HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Adopt updated salary schedule for all District job classifications effective May 18, 2023 Page 1 of 6 Item 4. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 2023 SUBJECT: ADOPT UPDATED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL DISTRICT JOB CLASSIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE MAY 18, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: TEJI O'MALLEY, HUMAN RESOURCES & OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER - ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Pursuant to the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) requires the Board to adopt a publicly available salary schedule anytime changes are made to the schedule. BACKGROUND Pursuant to PEPRA, CCCERA requires that all participating employers maintain a salary schedule that meets the criteria listed below: 1. Has been duly approved and adopted by the employer's governing body in accordance with applicable public meeting laws 2. Identifies the position title for every employee position 3. Shows the pay rate for each identified position, which may be stated as a single amount or as multiple amounts within a range 4. Indicates the time base, including, but not limited to, whether the time base is hourly, daily, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or annually 5. 1 s posted at the office of the employer or immediately accessible and available for public review from the employer during normal business hours or posted on the employer's internet website 6. Indicates an effective date and date of any revisions 7. Is retained by the employer and available for public inspection for not less than five years May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 480 Page 2 of 6 8. Does not reference another document in lieu of disclosing the pay rate The District's salary schedule has been revised to reflect the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective April 18, 2023 for all District job classifications with the exception of the General Manager and the Secretary of the District. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS None. FINANCIAL IMPACTS There is no fiscal impact associated with this action as this action was already approved at a previous Board meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION This matter was not reviewed by a Board Committee. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Adopt the attached salary schedule effective May 18, 2023. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 3- Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. Salary Schedule by Classification May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 480 Class and Salary Listing Report Attachment 1 EFFECTIVE MAY 185 2023 E-Step with E-Step with 10+ 20+ A-Step E-Step Longevity Longevity Class Title Range Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Accountant G67 $4,212.11 $5,096.71 $5,224.13 $5,351.55 Accounting Supervisor S78 $5,499.66 $6,666.63 $6,833.30 $6,999.96 Accounting Technician I G52 $2,948.96 $3,562.57 $3,651.63 $3,740.70 Accounting Technician II G56 $3,245.35 $3,922.73 $4,020.80 $4,118.87 Accounting Technician III G60 $3,562.57 $4,311.70 $4,419.49 $4,527.29 Administrative Assistant G57 $3,321.75 $4,010.70 $4,110.97 $4,211.24 Administrative Services Assistant S58 $3,416.76 $4,128.78 $4,232.00 $4,335.22 Administrative Services Supervisor S62 $3,755.98 $4,543.29 $4,656.87 $4,770.45 Asset Management Program Administrator S76 $5,241.48 $6,347.15 $6,505.83 $6,664.51 Assistant Engineer S73 $4,884.82 $5,909.52 $6,057.26 $6,205.00 Assistant Land Surveyor G71 $4,628.98 $5,605.06 $5,745.19 $5,885.31 Assistant to the Secretary of the District S62 $3,755.98 $4,543.29 $4,656.87 $4,770.45 Associate Engineer S79 $5,628.16 $6,804.50 $6,974.61 $7,144.73 Capital Projects Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Chemist I S64 $3,936.54 $4,766.73 $4,885.90 $5,005.07 Chemist II S69 $4,437.92 $5,366.54 $5,500.70 $5,634.87 Chemist III S71 $4,652.12 $5,628.16 $5,768.86 $5,909.57 Collection System Operations Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Communication Services and Government Relations Manager M29 $6,911.10 $8,400.48 $8,610.49 $8,820.50 Community Affairs Representative S70 $4,543.29 $5,499.66 $5,637.15 $5,774.64 Construction Equipment Operator G64 $3,922.73 $4,745.86 $4,864.51 $4,983.15 Construction Inspector G69 $4,418.26 $5,342.16 $5,475.71 $5,609.27 Contracts and Procurement Administrator S88 $5,960.73 $7,245.30 $7,426.43 $7,607.57 Contracts and Procurement Specialist I G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Contracts and Procurement Specialist II G67 $4,212.11 $5,096.71 $5,224.13 $5,351.55 Contracts Specialist G67 $4,212.11 $5,096.71 $5,224.13 $5,351.55 Control Systems Technician G71 $4,628.98 $5,605.06 $5,745.19 $5,885.31 Cybersecurity Analyst S82 $6,054.20 $7,317.38 $7,500.31 $7,683.25 Deputy General Manager U14 $9,922.49 $12,532.90 $12,846.22 $13,159.55 Development Services Supervisor S75 $5,121.07 $6,200.12 $6,355.12 $6,510.13 Digital Media Content Specialist G60 $3,562.57 $4,311.70 $4,419.49 $4,527.29 Director of Engineering and Technical Services U20 $8,628.26 $10,898.18 $11,170.63 $11,443.09 May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 480 Class and Salary Listing Report EFFECTIVE MAY 185 2023 E-Step with E-Step with 10+ 20+ A-Step E-Step Longevity Longevity Class Title Range Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Director of Finance and Administration U20 $8,628.26 $10,898.18 $11,170.63 $11,443.09 Director of Operations U20 $8,628.26 $10,898.18 $11,170.63 $11,443.09 Electrical Technician G69 $4,418.26 $5,342.16 $5,475.71 $5,609.27 Electrical/Instrumentation Supervisor S76 $5,241.48 $6,347.15 $6,505.83 $6,664.51 Engineering Assistant I G60 $3,562.57 $4,311.70 $4,419.49 $4,527.29 Engineering Assistant II G65 $4,010.70 $4,860.56 $4,982.07 $5,103.59 Engineering Assistant III G69 $4,418.26 $5,342.16 $5,475.71 $5,609.27 Environment, Health and Safety Program Administrator S75 $5,121.07 $6,200.12 $6,355.12 $6,510.13 Environment, Health and Safety Specialist S71 $4,652.12 $5,628.16 $5,768.86 $5,909.57 Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Environmental Compliance Inspector I G64 $3,922.73 $4,745.86 $4,864.51 $4,983.15 Environmental Compliance Inspector II G69 $4,418.26 $5,342.16 $5,475.71 $5,609.27 Environmental Compliance Program Administrator S81 $5,909.52 $7,147.22 $7,325.90 $7,504.58 Executive Assistant to the General Manager S63 $3,845.10 $4,652.12 $4,768.42 $4,884.73 Finance Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 General Manager U10 $14,140.80 - - - GIS Analyst S72 $4,766.73 $5,770.59 $5,914.85 $6,059.12 Graphics Specialist G66 $4,110.22 $4,975.10 $5,099.48 $5,223.86 Household Hazardous Waste Program Administrator S75 $5,121.07 $6,200.12 $6,355.12 $6,510.13 Household Hazardous Waste Technician I G55 $3,160.89 $3,828.89 $3,924.61 $4,020.33 Household Hazardous Waste Technician II G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Human Resources & Organizational Development Manager U24 $7,820.26 $9,505.09 $9,742.72 $9,980.34 Human Resources Analyst S72 $4,766.73 $5,770.59 $5,914.85 $6,059.12 Information Technology Analyst I G72 $4,745.86 $5,745.10 $5,888.73 $6,032.36 Information Technology Analyst II G76 $5,218.30 $6,320.54 $6,478.55 $6,636.57 Information Technology Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Information Technology Technician G64 $3,922.73 $4,745.86 $4,864.51 $4,983.15 Instrument Technician G69 $4,418.26 $5,342.16 $5,475.71 $5,609.27 Internal Auditor U73 $4,872.86 $5,895.03 $6,042.41 $6,189.78 Laboratory Program Administrator S84 $6,347.15 $7,682.15 $7,874.20 $8,066.26 Land Surveyor S76 $5,241.48 $6,347.15 $6,505.83 $6,664.51 Lead Engineering Assistant G72 $4,745.86 $5,745.10 $5,888.73 $6,032.36 May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 480 Class and Salary Listing Report EFFECTIVE MAY 185 2023 E-Step with E-Step with 10+ 20+ A-Step E-Step Longevity Longevity Class Title Range Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Lead Maintenance Crew Member G67 $4,212.11 $5,096.71 $5,224.13 $5,351.55 Lead Maintenance Technician G68 $4,311.70 $5,218.30 $5,348.76 $5,479.22 Machinist G68 $4,311.70 $5,218.30 $5,348.76 $5,479.22 Maintenance Crew Member I G55 $3,160.89 $3,828.89 $3,924.61 $4,020.33 Maintenance Crew Member II G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Maintenance Crew Member Trainee G55 $3,160.89 $3,828.89 $3,924.61 $4,020.33 Maintenance Planner G71 $4,628.98 $5,605.06 $5,745.19 $5,885.31 Maintenance Supervisor S75 $5,121.07 $6,200.12 $6,355.12 $6,510.13 Maintenance Technician I G62 $3,740.92 $4,525.89 $4,639.04 $4,752.18 Maintenance Technician II G65 $4,010.70 $4,860.56 $4,982.07 $5,103.59 Maintenance Technician Trainee G62 $3,740.92 $4,525.89 $4,639.04 $4,752.18 Management Analyst S72 $4,766.73 $5,770.59 $5,914.85 $6,059.12 Materials Coordinator G57 $3,321.75 $4,010.70 $4,110.97 $4,211.24 Materials Services Supervisor S72 $4,766.73 $5,770.59 $5,914.85 $6,059.12 Materials Specialist G59 $3,481.56 $4,212.11 $4,317.41 $4,422.72 Operations Optimization Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Painter G62 $3,740.92 $4,525.89 $4,639.04 $4,752.18 Planning and Development Services Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Plant Maintenance Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Plant Operations Division Manager M24 $7,820.12 $9,505.43 $9,743.07 $9,980.70 Plant Operations Training Coordinator G68 $4,311.70 $5,218.30 $5,348.76 $5,479.22 Plant Operator I G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Plant Operator 11 G64 $3,922.73 $4,745.86 $4,864.51 $4,983.15 Plant Operator III G68 $4,311.70 $5,218.30 $5,348.76 $5,479.22 Plant Operator Trainee G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Program Manager M33 $6,264.37 $7,614.39 $7,804.75 $7,995.11 Programmer Analyst G77 $5,342.16 $6,473.37 $6,635.20 $6,797.04 Project Manager/Business Analyst S83 $6,200.12 $7,496.86 $7,684.28 $7,871.70 Pumping Stations Operator I G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 Pumping Stations Operator II G66 $4,110.22 $4,975.10 $5,099.48 $5,223.86 Pumping Stations Operator III G70 $4,525.89 $5,475.32 $5,612.20 $5,749.09 Pumping Stations Operator Trainee G61 $3,651.75 $4,418.26 $4,528.72 $4,639.17 May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 480 Class and Salary Listing Report EFFECTIVE MAY 185 2023 E-Step with E-Step with 10+ 20+ A-Step E-Step Longevity Longevity Class Title Range Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly Real Property Agent G72 $4,745.86 $5,745.10 $5,888.73 $6,032.36 Records Program Administator S62 $3,755.98 $4,543.29 $4,656.87 $4,770.45 Risk Management Administrator S77 $5,366.54 $6,502.28 $6,664.84 $6,827.39 Risk Management Specialist S71 $4,652.12 $5,628.16 $5,768.86 $5,909.57 Secretary of the District U15 $6,730.95 - - - Senior Accountant S70 $4,543.29 $5,499.66 $5,637.15 $5,774.64 Senior Community Affairs Representative S74 $4,997.11 $6,054.20 $6,205.56 $6,356.91 Senior Engineer S83 $6,200.12 $7,496.86 $7,684.28 $7,871.70 Senior Environmental Compliance Inspector G73 $4,860.56 $5,886.34 $6,033.50 $6,180.66 Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician G67 $4,212.11 $5,096.71 $5,224.13 $5,351.55 Senior Plant Operator G71 $4,628.98 $5,605.06 $5,745.19 $5,885.31 Shift Supervisor S76 $5,241.48 $6,347.15 $6,505.83 $6,664.51 Staff Engineer S67 $4,229.50 $5,121.07 $5,249.10 $5,377.12 Student Intern T30 $1,920.00 $1,920.00 - - Summer Employment Opportunities T30 $1,280.00 $1,440.00 - - Superintendent, Operations and Maintenance S81 $5,909.52 $7,147.22 $7,325.90 $7,504.58 Supervising Chemist S75 $5,121.07 $6,200.12 $6,355.12 $6,510.13 System Administrator G70 $4,525.89 $5,475.32 $5,612.20 $5,749.09 Utility Systems Engineer S79 $5,628.16 $6,804.50 $6,974.61 $7,144.73 Utility Worker G55 $3,160.89 $3,828.89 $3,924.61 $4,020.33 Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic G65 $4,010.70 $4,860.56 $4,982.07 $5,103.59 May 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 480