HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.b. Consider renewal of findings pursuant to AB 361 meeting provisions for the balance of February 2023 Page 1 of 2 Item 2.b. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY2, 2023 SUBJECT: CONSIDER RENEWAL OF FINDINGS PURSUANTTO THE BROWNACT PROVISIONS PROVIDED UNDER ASSEMBLY BILL 361 TO CONTINUE THE USE OF TELECONFERENCE/HYBRI D PARTICI PATI ON FOR BOARD AND BOARD COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THE BALANCE OF FEBRUARY 2023 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KENTON ALM, DISTRICT COUNSEL SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Due to the COVI D-19 pandemic Emergency Declaration and the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 361, the Board of Directors must make specific findings that authorize the continuation of teleconferencing and use of virtual/hybrid meetings, for a 30-day period, and each 30-day period thereafter. The Board last reviewed this matter and renewed its findings on January 12, 2023; however, due to a conflict with the Board meeting schedule to revisit in a linear fashion, this issue is being revisted in order to provide an appropriate extension for the balance of February 2023. As of March 1, 2023, the Governor's emergency declaration will have ceased. BACKGROUND Governor Newsom signed AB 361 on September 16, 2021, which allows local public agencies to continue to meet remotely during the current state of emergency due to the COVI D-19 pandemic under modified Brown Act requirements. On October 17, 2022, it was announced that Governor Newsom will cease the COVI D-19 State of Emergency on February 28, 2023, which was selected to provide a safe phase-out period for healthcare and public partners to transition forward. I n order for the Board to continue virtual/hybrid meetings for a 30-day period under the emergency provisions in AB 361, State's Declaration of Emergency must remain in effect and the Board must make the following findings by majority vote that: February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 19 Page 2 of 2 • The Board has reconsidered the circumstances of the continuing COVI D-19 emergency; and • The Board finds either; (i)the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of members to meet safely in person or(ii) State or local officials continue to impose or recommend social distancing measures due to COVI D-19. In response to the passage of AB 361, the Contra Costa Health Services Department first issued Recommendations for Safely Holding Public Meetings on September 20, 2021, which recommended continued use of holding virtual meetings so long as the State's Declaration of the COVI D Emergency remains in place and a public agency makes the appropriate finding. Since February 2022, the County Health Services has issued monthly guidance updates which have all continued the recommended use of online meetings as a means of being the lowest risk of transmission of the virus for meeting participation, including social distancing of in-person participants. The County Board of Supervisors last adopted these provisions at their January 10, 2023 meeting. It is anticipated the County will extend this option through February at its next regular meeting. Neither the County or the County Health Services Department is mandating continued use of teleconference or online public meetings, so the Board must make its own determination and findings, as outlined above, if it seeks to continue with virtual/hybrid meetings under the relaxed protocols. If the Board seeks to transition back to more traditional in person meetings, recommendations set forth by the County Health Services regarding social distancing should be followed, which include providing six feet of separation between attendees and the availability of remote participation for members of the public. Both Board and Board Committee meetings are subject to the same AB 361 requirements. However, the Board could choose to extend the virtual/hybrid protocols for either or both meeting style. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could choose not to adopt any new findings required by AB 361. FINANCIAL IMPACTS None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION This item was not reviewed by a Board Committee. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Consider the information presented for the manner to conduct Board and/or Board Committee meetings for the balance of February 2023, effective February 3, 2023, and take one of the following actions: 1. Renew findings of the safety and health of participants and to conduct virtual/hybrid meetings pursuant to Brown Act provisions provided under AB 361 for the period stated, for either or both Board and Board Committee meetings; or 2. Do not make the required findings and conduct all Board and Committee meetings pursuant to the guidelines provided under Government Code 54953.(b)(3). February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 19