HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.a. Legal Update re updates to Brown Act meeting requirements Page 1 of 10 Item 2.a. CENTRALSAN jdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT February 2, 2023 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KENTON L. ALM, DISTRICT COUNSEL SUBJECT: LEGAL UPDATE: RECENT PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENT UPDATES UNDER THE BROWN ACT District Counsel will provide a verbal update as it pertains to public meeting requirements under the new Brown Act rules effective March 1, 2023. A summary published by Counsel for the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is attached for your review which addresses the changes to the Brown Act Rules for Teleconferencing. ATTACHMENTS: 1. LAFCO Counsel Summary of Changes dated 01-04-23 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 8 of 19 Page 2 of 10 Office of the County Counsel Contra Costa County 1025 Escobar Street, 31d Floor Phone: (925) 655-2200 Martinez, CA 94553 Fax: (925) 655-2263 Date: January 4, 2023 To: LAFCO Commissioners From: Thomas L. Geiger, LAFCO Counsel Re: Changes to Brown Act Rules for Teleconferencing SUMMARY LAFCO Commissioners may continue attending LAFCO meetings remotely under the existing Assembly Bill 361 teleconferencing rules until the current state of emergency ends. Governor Newsom has announced that the state of emergency will end on February 28, 2023. Once the state of emergency ends, LAFCO Commissioners may participate in meetings remotely under new Brown Act teleconferencing rules established by Assembly Bill 2449. These rules allow LAFCO Commissioners to attend remotely for limited reasons and a limited number of times per year. LAFCO Commissioners may also participate remotely under the traditional Brown Act teleconference option. The teleconference options are explained below, and a chart identifying the requirements of each teleconference option is attached. TELECONFERENCING OPTIONS BEGINNING MARCH 1,2023 Once the AB 361 teleconferencing rules end, LAFCO Commissioners may participate remotely under new AB 2449 teleconferencing rules. LAFCO Commissioners also may participate remotely under the traditional Brown Act teleconferencing rules that predate the enactment of AB 361. 1. AB 2449 Allows Teleconferencing for "Just Cause" Reasons or Under "Emergency Circumstances" AB 2449 amends the Brown Act to provide an alternative to the traditional Brown Act teleconferencing rules. Specifically, AB 2449 amends Government Code section 54953 to provide for members of a body to attend remotely for limited reasons and a limited number of times per year. When a member uses one of these remote options, the public must also be permitted to participate remotely or in person. This teleconference option does not require a proclaimed state of emergency and is available to individual members (less than a quorum) of a legislative body, as long as the following requirements are met: February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 9 of 19 Page 3 of 10 LAFCO Commissioners January 4, 2023 Page 2 of 4 • a quorum of the members of the body participates in person, and • the quorum meets in a single,physical location clearly identified on the agenda that is open to the public and situated within the agency's territorial jurisdiction. If these quorum and location requirements are met, a member who is not physically present at the in-person meeting location may participate remotely for"just cause" or if "emergency circumstances" exist. For a seven-person body, this means no more than three members may participate remotely during the same meeting under the AB 2449 option. "Just Cause." To attend remotely for a"just cause"reason, the member must notify the body at the earliest possible opportunity, up to and including the start of a regular meeting, of the need to participate remotely. The member also must provide a general description of at least one of the following"just cause" circumstances necessitating the remote appearance: • There is a childcare or caregiving need for a child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or domestic partner that requires remote participation. • A contagious illness that prevents the member from attending in person. • A need related to a physical or mental disability that is not otherwise accommodated for. • Travel while on official business of the legislative body or another state or local agency. A member may not use a"just cause"reason to appear remotely for more than two meetings per calendar year. There is no requirement that the body take action to allow the member to attend virtually for"just cause." "Emergency Circumstances." The other circumstance for a remote appearance under AB 2449 is if a member requests remote participation due to an emergency circumstance. "Emergency circumstances"means a"physical or family medical emergency that prevents a member from attending in person." A member who requests to attend remotely under an emergency circumstance must provide a general description of the need to appear remotely. The description need not exceed 20 words and need not include any personal medical information. The member must make the request to participate remotely as soon as possible and must make a separate request for each meeting for which remote participation under the emergency circumstance option is requested. The body must take action on the request at a public meeting. If there is insufficient time to include the item on a posted agenda, the body may take action on the request at the beginning of the meeting and approval must be by majority vote. Additional Requirements for Remote Attendance Under AB 2449. If a member participates remotely for either a just cause reason or under an emergency circumstance, the member also must: February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 19 Page 4 of 10 LAFCO Commissioners January 4, 2023 Page 3 of 4 • Publicly disclose at the meeting before any action is taken whether any other individuals 18 years or older are in the room at the remote location with the member, and the general nature of the member's relationship with those individuals, and • Participate through both audio and visual technology. Although a member may participate remotely for a just cause reason no more than two times per calendar year, in total a member may not participate remotely under AB 2449 for more than three consecutive months or 20 percent of the regular meetings for the local agency within the calendar year, or for more than two meetings if the body regularly meets less than 10 times per year. AB 2449 Technological and Access Requirements. If a member participates remotely based on just cause or emergency circumstances, the body must also provide either a two-way audiovisual platform, or a two-way telephonic service and a live webcasting of the meeting, so that the public may remotely hear and visually observe the meeting, and remotely address the body. The body must provide notice and post agendas as otherwise required under the Brown Act and must indicate on the notice how the public may access the meeting and offer comment. The agenda must include an opportunity for all persons to attend and address the legislative body via a call-in option, via an internet-based service option, and at the in-person location of the meeting. In practice, for teleconferencing to be an option for members, especially in an emergency circumstance, the technological and access requirements for members of the public must be in place for every meeting. If the broadcasting of the meeting to the public by phone or internet service is disrupted, or a disruption within the local agency's control prevents members of the public from commenting using the phone or internet service, the legislative body may not take any action at the meeting until public access to the meeting via the phone option or the internet service option is restored. Actions taken on agenda items during a disruption that prevents the legislative body from broadcasting the meeting may be subject to legal challenge. When a member appears remotely for a just cause or emergency circumstances reason, AB 2449 does not require that the agency post an agenda at the remote location, include the address of the remote location, or provide for public access to the remote location. The body may not require public comments to be submitted in advance of the meeting and must allow the public to address the body and comment in real time. An individual may be required to register for public comment before being allowed to provide comment, where the body uses a third-party platform(like Zoom) for the meeting. February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 19 Page 5 of 10 LAFCO Commissioners January 4, 2023 Page 4 of 4 AB 2449 also requires the body to implement a procedure for receiving and quickly resolving reasonable accommodation requests for individuals with disabilities. Any doubt should be resolved in favor of accessibility. The AB 2449 rules remain in effect through 2025. Beginning January 1, 2026, only the traditional Brown Act teleconference rules will be available (unless further legislation is adopted in the meantime). 2. Teleconferencing Under Traditional Brown Act Rules LAFCO Commissioners also may continue to participate remotely under the traditional Brown Act teleconferencing rules that predate AB 361. Under these rules: • At least a quorum of the Commission must participate from locations in Contra Costa County. • Each telephone conference location and the meeting location must be shown on the agenda for the meeting. In addition, the agenda must provide an opportunity for members of the public to give public comment from each teleconference location. • In addition to the usual agenda-posting agenda locations and the LAFCO website, an agenda must be posted at each teleconference location 72 hours in advance of the meeting. • Each teleconference location must be open and accessible to members of the public. • All votes taken during a teleconference meeting must be by roll call. TLG: Attachment: Teleconference Meeting Options Comparison Chart cc: Lou Ann Texeira,Executive Officer H:\2023\LAFC0\13rown Act Update for 2023.LAFCO.docx February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 19 Teleconference Meeting Participation Options AB 361-State of Emergency AB 2449 Just Cause/Emergency Traditional Teleconferencing(Gov.Code,§ Teleconferencing(Gov. Code, §54953(e).) Circumstances Teleconferencing(Gov. 54953(b).) Code, §54953(f); becomes(e) on 1/1/24.) Applicable • Available until the state of emergency •Available beginning January 1, 2023, and •Available anytime. Timeframe ends, currently scheduled for February 28, ending December 31, 2025. 2023. In no event may the AB 361 rules continue past December 31, 2023. Who May • Any or all board members. • Individual board members if: • Individual board members, if at least a Appear (1) a quorum of the members participates quorum of the members of the body Remotely and in person; and participate from locations within the Quorum (2) the quorum meets in a single, physical jurisdictional boundaries of the body. Requirements location clearly identified on the agenda that is open to the public and situated within the agency's jurisdiction. Bases for • Must be a proclaimed state of emergency; •A member may appear remotely for"Just •Applies when a board member is unable to Remote and either: Cause" or"Emergency Circumstances": attend in person. Appearance (1) State or local officials have imposed or ► "Just cause" is any of the following: recommended measures to promote (1) A need to care for a child, parent, social distancing; grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, (2) The body is holding a meeting to or domestic partner; determine if meeting in person would (2) A contagious illness that prevents a present imminent risks to the health or member from attending in person; safety of attendees; or (3) A need related to a physical or mental (3) The body finds that meeting in person disability that is not otherwise would present imminent risks to the accommodated for; or health or safety of attendees. (4) Travel while on official business of the body or another state or local agency. ► "Emergency circumstances" is a physical or family medical emergency that prevents a member from attending in person. Page 1 of 5 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 19 Teleconference Meeting Participation Options AB 361-State of Emergency AB 2449 Just Cause/Emergency Traditional Teleconferencing(Gov.Code,§ Teleconferencing(Gov. Code, §54953(e).) Circumstances Teleconferencing(Gov. 54953(b).) Code, §54953(f); becomes(e) on 1/1/24.) Notification and •The body must reconsider the •To attend remotely for: • No additional requirements. Approval circumstances of the state of emergency Requirements every 30 days and find that the emergency ► "Just Cause" continues to exist and either: •The member must notify the body at the (1) it continues to directly impact the earliest possible opportunity, including at ability of officials and members of the the start of a regular meeting, of the need to public to meet safely in person; or participate remotely. (2) state or local officials continue to •The member must provide a general impose or recommend measures to description of the circumstances promote social distancing. necessitating the remote appearance. •The body need not take action in response. ► "Emergency Circumstances" •The member's request to appear remotely must include a general description of the need to appear remotely, which need not exceed 20 words, and need not include any personal medical information. •The member must make the request to participate remotely as soon as possible and must make a separate request for each meeting. •The body must take action on the request at a public meeting. • If there is insufficient time to include the item on a posted agenda,the body may take action at the beginning of the meeting. •Approval must be by majority vote. Page 2 of 5 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 19 Teleconference Meeting Participation Options AB 361-State of Emergency AB 2449 Just Cause/Emergency Traditional Teleconferencing(Gov.Code,§ Teleconferencing(Gov. Code, §54953(e).) Circumstances Teleconferencing(Gov. 54953(b).) Code, §54953(f); becomes(e) on 1/1/24.) Agenda and •The notice and agenda are required to • Must provide notice and post agendas as •The teleconference location must be open Public Access state the means by which the public may otherwise required under the Brown Act and to the public. and Comment access the meeting and provide public must indicate on the notice how the public Requirements comment. may access the meeting and offer comment. •The agenda must be posted at all meeting locations, including the teleconference •The agenda does not need to be posted at •The agenda must include an opportunity location. each teleconference location or identify for all persons to attend and address the each teleconference location. body via a call-in option, an internet-based •The agenda must identify all meeting service option, and at the in-person location. locations, including the teleconference •The body is not required to provide a location. physical location from which the public may •The law does not require that the agency attend or comment. post an agenda at the remote location, •The agenda must provide for public include the address of the remote location, comment at all meeting locations, including •The body may not require public or provide for public access to the remote the teleconference location. comments to be submitted in advance and location. must allow the public to address the body and comment in real time. •The body may not require public comments to be submitted in advance and • An individual may be required to register must allow the public to address the body for public comment before being allowed and comment in real time. to comment,where the body uses a third- party platform (like Zoom)for the meeting. • An individual may be required to register for public comment before being allowed to comment, where the body uses a third-party platform (like Zoom)for the meeting. Voting • Members must vote by roll call. • Members must vote by roll call. • Members must vote by roll call. Requirements Page 3 of 5 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 19 Teleconference Meeting Participation Options AB 361-State of Emergency AB 2449 Just Cause/Emergency Traditional Teleconferencing(Gov.Code,§ Teleconferencing(Gov. Code, §54953(e).) Circumstances Teleconferencing(Gov. 54953(b).) Code, §54953(f); becomes(e) on 1/1/24.) Technological • Members of the public must be able to •The public must be able to remotely hear Requirements attend via a call-in option or an internet- and visually observe the meeting, and based service option. remotely address the body. Thus,the body must provide either: (1) a two-way audiovisual platform; or (2) a two-way telephonic service and a live webcasting of the meeting. Other • If the broadcasting of the meeting to the • If a member participates remotely,the Requirements public by phone or internet service is member must also: disrupted, or a disruption within the local agency's control prevents members of the (1) Publicly disclose at the meeting before public from commenting using the phone any action is taken, whether any other or internet service,the body shall not take individuals 18 years or older are in the any action at the meeting, until public room at the remote location with the access to the meeting via the phone option member and the general nature of the or the internet service option is restored. member's relationship with such Actions taken on agenda items during a individuals; and disruption that prevents the body from (2) Participate through both audio and broadcasting the meeting may be visual technology. challenged pursuant to Section 54960.1. • If the broadcasting of the meeting to the public by phone or internet service is disrupted, or a disruption within the local agency's control prevents members of the public from commenting using the phone or internet service,the body shall not take any action at the meeting, until public access to the meeting via the phone option or the internet service option is restored. Actions taken on agenda items during a disruption Page 4 of 5 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 19 Teleconference Meeting Participation Options AB 361-State of Emergency AB 2449 Just Cause/Emergency Traditional Teleconferencing(Gov.Code,§ Teleconferencing(Gov. Code, §54953(e).) Circumstances Teleconferencing(Gov. 54953(b).) Code, §54953(f); becomes(e) on 1/1/24.) that prevents the body from broadcasting the meeting may be challenged pursuant to Section 54960.1. •The body must have and implement a procedure for receiving and quickly resolving reasonable accommodation requests for individuals with disabilities. Any doubt should be resolved in favor of accessibility. Limitations on • None. •A member may participate remotely for • None. Frequency of 'just cause" no more than two times per Remote calendar year. Appearances • A member may not participate remotely for more than three consecutive months or 20 percent of the regular meetings for the local agency within the calendar year, or more than two meetings if the body regularly meets less than 10 times per year. Page 5 of 5 February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 19