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May 4, 2023
S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E R E C A P O F T HE C E NT R A L S A N A C A D E MY 2023 S E S S I O N
Please see the attached memo f or a summary of this year's session of C entral San's citizens' academy,
C entral San Academy.
Strategic Plan Tie-I n
G O A L O N E: Customer and C ommunity
Strategy 1 – Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2 - Promote initiatives to advance affordable and equitable
access to services, Strategy 3 - Build neighborhood and industry relations
G O A L TW O: Environmental Stewardship
Strategy 2 - Educate on pollution prevention and environmental protection
G O A L TH R EE: Workforce Diversity and D evelopment
Strategy 1 - Recruit from a diverse pool of qualified applicants
G O A L FO U R : G overnance and Fiscal R esponsibility
Strategy 2 - Encourage and facilitate public participation
D escription
1. Memorandum
2. P resentation
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May 4, 2023
Between February 21 and March 28, 2023, Central San hosted members of the public for the
fifth session of its citizens academy, Central San Academy – the first session held since
2019. Central San hosts this program to expand its participants’ knowledge, increase
awareness of and appreciation for what Central San does to serve the community, gain
feedback on how Central San might improve its services, and create a networking space for
customers to share ideas with each other and Central San’s leaders.
Classes were held on four Tuesday nights from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and on one Wednesday for
a facilities tour from 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m. The following is an analysis of this year’s program.
Over the years, Central San has amassed a “waiting list” of 97 people who have applied for
past academies but have been unable to attend. This includes 18 people who joined the
waiting list in between the 2021 virtual session and the announcement of the 2023 session.
Following the announcement of the 2023 session in mid-January, 29 people signed up
specifically for the 2023 session, and 20 people attended the 2023 session. Despite the
relatively short amount of time between the announcement and start of the session, overall,
interest and participation in the Academy remains strong, as shown on the next page:
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Figure 1 – Trending Interest in the Academy
Advertising the Academy
To help spread the word on the Academy this year, staff advertised at the Permit Counter,
Headquarters Office Building Lobby, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
(HHWCF) and Recycled Water Fill Station, a career fair, and Central San’s social media.
Emails were also sent to the alumni, Academy mailing list, Central San employees, and
community organizations. Figure 5 below shows the 2023 participants’ sources of referral,
showing that the Pipeline continues to be the Academy’s most effective marketing tool. The
chart shows the number of participants and the percentage of total class size represented.
Figure 5 – Source of Referral
56 60
36 39 40
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Applicants Participants
N/A – 2020
session was
3, 15%
5, 25%
2, 10%3, 15%
4, 20%
2, 10%
1, 5%
Central San Website
Academy Alumnus
Word of Mouth
Mailing List Email
Community E-newsletter
Social Media
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Coming from a variety of backgrounds, the class of 2023 were very engaged and inquisitive.
They were excited to learn about Central San, passionate about the environment, and happily
continued to bring their own refillable water bottles and utensils to each class to reduce
single-use plastic waste. The participants included the following:
A public law attorney
Chief of Staff to a County Supervisor
An Operator I at a sister agency
Two software engineers, one working and one retired (additionally, one former
software engineer who is now a student of horticulture at Diablo Valley College)
A retired financial regulator who volunteers at Contra Costa Animal Services
A semi-retired building inspector who now works at a local city’s permit counter
A marketing professional with the Lesher Center for the Arts and Diablo Regional Arts
A registered nurse
A retired laboratory director for a local hospital
An employee of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Two volunteers of the CoCo San Sustainable Farm
In years past, there have been more working professionals than retirees and more
participants with a private sector background than public sector. This year, the split in retirees
and working professionals was close to 50/50. The historical trend of more interest from
individuals from the private sector than the public sector still held true, though not to the same
degree as in the past. The participants’ professional backgrounds are further illuminated
Figure 2 – Participants’ Professional Backgrounds
20 Participants
10 Working Professionals
5 Private Sector (50%)
5 Public Sector (50%)
9 Retirees
5 Private Sector (56%)
4 Public Sector (44%)
1 Unknown (5%)
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The majority of the 2023 participants, at 90%, or 18 participants, live in Central San’s service
area. The rest, 10%, or two participants, came from as far as Antioch and Bay Point, as
shown in Figure 3 below. Historically, Walnut Creek has tended to yield the most participants,
but this year, it was edged out by Pleasant Hill.
Figure 3 – City of Residence
Below is a chart showing how many participants came from within and outside the service
area in previous sessions versus 2023:
Session % of Participants
In Service Area Out of Service Area
2018 72% 28%
2019 88% 12%
2023 90% 10%
Each of the participants selected a primary
reason for wanting to attend the Academy.
As shown on the right, the most popular
reason, cited by 40%, or 8 participants,
was a general interest in how wastewater
is treated. This was the same most-cited
reason among the 2019 session
participants. The next largest group, at
25%, or 5 participants, came to the
Academy out of a general interest in
environmental issues, and close behind,
20%, or 4 participants, desired to become
an advocate for what Central San does, so
they could share what they would learn in
the Academy with others.
Figure 4 – Reason for Attending the Academy
1, 5%
8, 40%
4, 20%1, 5%
1, 5%
5, 25%
All of the above
General interest in wastewater treatment
Desire to become an advocate
Exploring a career in wastewater or local government
General interest in local government operation
General interest in environmental issues
Concord Martinez Moraga Pleasant Hill Walnut Creek Bay Point Antioch# of participantsCity of Residence
in service area out of service area
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Feedback from the Participants
Central San Academy was founded in part to create a closed feedback loop with Central
San’s customer base. Through their discussions, the participants indicated that they were
most impressed by Central San’s collection system and treatment process; the complexity of
Central San’s operations overall; the planned uses for recycled water; and employees’
dedication, teamwork, and pride. They were particularly attentive toward Central San’s
attention toward PFAS and “flushable wipes” and how they as private citizens could help
Central San achieve its mission of protecting public health and the environment. Through the
Toilet Paper vs. Non Toilet Paper activity (where participants put toilet paper and tissue
paper, paper towels, etc. into a jar of water and shook it to represent the breaking down of
the paper that flushing would achieve, then noting the differences in how the toilet paper
dissolved versus the other types of paper), they were surprised to learn that many types of
paper do not dissolve, one even remarking that they thought floss was not an issue.
The following is a sampling of the participants’ comments in the surveys they filled out at
each class. The common theme was appreciation: for staff’s hospitality and healthy food
offerings; the amount of information they learned; and Central San’s receptivity to questions,
care for what they do, and general impressiveness as an agency.
On Central San Academy:
Tonight [week one]’s class was impressive and educational!!! Wish it went longer to 10
p.m.! সহ
I was so impressed with the quality of the presenters and the material they covered. I
was also impressed by the numerous awards and commendations each division has
received. Great job!
The participants had an opportunity to ask questions and comment on each
presentation. I really enjoyed learning about what it takes to operate such a
complicated service!
I now know who to call if I see an overflow.
Learning about how sewers keep things moving and what impacts the flow was
fascinating. I wasn’t putting wipes down the toilet before class, but now I understand
why not better now and can explain to others.
Awesome TV and rooter trucks!
Loved seeing the trucks. Now I know what they do when I see them in the
neighborhood! Thank you [for the tour]; it was awesome.
I did learn a lot and would recommend this [facilities] tour to everyone. Don’t change
I was very impressed with the innovation roundtables. Your employees show so much
initiative, knowledge, and ability to work and support each other making CCCSD a
great place to work.
I appreciate seeing how innovative ideas are applied to improve efficiency and results!
Great job! I’m impressed with what great public speakers everyone is.
I appreciate the use of stations and small group learning [for the Innovation
Roundtables]. Excellent teaching strategy.
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The most important thing I learned is what we can do better – also really important is
learning what Central San does is way more important and complicated than I thought.
I should add that I had not heard about PFAS until this class – and then the New York
Times and the Wall Street Journal both reported on it.
The entire 5 weeks was OUTSTANDING! সহ So worthwhile. So informative.
What really stuck with me is how genuinely proud and excited all the employees are.
They presented so well and I could tell they were proud and empowered.
Great food, space, and speakers! I’d only recommend time management to ensure
speakers don’t go over time / cut into [the] next presenter (too much good stuff!).
I’d like more mentioning of impacts of body products, lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc.
and their impact on wastewater.
Looking forward to “Treatment to Drink” program! All was really wonderfully presented!
Really amazing program. Thank you Christina and the rest of the staff!
I cannot express my gratitude enough for the care that you and the Central San staff
have put into this first return to in person academy. It exceeded my expectations and I
will gladly tell other county residents about it.
The following is a scan of a thank you card received in the mail:
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On Central San:
Central San actually cares.
You guys are fighting against PFAS and other corporate polluters. You really do take
care of all our sh*t!
The enormity of the [treatment] process is amazing. All the awards are well-deserved.
You are all my heroes and protect are health but are so unsung!
Impressed at the customer service and level of engagement with the public. Having
worked in the public sector a lot, I have high standards of government customer
service / engagement, and your agency really cares.
Teamwork, outstanding environmental leader, clean facilities!
Complete professionalism in each stage.
Everyone seems to really like working here!
Here at C-San, it’s about innovation.
Looking forward to all the next endeavors for the future of Central San.
This company is organized with autonomous teams that communicate together and
have excellent synergy.
Central San is at the forefront of wastewater treatment and its people are its greatest
I have already been telling my friends and family about the wonderful job that Central
San is doing.
Areas of Success
As in years past, staff and the Board were welcoming to the participants, which no doubt
correlated with how engaged they were, and the participants expressed gratitude for the
meals provided at every class. Staff went above and beyond; for example, Central San’s
CSO Division Manager looked up the addresses of any participant who wanted to see where
the sewer line was in relation to their property. The presenters, from all walks of life at Central
San, gave informative talks and thoughtfully fielded the multitude of questions from the
participants. The most lauded parts of the Academy curriculum were the student education
activity of Toilet Paper vs. Non Toilet Paper; the complexities behind wastewater treatment
and collection; the presentations on how they as private citizens can help the environment;
viewing the hydro, rodding, and CCTV trucks; touring the facilities in Martinez; and the
optimizations roundtables featuring staff from the Mechanical Shop, Planning and Applied
Research, Special Projects, and Plant Operations.
Areas of Potential Improvement
Incredibly, participants expressed that they would like for there to be more and/or longer
classes. This year’s Academy was affected by inclement weather, being held earlier in the
year than the traditional spring session in April and May. The next Academy session will be
longer, with more time allotted for presentations that ran long this year, and will take place in
the more temperate months of spring. Efforts will also be made to signal speakers when they
are low on, out of, or over time while they are speaking. Some presenters could use the
microphone more effectively and repeat questions into the microphone. The Innovations
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Roundtables activity was a standout success, signaling the need for more showcasing of
human talent within the curriculum and creation of opportunities for learning and engagement
in smaller groups. Future sessions could be held in different parts of the service area to be
more convenient for more of Central San’s customer base.
Impact of the Academy
Though difficult to quantify, Central San Academy has a radiating effect on the community.
Many of the participants perform volunteer work, are active with community groups, are
involved with local government agencies, or work in a business that is related to Central
San’s operations.
A total of four alumni joined the class of 2023 for their graduation session on March 28. They
were given a survey to fill out, and their responses included the following:
In response to “How has your time at Central San Academy impacted your life?”:
I talked to a few stores about changing “flushable” on wipes. Big change: no more
Insinkerator. I use newsprint or other waste paper to wipe off all grease from flatware,
pans, and all dinnerware and put in compost.
More aware of my water usage. Try not to waste water. I always try to share what I
have learned at the academy with friends.
In response to “Is there anything you would like our staff to know?”:
We appreciate all of you! Just wish a lot more recycled water stations – very hard to
come a long way to get water. The information in class lectures tonight [was] excellent!
You are a great organization and work so well together.
Central San now has 158 Academy alumni who can serve as volunteers at future events,
external ambassadors, and an ad hoc focus group. The alumni association email network
and Facebook group allows Central San to stay connected with the alumni, share ideas, and
keep them apprised of Central San events. Additionally, the Pipeline community newsletter is
mailed to all Central San Academy alumni to keep them apprised of Central San events and
Central San Academy helps execute Goal One of the Strategic Plan. Being one of the few if
not the first of its kind in this area, the award-winning Academy helps Central San build
relationships in the neighborhood and industry. Central San also provides exceptional and
unique customer service by soliciting feedback from the Academy’s participants. Their
contributions help Central San better understand and meet the needs of its customers.
Helping Other Agencies Launch Citizens’ Academies
Central San continues to provide support to other agencies looking to follow suit. Staff served
as a panelist in a December 2022 “Citizens’ Academy 101: Developing Successful Programs
for Customer Engagement” webinar hosted by California of Sanitation Agencies and hosted a
“Citizens’ Academy 101” roundtable at the 2023 CASA Winter Conference to share best
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practices and answer questions. Staff has since shared information on Central San Academy
with the City of Roseville.
Next Steps
In accordance with a consensus of the Board on August 3, 2017, staff is providing this annual
update to the Administration Committee, followed by review by the full Board, and will
continue the Academy until further notice.
Staff will assess the best time and location for the next session in 2024, which will build upon
the foundation created during the first five Academies, replicating the successes and
addressing the areas for improvement to improve the participant experience.
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