HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. Receive update on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initative and authorize a contract amendment to continue efforts Page 1 of 13 Item 9. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY23, 2023 SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE ON CENTRAL SAN'S DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION (DEI) INITIATIVE; AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BERNARDO M. FERDMAN, DBA FERDMAN CONSULTI NG, I N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $237,605, INCREASING THE TOTAL COST CEILING TO $343,356, TO CONTINUE DEI CONSULTING AND FACILITATION SERVICES THROUGH MARCH 31, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: TEJI O'MALLEY, HUMAN RESOURCES AND OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER - ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER CHRISTINA GEE, MANAGEMENT ANALYST Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board Policy No. BP 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager requires Board approval for the General Manager to sign agreements exceeding $200,000. BACKGROUND I n August 2022, the Board established an Ad Hoc Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to receive initial background information on DEI. In September 2021, Central San put an informal request for quotes from various DEI consulting firms, including some referred by sister agencies. Staff identified the top four candidates and requested biographical information of the company and primary consultant(s), qualifications, and proposed cost. After reviewing the proposals and interviewing the top candidates, staff selected Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., of Ferdman Consulting. Dr. Ferdman has over 35 years of experience in the field, and his clients include both public and private agencies. Central San began contracting with Ferdman Consulting in December 2021 to provide information, expert guidance, and facilitation of the new DEI initiative. February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 65 of 122 Page 2 of 13 Dr. Ferdman presented an overview of DEI to the Board DEI Ad Hoc Committee on February 10, 2022 and the full Board on March 17, 2022. He has interviewed Central San's leadership team individually and used that feedback to design and lead several workshops with the group. On July 20, 2022, Dr. Ferdman launched the DEI initiative District wide. Since then, the focus of Dr. Ferdman's work has been in building, educating, and bringing together the DEI Task Force. The Task Force consists of 13 volunteers from multiple levels and departments of Central San to help drive the initiative and communicate its efforts District wide. Within the Task Force, there are several sub-committees dedicated to specific efforts, such as creation of a charter and an organization-wide assessment. There is also a DEI Coordination Team consisting of five members of the DEI Task Force. The Coordination Team collectively serves as the de facto DEI officerfor Central San, helps guide the Task Force efforts, and liaisons with the leadership team to provide updates. Dr. Ferdman has been providing support and facilitation to these sub-groups as they develop their roles. In addition to these efforts, Dr. Ferdman has used his proprietary"Inclusion @ Work" online modules as a learning tool for both the leadership team and Task Force to educate themselves on DEI concepts and share insights with each other. The cost of the software and licenses ($4,080)was included in the original contract fee schedule. The first year of Dr. Ferdman's work with Central San has focused on educating the Board, leadership team, and Task Force and introducing the concept to all District staff, as well as building relationships rooted in ajoint effort to understand and improve DEI's presence, meaning, importance, and relevance at Central San. This has resulted in a strong foundation of DEI learning and understanding which can be leveraged into deliverables in 2023. The second phase of this contract can continue and deepen this work. The proposed scope of work (Attachment 1) details seven tasks, including the following: • Continue to facilitate and support the Task Force and its subcommittees, including on the development and implementation of a DEI strategic action plan. • Complete an assessment of the status of DEI at Central San. • Conduct feedback and integration sessions based on the findings of the assessment. • Continue to facilitate workshops and presentations to the leadership team and Board. Dr. Ferdman's associates - Karen Harris, M.A., (biography included in Attachment 1) and Sophia Sung, Ph.D., along with other potential partners -will be brought in to provide support on these tasks. For these tasks, a total of$199,805.00 in consulting fees is projected, plus $33,000 in travel expenses, and $4,800 for the web-based Workplace Inclusion Inventory software to conduct the D E 1 assessment. This totals a proposed addition of $237,605. Staff is proposing a contract extension end date of March 31, 2024. Thus far, $97,087.47 has been spent on the contract, which has a current cost ceiling of$105,850. At the Board meeting, Dr. Ferdman— accompanied by members of the DEI Coordination Team: Joe Jackson, Environmental Compliance Inspector I; Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor; and Philip Leiber, Director of Finance &Administration—will provide an update on DEI work at Central San over the last year and describe goals and components of the DEI initiative for 2023. The DEI Ad Hoc Committee received a presentation similar to this at its February 7, 2023 meeting. February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 66 of 122 Page 3 of 13 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could elect not to enter into this contract and seek another consultant for the D E I initiative. This alternative is not recommended as Dr. Ferdman has experience and has gained knowledge getting to know Central San's organizational culture and structure, and working with Central San's leadership team and DEI Task Force. While some of the proposed work could conceivably be done in house, the neutrality of a third party expert performing this work is integral to the success of the initiative. Eventually, Central San may be able to sustain its own DEI efforts and Ferdman Consulting's involvement could be minimal. Another alternative is for the Board Ad Hoc Committee and/or full Board to pare down the proposed scope of work. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The work completed under this revision is not to exceed $237,605 over the remaining duration of the contract (proposed extension date through March 31, 2024). COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed the authorization of the contract amendment at its February 7, 2023 meeting and recommended Board approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Receive the update and authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing professional consulting services agreement with Bernardo M. Ferdman, DBA Ferdman Consulting, in an amount not to exceed $237,605, increasing the total cost ceiling to $343,455, to continue Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consulting and facilitation services through March 31, 2024. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2- Promote initiatives to advance affordable and equitable access to services GOAL THREE: Workforce Diversity and Development Strategy 1 - Recruit from a diverse pool of qualified applicants, Strategy 3- Retain skilled workers by investing in resources and opportunities for all employees to grow and thrive, Strategy 4- Foster a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Scope of Work and Fee Schedule 2. Presentation February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 67 of 122 ATTACHIMENTA Ferdman CONSULTING https://ferdmanconsu[ting.com DIVERSITY EQUITY AND INCLUSION CONSULTATION&FACILITATION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SCOPE OF WORK 2023 12/16/2022 Ferdman Consulting,via its principal consultant, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., is close to completing one year of service as Central San's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consultant. During 2022, Dr. Ferdman has worked with Central San to launch a DEI initiative,including: • presentations to the Board's Ad Hoc DEI Committee (February 10, 2022) and to the full Board (March 17,2022) • design and delivery multiple learning and professional development workshops with the management team (preceded by interviews with all management team members) • design and facilitation of the District-wide launch of the DEI initiative for all staff • convening and launch of Central San's DEI Task Force and DEI Coordination Team, both including members of the management team and staff • facilitation of the Inclusion@Work° learningjourney for the management team and for the DEI Task Force members • design and delivery of learning workshops for the DEI Task Force • provision of support and coaching on DEI issues for Central San leaders The Board's Ad Hoc DEI Committee requested an assessment of the status of DEI at Central San, including information about DEI's meaning, importance, and relevance for Central San. The groundwork for this was prepared with the activities outlined above, and the goal is to continue to address this request in the coming months. Strategically, Central San continues to deepen its engagement with and commitment to infusing DEI into how it operates, in line with Central San's values (especially "Diversity, Equity,And Inclusion: We value people of all backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives,and we are committed to the principles of equity and inclusion")and its 2022-2024 Strategic Plan,particularly Goal 3,which focuses on workforce diversity and development. Indeed,Strategy 2 for this goal is"Foster a Culture of Diversity, Equity,and Inclusion: Build a diverse workplace that celebrates differences and is inclusive of individual perspectives, ideas,and values"and the key success measures for this are "(1) Conduct an assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses; (2) Develop programs/initiatives with metrics based on the outcomes of the assessment;(3) Encourage and respectfully acknowledge the voicing of different views and perspectives;and (4) Promote inclusivity and a sense of belonging through leadership." Central San's management team,the DEI Task Force, and the DEI Coordination Team are prepared to deepen this work in 2023.To facilitate this and to provide expert support and consultation,Central San would like to continue its partnership with Ferdman Consulting through 2023. ♦0 Ferdman 1 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 68 of 122 Page 5 of 13 This statement of work outlines the activities that we will engage in during 2023, estimated consulting time required,and associated fees. Our Scope of Work is based on the following assumptions: 1. The details of the work and its implementation will be determined and adapted as needed and considering the experience and learning at each stage, as well as results of a DEI assessment, in an ongoing partnership with our key liaisons at Central San, including General Manager Roger Bailey, HR&OD Manager Teji O'Malley, the DEI Coordination Team,the DEI Task Force, and the members of the Board's Ad Hoc DEI Committee. 2. The work will involve continuing to focus attention at multiple levels—including individual, group/team,and organizational. Individuals need to engage in learning and reflection on their own perspectives, roles, and behavior; groups need to consider how they work together and how they can co-create ways to bring inclusion to life in their norms and practices; and attention must be given to learning about and then applying strategic and organizational-level perspectives to DEI, including policies and practices and organizational culture.These are all important and affect each other, and it will be unlikely that a focus on only one or two of these levels will be successful. In other words, this approach goes beyond "training" and will continue to require ongoing engagement and participation, particularly from senior leaders, to achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes. We plan to include at least two and potentially more sub-contractors to partner with Dr. Ferdman to support accomplishing the objectives of the engagement. One of these will be Karen Harris,M.A. (see enclosed bio), who has worked on diversity, equity, and inclusion for over 20 years as a facilitator, trainer, leader, and change agent, across all sectors, including non- profit, business, academic and government. Karen's diversity and inclusion skills are built on extensive personal and professional experiences overseas and on diverse teams within the United States.Karen served as lead facilitatorfor the research, development, and implementation of the County of San Diego's Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion,and currently serves as a Staff Development Coordinator for the County of San Diego Health&Human Services Agency,where she leads the Agency's training team for instructor-led, online, and video-based learning for 6,000+ employees. Karen will be available as needed to support components of the work of the Task Force,to support data collection and analysis via interviews and/or focus groups, to partner with Dr. Ferdman in designing and/or delivering learning workshops, and to develop DEI learning and communication materials and tools. Another resource will be Sophia Sung, Ph.D. who has worked with Ferdman Consulting for over five years, and who will provide assessment support, particularly in data collection, analysis, and report preparation,as well as other research and analytic support that may be needed. Also as needed,we will contractwith additional partners(particularly in the Bay Area)as may be helpful for provision of learning workshops orto address similar needs that may arise during the year.Any such sub-contractors (or changes to the above) will be reviewed and approved in advance by Teji O'Malley and/or the designated liaison(s) at Central San. COMPONENTS The following are the components of the work to be done by Ferdman Consulting during the term of this agreement: Ferdman 2 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 69 of 122 Page 6 of 13 1. Ongoing facilitation of and support for the DEI Task Force and its subcommittees, as well as the DEI Coordination Team, including continued consultation on the development and implementation of a DEI strategic action plan The DEI Task Force,formed in August 2022,will continue its work throughout 2023,and has formed a Coordination Team, as well as five initial sub-committees (Task Force Charter, DEI Rationale/Vision/Principles, DEI Assessment, DEI Strategic Action Plan (including DEI learning/development), and DEI Communication). Dr. Ferdman will continue to facilitate and staff the work of these groups, including provision of expertise, development of and/or consultation on materials and resources, and planning and implementation. This work will include supporting the creation of a charter for the Task Force; development of a DEI Vision, Rationale, and Principles for Central San; development and execution of a DEI assessment plan; development and initial implementation of a DEI strategic action plan; ongoing DEI communication;and related activities. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman: 15 hours/month through June 2023,then 8 hours/month (138 hours) • K. Harris:50 hours 2. DEI Assessment (including surveying staff using the Workplace inclusion Inventory'" or an adaptation of it) as guided by the DEI Task Force and its assessment sub-committee Ferdman Consulting offers a proprietary inclusion assessment,the Workplace Inclusion Inventory", that is likely to be suitable as a key element of a baseline DEI Assessment to be conducted at Central San in the first three to four months of 2023(as guided by the DEI Task Force and its DEI Assessment Sub-Committee). Ferdman Consulting will be responsible for collecting,analyzing,and compiling a summary report of the survey data. We will also conduct interviews and/or focus groups as determined to be helpful by the Task Force. We will use the Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks as an assessment resource,though the time forthis will most likely fall into component #1 above.Additionally,we will consult on the use of current metrics(e.g., based on HR data) or the development of new metrics to assess the state and progress of DEI at Central San. Important note:To protect the confidentiality of Central San staff who complete surveys and provide data, all individual responses collected by Ferdman Consulting during the assessment process (e.g., on the Workplace Inclusion Inventory'"' or its derivatives, other surveys, individual or group interviews, etc.) will remain with Ferdman Consulting in secured databases,including upon completion ortermination of the work described in this agreement. However, reports, summary tables, and analyses prepared as part of this agreement, as well as datasets that do not permit identifying individuals, will be provided to Central San either as part of the assessment report,the outcomes shared during feedback, or upon request by Central San. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman:45 hours • K. Harris:25 hours • Analyst(Dr. Sung):70 hours Note: There is an additional fee for use of the Workplace Inclusion Inventory"", including data collection. ♦0 Ferdman 3 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 70 of 122 Page 7 of 13 3. Feedback and integration sessions (in connection with the assessment results) As part of the assessment process, once data is collected and reports are prepared, we will hold feedback and visioning sessions with various groups of staff, as determined and guided by the DEI Task Force,to review and interpret the results and to generate and prioritize ideas and suggestions for moving into a desired future that integrates brings DEI to life across the organization,in line with Central San's values and strategic priorities. These sessions will also serve to build momentum across the organization for the DEI work and will generate input for the DEI Task Force on which to base a more strategic DEI plan going forward. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman:25 • K. Harris:20 • Analyst (Dr. Sung):25 4. Ongoing DEI learning, including professional/leadership development for the management team,as needed and requested To build on work already accomplished, and to move forward in fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it will be important to provide opportunities for management and staff for ongoing learning regarding DEI and associated practices. The details of this will be determined dynamically, based on the DEI assessment and other needs throughout the year. Dr. Ferdman and associates will be available to provide customized workshops and/or other professional development opportunities,including customized tools or resources,as requested by Roger Bailey, Teji O'Malley, and/or the DEI Coordination Team/DEI Task Force (the latter as part of a developing DEI plan).This can include preparation and/or customization of learning materials and resources. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman:40 • K. Harris (and/or other consultants/facilitators):40 • Analyst(Dr. Sung):20 5. Updates to the Board and its Ad Hoc DEI Committee,as needed/requested Dr. Ferdman will prepare and deliver updates and/or information sessions (including workshops if so requested)for the Board and for the Board's Ad Hoc DEI Committee. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman:25 • Dr. Harris: 15 6. Group and/or individual consultation and/or coaching,as requested Dr. Ferdman (and/or his associates)will be available for consultation and/or coaching with leaders and/or their teams,as helpful and as requested or authorized by Roger Bailey orTeji O'Malley,or as helpful for the overall initiative. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman:25 • Dr. Harris: 15 Ferdman 4 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 71 of 122 Page 8 of 13 7. Planning and coordination Throughout the year, we will keep Roger Bailey, Teji O'Malley, and Christina Gee informed about progress,and we will hold planning and coordination meetings as needed.We also sometimes need to coordinate and/or communicate with other consultants (e.g., Larry Bienati). Finally,we need to allocate time for coordination and planning meetings of the Ferdman Consulting team that do not fall into the categories above. Estimated consulting hours: • Dr. Ferdman: 18 • Dr. Harris: 12 • Analyst(Dr.Sung): 12 CONSULTING TIME AND FEES Based on the listed components, we anticipate a total of 316 consulting hours for Dr. Ferdman, 177 hours for Ms. Harris and/or other consultants, and 127 hours for our research analyst. Our hourly government/non-profit rates are as follows: • Dr. Ferdman: $410/hour • Karen Harris(and other facilitators or consultants engaged in learning design and/or delivery): $300/hour • Research/data analyst: $135/hour Based on the estimated hours needed,total fees will be $199,805.00. Because the specific time needed for each component may vary from the estimates as the process evolves, we will bill based on actual work completed. Under the billing agreement, we will submit monthly invoices, payable within 30 days, based on work completed in the prior month and our hourly rates. If it is decided to use the Workplace Inclusion Inventory"' (see attachments) as a department-wide assessment, the fee will be $4,800, which includes the technical survey costs (survey set-up, programming,fielding,and execution);the implementation fee will be waived since those components are included in our hourly fees. A substantial portion of the work will be done virtually. However, when travel is required, travel expenses will be billed at cost in accordance with Central San policies. Additionally, we will bill for required travel time at 1/3 of our usual fee (in other words, we consider 3 hours of travel time to be equivalent to 1 consulting hour). Assuming ten trips to Central San for Dr. Ferdman, and three for Ms. Harris,travel expenses for the year are estimated to be approximately$33,000 (including travel time). Based on the above,we propose a total budget of$237,605 for the year. **' Ferdman 5 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 72 of 122 Page 9 of 13 Ferdman CONSULTING Supporting leaders&organizations in bringing inclusion to life Karen Harris, M.A. Karen Harris has been working in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion for over 20 years as a facilitator, trainer, leader and change agent. She has worked on diversity and inclusion across all sectors, including non- profit, business, academic v and government. Her diversity and inclusion skills are built on extensive personal and professional experiences overseas and on diverse teams within the United States. Karen ` currently serves as a Staff Development Coordinator for the \ County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency, where she leads the Agency's training team for instructor-led, online and video-based learning for 6,000+ employees. She is very proud of her role as the lead facilitator for the research, development and implementation of the County's Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion, for which she received the Coin of Excellence from the Chief Administrative Officer, Helen Robbins-Meyer. As part of this effort, Karen partnered with Bernardo Ferdman of Ferdman Consulting in conducting focus groups for the leaders of the County's employee resource groups, and also designing and facilitating several ERG leadership summits focused on developing a cadre of diversity and inclusion champions for San Diego County. In 2021, Karen worked with Ferdman Consulting to conduct racial equity internal listening sessions for the California Sate Water Resources Control Board. Karen did her undergraduate work at Georgetown University in Washington D.0 , where she obtained a degree in history and diplomacy in developing regions from The School of Foreign Service. She earned her Master in Organizational Leadership from The College of St. Catherine in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where she completed a Leadership Action Project on creating a successful intercultural workplace. From 2008 to 2014, Karen was the Lead Principal at The Diversity Edge, a consulting agency offering training and strategic planning services to public, private, and non-profit organizations such as the U.S. Postal Service, Department of Natural Resources, County of San Diego, Girl Scouts of America, BAE Systems, CP Kelco, San Diego State University, and Navy Federal Credit Union. Her passion is facilitating understanding and communication across cultures and bringing people together for personal and social change. She has seen firsthand how inclusion builds stronger, more motivated teams and unleashes collective creativity and productivity. February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 73 of 122 Central San Board PrA 113pf21U23 Update from Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. (Ferdman Consulting) & DEI Task Force ATTACHMENT 2 Ferdman CONSULTING Supporting leoders&orgonizotions in bringing inclusion to life Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Update ft r � Central San Board 4 Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D. Principal, Ferdman Consulting with Members of Central San's DEI Coordination Team: Joe Jackson, Environmental Compliance Inspector I ~` Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor Philip Leiber, Dir. of Finance &Administration , '' GOALS Provide an update on DEI work at Central San over the last year • What was the initial charge? • What has been accomplished? Describe goals and components of the DEI initiative for 2023 Ferdman . WNsuLnNc 2 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 74 of 122 1 Central San Board PFaeq� 113pf21U23 Update from Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. (Ferdman Consulting) & DEI Task Force Initial Charge What do we need to learn and do at Central San regarding diversity,equity, and inclusion to continue to be an exemplary organization and best in class? CONTEXT: • Interest in and attention to DEI MISSI! ON internally&externally 4 how VALUES does this apply to us? T.prct-t public heafth and the environnnent sOlk.1i.bW,and.-t-effid— GOAL 2-E-1——Tal St.­d.hip • Central San's mission,vision, ki. values,and strategic plan "' • Sister agencies'work on DEI(e.g., CCWD) DIVERSITY.EQUITY &INCLUSION STRATEGIC PLAN FV22•FY26$tnPtegic Plan We vulue Pec - Ferdman CONSULTING 3 Core concepts (reminder) i Diversity I Inclusion •"counting differences" "making differences count" •presence in a group or organization of people with a fostering a work culture where everyone--across variety of identities,backgrounds,styles,and identities and backgrounds--can do their best and make perspectives on a range of dimensions of difference their full contribution without having to hide or II �+ suppress valued aspects of themselves •helps to gain the benefits of diversity Equity creating just outcomes&processes •working to foster fairness in experiences and opportunities(and service)so that these do not unfairly depend on one's identities or social position i _ Ferdman ooNsuLnNG February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 75 of 122 2 Central San Board Pm i�") 23 Update from Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. (Ferdman Consulting) & DEI Task Force Why DEI at Central San? Staff comments (at DEI Launch, July 2022; 57 total comments): Engage our diverse workforce and all their ideas: productivity, innovation,&creativity 23% Make Central San a great place to work/improve morale(healthy work environment) 19% Fairness in the workplace/fewer complaints 14% So that workforce feels valued 11% ME Ferdman CONSULTING s What Has Been Accomplished? DEI Briefings&Initial Orientation • Briefings for the Board's Ad Hoc DEI Committee(February 10,2022)and the full Board(March 17,2022) • District-wide launch of the DEI initiative for all staff(July 2022) Creation,Launch,&Initial Work of DEI Task Force&DEI Coordination Team • Recruitment&launch of Central San's DEI Task Force and DEI Coordination Team(August&September 2022) 1 • Monthly Task Force meetings(since October 2022) • Coordination Team meetings(at least monthly,since December) • Completion of Task Force Charter • Work on Vision/Rationale/Principles,District-Wide Communication,and Assessment Planning Senior Leader Engagement&DEI Learning/Professional Development • Management team:multiple learning and professional development workshops(preceded by interviews with all management team members&feedback on the results);support and coaching on DEI issues for Central San leaders • Inclusion@Work°learningjourney for management team and DEI Task Force(July-October 2022) • DEI Task Force learning workshops(September/October 2022) Ferdman CONSULTING - February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 76 of 122 3 Central San Board PMV/2TIV63 Update from Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. (Ferdman Consulting) & DEI Task Force Overview of DEI Task Force, Its Work, & Impact Members of DEI Task Force(Note:Coordination Team members are indicated with an asterisk'): Ann Vallee,Community Affairs Representative Benjamin Johnson*, Internal Auditor ♦ Heather Ramamurthy*, Management Analyst ♦ Joe Jackson*,Environmental Compliance Inspector I ♦ Kathleen Rodriguez,Real Property Agent ♦ Liana Olsen,Assistant Engineer ♦ Lori Schectel*,Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager ♦ Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Program Administrator ♦ Philip Leiber*,Director of Finance&Administration ♦ Randy Petitt,Maintenance Crew Member 11 ♦ Velisa Parks,Administrative Services Assistant ♦ Winston Ingram,Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician Ferdman CONSULTING 7 Work Plan for 2023 Description of mission,function&responsibilities,commitment CharterfOrDEITaSkFOCCe .Advising the DE I work from a diverse set of employees span ningdepartments and levels l (complete) Meets monthly;led by DEI Coordination Team DEI Vision,Rationale, Working draft for District Principles(in process) J Why is DEI important?How does it support our mission,values,and strategic goals? •Staff survey&interviews;diversity review;comparisons to DEI best practices DEI Assessment(Feb to Feb:Finalize survey customization;communicate about the process with staff •March:Collect survey data June) April:Analyze&prepare draft report,including diversity,equity,&benchmarking analysis;conduct group interviews •May:Feedback,integration,&visioning-workshops;June:final report •Develop recommended strategic actions for DEl,incorporating assessment results&staff suggestions �•In alignment with and support of Central San Values&Strategic Plan DEI Strategic Action Plan •Feb-June:initial steps(including professional dev't;disseminating inclusive practices) (Feb to Oct) May-Oct:Strategic Goal setting&detailed action plan J•Action plan may address staff development;talent management approaches&policies;workplace culture initiatives; external relations/customer service approaches Lateral Connection-monthly Communication(ongoing) Feb/March:Survey launch(in context ofoverall initiative and its purpose);May-Aug:Findings&plans Learning&engagement opportunities-TBD Ferdman OONSULTING 8 February 23, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 77 of 122 4