the Filter Plant
and Clearwell Improvements, District Project 7361; and authorize a budget
transfer in the amount of $1.8 million from the Capital Improvement
Budget Contingency
Mr. Lopez briefly addressed the excusable delays and granting of time to
the contractor due to supply chain issues resulting in extending the project
completion until August 2023.
A discussion ensued.
Member McGill asked if staff was anticipating any additional costs not
associated with the time extension. Mr. Lopez responded that there will be
some additional cost items.
Mr. Mizutani reviewed the presentation provided with the agenda materials
and outlined the additional costs items.
All questions posed by the Committee were answered by staff.
Member McGill asked for clarification about Consideration 1 under the
Alternatives/Considerations section in the Position Paper. Mr. Lopez
stated the information was important and would move the paragraph to the
beginning of the section but delete the title "Consideration I".
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Chair Pilecki asked staff to include a more detailed breakdown regarding
the additional cost items.
With those recommended changes, the Committee recommended Board
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
Immediately following this item, the next order of business heard was Item
5. Announcements
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
The Committee requested that staff provide dates to receive an update on
the Wet Weather Hydraulics, Bypass Channel, and the Solids Project
Phase 2 analysis.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future Scheduled Meetings
Monday, June 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, July 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, August 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
8. Adjournment— at 11:00 a.m.
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