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PtF-4SE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Completed applications must be submitted to the Secretory of the District at
5013 Imhoff Plata,Martinez, CA 34533 or via email, ksLoungCO entralsan ortr by sm pm.on Monday,Mom*
27,2U23.Applications submitted o fter the deadline will not be considered. Responses to all items are required
for application to be considered complete.
Applicant.Name: Paul H. Causey — _- -- _--
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 --
phone Number:
Email Address:
1. Are you a resident of Division 3*? Yes "e No --
*Verification can be obtained clicking the interactive map on the District website at
s:ilwwcnt a an or /eiectidns or by calling the Secretary of the District at 925-229-7303.
2. Are you currently a registered voter? Yes _ No
3. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes No
4. Attach resume and/or list your education,current employer and work experience: .
See resume attached -�
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S. Describe any other relevant current or past experience that would qualify you for this
position,including the dates of service and the length of time of the experience,
a. Current or previous elected positions or experience with elected boards:
California Sanitation Risk Management Authority, President, Board Member
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Board Member
Milpitas Employees Association
California Association of Sanitation Agencies, Secretary-Treasurer
b. Volunteer services or community participation:
Foster City and Walnut Creek Little League Board, Treasurer, Manager, Coach
Amigos de las Americas, Treasurer, Board Member
St John Vianney Facilities Maintenance Group, Chair
St. John Vianney Catholic Church Leadership Council
St. John Vianney Catholic Church Long Rang Planning Committee
St. John Vianney Catholic Church Lector, Eucharistic Minister
Water Environment Association, Program Committee Chair, etc.
c. Other group memberships and affiliations:
Alameda County Joint Refuse Rate Review Committee, Chair
East County Water Management Association Chair,Joint Water Supply Planning Group
North American Development Bank, Leadership Institute _
Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, Asset Management_Chair
St Luke's Catholic Church Parish Council
Castle Rock Field Restoration Project Coordinator, Walnut Creek
California Association of Sanitation Agencies Collections Workgroup Chair
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6. Do you have a familial or financial relationship with an employee or Board Member at
Central San?If Yes,please identify the nature of the relationship:
7. Do you have any financial relationships with the District such as grants,contracts,or
other economic relationships?If Yes,please identify the nature of the relationship:
8. State your reason for Interest in this position and explain why you would be the best
candidate for this seat in SOO words or less. (You may use this form or attach a separate
document for your response.)
See Attached
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9. Any additional Information you would like to provide for consideration.(You may use
this form or attach a separate document for your response.)
See Attached
Thank you for your interest in the Central San
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
District Seat 3 Board Application
March 26, 2023
Paul H. Causey
Question S-State your reason for interest in this position and explain why you would be
the best candidate for this seat in 500 words or less.
I am interested in utilizing my extensive fifty-two years of professional and community
experience to provide the customers of District 3 with a broad understanding and support for
best-in-class wastewater programs that are cost effective and well understood and accepted by all
District rate payers. My professional and community invovlement allows me the opportunity to
have experienced a broad range of issues and responses that allows me to be immediately
prepared to properly represent District three on the District Board. My experiences as an
employee with several municipalities and special wastewater districts for 35 years from junior
civil engineer to General manager/District Engineer,as well as my work with more than 150
public wastewater agencies across California on regulatory compliance since 2004 operating
Causey Consulting,allows me to provide a broad understanding and grasp of Central Sans
programs and operations. Finally,my previous eight years on the Board will allow me to be able
to be immediately effective in my representation of District 3 and my extensive community
involvement in Walnut Creek for 30 years allows me to be able to understand the community and
the important contacts in the community that will assist in communicating the District's excellent
performance record with customers and District 3 civic and elected leaders.
Question 9-Any additional information you would like to provide for consideration.
I am and was a huge supporter of the Districts Wastewater Academy and public outreach efforts
including the previous use of Board member representation to designated areas of the District.I
very much enjoyed my time representing the southern area of the District with local civic groups
and elected officials—this is an important Board role in the community and one which I will
relish if I am allowed to represent District 3. I also believe that my extensive experience over
four years with the State Water Resources Control Board chairing the CASA Collection Work
Group negotiating the reissued waste discharge requirements for sanitary sewer system,speaks
to my leadership success coordinating the work and multiple negotiating positions expressed
during these important negotiations for new regulations.My long-standing active involvement in
several state and national wastewater related professional associations allows me to understand
the latest issues impacting the industry and to be well prepared to properly evaluate and represent
Central Sans perspective on these issues, Finally,since leaving the Board,I have regularly
reviewed the Board agendas and virtually attended many Board meetings to remain up to date on
current issues facing the District. It would be my distinct pleasure to once again be able to have a
seat on the Governing Board of the Central.Contra Costa Sanitary District.
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EDUCATION University of California,Berkeley University of Santa Clara
M.S. -Civil Engineering— 1973 B.S. -Mechanical Eng - 1970
REGISTRATION Professional Civil Engineer—California#27750
Former Certified RAM-W Instructor—Small and Medium Water Systems
QualServe Peer Reviewer--3 reviews nationwide
ELECTED POSITION Board Member,Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2012-2020
Causey Consulting,Management Consultant—January 2005 to Present
Currently providing management consulting and expert witness services to public and private
water and wastewater organizations.on issues such as organizational development,regulatory
compliance,financing and rates, management issues such as staffing,asset management,
organizational evaluations including both consolidation and withdrawal of organizational
operations, staffing evaluations, capital planning and programming and interagency cooperation,
regulatory compliance,and performance measurement standards. Also providing document
revisions and audits of collection system reporting of sanitary sewer overflows and audits of
conformance of Sanitary Sewer Management Plans(SSW)with State waste discharge
requirements(WDRs)and complete revisions of the SSMPs. Currently serving as California
Association of Sanitation Agencies Collection Workgroup Chair coordinating the State
professional associations negotiations with the State Water Resources Control Board on
revisions of the 2006 and 2013 Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements in California.
This will include providing testimony and comments on the revised requirements during
SWRCB hearings on the regulations expected in 2021. Currently lecturing on SSMP regulatory
compliance and emergency response techniques to agencies and professional organizations.
Sanitary District#1 of Marin County--December 2006 to December 2007(Part Time)
Served as interim District Manager for the Ross Valley Sanitary District responsible for
collection system operations and maintenance and capital planning for 195 miles of pipelines and
20 pump stations for a population of 45,000 people.
Sanitary District#5 of Marin County—July 2004 to January 2005(Part Time)
Served as the part time District Manager for a small sanitary district(9 employees)providing
wastewater collection,treatment and disposal services to a portion of the Tiburon peninsula
(3,300 connections)and wastewater treatment to the City of Belvedere.
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Delta Diablo Sanitation District-April 1993 to January 2004
As General Manager/District Engineer I was responsible for the administration and technical
direction to a California Special Sanitation District governed by a three(3)appointed member
Board of Directors providing regional wastewater treatment,disposal,recycled water for power
plant cooling and collection system maintenance(Bay Point only)for the service area of 160,000
persons in the cities of Pittsburg and Antioch and the unincorporated area of Bay Point. I was
also directly responsible for coordination and regulatory compliance for all recycled water and
wastewater operations with two California Regional Water Quality Control Boards regulating
District operations.Facilities included 49 miles of collection system in Bay Point,two pump
stations,a 20 MGD secondary treatment plant, a 14 MGD recycled water treatment plant and a
household hazardous waste facility. Finally, I served as the District Engineer for the Discovery
Bay utility operations overseen by the Discovery Bay Municipal Advisory Council and the
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. This agency was responsible for all
collection,treatment and disposal of wastewater from the service area.
Oro Loma Sanitary District-December 1985 to March 1993
As General Manager was responsible for the operation of a California Special Sanitary District
handling sewage collection,treatment and disposal and solid waste franchising for collection,
transfer and disposal for a service area of 100,000 people encompassing two cities and the
unincorporated County area between the cities. The General Manager reported to a five member
locally elected Board of Directors and coordinated a staff of 60 persons, an annual budget of$8.9
million and a five-year capital improvement program of approximately$44 million. Wastewater
.services included the operation and maintenance of approximately 275 miles of sanitary sewer
collection system and a 20 mgd secondary treatment facility.
Barrett,Harris and Associates-October 1984 to December 1985-Northern California
Regional Manager
City of Milpitas-May 1977-November 1984-Assistant City Engineer-July 1979 to Nov
City of Milpitas-Associate Civil Engineer-May 1977 to November 1984
• Assistani City Engineer-July 1979 to November 1984
• Associate Civil Engineer-May 1977 to June 1979
City of Pittsburg-September 1974 to May 1977—Assistant Civil Engineer
City of Millbrae-March 1971, to August 1974—Junior Civil Engineer,Engineer Aide
HONORS Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
2001 Presidents Award for Asset Management Work
Water Environment Federation Fellow 2020
ACTIVITIES National Asset Management Steering Council,Secretary,2006
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Edit Assistance—Best Management Practices for Sanitary Sewer
Overflow Reduction Strategies,December 2009
Chair,Statewide Committee to Prepare a Guidance Manual for the
Development and Updating of Sewer System Management Plans 2014-
Lecturer,ABAG Sewer Summit(Six Years),Development and Auditing
of Sewer System Management Plans; WDR compliance issues
Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
Chair Reinventing Government Committee
Chair Asset Management Workgroup
Review Editor of Managing Public Infrastructure Assets Manual
Certified Vulnerability Assessment Trainer for Small and Medium Sized
Water Utilities(RAM-W),American Water Works Association
Curriculum Author,Lecturer--Capital Improvement Planning
North American Development Bank,Leadership Institute 2003
California Association of Sanitation Agencies
Secretary-Treasurer, Chair,Manager's Committee
Legislation and Membership Committees
Current Chair,Collections Workgroup(Lead negotiator with State
of California on revisions to sanitary sewer regulations)
East County Water Management Association
Chair, Contra Costa County Joint Water Supply Planning Group
California Sanitation Risk Management Association
President,Vice President,Treasurer
Sewer System Management Plan Internal Audit Workshop
Coordinator and Presenter,six separate sites across California,
Alameda County Joint Refuse Rate Review Committee
Chairman, 1987 - 1993 (Solid Waste Rate Evaluation Committee)
Water Environment Federation(WEF)
WEFTEC Program Committee,past Chair
Utility Leadership Council—Program Facilitator
Past Chair,Utility Management Committee
Financing and Charges TPC,Chapter Author
AWWA/WEF Joint Management Conference, Chair
Presenter, WEFTEC Conference on Asset Management and
Collection System Operations Committee
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Past Facilitator of the Utility Management Forum at WEF TEC
Government Affairs Committee
California Water Environment Association
Lecturer on Collection System Regulatory Compliance and Auditing
American Water Works Association
Curriculum Author,Capital Improvement Planning Seminar,NAFTA
Backflow Problems Committee
Castle Rock Field Restoration Project(City of Walnut Creek)
Project Coordinator for Non-Profit Group-$1.5M reconstruction
St John Vianney Catholic Church 1993-Present
Lector,Eucharistic Minister
Chair,Church Facilities Maintenance Group 2006 to 2018
Chair,Church Long Range Planning Committee 2012 to 2016
Chair,Leadership Council 2014-15
Foster City/Walnut Creek Little League
Amigos de las Americas-Treasurer
Milpitas Employees Association Chief Negotiator,
New Employee Orientation Committee Chairman
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