HomeMy WebLinkAbout13. Adopt, reject or modify the recommendation of the arbitrator in response to the appeal of disciplinary action filed by an employee represented by the Management Support/Confidential GroupItem 13. BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER M E E T ING D AT E:MAY 4, 2023 S UB J E C T: A D O P T, R E J E C T O R MO D I F Y T HE R E C O MME ND AT I O N O F T HE A R B I T R ATO R I N R E S P O NS E TO T HE A P P E A L O F D I S C I P L I NA RY A C T I O N F I L E D B Y A N E MP L O YE E R E P R E S E NT E D B Y T HE MA NA G E ME NT S UP P O RT /C O NF I D E NT I A L G R O UP S UB M I T T E D B Y: T E J I O'MA L L E Y, HUMA N R E S O UR C E S A ND O R G A NI Z AT I O NA L D E V E L O P ME NT MA NA G E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: O F F I C E O F T HE G E NE R A L MA NA G E R - HUMA N R E S O UR C E S R oger S . B ailey General Manager IS S UE Pursuant to Article V I I , S ection A.4 of the Memorandum of Understanding (MO U) between the District and the Management Support/Conf idential Group (MS/C G), when disciplinary action has been appealed to the Board of Directors, the Board must employ an arbitrator to hear the matter and recommend action to the Board. T he B oard may adopt, reject, or modif y the recommendation of the arbitrator, and the decision of the B oard is the final action in the grievance process and no f urther appeals can be made by MS/C G. B AC K G RO UND An employee represented by MS /C G has appealed a disciplinary action resulting in a suspension by the D istrict. Phil L eiber, Director of A dministration and F inance, was the Hearing Officer at the f irst step in the appeal process. T he hearing was held on J une 28, 2022, and Mr. L eiber allowed f or both parties, staf f and the union, to present their positions on this matter. After evaluation of the inf ormation presented at the hearing, Mr. L eiber modif ied the discipline to a lesser suspension. I n response to discipline not being entirely rescinded, MS/C G progressed the appeal to the next step, which was heard by an arbitrator. May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 97 of 218 Page 1 of 2 Arbitrator J ohn True I I I heard the grievance on J anuary 10, 2023, and the decision was issued on March 10, 2023. I n summary, Mr. True determined that a suspension was not warranted and has advised the Board to reduce the discipline to a verbal warning with a discussion record pursuant to Article V I I , S ection A.1.a of the MS /C G MO U. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS None. F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S T he District and MS /C G equally share the cost of the arbitration hearing. T he District’s share is $3,200. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T his matter was not presented before a Board Committee. RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N Adopt, reject or modify the recommendation of the arbitrator in response to the appeal of disciplinary action f iled by an employee represented by the Management Support/Conf idential Group. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L TH R EE: Workforce Diversity and D evelopment Strategy 2 - Engage employees and conduct labor relations in a transparent, effective and collaborative environment May 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 98 of 218 Page 2 of 2