HomeMy WebLinkAbout14. Set a new Public Hearing for June 21, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. to consider establishing Sewer Service Charge (SSC) rate increases for Fiscal Years 2023-24 and 2024-25; Review associated Cost-of-Service Report and Proposition 218 noticeItem 14. BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER M E E T ING D AT E:MAY 4, 2023 S UB J E C T: S E T A NE W P UB L I C HE A R I NG F O R J UNE 21, 2023 AT 1:30 P.M. TO C O NS I D E R E S TA B L I S HI NG S E W E R S E RV I C E C HA R G E (S S C) R AT E I NC R E A S E S F O R F I S C A L YE A R S 2023-24 A ND 2024-25; R E V I E W A S S O C I AT E D C O S T-O F -S E RV I C E R E P O RT A ND P R O P O S I T I O N 218 NO T I C E S UB M I T T E D B Y: D A NE A G E MME L L , P L A NNI NG A ND D E V E L O P ME NT S E RV I C E S D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: E NG-P D S-D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R RE V IE WE D B Y:E MI LY B A R NE T T, C O MMUNI C AT I O NS A ND G O V E R NME NT R E L AT I O NS MA NA G E R E D G A R J . L O P E Z , P R O V I S I O NA L D I R E C TO R O F E NG I NE E R I NG A ND T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S P HI L I P L E I B E R , D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R Roger S. Bailey General Manager K enton L . Alm District Counsel IS S UE To comply with Proposition 218 public notice requirements, C entral San must provide a 45-day written notice to property owners prior to considering proposed S S C C harge rate increases at a public hearing. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 99 of 218 Page 1 of 47 B AC K G RO UND C entral San has worked with Raftelis since 2014 on its Wastewater Cost-of -S ervice S tudy and the development of a financial model f or f uture planning and rate design. T he Board of Directors (Board) accepted that Cost-of -S ervice Report on J une 4, 2015, and accepted an update to the Cost-of -S ervice R eport in April 2019 as part of the 4-year rate adoption f or F iscal Year (F Y) 2019-20 through F Y 2022-23. Staf f engaged R af telis in 2022 to provide the C ost-of-Service Study update f or F Y 2023-24 and F Y 2024- 25 S S C rates. R af telis and C entral San updated the aforementioned financial model and perf ormed a C ost-of-Service update, which addressed the overall revenue requirement, how those costs are allocated between customer classes, and how those costs are recovered from each class. T he analysis was completed in D ecember 2022, ahead of a F inancial Planning Workshop held on J anuary 12, 2023, to address Central San's long-term financial plan f or S S C rates and projected inf rastructure requirements or needs. I n preparation for the workshop, the B oard also held a discussion with staf f regarding residential S S C rates for A ccessory Dwelling Units (A D U) at its D ecember 15, 2022, regular B oard meeting. At the J anuary 2023 workshop, staf f overviewed the long-term f inancial plan and rate scenarios with the Board. Key takeaways included: 1. T he cost of service analysis justif ies the addition of an A D U residential S S C customer class. 2. D ue to changes in usage patterns, there is a shif t of costs from residential to non-residential customers. P roposed changes to the customer classes are designed to be revenue neutral to C entral San overall, but S S C rates can increase or decrease between -5 percent to +6 percent for individual customer classes for the f irst year. 3. T he second year would include a four percent increase across all customer classes. 4. Proposed capital spending has been reduced in the next couple of years, shifting spending further out in the Ten-Year C apital I mprovement Plan, helping reduce near-term rate pressure. 5. A combination of revenue bond and cash f inancing f or large (less frequent and non-recurring) infrastructure projects. W hile State R evolving F und loans have f avorable terms, funds are scarce and there is intense competition for them. R evenue bonds are the basis f or f uture debt needs. 6. Pay-as-you-go funding f or pipeline replacement projects. I n addition to the workshop discussions, other planning documents have outlined the goals, objectives, metrics, and overall services provided by C entral San, as well as the level of resources needed to provide such services. T hese documents include the current staf f ing plan, the Cost-of -S ervice Report (A ttachment 1), and the F Y 2022-24 S trategic Plan. T he draft F Y 2023-24 budget, which will be presented to the Board on May 18, 2023, is consistent with and below the f orecasts in the Cost-of -S ervice analysis presented at the J anuary 2023 F inancial Workshop. S C HE D UL E A public hearing was previously scheduled f or April 20, 2023, for the proposed 2-year S S C rate schedule. T he P roposition 218 notice was reviewed and approved f or mailing by the B oard on J anuary 19, 2023. T he Cost-of -S ervice Report was not published prior to that meeting and staff canceled the public hearing. T here have been no substantive changes to the Proposition 218 notice. I t is being revised to reflect (1) the notice of the rescheduled public hearing on the cover, (2) the rescheduled date of J une 21, 2023, at 1:30 p.m., (3) a link to the C ost-of-Service R eport, (4) confirmation that all public protests previously submitted May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 100 of 218 Page 2 of 47 are still valid. I n order to meet the 45-day notice requirements of P roposition 218 and hold the public hearing on J une 21, 2023, at 1:30 p.m., the notice must be mailed to property owners no later than May 5, 2023 (Attachment 2). ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS A public hearing is being rescheduled f rom April 20, 2023 to allow f or the 45 day notification period required by Proposition 218 and still meet C entral San's key deadlines. T he public hearing needs to be conducted in J une, to have adequate time to complete the S S C billing calculations which must be submitted to the C ontra C osta C ounty Assessor by A ugust 10, 2023 f or inclusion on the tax roll. F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S T he total cost for the P roposition 218 notices to customers will be approximately $85,000 to print, address, and send by F irst-Class mail (legally required). C entral San’s annual Sewer Service C harge funds operations, maintenance, and the capital projects program. Staf f has made assumptions for both programs in developing the rate model. Over the last eight years, the operating budget has been kept essentially flat and this year it will address higher costs that may increase it by $6 million; from $85.0 million this year up to $90.9 million next year. T he capital budget has signif icantly increased over the last three years. T heref ore, this next year will see a decrease f rom $90.7 million in the current year to $78.5 million next year to fund critical infrastructure as outlined in the S S C Proposition 218 notice. T he economic uncertainty and timing of a few major f uture projects can impact Central S an's rates and debt issuances. Additionally, staf f is evaluating how to optimize capital project priorities. W ith these uncertainties, staf f is recommending a two-year S S C rate schedule. Central S an proposes sewer service rate increases for the next two years as shown in E xhibit A (Attachment 3). C O M M UNI T Y O UT RE AC H C entral San takes its responsibility to provide customers with clear and detailed information on proposed rate changes very seriously. T hese outreach ef f orts signif icantly exceed the requirements of P roposition 218, including: Providing an expanded SS C Proposition 218 notice that is more readable, engaging, and accessible to customers by including graphics, locations of projects, and summarizing information. Incorporating the notice of the proposed rate increases and public hearing in the Pipeline newsletter in an effort to reach additional customers, including both property owners and tenants. Receiving protests and customer rate inquiries through traditional mail, email, fax, and hosting a Community Information Line. Publishing a calendar of rate-related events, holding public workshops, distributing Proposition 218 notices that comprehensively describe the proposed rate changes, and holding a public hearing regarding the changes as required by Proposition 218. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T his matter was not reviewed by a Board Committee. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 101 of 218 Page 3 of 47 RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N Set a new P ublic Hearing for J une 21, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. to consider establishing S ewer S ervice Charge (S S C ) rate increases for F iscal Years 2023-24 and 2024-25, and review associated C ost-of-Service R eport and Proposition 218 notice. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L FO U R : G overnance and Fiscal R esponsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 2 - Encourage and facilitate public participation, Strategy 3 - Maintain financial stability and sustainability AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. Cost of S ervice S tudy 2. P roposition 218 Notice P ublic Hearing 3. E xhibit May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 102 of 218 Page 4 of 47 Wastewater 2023 Cost of Service Study Report / April 26, 2023 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ATTACHMENT 1 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 103 of 218 Page 5 of 47 April 26, 2023 Mr. Roger Bailey General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Subject: Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study Report Dear Mr. Bailey: Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (Raftelis) is pleased to provide this Wastewater Cost-of-Service Rate Study Report (Report) for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) to establish wastewater rates that are equitable and align with Proposition 218 requirements. The major objectives of the study include the following: 1. Review current wastewater rate structure, including accessory dwelling units 2. Review the current customer classifications 3. Update the cost-of-service analysis for wastewater 4. Develop fair and equitable wastewater rates 5. Demonstrate the impacts of the proposed wastewater rates on typical customer bills Central San has developed a long-range financial plan to determine the revenue needs of the wastewater utility in the next ten years. However, wastewater rates, based on that financial plan, are only calculated for the next two fiscal years beginning July 2023. The proposed rates were revised to enhance equity among customer classes and encourage efficient use of services for greater environmental sustainability. The Report summarizes the key findings and recommendations related to the development of wastewater rates. It has been a pleasure working with you, and we thank you and Central San staff for the support provided during the course of this study. Sincerely, RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Sudhir Pardiwala Nancy Phan Executive Vice President Manager May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 104 of 218 Page 6 of 47 This page intentionally left blank to facilitate two-sided printing. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 105 of 218 Page 7 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 FINANCIAL PLAN ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 COST OF SERVICE PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 2 1.4 PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES ................................................................................................. 2 1.4.1 Customer Impacts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 2. FINANCIAL PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 WASTEWATER SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................... 6 2.2 EXISTING WASTEWATER RATES .................................................................................................... 6 2.3 WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS AND USAGE CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................... 8 2.4 WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUES ............................................................................................... 8 2.5 WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURES ...................................................................................... 10 2.5.1 Operation and Maintenance Expenses……………………………………………………………………………10 2.5.2 Capital Improvement Program……………………………………………………………………………………….10 2.5.3 Revenue Adjustments…………………………………………………………………………………………………….11 2.5.4 Debt Service Requirements…………………………………………………………………………………………….11 2.5.5 Debt Service Coverage……………………………………………………………………………………………………12 2.5.6 Operating Financial Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………14 2.5.7 Reserves…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15 3. COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 19 3.1 PROPOSED CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS .................................................................................. 19 3.2 PLANT BALANCE .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.3 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION........................................................ 21 3.4 ALLOCATION OF FUNCTIONAL COSTS TO COST COMPONENTS ................................................. 22 3.5 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 25 3.6 DEVELOPMENT OF UNIT COSTS OF SERVICE .............................................................................. 27 3.7 ALLOCATION OF COSTS TO CUSTOMER CLASS ........................................................................... 28 4. PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES ............................................................................................. 30 4.1 RATE DESIGN ............................................................................................................................... 30 4.2 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CHARGES ............................................................................................ 30 4.3 PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES ......................................................................................... 31 4.4 CUSTOMER IMPACTS .................................................................................................................. 32 4.4.1 Customer Impacts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..32 5. APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................ 34 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 106 of 218 Page 8 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | ii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Table 1-1: Proposed Revenue Adjustments ....................................................................................... 2 Table 1-2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Rates .......................................................................... 3 Table 1-3: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts...................................................................... 4 Table 2-1: Existing Wastewater Rate Structure .................................................................................. 7 Table 2-2: Projected Residential Customer Accounts ......................................................................... 8 Table 2-3: Annual Projected Water Usage (HCF) and Student Enrollment ........................................... 8 Table 2-4: Revenue Summary under Current Rate Structure .............................................................. 9 Table 2-5: Projected O&M Expenses1 by Function ............................................................................ 10 Table 2-6: Projected O&M Expenses1 by Category ........................................................................... 10 Table 2-7: Capital Improvement Plan1 ............................................................................................. 11 Table 2-8: Revenue Adjustments Schedule ...................................................................................... 11 Table 2-9: Existing Debt Schedule.................................................................................................... 12 Table 2-10: Debt Coverage Calculation ............................................................................................ 13 Table 2-11: Operating Financial Plan ............................................................................................... 14 Figure 2-1: Projected Reserves– Running Expense and Sewer Construction Funds ............................ 15 Figure 2-2: Projected Reserves ........................................................................................................ 16 Table 2-12: Projected Reserves ....................................................................................................... 17 Table 3-1: Average Water Consumption of Parcels With and Without ADUs ..................................... 20 Table 3-2: FY 2024 Plant Balance ..................................................................................................... 21 Table 3-3: Allocation of Wastewater O&M Expenses by Function ..................................................... 22 Table 3-4: Allocation of Wastewater Assets by Function .................................................................. 22 Table 3-5: Allocation to Cost Components – O&M ........................................................................... 23 Table 3-6: Allocation of O&M Expenses to Cost Components ........................................................... 23 Table 3-7: Allocation of O&M to Cost Components – Treatment Plant ............................................. 24 Table 3-8: Allocation to Cost Components – Capital ......................................................................... 25 Table 3-9: Allocation of Wastewater Assets to Cost Components ..................................................... 25 Table 3-10: Allocation of Revenue Requirements ............................................................................ 26 Table 3-11: Projected FY2024 Customer Class Service Units1 ............................................................ 27 Table 3-12: Development of Unit Costs ........................................................................................... 28 Table 3-13: Allocation of Costs to Customer Class ............................................................................ 28 Table 4-1: Calculated Residential Wastewater Charges – FY 2024 ..................................................... 30 Table 4-2: Proposed FY 2024 and FY 2025 Residential Wastewater Charges...................................... 31 Table 4-3: Proposed FY 2024 and FY 2025 Non-Residential Wastewater Rates .................................. 31 Table 4-4: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts.................................................................... 33 Table 4-5: Typical Non-Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts ................................................. 33 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 107 of 218 Page 9 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION In late 2022, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District engaged Raftelis to conduct a comprehensive cost-of- service (COS) study to independently assess and evaluate Central San’s existing wastewater rates. The objectives of the study include providing a fair, equitable, and reasonable rate structure; ensuring that there is a proportionate recovery of costs from the various customer classes; and developing rates that are aligned with cost-of-service principles. This report documents the resultant findings, analyses, and proposed changes from the study. 1.2 FINANCIAL PLAN In order to determine wastewater rates, Raftelis used the revenue requirements, including operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses, capital improvement expenses, debt service costs, and reserve requirements for a five-year study period from Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 to 2026 provided in Central San’s financial plan. O&M expenses include the cost of treatment, pumping, and collection facilities, pre-treatment, household hazardous waste collection, as well as the costs of providing technical services such as laboratory services, and other administrative costs of the wastewater system such as customer service and billing. The O&M projections are based on Central San’s long-range financial plan and anticipated revenues and expenses as of January 2023 in order to prepare rates for publication in the Proposition 218 notices which were mailed in March. In addition to the operating expenses, Central San is planning continuing increases in capital investments over the next ten years to replace portions of its complex infrastructure that has reached the end of its useful life and to remain in compliance with stringent environmental regulations. Central San has already obtained a low-interest State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan and anticipates applying for additional SRF loans to fund future projects. Central San anticipates that bonds may be necessary to fund a portion of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), as it is currently anticipated that SRF funding may become more difficult to obtain. The FY 2022-23 10-year CIP is budgeted at $1.135 billion and will be funded primarily through rate revenues, capacity fees, and ad valorem tax revenue. Annual payments on existing debt service are $13.25 million (declining to about $9 million annually through FY 2027-28, and further declining until the maturity date in FY 2029-30). Central San’s financial plan indicates that revenue adjustments of 2.2% are required for FY 2024 and 4% for FY 2025, as shown in Table 1-1. The adjustments are needed to meet the operating and capital expenses as well as meet reserves targets. Central San currently has four separate funds: Running Expense Fund, Sewer Construction Fund, Self-Insurance/Emergency Fund, and a Debt Service Fund. The current reserve policy includes 41.7% of the next year’s O&M expenses, and 50% of the next year’s non-debt funded CIP expenses... A sound reserve policy – and meeting those policy targets – are key to a sustainable financial plan and allow Central San to have funds for working capital, natural disasters or emergencies, and any other unexpected expenses. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 108 of 218 Page 10 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 2 Table 1-1: Proposed Revenue Adjustments Fiscal Year Revenue Adjustments 2024 2.2% 2025 4.0% 1.3 COST OF SERVICE PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY In this study, Raftelis followed the guidelines for allocating costs detailed in the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Manual of Practice No. 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems. Raftelis started with evaluating the COS analysis methodology developed in the most recent studies conducted for Central San and updated the data and methodology where required to align with COS principles and Central San’s current system. The wastewater COS analysis consists of seven major steps, as outlined below: 1. Review customer class and strength characteristics and loadings of the non-residential class. 2. Conduct plant balance to estimate the flows and strength of the residential class. 3. Functionalize O&M expenses and capital costs into functional categories such as Collection, Treatment, and Billing and Customer Service. 4. Allocate each functional category into cost components such as Wastewater Flow, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Billing and Customer Service. 5. Develop total customer class characteristics by cost component. 6. Calculate the cost component unit rates by dividing the total cost in each cost component in Step 4 by the total customer class characteristics in Step 5. 7. Calculate the cost by customer class by multiplying the unit cost in Step 6 by the individual customer class characteristics in Step 5. The steps described above provide the basis for allocating costs equitably amongst the different customer classes in proportion to the service received. Once costs to serve different customer classes are determined, rates are then designed to recover the costs equitably to address Proposition 218 requirements. 1.4 PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES Through our review, Raftelis recommends that the District retain its current wastewater rate structure, which includes fixed charges for residential customers and a flow charge per hundred cubic feet (HCF) for most other non-residential customers. Industrial customers are charged based on a unit rate for flow, BOD, and TSS. Schools are charged a rate per average daily student attendance. Since a large majority of the costs of operating and maintaining the wastewater system are fixed, all non-residential customers are subject to a minimum annual charge equal to the Multi-Family Residential (MFR) annual charge. Table 1-2 shows the current and proposed wastewater rates in FY 2024 and FY 2025. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 109 of 218 Page 11 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 3 Table 1-2: Current and Proposed Wastewater Rates User Group Current Effective July 1, 2022 Proposed Effective July 1, 2023 Proposed Effective July 1, 2024 Residential (per residential unit) Single Family Dwellings $690.00 $697.00 $725.00 Multi-Family Dwellings (Apartments, Condominiums, Duplexes, Second Living Units, Mobile Homes) $654.00 $622.00 $647.00 Accessory Dwelling Units (previously included in Multi-Family) $654.00 $339.00 $353.00 Non-Residential (per hcf) Low (Retail, Office, Churches, Fraternal & Service Organizations, State and Local Institutions, Tax Exempt, Utilities with Special Tax Status, Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals, and other businesses with a combined BOD + TSS of less than 350 mg/l) $7.20 $7.63 $7.94 Medium-Low (Delicatessens, Yogurt Shops, Ice Cream Shops, Coffee Shops, Bar, customers with shared water meters with less than 50% food service, other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 700 mg/l) $8.83 $9.32 $9.69 Medium (customers with shared water meters with 50% or more food service, other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 1,000 mg/l) $11.07 $10.99 $11.43 Medium-High (Restaurants, Supermarkets, Hotels and Motels, customers with shared meters which include bakeries, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,000 mg/l) $12.35 $12.04 $12.52 High (Bakeries, Restaurants with on-site breweries, Restaurants with food-waste grinders or emulsifiers, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,300 mg/l) $16.37 $14.48 $15.06 Minimum Annual Charge $654.00 $622.00 $647.00 Schools Schools - Daycare, Preschool, University (per hundred cubic feet) $7.20 $7.63 $7.94 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 110 of 218 Page 12 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 4 Schools – Elementary $8.58 per student $8.94 per student $9.30 per student Schools – Intermediate, High School $16.95 per student $17.89 per student $18.61 per student Permitted Industrial Users (includes hospitals, food processing, breweries, and wineries) Wastewater Flow (per hundred cubic feet) $5.57 $7.28 $7.57 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (per 1,000 pounds) $1,473.00 $1,268.00 $1,338.00 Suspended Solids (per 1,000 pounds) $769.00 $644.00 $670.00 Fixed charge $108.20 $248.00 $258.00 Special Discharge Permits & Contractual Agreements: Determined Individually Determined Individually Determined Individually 1.4.1 Customer Impacts Low and medium non-residential customers are the majority of the non-residential customers. Table 1-3 compares the residential bill impacts for FY 2024 and FY 2025 to current rates. Single Family Residential (SFR) customers would experience a $7 annual increase for FY 2024 and a $28 annual increase for FY 2025. MFR customers would experience a $32 reduction for FY 2024 and a $25 increase for 2025. A new rate class would be created for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Those units would be charged $339 per unit for FY 2024 and that amount would be increased by $14 for FY 2025. ADUs are currently charged as one MFR unit. Table 1-3: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Current Proposed Effective July 1, 2023 Proposed Effective July 1, 2024 Proposed July 1, 2023 Increase or (Decrease) Proposed July 1, 2023 Increase or (Decrease) SFR $690 $697 $725 $7 $28 MFR 654 622 647 (32) 25 ADU -- 339 353 -- 14 Table 1-4 shows the typical non-residential bill impacts for Central San’s largest non-residential rate classes for FY 2024 and FY 2025 by comparing the average bill based on the proposed rates to the average bill based on the current rates. The amounts are calculated based on the average annual water usage for each customer class. Table 1-4: Typical Non-Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Non-residential Customer Class Average Annual Usage (HCF) July 1, 2022 Average Bill July 1, 2023 Average Bill July 1, 2024 Average Bill July 1, 2023 Difference July 1, 2024 Difference July 1, 2023 Difference July 1, 2024 Difference Low (offices, retail, etc.) 722 5,198 5,509 5,733 310 224 6.0% 4.1% Medium High (Restaurants) 799 9,868 9,620 10,003 (248)384 -2.5% 4.0% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 111 of 218 Page 13 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 5 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 112 of 218 Page 14 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 6 2. FINANCIAL PLAN This section of the Report provides a summary of the projected revenues, O&M and capital expenditures, capital improvement financing plan, debt service requirements, and the revenue adjustments required to ensure the financial stability of the wastewater enterprise as presented in Central San’s financial plan. The financial plan is an Excel model maintained by the District, and an extract is published in the annual budget book. 2.1 WASTEWATER SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE Central San was established in 1946 as a special enterprise district and serves nearly 500,000 residents and 3,000 businesses in Alamo, Clyde, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, and unincorporated areas within central Contra Costa County, covering a 146 square mile area. Central San also treats wastewater from an additional 37 square miles for residents of Concord and Clayton under a 1974 contract with the City of Concord. Approximately 35 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater is treated on average at Central San’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, which also produces nearly 560 million gallons of recycled water each year for plant operations, industrial uses, and landscape irrigation. The wastewater utility is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of 18 wastewater pumping stations and 1,540 miles of sewer mains. Central San also operates a Household Hazardous Waste facility which collects over 2 million pounds of household hazardous waste per year and strives to reuse or recycle about 90% of those materials. 2.2 EXISTING WASTEWATER RATES The current wastewater rate structure consists of fixed charges for residential customers and a flow charge per HCF for most all other non-residential customers. Schools are charged a per-student rate based on the average daily student attendance. Customers billed under the Industrial Formula are charged based on unit rates for flow, BOD, and TSS. All customers are subject to a minimum annual charge which serves to recover a portion of the fixed costs. The current rate structure, shown in Table 2-1, generates approximately 82 percent of the total rate revenue from residential fixed charges, with the remaining 18 percent generated by non-residential charges. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 113 of 218 Page 15 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 7 Table 2-1: Existing Wastewater Rate Structure User Group Current Rates Effective July 1, 2022 Residential (per residential unit) Single Family Dwellings $690.00 Multi-Family Dwellings (Apartments, Condominiums, Duplexes, Mobile Homes, Accessory Dwelling Units) $654.00 Non-Residential (per hcf) Low (Retail, Office, Churches, Fraternal & Service Organizations, State and Local Institutions, Tax Exempt, Utilities with Special Tax Status, Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals, and other businesses with a combined BOD + TSS of less than 350 mg/l) $7.20 Medium-Low (Delicatessens, Yogurt Shops, Ice Cream Shops, Coffee Shops, Bars, customers with shared water meters with less than 50% food service, and other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 700 mg/l) $8.83 Medium (customers with shared water meters with 50% or more food service, other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 1,000 mg/l) $11.07 Medium-High (Restaurants, Supermarkets, Hotels and Motels, customers with shared meters which include bakeries, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,000 mg/l) $12.35 High (Bakeries, Restaurants with on-site breweries, Restaurants with food-waste grinders or emulsifiers, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,300 mg/l) $16.37 Minimum Annual Charge $654.00 Schools Schools - Daycare, Preschool, University (per hundred cubic feet) $7.20 Schools – Elementary (per student) $8.58 Schools – Intermediate, High School (per student) $16.95 Permitted Industrial Users (includes hospitals, food processing, breweries, and wineries) Wastewater Flow (per hundred cubic feet) $5.57 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (per 1,000 pounds) $1,473.00 Suspended Solids (per 1,000 pounds) $769.00 Fixed charge $108.20 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 114 of 218 Page 16 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 8 2.3 WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS AND USAGE CHARACTERISTICS Customer accounts and usage information in FY 2022 are used as the basis for projecting wastewater revenues during the study period, from FY 2023 to FY 2028. The projections are based on Central San’s long-range financial plan. The number of wastewater accounts and water usage are projected to increase at approximately 0.4 percent per year through FY 2028. Table 2-2 shows the estimated total residential customer accounts by customer class for the planning period from FY 2023 to FY 2028. Table 2-2: Projected Residential Customer Accounts Table 2-3 shows the projected water usage by customer class and projected student counts for the planning period from FY 2023 to FY 2028. Table 2-3: Annual Projected Water Usage (HCF) and Student Enrollment 2.4 WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUES Central San’s wastewater enterprise derives its required annual operating and capital revenues from a number of sources. The principal source of operating revenues is the wastewater service charges from Central San’s wastewater customers. Other revenue sources include miscellaneous operating revenues such as permit and Accounts Info FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 Single Family Residences 98,825 99,230 99,627 99,965 100,305 100,706 Multi-family Units 43,818 43,998 44,174 44,324 44,474 44,652 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 115 of 218 Page 17 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 9 inspection fees, lease rental income, stormwater and pollution prevention fees, and interest earnings. Capital revenue sources include property tax revenue, capacity fee revenue, bond proceeds, and grants and loans. Wholesale service charges from the City of Concord provide another significant source of operating and capital revenues. The majority of the wastewater service charges are placed on the property tax roll, however about 200 government-owned parcels and other parcels which do not receive property tax bills are billed directly by Central San. Table 2-4 presents the details of the operating and capital related revenues. Central San separates its revenue streams into a Running Expense Fund, which includes all operating related revenues, and a Sewer Construction Fund, which includes capital-related expenses. A portion of the Sewer Service Charge revenue is transferred to the Sewer Construction Fund in order to fund capital expenses. Table 2-4: Revenue Summary under Current Rate Structure May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 116 of 218 Page 18 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 10 2.5 WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURES For sound financial operation of Central San's wastewater system, the revenues generated must be sufficient to meet the revenue requirements or cash obligations of the system. Revenue requirements include O&M expenses, capital improvement program (CIP) expenditures, principal and interest payments on existing debt, and other obligations. 2.5.1 Operation and Maintenance Expenses O&M expenditures include the cost of treatment, pumping, and collection facilities. O&M expenses also include the costs of providing technical services such as laboratory services, engineering, and other administrative costs of the wastewater system such as customer service and billing. These costs are a normal obligation of the system and are met from operating revenues as they are incurred. The comprehensive forecasted annual O&M expenditures for the study are based upon Central San's long-range financial plan, using inflationary factors and assumptions ranging from 1.75 to 6.5 percent per year to project O&M expenditures. Projected O&M expenditures for the study period are summarized by function and by category in Tables 2-5 and 2-6, respectively. Table 2-5: Projected O&M Expenses1 by Function Table 2-6: Projected O&M Expenses1 by Category 2.5.2 Capital Improvement Program Central San has developed a comprehensive wastewater CIP to address current wastewater system needs. As Table 2-7 indicates, the total estimated wastewater CIP for the study period of FY 2023 to FY 2028 is $568.1 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 117 of 218 Page 19 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 11 million. Central San applied an inflation rate of five percent per year for FY 2024 and 2025 and an inflation rate of four percent per year for FY 2026, and inflation rate of 3 percent per year for FY 2027 and beyond. The financial plan calls for Central San to fund capital costs through a combination of rate revenues supplemented with debt financing. Funding the capital costs through rates is especially prudent because Central San’s capital costs are fairly uniform over the planning period, and rates will provide the necessary cash to fund those projects and save on interest costs. However, issuing debt will spread the costs over a longer term and minimize the revenue adjustments needed in the short term. The proposed rate adjustments are primarily used to fund an increase in capital expenditures. Table 2-7: Capital Improvement Plan1 1. Based on budgeted and projected revenues as of January 2023 2. Contingency will be included in individual projects beginning in FY 2024 2.5.3 Revenue Adjustments Central San’s financial plan projects the following revenue adjustments for the next five years, as shown in Table 2-8. The adjustments are necessary to meet projected expenditures and to maintain sufficient reserves balances. Table 2-8: Revenue Adjustments Schedule Fiscal Year Revenue Adjustments 2024 2.2% 2025 4.0% 2026 4.0% 2027 4.0% 2028 4.0% 2.5.4 Debt Service Requirements Debt service requirements consist of principal and interest payments on existing debt. Central San currently has debt service obligations associated with the outstanding 2018 bonds and the 2021 Certificates of Participation (COPs). Existing debt service payments are approximately $13.2 million for FY 2023 and are anticipated to drop to approximately $9 million per year in FY 2024, before declining further to $1.9 million in FY 2029-30. These debt service figures do not include payments on the SRF loan. Table 2-9 shows the existing debt service of the wastewater utility. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 118 of 218 Page 20 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 12 Table 2-9: Existing Debt Schedule 2.5.5 Debt Service Coverage Central San must meet debt service coverage requirements on its outstanding bond issues. Coverage requirements typically vary between 100 percent and 160 percent or higher. Central San’s target debt coverage is 200 percent, which means that Central San’s Adjusted Net System Revenues shall amount to at least 200 percent of the Annual Debt Service. This is a Central San policy level requirement adopted for targeted credit ratings, minimum debt service requirements specified in the bond documents may be lower. The system revenues include funds derived from the ownership and operation of the system including wastewater service charges from Central San’s customers, miscellaneous service charges, revenues received from contracts, and interest income. A portion of the annual Sewer Service Charge is allocated to the Sewer Construction Fund and is considered to be Non-Operating Income by Central San. Annual Debt Service includes annual principal and interest payments on outstanding debt. Adjusted net revenues equal the net revenues less capacity fee revenue and the capital charges from City of Concord. As shown in Table 2-10, Central San exceeds the coverage requirement during each year of the study’s planning period, which is one of several critical financial tests of the utility. The other financial tests include cash flow and reserve levels. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 119 of 218 Page 21 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 13 Table 2-10: Debt Coverage Calculation May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 120 of 218 Page 22 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 14 2.5.6 Operating Financial Plan Table 2-11 shows the operating financial plan for FY 2023 through FY 2028 based on the revenue and expenses information presented above. The plan includes the revenue adjustments shown in Table 2-8. Table 2-11: Operating Financial Plan May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 121 of 218 Page 23 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 15 2.5.7 Reserves Central San currently has four separate funds/reserves: running expense fund, sewer construction fund, self- insurance/emergency fund, a debt service fund. The debt service fund is used to pay the annual debt service payments with property tax revenue. This fund does not carry a balance from year to year. The current reserves policy is 41.7 percent of next year’s O&M expenses, 50 percent of next year’s non-debt funded CIP expenses, 100 percent of next year’s debt service payment, $1.5 million for self-insurance, and $7.5 million for emergencies. The self-insurance reserve is set at $1.5 million to cover three potential incidents. The emergency reserve is set at $7.5 million to cover the liability insurance deductible for losses resulting from damage to wastewater assets during disasters. The estimated FY 2023 total ending balance for the Running Expense Fund and Sewer Construction Fund is approximately $105 million, as shown in Figure 2-1. These reserves also account for the cash flow needs associated with Central San’s receipt of Sewer Service Charge revenue in two lump-sum payments in December and April of each year. The reserve balance and the current and proposed targets1 for the running expense fund and sewer construction fund are shown in Figure 2-1. The reserve levels are above the proposed targets for the entire study period. The reserve levels in the Sewer Construction Fund are necessary to cover CIP expenses in future years. Figure 2-1: Projected Reserves– Running Expense and Sewer Construction Funds 1 Does not include the $9.0 million for self-insurance and emergency reserve. That money is set aside in separate funds. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 122 of 218 Page 24 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 16 Figure 2-2 shows the total fund balance by the different funds maintained by Central San, including the Running Expense, Sewer Construction Fund, and the Self-Insurance Fund, which includes the Emergency Fund. Figure 2-2: Projected Reserves Table 2-12 shows the total fund balances for the different funds within Central San, as well as the current and proposed targets. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 123 of 218 Page 25 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 17 Table 2-12: Projected Reserves May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 124 of 218 Page 26 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 18 Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 SELF INSURANCE FUND Beginning Balance $10,633,117 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 Revenue Sewer Service Charge $464,483 $2,188,072 $2,332,745 $2,494,347 $2,665,976 $2,849,693 All Other $72,400 $121,303 $125,991 $124,474 $124,451 $124,715 Total Revenue $536,883 $2,309,375 $2,458,736 $2,618,821 $2,790,427 $2,974,408 Expenses Insurance Premiums $1,745,000 $1,875,875 $2,016,566 $2,167,808 $2,330,394 $2,505,174 Loss Payments $425,000 $433,500 $442,170 $451,013 $460,033 $469,234 Total Expenses $2,170,000 $2,309,375 $2,458,736 $2,618,821 $2,790,427 $2,974,408 Ending Balance $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 Over (Under) Target $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Self Insurance Target $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 $9,000,000 DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Balance $0 $9,154,142 $8,809,875 $9,045,000 $9,293,750 $9,110,250 Revenue Sewer Service Charge $819,564 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tax Revenue $21,584,000 $8,711,923 $8,946,142 $9,193,779 $9,007,553 $14,946,397 Interest $0 $97,952 $98,858 $99,971 $102,697 $100,937 Total Revenue $22,403,564 $8,809,875 $9,045,000 $9,293,750 $9,110,250 $15,047,334 Expenses Debt Service $13,249,422 $9,154,142 $8,809,875 $9,045,000 $9,293,750 $9,110,250 Total Expenses $13,249,422 $9,154,142 $8,809,875 $9,045,000 $9,293,750 $9,110,250 Ending Balance $9,154,142 $8,809,875 $9,045,000 $9,293,750 $9,110,250 $15,047,334 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 125 of 218 Page 27 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 19 3. COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS This section of the Report discusses the allocation of O&M expenses and capital costs to the appropriate parameters consistent with industry standards, the determination of unit costs, and calculation of costs by customer class. To allocate the cost of service among the different customer classes, costs first need to be allocated to the appropriate wastewater parameters. The following sections describe the allocation of the operating and capital costs of service to the appropriate parameters of the wastewater system. The total cost of wastewater service is analyzed by system function in order to equitably distribute costs of service to the various classes of customers. For this analysis, wastewater utility costs of service are developed consistent with the guidelines for allocating costs detailed in the WEF Manual of Practice No. 27, Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems. The wastewater COS analysis consists of seven major steps, as outlined below: 1. Determine non-residential customer flow and strength loadings based on water usage 2. Conduct plant balance to estimate the flow and strength of the residential customer class taking into consideration infiltration and inflow (I&I) 3. Functionalize O&M and capital costs into functional categories such as Collection, Treatment, and Billing and Customer Service, etc. 4. Allocate each functional category into cost components such as Flow, Strength, and Billing and Customer Service, etc. 5. Develop customer class characteristics by cost component 6. Calculate the cost component rates by dividing the total cost in each cost component in Step 4 by the customer class characteristics in Step 5 7. Calculate the cost by customer class by multiplying the unit cost in Step 6 by the customer class characteristics in Step 5 3.1 PROPOSED CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATIONS As part of the study, Raftelis reviewed the current customer classifications. Central San indicated that increasing numbers of ADUs were being permitted and requested a review of parcels with ADUs to determine if it was still appropriate to place those units in the same rate class as apartments, condominiums, duplexes, and mobile homes. Central San provided residential water consumption data for calendar years 2018 and 2019. This data set included Contra Costa County’s use code for each parcel. Contra Costa County uses use code 11 as “Single Family Residential, 1 [unit] on 1 site” and use code 13 as “2 or more [units] on 1 or more sites.” Central San has indicated that they have found use code 13 to be a good indication of an Accessory Dwelling Unit or similar structure. Central San also provided the annual charge that was levied against the parcel. For the analysis, the combination of county use code and annual charge was used to classify parcels as the inclusion of the annual charge helped identify parcels with recently added ADUs. Table 3-1 shows the average water consumption of parcels with and without an ADU. The results show that an ADU uses 50 percent of the water of a single-family residence. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 126 of 218 Page 28 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 20 Table 3-1: Average Water Consumption of Parcels With and Without ADUs Central San has historically billed elementary, intermediate, and high schools on a per-student basis. This was reviewed during the prior COS study and a recommendation was made to increase the rates based on the per- student wastewater generation values then used. Subsequent to the implementation of the updated school rates for FY 2016, Central San reviewed actual water consumption for each of the school sites. As a result of this review, the rates for high schools were reduced to better match the average actual consumption. Several schools with water consumption significantly lower than the per-student based estimates were moved to consumption- based billing. Central San has contacted school districts within its service area who confirmed that the number of on-site instruction days and hours are back to pre-pandemic levels. 3.2 PLANT BALANCE The plant balance analysis is used to estimate and validate the wastewater loadings (flow and strength) generated by each customer class. While wastewater discharged into sewers for most customers is not metered when it enters the wastewater system, the total amount of flow and strength entering the treatment plant and treated every day is a known quantity. Additionally, non-residential customer flows and strengths can be estimated based on their water usage; non-residential customer strength concentrations are estimated according to industry accepted standards. Flow from the cities of Concord and Clayton is measured and the strength is assumed to be equal to Central San’s strength concentration. The remaining loadings, net of the total less I&I, contract agencies, and non-residential and industrial, are assigned to residential customers. Based on this plant balance, the estimated residential flow is determined to be 55 gallons per capita per day, which is a reasonable estimate of the amount of indoor water usage per person. The estimated residential strength concentration is 200 and 275 milligrams per liter (mg/l) of BOD and TSS, respectively, which is also a reasonable estimate of residential strength concentration. The estimated loadings by customer class are shown in Table 3-2, including the assumed BOD and TSS loadings. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 127 of 218 Page 29 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 21 Table 3-2: FY 2024 Plant Balance 3.3 CATEGORIZATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS BY FUNCTION The wastewater utility is comprised of various facilities each designed and operated to fulfill a given function. In order to provide adequate service to its customers at all times, the utility must be capable of not only collecting the total amount of wastewater generated, but also treating and removing various nutrients from the flow. The separation of costs by function allows allocation of such costs to the functional cost components. Table 3-3 shows the FY 2024 O&M expenses by the different functional categories, as classified by staff. Administration and Engineering expenses are reclassified into Collection and Treatment portions in proportion to the Flow and Treatment costs. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 128 of 218 Page 30 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 22 Table 3-3: Categorization of Wastewater O&M Expenses by Function Table 3-4 shows the replacement value of the total wastewater assets by the different asset classes, as taken from a 2014 analysis provided by Central San Asset Management group. Table 3-4: Categorization of Wastewater Assets by Function 3.4 ALLOCATION OF FUNCTIONAL COSTS TO COST COMPONENTS O&M expenses and capital costs are functionalized as collection, treatment, billing, administrative, etc. These total costs are then allocated to the flow, BOD, TSS, and customer parameters based on the design of each facility. Collection system and pump station costs are allocated to flow and customer parameters to recognize that a portion of the collection system cost is fixed and does not vary with the amount of wastewater flow. These allocations were initially determined based on Central San staff’s estimate of the fixed costs of the collection system, which were determined by Raftelis to be reasonable. Treatment plant costs are allocated to flow, BOD, and TSS since the treatment plant is designed to treat those three components. The treatment allocations were developed by District staff during a comprehensive review of the treatment plant functions in the prior COS study. Central San believes that the treatment cost structure has not changed significantly since then. Operating costs are allocated based on the design criteria of each facility. Collection system costs are allocated entirely to flow since the collection system is designed to handle wastewater flow. However, since these costs are almost entirely fixed, a portion of the flow related operating costs is allocated to customers recognizing that irrespective of the quantity of flow, costs associated with cleaning and maintaining the collection system are incurred and therefore all customers need to share in this cost irrespective of their flow. Since treatment plants are designed to treat flow, BOD and TSS, treatment costs are allocated to those three parameters: based on the May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 129 of 218 Page 31 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 23 design of each component of the treatment system. For example, the equipment in the primary clarifiers is designed to remove suspended solids. Along with suspended solids there is also some removal of BOD; therefore, the equipment is allocated to TSS and BOD based on the removal of those two parameters. Additionally, the primary tank structure is designed for flow; therefore, the structure is allocated to flow. Similarly other components of the treatment plant are analyzed to determine the appropriate allocation to flow, BOD and TSS. Capital costs include capital improvements financed from annual revenues, debt service and other sources. Capital costs related to specific facilities will vary significantly from year to year. Allocating these costs based on the functions of these specific facilities could cause the rates for the different customer classes to change from year to year. A reasonable method of assigning capital costs to functional components, widely practiced in the industry, is to allocate such costs on the basis of plant investment recognizing that over a period of time these allocations will provide costs to be passed on to customers equitably. Table 3-5 shows the different allocations to the Flow, BOD, TSS, and Customer O&M functional cost categories. The allocations are calculated based on the functions of each category, provided by Central San. Table 3-5: Allocation to Cost Components – O&M Table 3-6 shows the allocation of O&M expenses (shown in Table 3-3) to the different cost components based on the allocation percentages shown in Table 3-5. Table 3-6: Allocation of O&M Expenses to Cost Components Table 3-7 shows the different allocations, provided by Central San, to the cost components such as Flow, BOD, TSS, etc. of the treatment plant assets. O&M Allocation Factors Flow BOD TSS Customer General TOTAL Administration - Collection portion 60% 40% 100% Administration - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% 100% Engineering - Collection portion 40% 60% 100% Engineering - Treatment portion 40% 38% 22% 100% Collection System Operations 60% 40% 100% Plant Operations Department 40% 38% 22% 100% Pumping Stations 60% 40% 100% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 130 of 218 Page 32 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 24 Table 3-7: Allocation of O&M to Cost Components – Treatment Plant Table 3-8 shows the different allocations to the cost components such as Flow, BOD, TSS, etc. of each capital asset class. Treatment Plant Replacement Cost Flow BOD TSS Customer General Wet Weather Facilities Holding Basins $152,500 100% 0% 0% Bypass Facilities $6,803,307 100% 0% 0% Primary Treatment Headworks $9,954,350 100% 0% 0% Pre-Aeration $6,472,000 45% 10% 45% Primary Sedimentation $47,747,805 45% 10% 45% Odor Control $5,607,500 45% 10% 45% Secondary Treatment Primary Effluent $2,963,900 100% 0% 0% Aeration/Nitrification $77,580,885 25% 65% 10% Secondary Clarifiers $40,736,800 25% 65% 10% Odor Control $10,000 25% 65% 10% Disinfection UV $42,439,793 100% 0% 0% Hypochlorite $1,635,558 100% 0% 0% Chlorine/Dechlorine $2,993,400 100% 0% 0% Final Effluent FE Channel $91,100 100% 0% 0% FE Pumping $2,984,750 100% 0% 0% Outfall $70,770,040 100% 0% 0% Solids Handling SCB Building $31,217,600 0% 60% 40% Sludge Blending Process $3,613,500 0% 60% 40% Dewatering $21,759,734 0% 60% 40% Incineration $82,790,608 0% 60% 40% Odor Control $1,944,750 0% 60% 40% Utilities Steam Generation $5,246,292 25% 65% 10% Power Distribution $30,765,500 100% Power Generation $12,377,450 10% 20% 40% 30% Control Systems $4,191,600 100% Communication Systems $600 100% Fuel System $6,734,698 10% 20% 40% 30% Service Air $1,871,300 100% Water Systems $120,271,682 0% 0% 0% 100% Support System Safety $357,400 100% Shops $14,746,025 100% Misc Facilities $14,210,784 100% Site Work $13,986,311 100% TOTAL $685,029,522 $200,515,694 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $206,134,846 Allocation 29% 26% 15% 0% 30% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 131 of 218 Page 33 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 25 Table 3-8: Allocation to Cost Components – Capital Table 3-9 shows the allocation of the replacement value of the wastewater assets (shown in Table 3-4) to the different cost components based on the allocation percentages shown in Table 3-8. Table 3-9: Allocation of Wastewater Assets to Cost Components 3.5 ALLOCATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS The total revenue requirements net of revenue credits from miscellaneous sources, is by definition, the net revenue requirement or net cost of providing service, as shown in Table 3-10. This cost is then used as the basis to develop unit costs for the wastewater parameters and to allocate costs to the various customer classes in proportion to the services rendered. The concept of proportionate allocation to customer classes requires that allocations should take into consideration not only the volume of wastewater discharge used but also strength loadings associated with the wastewater flow. In this Study, wastewater rates were calculated for FY 2024, and accordingly FY 2024 is defined as the Test Year. Test Year revenue requirements are used in the cost allocation process. The annual revenue requirement or cost of service to be recovered from wastewater charges includes operation and maintenance and capital expenses. O&M expenses include costs directly related to the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and maintenance of system facilities. Table 3-10 shows the allocation of revenue requirements to operating and capital components to determine the revenue required from rates. The total FY 2024 cost of service to be recovered from Central San’s wastewater customers is estimated at approximately $117.1 million, of which approximately $64.6 million is operating costs and the remaining $52.5 million is capital costs, which consists of capital expenditures and existing debt service. The cost of service analysis is based upon the premise that the utility must generate annual revenues adequate to meet the estimated annual revenue requirements. As part of the cost of service analysis, revenues from sources other than wastewater rates and charges (e.g. revenues from miscellaneous services) are deducted from the appropriate cost elements. Additional deductions are made to reflect interest income and other non-operating income during FY 2024. Adjustments are also made to account for cash balances to ensure adequate collection of revenue and to determine annual revenues needed from rates. Assets Allocation Factors Flow BOD TSS Customer General TOTAL Collection System 100% 100% Treatment Plant 29% 26% 15% 0% 30% 100% General Improvements 100% 100% Recycled Water 100% 100% Assets Allocation Flow BOD TSS Customer General TOTAL Collection System $2,794,785,669 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,794,785,669 Treatment Plant $200,515,694 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $206,134,846 $685,029,522 General Improvements $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,218,237 $39,218,237 Recycled Water $77,609,035 $0 $0 $0 $0 $77,609,035 TOTAL ASSETS $3,072,910,398 $174,923,961 $103,455,021 $0 $245,353,083 $3,596,642,463 Allocation % 85% 5% 3% 0% 7% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 132 of 218 Page 34 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 26 Table 3-10: Allocation of Revenue Requirements May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 133 of 218 Page 35 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 27 3.6 DEVELOPMENT OF UNIT COSTS OF SERVICE In order to allocate costs of service to the different customer classes, unit costs of service are developed. Units of service for each cost component are developed in order to allocate costs of service to the different customer classes. The unit costs of service are developed by dividing the total annual costs allocated to each parameter by the total annual service units of the respective component. The unit costs of service are developed by dividing the total annual costs by the appropriate service units, such as flow, BOD and TSS generated in the system and accounts for billing costs. Table 3-11 shows the service units, such as annual flow, total pounds of BOD and TSS, dwelling units, accounts, etc. for each customer class. These service units are determined from the plant balance shown in Table 3-2 and from the customer data shown in Tables 2-2 and 2-3. Table 3-11: Projected FY2024 Customer Class Service Units 1 1 Non-residential flow estimates include a 90% reduction factor to account for water usage that does not contribute to wastewater flow. The total operating and capital revenue requirements (from Table 3-10) are allocated to the different cost components based on the percentages calculated in Tables 3-6 and 3-9, respectively. The General component is May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 134 of 218 Page 36 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 28 allocated proportionally back to the remaining costs components. Table 3-12 shows the calculation of the unit cost for each cost component, using the units of service from Table 3-11. Table 3-12: Development of Unit Costs 3.7 ALLOCATION OF COSTS TO CUSTOMER CLASS The unit cost of each of the cost categories shown in Table 3-12 is then applied to the projected FY 2024 service units of each customer class to derive customer class costs. Table 3-13 shows the allocation of costs to each customer class, based on the service units from Table 3-11 and the unit cost from Table 3-12. Table 3-13: Allocation of Costs to Customer Class May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 135 of 218 Page 37 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 29 The residential class has the highest assignment of costs at $97 million and is responsible for 83 percent of the total cost of service. The non-residential classes are responsible for the remaining 17 percent of the annual cost of service. Once the customer class cost responsibility is determined, the next step is to design customer rate schedules to recover the revenues required from each customer class, which is discussed in the next section. The rate design analysis will illustrate how revenues are collected within each class using the current rate structure and how these revenues compare to the indicated cost of service. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 136 of 218 Page 38 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 30 4. PROPOSED WASTEWATER RATES 4.1 RATE DESIGN The revenue requirements and cost of service analyses described in the preceding sections of this report provide a basis for the design of a wastewater rate structure. Rate design involves the development of rate schedules for each customer class so as to recover the annual cost of service determined for each customer class. This section of the report discusses the development of a schedule of wastewater rates for Central San’s customer classes and analyzes the impact of the proposed changes in cost allocations and rate design on the customer classes. The primary emphasis in the design of rate structures is ordinarily placed on achieving fairness and equity, with the objective of being able to ensure that each customer class pays its fair share of costs and to comply with regulatory requirements. The following subsections discuss how each rate component is calculated. 4.2 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CHARGES Central San currently has a fixed charge structure for its residential wastewater customers. Since Central San bills on the tax roll and does not have access to all customers’ water usage records, Raftelis recommends that Central San retains the fixed charge structure for residential customers. A review of water consumption data for parcels with and without ADUs indicates that a separate rate class for ADUs is appropriate. The proposed residential charges consist of two components: a fixed component to be billed on each dwelling unit, since a significant portion of the wastewater system costs are fixed and therefore do not vary based on the amount of flow entering the wastewater system, and a variable component to be billed on the estimated flow. Based on a review with staff of Central San’s cost structure, the estimated total variable costs, include chemicals, utilities, and net capital costs, in the system are approximately 54 percent2. These costs are applied per unit of wastewater flow. The remaining 46 percent of the total system costs, considered fixed costs, are applied per dwelling unit. Table 4-1 shows the cost-of-service calculation of wastewater charges for SFR and MFR customers for FY 2024 based on the COS analysis. The COS analysis is based on the status quo revenue requirement, meaning that the revenue adjustments in Table 2-8 are not yet applied. The annual charges for Residential customers in Table 4-1 are adjusted by the revenue adjustments stated for FY 2024 and FY 2025 to determine the proposed rates. Table 4-1: Calculated Residential Wastewater Charges – FY 2024 (Status Quo) 2 The average chemical and utilities cost is approximately 9 percent of the expenses, as shown in Table 2-6. Net capital cost is approximately 45 percent, as shown in Table 3-10. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 137 of 218 Page 39 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 31 According to the financial plan, the total revenue adjustment in FY 2024 is 2.2 percent and in FY 2025 is 4.0 percent (refer to Table 2-8). Thus, residential wastewater charges need to increase 2.2 percent in FY 2024 to meet the revenue requirements, meaning that SFR charges would be $697 per dwelling unit, MFR charges would be $622 per dwelling unit, and ADU charges would be $339 per unit. Table 4-2 shows the proposed FY 2024 and FY 2025 residential wastewater charges with the appropriate revenue adjustments determined in the financial plan. In FY 2025, the SFR charge would be $725 instead of $697, the MFR charge would be $647 instead of $622, and the ADU charge would be $353 instead of $339. Table 4-2: Proposed FY 2024 and FY 2025 Residential Wastewater Charges 4.3 PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL RATES Table 4-3 shows the proposed cost of service wastewater rates for non-residential customers. The rates are calculated based on the total revenue requirements per customer class identified in Table 3-13 and the estimated flow by customer class as shown in Table 3-11. Industrial customers will be charged on a unit rate basis. All non- residential customers are subject to a minimum annual charge equal to the MFR charge. Table 4-3: Proposed FY 2024 and FY 2025 Non-Residential Wastewater Rates User Group Current Effective July 1, 2022 Proposed Effective July 1, 2023 Proposed Effective July 1, 2024 Non-Residential (per hcf) Low (Retail, Office, Churches, Fraternal & Service Organizations, State and Local Institutions, Tax Exempt, Utilities with Special Tax Status, Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals, and other businesses with a combined BOD + TSS of less than 350 mg/l) $7.20 $7.63 $7.94 Medium-Low (Delicatessens, Yogurt Shops, Ice Cream Shops, Coffee Shops, Bar, customers with shared water meters with less than 50% food service, other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 700 mg/l) $8.83 $9.32 $9.69 Residential Annual Charges (per Residential Unit)Current Effective July 1, 2023 Effective July 1, 2024 SFR $690 $697 $725 MFR $654 $622 $647 ADU $654 $339 $353 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 138 of 218 Page 40 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 32 Medium (customers with shared water meters with 50% or more food service, other businesses with BOD + TSS less than or equal to 1,000 mg/l) $11.07 $10.99 $11.43 Medium-High (Restaurants, Supermarkets, Hotels and Motels, customers with shared meters which include bakeries, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,000 mg/l) $12.35 $12.04 $12.52 High (Bakeries, Restaurants with on-site breweries, Restaurants with food-waste grinders or emulsifiers, other businesses with BOD + TSS greater than 1,300 mg/l) $16.37 $14.48 $15.06 Minimum Annual Charge $654.00 $622.00 $647.00 Schools Schools - Daycare, Preschool, University (per hundred cubic feet) $7.20 $7.63 $7.94 Schools – Elementary $8.58 per student $8.94 per student $9.30 per student Schools – Intermediate, High School $16.95 per student $17.89 per student $18.61 per student Permitted Industrial Users (includes hospitals, food processing, breweries, and wineries) Wastewater Flow (per hundred cubic feet) $5.57 $7.28 $7.57 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (per 1,000 pounds) $1,473.00 $1,268.00 $1,338.00 Suspended Solids (per 1,000 pounds) $769.00 $644.00 $670.00 Fixed charge $108.20 $248.00 $258.00 Special Discharge Permits & Contractual Agreements: Determined Individually Determined Individually Determined Individually 4.4 CUSTOMER IMPACTS RFC completed an analysis to evaluate the impact of the proposed rate structure on customers with various water usage levels. 4.4.1 Customer Impacts Table 4-4 compares the residential bill impacts for FY 2024 and FY 2025 to current rates. SFR customers would experience a $7 annual increase for FY 2024 and a $28 annual increase for FY 2025. MFR customers would experience a $32 reduction for FY 2024 and a $25 increase for 2025. A new rate class would be created for Accessory Dwelling Units and those units would be charged $339 per unit for FY 2024 and that amount would be increased by $14 for FY 2025. ADUs are currently charged as one MFR unit. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 139 of 218 Page 41 of 47 Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 33 Table 4-4: Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Current Proposed Effective July 1, 2023 Proposed Effective July 1, 2024 Proposed July 1, 2023 Increase or (Decrease) Proposed July 1, 2023 Increase or (Decrease) SFR $690 $697 $725 $7 $28 MFR 654 622 647 (32) 25 ADU -- 339 353 -- 14 Table 4-5 shows the typical non-residential bill impacts for Central San’s largest non-residential rate classes for FY 2024 and FY 2025 by comparing the average bill based on the proposed rates to the average bill based on the current rates. The amounts are calculated based on the average annual water usage for each customer class. Table 4-5: Typical Non-Residential Annual Wastewater Bill Impacts Non-residential Customer Class Average Annual Usage (HCF) July 1, 2022 Average Bill July 1, 2023 Average Bill July 1, 2024 Average Bill July 1, 2023 Difference July 1, 2024 Difference July 1, 2023 Difference July 1, 2024 Difference Low (offices, retail, etc.) 722 5,198 5,509 5,733 310 224 6.0% 4.1% Medium High (Restaurants) 799 9,868 9,620 10,003 (248)384 -2.5% 4.0% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 140 of 218 Page 42 of 47 Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 34 5. APPENDIX Cost of Service Model Assumptions Inflation Factors 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Running Expenses Salaries & Wages 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% Salary-Step Increases/Longevity 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% Pensionable Salary 90.40% 86.33% 86.33% 86.33% 86.33% 86.33% Purchased Services/Expenses 4.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Supplies & Materials 4.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Chemicals 4.75% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% Utilities 4.75% 4.50% 4.50% 4.25% 4.25% 4.00% Insurance & Risk Management 4.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Benefits Medical & Health Insurance 5.34% 6.50% 6.25% 6.00% 5.80% 5.60% Dental Insurance 3.80% 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% Workers' Compensation Insurance 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% Benefits Vacancy 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Capital Capital Inflation Rate 0.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% Max Debt as % of 10-Year CIP 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% Debt Financing Terms Bond Issuance Cost 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% Portion of Debt Service Payment in First Year 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% SRF Interest Rate 0.90% 2.00% 2.40% 2.40% 2.60% 2.60% Bond Interest Rate 3.50% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.50% Revenue/Growth Growth Rate 0.41% 0.41% 0.40% 0.34% 0.34% 0.40% New Connections (RUE) 700 700 700 600 600 700 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 141 of 218 Page 43 of 47 Water and Wastewater Cost of Service Study Report | 35 Reserve Requirements Running Expense 41.67% 41.67% 41.67% 41.67% 41.67% 41.67% Sewer Construction 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% Self-Insurance: Subfund A $1.5 M $1.5 M $1.5 M $1.5 M $1.5 M $1.5 M Self-Insurance: Subfund C $7.5 M $7.5 M $7.5 M $7.5 M $7.5 M $7.5 M Debt Service: Bond 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Debt Service: CoP 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Debt Service: SRF 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 142 of 218 Page 44 of 47 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOTICE OF PROPOSED RATE INCREASES AND PUBLIC HEARING AT 1:30 P.M. ON JUNE 21, 2023 NEW RATE HEARING DATE Printed with soy-based inks on recycled paperFor more information: CENTRALSAN.ORG/NOTICE We will continue to implement an extensive neighborhood sewer pipe replacement program, which will maintain and improve reliable service levels in the community. We stay committed to protecting public health and the environment and will continue to offer services such as the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility and Residential and Commercial Recycled Water Fill Stations. We will continue to provide our customers exceptional service at responsible rates. We will continue to prudently manage costs and maintain the financial stability and sustainability of Central San. We will continue to maintain and upgrade our treatment plant, pump stations, pipelines, and other critical infrastructure essential to moving and cleaning wastewater.12345 DOING MORE TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT 1.HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION (HHW): For 25 years, we have operated one of the most successful HHW facilities in the nation. We have collected over 47 million pounds of paint, cleaners, pesticides, batteries, fluorescent lamps, and much more, keeping those hazardous products out of sewers, storm drains, and landfills by reusing or recycling nearly 90% of what we collect. 2. RECYCLED WATER: Always on the forefront of local water resiliency, we’ve distributed more than 4.5 billion gallons of recycled water to customers, saving precious drinking water supplies. PARTNERING WITH OUR CUSTOMERS We have not done this alone. You, our customers, have provided us with the funds necessary to do all this work and fulfill our mission of protecting public health and our local environment. We are thankful for the trust you have placed in us, and we remain committed to providing you exceptional service at reasonable rates. At Central San, we continually strive to control costs and do everything we can to keep rates low. Through proactive maintenance, we’ve extended the lifespan of our facilities and equipment to make every dollar work harder for our customers. When necessary, we also have continuously invested in our pipes, pumps, and treatment plant to ensure safe, efficient, and reliable service. FINANCIAL ACTIONS Held operation and maintenance costs flat for the past 8 years Secured low-cost state financing to save $20 million in interest costs on large-scale projects Paid off pension liabilities, projected to save nearly $15 million in interest payments Maintained AAA (S&P) and Aa1 (Moody’s) credit ratings to keep borrowing costs low Benchmark performance annually to ensure efficient, cost-effective operations YOUR DOLLARS AT WORK Despite the challenges of the pandemic, over the past four years we’ve worked hard to complete several significant infrastructure improvement projects. 1.RECYCLED WATER: We completed construction of new storage facilities that will hold 6 million gallons of recycled water ready for distribution to make the most of our precious water resources. 2. PIPES AND PUMP STATIONS: We replaced over 19 miles of aging neighborhood sewer pipes throughout our service area and completed major renovations to three large pump stations serving Orinda and Moraga. 3.INFLOW AND OUTFALL: We rehabilitated the mechanical equipment and concrete structures where wastewater enters our treatment plant and the cleaning process begins. We also completed critical inspections and improvements to our 3.5-mile outfall pipeline, which carries cleaned water from our treatment plant to Suisun Bay to be safely returned to the environment. 4. STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS: We completed comprehensive condition assessments of our aging steam and aeration blower systems and began design and construction of critical seismic and other upgrades. Central SanCentral San NOTICE OF PROPOSED RATE INCREASES Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) is your local sewer service provider protecting public health and the environment for almost 77 years. Our team of dedicated professionals work around the clock to collect and clean wastewater for nearly 500,000 residents and over 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. Every time you wash your dishes or clothes, flush your toilets, or use your sinks, bathtubs, and showers, Central San collects and cleans all that dirty water. It is not easy, but we take our job seriously. We maintain over 1,500 miles of underground pipe and 18 pump stations to transport wastewater from our customers to our regional treatment plant, where we clean about 13 billion gallons of wastewater every year. ATTACHMENT 2 May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 143 of 218 Page 45 of 47 PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE As we begin our 77th year of service to the community, our key priori- ties include replacing aging infrastructure, meeting emerging regula- tory requirements, preparing for the future, and ensuring environmental stewardship and sustainability in everything we do. As parts of our system reach the end of their useful lives, prudent capital investments are neces- sary to guarantee the reliable service you have come to expect from us. Our long-term planning has identified many upgrade and replacement projects for the collection system pipes, pump stations, and treatment plant to ensure they continue to function properly now and into the future. The proposed rate increases will continue to provide the necessary funding for these critical projects currently scheduled for the next two years. 1. COLLECTION SYSTEM: We will replace about 14 miles of aging neighbor- hood sewer pipes to ensure reliable service for decades to come. 2. PUMP STATIONS: We will continue phased renovations of our pump stations, focusing on three large pump stations that are essential for contin- uous delivery of wastewater from the Martinez area to our treatment plant. 3. LARGE SEWER INSPECTIONS: We will continue inspection and condition assessments of large sewers, called interceptors, to plan for future repairs. Measuring up to 8.5 feet in diameter, these pipes convey wastewater from neighborhoods throughout our service area; nearly half are over 50 years old. 4. SOLIDS HANDLING: We will launch a large-scale, multi-year rehabilitation of our solids handling facilities, starting with replacing aging equipment including burners, centrifuges, pumps, and air pollution control equipment to ensure reliable ongoing processing of wastewater solids and compliance with strict air quality regulations. 5. STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS: We will repair or replace critical components of our aging steam generation equipment to address vulnerabilities identified through our recent condition assessments. 6. AERATION BASINS: We will begin the phased repair or replacement of mechanical equipment and concrete structures in our aeration basins to improve seismic reli- ability, enhance the efficiency of our biological treatment processes, better protect the environment, and prolong the lifespan of these critical facilities. 7. RECYCLED WATER: We will complete the first phase of renovations to our recycled water plant, originally constructed in the 1970s. Along with our recently completed recycled water storage, these improvements will ensure continued reliability of our recycled water system and support expanded capacity for the future. NOTICE OF PROPOSED RATE INCREASES *NEW RATE CATEGORY: Central San is proposing to implement a new, lower rate for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), which are currently billed at the same rate as an apartment unit or condo. ADUs may include in-law units, backyard cottages, and other smaller independent residential units located on the same property as a single-family home. To ensure fair rates, Central San completed a study to assess the costs of providing sewer service to all of our customer classes, including ADUs. The proposed rates are based on this analysis. The cost of service report is available at centralsan.org/notice. CURRENT & PROPOSED ANNUAL SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES USER GROUP CURRENT RATE PROPOSED RATE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023 PROPOSED RATE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (RATE PER LIVING UNIT) Single Family Homes $690.00 $697.00 $725.00 Apartments, Condominiums, Duplexes, Mobile Homes $654.00 $622.00 $647.00 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)*—*$339.00 $353.00 COMMERCIAL & OTHER NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (PER HUNDRED CUBIC FEET - HCF) STRENGTH CATEGORY†DESCRIPTION LOW Retail, Office, Churches, Daycare, Preschools, Universities, Rest Homes, and Automotive $7.20 $7.63 $7.94 LOW-MEDIUM Delis, Ice Cream and Yogurt Shops, Coffee Shops, Bars, and Shared meters with 50% or less food service $8.83 $9.32 $9.69 MEDIUM Shared meters with 50% or more food service $11.07 $10.99 $11.43 MEDIUM-HIGH Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Shared meters with Bakeries or other High Strength Food Services $12.35 $12.04 $12.52 HIGH Bakeries, Breweries, Restaurants with Grinders or Emulsifiers, and Mortuaries $16.37 $14.48 $15.06 SCHOOLS Elementary (per student)$8.58 $8.94 $9.30 Intermediate / High (per student)$16.95 $17.89 $18.61 MINIMUM ANNUAL CHARGE $654.00 $622.00 $647.00 RATE HEARING PROCESS / HOW TO PROTEST Central San’s annual Sewer Service Charge funds round-the- clock operations, maintenance, and construction of critical infrastructure. Proposition 218 requires that wastewater agen- cies like Central San must base their charges on the cost of providing those services. Central San’s Board of Directors will consider proposed rate increases for the next two years for property owners of single family homes, multifamily dwellings, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and commercial, industrial, and institutional properties at a public hearing on the resched- uled date of JUNE 21, 2023, AT 1:30 P.M., Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Room, 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 94553. Public comments and written protests will be accepted at the public hearing. Written protests may be mailed or hand-delivered to Central San prior to the public hearing to the Secretary of the District at the address listed above. Written protests must include the property’s address or Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) and must be signed by the property owner or tenant (only one protest per parcel counted). Scanned copies of signed protest letters may also be submitted by fax (925) 372-0192 or email to KYOUNG@CENTRALSAN.ORG. All written protests must be received prior to the close of the public hearing. PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED PROTESTS ARE STILL VALID. As required by law, the rate increases will not be imposed if valid written protests are received from a majority of property owners. More information about filing a protest can be found at centralsan.org/notice or by calling (925) 335-7702. Any suit to set aside the proposed rate increases must be filed within 120 days of July 6, 2023, the effective date. CENTRAL SAN †STRENGTH CATEGORY: Some types of businesses produce more concentrated sewer waste that requires additional energy and effort to treat. Central San has developed five categories – low, low-medium, medium, medium-high, and high – to fairly charge those customers for their proportionate cost of providing wastewater treatment services. A nonresidential customer’s annual Sewer Service Charge is determined by multiplying the appropriate strength category rate times the annual wastewater discharge volume measured in HCF (Hundred Cubic Feet). For example, a bakery discharging 250 HCF per year would pay an annual sewer service charge at the July 1, 2023 proposed rate calculated as follows: ($14.48 per HCF) x (250 HCF per year) = $3,620.00. If you have questions regarding your Sewer Service Charge, or would like us to calculate a property-specific estimate of your Sewer Service Charge for the upcoming rate years, please send an e-mail request including your name, Assessor’s Parcel Number(s), address, and phone number to rates@centralsan.org, or call Central San’s Community Information Line at (925) 335-7702. Additional information is available at centralsan.org/notice. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 144 of 218 Page 46 of 47 Attachment 3 Exhibit A USER GROUP PROPOSED RATE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023 PROPOSED RATE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024 Residential* Single Family Increase 1% 4.0% Annual SSC $697 $725 Accessory Dwelling Units Increase (48.2%) 4.1% Annual SSC $339 $353 Multi-Family Residences Increase (4.9%) 4.0% Annual SSC $622 $647 Non-Residential** Low Increase 6% 4.1% Annual SSC $7.63 $7.94 Medium-Low Increase 5.5% 4.0% Annual SSC $9.32 $9.69 Medium Increase (0.7%) 4.0% Annual SSC $10.99 $11.43 Medium-High Increase (2.5%) 4.0% Annual SSC $12.04 $12.52 High Increase (11.5%) 4.0% Annual SSC $14.48 $15.06 Minimum Charge Increase (4.9%) 4.0% Annual SSC $622 $647 *Residential rates shown in dollars per residential unit. **Non-Residential rates shown in dollars per hundred cubic feet. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 145 of 218 Page 47 of 47