HomeMy WebLinkAbout16.f. Receive list of pending Board and Standing Committee future agenda itemsItem 16.f. May 4, 2023 T O: HO NO R A B L E B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S F RO M :K AT I E YO UNG, S E C R E TA RY O F T HE D I S T R I C T RE V IE WE D B Y:R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E L I S T O F P E ND I NG B O A R D A ND S TA ND I NG C O MMI T T E E F UT UR E A G E ND A I T E MS Attached f or inf ormation only is a listing of the Board and S tanding Committee future agenda items currently being tracked by staf f . AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. L isting of Board and Committee future agenda items May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 205 of 218 Page 1 of 3 Page 1 of 2 CENTRAL SAN Board and Committee Future Agenda Items – May 4, 2023 The following list is a snapshot of Board and Committee future meeting agenda items as of the date this agenda was published. The projected dates are subject to change. The items listed are for informational purposes only; they are not agendized for discussion at this meeting. Item Description Origin Date of Origin Projected Date BOARD ITEMS 1. Rates and Fees Public Hearing: Conduct a public hearing to consider establishing SSC and REW rates for the next two fiscal years BOARD Workshop 1/12/23 June 21 (est.) 2. Board Members’ Role in Emergency Situations Workshop: Receive overview of the Board Members’ Role in Emergency Situations BOARD TBD 3. Recycled Water Exchange Program: Receive update on project status, feasibility, etc. BOARD (Member Pilecki) 6/17/21 TBD 4. DEI: Receive additional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training with consultant BOARD (Member Pilecki) 04/20/23 TBD 5. Sensitivity Training: Receive sensitivity and relationship training from consultant on how Board Members interact with each other BOARD (Member Pilecki) 04/20/23 TBD ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 6. Wellness Program: Receive “Engage” Employee Wellness Program Annual Report ADMIN Committee June 6 7. New Board Policy: Appointment Selection Process for New Board Member BOARD (Member Lauritzen) 4/20/23 TBD 8. County Hazard Mitigation Plan: Provide draft of Central San’s annex for review before inclusion in 2023 update, as well as periodic briefings during the development of future updates ADMIN Committee 2/13/18 TBD 9. OPDs: Facilitate discussion from a policy perspective regarding backflow devices in light of California Supreme Court ruling in City of Oroville v. Superior Court; and discuss requirements, event responsibilities, etc., including any financial impact stemming from the Oroville case ADMIN Committee BOARD FINANCE Committee 8/20/19 2/20/20 8/24/21 TBD 10. FY 2020-21 Benchmark Study: Receive FY 2020-21 Benchmark Study Staff TBD 11. Biennial Reviews of Various Board Policies Ongoing ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE (E&O) 12. Quarterly Report: Receive quarterly Capital Projects Division Report Staff May 15 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 206 of 218 Page 2 of 3 Page 2 of 2 Item Description Origin Date of Origin Projected Date 13. Emergency Situation-Lessons Learned: Receive briefing on emergency force main repairs conducted in Orinda BOARD (Member Williams) 12/3/20 4/7/22 TBD 14. Willow Drive CAD 2022-2: Review draft to conduct a public hearing re: Willow Drive CAD 2022-2 in Danville Staff TBD 15. Wet-Weather Pond/Hydraulic Analysis: Provide an analysis of pond and hydraulic wet-weather capacities. BOARD (Member Pilecki) TBD 16. Solids Phase 2 Update: Provide the Committee with an update of Phase 2 task for the Solids Handling project Staff TBD FINANCE COMMITTEE 17. Fees (Capacity/Permit Counter): Review documents in advance of public hearings to consider adopting proposed uncodified ordinances to amend the Schedules of 1) Capacity Fees; and 2) Environmental/Development Fees Staff May 9 18. Audit Review: Purchasing Card Audit and Biannual Findings Reports Staff June 20 19. Private Sewer Laterals: Discuss options for development of a pilot financing program for the replacement of private sewer laterals BOARD TBD REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE (REEP) 20. Farm: Annual report on CoCo San Sustainable Farm BOARD May 17 21. Permit/Plan Review Quarterly Report: Receive quarterly Development Services Production Report Staff May 17 22. RHNA Update: Provide an update to the Committee regarding Regional Housing Needs Assessments and its impacts to Central San BOARD (Member Pilecki) May 17 23. Title 22 regarding: Recycled Water Provide an update on program related to Central San’s quarterly inspections, self-certification (calendar year update) 02/28/21 June 21 24. Treatment Plant Climate Resiliency: Report on the treatment plant climate resiliency protection plan REEP Committee 11/18/19 TBD May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 207 of 218 Page 3 of 3