HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Adopt new Board Policy No. BP 049 - Grants Page 1 of 4 Item 4. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: APRIL 6, 2023 SUBJECT: ADOPT NEW BOARD POLICY NO. BP 049 — GRANTS SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KEVIN MIZUNO, FINANCE MANAGER ADMINISTRATION-FINANCE PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Adoption of new Board policies requires approval of the Board of Directors. Staff is proposing adoption of a new Board policy over grants. BACKGROUND I n recent years, Central San has actively pursued federal grant opportunities for various purposes. Specific recent examples of this effort include the securing of financing for the large Solids Handling Facilities I mprovement Project through a federally-funded state revolving fund (SRF) loan from the California Water Board as well as seeking the reimbursement of eligible costs associated with Central San's response to the COVID-19 pandemic from the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA). While such funds are a useful mechanism for financing large or unexpected costs and activities, federal grant awards are generally accompanied by numerous compliance requirements and sometimes include requirements to continue specific activities after the completion of the initial project. Given the risks of non-compliance and the potential long-term obligations associated with grant monies, roles and responsibilities associated with grant administration should be clearly understood prior to the acceptance of grant funding. Accordingly, during FY 2022-23 Central San implemented an internal administrative procedures document over grant management (AP 049). While the development and implementation of an internal administrative procedures document is a crucial first step, given the relative importance of the topic, it would also be prudent to adopt an overarching Board Policy outlining policy and strategic objectives associated with grants. Accordingly, the attached draft Grants Policy (BP 049) is presented for Board consideration and approval. April 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 176 Page 2 of 4 The draft policy outlines the following important strategic policies and objectives related to grants: • Encourages grant funding in-lieu of local funding (customer charges)for capital projects, emergencies, operational initiatives, and other appropriate needs; • The alignment of grants with Central San's Strategic Plan; • Requiring Board approval of grants in excess of$100,000; • Designating grant funding as "non-recurring" in nature, not to be relied on for ongoing operational needs; • A requirement to assess the risks associated with non-compliance as well as long-term obligations associated with accepting grant monies prior to executing grant agreements; • Consideration of any potential operational burdens may result from local match requirements stipulated grant documents; • Establishes an expectation that the costs associated with applying for and administering a grant should not outweigh its benefits; • The assignment of roles and responsibilities for grant administration. By adopting the proposed grants policy, the Board will be providing direction to staff on expectations regarding grant management. Additionally, the higher-level policy document will provide a strong foundation from which administrative processes (spelled out in AP 049) can be developed. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board of Directors may choose not to adopt a policy on grants, or may choose to revise the proposed policy. FINANCIAL IMPACTS There are no direct costs associated with adopting the proposed policy. Adoption of the policy is expected to reduce financial risks that may accompany acceptance of grant revenue. Failure to comply with grant terms can result in the loss of grant revenue and the imposition of penalties. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed the proposed new policy at its March 22, 2023 and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Adopt new Board Policy No. BP 049 — Grants. Stratedc Plan Tie-In GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 3- Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed new Board Policy April 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 176 Page 3 of 4 Number: BP 049 Related Admin. Procedure AP 049 Authority: Board of Directors Adopted: TBD ----- oo Revised: Reviewed: CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration/Finance BOARD POLICY GRANTS PURPOSE To set forth policy direction for grant management at Central San. POLICY 1. The Board recognizes the strategic value of pursuing grant opportunities to supplement or replace local funding sources for capital projects, emergencies, operational initiatives, and other appropriate needs. 2. Grants should be in alignment with objectives and initiatives set forth in Central San's Strategic Plan document. 3. Grant awards exceeding $100,000 must be authorized by the Board. 4. Funding from grants shall be considered one-time or short-term funding sources and should not be the basis for ongoing increases in Central San's cost structure. 5. Prior to award, grant opportunities shall be carefully evaluated to identify and assess any unprecedented permanent or long-term obligations that may result from grant- funded activities. 6. Local matches of funds required in grants shall be evaluated to ensure they do not diminish resources for current budgetary or contractual commitments. 7. The costs associated with a grant (i.e., penalties for noncompliance, additional administrative efforts, etc.) should not outweigh the benefits of the grant award. 8. Given the significant compliance requirements that accompany grants and negative consequences for failing to meet those requirements, each awarded grant shall be assigned a Grant Executor responsible for monitoring the grant-funded project, April 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 176 Page 4 of 4 Number: BP 049 GRANTS Page 2 of 2 compliance with grant requirements, and ongoing communication with the grantor agency. Independent from the Grant Executor role, the Finance Division shall serve as Central San's central grants management function, overseeing accounting, financial reporting, and audit compliance. AUTHORITY The General Manager has the authority to execute all grant documents once the necessary Board authority to proceed is obtained, if applicable, based on the amount of the grant. The General Manager shall establish and implement administrative procedures to support this policy. POLICY REVIEW This policy shall be reviewed at least biennially to ensure alignment with current strategic priorities set by the Board. Any changes must be approved by the Board following initial review by the Administration Committee. [Original retained by the Secretary of the District] April 6, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 176